Weekly Bulletin 29th September 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English

2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St Mary’s


3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St John’s

Chrysostom Church

Family Meeting fortnightly 11:30am

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

The Departure of St. Theopista. 30th September - 20th Tote

Also today we commemorate the departure of St. Theopista. She was married and had a son. Her husband died while she was still young. She took it upon herself to become a nun. She started to practice the spiritual life. She persisted in fasting and continual prayers and worshipping day and night. She went to the holy father Abba Macarius, bishop of Nekios. She bowed to him, took his blessings, then she asked him to pray on her and put on her the garb of monasticism. The bishop advised her to try for a year and he promised her that he would put on her the garb of monasticism after that year. She went to her house and shut herself in a small room. She closed its door, and made a small opening in it. Her son, who was then ١2 years old, was taking care of her needs. She embarked in strenuous worships with asceticism and devotion. The year elapsed, and the bishop had forgotten that he had promised this saint that he would put on her the garb of monasticism.

He saw her in his sleep in a shining figure, telling him, «My father, how did you forget me till now, and I am passing away tonight?» The father the bishop saw that as if he was awake, he prayed on her the prayer for ordaining monks, and put on her the garb of monasticism. When he did not find a Kalansowa (cover for the head(, he took off his own and put it on her head. Then he put on her the holy Eskeem. He asked his disciple for another Kalansowa and put it on. She had a silver cross in her hand which she gave to him saying, «Accept this from your disciple.» And it was said that when he awakened, he found the cross in his hand and he looked attentively at the cross which was beautifully made. He was amazed and glorified God.

Early in the morning he went with his disciple to the house of this blessed woman. Her son received him crying with tears. When he asked him why he was crying, he replied saying, «My mother called me in the middle of the night and bid me farewell and told me whatever the bishop tells you, do and do not break it. I will depart this night to go to the Lord Christ. She prayed over me and advised me, saying, ‹Keep all that I commanded you and do not disobey our father, the bishop, and here now I am in your hands.›» The bishop came to where the saint was lying and knocked on the door, but she did not answer. He said, «This blessed saint had departed indeed,» and he ordered his disciple to open the door. When the bishop entered, he found that she had given up her soul. She had on the Eskeem that he had put on her in his vision and also the Kalansowa that he had on.

His eyes were filled with tears. He praised and glorified God who works out the satisfaction of His saints. The bishop shrouded her as was the habit of the monks and called the priests who carried her to the holy church and prayed over her with great honor.

There was in the city a paralytic infidel man, suffering from

evil spirits. When he heard the chanting of the priests, he asked his people to carry him and take him where the body of the saint was. When they brought him to the church, he drew near to the holy body with faith and he was cured instantly. The devil came out of him, and he became well. He and his people believed in the Lord Christ and the bishop baptized them.

And everyone who had a disease or a deformity would come to the church and touch the holy body and would be healed immediately. When the governor heard about these wonders, he and most of the city believed in the Lord Christ. He came to the church, carried the body and buried it with honor. Glory be to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His good Father and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Cyprian (Cyprianus( and St. Justina.

1st October - 21st Tote

On this day also in the year 257 A.D. the honorable St. Cyprian (Cyprianus( and St. Justina, were martyred. Cyprianus was an infidel and a magician. He learned magic in the countries of northwest Africa until he excelled over his fellows. His excessive impudence and his arrogance made him go to Antioch to challenge the magicians there and to pride himself over them of his knowledge. When he arrived there, his fame spread. A young man, the son of one of the nobles of the city, heard about him. This young man lusted for a Christian virgin who was called Justina. He saw her going to church and his heart became inflamed with her love. He was unable to obtain what he desired of her either by money, threat, or magic. He sought Cyprian and complained to him about his condition, that he might make him gain favor with Justina’s heart and fulfill his desire of her. Cyprian promised him the fulfillment of his desire. He used all the trickery of his sorcery but failed. Every time he sent her a host of demons, they found her praying, so they came back defeated.

When Cyprian failed, he called the demons and told them, “If you do not bring Justina to me, I shall adopt Christianity.” The chief of the demons thought out a device to deceive him. He ordered one of his soldiers to disguise himself and to take the form of Justina and then go to Cyprian. He hastened and made it known to Cyprian her coming, so he rejoiced and waited for her. Then Satan, disguised as Justina, came to him, and Cyprianus rejoiced, and rose up to embrace her. Because of his great joy in her, he told her, “Welcome, Queen of Women, Justina.” Upon the mere mention of her name, Satan, disguised as her, melted away and disappeared like smoke, and an unpleasant smell spread out of him. Cyprianus knew that this was a deceitful trick of Satan who could not stand before the mentioning of her name. Immediately Cyprian rose up and burnt his books of magic. He was baptized by the patriarch of Antioch who put on him the monastic garb. After a while he ordained him a deacon, then a priest. Later on, after he had grown in virtues and in the doctrine of the church, they ordained him bishop of Carthage in the year 351 A.D. He took St. Justina and

made her the head of a convent there. When the Ecumenical Council convened at Carthage, this saint was one of those who attended it. When Emperor Decius heard of them he had them brought before him, and he demanded them to raise incense for the idols. When they refused, he inflicted upon them many tortures and finally cut off their heads with the sword. Their prayers be with us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

2. The Martyrdom of St. Julius of Aqfahs (El-Akfehasi(, the Writer of the Biography of Martyrs.

2nd October - 22nd Tote

On this day also, St. Julius of Aqfahs (1( (El-Akfehasi(, the writer of the biography of martyrs, was martyred. The Lord Christ appointed him to care for the bodies of the holy martyrs, to shroud them and to send them to their hometown. The Lord brought blindness into the hearts of the governors, and no one objected to him. They also never forced him to worship idols. The Lord kept him to care for the martyrs. He used 300 young men for this purpose. They wrote the biography of the holy martyrs and sent it to their hometown. But he used to minister to the holy martyrs by himself and dress their wounds. The martyrs blessed him, saying, “You must shed your blood in the Name of our Lord Christ, so you can be counted among the martyrs.”

When the reign of Diocletian the Infidel came to an end, Constantine the Righteous reigned. The Lord Christ wished to fulfill what the saints had prophesied to St. Julius; to be counted among the martyrs. The Lord commanded him to go to Arkanius, governor of Samanoud, and to confess the Lord Christ. St. Julius went there, and the governor tortured him with many tortures, but the Lord strengthened him. The governor ordered to bring him to worship the idols. This saint prayed and the earth opened and swallowed up the 70 idols and the 140 priests who were serving them. When the governor beheld the destruction of his idols and their priests, he believed in the Lord Christ. The governor went with the Saint to the governor of Athribis who tortured Saint Julius with great severity, but the Lord Christ strengthened him.

Once there was a feast for the idols and they decorated the temple with ornaments, lamps, statues and with palm branches. They closed the gates till the following day to start celebrating the feast. The saint asked the Lord to blot out their idols. The Lord sent his angel who cut the heads of the idols, blackened their faces with ashes, burnt up all the palms, and all the idols in the temple. On the following morning when the people came dressed to celebrate the feast and saw what had happened to their gods, they recognized their weakness. The governor of Athribis (2( and a large number of people believed in the Lord Christ. The Saint then went to the city of Towa (3( along with the governor of Samanoud and the governor of Athribis, and they met Iskandros its governor. First he refrained from torturing them, but later on he ordered his men to cut off their heads. Julius and his two sons, Tadros and Yunias; his slaves; and the governors of Samanoud and Athribis and

many people were martyred. They numbered 1500. They took his body with the bodies of his sons to Alexandria for it was their hometown. His intercession be for us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Saints Cotylas (Kobtlas( and Axoua, his Sister, and Tatas, his Friend.


October - 22nd Tote

On this day, Saints Cotylas (Kobtlas( and his sister Axoua, the children of Sapor, King of Persia, and Cotylas’ friend, Tatas, were martyred. Sapor worshipped fire and the sun. He inflicted many tortures on the believers, and no man throughout the country dared to mention the Name of Christ. His son, Cotylas, had a friend named Tatas who was a ruler over the country of Maydasayeen. Certain people laid an accusation against Tatas before the king that he was a Christian. The king sent to him a governor named Tumakher to verify the validity of what was said and if it was true, to torture him. When Cotylas, the son of the king, heard that, he also went to that country, to his friend Tatas. When the governor arrived and found that he was Christian, he ordered his men to cast him in a furnace. St. Tatas made the sign of the Cross over the fire and the fire died out. Cotylas marvelled and asked him, “How did you learn this magic, 0 my brother?” He replied, “This is not magic but it is through faith in the Lord Christ.” Cotylas asked, “If I believed, would I be able to do the same?” Tatas answered that with faith you can do more than this. Cotylas, the son of the king, believed in Christ, then he drew near the fire and made the sign of the Cross over it, the fire backed a distance of 12 cubits. The governor sent to the king to inform him what had happened, and the king had them brought to him. He ordered to cut off the head of Tatas who thus received the crown of martyrdom. However, he tortured his son, Cotylas, with different kinds of tortures. He cast him in prison and sent for his sister Axoua, so she might persuade him to return to his father’s belief. St. Cotylas preached her and turned her heart to the belief in the Lord Christ. He sent her to a priest who baptized her secretly.

She returned to her father saying, “I wish that you had what my brother and I have, for there is no God but Jesus Christ.” The king became angry and commanded to torture her, until she yielded up her soul in the hand of the Lord Christ.

They tied Cotylas to the tails of horses and dragged him over the mountains until he yielded up his spirit. Then they cut his body into pieces and they cast it out for the birds to consume it. When the soldiers departed, the Lord commanded saintly priests and deacons who went secretly at night and took the holy body which was shining as snow. They hid it in a place until the end of the days of persecution.

Meditations on the Liturgy’s Gospel

Third Day of the Feast of Holy Cross

Luke 14: 25-35

And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. (Luke 14:27( + Whoever does not bear his cross

There is no salvation without a cross, no Christianity without a cross, and no Christian without a cross. The cross is not just a banner that we carry, rejoice with it, and sanctify, but the cross is a complete discipleship to the Lord Christ. It is pain mixed with love, weariness mixed with joy, and persecution from the world mixed with amazing peace of God. When the world wants to call a person to follow a certain creed or join a special group, they show the positives of this group and the amount of joys, comfort and happiness that he/she will enjoy with them. They hide behind these positives the bitter reality; which is misery, desolation, physical and spiritual destruction. As for Christianity, it is announcing the cross. But behind the cross you can see the joys of eternity and the blisses of heaven. There are those who do not want to carry the cross, and there are those who postpone carrying the cross. But there are those who carry the cross with joy. There are some who do not want to carry the cross, although they can, but the cross for them is a heavy burden that prevents them from enjoying their desires. It deprives them of the pleasures of the world. It deprives them of the things they love and do not want to give them up.

Among these was Gehazi, Prophet Elisha’s servant, (2 Kings 5: 19-27( who could have carried the cross and become a great prophet like Elisha his master, and just as Elisha carried the cross with joy from Elijah (1 Kings 19: 19-21(. But Gehazi could not bear the cross. He could not stand the life of voluntary poverty and self-denial; he ran after Naaman the Syriac asking for gifts and clothes. When he threw the cross from his hand; Naaman’s leprosy clung in him and his offspring forever. Among those who threw the cross was Judas Iscariot, who could not bear the cross and become a disciple of the Lord Christ. Among them was Demas, Paul’s disciple, who has forsaken him, having loved this present world. And among them was Saul the king, who before him, the commandments of God became a heavy cross, and refused to carry it. Among them is Arius, who refused to carry the cross of the Lord Christ, the Word of God crucified for the salvation of the world.

All of these rejected the cross and threw it. They preferred the pleasure of an hour in the body. They lost before them the joy of all eternal life.

And here is someone who postpones carrying the cross; he wants to carry the cross, ready to carry it, but not now. For him, now, is the time for fun and entertaining, not the time for the cross. The cross for him is a cross with conditions.

And from these is the rich young man; he kept the commandments from his youth and now he wants to inherit eternal life, but on the condition that he remains rich. That is, he wants to carry the cross and world riches together. He wants to enjoy the world first and postpones the cross; a cross with suspended sentence. What cross is this? It is like a student who wants to succeed, but on condition that he does not study until the end of the academic year. He wants to play and have fun first.

We often ask for a cross to carry in one hand and with the other hand we want to carry our pleasures and the desires of the world. We want to carry the cross and the cigarette, the cross and the cup of wine, the cross and the fashion of lewd clothes, the cross and the world. In fact, the cross needs both of your hands; the cross is never held by one hand. You must use both of your hands for the cross.

And there are those who carry the cross with joy and contentment to the end; in a life of alienation from the world, in a life of self-denial.

Look at the three Youth and Daniel the Prophet; they rejected the king’s delicacies. They preferred to carry their cross, which they carried since their childhood, rather than having a temporary enjoyment of sin.

Daniel the Prophet, he refused to obey the king’s command and worship his gods, preferring to sacrifice all the glory and riches of the world and not throw his cross. He preferred the den of lions on the throne of Babylon. Joseph the righteous, he preferred to carry the cross of chastity and purity that today many deny and reject by many. He preferred imprisonment over the satisfaction of Potiphar and his wicked wife.

John the Baptist carried his cross high; proclaiming the truth in the midst of a world that rejects the truth. He preferred to be thrown into prison and beheaded than to give up his cross.

Many carried their cross with joy. Look at this endless procession of the church’s martyrs and saints. Look at Dioscorus, Athanasius, Saint George,

and Saint Anthony.

O beloved, where is your cross? What did you do with your cross? + Come and take up your cross. Where is your cross? Perhaps your cross is your family; your wife, your husband, your children. Do you carry this cross with joy? Or do you reject this cross? Do you want to throw it and give it up? Perhaps the cross is in your work, in your honesty, in your dealings with others. Perhaps the cross is in you; in your love for comfort and laziness, in your attachment to inappropriate habits, in your interest in fashion, in bodily adornment, in too much entertainment of the flesh. Are you ready to bear this cross?

Carrying the cross involves a sacrifice of many things; a sacrifice of bodily comfort, bodily pleasures, and appearances. It has alienation from the world; it has voluntary poverty, and self-denial. Beloved, search for your cross; I fear that it has disappeared under piles of neglect, laziness and shortcomings.

What did you do with your cross? Did you carry it? Did you throw it? Did you neglect it? I’m terrified to say, did you abandon it? Did you reject it? There are many things that you love and hold on to.

There are pleasures, joys, and desires in the world; shows and glows. But in the cross there is victory and eternal life. What would you choose? No, my beloved, it is impossible for you to take the two together. This is a lose lose situation. And no again, you cannot take half from here and half from there; the cross is indivisible. This is also an incorrect scheming; you cannot take the world first then the cross second. The authority of the world will never accept to concede to the authority of the cross. If you let the world dominate you, you will forget the cross.

Beloved, count the cost well. The price is very high, it is unbearable loss. It is the loss of your eternal life.

Salt is good; you are good and valuable salt. Do not lose its flavour in this world. If you want the Lord Jesus, then come and become His disciple. Only the cross can preserve your good salinity. But if the salt lost its flavour it is not suitable for land or dunghill, rather, it is thrown out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

Third Sunday of the Blessed Month of Thout

Luke 19:1-10

“Today salvation has come to this house“ Luke 19:9 The world has entered many of our homes. What I mean by the world is not the civilization in terms of modern inventions, comforts and entertainment, but I mean the world’s ideologies, philosophies, desires and outer appearances. A simple comparison between the homes of our holy fathers and ours will show you the difference. In the homes of our saints we used to find the prayer corner as the most important place in the house in which family members gather to pray every day. It contains the icons of the saints, and in it each tired family member finds his/ her comfort when they pour themselves out before God interceding with the saints or the saint whom they chose as the patron of this house and imitated his holy life. Today, what is the most important corner in your house? Maybe it is the corner where the TV or video is, where you spend long hours, thinking and looking at things, most of which are not appropriate for the children of God. Sometimes this corner can be your dining room where you eat and perhaps even your bedroom where you sleep as well. And you, what is the most important corner in your house? Who is the first visitor in your house, in your troubles, or diseases, or any other matters you encounter? Is it the priest, is he a lawyer, or friends of the world? What is your first guide at home? Is it the Bible? Or is it the commandments and instructions of the world? Do you sanctify the day of the Lord? Do you offer your tithe (at least(? Is there a share for God in all the activities of your house and the people of your house?

Zacchaeus, a sinful man, everyone testifies about him that he is a sinner. But when the Lord entered his house, everything changed in this house. There has been salvation for this house.

+Today I must stay at your house. God wants to live in your house. He wants to have a place in your house. Do you accept it? He is standing at the door knocking, are you ready to receive Him? There are those who refused like Felix the governor, whose circumstances made him meet the Apostle Paul while he was on his way to be tried before Caesar. Paul spoke before him about righteousness, chastity and judgment. But Felix got terrified and instead of repenting he said to him: “Go away for now; when I have a convenient time I will call for you.” Did he get time? And there is Ahab, who was warned by Elijah several times. But he sold himself to the devil, he and his wife Jezebel, and refused all chances of salvation. Many people rejected the chance in the Holy Bible. Like Cain, whom God warned

him about the sin at the door but he did not listen. And like King Saul, whom Samuel warned and advised and did not listen to any advice. They all rejected and lost their own souls through rejection. There is a nice story that happened with Anba Sarabamon Abu Tarha, the late Bishop of Menoufia, that he once went to visit one of the counties of Menoufia, and on the way it rained heavily on him, so he sought refuge in a small village and asked if there was a Christian, so they led him to the teller’s house, but the teller’s wife refused to receive him on the pretext that her husband was not present at home. So he got angry and asked about the mayor’s house, so they pointed him to the house of the former mayor (he is not a Christian(, who became poor and owns nothing but the house that is left to him. There the man’s wife greets him, and hastened, so she summoned her husband, who welcomed him and rejoiced exceedingly with him and kissed his hands and considered the bishop’s visit to him a sign of God’s blessing. The bishop asked the mayor if he has children, who answered negatively; he said that his wife has not had children. The bishop asked God for them, prayed on water, blessed them and prayed that God may give them a son. And indeed, God blessed the house of this man very much, and he was chosen again as mayor of the village, and his condition improved greatly, and God gave him a son. As for the teller, he was sacked from his job and his condition worsened.

How often does a person who loves the world refuse God to stay in his house? How much this person loses because of his rejection? The most important thing he loses is the inner peace and comfort of his home and his own salvation. There are those who do not reject, but are lazy and delay; Like the Virgin of the Song of Songs (The Song of Songs, chapter 5(. Who when the bridegroom (which is the Lord Jesus( came knocking on the door of her heart, she became idle and said: I have taken off my robe; how can I put it on again? I have washed my feet; how can I defile them? Despite the insistence of the beloved Who said: Open for me, my sister, my love, My dove, My perfect one; for my head is covered with dew.” But she got lazy, the Lover extended his hand from the locker, a sign of farewell, a sign of discipline, and the lazy bride woke up and hurried to fix her mistake, but my beloved had turned away and was gone. She would toil very hard again to find Him, because she was lovesick. There are those who are lazy until the opportunity is lost, like the foolish virgins, who missed their opportunity by negligence. Despite their intention and desire to receive the groom, they went after the door was shut.

There are those who have open and ready hearts, who rejoice and accept without complacency. Like Zacchaeus, the publican, who hurried and accepted Him with joy. Like Lydia, the purple seller, whom the Lord touched her heart, and she and all the people of her house believed. And like Philippi jailer who believed and was baptized, he and his family. Dionysius the Areopagite, the famous scholar ; Whom the Lord touched his heart while listening to Paul in the Areopagus. He believed and understood the message of salvation, even though his fellow philosophers mocked Paul and mocked him. And like Anianus the cobbler, who soon accepted the good news and became the first of Christians in our beloved country (Egypt(. Today, the Lord knocks on the door of your house saying that He wants to stay today in your house. You will go down quickly and receive Him with joy. And when you receive Him, are you ready to make a place for Him in your house, everlasting place?

+ “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; When the Lord enters your house, there are things that you must get out of your house, and other things that must enter with Him. God wants a place for Himself, He wants the best place in the house; it is your heart. He wants to be first in everything. Do you have the family altar where you and your family members sanctify your heart, in prayer before God, in reading the Bible? The family altar must take the role place instead of entertainment and waste of time in your home. God cannot live in your house and you give all your time to television or entertainment games (and perhaps gambling( with your friends, or in conversations, most of which backstabbing, condemn others and judge them. God cannot live in your house as long as your house is open to evil friends and frivolous amusement as long as your house is a stage for parties full of dancing, drinking and messing with which the name of God is insulted.

I don’t know how the hypocrisy reached us to hang the image of the Lord and the image of the Virgin and the saints in the same place where we practice indecent foolishness or backstabbing our brothers and friends by talking about them and condemning them. Would you give the Lord a place at your table?? When you eat your food, do you reserve a place for Him first? How many times do you remember to pray before you eat your food? Or are you ashamed to pray in front of your family and your guests? Then the Lord will not enter and sit at your table. You did not invite Him. Who are the visitors to your house? Be very careful if you invite evil people to your house and mix with them. How do you want God to dwell in your house? Beloved, the house that the wicked people enter for silliness and

evil, God will leave and cannot live in. The house that the lawyer and the police enter to solve its problems, God will let the stick of the wicked to discipline and crush them. The house that is built on the principles of the world is a house built on sand that quickly falls and ends. As for the Christian house that is built on the commandments of God, in which the man loves his wife and children and cares for them, and the wife respects her husband and submits to him in love and understanding, and the children obey their parents in the Lord; it is a house built on the rock as members of one body; the body of Jesus Christ. The world cannot divide them or undermines their love for God or for each other. Do you count the cost in your home? This is a beautiful and blessed thing, but is God first in this cost? Do you first take away the tithes (at least(, the offerings, and the vows from your income? Beloved, the blessing of the nine-tenths does not appear until the tenth is given to God, but if the tenth is added to the nine-tenths, no blessing remains in them. Have you tried God in the tithes? He is ready to open the windows of heaven and give you without account. Look at Zacchaeus, the publican; he gave half of his money to the poor (not just a tenth(. Notice also that he first compensated four times for everything he stole or by false accusation, which is double what the law commanded. Moreover, the half of the money he gave to the poor was from his own legal effort and not from the money he stole. He felt God’s blessing in his house, so he and everything he had became completely the property of God.

+“Today salvation has come to this house.” How beautiful and wonderful this phrase is. How much every person longs to hear it said about his home? Are you eager to hear this phrase? Do you yearn for the Lord to enter your house and dwell in it and rest in it? So why do you leave it to the people of the world tampering with you? Expel the damaging, evil world from your house. Sweep this house and decorate it with holy repentance and confession, you and your family, and let the Lord enter your house and become the Master of the house and everything in your life. Then in truth you will say: “Today salvation has come to this house.”

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”

Psalms 34:8

Departed to Heaven the beloved mother, sister and grandmother Mrs. Samia Azmi Tadros, wife of the late Mr. Rafat Al-Qamos Tadros Rofaiel, mother of Mr Roudelf (Rudy (Tadros and his wife Jacqui Tadros and their children Zachariah, Emily and Ciara also mother of Ms. Sylvia Tadros and her children Julia and Lucas .

Samia is sister of Mrs. Amira Morcos wife of Mr. Bassilios Morcos , Dr. Soheir Mesiha wife of Dr. Safwat Mesiha and Mrs. Amal Rizk, wife of the late Magdy Rizk.

Aunty of Mrs. Rosetta, Mr. Albert, Mr. Jimmy Morcos , Mrs. Eiriny Henein and Mr. Mina Rizk and their families.

Sister-in law of Mrs. Nadia Ayad and aunt of Mrs. Hydi and Mr. Hany Ayad and their families.

The extended families of Al-Qomos Rofael, Naguib Atallah, Youssef Messiha and Morcos Malaty Families in Egypt and abroad.

May the Lord repose her soul and comfort family both here and abroad and may her love and blessings on Earth be an eternal memory for all. She will always be in our hearts and prayers and fondly remembered as a caring, loving and spiritual wife, mother, grandmother, sister and aunty. May she rest In the eternal arms of the Lord.

The funeral prayer and receiving condolences will be held at St George Coptic Church, 77 Henry St, St.Albans on:

Monday 30th September 2024

12pm Funeral Service

2pm Sunbury cemetery

3pm return to St George church for prayer, meal and refreshments and Eulogy at St George Church Hall. Condolences limited to the church after funeral prayers

Blessed Wedding

Joseph Barsoum and Rita Mancini

Saturday 21st September 2024

St Mary’s Church

His Eminence

Metropolitan Asheia and His Grace Bishop Daniel

Visit to Melbourne

9th October 2024 – 3rd November 2024

Wednesday 9th October – His Eminence Arrives QF479 @ 7:35 pm

Thursday 10th October – 11 AM – Seniors meeting at AA Michael Church - Oakleigh

6 PM – Family visits at AA Michael Church

Friday 11th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Athanasius Church – Donvale

Seniors meeting at St Athanasius Church

6 PM – Family Visits at St Athanasius church

Saturday 12th October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St George Church – St Albans - Ordination of new priest

6 PM – Vespers - St Athanasius Church - Donvale

Sunday 13th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St John/Verena Church- Armadale - Ordination

6 PM - Family visits at St Bishoy Church

Monday 14th October- 10 AM – Clergy meeting and lunch - Donvale

6 PM – Family visits at St Mina/Marina Church

Tuesday 15th October- AM – Privatee Visits

6 PM – Family visits at St Bishoy/St Shenouda Church

Wednesday 16th October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St Bishoy/St Shenouda Church - Bulleen

6 PM – Family visits at St Mark’s Church

Thursday 17th October - 11 AM – Meeting with Tasony’s and lunch - Donvale

6 PM – Family visits at St George Church – St Albans

Friday 18th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mary’s Church - Kensington

6 PM – Family visits at St Mary’s Church

Saturday 19th October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St Macarius’ Church – ordination of deacon

6 PM – Vespers at St Philopateer Church - Melton

Sunday 20th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mark Church - Preston

6 PM – Family visitations at St Mark Church

Monday 21st October - AM – Visit to St. Mary’s College

6 PM – Family visits at St Severus Church

Tuesday 22nd October – AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St Macarius’ Church

Wednesday 23rd October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St Bishoy/St Shenouda church - Bulleen

6 PM - Family visits at St Mary’s Church

Thursday 24th October - AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St Mina’s Church

Friday 25th October Saturday 26th October - Sunday 27th October - Adelaide

Monday 28th October – AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St Athanasius church

Tuesday 29th October – AM – Hospital visits

6 PM – Family visits at St John/Verena Church

Wednesday 30th October – 9 AM Liturgy at AA Michael/St Anthony’s Church - Oakleigh

6 PM – Family visits at AA Michael church

Thursday 31st October - AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St George Church

Friday 1st November - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mark’s church - Preston

6 PM – Family visits at St Severus Church

Saturday 2nd November – 8 AM – Liturgy at St Severus church - Pakenham

Seniors meeting at St Mina/Marina Church

6 PM – Vespers at St Mina/Marina Church - Hallam

Sunday 3rd November - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mary’s church - Kensington

PM – HE travels to Perth @6:25 pm on QF777

St. Mary’s Fete (Aug 2024( – Survey Results Survey Summary

The fete committee would like to say BIG THANK YOU for all servants, volunteers and all families who attended St. Mary’s Feast Fete over the weekend of 24-25 Aug 2024.

With the blessing of Our Lord Jesus Christ and through the intercession of beloved Month St. Mary, the overall fete feedback survey shows a very successful and joyful event loved by the whole community and neighbours.

The fete have seen more than 200 servants and volunteers helping in the fete over the two days. The fete also had 27 stalls overall varying from non-food related stalls like bookshop, building tours, gifts, jewellery, plants, heavenly heroes for kids, kids activities and charities, plus 18 food stalls.

We’ve received 132 responses for the feedback survey during the 7 days when the survey was open for all congregation and community to submit. This is a great response rate.

The survey covered the following:

• 17 questions to cover overall feedback about the fete

• Overall comments and feedback free text section

• Detailed rating & feedback free text section foreach of the 24 stalls in the fete

The Fete committee would like to share with the congregation the results of the survey and would like to assure everyone that we always improve our service to give the best to everyone and make everyone happy to the best of our ability. We also always look forward to more ideas, servants and volunteers to hep in the future fetes.

May the Lord bless all whom has put an effort in this blessed service and their families. May him reward all in heavenly Jerusalem.

Thank you.

St. Mary’s Fete


Top Positive and Lovable Comments

Based on the feedback provided, here is a snapshot of the most positive and lovable comments that people expressed about the fete:

• Overall positive experience: Many attendees enjoyed the overall atmosphere, vibe, and community spirit of the fete.

• Appreciation for volunteers: Volunteers were widely praised for their hard work, dedication, and friendliness.

• Love for St. Mary’s Church: Many attendees expressed their love and appreciation for St. Mary’s Church and its role in hosting the fete.

• Enjoyment of food and activities: Attendees appreciated the variety of food, drinks, and activities offered.

• Positive interactions with others: Many people enjoyed interacting with friends, family, and new acquaintances at the fete. Some specific positive comments included:

• “Amazing Day we need it every 3 months at least.”

• “Overwhelming crowds with very little room to move, sit or enjoy ur meal. Over all a great result.”

• “Overall, there was a great vibe during the fete.”

• “It was a very blessed fete and it felt that St. Mary has blessed the weather and the service.”

• “It was an exciting feast for the eyes, taste buds and the soul in general.”

• “The fete was a huge success and the comment that we get from the Australian visitors that everyone looks happy and friendly.”

• “It was nice and fun plus the most important thing is all the prices was affordable, Kids were very happy.”

• “Kids activities were really good.”

These comments highlight the positive aspects of the fete that resonated with attendees and contributed to a memorable experience.

Overall Fete Ratings

Marriage Preparation Course

Marriage is a Sacrament and a Sacred Institution established by God and revered by the Orthodox Church. It is vital of all couples entering into this Holy Estate to give it the full and honest attention that it deserves. The Marriage Preparation Course is designed to help couples planning for a marriage or who are newly married to explore and deepen their relationship. Important topics included in the course include the following with a variety of speakers: ‘Art of Communication’, ‘Conflict Resolution’, ‘Discovering yourself’, ‘The Engagement Period’, ‘Boundaries’, ‘Physical & Sexual Health’, ‘Budgeting’, ‘After the Honeymoon’, ‘The Christian Family’ and ‘The Crowning Ceremony’.

The Diocese of Melbourne Marriage Preparation Course provides a great opportunity to enrich your relationship and prepare for the lifelong commitment of marriage. The Course runs from Friday 06/12/2024 (6:30 -9:00 PM(, Saturday 07/12/2024 (10:00 AM-6: 15 PM(, and Sunday 08/12/2024 (1:00 PM – 8:00 PM(. All sessions are held at the Pope Shenouda III Auditorium, Donvale (100 Park Road Donvale(. We strongly encourage every engaged couple, those about to become engaged and those in their first year of marriage to attend this course.

Based on the evidence of the benefits of such courses, the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church has deemed it a compulsory prerequisite before Marriage is granted in the Church. The cost is only $100 per couple, which includes course booklets, lunches, tea/coffee, etc.

For further details please Contact Fr Daniel Ghabrial on 0403 336 725 or Fr Samuel Elias on 0412 884 434.

Please Register at the link below https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScgnrq8VsryqYIp-5V4cix-7azwbmRfMyqWEZCdNQfIoFQn_w/viewform?usp=sf_link

St. Mary’s Church New Building Financial Report

New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project

can be made by the following Link


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