FSU Alumna Gives
Vol. IV. Issue One. July/Aug/Sept 2009
LargestIndividual Gift in University History husband, Alsie. The gift is the largest single individual donation ever given to the institution from a living alumnus.
Dr. Anderson accepts gift from Mrs. Annette Cluff and Mr. Alsie Cluff.
Mrs. Annette Cluff, Fayetteville State University (FSU) Class of 1970, presented Chancellor James A. Anderson with a gift of $50,000 on behalf of FSU. The gift was presented to Chancellor Anderson by Mrs. Cluff and her
of State A Quarterly Newsletter for Faculty, Staff, and Friends Fayetteville University
The Cluff's gift will provide immediate assistance to students, and will establish an endowed scholarship to provide financial support to students in need. The Cluffs made the gift at a gathering in Houston, Texas with fellow classmates in attendance.
The Cluffs have a long history of supporting deserving students in need. They are founders of the Varnett School, a charter school in Houston with three campuses. The school has a student population of nearly 1,500, of which over 90
percent qualify as economically disadvantaged. It has been heralded as a model for charter schools across Texas. "I am ecstatic to have such a strong relationship with alumni such as the Cluffs and alumni that believe in Fayetteville State University and understand the importance of providing scholarship support to our students," Chancellor Anderson said.
Mrs. Cluff said it was because of Chancellor Anderson she decided to make another gift to FSU. She made a donation in 2005 when her class held its 35th reunion. She said when she heard FSU was getting a new Chancellor she wanted to meet the individual who would lead her alma mater. "I was in North Carolina and I met with Dr. Anderson and he shared his vision for the institution with me," Mrs. Cluff said. "Right
then, I knew it was the time for me to give a gift back to the university that had given me so much and to give to someone like Dr. Anderson who had a vision that could take the school to another level. Much of my success came from the people at FSU." Mrs. Cluff said she had anticipated making a larger gift, but the unstable economy prevented her from doing so. Nonetheless, she wanted to show Chancellor Anderson she supported him and what he was doing for FSU. "Chancellor Anderson is great and I am excited about the direction he is taking the school, and I wanted to give a gift to help with that mission and help the students at the university," she said.
FSU Faculty and Staff Serve Community Earlier this year, President Obama announced the “United We Serve” initiative, a nationwide call to service which challenged all Americans to volunteer this summer and be part of building a new foundation for America. This included individuals, community organizations, corporations, foundations, and government. The official kickoff was on Monday, June 22, whereby members of President Obama’s administration fanned out across America to participate in service events and encouraged all Americans to join them. Subsequently, North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue asked that all North Carolinians take time to participate in this initiative. Fayetteville State University (FSU) faculty and staff answered the call by participating in a variety of service projects. The community service initiatives included a variety of projects ranging from working in food banks to assisting with the Homelessness Stand Down. There were three projects on the FSU campus in which faculty and staff were encouraged to participate. On August 14, the nationally syndicated radio talk show host Russ Parr was on the FSU campus. In conjunction with this event, FSU sponsored a School Supply Drive. Individuals attending the event were asked to donate a school item. All items were to be given to needy children. On August 19th, the Fayetteville Police Department hosted a Homeless Stand Down called “Closing the Gap to End Homelessness.” The purpose was to provide services to those in need to ensure a better quality of life for all citizens of Fayetteville and Cumberland County. Faculty and staff donated travel size personal items, i.e. soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, and lotion that will be given to the homeless. Finally, as part of the Two Rivers Football Classic between FSU and the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, the campus hosted a food drive for the Second Harvest Food Bank from August 26-29th. Collection bins were placed in buildings on campus and items were presented during halftime at the football game.
FSU Cleaning Up Its Act When Chancellor James Anderson was selected as the university’s new chief executive officer,
several items for enhancing Fayetteville State University (FSU) were at the top of his agenda. None, however, was more important than improving the fiscal integrity of the institution. That task, however, was easier said than done. After all, FSU has had audit findings for the last six years. In fact, fiscal year 2006 yielded 17 findings, and 14 were uncovered in 2007. But that was then and this is now. Today, FSU has decreased the number of audit findings to five for fiscal year 2008 and according to Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance Robert Botley, work is well underway to decrease that number to zero.
The turnaround, said Botley, is attributed to a couple of factors. “One is the rededication of our staff who believe that we must strive for excellence if we are to become the kind of institution we want to be,” he said. “Secondly, it centers on the hiring, retention, and training of those staff who want to strive to be the best.” And being the best takes a collective effort on the part of all university employees. In order to ensure FSU continues to have a reduction in audit findings, FSU faculty and staff must familiarize themselves with the university’s regulations and procedures as they relate to purchases and other fiscal matters. As workshops or other professional development opportunities arise, employees are encouraged to take the opportunity to enhance their skills.
“If at anytime they have questions or need assistance, all they have to do is call our office and we will be happy to assist them,” Botley said. Having a clean audit is crucial for public institutions like FSU. It demonstrates financial responsibility and shows taxpayers that the institution is a good steward of their dollars. It also allows FSU to maintain more control over important fiscal operations through budget flexibility. “A clean audit is vital to the university’s ability to garner support from our legislators, our former students, and just as important, our community,” Botley said. “They need to know we are committed to upholding the trust they have put in our institution to properly expend and account for the funds they give us to educate our students.”