06 Oct-Nov Happenings

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HAPPENINGS A Newsletter for the Fayetteville State University Family

Vol. 3, No. 7

Published by the Office of Public Relations

October - November 06

FSU at SJAFB readies first Graduates Two years ago Fayetteville State University opened an office in the Education Center of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. The Base is home to the 4th Fighter wing and 916th Refueling Squadron. There are 96 F15E Super Eagle aircraft maintained and supported on this sprawling installation in Goldsboro. The Base routinely trains pilots and deploys equipment and personnel for missions supporting the Global War on Terrorism.

Greg Bates will join two others who are likewise in their final classes this semester, Minako

Onishi-Doyle and Julie Robinson.


The first class offered on Seymour Johnson was Organizational Behavior, taught by Dr. Craig Wishart. The class started with 11 students and finished with 6, quickly establishing our reputation as a tough and demanding program. Several of those students who completed the first arduous class are now ready to complete the program. One of those students, retired Senior Master Sergeant (current AFJROTC Instructor) Gregory Bates, took the time to express his appreciation in an email to Darrell Vickers, Mr Vickers, I will miss you and those I have met through this outstanding MBA program. You have been a huge asset and help in my obtaining an MBA. I speak very highly of you and this program to others. The program is very challenging, has prepared me for advancement, and is equipped with the finest instructors and staff I have ever met. I am part of the FSU family, and should you move on and pursue other options, I would like to become a part of this fine FSU staff, so keep me posted! Mr. Vickers, again, thanks for everything! Take care! Greg

Greg Bates in front of F15E display on SJAFB

Julie Robinson MSW

Minako Onishi-Doyle

The Master of Social Work degree program began offering courses here less than two years ago and has its first graduate ready. Ms. Qiana Nicole Lesesne has worked diligently over the past two years taking classes at Seymour Johnson and in Fayetteville. Nicole will derive an immediate financial benefit when she obtains her degree – the Wayne County School System will give her a raise that will pay back the cost of her classes within a very few months. Needless to say, Nicole is pleased and expresses her appreciation to Fayetteville State University and their willingness to offer classes on Seymour Johnson AFB, “Having classes offered on Base was very convenient for my classmates and me. Thanks, FSU!”

Qiana Nicole Lesesne at the entrance to Seymour Johnson AFB


FSU In Motion Dr. Sherrice Allen, Department of Natural Sciences, has been elected as the president of the North Carolina branch of the American Society for Microbiology (20062007) during the regional meeting held on Oct. 12, 2006 at the Ruby C. McSwain Education Center (JC Raulston Arboretum), Raleigh, NC. Dr. John Brooks, University College and Dr. David Allen, Academic Planning, presented a paper at the Southern Association of Institutional Research in Arlington, VA on Oct 16, 2006 entitled, “Raising the Graduation Rates of Male College Students.” Dr. Valentine U. James, Professor and Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (Certified Environmental Specialist) has been invited to address the Winston-Salem State University community during the 2006 International Education Week on November 15, 2006. His topic will be “International Education: The Role of U.S. Colleges and Universities in the Development and Strengthening of Democratic Principles in the New and Fledgling Democracies around the World.” Dr. Dothang Truong, Department of Management, attended and presented an academic paper in the International Academy of Business and Economics conference that was held in Las Vegas. Nevada, from October 15 - 18. He also has two articles published in the Journal of Academy of Business and Economics and

Research Business Review. In addition, he has another paper accepted to be published in Industrial Marketing Management journal. Dr. Truong’s major research interests include B2B e-commerce and supply chain management. Based on his scholarly contributions in academia, Dr. Truong has been nominated and listed in Marquis Who’s Who in America (2007). Dr. Timothy Ajani, Department of English & Foreign Languages, has been invited once again as a Field Reader/ Discretionary Grant Reviewer for the U.S. Department of Education from January 8-12, 2007 in Washington DC. Dr. Ajani, along with other university professors from all over the U.S., will be reviewing grant applications for the Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad and Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Programs, and making recommendations to the Department of Education at the end of the readings. Dr. Ajani serves on the Linguistics Panel. He became a Reader for the US Department of Education in 2003. Drs. Susan Franzblau and Thomas E. Van Cantfort, Department of Psychology, along with two of their students, Ms. Michelle Smith and Ms. Sonia Echevarria, had an article published in the October issue of the International Journal of Yoga Therapy entitled Take a Breath, Break the Silence: The Effects of Yoic Breathing and Testimony about Battering on Feelings of Self-Efficacy in Battered Women. (2006) No 16, pp 49 - 57.

Training & Employee Relations By: kindra jackson Congratulations to the Weight Watchers at Work members who have lost a combined total of 141 pounds since our program began in September of this year. Keep up the good work! I want to thank everyone who participated in the Spirit week activities for Faculty & Staff during our 2006 Homecoming. For anyone who missed it we had lunch with jazz, a scavenger hunt, a Time Management workshop presented by Office Depot & ACCO Office Products, & BINGO. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and I look forward to twice the fun next year. Upcoming Events: - Nov. 9 “Put Some Gratitude in your Attitude” presented by Roy Johnson –Motivational Speaker - Nov. 30 “Organization Skills” presented by Avery Office Products


University College Welcomes New Programs and People Over the past year, University College has acquired new programs and people. While still serving the first-year student, we have begun to serve students in the second year and beyond.

Zelphia Hinnant-Jones joined University College in June as the Second-Year Initiative Coordinator. The Second-Year Initiative assists students who are no longer in Freshman Seminar but who have not yet declared a major. The Second-Year Initiative Coordinator ensures that these students receive advisement, career and major advice, and recognition. Ms. HinnantJones organized a Welcome Back Workshop and Reception for secondyear students in September. This event allowed the students to obtain useful information on Dressing for Success, Money & Credit Management, Internships, and Major Declaration. Advisement and Career Services hosted the event. October saw the inauguration of a new tradition at Fall Convocation. Second-year students who had earned 30 credit hrs and had at least a 2.0 G.P.A. were awarded with a Certificate of Academic Achievement and recognized as members of the Class of 2009. On November 8th the Second-Year Initiative will sponsor a Career/Major Roundtable from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm in the Chancellor’s Dining Room. Representatives from several academic departments will be on hand to make brief presentations about majors and possible careers in those majors offered in their respective departments. This program will also allow some one-on-one questions. These are just some of the ways the Second-Year Initiative reaches out to students. Ms. Hinnant-Jones is well qualified for this new position. She earned a B.S. from North Carolina Central University and an M.Ed. from UNC-Greensboro. Ms. Hinnant-Jones

has worked at several institutions trying to ensure that education is both a profitable and enjoyable experience for the student and the institution. At Methodist College she served as the Coordinator of Tutoring, Testing and Academic Enrichment Program. Ms. Hinnant-Jones is the mother of two college students, one of whom is working on her doctorate. This gives her a unique perspective on the needs and interests of a student in higher education. Ms. Hinnant-Jones can be contacted at 672-1639 or zhinnant@ uncfsu.edu. Linda Bahá’í joined University College a little over a year ago as Assistant Director and Retention Counselor. The Retention Counselor works with at-risk students to help them stay on the path to academic success. Ms. Bahá’í also coordinates Return2FSU, a program to assist students who have dropped out to return to their university education. Return2FSU also provides counseling and support to the students who have returned to FSU through the program. This semester she is working with the Department of Psychology to provide a counseling practicum for graduate students in Psychology. Ms. Bahá’í serves as Staff Coordinator of the Learning Communities Initiative. Learning Communities link courses, instructors, and students together to enhance the educational experience through interdisciplinary coordination and collaborative learning. Ms. Bahá’í recently completed her M.Ed. in Counselor Education from North Carolina State University. She has over 20 years of experience in higher education. Previously Mrs. Baha’i worked with TRIO programs and was a health professions advisor. Eight years ago, she and her family moved to this area to escape the harsh western New York winters, and she considers herself a southerner by choice. Her

phone number is 672-1733, and her email address is lbahai@uncfsu.edu. Melissa Estep stepped into the position of Coordinator for Supplemental Instruction this past June. Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a form of academic support in which model students, called SI leaders, create an interactive and collaborative learning environment for students to succeed in historically difficult classes. SI Leaders have demonstrated excellence in courses that appear to be challenging for most students and are committed to helping students achieve the same success. The purpose of SI and the job of the SI leader are to help students combine content received in the classroom (What-to-Learn) with effective study strategies outside of the classroom (How-to-Learn). SI leaders attend class and hold several SI sessions each week. Ms. Estep reports that this semester’s SI Leaders are doing an excellent job of getting students to attend the sessions, which proves to be a challenge since the program is voluntary. Through facilitation of group discussions, games, practice worksheets, and mock exams, the SI Leaders are providing a fun, informative, yet comfortable environment for students to ask questions, practice the material, and enhance their study skills. Data shows that students who attend SI sessions do better than those who do not, and attendance at SI sessions is up over 100% this year compared with last year at this time. Ms. Estep graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University, where she worked in several different academic support programs. More information about SI is available at http://www.uncfsu.edu/learningcenter/ si/. Ms. Estep can be reached at 6722007 or mestep@uncfsu.edu.


Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Blue and White Week By Samuel Smith

The 2006 Blue and White Week of the Mighty Pi Chapter extended from Sunday, October 1, 2006 – Saturday, October 7, 2006 consisting of several informative yet educational workshops and various social activities.

On Monday, October 2, 2006, the Mighty Pi Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated continued its 2006 Blue and White Week by conducting a “Health Fair” in the Rudolph Jones Student Center, located on the campus of Fayetteville State University, open lobby area from 12:00 noon – 2:00pm. The objectives of the “Health Fair” were to inform all on the existing health disparities, educate all on prevention measures, and to encourage good health habits to the entire FSU campus community. The panel of Health Fair facilitators consisted of specialists from the FSU Nursing Department, American Cancer Society, and AIDS/HIV prevention office. As an additive motivation, free music, free food, and free beverages were provided on the inside and outside of the Rudolph Jones Student Center.

On Tuesday, October 3, 2006, the Mighty Pi Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated continued its 2006 Blue and White Week by conducting a “Jazz Groove Night (Open Microphone)” in the Butler Building Theater, located on the campus of Fayetteville State University from 8:30pm – 10:00pm. The objectives of the “Jazz Groove Night” were to provide free entertainment as well as provide an opportunity for artistic expression through poetry, dancing, rapping, and singing to the FSU campus community.

On Wednesday, October 4, 2006, the mighty Pi Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated continued its 2006 Blue and White Week by conducting a “Dating Game” in the Shaw Auditorium of the School of Business and Economics, located on the campus of Fayetteville State University from 8:30pm – 10:00pm. The objectives of the “Dating Game” were to establish non-violent dating practices and provide an opportunity for FSU students to socialize in a comfortable environment among peer interests.


U. L.S


Dr. Stephen Salek, Department of Natural Sciences, is the winner of the Teaching with Technology Needs Assessment random drawing sponsored by SunGard Higher Education, fall 2006. Dr. Salek will receive a $50 Barnes and Noble gift certificate. CONGRATULATIONS.

t a .E. Gradu

Congratulations to the 1st annual P.U.L.S.E. Leadership academy graduates. They are listed below.

Brown, Debra D. Math/Science Education Center Office Assistant IV Brown, Debra L. Social Work Lecturer Cohen, Barbara Residence Life Residence Supervisor Crawford, Robert Academic Affairs Academic Advisor Davis, Kevin FMPC Grounds Technician Fuller, Claudette Registrar’s Office Associate Registrar Geddie, Agathia Registrar’s Office Information Processing Assistant Hadfield, Robin Business & Finance Accounting Technician Jackson, Priscilla Advisement & Career Services Academic Counselor Jones, Cynthia Business & Finance Accounting Clerk IV McCorkle, LaShanta Institutional Advancement Office Assistant IV Newman, Carolyn Special Programs Administrative Assistant Okeagu, Jonas Natural Sciences Associate Professor Stamps, Fred Residence Life Maintenance Supervisor Walker, Natasha Chesnutt Library Administrative Secretary II Williams, Treva Public Relations Public Information Assistant Woodard, Quanda Small Business Center Office Assistant III Wright, Patrice University Testing Administrative Assistant

Eight FSU students have had Abstracts accepted for the 2006 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) to be held on 8 - 11 November 2006 in Anaheim, California. These students are Saed Abokor, David Ahlstrom, Lea Lough, Lorra Moses, Yonesha Phair, Yvonne Rosario, and Mychal Smith, scholars in the FSU-Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) Program, and Richard Watkins, a senior majoring in psychology. At the Anaheim conference, these eight students will present posters summarizing their research conducted with scientists at major research institutions. Congratulations to these biomedical research scientists of the future.


FSU and Southeastern Community College Partnership The meeting was organized by Shari Willis, a Community College Coordinator in Extended Learning. The meeting was a tremendous success and we are excited about the opportunities that will be created for students at Southeastern Community College. The Department of Extended Learning has added Pictured from left to right: Dr. Willar White-Parsons (Chair, Nursing), Dr. Kwaku two new Community College Twumasi-Ankrah (Sociology), Dr. David Barlow (Dean, College of Basic and Applied Sciences), Dr. Melissa Barlow (Chair, Criminal Justice), Shari Willis Coordinators. Shari Willis and (Community College Coordinator). Darnette Hall are the newest members of the FSU family. On Wednesday, October 25, Both have already proven themselves 2006, a group of representatives from Fayetteville State University (pictured to be valuable assets to our program. below) met with Administrators at The Community College Southeastern Community College to discuss a partnership between the Coordinators will continue to coordinate University and the community college. efforts to create dual enrollment and

2+2 agreements with North Carolina’s community colleges. Our mission is to create a seamless transfer process for community college students. FSU currently has dual enrollment agreements in the areas of Criminal Justice and Birth through Kindergarten Education with FTCC, Bladen Community College, James Sprunt Community College, and Sampson Community College. We also have 2+2 agreements with Sampson and Bladen Community Colleges in Elementary Education, and we offer degree-completion courses at Bladen, Sampson, and Sandhills Community Colleges. For additional information about our dual enrollment and 2+2 agreements with the community colleges, contact Reeshemah Johnson at 672-1226.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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