SMCOC September 2022

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Feast of CommemorationNayrouzoftheMartyrs

Fr Tadros Sharobeam - Principal

Sunday 11th September is Feast of Nayrouz - the memorial of our holy martyred fathers, in whose eyes the whole world was nothing before their great love for the King Christ, so they set out in many processions to places of suffering and martyrdom in joy and marvelous ecstasy; Processions, which are still going on over generations. Our church lives in a permanent Nayrouz that began since it received the guarantee of faith The upright from her Groom and her heavenly lover, and she carried it faithfully and loyally through the generations, for her progress, sound, profitable, and fruitful at her meeting with the Lord at His Second Coming. We are the children of these faithful and truthful saints. The mother of the martyrs; the black and beautiful, the oppressed bride but joyful depending on her Groom through the wilderness of this world. Today, the Lord is looking for those loyal people to entrust them with his preaching work in the midst of this world full of darkness and evil. When St. Paul went to Athens, his spirit became ardent in him, as he found the city full of idols, and he could not bear to be silent, even though he was only crossing and he did not intend to preach in it at that time. And the energy of love was released in him to preach and stand in the Areopagus, the most famous theater in the world at that time, to speak to the greatest philosophers of the world about faith, salvation and the resurrection of the dead. Although they mocked him and considered it a kind of joke to speak for someone about the resurrection of the dead, but the Lord did not deprive him of the fruit; two of those whose hearts God touched, among them was the great philosopher and scientist Dionysus the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris. They became a small leaven and the beginning of Christianity in Athens, which later became a great city for the Lord Jesus. So also St. Mark descended in Alexandria as a stranger, alone, without a bag, no mantle, and no extra shoes, but his heart was overflowing with a flood of love, wanting to attract souls to the Lord Jesus. And in the blessing of carrying out the commandment of detachment, the Lord gave him the gift of the first soul to believe in Egypt; Saint Anianus the cobbler. God has faithful witnesses in every generation and every place. God wants you today to be one of them. He wants you to testify of His love in the midst of a world full of hatred and selfishness. He wants you today to witness with your purity in the midst of a world where impurity has become its title and subject. He wants you to testify of your honesty in the midst of a world only who pay the price will be saved. God wants you today to be faithful and honest to the message that you were entrusted with so that you can deliver it pure and fruitful to your children and to those who come after you. Beware of the traders of faith and virtue who adorn you a false faith without origin. They did not receive the good thing like you. They have left their trusts before and they have nothing to hand over to their children except sweet, empty words. The Lord has allowed you to be and sojourn in this country to bear witness to Christ Who loved you; a practical testimony in which you will become a living and readable Gospel of all people Christ today wants to be imagined in you. He wants you to be a preacher of a year acceptable to the Lord.

The Dangerous Act of Vaping

Last week, our students from Years 6, 7, 8 and 9 participated in an in-school 60 minutes evidence-based Alcohol & Vaping Education incursion run by Hume City Council. It was a tailored program suitable for our Middle School students and is aligned with the Australian Curriculum Health and Physical Education and General Capabilities. Students discussed and participated in activities pertaining to what vaping is and the harmful effects of such an act on one’s health. Years 10, 11 and 12 students also participated in similar workshops in Term 2, run by New Age Health & Wellness. At SMCOC, vaping is deemed a harmful practice that is not permitted. Vaping, and/ or possession of vaping devices on site, is prohibited. Any breach of this policy will mean a disciplinary action, as per our SMCOC’s policies and regulations.

Miss Germaine Saad - Assistant Principal

A vaper is an electronic nicotine delivery system, which is a lithium-battery operated device. It works by heating a liquid (juice) until it becomes an aerosol that users inhale.

It is claimed to be ‘nicotine free’. This is a false claim. As per the National Health and Medical Research Council’s statement, vaping can expose you to high levels of chemicals and toxins with the potential to cause serious health effects. Furthermore, the manufacturing, contents and labelling of these electronic cigarettes are unregulated in Australia and consumers are left with a product that has no quality assurance or safety standards. This is why there are numerous harmful effects that are not yet known, in addition to all the well-known side effects. Unfortunately, the majority of young people who vape, wrongly believe that vaping produces a smoky cloud of steam. The truth is that vaping produces an aerosol, which is a fine mist of chemicals that accesses their bodies via the lungs. This electronic device is presented to our young people with a myriad of sweet flavours and attractive coloured packaging that is designed to lure them into using it. It is becoming increasingly common for young people to fall victim to this harmful habit. In addition, it is sad to see some social media platforms such as TikTok presenting vaping as a cool trendy act, as well as a safer alternative to cigarettes. This is why many adolescents perceive of vaping to be a “cool” practice. It has become a trend amongst young people, who are either ignoring the harmful effects of such a habit or are actually ignorant to the dangerous health consequences. At SMCOC, we have been continuously discussing this topic with our students, in addition to the presentations and workshops our students have participated in this year. However, this would not be effective without our parents’ and carers’ support at home. Having open and honest discussions with your children at home about vaping and the dire effects of this habit on their health is crucial in supporting our efforts at the College to educate your children and ensure their safety. An honest and good discussion with your child can help raise their awareness about the related risks. If your child does not agree that this habit is dangerous and argues that it is a harmless act that involves water and fruit flavour and that it is not considered smoking, you can provide them with facts that prove how unsafe it is. You can also show them fact sheets that can support your conversation with your child from Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia. Another useful resource is Quit, including a ‘myth buster’ infographic to demonstrate associated risks to your child. We believe that, with our combined and concerted efforts, your children will be welleducated and supported in making better choices to preserve their health.

Science students were tasked by a Construction Firm to develop a house that was sustainable, energy efficient and have spaces suited to specific needs, such as a Wine Cellar/Cool Room or a Cinema Room/Studio. Their job was to design and build a house with energy efficient designs, materials and specific plans for specialty rooms.

Year 9 Energy Efficient House

Year 8 students Dissected Sheep Kidney

Year 10 Fireworks

By Miss Denise Marcia Parkinson

Science students used various chemicals to elicit fireworks colours by observing chloride, copper chloride, barium, potassium chloride, and strontium chloride sprayed into the tip flame of a Bunsen burner. Fireworks colours come from electrons charging energy levels. Heat gives electrons energy to jump from one energy level to another.

An engineering design process.

Science - Secondary School

Students placed the sheep kidney on a dissection board to examine the kidney and look at its structure. They compared the textures in three different areas of the kidney, identified the various parts of the kidney and used this comparison to compare sheep excretion to human excretion.


Book Week Celebration Friday 2nd September 2022 & Seconday School


Friday the 2nd of September was full of laughter, colours and stories. The day started with our traditional book parade in the gym. It was great to see all the amazing costumes! The fun continued with a primary spelling bee and then finished with each classroom reading some of the award-winning books for 2022. A big thankyou to all the parents and students for embracing the day with enthusiasm and energy.

Kate Tsiolas, Sarah Fraser and Annie Streicher

 Making special crowns with 100 stickers

 Dressing up, pretending to be 100 years old

On Monday 1st August all Foundation students were very excited to celebrate attending 100 days of school, or should we say 100 days of learning!! Students were greeted by decorated classrooms that made the day very special for them. Everyone had so much fun being involved in variety of activities like:

100 Days of School

 Writing about what they would buy if they had $100 We hope this day will be remembered by all Foundation students, as a special time at St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College.

St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College had some overnight visitors on the 18th of August. It was the much anticipated Year 3 sleepover which was a great success. Filled with excitement, students used up some of their energy with an hour Hip Hop class, filled their bellies with pizza and finished with a movie. There was lots of fun, laughter and a little bit of sleep. A big thank you to Ms Georgie and Ms Carla for joining the Year 3 team on the night. Ms Alicia, Ms Rebecca and Mrs Maria

Year 3 Sleepover

by Mr Adel Botros

Language Week

To celebrate Language Week on Monday the 15th August, SMCOC’s students performed an Arabic and French song about harmony and love. The celebration continued throughout the week. To finish the week, the Language department organised a cultural dress up day for the primary students on Friday. During the week, there were different activities taking place throughout the whole school. The Arabic, French and Home Economics class were asked to explore different aspects of both Arabic and French culture, tradition and food. Flags were displayed, drawn and coloured by Arabic and French speaking students. Arabic and French songs were also played at school during recess and lunch breaks.

2. The Royal South Street Choral Competition in Ballarat on 17th August.

The last five weeks for St. Mary’s Music department were nothing but hard-working, exciting, valuable and absolutely amazing experiences.

Choir Awards by Miss Sandra Mlikota

Both our choirs have worked extremely hard to perform their song repertoire at 1. The Victorian School Music Festival in Box Hill on 17th August. and

For their performance, our PRIMARY CHOIR achieved 3rd PLACE and received very positive feedback from the main adjudicator Honorable Carole McKenzie, a scholarship holder at the National Theatre Opera School who performed as soloist in concerts and oratorios with all the major choirs in Australia and overseas. Carole sang with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and regularly recorded with the ABC on radio and television. Our young Year 5 and 6 voices took onboard the feedback received at the Box Hill Festival and polished off their songs.

Our JUNIOR SECONDARY CHOIR performed on 1st August alongside vastly competitive senior school choirs mostly from Grammar schools. Our young voices felt overwhelmed by the talent, but were encouraged to rise up to the challenge and perform their best, which they did. Apart from our own performance, we watched all other 7 choirs performing an astonishing 12 minute song repertoire.

We absolutely could not believe that we won the ‘Highly Commended Award’. We came out of this competition more inspired and motivated to take our singing to the next level. This competition has opened new horizons and set new goals for all our Music students and teachers. We are very happy with the fact that our performances have promoted St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College amongst many other Victorian schools.

In the end, the main adjudicator Honorable Carole McKenzie came to the stage and congratulated all the choirs for their efforts, love for music and superb talents and singing performances today. She said that 4 awards will be given and they are Highly commended, 3rd, 2nd and 1st place.

By Miss Germaine Saad

Celebrating Academic and Conduct Excellence in Primary School

Excellence Award

On Friday, 12th of August the year fours went on an excursion to Sea Life StudentsMelbourne.participated in a program focusing on Food Webs and Life Cycles. The topics included the structural, behavioral and physiological adaptations of living things. (Plants and Animals). Students and teachers had a wonderful time.

by Miss Carla Maisano

Sealife Execursion



 Students respect property  Establish a cooperative, supportive and safe environment  Establish

create a positive

Embracing students’ good behaviour is fundamentally important. This is why the ‘Gold Pass’ will be implemented as a positive reinforcement of this colour represents happiness and when receiving a ‘Gold Pass’ will surely make a student feel happy. Students will be noticed for their effort and appropriate behaviour that is expected at St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College. purpose of the Pass’ processes that focuses on to culture on school bonus of this ‘Gold Pass’ is that once it is obtained, it follows on with a

grounds The



prevention and early intervention


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