Weekly Bulletin 31st March 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington

Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Makary

0433 445 636

يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست

ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7

يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا

يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا

يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا

يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا

ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا :سيمخلا
يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636 Liturgies during the Holy Lent 11th March - 26th April 2024 Additional Liturgies Tuesday 12 - 3pm Thursday 5 - 7pm ريبكلا موصلا للاخ ةيفاضأ تاسادق 2024 ليربأ 26 - سرام ١١ ءاسم 3 - ١2 ءاثلاثلا ءاسم 75 سيمخلا

The Apparition of the Pure Lady the Virgin in the church of Zeiton.

2nd April - 24th Baramhat

On the eve of this day of the year 1684 A.M. which coincide with tuesday the 2nd. of April 1968 A.D., during the papacy of Pope Kyrellos VI, the hundred sixteenth Pope of Alexandria, our Lady and the pride of our faith started to transfigure in luminous spiritual forms in and around the domes of the church dedicated to her immaculate name in Zeiton, a suburb of Cairo.

This transfiguration continued in following nights in a manner that was never known in the East or the West. This transfiguration in some nights was as long as many hours, without stop, in front of tens of thousands of people from every race and religion, with every one seeing her, pointing at her and interceding to her with songs, hymns, tears, prayers and hails and She was looking to them in a compassionate way raising her hand at times to bless them in all directions.


ةسينكلا بابق لىعو فى ةينارون ةيناحور رظانم فى لىجتت ءارذعلا ميرم

ةرهاقلا ةنيدم يحاوض نم نوتيزلا قئادح فى رهاطلا اهمساب ةنشدلما

قشرلا فى يرظن اهل فرعي لم ةروصب ةبقاعتم لايل فى ليجتلا اذه لىاوت دقو

نود تاعاس عضب لىا ليايللا ضعب فى ليجتلا اذه لوطيو ، برغلا ئف وأ

لكلاو ، نايدلأاو سانجلأا عيمج نم شربلا نم فوللأا تاشرع مامأ فقوت

عومدو لاهتباو ليترت فى اهب نوعفشتسيو اهيلإ نويرشيو ، مهنويعب اهاري

The first one to notice this transfiguration was the workmen at the garage of the Public Transit System which was across the street from the church. The watchman Abdel-Aziz Aly, who was in charge of guarding the garage at that night, saw a luminous body over the dome of the church. He started shouting: “light over the dome” and he called the other workers in the garage. They all came and saw the bright light over the large dome of the church. When they looked closely, they saw a young lady in white, kneeling by the cross at the top of the dome. Because the dome had a round, smooth, and very sloping surface, it held the men as though they were nailed in their places watching the fate of the lady. Few seconds passed then they saw the kneeling lady as she stood over the dome. They gave out a cry of fear that she might fall down. They thought she was a girl in despair trying to commit suicide and they cried warning that person not to jump down and some of them called the police. The pedestrians, men and women started

ةرظن يرهماجلا لىا رظنت ىهو ةلاصو ليلهتو

نم مهكرابتل اهيدي اتلك انايحأ عفرت ، ةيناح اذه ظحلا نم لوأو . تاهاجتلاا عيمج

عراشب ماعلا لقنلا ةسسؤم لماع مه ليجتلا

ناكو ةسينكلا هيلع لطت يذلا ىاب ناموط

لىع زيزعلا دبع يرفخلا ىأرف ، ءاسم تقولا

اينارون ماسج ، لايل جارجلا ةسارحب فلكلما ،

« لاع توصب حيصي ذخأف ةبقلا قوف اقلأتم

جارجلا لماع لىع ىدانو « ةبقلا قوف رون اجاهو ارون اوصربأ مهنأ اودهشو اعيمج اولبقأف

رظنلا اوقدحأو ةسينكلل ىبركلا ةبقلا قوف

قوف ةيثاج ءاضيب بايثب ةحشتم ةاتف اوأرف

ناك المو . اهولعي يذلا بيلصلا راوجبو ةبقلا

دقف رادحنلاا ديدشو اريدتسم ةبقلا رادج

. ةاتفلا يرصم نوبقري مهو مهمادقأ ترمست

ةيثاجلا. ةاتفلا اهدعب اودهاش تاظحل تضم مهتاحيص تعفتراف ةبقلا. قوف تفقو دقو مهضعب اهنظو ، طقست نأ ةفاخم اهيلإ

ءاجف ، ةدجنلا ةطشر مهضعب غلبأو اهتدجنل اوخصرف راحتنلاا مزتعت ةسئاي

ةاتفلا رظنم ذخأو ، ءاسنلاو لاجرلا نم ةرالما عمجتو لجع لىع اهلاجر

ةللاغ فى ةليمج ةاتفل ةحضاو ةروصلا ترهظو .ءايض دتشيو احوضو دادزي

نم ضعب اهدي فى كستمو ضيبأ ءادرب حشتت يوماسلا ضيبلأا رونلا

قوف ضايبلا عصانلا ضيبلأا مماحلا بسر راط ةأجفو، نوتيزلا رجش ناصغأ

كشلا اوعطقي كيلو . يوماس نياحور رظنلما اذه نأ اوكردأ ذئنيحو اهسأر

،احوضوو اقلأت تدادزاف ةينارونلا ةروصلا لىع ةفشاك ءاوضأ اوطلس ينقيلاب

نم ةبيرقلاو عراشلاب ةئماقلا ةيئابرهكلا حيباصلما ميطحت لىا اودمع مث

ةاتفلا تدبف اهلك ةقطنلما اوأفطأف ةينارونلا ةروصلا فتخت ملف ةسينكلا

لخاد فى كرحتت تذخأو ، احوضو ثركأ نيارونلا اهبوثو يوماسلا اهئايض فى

ذئدنع ء. اهب ةطيحلما تاهجلا عيمج لىا اهمسج نم عشي رونلا نم ةرئاد

لاعف ، ءارذعلا ميرم كش نود ىه مهمامأ ىتلا ةاتفلا نأب عيمجلا نقيأ

مأ ىه . . ءارذعلا ىه ءماسلا نانع قش ىتح ليلهتلاو حايصلاو قيفصتلا

ىتح ليللا لاوط لىصتو لترتو دشنت عومجلا تقلطنا مث « . .- . رونلا

رظانم فى لىجتت ةرهاطلا ءارذعلاو ةليللا هذه ذنمو . . لياتلا مويلا حابص

بناجأ و ينيصرم سانلا نم فوللأا تاشرعو فوللأا مامأ ةفلتخم ةيناحور

اهروهظ قبسيو ، لاافطأو تاديسو لااجر ، ينيحيسم يرغو ينيحيسم ،

ةيرثم ةروصبو ةسينكلا ءماس قشت ةيناحور

نوتيزلاب ءارذعلا لىجت تاهمرب 24 - ليربأ 2 نم نياثلا ءاثلاثلا قفاولما ءادهشلل 1684 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم ءاسم في ةئالما سداسلا سليرك ابابلا دهع فى ، حيسلما دلايلم 1968 ةنس ليربأ رهش انسنج رخفو انلك انديس تأدب ، ةيردنكسلإا تاواباب نم شرع
ماسجلأ تاكرحت هبحصيو نم وج فى ايلاع هب قلحتو ةدالما ىوتسم قوف يعيبطلا ناسنلإا عفرت ةليمج يحورلا ءافصلا ينب اهرظنم . سانلا عيمج مامأ رونلا مأ اهيف تلجت ىتلا رظانلما مهأ نمو نيارون مسج فى ودبت ىهو. ىطسولا ةبقلاو ةسينكلل ةيبرغلا ةيلبقلا ةبقلا ، يعيبطلا مجحلا نم بركأ انايحأو ةباش ةاتفل يعيبطلا مجحلا فى لماك ةفقاو ءاضفلا فى اهامدقو ، اهنم تلزنو ءماسلا تقش اهنأكو ءماسلا فى اهسأر ، ةيهب ةيضف ةحرط ءضيلما اهمسجو سدقلما اهسأر طيحت ، اهعباصأ لىع بلاغلا فى ودبي رون نم رون هلك مسجلاو ، ةنكاد ةيوماس ءاقرز انايحأو ةحرطلا تحت نم ءادرلا ودبي انايحأو ، ةحتافلا ةقرزلا لىا لييم ايروفسوف

to gather around. The view of the lady was getting more clear and she appeared as a beautiful girl in a bright gown of light and had branches of olive tree in her hand, and around her flew white doves. Then they realized that they were seeing a heavenly spiritual view. They directed flood light to the luminous picture to remove all doubt from their minds, but instead it became more clear and bright. They cut the electricity off all the area but the lady remained in her heavenly illumination and her bright gown of light became more clear. She started moving around in a circle of light radiating from her body to all the directions around her. All the people then realized that this lady in front of them, without no doubt is the Virgin Mary. They started to shout and cry saying: “She is the Virgin ... She is the Mother of Light ... “ They prayed with songs, hymns and hails all the night until the next morning. Since that night the pure Virgin had transfigured in different spiritual views in front of thousands and ten of thousands of masses, Egyptian and foreigners, Christians and non-christians, men, women and children.

Spiritual beings formed like doves would appear before, during and after the transfiguration zooming through the sky in a way raising the human from a materialistic to a heavenly atmosphere.

This transfiguration was in different forms. One of the most significant ways this apparition took place was that; the head of St. Mary under the vail looking down as in the picture of the sad Virgin and she was looking toward the Cross and that view would stay like this at times or slowly bow before the Cross at other times. The Cross itself will shine and illuminate although it was made of concrete. And some times an angel would appear standing behind her spreading his wings. That view might stay as long as many hours.

Another view was the view of the Mother of Light standing as a great Queen in a beautiful spiritual portrait radiating dignity, elegance and

مامأ ىنحنيو

جردت فى شرتني رون ءارذعلا مسج نم عشيو . متعم مسج وهو حلسلما

ءارذعلا عفرت دقو . حطسلا ةحاسم مظعم لغشي طيحم فى ةسينكلا ءماس ئضي

فى ةفوفلم ىهو ، لىصي نمك اهردص لىع ماهدقعت دقو ماهضفخت مث اهيدي

اهفلخ نم رهظي انايحأو . راقولاو ةنيكسلاو ءودهلا تارظن فى ءاضيبلا اهتحرط

مهأ نمو .تاعاس عضب لىا رظنلما لوطي دقو هيحانج ادراف لوطلا عراف كلام

ةليمج ةيناحور ةروص فى ةميظع ةكلم ةفقو فى رونلا مأ رظنم اضيأ رظانلما

طيحت ، يعيبط رون يإ نم اناعلم ىهبأ رون فى ، ةماركو ءاهبو لالاج ضيفت

نكاد نولبف ردصلا لىعأو قنعلا لفسأ امأو . حتاف رفصأ نولب ةلاه اههجوب قوف ودبي انايحأو .عمليو عصرم سالما نم هنأك كيلم جات اهسأر لىعو ، ام اعون

ةهجلاب ةرجش قوف ءماسلا فى عفتري قشرلما اهماوقو ، ءضيم يرغص بيلص جاتلا

ةروص فى دجلما هل حيسلما ةلماح ودبت قباسلا اهفقوم فىو ةسينكلا نم ةيلبقلا

فارطأ نماضت اهاديو رهظت ةراتو .-- جات هسأر لىعو .ىسريلا اهدي لىع لفط

ينميلا لىا هجتت ىهو لماعلا كرابت اهنأكو اهيدي اتلك عفرت ئرجأ ةراتو ، اهبوث

لاو هنع برعي لا نياحور ومس اهللجي ةنزتم ةروقو ةكرح فى راسيلا لىاو ماملأا لىاو

سانلا عيمجل اهتاذ رهظت اهنأكو هليذ نم فهفهي ضيبلأا اهؤادرو ، هب قطني

لىا اولصي نأ ماحزلا ةثركل اوعيطتسي لم نيذلا لىع ةقفشم تاهاجتلاا عيمج فى

. ليلخ ةراح- ةماسلما ةقيضلا ةراحلا فى ةسينكلا لخدلم ةهجاولما ايؤرلا ةيواز

ةماق فى ةباش ءارذعل يعيبطلا مجحلا فى ةرهاطلا ءارذعلا ودبت رظنلما اذه فىو

ينمدقلا ىتح نيارون جيسن نم- ةللاغ هوسكت قيقر عراف مسجو ةيلاثم ةيحص . ةيناح ةءايمإ هبش فى سدقلما سأرلا ةءانحنا دنع ةعور رظنلما دادزيو

ةحرط ىدترت ةاتف لكش فى تارلما نم اديدع اهيلجت اروهظ رظانلما ثركأ لعلو

ءىموت ةبقلا هذه تاقاط ينب ةيرحبلا ةيقشرلا ةبقلا فى ةقاط نم لطت ءاضيب

ةلماح ودبت ةراتو . كرابت وأ ىيحت اهنأكو اهيدي اتلك عفرت وأ كيللما اهسأرب لفط ةروص فى دجلما هل حيسلما

هنأ ظحلالماو نوتيز نصغ اهيدي ىدحإ فىو ودبت انايحأو ىسريلا اهدي لىع

ةكلاح ةملظم ةداع ىهو - ةبقلا هذه تاقاط ىدحإ فى ءارذعلا لىجتت نأ لبق

راونأ اهيلتأ لصتلا ثيحب ةسينكلا فقس لفسأ نم اماتم ةقلغم اهنلأ ملاظلا

لا تفاخ رون ةبقلا فى لاوأ.رهظي ةءاضم نوكت امدنع لخادلا نم ةسينكلا

لئام ضيبأ هنولو ابيرقت ىورك مجح فى يرصي ىتح ائيشف ائيش بركي نأ ثبلي

. ةعطاس ةقشرم سمشلا نوكت امدنع ءاقرزلا ءماسلا ةبق نولك ةقرزلا لىا

هكرحت ءانثأ فىو . جراخلا نم ةبقلا ةقاط هاجتا فى رونلا اذه كرحتي ليلق دعبو

سأرلا نم ىفصن رظنم فى ميرم ءارذعلا لكشب اديور اديور لكشتي ءيطبلا

يوماس قرزأ نولب ودبت ىتلا ةحرطلا هب طيحت سأرلاو ، مسجلا فصتنم ىتح

نم لطيو ءارذعلا هيف ةلثمتم نيارونلا مسجلا اذه زبريو اهفتك لىع ةيلدتم

فقي انايحأو ، ةسينكلا ءاضف لىا ةبقلا جراخو ءشيلا ضعب جرخيو ةبقلا ةقاط

لىا عبر نم ىقبي دقو قئاقد رظنلما اذه ىقبي دقو .ردحنلما ةبقلا حطس لىع

ينتقيقد وحن ةبقلا جراخ زبريو رظنلما نوكتي ىرخأ نايحأ فىو . ةعاس فصن

مث يوركلا هلكش لىا دوعيو هلكش تهبي ذئنيحو ةبقلا لخاد لىا كرحتي مث ، تفاخ ءوض لكش فى ديدج نم رهظي نأ أدبي مث قئاقد عضب يفتخي وأ ئفطني

هتكرح فىو ةبقلا ةقاط هاجت كرحتي مث ، ىورك مجح فى يرصي ىتح بركي مث

نم اديدع اذكهو . يرهماجلا لىع لطت ىهو ميرم ءارذعلا لكشب لكشتي

،،24 ( صرم لىا ةسدقلما ةلئاعلا لوخد ديع ةليل فى لاثم اذه ثدح ماك تارلما

ةيرحبلا ةبقلا فى ءارذعلا لىجت لىاوت دقف ) 1968 ةينوي لوأ قفاولما سنشب

حابصلا رون غوزب ىتح ءاسم ةشراعلا ةعاسلا نم دعلا اهيصحي لا تارم

ةروص فى لفسأ لىا ةينحنم ةحرطلا تحت نم سأرلاو ، اعصان ضيبأ اينارون فصتنم فى ىبركلا ةبقلا ولعي يذلا بيلصلا وحن اهتارظنو ةنيزحلا ءارذعلا ءوده فى انيح كرحتيو انيح عضولا اذه لىع تبثي رظنلماو .، ةسينكلا حطس
ارون عشيو ئضي هسفن بيلصلاو رخآ انيح بيلصلا
، ءطبو
نم هنأ
ةيقشرلا وهو ، اهل صرح لا ةدع لايل فى تارمو تارم رركتت ىتلا رظانلما ثركأ وهو ، رظانلما ينب نمو . سانلا نم ددع بركأ هب عتتم يذلا روهظلا رتاوتلما رظنلما ادج اعصان ائيضم ايرولب ماسج ءارذعلا هيف ودبت يذلا رظنلما اذه ادج ةعئارلا ةماق فى ةيكلم ةفقو ةفقاو ىهو يرغص مجح فى ةيبرغلا ةيرحبلا ةبقلا تاقاط ىدحإ لأتم ةقوشمم ةبصتنم لاماك دتيم ضايبلا عصانلا ضيبلأا عشلما ءاضولا رونلا نم لاثتم.اهنأكو قسانتم عيشيو سفنلاو بلقلا حيري لكشب ةبقلا ةقاط لك فى ينمدقلا لىا سأرلا نم نم هلاوتي ام طرف نم همامأ هدوجو سىني ىتح ناسنلإا لك فى ةنيكسلاو نملآا

beauty. On her head was a crown of a queen as if it were made of diamonds and some times there appeared on the top of the crown a small luminous cross. And some times she appeared in the same way but carrying Christ, to Him is the Glory, in the form of a child on her hand and on His head a crown. And on other times she raised her both hands as She was blessing the world moving to the right, to the front, and to the left in a dignified way.

Many spiritual signs appeared before, during, and after the apparition of the Virgin the mother of the Lord’s transfiguration. The appearance of tongues of yellowish flame would flash over the church and then subside and that repeated several times. Another form of the signs were the spiritual beings formed like doves, larger than the doves that we know, appear about midnight or after, flying in the middle of darkness illuminating in a fast speed, appeared suddenly from no where, and also disappeared suddenly. These spiritual beings appeared in different formations and in varying numbers. A fact we should be aware of that pigeons do not fly during the night. Another sign was the shooting stars which were constantly falling and were seen very close to the apparition on many occasions as if coming down to glorify her from heaven. Another sign was the fragrance of incense. The smoke of the incense poured out of the domes in large quantities. Substance resembling clouds, thick fog or smoke would roll in toward the church and completely cover the church. Also the illuminated cloud that appeared over the domes of the church in large volume and often proceeded the transfiguration of the Virgin or at times the cloud slowly formed in the shape of the virgin. Sometimes the apparition of the Virgin would appear from the clouds. This transfiguration and all the spiritual signs were a forerunner and announcement for serious or important events to come in the near and far future. Or it might be a spiritual gesture from heaven to indicate the Lord’s caring for His church and His people and our country. May the mercy of God be upon us all. May the Lord keep His people and

دجوي لا ةروصب ةعشم ةعملا ءاضيب تانئاكلا هذه نأ مث

لك نم ةيرنم ةجهوتم كلاحلا ملاظلا طسو فى رهظت اهنأو ةصاخ ، رويطلا

يرغ نم اهيحانج ةدراف يرطت وأ كرحتت اهنأ مث لفسأ نمو قوف نم بناج

ةسينكلا ءماس قشي مهس اهنأكو ةيربك ةعسرب باسنت اهنأ ، بلاغلا فى ةفرفر

ةأجف اضيأ يفتختو تءاج نيأ نم ناسنلإا فرعي لا ثيح نم ةأجف رهظتو

ىرت انايحأو ، اوحص ءماسلا نوكتو ءافتخلاا ثدحيو . ةيؤرلا ىدم فى ىهو

يفتخت ةيقشرلا ةيرحبلا ةبقلا وحن هجتتو ىبركلا ةبقلا نم ةجراخ اهنأكو

ةيناحورلا تانئاكلا هذه نأ لىع . اماتم داضلما هاجتلاا فى ناوث دعب دوعتل

ةدحاو ةمماح رهظت ةراتف ةفلتخم دادعأو تلايكشت فى رهظت مماحلا لكشب

مظتنم علاضلأا يواستم ثلثم لكش فى تامماح 3 ةراتو ، ناتمماح ةراتو

نم بسر رهظي ةراتو . نايرطلا ةترف لك فى لكشلا اذهب ظفتحتو تافاسلما لكش ذختت دقو ةمماح شرع يتنثا وأ تامماح شرع وأ تامماح عبس

رهاوظلا ينب نمو . ينيزاوتم ينفص نم ليكشت فى انايحأو اهنايرط فى بيلص

مجحلا يرغ فى موجن روهظ رونلا مأ ءارذعلا تايلجتل ةبحاصلما ةيحورلا

حطس لىع وأ ىطسولا ةبقلا س ةفطاخ ةعسر فى قوف نم طبهت يعيبطلا

طبهت ةيرنم ةرك مجح فى مجنلا رهظي نايحلأا ضعب فىو . ةقاربو ةئيضمو

-طسوتم مجح فى ءضىم حابصم لكش مجنلا ذختي دقو لفسأ لىا قوف نم

ةيقشرلا ةيرحبلا ةبقلا رمغي نوللا لياقترب رون ةرركتلما رهاوظلا ينب نمو

كرحتي هروهظ نم قئاقد دعبو ، تاهاجتلاا عيمج نمو اهقوف نم ةسينكلل

نايحأ فىو تاهاجتلاا عيمج نمو قوف نم اهرمغيو ىبركلا ةبقلا هاجتا فى

ضيبأ عطاس رون اصوصخ ةيقشرلا ةيرحبلا ةبقلا لخاد نم ثعبني ةيرثك

سمشلا نوكت امدنع ءماسلا ةبق نولب ودبي ثيحب ةقرزلا نم ءشيب بشرم

ول ماك ودبيف لىعأ لىا لفسأ نم كرحتي انايحأو ةبقلا طسو فى رهظي ةعطاس

ةبقلا طسو فى رهظي ىرخأ نايحأ فىو .، ةبقلا نم لىعلأا ءزجلا فى اقلعم ناك

تاقاط ىدحإ جراخ لىا ديدش ءطبب كرحتي مث يواضيب وأ ىورك لكش فى

ةديسلل ةيفصن ةروص فى لكشتي نأ ليبق جراخلا لىع ةلطلما ةبقلا

ةبقلا ةقاط نم لطت ءارذعلا وأ ةيبرغلا ةيلبقلا ةبقلا لىع رهظي يربك رون اضيأ رهاوظلا ينب نمو -

علاضلأا ىواستي بيلص ةئيه فى ىطسولا ةبقلا وأ ةيقشرلا ةيرحبلا ةبقلا

ةبقلا رمغي ليايللا ضعب فىو . لماجلاو ةعورلاو عادبلإا دح غلبي رظنم فى

لىا دعصيو اهلك ةسينكلا حطس قوف شرتني ضيبأ روخب نم ةيمك ىطسولا

ناو ىطسولا ةبقلا نأب مالع ، اترم 40 وأ 30 ةفاسم لىا ءماسلا وحن قوف

ثيحب جراخ نم ةحوتفم تسيل اهنكل ةسينكلا لخاد نم ةحوتفم تناك نأ مث . ةبقلا جراخ لىا ذفني لا هناف ةسينكلا لخاد نم روخب دعص ولو

ىفكي لا ةمخض ةيمك ةسينكلا حطسو ةبقلا قوف شرتنت ىتلا روخبلا ةيمك

ضيبأو ةحئارلا، يرطع روخبلا اذه نأ لاولو . ةرخبم فلأ فلأ اهديعصتل . يربك قيرح نم مجان هنأ نظي ناكل ضايبلا عصانو نوللا

ةرات ةشرابم ةسينكلا بابق قوف رهظي يذلا نيارونلا باحسلا اضيأ كانهو

ىتح لايلق باحسلا ثبلي لا ذإ ءارذعلا تايلجت قبسي ام ابلاغو يربك مجحب

ءارذعلا رظنم جلبني انايحأو .رونلا مأ ءارذعلا رظنم فى اديور اديور لكشتي انايحأو . ةأجف ةيئابرهكلا نوينلا تابلم رون جلبني ماك باحسلا ينب نم

اوحص ءماسلا نوكت ثيحب ةأجف بابقلا قوف كرحتي لاوحلأا لك فىو كرحتي . فورعم ردصم نم ئجي نأ نود نمو

ةسينكلا بابق فىو لىع ءارذعلا ةديسلا اهب تلجت ىتلا رظانلما ضعب كلت

. باذجناو راهبنا مماحلا هبشت ةئيضم ةيناحور تانئاك روهظ رونلا مأ تايلجت بحاصيو اذه وحن هدعب وأ ليللا ، فصتنم وحن رهظتو ماجح هنم بركأ ةداع ىهو ، . لايل يرطي لا يداعلا مماحلا رئاط نأ فورعلماو احابص ةثلاثلا وأ ةيناثلا لماع فى يرظن اهل
كلتل ةبحاصلما ةيناحورلا رهاوظلاو ، نوتيزلا ةيحاض فى اهمساب ةنشدلما بيرقلا لبقتسلما فى ةيرطخ ةليلج ثادحأب ريذنو يرشب اهلكو . تايلجتلا انتسينكل هللا ةياعر لىا يرشت ءماسلا نم ةيناحور ةحفن اهلعلو . ديعبلاو ةمادنو قاحسنابو ، ينللهتم رخفنو هب زتعن مام انب هتيانعو ، اندلابو انبعشو ةميظعلا تاملاعلا « هذهب انلعلو . ينبئات ينعجار هللا لىا بوتن اناياطخ لىع لحارم نم ةماه ةلحرم انلخد دق نوكن ) 11 : 21 اقول ( « ءماسلا نم ظفحيلو . هللا محارم انك ردتلف . ةياهنلا ةيادب تناك ابمرو ةيرخلأا مايلأا تاعافشلا تاذ ةعافشب انل نيدناعلما ةوق مطحيلو ، هتسينكو هبعش برلا

church in peace, with the intercession of Our Lady and the pride of our race the pure Virgin St. Mary. Amen.

The Departure of St. Euphrasia )Eupraxia), the virgin. 4th April - 26th Baramhat

On this day the blessed St. Euphrasia (Eupraxia( the virgin departed. She was the daughter of a noble family in the city of Rome, who was related to Emperor Honorius. Before her father›s departure, he asked the Emperor to care for her. Her mother went to Egypt to collect the revenues and rent of her estates and orchards, which her husband had left her. She took her daughter, who was nine years of age, with her, and they lodged in one of the houses of virgins. The nuns of that convent were on high degree of asceticism, piety and devoutness, they never ate food with meat, oil, fruits, at no time drank wine and slept on the floor.

Eupraxia loved the life in that convent, and she was pleased with the nun that served her. That nun told her: «Promise me that you will not leave this convent»; and she promised her that. When her mother finished her work that she came to achieve, her daughter refused to return with her and she said to her mother: «I have vowed myself to Christ, and I have no need for this world, for my true Bridegroom is the Lord Christ.» When her mother knew that, she gave all her money and goods to the poor and needy, and she lived with her daughter in the convent for many years, then departed in peace.

When Emperor Honorius heard that, he sent asking for her. She answered back saying that she had vowed her self to the Lord Christ, and she can not break her covenant. The Emperor marvelled at her wisdom and righteousness and allowed her to stay.

Eupraxia contended strenuously in the ascetic life, she fasted two days at a time, then three, then four, and afterwards she fasted for a week at a time, and during the Holy Lent she did not eat anything which was cooked. Satan was jealous of her, and he smote her with an illness in her feet, gave her pain for a long time, until God had compassion on her and healed her. God granted her the gift of healing the sick, and she was beloved by all the sisters and the abbess for her humility and obedience to them.

One night the abbess saw in a vision crowns which had been prepared, and she asked: «Who are these for?», and she was told: «These crowns for your daughter Eupraxia, she will be coming to us after a short while.» The abbess told the nuns of the vision which she had seen, and commanded them not to tell Eupraxia about it. When her time came to depart of this world, she fell sick of a slight fever. The abbess and the nuns gathered around St. Eupraxia and asked her to remember them before the Divine Throne, then she departed in peace.

Then right after her departure the nun her friend departed, and shortly after, the abbess fell sick, so she gathered the nuns and told them: «Choose whom will be abbess over you, for I am going to the Lord.» When they came on the following morning to visit her, they found that she had departed. May their prayers be with us. Amen.

ءارذعلا ايسكارب ةسيدقلا ةحاين

تاهمرب 26 - ليربأ 4

ةسيدقلا تحينت مويلا اذه لثم فى تناك هذهو ءارذعلا ةيسكارب ةيوابوطلا

نمو ةيمور ةنيدم ءماظع نم نيدلاول ةنبا

اهدلاو ةحاين دنعو . سويرونأ كللما ةلئاع اهتدلاو تتأ نأ قفتاو اهب كللما صىوأ

ينتاسبلاو كلاملأا ةرجأ ليصحتل صرم لىا

اهعم اهتنبا تضرحأف اهجوز اهل اهكرت ىتلا

دحأب اتلزنو يننس عست ذئتقو اهرمع ناكو

لىع كلذ تابهار تناكو . ىراذعلا ةريدأ

تلاوكألما نلكأي لاف فشقتلاو كسنلا ةياغ

ارمخ نقذي لاو ، ةهكاف لاو اتيز لاو ةمسدلا ةيبصلا هذه تبحأف ضرلأا لىع نمنيو ، . هيف ىتلا ةمداخلاب تسنأتساو ريدلا

لا كنأ ىنيدهاع « : ةمداخلا اهل تلاقف

المو كلذ لىع اهتدهاعف « ريدلا اذه ينكترت

لا تتأ دق تناك يذلا اهلمع اهتدلاو تهنأ

ةلئاق اهعم ةدوعلا نع اهتنبا تعنتما هلج

بي ةجاح لاو حيسملل سيفن ترذن دق نىأ «

وه يقيقحلا سىيرع نلا ، لماعلا اذه لىا

كلذ اهتدلاو تفرع مالف . ، حيسلما ديسلا

تماقأو ينكاسلما لىع اهلام لك تعزو اهنم

.ملاسب تحينت مث يننس ةدع ريدلا في اهعم

اهبلطي لسرأف برخلا اذه سويرونأ عمسو ديسلل اهسفن ترذن اهنأب ةلئاق هتباجأف .

بجعتف اهرذن فلخت نأ ردقت لاو حيسلما

امأ اهكرتو اهنس رغص لىع اهاوقت نم كللما

ادبعت تدبعتو ةلضاف ةيرس تراسف يه

ةثلاث مث ينموي ينموي موصت تناكف ادئاز

نكت لم ينعبرلأا موص فيو اعوبسأف ةعبرأف ناطيشلا اهدسحف . اخوبطم ائيش لكأت

لايوط انامز اهتلمآ ةبضر اهلجر في اهبضرو

معنأ دقو اهافشو اهيلع برلا ننحت نأ لىإ

تناكو . ضىرلما ءافش ةبهوبم اهيلع برلا

اهتعاطل ةسيئرلا ملآاو تاوخلأا نم ةبوبحم . نهل ةميظعلا

ةدعم ليلاكأ ةسيئرلا تأر ليايللا ىدحإ فىو كتنبلا « : اهل ليقف ؟ هذه نلم تلأسف .

« ليلق دعب انيلا ءيجتس ىهو « ةيسكرب نهتصوأو تاوخلأا ليع ايؤرلا ملاا تصقو

اهمايأ تناح المو . اهب ةيسكارب نملعي لاأ ةطيسب

انلك انديس تاكبرلاو دوجلاو رهطلا ندعم ، ميرم ةيكزلا لوتبلا ءارذعلا انسنج رخفو . ينمآ ايدبأ
دجلما انهللإو
ىمح اهتترعا لماعلا اذه كترتل ةمداخلاو تاوخلأاو ملاا اهدنع عمتجاف يهللإا شرعلا مامأ نهركذت نأ اهنم بنلطو . ملاسب تحينت مث اهتقيدص ةمداخلا اهدعب تحينت مث تعمجف ملأا تضرم ليلقب اهدعبو اهنمقت نم في نربدت « نهل تلاقو تاوخلأا حابص فيو « برلا لىإ ةبهاذ نيلا نكيلع تحينت دق اهنأ ندجوف اهندقتفا لياتلا مويلا .. ينمآ . انعم نوكت عيمجلا ’لاص .

Reflections on the Holy Bible

Third Sunday of the Great Lent

Luke 15: 11-32

“I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son” Luke 15:18-19. How great is God’s love to mankind … for mankind from all other creations has a total free will from God … and with this, God granted (man( with a discerning mental ability and a loving heart and light the way before him with the commandments … it was possible for God to prevent man from falling in sin … it was possible for God to order the old serpent which is Satan and not let Satan tempt man in falling into sin … but then man would not be the same man who God has created in His own image and likeness … would not be the same man who God loved so much … but man would have become one of all the other non-speaking creations … so, in the story of the prodigal so, we find the father does not argue with his son for his demand … but in a amazing love, he (the father( divides the inheritance between the older brother and (the younger son( … and it was possible younger son to take his share and stay at home in his fathers’ house like his older brother … but it was, even possible for the father to stop him (the younger son( leaving … but the younger son acted according to his own will and here we see the absolute freedom God has granted to man to live a life of purity or evil and see the total equality in the treatment given to both and see God’s loving heart which is open to both.

God indeed wants the return of the sinners to Him … but He even seeks them and awaits their return … and He rejoices in their repentance … but He does not force them to return and repent … free will is gift and special grace given to man … but how harsh it is for man to abuse it … and the result of loosing this freedom is the freedom it-self, for man falls (victim( to hard master who has no mercy … then (man( becomes destitute … hungry … and exposed … thus man finds himself had loved the freedom of the world and lost his own freedom as a son of God and to return and regain his freedom as a son of God, he has to let go the freedom of the world and return to God who loves him and is waiting for him.

+ he squandered his property in reckless living … Men of the world think that freedom is to do what one wants … there are no bounds … and this leads man to arise in practicing this freedom, thinking one is taking from a limitless vigour or a treasure which never ends … not knowing despite this free will that one has to discipline one’s self and bring it into subjection (1st Corinthians 9:27( … strangely animals, God has given them an instinct which bounds them a limits in their lives … you will find they (the animals( have a system in eating … for those who are plant eating (herbivores( do not eat meats and meat eating animals (carnivores( do not eat plants … both have a season for mating and time for work (hunting( and times for rest … but the man of the world would live without any system or limits … inflected with a cruel disease called

فى ناك 00 اياصولاب همامأ قيرطلا .. ةيطخلا فى طوقسلا نم ناسنلاا عنيم نأ

ةيمدقلا ةيحلا رهتني نأ هللا ناكمإ فى ناك

ناسنلاا ىرغت اهعدي لاو ناطيشلا ىهو نوكي نل ذئدنع نكلو .. ةيطخلا فى طوقسلاب لىع هللا هقلخ ىذلا ناسنلاا وه ناسنلاا

ىذلا ناسنلاا وه نوكي نل .. هلاثمو هتروص ادحاو يرصي فوس ناك لب .. ادج هللا هبحأ .. ةقطانلا يرغ ىرخلأا تاقولخلما نم هنبإ شقاني لا بلأا دجن لاضلا نبلاا ةصق فىو هيخأ عم هل مسقي ةبيجع ةبحبم لب .. هبلط فى رغصلاا نبلاا ناكمإ فى ناكو .. هتشيعم بركلأا هيخأ لثم هيبأ تيب فى لظيو هبيصن ذخأي نأ نم هعنيم نأ بلاا ناكمأ فى ناكو لب .. بركلأا لماكب فصرت رغصلاا نبلأا نكلو .. جورخلا

اهاطعأ ىتلا ةلماكلا ةيرحلا دجن انهو هتدارأ ىرنو شرلا وأ برلا ةايح شيعيل ناسنلإل هللا

لكل هاطعلما تايناكملاا فى ةاواسلما اضيأ

.. ماهل حوتفلما بحلما هللا بلق ىرنو ماهنم

لب .. هيلا ةاطخلا عوجر بحي اقح هللا نأ

حرفيو .. مهتدوع رظتنيو مهءارو ىعسي لاو عوجرلا لىع مهمغري لا هنكلو .. مهتبوتب

ةصاخ ةبهو ةمعن ةدارلاا ةيرح .. ةبوتلا لىع

نأ بعصأ ام نكلو .. ناسنلإل هللا اهاطعأ اذهل ةجيتن لوأو .. اهمادختسأ ناسنلإا ءسىي

ناسنلاا طقسي ذإ اهتاذ ةيرحلا نادقف وه .. جاتحيف .. محري لا ساق ديس دي تحت بحأ هنأ ناسنلال دجيو .. ىرعتيو .. عوجيو

كىلو .. هللل نبأك هتيرح عاضأف لماعلا ةيرح

نع لىختي نأ هيلع هللل نبأك هتيرح ديعتسي لازامو هبحي ىذلا هللل دوعيو لماعلا ةيرح .. هرظتني

.. فسرم شعب هلام رذب +

لمعي نأ ىه ةيرحلا نأ نونظي لماعلا لهأ

قلطنيو .. ديق هيلع نوكي لا نأ .. ديري ام

نظي وهو ةيرحلا هذه ةسرمام فى ناسنلاا لا زنك نمو ةدودحم يرغ ةقاط نم فترغي

سادقلا ليجنا فى تلامأت سدقلما يربكلا موصلا نم ثلاثلا دحلأا 32 – 11 :15 اقول اقحتسم تسلو كمادقو ءماسلا لىا تاطخأ « 18
كل ىعدأ نأ نم طقف
هللا ةبحم مظعأ ام .. ةلماك
هللا هاطعأ
قئلاخ نود ءاضأو
:15 اقول »انبإ
اسنلإاف ..شربلل
ابحم ابلقو ازيمم لاقع هاطعأ اهعمو هللا
هنأ هنكل ةدارلاا رح هنأ مغر هنأ ىردي لاو .. غرفي مادختسإ فى سترحيو هسفن ديقي نأ ىغبني بيرغلاو .. )27 :9 لىولأا سوثنروك( هتقاط ادويق هل ددحت ةرطف هللا هاطعأ ناويحلا نأ لكآف .. هلكأ فى اماظن هل هدجتف .. هتايح فى لكأي لا محللا لكآو .. محللا لكأي لا بشعلا لمعلل اتاقوأو جاوزلل ماساوم هلو .. بشعلا ايحي ىلماعلا ناسنلإا نكلو .. مونلل اتاقوأو

squandering … perhaps being lavish and squandering in the financials is a bad habit … for a squanderer of his money will drown himself or herself in debts … but also, those who squander sleep time … or the one who squander in lack of sleep and there are squanderers of other types by being lavish, who hurt themselves and others around them … being lavish in speech … and how harmful such squanderer for himself or herself and those around him or her.

Jobs friends came to console him … and each one of them spoke in turn but their comforts were troubling so Job said to them “miserable comforters are you all” (Job 16:2( and another time said “oh, you would be silent” (Job 13:5( for they have troubled him with their speech rather than comforting his troubled feelings.

Goliath was very proud of his strength … he stood from day break to the evening in front of the army of the Israelites challenging them … defying God and tantalizing His people (1 Samuel 17( … he was waging a war of words more than a physical war … he was confronted by David the young youth who carried the armament of the Lord of Hosts … who silent this chattering giant. Many are the mistakes of the chattering person … and how wise is the person who taciturn … king Solomon said “Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive” (Proverbs 17:28( … there are some who love to chatter with much talk … as soon as they sit in a place they will start chattering … they don’t even stop to hear others! … St Makarios the great used to say to his disciples … “my children escape” and they asked what do we escape from ?? … he then pointed to his tongue and said escape from this …

To be squandering in excessive speech leads to talking about others and judging others and leads one to say things, one is not sure of it … and exaggerate and lie … but also will humiliate and wound others … also, in squandering is not only chattering with words, but also excess in glee … which quenches (spiritual( warmth of the heart … and makes one only seeking (physical( pleasure and self-pleasures, wasting time in (spiritually( unprofitable issues.

Also, there are those who practice excess squandering the physical needs … and how much troubles one can be concerned with such issues … the holy bible teaches us that having food and clothing, with these we shall be content (1st Timothy 6:8( … but man went to excess in his or her physical needs … and turned extravagances into essentials … only for the physical needs of the body, one will toil and toil even to the expense of his or her health and (the spiritual( expense of the future of his or her family and children … some of these excesses is caused by imitating others … or caused by greed … or simply cause by the love of possessions, There are many problems which is tearing apart families

ثركأ امو .. ملاكلا فى فسرلما .. هلوح نم نييرثكلاو هسفن فسرلما

ملكتي مهنم لك ذخأو .. هوزعيل بويأ باحصأ تىأ بويأ مهل لاقف ابعتم اءازع ناك مهءازع نكلو ةرم فىو )2 :16 بويأ( مكلك نوبعتم نوزعم

:13 بويأ( اتمص نوتمصت مكتيل مهل لوقي ىرخأ هسفن اوحيري نأ لادب مهملاكب هوبعتأ دقف )5 .. ةلماتلما نم فقي ناكو .. هتوقب ادج ازتعم تايلج ناك

مهيرعي ليئاسرإ ىنب شيج مامأ ءاسلما لىا حابصلا

)17 لولأا ليئومص( هبعش يرعو هللا لىع فدج .. ةيلعف ابرح اهنم ثركأ ةيملاك ابرح براحي ناك .. ةوق حلاسب نكلو يرغصلا ىتفلا دواد ههجاوو .. يرثكلا راثثرلا رابجلا اذه تمصأو .. دونجلا بر .. ملاكلا مكحأ امو .. ملاكلا يرثكلا ناسنلاا ءاطخأ ثركأ امو

ميكحلا نمايلس لوقي لب .. ملاكلا ليلقلا ناسنلاا :25 لاثمأ( »مايكح بسحي تمص اذا لهاجلا« ةرثثرلا اهمسأ ةياوه هدنع نم كانه ..)28-17 فى أدبي ىتح ناكم فى سلجي نأ ام .. ملاكلاو دوعت .. هيرغ عمسيل ىتح فقوتي لاو .. ملاكلا .. هذيملاتل لوقي نأ يربكلا سويراكم سيدقلا يرشيف .. ؟؟ رفن مام هل اولوقيف.. »اورف ىدلاوأاي« .. اورف اذه نم لوقيو هناسل لىا نبرخلاا ةيرس كسم لىا ىدؤي ملاكلا فى فاسرلااو يرغ ءايشأ لوقي ناسنلاا لعجيو نبرخلآا ةنادأو حرجيو ينهيو لب .. بذكيو غلابيو .. اهنم دكأتم اضيأ ملاكلا فى فاسرلاا نمو .. نيرخلاا روعش

بلقلا ةرارح ءىفطي اذهو .. كحضلا فى فاسرلاا

حرفو ةسرلما نع طقف ثحبي ناسنلاا لعجيو .. .. ديفي لا مايف هتقو عيضيو تاذلا ثركأ امو .. دسجلا تامماتهأ فى فسرلما كانهو

.. تامماتهلاا هذهب هسفن ناسنلاا بعتي ام توق انل ناك نأ هنأ انملعي سدقلما باتكلا نأ ..)8 :6 لىولأا سؤاثوميت( ماهب فتكنلف ةوسكو ةيدسجلا هتاجايتحأ فى ادج فسرأ ناسنلاا نكلو لجأ نمو .. تايروضر لىا تايهافرلا لوحو .. لىع ولو لمعيو لمعي راص دسجلا تاجايتحأ هدلاوأ لبقتسم باسح لىعو هتحص باسح نم يرثكلا فاسرلاا اذه ءاروو .. هتسرأ دارفأو ناك ابمرو .. نبرخلآل اديلقت ناك ابمر

.. فاسرلاا همسأ بعص ضرم هبيصي .. ماظن لاب ةيدالما ءايشلأا فى ةئطاخ ةداع فاسرلاا ناك ابمرو فى هسفن قرغيو رقتفي هلاومأ فى فسرلماف .. فسرلماو .. مونلا فى فسرلما اضيأ اذكهو.. نويدلا رخآ عون نم ينفسرم كانه نكلو مونلا مدع فى كانهف .. مهلوح نم نوضريو ادج مهسفنأ نوضري اذه لثم ضري ام
.. بابسلاا .. ءانتقلاا فى ةبحم ناك ابمر .. اعمط سرلاا نم يرثكلا قزتم ىتلا لكاشلما ثركأ امو فاسرلأا اذه ةروطخ نمو .. فاسرلاا اذه ببسب فى لماهإ .. ةيحورلا ةايحلا فى لماهإ همزلاي هنأ .. ةليضفلاو ومنلا فى لماهإ .. ةسرلأا دارفأب ةيانعلا .. روتفو ىحور فافج لماهلاا اذه عبتيو

because of such excesses … and the danger of such excess is that it is usually accompanied with neglect in the spiritual life … neglect in caring for each individual (spiritually( in the family … neglect in growing purity … and it follows such neglect is followed with spiritual dryness and being lukewarm (spiritually(.

+ he began to be in need …

When the son, was in his fathers’ house … putting everything in his fathers’ hands and surrendering his will and freedom by choice to his father … he was not in need of anything … but his father’s hired servants had more than enough bread (Luke 15:17( … and when he offered his freedom to the world … he hungered, unclothed and in need …

When Samson opened his heart to Delilah … and he allowed himself to lulled to sleep on her knees (Judges 16:19( … he lost his powers and freedom … he became animal like grinding (wheat( in prison like a steer … lost his sight, eyes and life too.

When Rehoboam listened to the consul of his friends, the youth he grow up with and rejected the advice of the elders, he lost ten tribes of his kingdom (1st Kings 12(

When Ahab obeyed Jezebel the evil woman (1st Kings 16( … Ahab lost his honour as a king and his place before God … and lost his kingdom and self …

Who ever puts his will and freedom in the world hands … will finish up in this miserable state … in need of the swine pods (to eat( and will not be given to him or her …

You are practicing these freedom in habits you love … such as smoking or drinking alcohol and in such you are refusing to submit this freedom and will to God and submitting to a hard master who has no mercy … destroying your body, health and your peace

Your practice your freedom in wearing the clothing which appeal to you and not caring if such is a stumbling block for others or not … and don’t care if it is suitable or not … aren’t you aware that unsuitable clothing is exposing mankind of his or her suitable cloak which is the cloak of grace … uncovering one of purity and virtue …

Many have exercised the freedom of world and the end result; they became slaves to the world … the young of the world speak of a false freedom wanting to do what they desire … dancing …. And singing … letting the reigns to their physical desires without any bounds … and what was the result?? The spread of violence … drugs … and crimes … also, the infectious diseases … and mental and physical collapse … is this the freedom they love … isn’t enough to see a young person being devoured by drugs and evil habits; to notice in his or her eyes the misery and slavery to despair Be aware, beloved … that you are deceived by such temporary pleasures … remember the rich man who pleased himself in the world sumptuously every day … he had nothing in the end … but he yearned for his tongue to be cooled by a drop of water and did not find (Luke 16:19-31( It better to learn to bind yourself before your bound by others

Learn to hold your tongue and tie it before you loose all

هيبأ تيب فى ءارجلاا نع زبخلا لضفي ناك عاجو اهدقف .. لماعلل هتيرح مدق امدنعو .. .. جاتحأو ىرعتو

امدنعو .. ةليلدل هبلق نوشمش حتف امدنع

:16 ةاضق( اهيتبكر لىع مانو اهل هسفن مدق

لىا لوحتو .. هتوق دقفو هتيرح دقف ..)19 دقف .. نايرثلاك نجسلا تيب فى نحطي اناويح .. اضيأ هتايح دقف مث هتيرصبو هرظن ثادحلااو هءاقدصأ ماعبحر عاطأ امدنع دقف خويشلا ةروشم ضفرو مهعم بىرت نيذلا .. )12 لولأا كولم( ةكلملما نم طابسأ ةشرع ةريشرلا ةأرلما لبازيأ باخآ عاطأ امدنع كلمك هتمارك باخآ دقف .. )16 لولأا كولم( هسفن عاضأو .. هللا مامأ هتناكم دقفو .. .. هتكلممو لصي .. لماعلا دي فى هتدارأو هتيرح عضي ىذلا بونرخ لىا جاتحي .. ةبعصلا ةياهنلا هذه لىا .. هل ىطعي لاو ريزانخلا ىتلا تاداعلا ةسرمام فى كتيرح سراتم تنأ

رومخلا بشر وأ ينخدتلا لثم .. اهبحت

هللل ةيرحلا هذه ميلست ضفرت كلذب تنأ

رمديو .. ادبأ محري لا ساق ديسل اهملستو

.. كملاسو كتحص دسفيو ايرمدت كدسج

ىتلا سبلالما ءادترأ فى كتيرح سراتم تنأو ةثرع ببست ثناك نأ لىابت لاو كبجعت

وأ ةقئلا تناك نأ لىابت لاو .. لا مأ نيرخلآل

يرغ سبلالما نأ يردت لا تنأو .. ةقئلا

تايرح اوسرام نيذلا ثركأ ام .. لماعلل مهسفنأ اودبعتسأ مهنأ ةجيتنلا ةفيزم ةيرح نع لماعلا بابش ثدحتي

نوسبلي .. نوديري ام اولعفي نأ نودييرف

نوقلطي .. نونغي .. نوصقري .. نوديري ام

طباوض نودب ةيدسجلا مهتاوهشل نانعلا

فنعلا راشتنأ ؟؟ ةجيتنلا تناك اذامو .. ضارملأاو .. مئارجلا و .. تارادخلماو ..

ىونعلما رايهنلااو .. ةيدعلماو ةيصعتسلما اهنوبحي ىتلا ةيرحلا ىه هذهأ .. ىدسجلاو هتسترفأ دق باش لىا رظنت نأ ىفكي ..

هينيع فى ىترل ةريشرلا تاداعلاو تارادخلما .. ةلذلماو ةيدوبعلاو سؤبلا لماعم لك

.. جاتحي أدتبأو + لك اعضاو .. هيبأ تيب فى نبلأا ناك امدنع هتيرحو هتدارأ امدقمو هيبأ دي فى ءشى لب
لىا جاتحي نكي لم .. هيبلأ هرايتخإب
يرغ ىذلا قئلالا بوثلا
تناكو لماعلا
ىرعت ةقئلالا
ةليضفلا نم هيرعت .. ةمعنلا بوث وه ةراهطلاو ةفعلا نم
هذهب عدخنت نأ كايأ .. بيبحلا اهيأ رذحأ ىذلا ىنغلا لجرلا نأ ركذت .. ةيتقولا ةذللا ءشى لك نم مرح .. لماعلا اذه فى هسفن ذذل هناسل لبي نأ ىهتشي ناك لب .. ةياهنلا فى .. )24 :16 اقول( دجي لاف ءالماب نأ لبق كسفن ديقت نأ ملعتت نأ لضفلاا

your friends and people and cannot find anyone to talk to … learn to tie your tommy and desires before you are destroyed by illness and you can’t eat anything at all … learn to control your senses … learn to control your sight before the time comes and your eyes are filled by dust … Learn to close your ears to evil and amusing talk before the time comes and you hear the words “Therefore you are inexcusable, O man” (Romans 2:1( + Father, I have sinned …

I have sinned because I left my father’s house … I have sinned because, I have submitted my freedom (and free will( to the world … I have sinned because I committed my self to sins … I have sinned because I did not limit my desires and did not control my senses and body … I have sinned Father, because I did not know the meaning of your love to me … and the meaning of the freedom (and free will( You have given to me … How magnificent and beautiful is the return of a sinner to God … for one returns knowing that there is no peace or comfort except with our Heavenly Father … one returns as a lost lamb who has been terrified and wounded by the wolves … and recognised there is no peace or rest except with the Good Shepherd …

Would you the sinner, return to your Father’s house??? You who is lost and tiered on account of sin … do you know your Heavenly Father is awaiting for you … and He rejoices in your return … you who have left your church which loves you and shepherds you and lost after false shepherds dressed in the clothing of lambs and deceiving you with half truth and partial verses … do you know, your original church, the strong which is built on the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and has been nourished by the blood of martyrs, is still waiting for you with open arms … you who have gone away from the source grace and the fountain of life … did the “broken cisterns that can hold no water” quench your (thirst( (Jeremiah 2:13( … did the waters of these bitter and salty fountains quench your (thirst(??

Did eat to fullness from these rotten and defiled meats?? Do you feel the warmth with these tattered clothing which the world deceived you by its (bright( colours?? Come to your Heavenly Father Who will kill the fattened calf for you and feed you with the heavenly manna and offer to you His Body and Blood to satisfaction … He will dress you in the best robe, the robe of righteousness, purity and grace … and will put on your feet shoes to trample upon serpents scorpions all the powers of the enemy … and will put a ring on your finger … the ring of sonship to God for you are bought by the Lord of Lords and King of Kings … He shall rejoice in your (return( and invite the whole heavenlies to rejoice in your return and say “let us eat and celebrate, for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found” …

يننيعلا لزهلا ملاكو شرلا ملاك نع كينذأ قلغت نأ ملعت

تنأ« ةرابع هيف عمست ىذلا تقولا تىاي نأ لبق .. )1 :2 ةيمور( »ناسنلاا اهيأ رذع لاب .. هاتبأاي تأطخأ + نىلأ تأطخأ .. بىأ تيب تكرت نىلا تأطخأ تللذأ نىلأ تأطخأ .. لماعلل ىتيرح تملس لمو تىاوهش ديقأ لم نىلا تأطخأ .. راشرلأل سىفن هاتبأ اي تأطخأ .. ىدسجو ىزئارغ فى مكحتأ ةيرحلا ىنعم و .. لى كبح ىنعم فرعأ لم نىلا .. اهايأ ىنتيطعأ ىتلا

هنأ .. هللا لىا ءىطاخلا ةدوع عور أ امو لمجأ ام نأ عيطتسي لا هنأ فرع دقو دوعي دوعي .. ىوماسلا هيبأ دنع لاإ ملاسو ةحار دجي

هتبعرأو بائذلا هتبهرأو ةعيطق نم لض لمحك

دنع لاإ هل ةحار لاو ملاس لا هتأ كردأو .. هتحرجو .. حلاصلا هيعار

؟؟؟ كيبأ تيب لىا ىطاخلا اهيأ دوعت له نأ ملعت له .. كتبعتأو ةيطخلا كتلضأ نماي

كتدوعب حرفيو .. كرظتني ىوماسلا كوبأ

تللضو كاعرتو كبحت ىتلا كتسينك تكرت نماي

نلامحلا سبلام نوسبلي هبذك ةاعر ءارو .. قئاقحلا فاصنأو تايلاا فاصنأب كوعدخيو ةسسؤلما ةيوقلا ةليصلاا كتسينك نأ ملعت له ءادهشلا ءامدب ةيوترلماو حيسلما ديسلا مد لىع نم اي .. كل اهناضحأ حتفتو كرظتنت تلازام له .. ةايحلا عوبنيو ةمعنلا ردصم نع تدعب ؟ءام طبضت لا ىتلا ةققشلما رابلآا كلت كتعبشأ

رابلاا كلت هايم كتورأ له .. )13 :2 ايمرإ( ةرلما ةحلالما ؟؟ ةسندلما ةنفعلا موحللا كلت نم تعبش له ىتلا ةقزملما ةيلابلا لماسلأا كلت كتأفد له

ىوماسلا كيبأ لىا لاعت ؟؟ اهناولأب لماعلا كعدخ كعبشي فوس نمسلما لجعلا كل حبذي فوسو

هدسج هسفن كل مدقي فوس ىوماسلا نلما نم لىولاا ةلحلا كسبلي فوس .. هنم عبشتل همدو فى عضي فوس .. ةمعنلاو ةراهطلاو برلا بوث براقعلاو

.. نورخلآا كديقي دقفت نأ لبق هديقتو كناسل طبرت نأ ملعت ملكتت نم دجت لاف ناسنأ لكو قيدص لك هببسب نأ لبق كتاوهشو كنطب ديقت نأ ملعت .. هعم ءشى لكأت نأ عيطتست لاف ضارملاا كمطحت مكحت .. كساوح فى مكحتت نأ ملعت .. ةرلماب هيف لاتتم ىذلا تقولا تىأي نأ لبق كتارظن فى .. باترلاب
تايحلا لىع هب سودت ءاذح كيلجر كعبصأ فى اتماخ عضي فوس .. ودعلا تاوق لكو كوللما كللم بستنت تنأف هللل ةونبلا متاخ .. ءماسلا وعديو كب حرفي فوس .. بابرلأا برو ىعم اوحرفأ اولاعت« لوقيو كتدوعب حرفتل اهلك . »دجوف لااض ناكو شاعف اتيم ناك اذه ىنبأ نأ

The Departure of St. Macarius the Great.

5th April - 27th Baramhat

On this day also, of the year 392 A.D. the blessed father, the lamp of the wilderness and the father of all the monks the great saint Anba Macarius, departed. This Saint was born in the village of Shabsheer - Menuf, from good and righteous parents. His father’s name was Abraham and his mother’s name was Sarah and they had no son. In a vision at night he saw the angel of the Lord and told him that God was about to give him a son, and his name will be known all over the earth, and he will have a multitude of spiritual sons.

Shortly after, this holy man had a son and called him Macarius which means “Blessed.” He was obedient to his parents, and the grace of God was upon him since his young age. When he grew up his father forced him to get married against his will, so he pretended that he was sick for several days. Then he asked his father if he might go to the wilderness to relax and that may make him recover from his illness speedily. He went to the wilderness and prayed to the Lord Christ to direct him to do what is pleasing to Him. While he was in the wilderness he saw a vision, and it seemed that one of the Cherubim, with wings, took his hands, and ascended up to the top of the mountain, and showed him all the desert, east and west, and north and south. The Cherub told him: “God has given this desert to you and your sons for an inheritance.” When he returned from the wilderness he found that his wife, who was still virgin, had died, and Macarius thanked the Lord Christ. Shortly after, his parents departed, and he gave all what they had left to the poor and the needy. When the people of Shabsheer saw his chastity and purity, they took him to the bishop of Ashmoun who ordained him a priest for them. They built a place for him outside the city, and they went to him to confess and to partake from the Holy Mysteries. They appointed a servant to take care of his needs and to sell for him the work of his hands.

When Satan saw St. Macarius growth in virtues, he brought on him a severe temptation. He inspired a girl that had defiled herself with a man to claim that St. Macarius is the one who had defiled her. When her family heard that, they went to him, insulted and beat him severely, inflicting much pain on him, which he endured silently. Macarius reproached himself saying “O Macarius now you have a wife and a child, and it is meet for you to work day and night for your own food and for that of your child and your wife.” He worked continually at weaving mats and baskets, and he gave them to the man who ministered unto him; and he sold them and gave the money to the woman. When the day of her delivery drew near her labor was exceedingly difficult, she continued to suffer for four days and did not deliver until she confessed her false accusation against the Saint and named the man that defiled her.

When the family of the girl heard that, they decided to go to ask for his forgiveness for what happened from them. When St. Macarius heard that, he fled away from them running from the vain glory of this world.

At that time he was 30 years old, and the angel of the Lord appeared to him and walked with him for two days until they came to Wadi El-Natroun and the Saint asked the angel: “Appoint for me O master a place to live in.” The angel replied: “I have not marked out a place for you to live, lest you leave it in the future and transgress the commandment of God. Behold all the wilderness is yours, so wheresoever you wish, live there.” St. Macarius dwelt in the Inner Desert, in the place of the monastery of Sts. Maximus and Domadius which is known now by the monastery of El-Baramous. He went to visit St. Antonios, who said about St. Macarius when he saw him: “This is an Israelite in whom there is no guile.” St. Antonios put on him the Holy Eskeem, then St. Macarius returned to his place. When the number of monks increased around him he built a church for them. His fame was known all over the country and many kings and

Emperors heard about the miracles that God performed on his hands. He healed the daughter of the king of Antioch that was possessed by an unclean spirit. The angel of the Lord appeared to him and took him to a place and told him to make this place his abode, for many people will come to him in that place. He built a cell for himself and a church.

He thought one day that the world had no more righteous people, so a voice came to him from heaven saying: “In the city of Alexandria there are two women who feared God.” He took his staff, his provisions, and went to Alexandria and he asked around until he reached their house. When he entered, they welcomed him, washed his feet with warm water, and when he asked them about their life, one of them told him: “There is no kinship between us and when we married these two brothers we asked them to leave us to be nuns but they refused. So we committed ourself to spent our life fasting till evening with often prayers. When each of us had a son, whenever one of them cry, any one of us would carry and nurse him even if he was not her own son. We are in one living arrangement, the unity in opinion is our model, and our husbands work is shepherding sheep, we are poor and only have our daily bread and what is left over we give it to the poor and the needy.” When the Saint heard these words he cried saying: “Indeed God looks to the readiness of the heart and grant the grace of His Holy Spirit for all those who wish to worship him.” He bade them farewell and left returning to the wilderness.

There was an erring monk who strayed many by his saying that there was no resurrection of the dead. The bishop of the city of Osseem went to St. Macarius and told him about that monk. Abba Macarius went to that monk and stayed with him until the monk believed and returned from his error.

On the day of his departure, he saw Sts. Antonios and Pachomius, and a company of the saints, and he delivered up his soul. He was ninety-seven years old.

St. Macarius had commanded his disciples to hid his body, but some of the natives of the city of Shabsheer came and stole his body, built a church for him and placed the body in it for around one hundred and sixty years until the Arab conquest and the rebuilding of his monastery, they returned the body to it.

In a manuscript in Shebeen El-Koum, was mentioned that St. Babnuda, his disciple, saw the soul of St. Macarius ascending to heaven, and he heard the devils crying out and calling after him, “You have conquered us O Macarius.” The Saint replied “I have not conquered you yet.” When they came to the gates of heaven they cried again saying “You have conquered us”, and he replied as the first time. When he entered the gate of heaven they cried “You have overcome us O Macarius.” He replied “Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ who has delivered me from your hands.”

May his blessing be with us. Amen.

+ Remember O Lord the

Departed: Departed in Lord Dr Khairy Sedrak

Husband of Danota Sedrak and father of Mark, Paul, Josephine, Barbra, Elizabeth, Nigel. Brother of Shawky, Kamal, Nawal, Suad, Rachel, Emtithal Mikhail and their families. He is also uncle of Ayman, Robert,Mina Mikhal, Jckie Abdelmessih and Mary Attia. May the Lord repose his soul in the paradise of joy, and give comfort to his family, amen.

:نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + /روتكدلا موحرملا ةمايقلا ءاجر ىلع دقر دلاوو اتوناد /ةديسلا جوز كاردس ىريخ ارابرابو نيفزوجو لوبو كرام نم لك ىقوش نم لك قيقشو لجينو ثيبازيلاو لاثتمأو ليشارو داعسو لاونو لامكو انيمو تربورو نميأ نم لك معو ليئاخيم ىرامو حيسملا دبع ىكاجو ليئاخيم .ةيطع دعب زانجلا دعوم ددحي مل دارفأ لك ىزعيو هسفن حيني بحملا برلا ةرسلأا


St Mary’s Church representative to make a reservation is Mrs Mona Amin, mobile 0423 473 630

ةعمجلا - يننثلأا - عوبسلأا طسو تاسادق


ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب سدقلما موصلا

ص ١١ - ٩ يننثلأا

رهظلا دعب ٣ - ١٢ & احابص ٧ - ٥ ءاثلاثلا

احابص ١١ - ٩ ءاعبرلأا

ءاسم ٧ - ٥ & احابص ١١ - ٩ سيمخلا

احابص ١١ - ٩ ةعمجلا

Sanctuary of the New St John Chrysostom Church
مفلا ىبهذ انحوي سيدقلا ةسينكب لكيهلا ةيقرش

Rembrandt – The return of the Prodigal Son

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn: The Return of the Prodigal Son, 1666/1669

Oil on canvas, 262 x 206 cm, St. Petersburg, Hermitage (detail(

Mehr Infos: https://www.kunst-meditation.it/en/historical-art/ rembrandt-the-prodigal-son/

The very dark acting in the whole scene lets the bright shiny group of father and son come out more. The image is determined by the easily forwards stooped shape of the old father and his son kneeling in front of him.

The face of the father is easily bent after to the side, the eyes seem almost to be blind like Rembrandt himself in his last time. The light coming from the left letzs his big forehead look especially remarkable. The face is framed by an engaged headgear, grey hair and a long beard easily divided in the middle. Over the shoulders the father carries a short red cape with tassels reaching up to his forearms. He moves with open, slightly spread hands over the bright back and shoulders of his son.

Remarkably the difference of the hands, they seem almost female with elegant fingers and male with exhausted skin. The son rests with closed eyes and his turned head against the father, his head shaven like a slave. The head reminds also strongly of the brains oft newborn children birth – birth also means the found again son!

The son carries only a worn out linen coloured simple girth petticoat. One recongnises by his right side in a scabbard the handle of a short sword – the son has never lost completely his family pride and his honour! The simple footwear oft the son bears clear traces of wear and tear. The left foot rests – with the naked sole towards the viewer –beside the taken off shoe.

Image interpretation

Rembrandt chooses for his interpretation of the simile the quintessential point of the story of Jesus: the mercy of the father to the repentant son. Besides, conspicusly Rembrandt moves the hands oft he father in the centre. Differently than in the story in which from an embrace oft the father is his speech, the hands lie like a blessing on the shoulders oft he son. The gesture is an expression of forgiveness and love. These are deeply internal, concealed events which is underlined by the careful touch and the closed eyes oft the father and the son.

The intimacy and unconditionality of this respect is still strengthened by opposition in the appearance. Thus meet the father and son, young and old, wealth and poverty. While the father ständs, the son kneels, while the father from the house has stepped, the son from the stranger comes. Even if we can recognise the face oft he son only a little, nevertheless, the deep attachment of both persons is emphasised by the brightly shining light once again.

+ Congratulation:

Special congratulations for Miss Nancy Saba: Completed Bachelor of Social Work on 18/03/24 from Victoria University .

Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal - 2024

«Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.» Psalm 41:1

Beloved congregation ot the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions,

As we begin the blessed season of The Great Holy lent and the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection, Coptic Hope Charity Is pleased to announce the Easter Hamper Appeal2024.

With the love and generosity of the Coptic Orthodox congregation, Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal supports our less fortunate brothers and sisters across the poorest villages and provinces throughout Egypt.

Our aim this year Is to present 4500 Easter Hampers where your gift of $65 for each Easter Hamper Includes Meat, rice, flour, butter, milk, sugar etc. to make celebrating the Feast of Resurrection a special time for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Easter Hamper Appeal Is to provide hampers to be distributed amongst as many families as possible. Including the 1400 families in our Family-to-Family program.

lo contribute to Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal or assist with ongoing support please donate with reference «Easter Hamper Appeal» to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at www.coptichope.org.au

Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity limited AIF

BSB: 063-159

Account Name: 10686722

Tax deductible receipts for all donations ab.ve $2 will be Issued upon receipt.

All funds raised by Coptic H.pe Charity are for the sole purposes 0f the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need.

On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity and support.

For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email: info@coptichope.org.au

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project as on 27th February 2024

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready March 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be

2022 ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .2024 سرام عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser(
Site 27th March 2024
at the new church
very appreciated.

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