06 Dec Happenings

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fsuA Newsletter for the Fayetteville State University Family Published by the Office of Public Relations

Vol. 3, No. 8

Faculty Notes Dr. T.T. Ajani’s, Department of English and Foreign Languages, article entitled “Pioneering Yoruba as a Foreign Language at an HBCU” was published early this month in the Selected Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL). He was also recently appointed as a reviewer and member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Scientific Journals International (SJI). Dr. Valentine James, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, will participate in a twoday Business Engineering Sustainability (“BE Sustainability”) workshop on February 16-17 at the University of Maryland, College Park. The workshop is being organized by the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise at Cornell University, Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW), Penn State University, and World Resources Institute (WRI). They are bringing together leading academics in engineering and business – as well as practitioners from industry, NGOs and government – interested in exploring the potential linkages and opportunities for bridging these disciplines programmatically over

December 06 time within the context of sustainable enterprise curriculum development, research, and technology commercialization. Dean James joins a group of very distinguished scholars to lay the foundation for a new meta-discipline in Business, Engineering and Sustainability. See website http://www.johnson. cornell.edu/sge/beworkshop/index.html Dr. Ruth W. Johnson, Department of Nursing, was selected to chair the Service Delivery Committee for the Highland Chapter of the American Red Cross here in Fayetteville. Dr. Thomas E. Van Cantfort, has been appointed as a member of the Oxford University Press (OUP) advisory panel. OUP is beginning a major reference project that covers the entire field of psychology. OUP has a very impressive editorial board in place, and the Oxford dons, OUP delegates, Publisher, and President are all very excited about and fully committed to the project. OUP wants feedback from top scholars in the field on specific content for individual projects within this major work. Kelli Cardenas Walsh, History Lecturer in the Department of Government and History, received her Ph.D. in History from the University of South Carolina on December 18th, 2006 in Columbia, SC.

Staff Employee Appreciation Luncheon

2007 Employee of the Year Horace Underwood poses with 2006 Employee of the Year Peggy Devane.

2007 Employee of the Year nominees.

Congratulations to BRIDGES XIV Graduates!

Dr. Carrol Arnold (Asst. VC for Academic Affairs), Ms. Barbara Jones (Director of Extended Learning Center), and Dr. LaWanda Miller (Asst. AD for Business Affairs and Budget Manager, Chancellor’s Office) recently became proud graduates of BRIDGES, an intensive academic leadership and professional development program for women sponsored by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.. BRIDGES is committed to bringing equity and excellence to our UNC campuses by preparing and encouraging women to seek the highest positions of leadership in NC higher education. Hundreds of program applications were received but only 35 outstanding ladies from across the UNC system were chosen. Graduation took place on Saturday, November 18, at the Friday Center. BRIDGES has been in existence for 14 years. Former graduates of BRIDGES from Fayetteville State University are Drs. Juliette Bell (BRIDGES XII) and Kimberly Smith Burton (BRIDGES XIII). These BRIDGES graduates plan to get together regularly to promote BRIDGES and look forward to meeting with other women interested in positioning themselves for advancement in the academy. Additional information about BRIDGES can be found at the following website: http://fridaycenter.unc.edu/bridges/about.htm

Fayetteville State University and Methodist University Music Collaboration On November 2nd the FSU String Ensemble combined with the Methodist University Orchestra presented Concerto Night, a celebration of the 250th anniversary of the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, in Seabrook Auditorium. This concert was planned as the first of a series of collaborations between the Fayetteville State University String Ensemble, directed by Dr. Diane Phoenix-Neal, and the Methodist University Orchestra, directed by Dr. Fouad Fakhouri, who is also the music director of the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra. The combined university ensembles performed three concertos, which are works for a solo instrument and orchestra, by J.S. Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, and Mozart. Featured as soloists were FSU Department of Fine Arts students Tracy Rivas, violinist; Jarrelle Thomas, violinist; and Anthony Lindsay, cellist. Also featured were Kendall Ramseur, a guest cellist from UNC-Greensboro; and Eric Keith, French horn, from

Methodist University. The combined faculty and student ensemble also performed orchestral works by Mozart, Joseph Haydn and American composer Alan Hovhaness. The concert was also performed at Methodist University October 30th. Following the two joint performances, the FSU String Ensemble received an invitation to perform in the Annual Methodist University Christmas Concert, held November 28th, for an encore performance. The Fayetteville State University String Ensemble performs a variety of literature for violin, viola, cello, bass and acoustic guitar, including jazz and world music, in unique concert settings on and off campus. The ensemble welcomes new members campus-wide and from the community, including students, faculty, and staff. Anyone interested in performing in the ensemble should contact Dr. Diane Phoenix-Neal, Assistant Professor, Department of Performing and Fine Arts, 203 Rosenthal Building, 672-1749.

On Monday, November 6, 2006, the Mighty Pi Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated sponsored a “Bowling Night” at the Northview Lanes bowling establishment located in Fayetteville, North Carolina from 8:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m. The objectives of the “Bowling Night” were to foster safe off-campus student activities and to fellowship with the only constitutionally bounded sisterhood organization, known as Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated.

Mighty Pi Chapter of Phi Sigma Fraternity Activities

On Thursday afternoon, November 9, 2006, the Mighty Pi Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated cosponsored a “FSU Student Appreciation Day” on the parking lot premises of the Felton J. Capel Arena located on the campus of Fayetteville State University from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. The objectives of the “FSU Student Appreciation Day” were to provide a free opportunity for all students to enjoy several 2007 games on the XBOX gaming system, to encourage safe oncampus student activities, and to further promote the “Sleep Out” initiative.

On Thursday night, November 9, 2006, the Mighty Pi Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated sponsored a “Sleep Out” at the Rudolph Jones Student Center, in the front area near the fountain. Three objectives of the “Sleep Out” are listed as follows.

to display a visual support effort of homeless people by sleeping in an uncomfortable area

to encourage continual efforts in collecting nonperishable canned food items and clothing articles for less fortunate people

• to emphasize the importance of Greek-lettered organizations on college campuses On Friday, November 17, 2006, the Mighty Pi Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated donated all canned-food items and clothing articles to the City Rescue Mission located near the Downtown area of Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Thank you to everyone for your support during the Campaign and the School Board Election. I was first runner-up for Ms. FSU Alumni. Rosie McMillan

2006 SECC Campaign the Best Ever!!

SECC Team Captains and University administrators at the 2006 SECC Celebration Reception.

Here at Fayetteville State University we take our Bronco pride to heart and when faced with a challenge, we always rise to the occasion. This year the University set goal of $35,000 for the 2006 State Employees Combined Campaign. We surpassed our goal of $35,000 raising $36, 522.00, more than the University has ever raised before. This year, contributions totaled $2,500 more than last year with an increase from 303 donors to 373 donors. Hard work and dedication is what FSU is all about. The support shown by our employees for the SECC Campaign year after year is extremely commendable and generous. A special thanks to the following Team Captains: Teams raising over $2,000 1. Chancellor’s Office ~ Dr. Lawanda Miller’s Team raised $3,632.00 2. Library ~ Sharon Evans’ Team raised $2,839 3. University College/Honors ~ Carol Page & Patrice Rodrick’s Teams raised $2,602 4. Facilities ~ Henry Brunson’s Team raised $2,215 Teams with largest amount of participation 1. Facilities - 44 donors 2. Business & Finance - 29 donors 3. Library - 29 donors If you would like to learn more about the State Employees Combined Campaign, call Wendy Jones at x. 1729 or wjones3@uncfsu.edu.

Fayetteville State University Student Wins Award at Research Conference Saed Abokor, a junior at Fayetteville State University, has been honored with an award for research he presented at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Anaheim, California in November 2006. ABRCMS is an annual conference organized by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and supported by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. Now in its sixth year, ABRCMS is the largest, professional conference for biomedical students. Over 2,500 people attended this year’s conference including 1,633 students, 421 faculty and program directors and 418 exhibitors.

The conference is designed to encourage underrepresented minority students to pursue advanced training in the biomedical and behavioral sciences and provide faculty mentors and advisors with resources for facilitating students’ success. “This conference addresses a critical need in this country to cultivate the scientific potential and talent in groups (women and under-represented minorities) that were historically and are currently under-utilized in careers within the biomedical sciences,” says ASM President-Elect Clifford Houston, the chair of the conference. During the four-day conference over 1,100 students participated in poster and oral

presentations in nine subdisciplines in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. All undergraduate student presentations were judged and those receiving the highest scores in each scientific discipline and in each educational level were given awards during the final banquet. A total of 120 undergraduates received monetary awards of $250 for their outstanding research. Abokor was recognized for his research elucidating the cardioprotective mechanism of insulin. The 2007 ABRCMS has been scheduled November 710 in Austin, Texas. For more information visit the conference website at www.abrcms.org.

Outstanding Staff/Administrator Awards July – September 2006 The following FSU employees have received the honor of being recognized as the Outstanding Staff/Administrator of the quarter:

Academic Affairs Kamesia Ewing Business and Finance Latonya Innis Gary Penrod Alvin Marshall Harold Tull Institutional Advancement Treva Williams

Information Technology and Communication Service Conroy Campbell Blaine Lucas Office of the Chancellor Amanda York Ivan Walker Student Affairs Larry Herringdine, Jr. Adrina Russell Raymond Shar

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