Weekly Bulletin 6th August 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Martyrdom of St. Apoli, Son of Justus.

7th August - 1st Mesra

On this day, St. Apoli (Aboli), son of Justus, son of Emperor Nomarius, was martyred. This Saint was the crown prince of the Roman empire. He was away in war, and when he returned to Antioch, he found Diocletian had already established the pagan worship of idols. Although Apoli was capable of killing him and taking the empire over from him, he preferred the heavenly everlasting kingdom. St. Apoli came forward, and confessed Christ before Diocletian. In the beginning, Diocletian handled him gently, but when he failed to attract him to the worship of the idols, he banished him along with his father, Justus, and his mother, Theoclia to the city of Alexandria. He wrote to Armanius, its governor, to persuade them to offer sacrifice to the gods, and if they refuse, to separate them from each other.

Armanius, knowing their royal positions, sent Justus (the father) to Ansena (Antinoe), his wife to the city of Sa, and Apoli, their son, to Basta. He also left to each of them one of their servants to minister unto them. When Apoli arrived in the city of Basta, he confessed Christ before its governor who tortured him severely. He beat him, burned him, and dismembered him. When the governor saw that many became Christians because of what they saw from the steadfastness of the Saint to the tortures, and that the Lord was healing him from his wounds, he ordered to cut off his holy head, and thus received the crown of martyrdom. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. Kyrillos V (Cyril), 112th Pope of Alexandria.

On this day also, of the year 1643 A.M. (August 7, 1927

A.D.) the righteous and honorable father Pope Kyrillos V, 112th Pope of Alexandria, departed. This father was born in the city of Tezment, governorate of Beni-Swaif in 1831 A.D. His pious parents named him John, brought him up well, and raised him up in the Christian morals. He had a strong desire to study the Holy Bible and the biography of the saints.

When he was 12 years old, in 1843 A.D., he was ordained a deacon and carried the deaconate duties ardently. Because he was inclined at a young age to the life of asceticism, and solitary life, he left the world, and went to St. Mary’s monastery (Known by El-Sourian) in Wadi El-Natrun. There he became a disciple to the spiritual elder, the hegumen, Fr. Girgis El-Far, the father of confession of the monks. When John’s father discovered where he was, he came to the monastery and brought him back, but because of his love for the ascetic life, he did not stay long. He returned to the wilderness, and became a monk at El-Baramous monastery in the year 1850 A.D. He excelled in his monastic duties and became known for his asceticism, purity, and gentleness, and became a good paragon to the other monks. He was ordained a priest in 1851 A.D., then promoted to Hegumen (Archpriest) in 1852 A.D. The number of monks in the monastery then was small and its

سطسي نب لىابا سيدقلا داهشتسا ىسرم ١ - سطسغأ ٧ نب ليابأ سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في اذه ناك . سويرامرون كللما نبا سطسي في بيغت دقو مورلا ةكلمم دهع ليو سيدقلا سونايدلقد دجو ةيكاطنإ لىإ داع المو برحلا ناك ليابأ نأ عمو ناثولأا ةدابع ماقأ دق هنأ لاإ هنم ةكلملما ذخأو هلتق ليع ارداق مدقتف لوزت لا يتلا ةيقابلا ةكلملما راتخا هفطلاف حيسلماب فترعاو سونايدلقد لىإ لىإ هبذج في حلفي لم ذأو ايرثك سونايدلقد همأو سطسي هيبأ عم هافن ناثولأا ةدابع لىإ بتكو ةيردنكسلإا ةنيدم لىإ هيلكؤاث اوصع نأو ، لاوأ مهفطلاي نأب اهيلاو سوينامرأ فرعي ناك لياولا سوينامرأ نلاو مهنيب قرفي انصنأ لىإ سطسي لسرأ دقف ةيكللما مهتلزنم كرتو ةطسب لىإ هنبا ليابأو اص لىإ هتجوزو ليابأ تيأ المو . همدخي املاغ مهنم دحاو لكل اباذع لياولا هبذع حيسلماب فترعأو ةطسب لىإ المو ءاضعلأا عيطقتو قرحلاو بضرلاب مايلأ اوأر ام ببسب نونمؤي نييرثك نأ لياولا يأر نأو بيذعتلا ليع سيدقلا اذه تابث نم عطقب رمأ ، هتاحارج نم هيفشي ناك برلا ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانف سدقلما هسأر ينمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص اباب سماخلا سليرك سيدقلا ابابلا ةحاين شرع نياثلا ةئالما ةيردنكسلإا ٧ ( ش ١643 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم فيو يقتلا بلأا حينت ) م ١92٧ ةنس سطسغأ نياثلاو ةئالما سماخلا سليرك ابابلا ليلجلا اذه دلو .ةيسقرلما ةزاركلا تاواباب نم شرع فيوس ينب ةظفاحبم تنمزت ةنيدم في بلأا انحوي هايمسف ينيقت نيوبأ نم م ١83١ ةنس بادلآا ليع هأشنأو ةيبرت نسحأ هايبرو في ةساردلا لىإ ديدش ليم اذ ناكو ةيحيسلما . ينسيدقلا رابخأو سدقلما باتكلا يتنثا نبا وهو اسماش مسر م ١843 ةنس فيو مايق يرخ ةيسماشلا ةمدخب ماقف ةنس ةشرع دهزلا لىإ يرطفلا هعبطب لاايم ناك المو . لماعلا كرت دقف ةدحولا بحو فشقتلاو نايسرلاب يرهشلا ءارذعلا ةديسلا ريد دصقو خيشلا بلأل ذملتت كانهو ، نورطنلا يداوب فاترعا بأ رافلا سجرج صمقلا يحورلا هذخأو هيلإ ضرحف هناكبم هوبأ ملعو نابهرلا هيلع اكلمتم ناك يذلا كسنلا بح نكلو بهرتو ةيبرلا لىإ داعف لايلق ثبلي هعدي لم نسحأف . م ١850 ةنس سومبرلا ريد في كسنلاب رهتشاو ةنبهرلا تابجاوب مايقلا ةحلاص ةودق حبصأ ىتح ملحلاو ةفعلاو م ١85١ ةنس اسق هومسرف نابهرلا رئاسل في ريدلا ددع ناكو م ١852 ةنس اصمق مث داكي ريدلا داريإو ادج لايلق تقولا كلذ

income was very little. This Father worked hard in transcribing and selling books to churches. The income was used to buy the necessities of the monks, such as food and clothing.

His virtues of knowledge, righteousness, and gentleness became well known. He was ordained a Patriarch, in the 23rd of Babah, 1591 A.M. (November 1st, 1874 A.D.) in a venerable celebration. He directed his attention to building churches, renovating monasteries, being merciful to the poor, and caring for the affairs of the monks. In 1892 A.D., he chose to be exiled, rather than to squander the properties of the monasteries. Anba Youanis, Metropolitan of El-Behara, Menoufia, and then the deputy of the See of St. Mark, was also exiled with him. Afterwards, both returned from their exile with much respect and honor.

During his papacy the church was adorned by knowledgeable and holy men: among them was the great father, the man of purity, meekness, and charity, Anba Abraam, Bishop of El-Fayoum. This bishop’s virtues had spread vastly, and his almsgiving to the poor had reached a point where he did not save any money. All the donations he received from the benevolent, he gave to the poor and needy. He also performed many wonders such as healing the sick and casting out evil spirits.

Another was the well learned, great theologian and skillful orator, the Hegumen (Archpriest) Philotheos Ibrahim El-Tantawy, rector of the great St. Mark Church. Also, the well learned father the honorable and the ascetic monk the Hegumen Fr. Abdel Messih Saleeb El-Baramousy, who was well educated in Coptic, Ethiopian, Greek, and Syrian languages. He also knew some French and English. He was characterized with immeasurable patience in research and examining religious books. In return, he left valuable publications which speak of his prominence.

Pope Kyrillos appointed the late Habib Girgis, who was the dean of the theological seminary, to be his deacon. He dedicated his life to the seminary and its improvement. Mr. Girgis assisted the Pope in expanding its buildings in Mahmasha. Pope Kyrillos often visited the seminary and blessed its students. This deacon was a skillful speaker. He accompanied the Pope in his pastoral visits to Upper Egypt and Sudan. He translated many religious books from foreign languages to Arabic and published El-Karma periodical, to spread the facts of the faith in a positive way. He published many books, among them were: The Seven Sacraments of the Church, The Consoler of the Faithful, The Mystery of Piety, and many others. He taught and nurtured many generations of clerical men who flourished in the church and filled it with their sermons and religious publications.

The Pope gave the utmost of his efforts to lift his flock to the highest spiritual level, as he was prudent in printing the church books. He departed in peace, after spending fifty-two years, nine months and six days on the Patriarchal chair.

May his prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever.

دجيو دكي بلأا اذه ناكف امودعم نوكي فصريو سئانكلل اهيمدقتو بتكلا خسن في ةوسكو لكأ نم نابهرلا تابلط ليع اهنثم يوقتو ملحو ملع نم هلئاضف تعاذو ( ش ١59١ ةنس هباب 23 في اكريرطب مسرف بيهم لافتحاب ) م ١8٧4 ةنس برمفون لوأ سئانكلا ءانبب مماتهلاا لىإ هتيانع هجوف ءارقفلا ليع فطعلاو ةريدلأا ديدجتو ١892 ةنس فيو . نابهرلا نوئشب ةيانعلاو كلامأ في طرفي نأ نم يفني نأ لضف م نارطم سنؤي ابنلأا هعم يفن ماك نابهرلا ةيسقرلما ةزاركلا ليكوو ةيفونلماو ةيرحبلا ماهافنم نم نانثلاا داع كلذ دعبو ذئتقو . نيدئاز ماترحاو ماركإب ينسيدقلاب هصرع في ةسينكلا تنادزا دقو رهطلا لجر ميظعلا بلأا مهنم : ءمالعلاو سيرك نارطم مآربا ابنلأا ناسحلإاو ةعادولاو ثلاثلا مويلا تحت هخيرات بتك( مويفلا هلئاضف تغلب يذلا برحلا اذه )ىسرم نم نم غلبو راشتنلااو عويذلا نم اديعب ادح ىوذو ءارقفلا ليع ناسحلإا في هيهانت ناك لب ادوقن رخدي نكي لم هنأ تاجاحلا ليع هعزوي يرخلا لهأ هل همدقي ام لك اهارجأ يتلا بئاجعلا نم هلو ينجاتحلما ءشيلا ضيرلما ءافشو ينطايشلا جارخإ في . يرثكلا يرطخلا تيوهلالا بلأا ءمالعلا نمو سؤاثوليف سناموغيلاا ريدقلا بيطخلاو ةيسقرلما ةسينكلا سيئر يواطنطلا ميهاربا بهارلاو ليلجلا لماعلا بلأاو ىبركلا بيلص حيسلما دبع صمقلا دهازلا كسانلا تاغللاب امات امالمإ مالم ناك يذلا سيومبرلا ةينايسرلاو ةينانويلاو ةيشبحلاو ةيطبقلا ليحت دقو ةيزيلجنلإاو ةيسنرفلا نم ليلقو في بيقنتلاو ثحبلا في يراجي لا برصب ةنيثم تافلؤم كترف ةينيدلا بتكلا ايانث سليرك ابابلا ذختا دقو . هلضفب قطنت اريدم ناك يذلا سجرج بيبح موحرلما هتايح سركف : هل اسماش ةيكييرلكلاا ةيكلل عيسوت في ابابلا دعاسو اهب ضهنو ةيلكلل كرابيل اهروزي ابابلا ناكو ةشمهبم اهينابم اريدق اظعاو سماشلا اذه ناكو اهتبلط نادوسلاو ديعصلا لىإ هتلاحر في ابابلا قفار تاغللا نم ةينيدلا بتكلا ةمجترب ماقو ةمركلا ةلجم ردصأو ةيبرعلا لىإ ةيبنجلأا . بياجيإ بولسأب ةينايملإا قئاقحلا شرنل ةسينكلا راسرأ باتك : اهنم ةيرثك ابتك فلأو ىوقتلا سرو يننمؤلما ءازع باتكو ةعبسلا نم ةيرثك لاايجأ بيرو ملع دقو اهيرغو اوئلمو ةسينكلاب اوضهن نيذلا نيدلا لاجر ةينيدلا تافلؤلما رادصإو ظعولاب اهربانم في هدهج صيقأ كريرطبلا ابابلا لذب دقو.

The Departure of St. Pa›esa (Athanasia).

8th August - 2nd Mesra

On this day, St. Pa›esa, departed. She was born in Menouf, to pious and rich parents. When her parents died, she turned her house into a shelter for the poor and the sojourner. She accepted everyone that came to her fulfilling their every need until she ran out of money. Evil people gathered around her, and turned her mind to the ungodly way. She turned her home into a house of prostitution. When this news reached the elders of Shiheet, they sorrowed for her with great sorrow. The elders called upon St. John, the Short, and asked him to go to her, as an act of mercy, and to aid her in saving her soul, in turn for the good that she had done for them. The saint obeyed the elders and asked them to support him with their prayers. When St. John came to where she lived, he asked her maid to announce his presence. When the maid informed her, Pa›esa adorned herself, and called him in. As he was walking, he was saying, «Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. For thou art with me.» (Ps. 23:4) When he sat down, he looked to her and said, «Why did you belittle the Lord Christ, and do this evil deed?» She trembled, and her heart was melting from the words of the Saint who bent his head and started weeping. She asked him, «Why do you weep?» He answered, «Because I see the devils playing on your face, and therefore I weep for you.» She asked him, «Is there any repentance for me?» He replied, «Yes, but not in this place.» She said to him, «Take me wherever you wish.»

Then he took her to one of the convents close by the wilderness of Shiheet. On their way it became dark. St. John told her to sleep in one place, while he slept far away from her. When he stood up to pray the midnight prayer, he saw a pillar of light coming down from heaven to earth, and the angels of God were carrying the Soul of Pa›esa. When he approached her, he found that she had departed. Then he knelt down and prayed fervently, with tears, asking God to reveal to him concerning her fate. He heard a voice saying, «Her repentance was accepted in the moment that she repented.» After the saint had buried her, he returned to the Elders and told them what had happened. They all glorified the Lord who accepts the repentants and forgive their sins. May her prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

Departure of Hezekiah the King

10th August - 4th Mesra

On this day, the righteous King Hezekiah son of Ahaz the King, departed. He was of the seed of David, of the tribe of Judah. There was no king appointed over the children of Israel, like this righteous man, after David. The other kings worshipped the idols and built altars for them. After becoming King, Hezekiah destroyed the idols, and demolished their altars, therefore God rewarded him for

عبطب متهأ ماك يوتسم يقرأ لىإ هبعشب ضوهنلا ليع ضيق نا دعب ملاسب حينتو . ةسينكلا بتكلا ةعستو ةنس ينسمخو ينتنثا ةيكريرطبلا سيرك . مايأ ةتسو رهشأ ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت هتلاص ةسيئاب سيدقلا ةحاين ىسرم 2 - سطسغأ 8 . ةسيئاب ةسيدقلا تحينت مويلا اذه لثم في فيوت المو ينيقت ينينغ نيوبأ نم فونم في تدلو ينكاسلماو ءابرغلل يوأم اهلزنم تلعج اهادلاو هتجاح هل ضيقتو اهدصقي نم لك لبقت تراصو ةيرسلا ءاي درأ موق اهب عمتجاف اهلام ذفن ىتح اراد اهتيب تلعجف ةيطخلا لىإ اهركف اولوحو اونزحف تيهيش خويشب هبرخ لصتاف ةراعدلل انحوي سيدقلا اوعدتساو مايظع انزح اهيلع ةمحر اهعم عنصيل اهيلإ باهذلاب هوفلكو يرصقلا اهتدعاسمو مهعم يرخلا نم هتعنص ام ضوع مهلأسو سيدقلا مهعاطأف اهسفن صلاخ ليع ميقت ثيح لىإ تيأ المو . مهتاولصب هودعاسي نأ مالف « يدوجوب كتديس يملعأ « : ةمداخلل لاق لائاق لتري وهو لخدف هتعدتساو تنيزت اهتملعأ كنلأ اشر فاخأ لا تولما يداو في تسر اذإ : اهيلإ رظن سلج المو ) 4 : 23 زم( « يعم تنأ تيتأو حيسلما ديسلاب تنهتسا اذالم « : لاقو نم اهبلق باذو تدعتراف « ؟ ءيدرلا رملأا اذه كيبي أدبو هسأر ينحأ يذلا سيدقلا ملاك يرثأت »: هلوقب اهباجأف « ؟ كيكبي يذلا ام « : هتلأسف اذهلف« كهجو ليع بعلت ينطايشلا نياعأ نيلأ ةبوت لي لهو « « هل تلاقف « كيلع كيبأ انأ اذه في سيل نكلو معن « هلوقب اهباجأف « ؟ « ءاشت ثيح لىإ نيذخ « : هل تلاقف « ناكلما لبج نم ةبيرقلا تابهارلا ةريدأ دحأ لي اهذخأف امأ ، انه يمان اهل لاق تقولا سيمأ المو تيهيش ةلاص ليصي فقو المو اهنع اديعب مان دقف وه ءماسلا نم لازان رون نم ادومع يأر ليللا فصن ةسيئاب حور ينلماح هللا ةكئلامو ضرلأاب لاصتم ليصو دجسف تتام دق اهدجو اهنم بترقا المو اهرمأ هفرعي نأ هللا لىإ ابلاط عومدو ةرارحب في تلبق دق اهتبوت نا « : لائاق توص هءاجف باترلا اهاراو اهدعبو « اهيف تبات يتلا ةظحللا هللا اودجمف يرج ابم مهملعأو خويشلا لىإ داع ةلاص. مهاياطخ مهل رفغيو ينبئاتلا لبقي يذلا . ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت ةسيدقلا هذه ينمآ كللما ايقزح ةحاين ىسرم 4 - سطسغأ ١0 ايقزح رابلا كللما حينت مويلا اذه لثم في طبس دواد لسن نم وهو كللما زاحأ نب ليع هلثم كلم مقي لم قيدصلا اذه . اذوهي اودبع اعيمج مهنلأ . دواد دعب ليئاسرإ ينب امدنع هنأف وه امأ حباذلما اهل اونبو ناثولأا هازاج دقو اهحباذم مدهو مانصلأا سرك كلم

more than what he had done. In the fourteenth year of his kingdom, Sennacherib, King of Persia, came and besieged Jerusalem. He was a great and very powerful king, and all the other kings in his time were afraid of him. Hezekiah also feared him, and sent him large sums of money, but Sennacherib was not satisfied with them. Instead, he threatened and intimidated Hezekiah, and he reviled, with his unclean tongue, God, the Glorious and Most High, saying, Do not be deceived by your God that you are depending on him saying, ‘Do not deliver Jerusalem to the hands of King of Persia.’ Then Hezekiah wept, rent his garments, and he put on hair sackcloth, and went into the House of the Lord and prayed saying, O LORD God of Israel, the One who dwells between the cherubim, You are God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth. Incline Your ear, O LORD, and hear; open Your eyes, O LORD, and see; and hear the words of Sennacherib, which he has sent to reproach the living God. Truly, LORD, the kings of Assyria have laid waste the nations and their lands, and have cast their gods into the fire; for they were not gods, but the work of men’s hands; wood and stone. Therefore they have destroyed them. Now therefore, O LORD our God, I pray, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You are the LORD God, You alone. (2 Kings 19:15-19) Then King Hezekiah sent a letter to Isaiah the Prophet to inform him about what Sennacherib had said and asked him to pray for him. Isaiah answered and told him that God would strengthen his heart and God will do to Sennacherib an action, the like of which has never been heard of in all the earth. That night, the angel of the Lord went forth, and slew one hundred eighty-five thousand in the camp of the Assyrians; and when they arose early in the morning, behold, these were all dead bodies. The rest were conquered and returned to their countries. When Sennacherib went to worship in the house of his gods, his sons slew him with the sword and killed him. (2 Kings 19:3537( Thus Hezekiah escaped his hands and glorified God. In those days Hezekiah was sick and near death. And Isaiah the Prophet, the son of Amoz, went to him and said to him, Thus says the LORD: ‘Set your house in order, for you shall die, and not live.’ Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed to the LORD. Then it happened, before Isaiah had gone out into the middle court, that the word of the LORD came to him, saying, Return and tell Hezekiah ... I will add to your days fifteen years ... Hezekiah said to Isaiah, What is the sign that the LORD will heal me ... Then Isaiah said, This is the sign to you from the LORD, ... the shadow of the sun will be brought ten degrees backward ... (2 Kings 20:1-11) All the kings feared him and they brought tribute to him, because they knew that God was with him. King Hezekiah reigned for twenty-nine years and all the days of his life were fifty-four years when he departed in peace. His prayer which he uttered through the Holy Spirit when he was healed of his sickness is written in the book of Isaiah (38:10-20). May his prayers be with us. Amen.

ةنسلا يفف . لعف مام ثركأب يرخ هللا بيراحنس صراح هكللم ةشرع ةعبارلا ناكو ميلشروأ ةنيدم روشأ كلم هاشخي ايوق مايظع اكلم بيراحنس لسرأو ايقزح هنم فاخف هنامز كولم لسرأو اهب ضري ملف ةيرثك لااومأ هيلإ هناسلب يترفيو هدعوتيو هددهي لائاق لياعتو هناحبس هللا ليع سجنلا لكتم تنأ يذلا كهلأ كعدخي لا « : احسم سبلو هبايث قزمف « هيلع : لائاق همامأ ليصو برلا تيب لخدو قوف سلاجلا ليئاسرإ هلا برلا اهيأ « لكل كدحو هللإا وه تنأ ميبوراكلا ءماسلا تعنص تنأ ضرلأا كلمام حتفا عمساو كينذأ براي لمأ ضرلأاو ملاك عمساو رظناو كينيع براي اقح ، كيلع فدجي يذلا بيراحنس مملأا اوبرخ دق روشأ كولم نأ براي نم انصلخ برلا اهيأ نلآاو ، مهيضارأو كنأ اهلك ضرلأا كلمام ملعتف هدي : ١9 لم 2( « كدحو هللإا برلا تنأ يبنلا ءايعشا لىإ لسرأ مث ) ١9 – ١5 هنم بلطيو بيراحنس هلاق ابم هفرعي هللا نأ ءايعشا هملعأف هنع ليصي نأ بيراحنسب لعفيس هنأو هبلق يوقيس فيو اهلك ضرلأا في هلثم عمسي لم لاعف نم لتقو برلا كلام لزن ةليللا كلت ينناثمو ةسمخو ةئام بيراحنس دونج في اوظقيتسا المو ةدحاو ةعاس في افلأ مزهنا ليتق مهدونج اودجوو حابصلا المو مهدلاب لىإ اوداعو مهنم يقبت ام ليصيل ةهللآا تيب لىإ بيراحنس لخد صلختو هلاتقو هادلو هيلع بثو . هللا دجمو هدي نم ايقزح ضرح تولما ضرم ايقزح ضرم المو اذكه « : هل لاقو يبنلا ءايعشا هيلإ لاو توتم كنلأ كتيب صوأ : برلا لاق رادأف ) ١١ – ١ : 20 لم 2( « شيعت برلا لىإ ليصو طئاحلا وحن ههجو نأ هملعأو ةيناث ءايعشا هيلإ لسرأف يرخأ ةنس ةشرع سمخ هداز دق برلا كلذ ليع ليلدلا ءايعشأ نم بلط المو ىرخأ تاجرد شرع سمشلا هل در مهاياده هل اومدقو كوللما هفاخو في ماقأو هعم هللا نأ اوفرع مهنلأ تناكو ةنس نيشرعو اعست كللما ةنس ينسمخو اعبرأ هتايح ةلمج في هنودم ةحبست هلو ملاسب حينتو سدقلا حورلاب اهلاق - حيباستلا بتك . هضرم نم فيوع مانيح . ينمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص

Fifth Sunday of Abib

Luke 9: 10 -1 7

Pauline Epistle: 1Timothy 6: 3- 16

If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which accords with godliness, 4 he is proud, knowing nothing.

Catholicon: My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. 2 For we all stumble in many things.

Acts: 18: 12 – 22 And he came to Ephesus, and left them there; but he himself entered the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews.

Holy Gospel: Luke 9: 10 – 17 So they all ate and were filled )17(.

Today is the fifth Sunday of the blessed month of Abib. The reading of the Gospel is about the miracle of feeding the thousands. This reading is repeated several times during the year. The church inspired by the Holy Spirit has arranged this reading to be repeated many times as it carries a very important message to this materialistic world we live in. We live in a world which is always hungry and never satisfied. The poor is hungry. The rich are not satisfied and asks for more and more. Nothing is enough. Human lives in a hungry state all the time. Human history always show how hungry human is? In the old times of the Romans they used to be fond of luxurious life and parties. To be able to eat more that their ability, they used to offer the guests a feather. When a guest finishes the meal, he can use the feather to induce self-vomiting and can go back to resume eating. Even wild animals would not do that. Today, people do similar things using drugs to be able to eat more or indulge in more sensual practices beyond their physical abilities. Human in enslaved to bodily lusts and desires, thinking all the time how to get more to satisfy his needs or his desires. Human today is inviting everyday more and more

كرابملا بيبأ رهش نم سماخلا دحلأا ١7 - ١0 :٩ اقول ١6-3 :6 ىلولأا سؤاثوميت :سلوبلا قفاوي لا رخآ اميلعت ملعي ادحأ ناك نإ ةحيحصلا حيسملا عوسي انبر تاملك دقف ىوقتلا بسح يذلا ميلعتلاو .ائيش فرعي لا وهو فلصت ١2 – ١ :3 بوقعي :نوكيلوثاكلا يتوخأ اي نيريثك نيملعم اونوكت لا مظعأ ةنونيد نوذخأت مكنأ نيملاع .انعيمج رثعن ةريثك ءايشأ ىف اننلأ ١2 :١8 لسرلا لامعأ :سيسكربلأا يلإ لبقأف رذن هيلع ناك هنلأ 22 –ناكو عمجملا لخدف وه امأ سسفأ .دوهيلا ملكي ١7 – ١0 :٩ اقول :سدقملا ليجنلأا .(١7( اوعبشو مهعيمج اولكأو نم سماخلا دحلاا وه دحلأا مويلا نع هيف عمسنو كرابملا بيبأ رهش ١0 : ٩ ول ( عومجلا عابشإ ةزجعم تارم رركتي لصف وهو .. ) ١7اقح ةسينكلاو .. ماعلا للاخ ةديدع ىدم كردت سدقلا حورلا داشرإب تارم لصفلا اذه عمسن نأ انجايتحا يداملا ملاعلا ىف اصوصخ .. ةديدع اقح شيعن نحنف .. هيف شيعن يذلا هيف ريقفلا .. ادبأ عبشي لا ملاع ىف نم توميو .. عوجي لب عبشي لا ديري عبشي لا اضيأ ىنغلاو .. عوجلا ادبأ هيفكي ءيشلا ديزملاو ديزملا ناسنلإاو .. ةرمتسم عوج ةلاح .. ضرلأا ىلع هتايح خيرات ىف ىف عمسن .. تايداملل عئاج امئاد ىف نوشيعي اوناك مهنا نامورلا مايأ دحاولا نأ ةجردل .. ةدئاز ةيهافر ديزملا لكأ ىف هتبغر لجلأ مهنم أجلي ناك ماعطلا نم رثكأ عاتمتسلااو ىلإ هنوعدي امدنع ةبيرغ ةداع ىلا عبشيو لكأي امدعب تلافحلا نم لفح ىف ام لك أيقتيف همف ىف ةشير لخدي ةرم لكأي نأ عيطتسي كلذبو هنطب أجلي لا ةداع ىهو .. اذكهو ىرخأ ناك ول ىتح .. هسفن ناويحلا اهيلإ نع عمسن انحبصا مويلاو .. اسرتفم لاخدإ عم اعبط نكلو ةلثامم ءايشأ ترهظف .. . ةثيدحلا ملعلا لئاسو ديزملا لكأ ىلع دعاست ىتلا ةيودلأا اهريغو تانيلملاو تامضهملا لثم دسجلا تاوهش ىف رثكأ سامغنلااو هزئارغل ادبع شيعي ناسنلإا حبصأ .. ركفي هراهنو هليل ىضقي عبشت لا ىتلا

new ways to fill up this never filling hunger. For the eyes, there are more of pictures, videos and films to wonder and even today heaps of social media devices to give more. God knows what more inventions are coming up in the future. Even so, eyes are never filled of looking. Some people can spend half their life gazing at screens and never enough. Ears are indulging in never-ending many types of music. Some are very noisy and disturbing but no satisfaction. In the past and for few, music was a way of relaxation and help for thinking or contemplations. Today it is mostly loud and noisy. No wonder war lords enjoy the sound of explosions and bombs. It is music for their ears. Many people love to collect, own and get all new things or fashion. Some ladies are spending a lot of their money and time to get all new fashionable dresses. She may not know that the time she arrives home the fashion has already changed. Some men also like to acquire all new devices or cars. People can search and look patiently for the new trends in cars, phones and all new gadgets. Most of these new inventions becomes old and out of fashion in a very short time. It is very vicious circle which does not stop. How can you describe human today? It may be more suitable to call him as a hungry person. When you contemplate about this miracle of feeding the thousands from just five loaves and two fish you may feel astonished how every one of those will never be filled with such little amount of food. Surprisingly they never complained even they spent all day with no food with our Lord Jesus Christ. They were filled as never before in their life. They are filled for the presence of the Lord gave them real fulfilment. They would be singing with Psalmist David saying: “Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.” (Psalm 73:25). In You Lord we get filled with Righteousness and Holiness. In You we can see what no eye has

اهيطعي فيكو هتزيرغ عبشي فيك لك ىلا رظنأ .. بلطت امم ديزملا فوس .. ناسنلاا ساوح نم ةساح عبشتل ةريثك تاعارتخإ نع عمست نيعلا .. . عبشتلا اهنكلو ةساحلا هذه نويزفيلتلاو امنيسلا اهل اوعرتخا .. . ىعامتجلإا لاصتلأا لئاسوو ويديفلاو نوعرتخي فوس اذام ملعي دحأ لاو لا نيعلا نكلو .. لبقتسملا ىف اهل نم رئكأ ىضقي نم كانه عبشت نويزفيلتلا دهاشي هرمع فصن له نكلو .. تنرتنلأاو ويديفلاو اهل اوعرتخا نذلاا . .. ؟ عبشي اقح دادزت موي لكو ىقيسوملا عاونأ ىك رثكأ ريصتو اعافترا ىقيسوملا هذه عبشت لا نذلأاف ... ةجضو ءاضوض يضاملا ىف ىقيسوملا تناك .. أدبأ ءوده ىف ناسنلإا هيلا عمتسي ائيش دقف نلآا امأ ةحارو اءوده بستكيل ةراثإ ناسنلإا ديزي ائيش تراص اضيأ ببسلا اذهل امبر .. افنعو لبانقلا توصب بورحلا ةداق عتمتي عون يه مهرظن يفف .. عفادملاو عبشت لا يتلا .. اضيأ ىقيسوملا نم . ءانتقلال ابحم ناسنلإا حبصأ .. ءانتقا ىف موي لك ننفتت ةأرملا . . تلايدوملا رخآ .. ةديدجلا نيتاسفلا درجمب هنا ىردت لاو يهتنت لا ىتلا رخآ اهعم ةلماح تيبلا ىلا لصت نا ريغت دق ليدوملا اذه نأ .. تلايدوملا لجرلاو .. ديدج ليدوم ىلا لاعف ةديدجلا عاونلأا ءارو موي لك ثهلي ريغتت تاعارتخا .. . تارايسلا نم عرسأو عرسأ عون اذه .. .. ةقيقد لك . .، ةفلكت لقأ اذهو . . . نتمأ اذهو .. يهتنت لا ةماود اذكهو .. عسوأ اذهو بجعي ئيش دجوي لا هنا بيجعلاو . . لثم نأسنا يمست اذام ادبأ ناسنلإا هيمسن نأ بسانملا نم سيلأ .. ؟ اذه لمأتن امدنع كلذلو .. عئاج ناسنأ بجعتن .. عومجلا عابشإ ةزجعم ىف درجم نم اوعبش فلاا ةسمخلا نا دارأ ول .. نيتكمسو تازبخ ةسمخ تناك ام هسفن عبشي نا مهنم دحاو لك عاونأ لك نم ةئلتمملا دئاوملا هيفكت دي نم ليلقلا لقأ درجمل نكل ماعطلا ادبأ هتايح ىف عبشي مل امك عبش برلا نم اوكتشي مل مهنأ اضيا بيجعلاو .. عم هلك راهنلا اوضق مهنا مغر عوجلا هعم مهدوجو نم اوعبش دقل .. برلا نأ براي ىفكي لوقي مهلاح ناسل ..

seen and hear what no ear has heard. And we say with the Apostles: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). We can say with saints: Our souls were still be troubled until it finds rest in You. I have searched for You everywhere outside. I only realised that You are very close to me. You are inside me. A touch of Your Hands will assure us of peace and rest. A whisper of Your Mouth will warm up our cold hearts. With You Lord all this wide earth will be nothing with no value. I can assuredly say with St. Paul: “Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippines 3:8). St. Peter wished to stay longer enjoying the Transfiguration of the Lord saying: “Lord, it is good for us to be here” (John 17:4). The Bride in the Song of Songs was so happy when she found her loving Lord and said: “When I found the one I love. I held him and would not let him go (Songs 3:4). What really, they found in You that they loved You all this love? They found in You the endless joy and love. If the merchants of this world knew You, they would sell all what they have to acquire this great priceless Pearl. They would have even sold their own life for this great Joy in You which can never be spoiled. Let us come to Him. He is the source of real fulfilment. He is the giver of complete peace which the world cannot give. Do not waste your time. Do not go for these cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water. (Jeremiah 2:13). Go for the true Fountain of Life. Invest your time and life with the Lord Who loves you. His promises are always true. “They all ate and were filled”.

... ائيش ديرأ لا كعمو ... كعم نوكن انلأميو انعبشي براي كراوج ىلا اندوجو كيفف .. كيلإ رظنلا نم عبشت اننويع ... هرت مل ام ىرن ... ربلاو ةسادقلا يرن .. كتوص نم عبشن .. اننويع نم نيع مهناسل ... نذا هعمست ملام كنم عمسنف كدنع ةايحلا ملاكو بهذن نيأ ىلا لوقي اهنلأ كيف لاإ حاترت لا ةقلقلا انحاورا ... دوعت امدنع لاإ حاترت نلو تذخأ دق كنم انلاقثا لك حيزت كدي نم ةسمل ... كيلإ انبولق ئفدت كمف نم ةسمه ... انمومهو ءلاخلا اذه ىف براي كعم .. ةدرابلا ةميق لاب ريصيو ادج انلوح ملاعلا رغصي لك ريصت اقح براي كفرعن امدنع ... ةميق لاب ةيافن درجم ةيملاعلا ءايشلأا اهملاسو ءامسلا حارفأ مامأ ملاعلا رظانم مامأ ملاعلا ىقيسوم ةميق ام .. بيجعلا سلوب .. مهحيبستو ةكئلاملا ليتارت هرظن ىف ةيافن هلك ملاعلا راص لوسرلا لوسرلا سرطب .. حيسملا ةفرعم ماما يلجتلا رظنم ىف ةتقو لك ىضقي نا ىنمت انهاه نوكت نا براي ديج .. رهابلا هلك ملاعلا رقتحأ سويناسرأ سيدقلا .. نم هكرت امدنع ملاعلا ةمق قوف هنأ سحأو راص سونيطسغأ سيدقلا .. حيسملا لجأ تنأو اجراخ كنع تثحب ىتوقشلاي لوقي ديشنلا ءارذع .. ىنم ادج ابيرق ىلخاد ىف تلاق اهبيبح تدجو امدنع لماك حرف ىف اودجو اذام ... هخرأ ملو هتكسمأ ... دقل ... بحلا اذه لك كوبحأف براي كيف يذلا بحلا اهيأ هلك بحلا اقح كيف اودجو براي ملاعلا راجت كفرع ول ... يهتني لا ةؤلؤللأ هذه لجأ نم مهتراجت لك اوعابل .. مهتايحو مهسفنا اوعابل لب .. نمثلا ةريثكلا هبوشي لا يذلا حرفلا اذه لجأ نم اهلك عبشلا ردصم هنا .. هيلا يتأنلف . . . ردك ملاسلا ردصم هنأ حرفلا ردصم هنا .. . لاو .. هنم عبشنو هيلا ىتأنل .. لماكلا ىتلأ ةققشملا ملاعلا رابآ لوح كتقو عيضت لوح كرمع عيضت لا . .. ءام طبضت لا ةنوفعلا لاإ اهنم ذخأت لا ىتلا ملاعلا دئاوم تلافح ءارو كتقو عيضت لا ... بعتلاو قيضلاو قلقلا ىوس كيطعت لا ىتلا ملاعلا كبحي يذلا برلا دنع كتايح رمثتسا ... عبشلاب اقداص ادعو كيطعي هنلأ ... .. اوعبشو مهيمج اولكأ دقل ... يفيفحلا

+ St Mary’s Fasting:

St Mary’s Fasting starts next Monday 7th August. It ends on Monday 22nd August. During this fasting St Mary’s Church is organizing daily Liturgies, Vespers, Sermons and doxologies. The program in detail is in this Bulletin.

:ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا موص + .سطسغأ 22 نينثلاا موي ىلا رمتسيو سطسغأ 7 مداقلا نينثلاا موي ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا موص أدبي ةسيدقلل ديجامتو هحبستو تاظعو تايشعو ةيموي تاسادق ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينك مظنت موصلا اذه للاخ ةرشنلا هذه يف ليصفتلاب جمانربلا .ميرم ءارذعلا

The Departure of St. Pa'esa (Athanasia).

8th August – 2nd Mesra

St Mary’s Fasting


10th August - 4th Mesra

7th - 21st Augustst

Feast of the Assumption of St. Mary

Tuesday 22nd August

ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا موص سطسغأ 21 - 7
of Hezekiah the King

Blessed Newborn Baby on Monday 24/07/2023 Baby Grace daughter of Maged & Gina Guirguis May the Lord bless the baby to be a source of blessings for the family and the church.

Congratulations - God bless you Samuel

Dear all Families, God willing and as preparation for St. Mary’s Fast we will have prayers meeting with Abouna at the church FRI 4-Aug-2023 7:00pm. Let us all come together with one spirit and one heart to pray together. Wishing everyone Blessed St. Mary’s Fast.

تلائاعلا لكل ملاس ، ةسينك ىف ةلاص عامتجا اندنع نوكيه ميرم ءارذعلا هللاا ةدلاو موصل دادعتسا و انبر ةئيشمب اوس عمجتن تيراي .اءاسم 7 ةعاسلا 2023-سطسغأ-4 ةعمجلا موي انوبا سدق عم ءارذعلا ءارذعلا نونحلا انملأ ةكرب هلك موص مكل ىنمتن .اوس انلك ىلصن دحاو بلق و ةدحاو حورب ميرم.
Thank for all for your prayers and support. May the Lord reward you all. اريخ مكضوعي برلا مكديضعتو مكتاولص لكل بلقلا نم اركش Building site facing St Mary’s Church Tuesday 1st August 2023 Current Cash & Loan position after June-23 Staging payment paid in full by 24.07.23
Expression of Interest Enrolment Form: https://forms.gle/wXJj3fKVEksWzTJu5 (or scan the QR above) )تاونس 4 - 3 نس( ةناضحلل ميدقتلا ةرامتسإ 2024 رياني نم ءادتبا هلاعأ حضوملا QR لا مدختسأ

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 4 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 6 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on
Browser) Current Building Site 1st August 2023

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