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Digitalisation can be interpreted in (at least) two ways: On the one hand, it describes the digital conversion, execution and representation of information and communication as well as the use of instruments, devices and vehicles in connection with it. On the other hand, it refers to the „digital revolution“, including its political, economic and socio-cultural consequences. Although the term is somewhat vague, it is precisely because of its breadth that it forms the basis of this publication: it is intended to facilitate an integrative discussion of the technological as well as the social and spiritual dimensions of digital phenomena.
Digital realities are understood here as all spaces that are characterised by a specific technical infrastructure and the digital processes generated by it. This includes the Internet, as well as Virtual or Augmented Realities.
Computer-generated, often interactive, reality with image (3D) and (usually also) sound. Relevant for education and training (simulators), telemedicine, information transfer and entertainment.
Augmented Realities enable the perception of the non-digital world (i.e., ordinary reality), supplemented by virtual aspects (augmented reality). Thus, additional information about the immediate environment can be added, just as, for example, virtual furniture can be inserted into a digital image of the own living room.
The Internet can be described as a decentralised, global computer network whose goal is the exchange of data between computers via telecommunication networks.
The „Internet of Things“ comprises technologies that allow devices, machines and mobile systems to be connected directly to the Internet – enabling remote access and interaction between devices.
(AI) Concerns the reproduction and extension of human perception or decisionmaking processes by machines. AI is especially useful where enormous amounts of data have to be processed. Fields of application: medical diagnostics, character, image and text recognition, speech recognition, etc.
Machine learning is an application area of artificial intelligence. Computer programs are enabled by data and experience values to continue learning independently and to make decisions in unknown situations.
Robotics deals with the design, production, control and operation of robots. Robots are technical devices that are usually used to perform (repetitive, mechanical) work for humans.
Anthropomorphic or humanoid robots are similar to humans in structure, movements, facial expressions, gestures and linguistic expressions. They are highly developed mechanical beings that are intended to look and behave like humans. Androids in particular, are very similar to humans in terms of physique, facial features or skin-like material.
Philosophical movement that deals with the - biological and psychological - limits of human existence and their extension, with the theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology. The relevant debates range from the pursuit of a healthy life for all, to the question of how these developments are changing the human being and his or her societies.
Book available at: https://issuu.com/fsse/docs/tagungsbuch_2020_en
AEC (2020): Das große Ars Electronica KI-Glossar. https://ars.electronica.art/aeblog/ de/2020/04/02/ki-glossar/; 18.06.2020;
Springer Gabler (2020): Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon. https:// wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/definition/digitalisierung-54195; 18.06.2020.