A Newsletter for the Fayetteville State University Family Published by the Office of Public Relations
Spring 07
Vol. 3, No. 9
Library Director’s Service Award Mrs. Eloise L. Vowotor was the recipient of the Library Director’s Service Award at the 7th Annual Friends of the Library Banquet on January 23, 2007 in recognition of her dedicated and loyal service to the Friends of the Charles W. Chesnutt Library. Dr. Peter Valenti received the Library Faculty Award and Ms. Suzetta Perkins, author of Behind the Veil was the guest speaker at the banquet. To see pictures of the FOL Banquet go to the Library’s homepage and click on the Friends of the Library link (http://library.uncfsu.edu/reference/FOLBanquetJan2007.htm). The Friends of the Library (FOL) organization was formed in 1996 to serve as an advocate for the library, to develop cultural activities, and publicize library resources to the community. The Board of Directors for the FOL are the following: Jim Purcell (President), Pat Darlington (Vice-President), Mack Virgil (Treasurer), Helen Pierce (Recording Secretary), Natasha Walker (Secretary to the Board), Myrtle Pringle, Wilson Lacy, Peter Valenti, Daisy Maxwell, Norma Campbell, Blanche RadfordCurry, and Bobby C. Wynn, Ex. Officio.
North Carolina African American Archives Group Met At Fayetteville State University on February 9, 2007 The North Carolina African American Archives Group held its 3rd Annual Meeting at FSU on February 9, 2007. The North Carolina African American Archives Group is an organization of archivists, librarians, educators, independent organizations, and private citizens whose primary mission is to research, collect, preserve, and make available endangered primary cultural materials. The organization further serves as a catalyst to perpetuate and enhance connectivity between North Carolina archival institutions and Historically Black Colleges and Universities to provide educational and training opportunities for member institutions. Officers of the group are Linda Simmons-Henry (President), Eloise Vowotor (Vice-President) and Stephanie Fennell (Secretary/Treasurer).
Bottom Row: (Left to Right) Stephanie Fennell (NCCU), Linda Simmons Henry (St. Augustine College, Eloise L. Vowotor (FSU) Middle Row: Monika Rhue (JCSU), Juanita Midgette (ECSU), Greeta Davis (St. Augustine Coll.) and Carolyn Baker (Shaw Univ.) Top Row: Ray Christian (NC Mutual Insurance), Joan Williams (Bennett College), Gloria Pitts (A&T), and Andre Vann (NCCU)