Coptic Calendar 2023

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Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne Coptic Calendar 2023 1739 – 1740 (Martyrs) اﻟﻘﺑطﻰ٢٠٢٣اﻟﺗﻘوﯾم ١٧٤٠-١٧٣٩ﻟﻠﺷﮭداء وآﺛﺎركﺑﺟودكاﻟﺳﻧﺔ"ﻛﻠﻠت ١١:٦٥ﻣزﻣور “You crowned the year with Your goodness and Your Paths drip with abundance” Psalm 65:11
Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1 23 Keiahk New Year's Day Public Holiday David the Prophet and the King 2 24 St Ignatios of Antioch St Takla Hymanout PublicHoliday 3 25 St. John Kama 4 26 Anastasia 7 29 ﻋﯾد اﻟﻣﯾ اﻟﻣﺟﯾد Nativity Feast Heb 1:1-2:4 - 2Pe 1:12-17 Acts13:26-33 - Mat 2:1-12 8 30 9 1 Toba St. Stephen 10 2 11 3 Children of Bethlehem 12 4 St John the Evangelis 13 5 14 15 7 16 8 17 9 19 11 20 12 21 13 22 14 23 15 24 16 25 17 St. Maximous & St. Domadious Australia Day Public Holiday 27 19 Start of Term 1Teachers 28 20 29 21 Toba Departure of St Mary 30 22 St Anthony Term 1- Students 31 23 Rom 9:6-33 1Joh 2:24-3:3 Acts 7:8-22 Luk 1:57 :80 Keiahk 4 -80 Advent Fasting Gal 3:15-4:18 1Joh 4:1-14 Acts 13:13-25 Luk 2:1-20 Nativity Paramon ﺑﺮﻣﻮن ﻋﯿﺪ اﻟﻤﯿﻼد Phil 3:1-12 2Pet 1:12-21 Acts 15:13-21 Luk 2:21-39 Toba 1 ﻋﯿﺪ اﻟﺨﺘﺎن Circumcision Feast Ro15:4-19 1Jo 3:1-11 Acts 14:24 –15:3 Mat 2: 13-22 Toba 1 1Cor 1:1-17 2Pet 1:12-19 Acts 16:25-34 Luk 3:1-18 Theophany Paramon ﺑﺮﻣﻮن اﻟﻐﻄﺎس Tit 2:11-3:7 1Joh 5:5-21 Acts 18:24-19:6 Joh 1:18-34 Theophany ﻋﯾد اﻟﻐطﺎس Rom 6:3-16 1Joh 2:20-25 Acts 8:3-13 Joh 2:1-11 Wedding of Cana اﺳﺘﺸﮭﺎد اﻟﻘﺪﯾﺴﺔ دﻣﯿﺎﻧﺔ ب Gal 5:2-10 1Joh 3:18-24 Acts 15:22-29 Luk 11:27-36 Toba 2 January 2023 ﺎﯾﺮ ٢٠٢٣ Heb 10:19-39 1Joh 4:11-21 Acts 2:38-45 Joh 3:22-36 Toba 3 Keiahk/Toba 1739 ﻛﯿﮭﻚ / طﻮﺑﺔ١٧٣٩ Gal 4:19-5:1 1Joh 4:15-5:4 Acts 13:36-43 John 1: 1-13 2nd Day of Nativity

Jan. Coptic

Sun 1 23 Keiahk David the King and Prophet - Departure of St. Timothy the Anchorite Fasting Genesis 1-4

Mon 2 24 St Ignatius of Antioch - St Takla Haymanot - St. Philogonus of Antioch Fasting Genesis 5-8

Tues 3 25 St. John Kama Fasting Genesis 9-12

Wed 4 26 St Anastasia – St Juliana Strict Fasting Genesis 13-17

Thurs 5 27 St Besada the Bishop Fasting Genesis 18-20

Fri 6 28 Nativity Paramon Strict Fasting Genesis 21-23 Sat 7 29 Nativity Genesis 24-25

Sun 8 30 St John Archpriest of Scetis Genesis 26-28

Mon 9 1 Toba St Stephen the Archdeacon – St Lawindianus Genesis 29-31

Tues 10 2 St Theonas 16th Pope – St Gallinicus Genesis 32-35

Wed 11

Children of Bethlehem Strict Fasting Genesis 36-38

Sun 15 7 St Silvester Pope of Rome Genesis 47-50

Mon 16 8 St Andronicus 37th Pope & St Benjamin 38th Pope Exodus 1-4


Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne
To Celebrate To Do To Read
Thurs 12 4 St John the Evangelist Genesis 39-41 Fri 13 5 St Eusengnius the Soldier Strict Fasting Genesis 42-43
Sat 14 6 Feast of Circumcision – Ascension of Elijah the Prophet – St Basil Genesis 44-46
17 9 St Abraam companion of St Gawergy Exodus 5-7 Wed 18 10 Epiphany Baramon Strict Fasting Exodus 8-10 Thurs 19 11 Epiphany Exodus 11-13 Fri 20 12 Archangel Mikhail – St Theodoros El-Mashriky Strict Fasting Exodus 14-16
Sat 21 13 Feast of Cana of Galilee – St Demiana Exodus 17-20 Sun 22 14 St Archildis – St Maximus brother of St Domadius Exodus 21-23
Mon 23 15 Obadiah the Prophet Exodus 24-27
Tues 24 16 St Philotheos the Martyr – St John VI 48th Pope Exodus 28-30 Wed 25 17 St Domadius Brother of St Maximus – Abba Yousab E-Abah - Australia Day Strict Fasting Exodus 31-34
Thurs 26 18 St James of Nisibis - Australia Day Public Holiday Exodus 35-37
Fri 27 19 Discovery of relics of St Abahur Strict Fasting Exodus 38-40 Sat 28 20 St Prochorus of the Seventy Apostles – Public Holiday Leviticus 1-4
Sun 29 21 Departure of St Mary – St Gregory of Nyssa – St Hilaria Leviticus 5-7
Mon 30 22 St Anthony Leviticus 8-10 Tue 31 23 St Timothy the Apostle – Pope Cyril IV 110th Pope Leviticus 11-13

Rm 11:13-36 1Joh 5:9-21 Acts 11:2-18 Joh 9:1-38 Toba 4


Holy Lent

Rom 10:4-18 1Pet 3:17-22 Acts 3:22-26 Joh 2:12-25 Jonah’s Passover

Ro 12:6-21


Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1 24 Toba 2 25 3 26 اﺳﺘﺸﮭﺎد اﻟـ ﺷﻴﻬﻴﺖﺑﺮﻳﺔﺷﻬﻴﺪا٤٩ 4 27 Archangel Suriel 5 28 6 29 7 30 8 1 Amsher 9 St Paula The اﻷﻧﺒﺎHermitاﻟﻘﺪﯾﺲ ﺑﻮﻻ 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 Lord’s Entry to Temple دﺧول اﻟرب ﻟﻠﮭﯾﻛل 16 9 17 10 18 11 Pre-Lent Saturday ﺳﺑت رﻓﺎع اﻟﺻوم اﻟﻛ ﺑﯾر 19 12 Commemoration of Archangel Michael 20 13 Holy Lent Starts ﺑﺪء اﻟﺼﻮم اﻟﻜﺒﯿﺮ اﻟﻤﻘﺪس 21 14 22 15 24 17 26 19 27 20 St Onsimus Commemoration of St Mary Toba/Amsher 1739 طﻮﺑﺔ / أﻣﺸﯿﺮ١٧٣٩ Rom 12:6-21 3Joh 1:1-14 Acts 2:42-3:9 Luk 11:1-10 Lent 1 - Fri 2Cor 11:16-28 2Pe 1:1-11 Acts 21:15-26 Mat 6:1-18 Pre-Lent Sunday أﺣد رﻓﺎع اﻟﺻوم اﻟﻛﺑﯾر 1Cor 5:11-6:11 2Pet 3:14-18 Acts 9:3-9 Joh 6:22-27 Amsher 1 Rom
Mat 12:35-45 Jonah's (Nineveh) Fast ﺻﻮم ﯾﻮﻧﺎن 1
ﺻﻮم ﯾﻮﻧﺎن 3
ﻓﻄﺮ ﯾﻮﻧﺎن
Phi 3:1-12 2Pe 1:12-21 Acts 15:13-21 Luke 2:21-39 Eph 2:1-22 1Joh 2:12-17 Acts 15:12-20 Mat 15:32-16:4 Jonah's (Nineveh) Fast
Rom 14:19-15:7 2Pet 1:4-11 Acts 10:9-20 Luk 6:35-38 Lent 1 - Wed February 2023 ﻓﺒﺮاﯾﺮ ٢٠٢٣
3:1-15 Acts 2:42-3:9 Luke 11:1-10 Lent1 - Fri
ﺻﻮم ﯾﻮﻧﺎن
Col 1:21-29 1Pet 4:3-11 Acts 17:30-34 Luk 11:29-36 Jonah's (Nineveh) Fast -
أﺣﺪ ﺳﺘﻌﺪاد
Rom 13:1-14 Jam 1:13-21 Acts 21:40-22:16 Mat 6:19-33 Preparation

Day Feb. Coptic

To Celebrate

To Do To Read

Wed 1 24 St Mary the Ascetic – St Bisada the Priest Strict Fasting Leviticus 14-15

Thurs 2 25 St Peter the Worshipper Leviticus 16-18

Fri 3 26 The Forty-Nine Elders of Shehet (Scetis) – St Anastasia Strict Fasting Leviticus 19-21

Sat 4 27 Archangel Suriel – St Serapion Leviticus 22-23

Sun 5 28 St. Clement - St. Anba Kaou Leviticus 24-25

Mon 6 29 Jonah’s Fasting starts St Eksani of Rome – St Seriakus Leviticus 26-27

Tues 7 30 St’s Pistis, Helpis and Aghapi the Martyrs and mother Sophia Numbers 1-2

Wed 8 1 Amshir Council of Constantinople 381 AD Strict Fasting Numbers 3-4

Thurs 9 2 Jonah’s Passover St Paul the First Hermit Numbers 5-9

Fri 10 3 St James the Ascetic Strict Fasting Numbers 7

Sat 11 4 St Aghabus one of the Seventy Apostles Numbers 8-10

Sun 12 5 Agrippinus, 10th Pope of Alexandria. Numbers 11-13

Mon 13 6 St Abakir, John and their mother – St Hippolytus Pope of Rome Numbers 14-15

Tues 14 7 St Alexandros 43rd Pope - St. Theodorus 45th Pope of Alexandria Numbers 16-18

Wed 15 8 Presenting the Lord Christ in the Temple Strict Fasting- No abstinence Numbers 19-21

Thurs 16 9 St Barsouma & St Paul the Syrians Numbers 22-24

Fri 17 10 St James the Apostle Martyrdom – St Justus – St Isodore Strict Fasting Numbers 25-26

Sat 18 11 St Fabianus Pope of Rome Numbers 27-29

Sun 19 12 Pre-Lent Sunday - Archangel Mikhail – St Gelsius Numbers 30-32

Mon 20 13 Holy Lent starts -– St Sargius of Atripe – St Timothy III 32nd Pope Strict Fasting Numbers 33-36

Tues 21 14 St Severus of Antioch – St Yacobus 50th Pope Strict Fasting Deuteronomy 1-2

Wed 22 15 Zachariah the Prophet – St Paphnotius

Strict Fasting Deuteronomy 3-4

Thurs 23 16 St Elizabeth mother of St John the Baptist Strict Fasting Deuteronomy 5-8

Fri 24 17 St Mina the Monk Strict Fasting Deuteronomy 9-11

Sat 25 18 St Malatius of Antioch the Confessor Strict Fasting- No abstinence Deuteronomy 12-15

Sun 26 19 Preparation Sunday - Relocation of the relics of St Martianus the Monk Strict Fasting- No abstinence Deuteronomy 16-19

Mon 27 20 St Peter II 21st Pope Strict Fasting Deuteronomy 20-22

Tue 28 21 St Mary mother of God – St Onsimus Disciple of St Paul– St Gabriel 57th Pope – St Zacharias of Sakha Strict Fasting Deuteronomy 23-24

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Rom 3:1-17

2Joh 1:8-13 Acts 5:3-11 Mat 15:32-38 Lent2 - Wed

Ro 14;19-15;7 Jam 2:1-13 Acts 23: 1-11 Mat 4:1-11 Temptation

Holy Lent

Labour Day Public Holiday

Heb 13:7-16



Holy Lent

2Thes 2:9-17

2Pet 2:9-15 Acts 28:7-11 Luk 4:1-13 Lent3 - Wed

Heb 11:1-8 Jud 17-25 Acts 23:6-11 Luke 11:14-26 Lent3 - Fri

Heb 13:7-15 1Jo 4:7-16 Acts 22: 17-24 Mat 15: 21-31 Lent4 - Fri

- Wed

Heb 12:5-16

1Pet 4:15-5:5 Acts 15:36-16:3 Joh 8:21-27 Lent5 - Fri

Holy Lent

Rom 2:12-24

2Pet 1:20-2:6 Acts 26:1-8 Luke 11:45-52 Lent 6 - Wed

1Cor 10:1-13




Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat ھوﺷﻊ اﻟﻧﺑﻲ St Poilcarp Bishop of Samyrna Pope Kyrollos VI Baramhat St. Eudoxia St. Matthias & Departure of Pope Shenouda 19 10 ﻋﯿﺪ اﻟﺼﻠﯿﺐ The Feast of the Cross St. Basilius the Bishop Commemoration of Archangel Michael Forty Martys of Sabastia ﺑﺴﺒﺴﻄﻴﺔﺷﻬﻴﺪااﺳﺘﺸﻬﺎد St. Sarah the nun St. Sidhom Bishay ﻧﯿﺎﺣﺔ ﻟﻌﺎزر 20 The commemoration of Raising Lazarus End of Term 1 March 2023 ﻣﺎرس ٢٠٢٣ No Vespers during Lent except on Saturday Evening only. Abstinence from food is up to Sunset. No abstinence on Saturday and Sunday Amsher/Baramhat 1739 أﻣﺸﯿﺮ/ﺑﺮﻣﮭﺎت ١٧٣٩
أﺣد اﻷﺑن اﻟﺿﺎل Prodigal Son
Rom 4:14-5:5 1Pet 4:12-19 Acts 11:12-18 Luke 13:6-9 Lent 5 - Wed 2Cor 6:2-13 James 3:1-12 Acts 24:1-23 Luke 15:11-32
Eph 4:17-32 Jam 3:13-4:4 Acts 11:26-12:2 Mar 4:35-41 Lent4
أﺣد اﻟﺗﺟرﺑﺔ
Mat 15:21-31 Lent is one of the Holiest seasons of the year. It is the Spring of Spiritual Life. Observe it with prayers and works of repentance.
أﺣد اﻟﻣﺧﻠﻊ
ﻋﯾد اﻟﺻﻠﯾب
Lent6 - Fri 2Tes 2:1-17 2Pe 3:1-18 Acts 26:19-27:8 John 5:1-18 Paralyzed
1Cor 1:17-31 1Pet 2:11-25 Acts 10:34-43 John 10:22-38 Holy Cross

Day Mar. Coptic To Celebrate

To Do To Read

Wed 1 22 Amshir St Maruta the Bishop Strict Fasting Deuteronomy 26-27

Thurs 2 23 St Eusebius son of Basilides the Minister Strict Fasting Deuteronomy 28-29

Fri 3 24 Pre- Lent Sunday - St Agapetus the Bishop Strict Fasting Deuteronomy 30-32

Sat 4 25 St. Archippus, Philemon Lycia the Virgin - St. Quona & St. Mina Strict Fasting- No abstinence Deuteronomy 33-34

Sun 5 26 Temptation Sunday - Hosea the Prophet – St Zaddok and 128 with him Strict Fasting- No abstinence Joshua 1-4

Mon 6 27 St Eustathus of Antioch Strict Fasting Joshua 5-7

Tues 7 28 St Theodore the Roman Strict Fasting Joshua 8-10

Wed 8 29 St Polycarp Bishop of Samyrna - Labour Day Strict Fasting Joshua 11-13

Thurs 9 30 Pope Kyrollos VI – Appearance of the st John the Baptist Head – Strict Fasting Joshua 14-17

Fri 10 1 Barmhat St Narcissus – St Alexandrus the Martyr Strict Fasting Joshua 18-20

Sat 11 2 St Macrobius the Bishop Strict Fasting- No abstinence Joshua 21-22

Sun 12 3 Prodigal Son Sunday - St Cosmaus the 48th Pope – St Hadid Strict Fasting- No abstinence Joshua 23-24

Mon 13 4 St Haboulyous the Prince – Assembly of Ban-Omar - Labour Day Strict Fasting Judges 1-3

Tues 14 5 Abba Sarapamon the Archpriest – St Eudexia Strict Fasting Judges 4-5

Wed 15 6 St Discorus the Martyr Strict Fasting Judges 6-8

Thurs 16 7 St Philemon and St Apollonius Strict Fasting Judges 9-10

Fri 17 8 Pope Shenouda III Departure - St Matthias the Apostle – St Arianus Governor of Arena Strict Fasting Judges 11-13

Sat 18 9 St Konan Strict Fasting- No abstinence Judges 14-16

Sun 19 10 The Feast of the Cross Strict Fasting- No abstinence Judges 17-19

Mon 20 11 St Basilaos the Bishop Strict Fasting Judges 20-21

Tues 21 12 Archangel Mikhail – Revealing Virginity of Pope Demetrius Strict Fasting Ruth 1-4

Wed 22 13 Forty Martys of Sabastia - St Dionysius 14th Pope Strict Fasting 1 Samuel 1-3

Thurs 23 14 St Kyrellos 75th Pope – St Shenouda of Bahnasa Strict Fasting 1 Samuel 4-7

Fri 24 15 St Sara the Nun – St Helias of Hnes Strict Fasting 1 Samuel 8-12

Sat 25 16 St Khail 46th Pope Strict Fasting- No abstinence 1 Samuel 13-14

Sun 26 17 Paralyzed Man Sunday - Lazarus the Beloved of the Lord – St Sidhom Beshai Strict Fasting- No abstinence 1 Samuel 15-16

Mon 27 18 St Isidore friend of Sina the Soldier

Strict Fasting 1 Samuel 17-18

Tue 28 19 St Aristobulus the Apostle Strict Fasting 1 Samuel 19-21

Wed 29 20 St Khail 56th Pope – Raising Lazarus Strict Fasting 1 Samuel 22-24

Thu 30 21 St Mary the Theotokos – The Lord visit Bethany Strict Fasting 1 Samuel 25-27

Fri 31 22 St Kirollos Bishop of Jerusalem Strict Fasting 1 Samuel 28-31

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Mon Eve Joh 12:20-36 Luk 9:18-22 Mar 10:32-40 Mar 8:27-33 Mat 17:19-23 Mon Mar 11:12-24 Mar 11:1-19 Jo 2:13-17 Mat 21:23-27 Joh 8:51-95 Easter Monday-Public Holiday

Rom 10:4-13

Jam 1:13-21 Acts 19:23-26 Joh 6:35-45 Lent 7 - Wed

Tue Eve Luk 13:23-30

Luk 13:31-35

Luk 21:34-38

Luk 11:37-52 Mar 13:32-14:2

Tue Joh 8:21-29

Mat 23:37-24:2 Jo 8:12-20

Mat 24:3-35 Mat 25:14-26:2

Wed Eve Mat 23:1-14

Mat 24:36-51 Mat 25:1-13

Mat 23:29-36 Jo 11:55-57

Wed Joh 11:46-57

Luk 22:1-6 Jo 12:1-8 Mat 26:3-16 Jo 12:27-36

Thu Eve

Joh 10:17-21 Mar 14:3-11 Joh 12:36-43 Joh 10:29-38 Joh 12:44-50

Thu Luk 22:7-13

Mat 26:17-19 Mar 14:12-16 Mat 26:17-19 Joh 13:3:14:25

1st Hr Mat 27:1-14

3rd Hr Mar 15:6-25

6th Hr Luk 23:13-25

9th Hr Joh 19:28-30

11th Hr Mat 27:51-56

12th Hr Joh 19:38-42

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 30 22
th –
Make sure to benefit from this time and contemplate about the crucified Lord and His Passions to be able to share the joys of His Resurrection St Mary Of Zaitoun 26 5 27 St Macarius Star of the wilderness 6 28 Term1ends 7 29 Term1Ends Good Friday
Baramoda Joyous Saturday ﺳﺒﺖ اﻟﻔﺮح 16 8 24 16 25 17 26 18 27 19 28 20 29 21 April 2023 أﺑﺮﯾﻞ ٢٠٢٣ Col 3:5-17 1Joh 5:13-21 Acts 27:27-37 John 9:1-41 Baptism Sunday أﺣد اﻟﺗﻧﺎﺻﯾر
Passion Week: 10
April is one of the most holy times of the year.
PaschaاﻟﺑﺻﺧﺔWedأرﺑﻌﺎء Holy Thu ﺧﻣﯾس اﻟﻌﮭد Good Friday اﻟﺟﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﻌظﯾﻣﺔ
PaschaاﻟﺑﺻﺧﺔMonأﺛﻧﯾن PaschaاﻟﺑﺻﺧﺔTueﺛﻼﺛﺎء Palm Sunday أﺣد اﻟﺷﻌﺎﻧﯾن Heb 9:11-28 1Pe 4:1-11 Acts 28:11-31 Jo 12:12-19 Easter Sunday-Western Holy Lent Resurrection ﻋﯾد اﻟﻘﯾﺎﻣﺔ اﻟﻣﺟﯾد 1Cor 15:23-50 1Pe 3:15-22 Acts 2:22-28 John 20:1-18 ANZAC Day اﻟﻧﺳﯾم Sham El-Neseem Start of Term 2 Baramhat/Baramoda 1739 ﺑﺮﻣﮭﺎت/ ﺑﺮﻣﻮدة ١٧٣٩ Eph 4:20-32 1Jo 2:7-17 Acts 17:16-34 John 20:19-31 Thomas Sun أﺣد ﺗوﻣﺎ Fifty1 2Tim 3:1-4:5 Jam 5:7-16 Acts 15:1-18 Luk 13:31-35 End-Lent Fri ﺟﻤﻌﺔ ﺧﺘﺎم اﻟﺼﻮم Eph 2:19-3:10 1Jo 5:10-20 Acts 20:1-12 John 6:35-45 Fifty2 Feast of Annunciation not celebrated

Apr. Coptic

To Celebrate

Sat 1 23 Baramhat The Great Daniel the Prophet – Term 1 Ends

Sun 2 24

To Do To Read

Strict Fasting- No abstinence 2 Samuel 1-3

Baptism Sunday- Apparition of St Mary at Zaitoun. Strict Fasting- No abstinence 2 Samuel 4-7

Mon 3 25 St. Onesiphorous (Friska), One of the Seventy Apostles St Matteos 100th Pope Strict Fasting 2 Samuel 8-11

Tues 4 26 St. Euphrasia (Eupraxia), the virgin = Pope Peter VI, the One Hundred and Fourth Pope of Alexandria Strict Fasting 2 Samuel 12-13

Wed 5 27 - St. Macarius the Great - St. Domicos

Thurs 6 28 Emperor Constantine the Great - Anba Sarapamon, known as "The Veiled" Bishop of ElMonofia - Pope Peter (Petros) VII, the One Hundred and Ninth Patriarch

Fri 7 29 Annunciation Feast (Not celebrated this year) – End-Lent Friday

Strict Fasting 2 Samuel 14-16

Strict Fasting 2 Samuel 17-19

Strict Fasting 2 Samuel 20-22

Sat 8 30 Archangel Gabriel the Announcer - Samson, One of the Judges of Israel Strict Fasting 2 Samuel 23-24

Sun 9 1Baramoda Palm Sunday – Western Easter Strict Fasting- No abstinence 1 Kings 1-2

Mon 10 2 Pascha Monday Strict Fasting 1 Kings 3-5

Tues 11 3 Pascha Tuesday Strict Fasting 1 Kings 6-7

Wed 12 4 Pascha Wednesday Strict Fasting 1 Kings 8-9

Thurs 13 5 Holy Thursday Strict Fasting 1 Kings 10-12

Fri 14 6 Good Friday Strict Fasting 1 Kings 13-15

Sat 15 7 Joyous Saturday Strict Fasting 1 Kings 16-18

Sun 16 8 Glorious Feast of Holy Resurrection 1 Kings 19-20

Mon 17 9 Sham Elnessim - St.Zosimus 1 Kings 21-22

Tues 18 10 Anba Isaac, the Disciple of Anba Apollo - Pope Gabriel II (Ibn Twrik) 70th Pope 2 Kings 1-3

Wed 19 11 St. Theodora - St. John, Bishop of Gaza. 2 Kings 4-5

Thurs 20 12 St Alexander Bishop of Jerusalem – St Antonious Bishop of Taoui 2 Kings 6-8

Fri 21 13 Sts. Joshua and Joseph.- Pope Yoannis the Seventeenth, the 105th 2 Kings 9-10

Sat 22 14 Holy father Anba Maximus, 15th Pope 2 Kings 11-13

Sun 23 15 The Departure of Pope Anba Mark VI 2 Kings 14-16

Mon 24 16 The Martyrdom of St. Antipas, Bishop of Pergamos

Tues 25 17

Wed 26 18

ANZAC Day- The Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle Brother of St. John the Apostle

The Martyrdom of St. Arsenius, Slave of St. Sousnyous

Thu 27 19 Martyrdom of St. Simeon the Armenian and 150 with him - Martyrdom of David, the Monk - Martyrdom of the blessed Youhanna Abu Nagaah El-Kabeer.

Fri 28 20

Sat 29 21

Sun 30 22

The Martyrdom of St. Babnuda (Paphnute)

Commemoration of St. Mary.- The Departure of St. Hierotheos, of Athens.

The Departure of St. Alexander I, 19th Pope of the See of St. Mark, St. Mark 11, 49th Pope and St. Michael 11, 53rd Pope.

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

2 Kings 17-18

2 Kings 19-21

2 Kings 22-23

2 Kings 24-25

1 Chronicles 1-2

1 Chronicles 3-4

1 Chronicles 5-6

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1 23 Baramoda St George ﺟﺎورﺟﻴﻮساﻟﻘﺪﻳﺲ 2 24 3 25 4 26 5 27 St Boctor Son of Romanus 6 28 7 29 8 30 St Mark اﻟﺮﺳﻮلﻣﺎرﻣﺮﻗﺲ 9 1 Bashans ﻣﯾﻼد اﻟﻘدﯾﺳﺔ اﻟﻌذراء ﻣرﯾم St Mary’s Birthday 10 2 أﯾوب اﻟﺑﺎر Job the Righteous 11 3 12 4 13 5 Bashans St Jeremiah The Prophet 14 6 St. Dolagy & her 4 children اﺳﺗﺷﮭﺎد اﻷم دوﻻﺟﻲ 15 7 St Athansius اﻟﻘدﯾس أﺛﻧﺎﺳﯾوس 16 8 17 9 18 10 The three young men اﻟﻔﺗﯾﺔ اﻟﺛﻼﺛﺔ 19 11 20 12 Archangel Michael Consecration Of St Demiana Church 21 13 St. Arsenius 22 14 St Bachomius اﻟﻘدﯾس اﻷﻧﺑﺎ ﺑﺎﺧوﻣﯾوس 23 15 24 16 25 17 26 18 27 19 28 20 29 21 Commemoration of St. Mary 30 22 31 23 May 2023 ﻣﺎﯾﻮ ٢٠٢٣ Remember the loving kindness of the Lord bestowed on you and you will always lead a life of thanksgiving. Heb 10:19-38 1Pe 4:6 – 14 Acts 9:1-20 John 14:1-11 Fifty5 2Tes 2:13-3:5 1Joh 4:7-13 Acts 14:8-23 John 12:35-50 Holy Fifty Days Holy Fifty Days Holy Fifty Days Col 3:17 1Jo 3:13-24 Acts 10:37-43 John 4:1-42 Fifty3 1Cor 15:57-16:8 1Peter 1:2-12 Acts 20:1-16 John 16:32-33 Fifty6 Baramoda/Bashans 1739 ﺑﺸﻨﺲ/ﺑﺮﻣﻮدة ١٧٣٩ 1Tim 3:13-16 1Pet 3:15-22 Acts 1:1-14 Luke 24:36-53 ﻋﯾد اﻟﻣﺟﯾداﻟﺻﻌود Feast of Ascension

Day May Coptic

To Celebrate

To Do To Read

Mon 1 23 Baramoda St Thomas Sunday – St George Martyrdom 1 Chronicles 7-9

Tues 2 24 St Sinuthius (Shenouda I), 55th Pope - St. Sina . 1 Chronicles 10-12

Wed 3 25 St. Sarah and her two sons - St.Babnuda the hermit 1 Chronicles 13-16

Thurs 4 26 St. Sousenyos - St Youannis VII, 78th Pope 1 Chronicles 17-19

Fri 5 27 Saint Boctor (Victor) Ebn Romanus 1 Chronicles 20-23

Sat 6 28 St. Milius, the ascetic 1 Chronicles 24-26

Sun 7 29 St. Erastus, one of the Seventy - St. Acacius, Bishop of Jerusalem 1 Chronicles 27-29

Mon 8 30 The Martyrdom of the Great Saint Mark, the Evangelist 2 Chronicles 1-4

Tues 9 1 Bashans The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of God 2 Chronicles 5-7

Wed 10 2 The righteous Job - St. Tadros the disciple of St. Pachomius 2 Chronicles 8-11

Thurs 11 3 St. Jason, one of the Seventy - St Gabriel IV, the 86th Pope 2 Chronicles 12-16

Fri 12 4 St Youhanna I, the 29 th Pope - St Yoannis V the 72nd Pope 2 Chronicles 17-20

Sat 13 5 St. Jeremiah the Prophet 2 Chronicles 21-24

Sun 14 6 St. Isaac El-Defrawi - St. Macarius of Alexandria - St Paphnute of El-Bandarah 2 Chronicles 25-28

Mon 15 7 St. Athanasius the Apostolic the 20th. Pope of Alexandria 2 Chronicles 29-31

Tues 16 8 St. John of Senhout - Anba Daniel the Archpriest of Sheahat 2 Chronicles 32-34

Wed 17 9 St. Helena, The Empress - St Yoannis XI the 89th - St. Gabriel VIII the 97th Pope 2 Chronicles 35-36

Thurs 18 10 The three young men the Saints Ananias Azarias and Misael Ezra 1-4

Fri 19 11 St. Theoclia, the wife of St. Justus - St. Paphnuti, the Bishop Ezra 5-7

Sat 20 12 Consecration of the church of the St. Demiana - St Mark XII, the 106th Pope Ezra 8-10

Sun 21 13 St. Arsanius The Tutor Of the Emperor's Children Nehemiah 1-3

Mon 22 14 Abba Pachomius, the father of the spiritual communal life Nehemiah 4-7

Tues 23 15 St. Simon the Zealot (Nathanael), the apostle Nehemiah 8-10

Wed 24 16 St. John the Evangelist Nehemiah 11-13

Thurs 25 17 Feast of Holy Ascention Esther 1-5

Fri 26 18 St. George (Ga'orgi), the Friend of St. Abraam Esther 6-10

Sat 27 19 Abba Isaac, the Priest of El-Qalali - St. Isidorus (Isidore) of Antioch. Job 1-4

Sun 28 20 St. Ammonius The Hermit Job 5-8

Mon 29 21 Holy and Pure Virgin Mary - St. Marcian (Martinianus). Job 9-12

Tue 30 22 St. Andronicus One of the Seventy Disciples Job 13-16

Wed 31 23 St. Junia, One of the Seventy Disciples - St. Julian (Yulianus) and his mother in Alexandria Job 17-20

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1 24 دﺧول اﻟرب أرض ﻣﺻر Lord’s Entry to Egypt 2 25 3 26 Bashans St. Thomas, the Apostle 4 27 5 28 The Apostles' Fast اﻟﺮﺳﻞﺻﻮمﺑﺪء 6 29 St. Simon the Stylite 7 30 8 1 Baouna St. Corpus اﺳﺗﺷﮭﺎد أﺑﻲ ﻓﺎم 9 2 Ibrahim El-Gohari ﻧﯾﺎﺣﺔ اﻟﻣﻌﻠم إﺑراھﯾم اﻟﺟوھري 10 3 Baouna 11 4 12 5 13 6 St. Abaskhiroun of Qalin اﺳﺗﺷﮭﺎد أﺑﺳﺧرﯾون اﻟﻘﻠﯾﻧﻲ 16 9 Baouna 18 11 St. Claudius اﺳﺘﺸﮭﺎد اﻟﻘﺪﯾﺲ أﻗﻼدﯾﻮس 19 12 Commemoration of Archangel Michael 20 13 Commemoration of Archangel Gabriel ﺗﻜﺮﯾﺲ ﻣﺎرﻣﻴﻨﺎﻛﻨﻴﺴﺔ ﻳﻮط 23 16 Abba Nofer the nchorite End of Term 2 25 18 26 19 اﺳﺗﺷﮭﺎد اﻟﻘدﯾس ﺟرﺟس اﻟﻣزاﺣم 27 20 St Elisha The Prophet Commemoration of St Mary 30 23 June 2022 ﯾﻮﻧﯿﺔ ٢٠٢٢ 1Cor 12:1-31 1Joh 2:20-3:1 Acts 2:1-21 John 15:26-16:15 Pentecost ﻋﯾد اﻟﺑﻧطﯾﻘﺳﺗﻰ Feast of Pentecost ﻗوﺗكﺣﺳباﻟﺧﯾرﺑﻌﻣلاھﺗمﻻﺳﯾﻣﺎﷲأﺟل اﻟﺷرﺗﻐﻠبﻟﻛﻲوﻣﺑﻐﺿﯾكإﻟﯾكاﻟﻣﺳﯾﺋﯾن اﻟرﺳوﻟﻲأﺛﻧﺎﺳﯾوساﻟﺑﺎﺑﺎﻧﺣوك. 1Cor 2:6-16 2Pet 1:1-8 Acts 14:8-22 Luke 5:17-26 Baouna2 Bashans/Baouna 1738 ﺑﺸﻨﺲ / ﺑﺆوﻧﮫ١٧٣٨ Apostle’s Fasting Fasting Queen's Birthday Public Holiday Apostle’s Fasting Fasting Eph 2:1-22 1Joh 4:7-19 Acts 7:20-34 Mat 2:13-23 St Abraam اﻷﻧﺑﺎ أﺑرام Ro 5:13-29 1Pe 1:1-9 Acts 12:25-13:12 Luke 11:1-13 Baouna1 1 1Co 4:1-16 2Peter 1: 19-2:9 Acts 17: 1-12 Mat 12: 22-37 Baouna3

Day June Coptic

To Celebrate To Do To Read

Thurs 1 24 Bashans Feast of Entry to Egypt Job 21-24

Fri 2 25 Departure of Moalem Ibrahim El-Gohary Job 25-30

Sat 3 26 St. Thomas, the Apostle Job 31-34

Sun 4 27 Feast of Pentecost Job 35-38

Mon 5 28 Holy Apostles Fast starts - Relocation of the Body of St. Epiphanius

Fasting Job 39-42

Tues 6 29 St. Simon the Stylite Fasting Psalms 1-8

Wed 7 30 The Departure of St. Fournous, one of the seventy disciples Strict Fasting Psalms 9-17

Thurs 8 1 Baouna St. Qozman El-Tahawy –Church of St. Abe-Fam Cons Fasting Psalms 18-21

Fri 9 2 The Commemoration of the Appearance of the Bodies of St. John the Baptist and Elisha the Prophet - The Departure of Pope Yoannis 18th, the 107th. Pope of Alexandria.

Strict Fasting Psalms 22-27

Sat 10 3 St Abraam Bishop of Fayoum and Giza Fasting- No abstinence Psalms 28-33

Sun 11 4 St Shenousi - Saint Anba Amoun and the Righteous Sophia.-St Aba-Hour St Yoannis VIII 80th Pope – St John of Herakleia

Fasting- No abstinence Psalms 34-37

Mon 12 5 Queen’s Birthday – Public Holiday Fasting Psalms 38-42

Tues 13 6 St. Theodore the Monk Fasting Psalms 43-49

Wed 14 7 Martyrdom of St. Abaskhiroun the Soldier Strict Fasting Psalms 50-55

Thurs 15 8 Consecration of the Church of St Mary known as El-Mahammah.- St George the new martyr Fasting Psalms 56-61

Fri 16 9 Samuel the Prophet - St. Lucilianus - Relocation of the Relics of St. Mercurius to Cairo Strict Fasting Psalms 62-68

Sat 17 10 St. Dabamon - St. Yoannis the 16th, the 103rd Pope Fasting-No abstinence Psalms 69-72

Sun 18 11 St. Claudius - Consecration of the Altar of the Forty Martyrs in Alexandria Fasting-No abstinence Psalms 73-77

Mon 19 12 The Commemoration of Archangel Michael- The Departure of St. Justus, the Sixth Pope of the See of St. Mark - The Departure of St. Kyrillos the Second, the 67th Pope of Alexandria- The Departure of St. Euphemia.

Fasting Psalms 78-80

Tues 20 13 Commemoration of Archangel Gabriel Fasting Psalms 81-88

Wed 21 14 St Yoannis XIX, 113th Pope - Sts. Apakir, John, Ptolemy and Philip Strict Fasting Psalms 89-94

Thurs 22 15 Turning Over of the Relics of the Great St. Mark the Apostle Consecration of the Church of Mari Mina at Maryut Fasting Psalms 95-103

Fri 23 16 St. Abba Nofer the Anchorite Strict Fasting Psalms 104-106

Sat 24 17 Return of the Relics of the St. Mark to St. Mark Cathedral -St. Latsoun El-Bahnasawy

Sun 25 18 Inauguration of the New St. Mark Cathedral in Cairo - St. Damianos, 35th Pope – Term 2 Ends

Mon 26 19

Fasting- No abstinen Psalms 107-111

Fasting- No abstinence Psalms 112-118

First Pontifical Liturgy in the New St. Mark Cathedral -Pope Archelaus, the Eighteenth Pope - St. George (Girgis) known as ElMezahem - St. Bishai Anoub Fasting Psalm 119

Tue 27 20 Departure of Elisha, the Prophet

Wed 28 21

First Church for The Virgin Mary in the city of Philippi St. Timothy of Memphis - St. Cedron (Kardonos), the Fourth Patriarch of Alexandria

Thu 29 22 Consecration of the Church of Sts. Cosmas, Damian, Their Mother, and Brothers

Fasting Psalms 120-133

Strict Fasting Psalms 134-140

Fasting Psalms 141-150

Fri 30 23 St. Abba Noub the Confessor Proverbs 1-3

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 30 23 اﻟﻘدﯾﺳ ﺔ ﻣﺎرﯾﻧﺎ St Marina 31 24 اﻟﻘدﯾس أﺑﺎﻧوب St Abanob Baouna اﻟﻘوى اﻟﻘدﯾس أﻧﺑﺎ ﻣوﺳﻰ St. Moses the strong 2 25 3 26 Joshua the prophet Son of Num ﻧﯾﺎﺣﺔ اﻟﻧﺑﻲ ﯾﺷوع ﻧون 4 27 5 28 6 29 7 30 The Nativity of St. John, the Baptist Abib 9 2 10 3 Start of Term 3 11 4 12 5 The Apostles' Feast اﻟﺮﺳﻞﻋﻴﺪ 13 6 14 7st. shenouda the Archimandrite 16 9 17 10 18 11 19 12 Commemoration of Archangel Angel Michael 20 13 21 14 St Ephraim the Syrian St Ephraim the Syrian 23 16 24 17 St. Euphemia اﺳﺗﺷﮭﺎد أزﻓﯾﻣﯾﺔاﻟﻘدﯾﺳﺔ 25 18 26 19 27 20 St Theodore of Shotp ﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻘدﯾس ﺗﺎدرس اﻟﺷطﺑﻰ 28 21 Commemoration of St Mary July 2023 ٢٠٢ﯾﻮﻟﯿﺔ ٣ 1Tim 6:3-16 Jam 3:1-12 Acts 18:12-23 Luke 9:10-17 Abib3 Baouna/Abib 1739 ﺑﺆوﻧﺔ /أﺑﯿﺐ١٧٣٩ Gal 1:1-24 Jud 1:14-25 Acts 5:19-23 Mat 18:1-9 Abib2 1Cor 9:1-27 1Pe 1:1-12 Acts 5:12-21 Luke 10:1-20 Abib1 اﻟﻘدﯾس اﻷﻧﺑﺎ ﺷﻧو St. Bishoy St. Karas Col 4:2-18 Jam 5:9-20 Acts 18:1-11 Luke 6:27-38 Baouna4 Apostle’s Fasting Fasting Phi 1:27-2:11 1Pet 1:25-2:10 Acts 19:11-22 Joh 11:1-45 Abib4 اﻟﺑﺎﺑﺎ ﻛﯾرﻟس ﻋﻣود اﻟدﯾن St Cyril the Great ذاكاﻟﺤﺮاﻹﻧﺴﺎنﺗﺴﺘﻌﺒﺪﻻاﻟﺬيﯾﺘﺤﻜﻢاﻟﺠﺴﺪﯾﺔاﻟﻤﻠﺬاته وﻋﻔﺔﺻﺎﻟﺢﺑﺘﻤﯿﯿﺰاﻟﺠﺴﺪ. اﻧﻄﻮﻧﯿﻮاﻻﻧﺒﺎ س اﻷﻧﺒﺎ ﺑﯿﺸﻮى اﻷﻧﺒﺎ ﻛﺎراس

Day Jul. Coptic To Celebrate

Sat 1 24 Baouna The Martyrdom of the Great Saint Anba Moses the Black

Sun 2 25 St. Jude, one of the Seventy - St. Peter the Fourth, 34th Pope

To Do To Read

Strict Fasting Proverbs 4-7

Fasting- No abstinence Proverbs 8-11

Mon 3 26 Great Prophet Joshua Son of Nun –Cons. of the Church of Archangel Gabriel Fasting- No abstinence Proverbs 12-14

Tues 4 27 St. Ananias, the Apostle - St. Thomas of Shentalet Fasting Proverbs 15-17

Wed 5 28 St. Theodosius, 33rd Pope - Cons of the Church of Anba Sarabamoun, of Nikios. Fasting Proverbs 18-20

Thurs 6 29 Seven Ascetic Saints in Tounar Mount – St’s. Abba Hour and his Mother Theodora Strict Fasting Proverbs 21-23

Fri 7 30 The Nativity of St. John, the Baptist Fasting Proverbs 24-26

Sat 8 1 Abib Saint Febronia the Ascetic-Saints Bioukha and Tayaban (Banayen) the priests Strict Fasting Proverbs 27-29

Sun 9 2 St. Thaddaeus, the Apostle Fasting Proverbs 30-31

Mon 10 3 St. Kyrillos I, the 24th Pope - St. Celestine, Pope of Rome

Fasting- No abstinence Ecclesiastes 1-4

Tues 11 4 Commemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of Sts. Apakir and John Term 3 starts Ecclesiastes 5-8

Wed 12 5 Feast of the Holy Apostles - Martyrdom of Sts. Peter and Paul, the Apostles Ecclesiastes 9-12

Thurs 13 6 St. Aoulimpas, the Apostle - St. Theodosia and her companions

Strict Fasting Song of Solomon 1-4

Fri 14 7 St. Shenouda (Shenoute), the Archimandrite -St Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch Song of Solomon 5-8

Sat 15 8 St. Anba Bishoy -St. Piroou and St. Athom -St. Balanah, the Priest –St. Epime (Pimanon)- Cyrus (Karas), brother of Emperor Theodosius

Strict Fasting Isaiah 1-3

Sun 16 9 St. Simon Cleophas, the Apostle -St. Cladianus (Celadion), the 9th Pope Isaiah 4-8

Mon 17 10 St. Theodore, Bishop of Pentapolis -St. Theodore, Bishop of Corinth -St Gabriel VII, 95th Pope Isaiah 9-11

Tues 18 11 Sts. John and Simon, his cousin - St. Isaiah, the hermit Isaiah 12-14

Wed 19 12 Archangel Michael - St. Abba Hour El-Siriakousy Isaiah 15-19

Thurs 20 13 St. Pisentius, Bishop of Qift -St. Apamon of Toukh-St. Abba Shenoute, during the Early Arab Rule Strict Fasting Isaiah 20-24

Fri 21 14 St. Procopius (Proconius) of Jerusalem -St. Peter the Fifth, 83rd Pope Isaiah 25-28

Sat 22 15 St. Ephraem El-Soriani -St. Cyriacus and St. Julietta His Mother -St. Horesius (Harsios) of Soul

Strict Fasting Isaiah 29-31

Sun 23 16 St. John, of the Golden Gospel-Recovery of the Holy Relics of St. George, the Great Martyr Isaiah 32-34

Mon 24 17 Martyrdom of St. Euphemia Isaiah 35-37

Tues 25 18

Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle, Bishop of Jerusalem Isaiah 38-40

Wed 26 19 St. Bidaba, Bishop of Qift, -St. Pantaleemon, the Physician-Pope Youanis X, 85th Pope Isaiah 41-43

Thu 27 20

Martyrdom of St. Theodore of Shotep Strict Fasting Isaiah 44-46

Fri 28 21 Commemoration of the Lady, the Virgin Mary- St. Sisinnios (Sosenius), the Eunich Isaiah 47-49

Sat 29 22 St. Macarius, the Son of Basilides- St. Leontius of Tripoli (Lawendius). Strict Fasting Isaiah 50-52

Sun 30 23 Martyrdom of St. Longinus the Soldier - Martyrdom of St. Marina, of Antioch Isaiah 53-56

Mon 31 24 Martyrdom of St. Apanoub -St. Simeon I, 42nd Pope Isaiah 57-59

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1 25 Abib 2 26 St Joseph the Righteous اﻟﻘدﯾس ﯾوﺳف اﻟﺑﺎر 3 27 4 28 St Mary Magdalene Abib 6 30 Abib 7 1 Mesra ﺑﺪء ﺻﻮم ﻟﻌﺬراء St. Mary's Fast 8 2 St. Pa’esa ﻧﯾﺎﺣﺔ اﻟﻘدﯾﺳﺔ ﺑﺎﺋﯾﺳﺔ 9 3 10 4 Departure of Hezekiah ﻧﯾﺎﺣﺔ ﺣزﻗﯾﺎ اﻟﺑﺎر 11 5 13 7 ﺑﺷﺎرة اﻟﻣﻼك ﺑﻣﯾﻼد اﻟﻘدﯾﺳﺔ 14 8 15 9 16 10 17 11 18 12 Commemoration of Archangel Michael 20 14 21 15 Archdeacon Habib Girgis اﻷرﺷﺪﯾﺎﻛﻮن ﺣﺒﯿﺐ ﺟﺮﺟﺲ 22 16 23 17 24 18 25 19 The seven young men of Ephesus The seven young men of Ephesus 27 21 Commemoration of St Mary 28 22 St. Augustine ﻧﯾﺎﺣﺔ اﻟﻘدﯾس أﻏﺳطﯾﻧوس 29 23 30 24 St. Takla Haymanout 31 25 August 2023 ٢٠٢أﻏﺴﻄﺲ ٣ "Prayeristhereturnofthe repentanttoGod"St.Ignatius Abib/Mesra 1739 أﺑﯿﺐ / ﻣﺴﺮى١٧٣٩ Rom 16:17-20 1Pe 2:18-3:7 Acts 21:8-14 Mark 3:22-35 Mesra3 Eph 6:1-23 1 John 2:7-17 Acts 20:1-12 Luke 5:27-39 Mesra2 St Mary’s fasting ﻋﯾد اﻟﺗﺟﻠﻰ Transfiguration Col 1:1-23 2Pet 1:12-21 Acts 7:44-8:1 Mark 9:2-12 1Cor 9:1-27 1Pet 3:8-10 Acts 19:23-41 Luke 20:9-19 Mesra1 1Cor 14:18-25 Jam 5:1-8 Acts 24:1-9 Luk 9:12-17 Abib5 Heb 9:1-12 2Joh 1:1-13 Acts 1:1-14 Luk 1:39-56 Asusmption of St. Mary's ﻋﯿﺪ أﺻﻌﺎد ﺟﺴﺪ اﻟﻘﺪﯾﺴﺔ اﻟﻌﺬراء ﻣﺮﯾﻢ

Day Aug. Coptic

To Celebrate

Tues 1 25 Abib St. Thecla-Saint Abba Isaac-St. Hilaria-Sts. Thecla and Mouji-St. Anthony) of Beba St. Abakragoun-St. Domadius El-Souriani -Church of St. Mercurius St. Palamon, the Father of the Monks

To Do To Read

Isaiah 60-63

Wed 2 26 Upright St. Joseph, the Carpenter -St. Timothy, 22nd Pope of Alexandria Strict Fasting Isaiah 64-66

Thurs 3 27 Cons. of the Church of St. Abba Fam -Martyrdom of St. Apamon Jeremiah 1-3

Fri 4 28 Departure of St. Mary Magdalene Strict Fasting Jeremiah 4-5

Sat 5 29 Translocation of the Relics of St Andrew, the Apostle. St Ouarshenoufa (Warshenofius). Fasting-No abstinence Jeremiah 6-8

Sun 6 30 Martyrdom of Sts. Mercurius and Ephraem Fasting-No abstinence Jeremiah 9-11

Mon 7 1 Mesra St. Marys Fasting starts- St. Apoli, Son of Justus - St. Kyrillos V (Cyril), 112th Pope Fasting Jeremiah 12-14

Tues 8 2 Departure of St. Pa'esa (Athanasia) Fasting Jeremiah 15-17

Wed 9 3 Relocation of the Body of St. Simon the Stylite -Pope Abriamus , 5th Pope Strict Fasting Jeremiah 18-21

Thurs 10 4 Hezekiah the King - Consecration of the Church of the Great St. Anthony Fasting Jeremiah 22-24

Fri 11 5 Departure of St. John the Soldier Strict Fasting Jeremiah 25-27

Sat 12 6 Martyrdom of St. Julietta Fasting- No abstinence Jeremiah 28-30

Sun 13 7 Annunciation of St Joachim with the Birth of the Virgin Mary-St Timothy II , 26th Pope Fasting- No abstinence Jeremiah 31-32

Mon 14 8 St. Lazarus, Salomi, His Wife, and Their Children Confession of St. Peter, the Apostle, that Christ is the Son of the Living God Fasting Jeremiah 33-36

Tues 15 9 Martyrdom of St. Ari, the Priest of Shatanouf Strict Fasting Jeremiah 37-39

Wed 16 10 Martyrdom of St. Matra - Martyrdom of St. Pigebs (Bekhebs). Fasting Jeremiah 40-43

Thurs 17 11 Departure of St. Moisis, Bishop of Ouseem Strict Fasting tinence Jeremiah 44-46

Fri 18 12 Honorable Archangel Michael- Reign of the Righteous Emperor Constantine Jeremiah 47-48

Sat 19 13 Feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord on Mount Tabor Fasting- No abstinence Jeremiah 49

Sun 20 14 Great Sign, the Lord had Manifested During the Papacy of St. Theophilus Fasting- No abstinence Jeremiah 50

Mon 21 15 St Mary’s Fasting ends - St. Mary Known as Marina, the Ascetic Archdeacon Habib Girgis Fasting Jeremiah 51-52

Tues 22 16 Assumption of the Body of the Pure Virgin St. Mary St. Mattias IV (Mattheos), 102nd Pope

Wed 23 17 Martyrdom of St. James the Soldier

Lamentations 1-2

Strict Fasting Lamentations 3-5

Thurs 24 18 St. Alexander. Patriarch of Constantinople -St. Eudaemon. of Armant Ezekiel 1-4

Fri 25 19 Translocation of the Body of St. Macarius to His Monastery in Scetis

Strict Fasting Ezekiel 5-8

Sat 26 20 Martyrdom of the Seven Young Men of Ephesus Ezekiel 9-12

Sun 27 21 Commemoration of the Virgin, the Mother of God - St. Irene (Eirene). Ezekiel 13-15

Mon 28 22 Departure of Micah, the Prophet - Martyrdom of St. Hadid –St Augustine

Ezekiel 16-17

Tue 29 23 Thirty Thousand Christians in Alexandria -St. Damian in Antioch. Ezekiel 18-20

Wed 30 24 St. Takla Haymanot, the Ethiopian - St. Thomas, Bishop of Mar'ash (Syria). Strict Fasting Ezekiel 21-22

Thu 31 25 St. Bessarion, the Great - St. Macarius III, 114th Pope Ezekiel 23-24

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1 26 Mesra 2 27 3 28 4 29 5 30 The Departure of Malachi 6 1 Nasi 7 2 8 3 Archangel Raphael 9 4 10 5 St Barsoma اﻟﻌﺮDنﺑﺮﺳﻮماﻷﻧﺒﺎ 11 6 12 1 1740 اﻟﻨﲑوزﻋﻴﺪ 13 2 St. John the Baptist 14 3 15 4 16 5 St Sophia اﻟﻘدﯾﺳﺔ ﺻوﻓﯾ ﺎ 17 6 18 7 St. Rebecca & her 5 children اﺳﺗﺷﮭﺎد اﻟﻘدﯾﺳﺔ رﻓﻘﺔ 19 8 St Moses the Arch prophet 20 9 21 10 22 11 23 12 Council of Ephesus Commemoration of Archangel Michael 24 13 25 14 26 15 27 16 28 17 The Feast of the Cross 29 18 The Feast of the Cross 30 19 The Feast of the Cross September 2023 ٢٠٢ﺳﺒﺘﻤﺒﺮ ٣ Mesra/Nasi 1739 Tote 1740 ﻣﺴﺮ ﻧﺴﻰ ١٧٣٩ ﺗﻮت١٧٤٠ 2Tim 1:12-2:10 Jam 2:5-13 Acts 11:19-26 Luke 10:21-28 Tot2 1Cor 1:17-31 1Pet 2:11-25 Acts 10:34-43 John 10:22-38 Holy Cross ﻋﯾد اﻟﺻﻠﯾب Gal 6:11-18 1Pet 1:3-12 Acts 4:8-18 Joh 6:35-46 Col 2:6-19 1Joh 5:13-21 Acts 3:12-21 Luk 14:25-35 1Tim 1:12-19 Jam 1:22-27 Acts 13:25-33 Luke 7:28-35 Tot1 2Cor 5:11-6:13 1Joh 2:7-17 Acts 17:16-34 Luk 4:14-30 End of Term 3 أﻛﺜﺮﺑﺎﻟﻤﺤﺒﺔﺗﻌﯿﺶاﻟﺘﻲاﻟﻨﻔﺲأوﻏﺴﻄﯿﻨﻮساﻟﻘﺪﯾﺲاﻟﺴﻤﺎء.اﺗﺴﺎﻋﺎ 1Tes 2:13-3:13 Jam 4:7=5:5 Acts 11:19-30 Mark 13:3-37 Mesra4 2Thes 2:1-17 2Pet 3:1-18 Acts 2:14-21 Mat 24:3-35 Nasi

Day Sep. Coptic

To Celebrate

To Do To Read

Fri 1 26 Mesra St. Moses (Moisees) and his Sister Sarah - St. Agabius, the Soldier, and his Sister Thecla Strict Fasting Ezekiel 25-27

Sat 2 27 Sts. Benjamin and his Sister Eudexia - St. Mary, the Armenian Ezekiel 28-30

Sun 3 28 Commemoration of the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Ezekiel 31-32

Mon 4 29 St. Athanasius, the Bishop, Gerasimus (Jarasimus), and Theodotus.-

Arrival of the Holy Relic of St. John, the Short, to the Wilderness of Scetis Ezekiel 33-35

Tues 5 30 Departure of St. Malachi, the Prophet Ezekiel 36-38

Wed 6 1 Nasi St. Eutychus - St. Pishay (Abshai), the Antiochian Strict Fasting Ezekiel 39-40

Thurs 7 2 Departure of St. Titus, the Apostle Ezekiel 41-43

Fri 8 3 Angel Raphael, the Archangel - St. Andrianus - St. Yoannis XIV, 96th Pope Strict Fasting Ezekiel 44-46

Sat 9 4 St. Leparius, Bishop of Rome - St. Poimen, the Hermit Ezekiel 47-48

Sun 10 5 St. James, Bishop of Misre - Righteous Amos, the Prophet –St. Barsoma, the "Naked" - St. Yoannis XV, 99th Pope Daniel 1-3

Mon 11 6 Daniel 4-5

Tues 12 1 Tout Feast of El-Nayrouz (Beginning of the Blessed Coptic Year) 1736

St. Bartholomew, the Apostle.-St. Melyos (Milius), the 3rd Pope -St. Yoannis XV, 99th Pope

Daniel 6-8

Wed 13 2 Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist - Martyrdom of St. Dasya the Soldier Strict Fasting Daniel 9-12

Thurs 14 3 Council held in the city of Alexandria - Great Earthquake took place in Cairo Hosea 1-4

Fri 15 4 Departure of St. Macarius II, 69th Pope of Alexandria – End of Term 3 Strict Fasting Hosea 5-9

Sat 16 5 Martyrdom of Saint Sophia Hosea 10-14

Sun 17 6 Departure of Isaiah the Prophet - Martyrdom of Saint Basilissa Joel 1-3

Mon 18 7 St. Dioscorus, 25th Pope -Sts. Agathon, Peter, John, Amun and Amuna and Their Mother, Rebecca -St. Severianus, Bishop of Gabala Amos 1-4

Tues 19 8 Zacharias the Prophet - Moses the Prophet - St. Dimides (Diomede). Amos 5-9

Wed 20 9 Martyrdom of St. Pisora the Bishop Strict Fasting Obadiah 1

Thurs 21 10 Saint Matruna - Sts. Basin and Her Children Jonah 1-4

Fri 22 11 Martyrdom of Saint Basilides (Wasilides) Strict Fasting Micah 1-4

Sat 23 12 Third Ecumenical Council at Ephesus- Translocation of the Relics of Sts. Clemus Micah 5-7

Sun 24 13 St Mattheos II, 90th Pope - Miracle performed by St. Basilius (Basil), Bishop of Caesarea Nahum 1-3

Mon 25 14 Departure of St. Agathon the Stylite Habakkuk 1-3

Tue 26 15 Translocation of the Body of St. Stephen the Archdeacon Zephaniah 1-3

Wed 27 16 Commemoration of the Consecration of the Sanctuaries of the church of Resurrection in Jerusalem. - Translocation of the Relics of St. John Chrysostom

Thu 28 17 Feast of the Consecration of the Church of the Honorable Cross (for 3 days) Departure of St. Theognosta

Fasting Haggai 1-2

Zechariah 1-5

Fri 29 18 St. Prophorius (Porphyrius).- Stephen the Priest, and St. Niceta (Niketa) the Martyr Strict Fasting Zechariah 6-10

Sat 30 19 Commemoration of St. Gregory, Patriarch of the Armenians Zechariah 11-14

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1 20 Tote 2 21 Term 4 starts Commemoration of St Mary 3 22 Julius ElAkfehasi اﺳﺗﺷﮭﺎد اﻟﻘدﯾس ﯾوﻟﯾوس اﻷﻗﻔﮭﺻﻲ 4 23 5 24 6 25 Departure of Jonah, the prophet 7 26 ﺑﺷﺎرة زﻛرﯾﺎ اﻟﻛﺎھن ﺑﻣﯾﻼد ﯾوﺣﻧﺎ ﻟﻣﻌﻣدان 8 27 9 28 10 29 11 30 12 1Baba St. Anastasia 13 2 14 15 4 St Bacchus اﻟﻘﺪﯾﺲ واﺧ ﺲ 16 5 17 6 Departure of Hannah, Mother of Samuel the prophet ﻧﯾﺎﺣﺔ ﺣﻧﺔ ﺻﻣوﺋﯾل اﻟﻧﺑﻲ 18 7 St Paula Of Tamouh اﻷﻧﺒﺎ ﺑﻮﻻ اﻟﻄﻤﻮھﻰ 19 8 20 9 21 10 St. Sergius, the friend of St. Bacchus اﺳﺗﺷﮭﺎد اﻟﻘدﯾس ﺳرﺟﯾوس 22 11 23 12 Commemoration of Archangel Michael 24 13 25 14 26 15 St Panteleimon 27 16 28 17 29 18 30 19 31 20 St John the Short October 2023 ٢٠٢أﻛﺘﻮﺑﺮ ٣ Tote/Baba 1740 ﺗﻮت/ﺑﺎﺑﺔ ١٧٤٠ اﻟﻤﻔﺘﺎحاﻟﺼﻼةاﻟﺬي ﻟﻨﺎﯾﻔﺘﺢ اﻟﻤﻟﻠﻜﺘﺐاﻟﺤﻘﯿﻘﯿﺔاﻟﻤﻌﺎﻧﻲ ﻘﺪﺳﺔ. اﻟﺴﺮﯾﺎﻧﻲاﺳﺤﻖﻣﺎر 1Cor 2:1-16 1Pet 1:13-21 Acts 9:22-31 Luke 19:1-10 Tot3 2Cor 1:1-14 1Joh 3:8-12 Acts 9:36-42 Luk 7:36-50 Tot4 2Cor 2:12-3:6 1Pet 1:22-2:5 Acts 13:36-43 Mark 2:1-12 Baba1 2Cor 4:5-15 Jam 3:13-4:6 Acts 14:24-15:3 Luke 5:1-11 Baba2 1Cor 16:12-24 Jam 4:7-17 Acts 15:4-12 Mat 12:22-28 Baba3

Day Oct. Coptic To Celebrate

To Do To Read

Sun 1 20 Tout St Athanasius II, the 38th Pope - St. Melitina the Virgin - St Theopista Malachi 1-4

Mon 2 21 Virgin St. Mary, the Theotokos - St. Cyprian (Cyprianus) and St. Justina Matthew 1-4

Tues 3 22 Saints Cotylas (Kobtlas) and Axoua, his Sister, and Tatas - St. Julius of Aqfahs Matthew 5-6

Wed 4 23 Sts. Eunapios (Onanius) and Andrew - St. Thecla Strict Fasting Matthew 7-9

Thurs 5 24 St. Gregory the Ascetic - St. Quadratus, One of the Seventy Disciples – Term 4 starts Matthew 10-11

Fri 6 25 Departure of Jonah, the Great Prophet Strict Fasting Matthew 12-13

Sat 7 26 The Angels' Annunciation of John the Baptist to Zacharias Matthew 14-17

Sun 8 27 Martyrdom of St. Eustathius and His Two Sons Matthew 18-20

Mon 9 28 Saints Abadir (Apater)and Eraee (Herai), His Sister Matthew 21-22

Tues 10 29 St. Arbsima (Repsima) the Virgin and Her Sisters the Virgins Matthew 23-24

Wed 11 30 Miracle that God Performed for St. Athanasius the Apostolic Strict Fasting Matthew 25-26

Thurs 12 1 Baba Martyrdom of Saint Anastasia Matthew 27-28

Fri 13 2 Coming of Saint Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, to Egypt Strict Fasting Mark 1-3

Sat 14 3 St. Simon II, 51st Pope - St. John the Soldier Mark 4-5

Sun 15 4 Martyrdom of St. Bacchus, the Friend of St. Sergius Mark 6-7

Mon 16 5 Martyrdom of St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople Mark 8-9

Tues 17 6 Righteous Hannah, the Prophetess Mother of Samuel, the Prophet Mark 10-11

Wed 18 7 Departure of St. Paul of Tamouh Strict Fasting Mark 12-13

Thurs 19 8 St. Matra - Saints Abba Hor, Tosia (Susanna) and Her Children, and Abba Agathon, the Hermit. Mark 14

Fri 20 9 St Eumenius, the 70th Pope - St. Simon (Simeon) the Bishop Strict Fasting Mark 15-16

Sat 21 10 Martyrdom of St. Sergius, the Friend of St. Bacchus Luke 1-2

Sun 22 11 St. James, Patriarch of Antioch - St. Pelagia Luke 3-4

Mon 23 12 Archangel Michael - Abba Demetrius I, 12th Pope - St. Matthew the Evangelist Luke 5-6

Tues 24 13 Departure of Saint Zacharias, the Monk Luke 5-6

Wed 25 14 Departure of St. Philip, One of the Seven Deacons Strict Fasting Luke 9-10

Thurs 26 15 Martyrdom of Saint Panteleimon, the Physician Luke 11-12

Fri 27 16 St. Agathon, 39th Pope - Sts. Carpus, Apollos (Papylus) and Peter Strict Fasting Luke 13-15

Sat 28 17 Abba Dioscorus II, 31st Pope Luke 16-18

Sun 29 18 Saint Theophilus23rd Pope Luke 19-20

Mon 30 19 Council of Antioch against Paul of Samosata - Sts. Theophilus and His Wife in Fayyum Luke 21-22

Tue 31 20 Departure of the Great St. John Colobos (the Short) Luke 23-24

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1 21 Baba Comm. of St. Mary St Rewisاﻷﻧﺒﺎ روﯾﺲ 2 22 St Luke اﻷﳒﻴﻠﻰﻟﻮﻗﺎاﻟﻘﺪﻳﺲ 3 24 4 25 5 25 6 26 7 27 Melbourne Cup Public Holiday 8 28 9 29 10 30 ظﮭور رأس ﻣﺎرﻣرﻗس اﻹﻧﺟﯾﻠﻲ 11 1 Hator 12 2 13 3 St. Athanasius & his sister, Irene 14 4 15 5 16 6 Consecration of St Mary’s Church 17 7 Enthronement of HH Pope Tawadros II The Incorporeal Beasts 18 8 19 9 20 10 21 11 22 12 Commemoration of Archangel Michael 23 13 Commemoration of Archangel Gabrial 24 14 Hator 25 15 St Mina اﻟﻘﺪﯾﺲ ﻣﺎرﻣﯿﻨ ﺎ 26 16 The Holy Nativity Fasting 27 17 St. John Chrysostom 28 18 29 19 30 20 November 2023 ٢٠٢ﻧﻮﻓﻤﺒﺮ ٣ ﻣﺮة ﺗﺨﺎف وﺑﺦ ﻧﻔﺴﻚ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻗﻠﺔ إﯾﻤﺎﻧﻚ . اﻟﺒﺎﺑﺎ ﺷﻨﻮدة اﻟﺜﺎﻟﺚ 2Tes 1:1-12 1Pet 4:3-11 Acts 5:30-42 Luke 14:25-35 Hator3 Baba/Hator 1740 ﺑﺎﺑﺔ / ھﺎﺗﻮر١٧٤٠ Heb 6:7-15 Jud 14-25 Acts 5:19-29 Mat 13:1-9 Hator2 2Co 9:1-9 Jam 3:1-12 Acts 10:37-11:1 Luke 8:4-15 Hator1 1Tmi 6:3-22 Jam 4:17-5:11 Acts 15:36-16:5 Luke 7:11-17 Baba4 Father
ﻧﯾﺎﺣﺔ اﯾﻼرﯾون اﻟﻛﺑﯾر
Abba Hilarion

Day Nov. Coptic

To Celebrate

To Do To Read

Wed 1 21 Baba Commemoration of the Theotokos -Relocation of the Body of Lazarus –Joel the Prophet -St. Freig (Abba Tegi, Anba Roweiss). Strict Fasting John 1-2

Thurs 2 22 Martyrdom of Saint Luke the Evangelist John 3-4

Fri 3 23 St. Yousab, 52nd Pope - St. Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth- Melbourne Cup – Public Holiday Strict Fasting John 5-6

Sat 4 24 Righteous Father Abba Hilarion -Sts. Paul, Longinus and Deenah (Zena). John 7-8

Sun 5 25 Saints Apollo and Abib - Cons of the Church of Saint Julius El-Akfahsee John 9-10

Mon 6 26 Saint Timon the Apostle -Seven Martyrs on the Mount of St. Antonius John 11-12

Tues 7 27

Righteous Father Saint Macarius Bishop of Edkow (Tkoou) – Melbourne Cup

John 13-15

Wed 8 28 Martyrdom of the Sts. Marcian (Marcianus) and Mercurius Strict Fasting John 16-17

Thurs 9 29 Martyrdom of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica John 18-19

Fri 10 30 Consecration of the Church of St. Mark the Evangelist and the Appearance of His Holy Head - St. Ibrahim (Ibraham) the Hermit Strict Fasting John 20-21

Sat 11 1 Hatour Saints Maximus, Numitius, Victor , and Philip - Saint Cleopas the Apostle and His Companion Acts 1-3

Sun 12 2 St. Peter the Third 27th Pope of Alexandria Acts 4-5

Mon 13 3 St. Cyriacus - St. Athanasius and His Sister, Irene Acts 6-7

Tues 14 4 Saints John and James, Bishops of Persia - Saints Epimachus and Adrianus (Azarianus). Acts 8-9

Wed 15 5 Appearance of the Head of St. Longinus, the Soldier - St. Timothy and the Relocation of the Body of St. Theodore, the Prince, to Shotb. Strict Fasting Acts 10-11

Thurs 16 6 St. Felix, Pope of Rome - Consecration of the church of the Virgin in the Mouharaque Monastery Acts 12-13

Fri 17 7 St. George of Alexandria - St. Nehroua - St. Mina, Bishop of Tamai Consecration of the Church of St. George Strict Fasting Acts 14-15

Sat 18 8 Commemoration of the Four Incorporeal Beasts Acts 16-17

Sun 19 9 Holy Father Anba Isaac, 41st Pope - Assembly of the Ecumenical Council at Nicea Acts 18-19

Mon 20 10 St. Sophia and the Fifty Virgins - Council in Rome because of the Feast of Theophany and Lent Acts 20-21

Tues 21 11 St. Anna the mother of the Theotokos -St. Archelaus and the Martyrdom of Elisha the Hegumen. Acts 22-23

Wed 22 12 Commemoration of the Honored Archangel Michael Strict Fasting Acts 24-26

Thurs 23 13 St. Timothy, Bishop of Ansena -St. Zacharias, 64th Pope Fasting Acts 27-28

Fri 24 14 St. Martinus (Martin) Bishop of Tours (Thrace) Strict Fasting Romans 1-3

Sat 25 15 The Martyrdom of Saint Mari-Mina, the Wonder Worker Fasting- No abstinence Romans 4-7

Sun 26 16 Advent Fasting starts - Consecration of the Church of St. Abu-Nofer -Saint Yostus, the Bishop. Fasting- No abstinence Romans 8-10

Mon 27 17 Departure of Saint John Chrysostom

Fasting Romans 11-14

Tue 28 18 Two Saints: Atrasis and Yoana (Junia).-Saint Philip the Apostle. Fasting Romans 15-16

Wed 29 19 Consecration of the Church of St. Sergius and St. Bacchus - St. Bartholomew, the Apostle Strict Fasting 1 Corinthians 1-4

Thu 30 20 St. Anianus, 2nd Pope -Consecration of the Churches of Prince Theodore, the Son of John ElShotbe, and Prince Theodore El-Mishreke. Fasting 1 Corinthians 5-9

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 31 21 Commemoration of St Mary 1 21 Hator Sts. Kosman & Demian ودﻣﻴﺎنﻗﺰﻣﺎناﻟﻘﺪﻳﺴﺎن 3 23 4 24 The 24 Priestﺗذﻛﺎر اﻷرﺑﻌﺔ وﻋﺷرون ﻗﺳﯾﺳﺎ 5 25 St Marcurius اﻟﺸﮭﯿﺪ ﻣﺮﻗﻮرﯾﻮس 6 26 8 28 St Peter the Seal of Martyrs اﻟﻘدﯾس اﻷﻧﺑﺎ ﺑطرس ﺧﺎﺗم اﻟﺷﮭداء 10 30 11 1 Keiahk 12 2 St. Hermina, the Anchorite 13 3 St Mary Presented to the temple 4 15 5 St Abraam 62nd Pope of Alexandria – Moving the Mountain 17 7 18 8 St Barbara & St Juliana 19 9 20 10 Nicholas Of Mora اﻟﻘدﯾس ﻧﯾﻘوﻻ أﺳﻘف ﻣورا 22 12 Commemoration of Archangel Michael 24 14 25 15 ChristmasDay PublicHoliday 26 16 Boxing Day PublicHoliday 27 17 29 December 2023 ٢٠٢دﯾﺴﻤﺒﺮ ٣ "Prayer is being attached to God in all moments and situations of life. Then life becomes one prayer, without interruption or disturbance ” St. Basil Rom 3:1-4:3 1Joh 1:1-2:2 Acts 7:30-34 Luke 1:26-38 Keiahk2 Rom 4:4-24 1Joh 2:7-17 Acts 7:35-50 Luke 1:39-56 Keiahk3 Hator/Kiahk 1740 ھﺎﺗﻮر/ﻛﯿﮭﻚ ١٧٤٠ Rom 1:1-17 James 1:1-18 Acts 1: 1 -14 Luke 1:1-25 Keiahk1 Advent Fasting 1Cor 4:1-6 2Pet 1:1-8 Acts 16:40-17:1-7 Mark 10:17-31 Hator4 Advent Fasting Rom 9:6-33 1Joh 2:24-3:3 Acts 7:8-22 Luk 1:57 :80 Keiahk 4 -80

Day Dec. Coptic

To Celebrate

To Do To Read

Fri 1 21 Hatour Virgin St. Mary, the Theotokos -Saint Gregory, the Wonder Worker -Saint Cosma, 54th Pope Strict Fasting 1 Corinthians 10-13

Sat 2 22 The Martyrdom of Saints Cosmas, Damian, Their Brothers and Their Mother

Fasting- No abstinence 1 Corinthians 14-16

Sun 3 23 St. Cornelius the Centurion -Consecration of the Church of St. Marina Fasting- No abstinence 2 Corinthians 1-4

Mon 4 24 Commemoration of the Twenty-Four Priests Fasting 2 Corinthians 5-9 Tues 5 25 The Martyrdom of St. Mercurius Known as the Saint with the Two Swords Fasting 2 Corinthians 10-13

Wed 6 26 St. Valerian (Balaryanos) and Tiburcius, His Brother - St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa Strict Fasting Galatians 1-3 Thurs 7 27 Martyrdom of St. James the Mangled (Sawn) Fasting Galatians 4-6 Fri 8 28 Martyrdom of St. Sarapamon, Bishop of Niku Strict Fasting Ephesians 1-3

Sat 9 29 St. Peter, the Seal of the Martyrs, 17th Pope -St. Clement, Pope of Rome Fasting- No abstinence Ephesians 4-6

Sun 10 30 St. Acacius, Patriarch of Constantinople-St. Macarius -Consecration of the Church of Saints Cosmas, Damian and their mother Fasting- No abstinence Philippians 1-4

Mon 11 1 Kiahk St. Peter Elrahawy, Bishop of Gaza -Consecration of the Church of the Saint Abba Shenouda Fasting Colossians 1-4 Tues 12 2 Departure of the Saint Abba Hor, the Monk Fasting 1 Thessalonians 1-5 Wed 13 3 Entrance of Saint Mary into the Temple at Jerusalem Strict Fasting 2 Thessalonians 1-3 Thurs 14 4 Martyrdom of St. Andrew the Apostle, the Brother of St. Peter Fasting 1 Timothy 1-6

Fri 15 5 Nahum, the Prophet -St. Victor (Boctor)- St. Isidore (Isidorus). Strict Fasting 2 Timothy 1-4

Sat 16 6 St. Abraam (Abraham), Ebn-Zaraa, 62nd Pope -St. Anatolius Fasting- No abstinence Philemon 1; Titus 1-3

Sun 17 7 Departure of St. Matthew the Poor – End of Term 4 Fasting- No abstinence Hebrews 1-4

Mon 18 8 St. Heraclas 13th Pope -Saints: Barbara and Juliana -Saints: Esi and His Sister Thecla.-St. Samuel the Abbot of El -Qualamon Monastery

Fasting Hebrews 5-8

Tues 19 9 Departure of St. Poemin, the Confessor Fasting Hebrews 9-10

Wed 20 10 Relocation of the Body of St. Severus, Patriarch of Antioch St. Nicholas, the Confessor, Bishop of Myra (Mora).

Thurs 21 11 Departure of the Saint Abba Pijimi

Fri 22 12 Honorable Michael, the Archangel -St. Hedra, Bishop of Aswan-St. John the Confessor

Sat 23 13 St. Barsanuphius -St. Abracius (Apraxios- Consecration of the Church of St. Misaeal

Sun 24 14 Saints Behnam and Sarah, His Sister -Saint Christodoulos -Saints Simeon of Menouf, Abba Hor - Saint Ammonius, Bishop of Esna

Mon 25 15 St. Gregory, Patriarch of the Armenians Christmas Day (Western0

Tue 26 16

Righteous Gideon - Saints Harouadi, Ananias and Khouzi Consecration of the Church of St. James, the Persian – Boxing Day

Wed 27 17 St. Luke the Stylite and the Relocation of His Holy Relics

Thu 28 18 Relocation of the Relics of St. Titus - St. Heracleas the Martyr and St. Philemon the Priest – Public Holiday replacing Christmas Day

Fri 29 19 St. John, Bishop of El-Borollos Who Gathered the Synaxarion – Public Holiday

Sat 30 20 Departure of the Upright Haggai the Prophet

Sun 31 21 Virgin Mary, the Theotokos - St. Barnabas, One of the Seventy Apostles

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Strict Fasting Hebrews 11-13

Fasting James 1-5

Strict Fasting 1 Peter 1-5; 2 Peter 13

Fasting- No abstinence 1 John 1-5

Fasting- No abstinence 2 John 1; 3 John 1; Jude 1

Fasting Revelation 1-3

Fsting Revelation 4-7

Strict Fasting Revelation 8-11

Fasting Revelation 12-14

Strict Fasting Revelation 15-17

Fasting- No abstinence Revelation 18-19

Fasting- No abstinence Revelation 20-21

Church /organization Priests Mobile & Email

Telephone & Fax Diocese of Melbourne

88-146 Park Rd, Donvale , Victoria, Australia ,3111

PO Box 1150, Mitcham North, VIC 3132

Archangel Michael & St Anthony

136 Drummond St, Oakleigh,VIC 3166 PO Box 186, Oakleigh,VIC 3166

St Antonious Monastery Redburns Lane, PO Box 82, Heathcote, VIC 3523

St Bishoy & St Shenouda

1-9 Prospect Rd, Bulleen, VIC 3105 PO Box 1309, East Doncaster, VIC 3109

St George

77-79 Henry St, PO Box, 145, St Albans, VIC 3021

St Mark

40-42 Gilbet Rd, Preston, VIC 3072, PO Box 53, Preston, VIC 3072

St Mary

1-11 Epsom Rd, Kensington, Vic 3031 PO Box 72 Flemington VIC 3031

St Mina & St Marina

41-59 Saffron Drive, Hallam VIC 3803

St Athanasius - 88-154 Park Rd, Donvale, Victoria, Australia 3111 PO Box 1150, Mitcham North VIC 3132

St John Church

583 Orrong Rd., Armadale Vic 3143 Fiji

St Verena & St Bishoy - Eporo Tower 279 Latrobe Street, Melbourne Vic 3000

St Macarius the Great 615 Yan Yean Road, Yarrambat Vic 3091

Fr Paul Awad

Fr Gregorios Awad

Fr Danial Ghabrial

Fr. Luke Sorsok

Fr Angelos Rofail

Fr Matta El-Baramousy

Fr Mina Issac (Michail)

Fr Shenouda Boutros

Fr Johnathan Awad

Fr Thomas Abdelmalek

Fr Morcos Yassa

Fr Peter Agaibi

Fr Samuel Elias

Fr Anthony Mikhael

Fr Yohanna Samuel

Fr George Farag

Fr Tadros Sharobeam

Fr Habib Gergis Younan

Fr. Michael Salib

Fr Kerollos Tawadros

Fr John Macari

Fr Abanoub Attalla

Fr Timothaous Ghabrial

Fr Athanasius Attia

Fr Elijah Fanous

Fr Isaac El-Antony

Fr Isaac Wissa

Fr Antonious Guirguis

Fr Tadawos Abdelmalek

Fr Mark Attalla

Fr Sourial Youssef

Fr Daniel Bolis

Fr Pestavros

Fr John

Fr Raphael Fr Andrew

Fr Fr Stephen Mankarius Fr Arsanius Saleeb

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Hm: 03 9808-8076 Fax (03)9808-2772

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic

Orthodox Church - Melbourne

Paul the Apostle - Cnr Smith St. & Bayne St., Bendigo Vic 3550 Fr Moses Curley
Coptic Orthodox Theological College 88-146 Park Rd, Donvale , Victoria 3111 PO Box 1150, Mitcham North, VIC 3132 Fr Daniel
Dr Peter
8872 8452 Ph (03) 9874-0388 Fax (03) 9874-0688 Website: Coptic Village Hostel – Hallam 18 St. Kyrollos Place, Hallam Vic 3803 Director: Fr Daniel Ghabrial Manager: Mrs Merceedes Benjamin 0403 336 725 Ph (03) 9796-3018 Fax (03) 9796-4323 Archangel Michael Nuns Monastery - 29 Goldies Lane, Woodend Vic 3442 St Philopater Coptic Orthodox Church – 2b Barries Road, Melton Vic 3337 – PO Box 172 Melton 3337 Fr David Kamel – 0402-026-799 – CopticOrthodoxChurch–MelbourneDirectory
0411-780-444 0432-208-726 Ph/Fax 93903448 St.
0451-130-966 St Athansius
Dobson (03)
Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne . Coptic Church Important Dates
st January Start of
6th January Nativity
7th January Feast
14th January Circumcision 18th January Epiphany
19th January Epiphany 21st
15th February Entry
February Jonah’s Fasting
Lent 7th April Annunciation 19th
15th April End-Lent Friday 16th April Lazarus Saturday 9th April Palm Sunday 13th April Holy Thursday 14th April Good Friday 15th April Joyous Saturday 16th April Resurrection 17th April Sham-Elnessim 18th April St
Sunday 1st June Entry to Egypt 25th May Ascension 4th June Pentecost 5th June Apostle’s Fasting 12th July Apostles Feast 7th August St Mary’s Fasting 19th August Transfiguration 22nd August Assumption 12th September Nayrouz 1740 28th September Feast of the Cross 26th November Advent Fasting Public Holidays 2023 New Year's Day Sun 02 Jan Easter Sunday Sun 9 April Australia Day Wed 26 Jan Easter Monday Mon 10 April Labour Day Mon 13 March ANZAC Day Tue 25 April Good Friday Fri 15 April Queen's Birthday Mon 12 June Saturday before Easter Sunday Sat 8 April Friday before the AFL Grand Final 29th September Melbourne Cup Tues 07 Nov Boxing Day 26th December Christmas Day – 25th Dec Term1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 1 Starts 27th January Staff Term 2 Starts 24th April Term 3 Starts 10th July Term 4 Starts 2nd October Staff Term 1 30th January Students 3rd October Students Term 1 Ends 6th April students Term 2 Ends 22nd June Students Term 3 Ends 14th September Students Term 4 Ends 15th December Students 8th April Staff 23rd June Staff 15th Sep Staff 20th Dec Staff St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College 2022 School term dates
of Nativity
January Wedding of Cana
to Temple 6th-8th
9th February Joana’s Passover
February Pre-Lent Sunday
of the Cross

St Mary’s Church Building Project

Construction started May 2022 – Ending August 2023

New St John Chrysostom Church –Activities Hall – Sunday School & Youth Classes – Child Care Facility – New Kitchen facilities –Underground Car Parking for 50 cars

Estimated Cost 13 million Dollars

Approved by Melbourne City Council

For donations and details refer to website: Email:

1-11 Epsom Road, Kensington Vic 3031. Tel: 03 93766651


Website: &

Printed and published by St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church - Melbourne
St Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church
May the Lord grant you a Happy and Blessed New Year May the Lord grant you a Happy and Blessed New Year Donations to St
can be made by the following Link ﻟﻠﺘﺒﺮﻋﺎت ﻟﻜﻨﯿﺴﺔ اﻟﻌﺬراء ﻣﺮﯾﻢ وﻣﺸﺮوع اﻟﻤﺒﺎﻧﻰ أﺿﻐﻂ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺮاﺑﻂ (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) First Floor Ground Floor Current Buildings on 9th December 2022
Mary‹s Church
Building project

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