08-09 Annual Report

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The Future is Calling: Reaffirming the Bronco Legacy

Dr. James A. Anderson 2008

100 years on Murchison Road and 142 years of Educational Excellence

Dr. Ezekiel Ezra Smith 1908


A New Beginning


eturning to North Carolina is like returning home, since my parents were native North Carolinians and I served at North Carolina State for over a decade. I am deeply grateful to have

this opportunity to serve, and I accept the challenge of leading FSU with its great historical legacy and its promise for an even greater future. A

“Our mission is to provide

milestone in this historical legacy was reached this year with the 100th

students with the highest

anniversary of FSU on Murchison Road. Having outgrown the Howard

quality learning experiences that will produce global

School building on Gillespie Street by 1896, E. E. Smith sought a permanent home where the institution could grow and finally settled on the Bruner Tract of about 40 acres of land here on Murchison Road in August 1907. A

citizens and leaders as change

brochure proudly announced the opening of the 1908-09 school year with

agents for shaping the future

one new brick building, the Aycock Building. And, one hundred years later,

of the state and the nation. We are no longer preparing

with 135 acres and 40 buildings, I am proud to be the Chancellor at FSU. The future is calling.

students to simply obtain college degrees but to procure competitive degrees that reflect success in and across academic disciplines and in the presence of 21st century competencies.�

Front cover photo: FSU 1908

Aycock Building


TABLE OF CONTENTS A New Beginning.........................................Inside Front Cover The Installation of Chancellor James A. Anderson...... 2 Office of the Chancellor................................................................. 4 Administrative Divisions.................................................................. 9 Chief of Staff and Human Resources...................................... 9 Division of Academic Affairs......................................................10 Division of Business and Finance............................................13 Division of Student Affairs..........................................................14 Division of Information Technology......................................14 Division of Athletics.......................................................................15 Division of Development and University Relations.........16

2008–2009 Roster of Distinguished Donors.................. 17

Charles W. Chesnutt Library


ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 5

Installation of the Chancellor The Future is Calling: Reaffirming the Bronco Legacy Welcome Dr. James A. Anderson, Chancellor

Salute To James A. Anderson from the Cabinet

Dr. James A. Anderson became the eleventh chief executive officer

April 2, 2009

of Fayetteville State University upon his installation as Chancellor

To Chancellor James A. Anderson, You share a legacy of one hundred and forty-two years and ten chief executive officers at FSU, spanning the 19th, 20th, and now the 21st century. You share the idealism and tenacity of Harris, the hopes of Williams, the intellect of Chesnutt and Seabrook, the expansionism of Smith and Lyons, the academic program growth of Jones, the new era of excellence of Hackley, the communiversity and Bronco Pride of McLeod, the dreams of Bryan, and the interim stewardship of Fairley, Benson, and Hackley. And now in this 21st century, The Future has called you, James A. Anderson, to lead FSU. As members of your Cabinet, we share your commitment to a collective vision for FSU, to shared leadership, to team building, collaboration, diversity, community outreach, globalization, student empowerment, academic excellence, and to continuous improvement. We know that with your transformational leadership you will carry FSU to greatness. We, the members of the Cabinet, Salute you, Chancellor James A. Anderson The FUTURE is now… “Res non verba.”

on April 3, 2009. Raised in Washington, D.C, he earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Villanova University in 1970, and a Ph.D. degree in 1980 from Cornell University. Anderson chaired the Department of Psychology at Xavier University in New Orleans (1976-1983) before joining Indiana University of Pennsylvania as a professor of psychology (1983-1992). In 1992 he began his elevenyear tenure as Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Affairs at North Carolina State University where he developed many program initiatives including the First Year College, the Honors Programs, the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, the Minority Engineering Program, and the North Carolina State Diversity Initiative. Having served as Vice President and Associate Provost for Institutional Assessment and Diversity at Texas A&M University (2003-2005), he left to become the Vice President for Student Success and Vice Provost for Institutional Assessment and Diversity at the University at Albany (2005-2008) before assuming his duties at FSU on June 9, 2008. He has made numerous scholarly presentations and is the author of many publications, including his renowned work Driving Change Through Diversity and Globalization: Transformative Leadership in the Academy. He is married to Nancy Anderson and they have three adult children. 2

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The Installation of

Chancellor James A. Anderson

Friday, April 3, 2009

1:00 p.m.

The Felton J. Capel Arena

Fayetteville State University

Fayetteville, North Carolina

“I have a belief in those who call the city of Fayetteville home, who call Cumberland County home, who call North Carolina home, and who call Fayetteville State University home. Over the rainbow is our destiny, the realization of our vision, the confirmation of our legacy. Join me in this journey. I will not fail you, we will not fail each other and we will continue to establish Fayetteville State University as one of the great institutions in this nation.” It was truly a humbling experience on April 3, 2009 to be installed as the eleventh chief executive officer of Fayetteville State University. The welcoming presence of so many students, faculty, friends, and guests reinforced my commitment to the legacy of those leaders who preceded me and to our greater vision for the future. President Erskine Bowles presided over the installation, and two of my mentors- Reverend Peter Donahue, President of Villanova University and Chancellor James Oblinger of North Carolina State University spoke. Other participants included Hannah Gage, Chair of the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina; the Honorable Patricia Timmons-Goodson, Associate Justice North Carolina State Supreme Court; James Jefferson, President FSU Student Government Association, and Trustee; and Gloria Moore Carter, Chair, FSU Board of Trustees. With the powerful musical renditions by the FSU choir and band, I knew that I was “Home.” The installation ceremony was the highlight of three days of activities which included an ecumenical unity service, choir concert, faculty/student symposium, and a health walk. The combination of the reception hosted by Mayor Anthony Chavonne and Mrs. Joanne Chavonne following the installation, and the powerful oratory of Dr. Algeania Freeman, ‘70 on Founder’s Day, April 5, confirmed James A. Anderson, as the official Chancellor of FSU.


Office of the Chancellor Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning Through team building and collaboration with administrators, faculty, staff and students, as well as the community, FSU has laid the foundation for shaping our response to the call of the future. We are no longer preparing students to simply obtain college degrees but to procure competitive degrees for the 21st Century as reflected in our mission statement and the recommendations of the UNC Tomorrow Commission. As such, I have asked for FSU’s commitment to six strategic priorities: • FSU will be a university of choice in North Carolina and the nation and will garner a reputation for innovation and excellence in teaching, learning, research and technology. • FSU will be a leader in the economic transformation of the southeastern region of North Carolina. • FSU will be an intellectual and cultural center that sustains a climate of excellence. • FSU will distinguish itself in the preparation of leaders in all disciplinary fields and co-curricular programs. Our students will achieve and compete in the global economy. • FSU will increase access to education in North Carolina through expanded partnerships and collaborative efforts. • FSU will demonstrate fiscal integrity and resourcefulness and will develop a blueprint for economic sustainability.


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A major step towards making these priorities operational has been the development of FSU’s Strategic Plan 2009-2014 by the Strategic Planning Committee. This committee included twenty-eight representatives from the FSU Board of Trustees, administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The plan will be updated on an annual basis and will maintain our commitment to our core values of student success and the pursuit of excellence, shared governance, global responsibility, and collaboration. It will enable the university to carry out its primary mission of providing students with the highest quality learning experiences that will produce global citizens and leaders as change agents for shaping the future of the State.

UNC Tomorrow Responses Phase II and Revised Mission Statement Responding to the UNC Tomorrow recommendations, we examined various policies and procedures, academic programs, and our mission statement in determining how FSU will increase its capacity to meet the needs of southeastern North Carolina. Policies on faculty evaluation, promotion and tenure, and retention of faculty were revised to reflect the changing needs of FSU. Eleven new academic programs are being considered as well as a number of certificate programs to meet workforce needs. Non-productive and low enrollment programs were eliminated as part of our commitment to accountability. Looking to its future, FSU’s mission statement was revised to reflect changes in degree programs and outreach activities which had already occurred, as well as those which were being proposed. The revised Mission Statement for FSU is as follows:

Fayetteville State University is a public comprehensive regional university that promotes the educational, social, cultural, and economic transformation of southeastern North Carolina and beyond. The primary mission of FSU is to provide students with the highest quality learning experiences that will produce global citizens and leaders as change agents for shaping the future of the state. Awarding degrees at the baccalaureate and master’s levels, and the doctorate in educational leadership, FSU offers programs in teacher education, the arts and sciences, health professions, business and economics, and unique and emerging fields. FSU is an institution of opportunity and diversity. Committed to excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, and service, the university extends its services and programs to the community, including the military, and other educational institutions throughout North Carolina, the nation, and the world.

SACS Reaccreditation We are also in the process of a comprehensive assessment of institutional effectiveness with regard to the operation of all aspects of the university. An on-campus visit by a team from the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) will be conducted in the spring of 2011. Our SACS Liaison Office, led by Dr. Marion Gillis-Olion, has been established and we have begun the process

Thus, the changing needs and demographics of the southeastern

for completing the required SACS Compliance Audit. FSU must submit

region of North Carolina, Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), the

its Criteria Compliance Report by September 2010, prepare for an off-site

recommendations of UNC Tomorrow, our history, and the strategic

peer review in November 2010, prior to the on-campus visit in spring

priorities of FSU have helped to shape our mission statement and our

2011. Reaffirmation of FSU’s SACS reaccreditation will be announced in

future as a premiere institution of choice in the nation.



Community Engagement and BRAC Strengthening community ties by building new coalitions, establishing new partnerships, and solidifying relationships with community agencies has been a major thrust for the university. The university has strengthened ties with national funding agencies, state and federal legislators, city officials, charitable organizations, and still serves as part of the leadership team for the Greater Fayetteville Futures II Project. Faculty and staff engagement enabled FSU to sign memorandums of understanding with E.E. Smith High School, and partnership agreements with Fayetteville Technical Community College and UNC Pembroke. The community embraced the Chancellor’s Speakers Series, which adopted a thematic approach for inquiry during a year of political activism, featuring Roland Martin and Michael Steele in October, and Donna Brazile in November. The university has strengthened its partnership with both the Arts Council and the Fayetteville Symphony. FSU has positioned itself to take the leadership role in BRAC initiatives for the southeastern region of North Carolina. BRAC RTF (Base Realignment and Closure-Regional Task Force) was formed among 11 contiguous county governments including Cumberland County, and the 72 municipalities in the BRAC RTF region. The members of this organization, which includes FSU, are planning and preparing for the BRAC transfer and its impact on the region as related to education, workforce and economic development, housing, and transportation. FSU will be the lead institution in the establishment of the Center for Defense and Homeland Security, which will be a major collaborative effort with the U.S. Department of Defense, Fayetteville Technical Community College and other area community colleges, some member UNC institutions, BRAC RTF, and Fort Bragg. 6

Chancellor for a Day Congruent with our mission to develop students as leaders, we launched the “Chancellor for a Day Program” in October of 2008 to enable students to gain a better understanding of the day-to-day operations of the University by shadowing the Chancellor for one day. Jasmine Aljuwani, a junior elementary education major from Charlotte, was the first student selected to serve on December 4, 2008; Matthew Wynne, a senior social science education major from Fayetteville, served on February 4, 2009; and Yikang Bai, a graduate student and Fulbright Scholar from Shandong University, China, served on April 15, 2009. All students stated that they

Dr. Anderson and Jasmine Aljuwan Dr. Anderson and Matthew Wynne —First Chancellor for a day

Dr. Anderson and Yikang Bai

had gained a greater understanding of the complexities of the administration of the University, and as Bai noted, “Chancellor for a Day also makes me realize that the sound operation and management of a university requires the positive attitude and hard work of every faculty member and staff.”

Issues Issues related to the Nursing program and the state of our fiscal affairs have been of some concern for us. As we seek to produce excellence in all academic programs, the B.S. in Nursing has been temporarily suspended to make program improvements and to focus on the RN-BSN program. Budget adjustments, of a more than 7% reversion by the state, resulted in a hiring freeze, faculty and staff reductions, and cessation of expenditures for supplies, travel, and services. Additionally there was a .5% statewide reduction of wages for all employees. Audit findings in business and finance for 200708 have been reduced from 14 to 2.


“I am deeply grateful for the advice, counsel, and sound judgment that are exhibited by our Board of Trustees in support of the strategic direction of the university… and I am proud of the efforts of my executive team and cabinet who continue to manage effectively in difficult times because of their commitment to excellence and to FSU.”

Board of Trustees

Cabinet and Administrators

No one wears the Bronco white and blue

Establishment of the Chancellor’s Cabinet and its members in August

more proudly than Gloria Moore Carter,

2008 was a significant step in the development of a new leadership vision.

the first woman selected as Chair of the

They included: Dr. Thomas Conway, Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff; Dr.

FSU Board of Trustees. She is an FSU

Carol Blackshire-Belay, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs;

graduate as well as a former President

Mr. Robert Botley, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance; Dr. Janice

of FSU’s National Alumni Association.

Haynie, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs; Attorney Wanda Jenkins, Chief

Her enthusiasm is contagious and all

Counsel; Mr. Nick Ganesan, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and

members of the Board have demonstrated

Telecommunications Services; Dr. Edward McLean, Director of Athletics; Mr.

a new activism in campus affairs by their

Stephen McDaniel, Vice Chancellor for Development and University Relations;

participation on university committees and

Dr. Bertha Miller, Special Assistant to the Chancellor; and Ms. Carolyn Smith,

in community affairs. New members of the

Executive Assistant to the Chancellor. Serving in an interim position, Dr. Jon

board this year were Dr. Ruth Dial Woods

Young replaced Dr. Belay in September 2008, and was appointed permanent

and Terrence L. Murchison, Sr., an FSU

Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in June 2009. Ms. Wendy

graduate. Continuing board members were

Jones was an interim replacement for McDaniel in February 2009 and was

Mrs. Linda Lee Allen, Mr. John Brown, Jr.,

appointed as Associate Vice Chancellor for Development and University

Mr. Jerry C. Dean, Dr. Shirish D. Devasthali,

Relations in April 2009.

Dr. John R. Griffin, Jr., Mr. James Jefferson, Mrs. Juanita Pilgrim, Mrs. Sylvia Ray, Dr. Lucy Vidal-Barreto, and Mr. Roosevelt Wright. The Board has met the challenge of assuming more responsibility as part of its oversight role.

Reconstructing the Graduate School, Dr. LaDelle Olion was appointed as Dean and Dr. Doreen Hilton as Assistant Dean. Already, outstanding national and regional accomplishments have been made under the leadership of Dr. Assad Tavakoli as the new Dean of the School of Business and Economics. Dr. David Barlow is Dean of Arts and Sciences and Dr. Leontye Lewis is Dean of the School of Education. Chancellor’s Cabinet Front Row: Mr. Robert Botley, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance; Dr. Bertha Miller, Special Assistant to the Chancellor; Chancellor James A. Anderson; Ms. Wendy Jones, Interim Manager, Division of Development and University Relations; Mr. Nick Ganesan, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology; Back Row: Dr. Janice Haynie, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs; Dr. Jon Young, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Ms. Carolyn Smith, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor; Dr. Edward McLean, Director of Athletics; Atty. Wanda Jenkins, University Legal Counsel.


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Administrative Divisions Chief of Staff and Human Resources Attracting and retaining highly qualified productive personnel, and providing professional development for both staff and faculty are essential for producing the best possible learning environment for our students. There were 961 employees in 2007-08 and 1,000 in 2008-09, of which 441 were instructional. The largest increase for 2008-09 was in the clerical category, up from 153 to 188. Of the 441 teaching faculty, 255 were full-time and 186 part-time. For full-time faculty members, 80% hold the doctorate or first professional degree. Diversity of the full time faculty is Black 42%, White 38%, Asian 16% and others 4%. Personnel activities involving faculty and staff included: • Career banding overview training was provided for over 300 managers, supervisors and employees. 100% of SPA employees were banded and informed of their new banded position titles and levels. The positions of all employees have been verified in PMIS and Banner. • There were 536 employees who attended 30 workshops covering 17 topics which included Grievance Policy, Stress Management, Budgeting and Savings, Time and Leave, Recruitment and Selection, and Performance Management. • All basic policies governing employees and forms to be used for personnel matters can now be accessed from the Human Resources website.

“The unprecedented challenges that confront us are too significant. I have a passionate belief in the greatness of human beings when they are allowed to self-actualize.”

Employees by Gender
















Employees by Race












American Indian
















NR Alien










Academic Affairs The Division of Academic Affairs made great strides in enrollment, in improving instructional outcomes, in program development, with national recognition and accreditation of programs, expanded faculty development activities, and increased global awareness for faculty and students. Collaborative efforts were greatly enhanced through five new partnerships with international institutions, and the establishment of the Southeastern North Carolina Regional Microanalytical and Imaging Center (SENCRMIC) with UNC-Pembroke. Significant progress included: • Enrollment Data. Enrollment for the fall 2008 was 6,217, of which 5,602 were

• FSU’s CHEER Summer Bridge Program provided an intensive program of

undergraduates with 582 being freshmen. The profile of the new freshmen

instruction and academic support for incoming first-time students. Of the

GPA increased to 2.87 and the SAT to 865, up from 2.77 and 846 in fall 2007.

207 participants, 203 (97%) completed the first year and consistently out-

The largest number of undergraduate majors were in education (579), and

performed their non-CHEER counterparts in hours earned and GPA, even

in Business Administration (479). Of the 615 graduate students, the largest

though their test scores and high school GPAs were generally lower upon

numbers were in education (181), and in social work (96). Blacks comprised

entry. FSU’s CHEER Program has been designated as a model for the

72%, Whites 17%, Hispanic 4% and others about 7% of the student population.

UNC system.

• Graduation Data. There were 927 graduates; 773 bachelors, 145 Masters, and

• There were 64 graduates in the first senior class of FSU’s Cross Creek Early

9 doctorates. Major undergraduate degrees granted were 117 in Criminal

College High School, which is the greatest number of graduates in programs

Justice; 116 in Psychology, 99 in teacher education, and 87 in Business

like this in North Carolina. Thirty-two of these graduates enrolled in FSU

Administration. At the graduate level there were 38 for Master of Social Work,

in fall 2008. The School of Education collaborates with Cross Creek Early

32 for Master of Education, 31 for the Master of School Administration and 9

College High School, which was named a Learning Laboratory Initiative (LLI)

for the Doctorate in Educational Leadership.

School with FSU as its IHE partner. • In the Extended Learning and Summer Programs 610 online courses were offered serving 11,916 students; 6,360 students enrolled in Summer School; and 257 students took continuing education and certificate courses. There were 201 courses offered as part of collaborative partnerships, including the NC Model Teachers Education Consortium, Harnett County Reading Courses, UNC-Chapel Hill and NC Corrections, the Math and Science Education Network, and NC TEACH. • College of Arts and Sciences. The Department of Social Work launched a partnership with the U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) to offer a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas. The inaugural MSW cohort will graduate 16 students in August 2009.

2009 Salutatorian and Valedictorian


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Grant Submissions and Awards for 2008-2009 Category


• Faculty Development. The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) presented over 100 faculty development workshops and lectures with 1,162 attendees drawn from every department in the university. Nationally renowned experts, such as Dr. Freedman Hrabowski, Dr. Vincent Tinto, Dr. Peggy Maki, and Dr. Virginia Lee, were brought to campus to work with faculty and staff to improve student learning outcomes, recruitment, and retention. The participation of faculty in professional meetings was facilitated by funds from

# Submitted to External Funding Agencies


Title III. FSU also gained recognition as a HBGI institution, which entitles FSU to receive additional funding for

Total Requested Amount:


graduate programs.

Total Requested Amount-Title III:


Grand Total Requested:


Covenant University, Nigeria; University of Abuja, Nigeria; Institute of Social Work, Tanzania; and Baotou


Teacher’s College, China. Dr. Booker T. Anthony and Dr. Yunkai Chen took a group of twenty students to

• Globalization. The International Education Center, working with various academic departments on campus, finalized five new partnerships. New international institutional partners are ESC Bretagne Brest, France;

Funded Amount: (New and Continuous)

study in Shanghai and Beijing, China for one week this summer. Dr. Daniel Okunbor took three students to Funded Amount-Title III: (New and Continuous)


Grand Total Funded Amount:


Pending Amount: Not-Funded Amount:

$21,102,650.29 $7,492,234.00

Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria for summer study. Each group was immersed in the language and culture of that region. Ronald Williams, a junior biology major was selected by the U.S. Department of State and the Chinese Ministry of Education to participate in a program to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. There were five Fulbright Scholars who taught language courses and rendered community services: Salma J. Mrindok of Tanzania, Mohammed Majed of Bahrain, Taher Hamami of Algeria, Yikang Bai of China, and Joseph O. Ajayi of Nigeria.


• The B.S. degree program in Criminal Justice was certified by the Academy of

with our community college partners for students pursuing the B-K

only HBCU, and the fourth program in the U.S. to earn this distinction.

teaching program.

• The Southeastern North Carolina Regional Microanalytical and Imaging

• School of Business and Economics: The School was recognized as one

Center (SENCRMIC), a collaborative effort between FSU and UNC-Pembroke,

of the nation’s Top Business Schools in 2009 by the Princeton Review, and

which will house the JXA 8500F Electron Microprobe, is scheduled to open

the MBA was recognized as one of the top programs by U.S. News and

in fall 2009. This project was launched by a grant from the Department of

World Report.

Defense for $1,419,215.

Students in the School of Business and Economics won the Outstanding • At the Fifth Annual Louis Stokes Mississippi

University of Texas at Austin, and won the Best Written Business Plan

National Research Symposium held October

competition at the OFC Venture Challenge Business Plan competition in

6-7, 2008 at Jackson State University in

Atlanta, April 2009, which was hosted by FSU.

received the third place award in the undergraduate Oral Competition category for his research entitled “Prostaglandin E2 Activates Rap-1 and the Extracellular

“Knowledge is the central currency of the business that we engage in at FSU — it is our identity… It is our responsibility to ensure that our students receive the highest quality learning experiences that will enable them to become global citizens and leaders as change agents for shaping the future of the state, and the world.”

Product Award in their division at the Moot Corp Competition at the

Alliance for Minority Participation (LSMAMP)

Mississippi, Justin Evans, a sophomore,

• Graduate School: In 2008-2009 the Graduate School was re-established as a separate unit to monitor and direct all post-baccalaureate degree and non-degree programs, and to oversee the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP). Total grant funding for the year was $11,057,991.21.

Signal Regulated Kinase (ERK) in Human

Fall 2008 Students by Classification



Endothelial Cells.”

First-time Freshmen


















Total Undergraduate



Graduate Students






• School of Education: The Teacher Education Summer Pilot Program, designed to accelerate time-to-degree of students, helped to increase the number of teacher education completers (includes degrees and certificates) from 166 in 2008 to 190 in 2009. Students achieved a 97% pass rate on the Praxis II exam and a 100% pass rate on the SLLA, the School Leaders Licensure Assessment exam. The SOE launched the Teacher Education Academic Advisement Center and reported contact with 634 students in one semester.


• One hundred forty-two dual degree programs of study were developed

Criminal Justice Sciences, becoming the only program in North Carolina, the

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Degrees Conferred by Degree Level




















Business and Finance Despite the 7% budget reduction for 2008-09, the Division of Business and Finance has contributed significantly to improving the overall campus environment. Efficiency, accountability, and sustainability, accompanied by improvements in safety, improvement in student services, maintenance of campus buildings, and campus beautification have helped FSU to maintain fiscal integrity this year. • The UNC Financial Improvement and Transformation Project (UNC FIT), which was kicked off at FSU in December 2008, has already improved establishing accounts, billing accounts, and paying out of accounts in Contracts and Grants, Financial Aid, and General Accounting. • The number of audit findings for 2007-08 was reduced from 14 to 2. • Public safety was improved with the implementation of “Shots Fired” – Response to Active Shooter Training: employment of a Director of Emergency Management, Environmental Health, and Safety; and the installation of video surveillance in academic buildings.

“Senior officers at colleges and universities need to make difficult choices and trade-offs so that our institutions will grow, thrive and excel- not just for the next five years- but for the next 100. The unprecedented economic challenges that confront us are too significant.”

• Strides made in sustainability included: the replacement of florescent lights with energy efficient lamps; the purchase of twelve green electric powered utility vehicles; expansion of the Campus Single Stream Recycling Program; establishment of the student organization the FSU Green Team; became a certified Green Campus with Sustainable Sandhills; and incorporated sustainability as a priority in the FSU Strategic Plan. • 12 out of 18 of the higher education bond projects for construction, renovation, and repair have been completed. Construction on the new nursing building began in July 2009.

Ground was broken on the new Southeastern North Carolina Nursing Education and Research Center in June 2008. The Center is scheduled to open in 2010.



Student Affairs “ The pact that we make with students when they arrive at our doorstep extends far beyond words. That agreement represents a solemn oath that means that their development and our excellence as an institution are inextricably bound to one another.”

There were approximately 32 projects completed during the past year in ITTS. Some of them were upgrades to existing systems to gain capacity and additional features, and some were equipment replacements done as a proactive measure to avoid service

Students have been actively engaged as citizens and voted

interruptions. Of all the projects completed, there are five that are significant as they

in large numbers during the November 2008 presidential

impact positively and directly on student success.

election. They embraced voluntary service programs and initiated new student organizations. • Student civic engagement included a “Get on the Bus” voter registration drive, taking students to the polls, getting out the votes in the November election, raising $4,500 in October for the Cumberland County CROP Hunger Walk, and the Pauline Jones Elementary School Mentoring Program. • The Student Government Association also promoted a “Dress for Success Campaign” and the Green Team in support of campus conservation and sustainability efforts. •T he FSU Debate Team was one of six college teams selected to participate in the first Inaugural Debates: Foreign Policy- FSU vs. Voorhees College, on January 19, 2009 at the Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C. on the eve of the inauguration of President Barack Obama. Over fifty FSU students, accompanied by faculty members, attended the inaugural activities. • The Black Executive Exchange Program (BEEP) of the National Urban League was initiated at FSU and three students (Travis Harris, accounting major; Francine Dunbar, mass communication major; and M. Jarrell Goode, business administration major) were chosen to participate in the Atlanta leadership development conference in June 2009. Travis Harris will also spend this summer interning with the National Urban League on Wall Street with Mr. Mark Monteverdi, Vice President of BEEP and Volunteer Programs. 14

Information Technology and Telecommunication Services

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• Student e-mail accounts were outsourced to Microsoft Live@edu which will give students a lifetime e-mail account. • With purchase of additional server hardware and software upgrades, a redundant e-mail system with robust back-up, recovery, and archiving features was implemented for faculty and staff. SPAM and VIRUS are being blocked from entering the campus on any given day. • In the School of Business and Economics the class lectures for four MBA courses for one whole semester were captured and archived on the web. This allows students to revisit these lectures whenever they need to do so during the semester. We have added two additional classrooms with two-way video/audio capabilities. • To accommodate the need for support of both online and on campus programs, FSU contracted with Blackboard Corporation to host the software at their data center which now provides 24 X 7 support. •A utomation of the Text Book Rental Process was completed and students have greater access to textbooks at an affordable cost through Follett.

“Our students live in a world of expanded information inputs that also involve texting, blogging, Facebook, MySpace, and other forms of social networking… we must prepare our students with thinking skills that are up to the tasks their future will demand.”

Athletic Affairs FSU’s Athletic Department sponsors a broad-based athletic program that provides educational opportunities for young men and women to grow and develop while enhancing the diversity and quality of college life. FSU teams excelled in golf, won five Divisional championships, and garnered national recognition for some athletes. • The most successful athletic program at FSU for 2008-09 was the golf team. The team won both the Western and Eastern Division titles. The team took home a fourth consecutive Division II title at the 23rd PGA Minority Collegiate Golf Championship in Port St. Lucie, Fl. Head Coach Raymond McDougal was named the CIAA and the East/Atlantic Super Region Coach of the Year. The team ended the season with a great showing at the NCAA DII National Tournament which was the first time that a HBCU has participated in a national tournament in 35 years. • The women’s basketball team won the Western Division Championship with a 19-9 winning season. They won the Bahamas Sunshine Shootout beating the University of Charleston (WV) and California University (Pa.) in December 2008. L’ Oreal Price was named the Bahamas Shootout DII Tournament Most Valuable Player. • The women’s bowling team won the Western Division Championship. • The football program had an 8-2 overall record for the 2008 season. The Special Teams Player of the Year was awarded to running back Richard Medlin who led the conference in scoring with 78 points and ranked first nationally in Division II as a kickoff specialist. • In volleyball middle blocker Chekimbrell Jefferson was named the 2008 CIAA Player of the Year and was the driving force that led the Lady Broncos to a 14-1 conference mark, and a perfect 9-0 record to win the Western Division Championship. • In softball, after defeating Johnson C. Smith 12-5 and 8-0 in a softball double-header, the Lady Broncos claimed the 2008-09 Divisional Title.

“No dreams are more important to us than those of our beloved students… we must have the audacity to hope that dreams can become a reality.” 15

Development and University Relations

Hon or Roll o f Cont rib ut ors 1 905- 190 8 Faye tte vi lle N orma l Sch ool The follow in g sums have been paid toward pu rchasing a site and erecting a b uildi ng fo r the Fayetteville Normal School, May, 1 905 to May, 190 8: By Colored People G. W. McM illan , $1; James C. Gill $5.00; Den nis Ty son, $1; Rev. J. S. Br own , $1; W.J . Peacock, $5; Fred Flemi ng, $5; Cash, $1; R. W. Tha ggard , $2; Prof. E. Eva ns, $5; Samuel Hodges, $3; Rev. N.B. Du nham, $2; Rev. J.S. Settle , $5; W. H. McNeill, $5; C.A . Co gdell, $2; H.C. Tyson, $1; E. J . Campbell, $2; G.A.P. Wilkerso n, $5; Joshua Barney , $10; S.L. McQuee n, $5: proceeds concert, $40; p roceeds concert, $21; Miss E.W. Jaco bs, $4; Miss E. J. C ounci l, $25; Miss I.G. Jacobs, $25; Prof . J.F .K . Simpson , $25; Prof. J .G. S mith, $51; E.E. Smith, $125; Miss Vi rgi nia T. Thu rston, $ 2; cash $5; Cash collected by E.N. Williams, $ 8. 84; A.L . Jo hnson, $10; Rev. N.B. Dunham, $3; Rev. T.H. Pa rnell , $5; John Thames, $2; H.M.Will iams, $1; Samuel Hodges, $5; James Reeves, $2; Rev. T.A. Purcell, $1; C .H. Gill , $1; H.H . Perry, $1; Ed. Smith, $1; M.A. Talley, $1; D.T . Watson , $1; Dr. P.N. Melcho r, $25; T.H. McNeil l, $25; E.N. Will ia ms, $25; F.D. W illiston , $25; Students of the Normal School , $65; Magnol ia Lodge, N o. 6, K.R. o f K .D., $15; My rtle Lodge, No. 4, K. of P., $15; St. James Lodge, Lady Kn ights of K.D. , $10; St. Mar iam Lodge, No. 125, Lady Kn igh ts of K.D. , $8; St. Ma ry’s Lodge, No . 65, Love a nd Cha ri ty, $10; Missiona ry Baptist Un ion , $10; Eureka Lodge, No . 3, A.F.A .M., $50; proceeds fr om entertai nments, $57; contr ibutio ns fr om others in small sums, $22.75. By White Citize ns J. W. In gold, $5; J. B. Sta rr, $5; A.A . Mc Kethan, $5; Bevil & Vanstory, $5; E.E. G orham, $5; H. Lutt erloh, $5; Bank of Fayetteville %15; National Ba nk of Fayetteville, $15; F. W. Thor nton , $5; W.E. K indle y, $5; Fayetteville Fur nitu re Col, $5; Mike Fol b$5; W.F. Blount, $5; J.A. Oates, $5; S.H. MacRae, Esq., $5; H.C . Bash, $5; Huske Hardware House, $25; Cape Fear D.G. Co., $5; J.B. Troy, $5; W.H . Marsh, $5; W. M. Walker , $4: R. Bu rnes, $5; The Armf ield Compa ny, $5; W.M. Ma rti n, $5; J.H. Culbteth & Col, $5; E.H. Jen nin gs, $2; Fayetteville Ice Company, $5; B.E. Sedbe rry So ns, $5; D.H. Ray, $5; J. I. Ken nedy, $5; B.C. Gorham;, $5; Shufo rd, Roge rs & Co., $5; A.P. J ohnson , $5; W. I. Hawley, $1; A.H. Slocumb , $1; J.C. Gorham, $1; A.L. McCaskill , $1; J.M. G oddard , $2; W.T. Saunders, $1; L. C. Woote n, $1; J. M. Lamb $5; John Underw ood, $25; Jerry Respass, $25; J. R. Boyd, $1; J. A. Hollin gsworth, 50 cents. SUMM ARY OF CON TRIBUTIONS From white cit izens……………… ……………………… ….. $ 266.50 From colo red people………………………… ………………. . 823.59

$1,090 total

“FSU is on the cusp of becoming a culture of integrity, excellence, engagement, commitment, and innovation. As we evolve we must stay attentive to the needs of our students, our faculty, our community partners, and to the global marketplace.” The Division of Development and University Relations made its greatest strides in conservation by saving nearly $100,000 in cost by switching from postal service to email for contact with alumni and friends. A record of $43,890 was reached with contributions to the State Employees Combined Campaign for 2008-09. •e Notice, our monthly e-newsletter, was sent to approximately 9,372 alumni of the University. Twenty-four eBlasts resulted in nearly 224,928 contacts from July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. • As an alternative to snail mail, via the US Postal service, the use of email has saved a gross estimated amount of $94,468.76 for fiscal year 2008-09. • The use of On-Line communities such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Ting has produced 5,272 contacts this year. • The State Employees Combined Campaign raised a record of $43,890 with 479 donors. • Marketing expanded its coordination efforts by working with 303 projects on campus. • FSU received $1,811,720 in its fund raising campaigns for 2008-09 with 1, l24 donors.

2008-2009 Summary of Gifts by Constituency Constituency

# of Donors 381


Faculty and Staff


$ 34,157

Faith Based Organizations


$ 19,155







Organizations/Associations (including NAA)





$ 91,985

WFSS 91.9


$ 26,366

Gifts in Kind


$ 15,437

Additional Support: Wachovia/Spangler Total # of Donors

$500,00 1124

Total Amount Raised

*From $1,090 in 1908 to $1,811,720 in 2008. 16

F AY E T T E V I L L E S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y • A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9

Amount Given



FSU Donors July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 $ 100,000+ Branch Banking & Trust Company C.D. Spangler Foundation Cumberland County Partnership for Children, Inc. $ 25,000 + American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Carnegie Corporation of New York FSU National Alumni Association North Carolina Association of Insurance Agents, Inc. Smithfield-Luter Foundation Inc. $ 10,000 + Advocates for Youth Anonymous Arts Council of Fayetteville Cumberland County Class of 1957 Dargan, Elizabeth R. Duke University Fayetteville Area New Car Dealers Association FSU Athletic Club, Inc. Lewis Chapel Baptist Church Southern Education Foundation, Inc. State Farm Companies Foundation Union, Terri S. $ 5,000 + Anderson, James A. Bank of America Foundation FSU Athletics Hall of Fame FSU Retirees Club Fuller, John D. LSG, LLC (Wayne Branch) Morehouse School of Medicine NAA Cumberland County Chapter * NCLBCF / NC Legislative Black Caucus Foundation $ 2,500 + Baldwin Branch Missionary Baptist Church Brown, John B. Carolina Vascular Institute, P.A. Fulmore, Julius A. Gore, Ethel V. Jones, John R. Loftin, Leonza Mount Olive Missisonary Baptist Church Tew, Charles H. $ 1,000 + Arc Thrift Store Barlow, David E. Bennett, Phyllis A.

Brown, Henry B. Chance, John M. ConocoPhillips Company Council, Jeannette M. * Cumberland County Civic Center Curtis, Willie A. District Usher Union Evans, Ernest Farmer, Hilda H. Fleming, Valeria P. Freeman, Jack FSU Band Alumni & Friends Assoc. FSU-NAA Anne Arundel County Ch Garrett, Nathan T. Gillis-Olion, Marion F. Gray, Willie A. Green, Peggy Hackett, Marian J. Hadley, Landon R. Hadley, Rebekah L. Hall, Terrence C. Holmes, Dorothy G. Hyman, Eric J. Jackson Funeral Home Kappa Alpha Psi (Fayetteville) L. Edwards & Associates/Leo Edwards Massey, Perry A. McEachern, D. H. McLeod, Jeffrey W. Merrill Lynch Moore-Carter, Gloria Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church Murchison, Terence L. National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame Foundation Event NCACPA Member Service Center Nimocks, David Olion, Ladelle Paige, James M. Payne, Betty L. Penix, John A. Price, Don Progress Energy Service Company Pruitt, Geneva R. Scurry, Marshall Tavakoli, Assad A. Taylor, Ulysses Wachovia Corporation Wilson, Roland P. Wright, Roosevelt Young, Jon M. $ 500 + Adams, Damien J. Allstate Foundation Alston, Joseph D. Anthony, Booker T. Bailey, Mary H.

Bell, John Bennett, Anthony T. Bowser, David V. Brinkley, Willie C. Brown, William T. Cape Fear Otolaryngology, PA Cumberland Retired School Personnel Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dudley, Celesta J. Ellis, Richard S. Enterprise Leasing Company Southeast (Rent-A-Car) Farrior, Ethel M. Frazier, Rudolph Freeman, Algeania W. Griffin, John R. IBM Corporation Matching Grants Program Jackson, Lawrence Jackson, Michael E. Jenkins, Wanda L. Johnson, Paula M. Johnson, Stanley W. Jones, Wendy L. Jonsson, Petur O. Keller, Ella T. Lucas, Marvin W. Lumbee Guaranty Bank McKeller, Mitchell Melvin M. Mitchell Agency Inc. Okoye, Obiefuna Petty, Barbara Pierce, Melvin R. Pilgrim, Juanita Pratt-Walker, Lavorne Proctor and Gamble Matching Gift Program Purcell, James E. Ray, Monica T. Ray, Sylvia G. Rita’s Water Ice Sapp, Fred Shorter, Floyd L. Shorter, Saundra N. Stanley, A. Tally, Mary The Greek Shop Travitt, Kenneth Valenti, Peter L. Washington, Lila Wesley, Leonardo K. Westbrooks, Allegra M. Westbrooks, Annie Wiggins, Mitchell Womble, Jeffrey M. Wright, Eugene E. Zeta Pi Omega Cultural & Educational Fnd., Inc.

$ 250 + 100 Black Men of America, Inc. Bell, Juliette B. Brown, David C. Burns, Ralph E. Carolina Specialties Awards & Trophies, Inc. Charles, Curtis B. Charlotte Chapter of FSU Alumni Dickens, Isabelle H. Dickey, Mary B. Ejeh, Sylvester First Baptist Fayetteville Geter Anderson, Barbara Godbolt, John L. Graham, Ernesto Green, Walter B. Hall, Phyllis A. Heath, Patricia F. Hurst, Bob John Wesley United Methodist Church Lucas, Lottie V. McCrimmon, Kevin L. McLean, David W. Melvin, Steven J. Miller, Bertha H. Miller, Lawanda D. N.C. Association for Institutional Research Ngwainmbi, Jilly M. Osei, Joseph Osmond, Deanna Parker, Roy Pearson, Darren L. Petty, Patricia R. Professional Family Care Services Revels-Bullard, Angela Rich, Gregory P. Richardson, Lee W. Roberts, Charles Sanders, Doris J. Skipper, Ben Smith, Thelma F. Stanley, Allison Tariq, Nazir United Order of Tents, Fayetteville NC Woods, Ruth D. $ 100 + Adcox, Barbara Adu-Mireku, Samuel Advance Services (Heating & A/C) Aghajanian, Akbar Aldrich, Mary D. Allen, Linda K. Allen, Sylvia X. Alphin, Ernest Alston, Ada V.

Annamaneni, Ravinder Arrington, Lydia C. Askew, Jerome H. Bailey, Janniffer J. Barden, Sara Beeson, Gilbert Best, Moses L. Biggs, Scotty Blue, James T. Booker, Bryan D. Boone, Preston L. Bostock, Christopher J. Brewington, Tonya D. Brighter, Theresa Broadwell, Nancy Brown, Debra L. Brown, Dorothy G. Brown, Stephen Brown, Theresa F. Brown, W. T. Brown, Wilbert F. Bryant, Joycelyn Buie, Mary L. Bullard, Christeen M. Bullock, Franklin Burwell, Edith R. Calhoun, Shannon R. Campbell, Harrison Carr, Carolyn D. Carroll-Kelly, Carolyn E. Carter, John B. Carter, John B. Chavis, Annie M. Chavonne, Anthony G. Chesney, Lacy G. Clark, Johnny W. Clayton, Lena D. Clement, William Clubine, Larry W. Cooper, James C. Cottman, Kim E. Council, Evelyn P. Council, Nettie T. Croswell, Mixon Crowe, Marion A. Cudgel, Thomas L. Cumberland Community Foundation, Inc. Czejdo, Bogdan Davis, Andrea P. Dean, Gerald DeLaine, Louis B. Denmark, Aaron Devalve, Michael J. Devasthali, Shirish Dickey, David P. Dickson, Margaret Dickson, Margaret H. 2008-2009 DONORS


Dobbins, Warren R. Doub, Rosita G. Douglass, James D. Dove, Samuel Dudley, William H. Eady, Walter B. Echard, Earl V. Edgerton-Taylor, Eleanor R. Elder, I.J. Epps, Alonzo Evans, Jane Family Vision Center of Fayetteville Farley, Martin Farrior, Leamon Faulcon, Maggie J. Fayetteville Orthopaedic Clinic, PA Fielder, Dorothy E. First Baptist Flanders, James E. Fleming, Brian K. Ford-McDougle, Dorinda R. Fowler, Judith W. Freeman, William Fryar, Charles W. Gaddy, Melinda R. Gerald, Paul Giles, Linda J. Gilmore, Belinda J. Gilmore, Karen D. Glazier, Richard B. Glenn, Kenneth A. Gooding, Bryan C. Goodman, Renee C. Goodson, Ernest J. Grant, Elbert Greene, Walter Griffin, Leslie A. Gurley, Kathleen R. Hales, Florine S. Hall, Edwina P. Hamilton, Noal B. Han, Shubo Hardnett, Alger T. Harris, Marvin E. Harrison, Jung H. Hart Berry, Shirley Hayes, Delores M. Hayes-Woods, Olivia U. Haynes, John I. Hayward, Lorenzo Hester, Hiram Heyliger, Edith H. Hilton, Doreen B. Hines, Gloria L. Hinnant-Jones, Zelphia Hinton, Jesse J. Hodge, Oliver Holmes, Mary L.


Howard, Mattie Hubbard, Iris S. Hubbard, Maceo D. Hubbell, John Hurst, Raymond Ingram, James E. Irvins, Renee Isaac, Helen B. Ivery, James A. Jackson, Delma S. Jackson-Starks, Josephine James, Anaj Jenkins, John G. Jenkins, Olive B. Jennings, Melvin Jessie, Vanessa P. Johnson, Antoinette Johnson, Jacob Johnson, Joseph J. Johnson, Kris K. Johnson, Michele A. Jones, Carlton R. Jones, Doris D. Jones, Joseph C. Jones, Retha Jones, Robert L. Justiniano, Miguel A. Keane, Francis J. Keever, Elizabeth Keith Sterling Medical, PLLC Kelly, William H. Knight, Elaine Lari, Alireza Larkin, Patrick J. Leavy, Faye M. Lee, Shirley T. Leonard, Johnny D. Lewis, Oscar E. Lindsey, Theodore R. Lints, Robert Ma, Juan Mallette, Mary M. Malloy, Christine R. Manning, Brian Manning, Jerry C. Marable, Renard H. Maridian Clinical Care Marshall, Dolly G. Marshall, Leverne L. Masilela, Aubrey Maultsby, Harold L. Maxwell, James McAllister, Lonnie J. McArthur Williams, Rovenia McCall-Johnson, Shirley L. McCallum, Mary L. McCormick, Patricia B. McCoy, Alton L.

F AY E T T E V I L L E S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y • A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9

McDaniel, Stephen L. McGlone, Coleen P. McGrath, Grace McLaurin, Carolyn T. McLean, Dan H. McLean, Marian M. McLeod, James D. McLeod, Joyce C. McNeill, Ellen C. McShane, Edward F. McSwain, Joseph Merrill Lynch Matching Gifts Program Michener, Wendy Milligan, James A. Minter, Ben C. Mitchell, Melvin M. Mitchell, Selena M. Mitchell, Sharon E. Monk, Loretta M. Moore, Eric Morant, Samuel L. Moreaux, Joyce B. Morgan, Phyllis D. Nagdas, Subir K. Neill, William New York Life Insurance Nyman, Mickey Ogburn, Carl Okunbor, Daniel I. Osborne, Rosetta Parfitt, Henry Pasteur, John R. Patterson, Ella D. Perfecting the Saints Ministries, Inc. Person, Carl S. Persson, Carl J. Peters, Doug Phillip, Victor Pierce, Carneil, Estate of C. Pierce, Wilhelmina Pines, Jack Pitts, Marshall B. Porter, Donald Prillaman, Barbara Privott, Raymond L. Purnell, J. B. Real Estate Investment Team Reid, Shirley J. Reinoehl, Jerry Richardson, Bernard Rivers, Rueben N. Rooks, Lovie B. Roper, Michael C. Ross, Joseph C. Ross, Louie E. Rush, Shirley G. Russell, Vera L. Sanders, Mary B.

Sanders, Michael Sanders, Renouard A. Saunders, Erma D. $ 100 + (continued) Scales, Roger J. Schaefer, Greg Schneier, Joan Schwarz, Christopher B. Scurry, Bernice W. Sembly, Cortez C. Sharp, Raymond J. Shaw, Edward E. Shereff, Susan J. Simkin, Karen T. Sims, Kenneth Sims, Stephen Slehria, Sanjeev Small, Lovern H. Smith Chapel Church Snipes, Sherri L. Spearman, Dorothy B. Stanford, Lamont Stephens, Keith E. Stewart, Garland J. Strayhorn, Mary M. Strickland, Jefferson B. Stuart, Elisabeth Talley, Barbara B. Tatum, George E. Taylor, Randall B. Taylor, Robert H. Thomas, Benjamin R. Thomas, Rollinda A. Thornton, Vickie Tippett, Lyndo W. Trotter, Roger L. Tucker, Joyce J. Tucker, Nero J. Tyler, Indira D. Van Cantfort, Thomas E. Vanborkulo, Kimberly Vanderclute, Sara Virgil, Eunice W. Waddell, Freddie Walker, Albert J. Wallace, Lloyd P. Wang, Mei-Chuan Washington, Bernice R. Watkins, Harold W. Weatherford, Carole B. Webb, Baye W. Wheeler, Joe Whitaker, Donnell Whitted, Duncan J. Wiggins, Richard Wilds, James Williams, Belinda B. Williams, George

Willis, Effie M. Wilson, James R. Wilson-Jones, Linda Wong, Kwok C. Woodrum, Eric Wright, Dorothy Wright, Kaiesha Wright, Willie A. Wright, Willie F. Wright-Harris, Anntoinette M. Young, Margaret A. Zhu, Lieceng Ziegler, Kalli UP TO $100 503rd - 80th AAA - Reed Torrence Clyde Thomas Chapter Adams, Cheryl M. Ajani, Timothy T. Akbay, Cevdet Aldrich, Charles E. Aldridge, Thomas L. Alexander, Harold T. Alexander, Michael Allen, Charlene Allen, Viviette L. Almeida, Eugenie P. Almeida, Michael J. Ancellotti, John J. Anderson, E.C. Anderson, Jean Anderson, Trela N. Antoine, Linda M. Arledge, Steve D. Armstrong, Loretta M. Armstrong, Vikki M. Artesia High School Alumni Assoc Artis, Willie M. Arya, Vinod K. Askew, Pleshette I. Atkinson, John W. Augustus, Randolph Austin, Craig R. Avent, Toussaint L. Avery, Areillia S. Bakri, Bharti Baldwin, Arthur Banks, Cynthia B. Bao, Yufang Barkley, Esther Barlow, Melissa H. Barnes, Dianne R. Battle, Gerald T. Baughmanville Baptist Church Bender, Cliff M. Bennett, Lakisha Bennett, Warren C. Bentley, Treva M.

Bergamine, Deborah J. Bersterman, Donald Best, Allen R. Best, Bobby G. Best, Hilton J. Beta Cho Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Bhattacharya, Sambit Bickford, Santha B. Bila, Nicoleta V. Binder, George A. Birke, Kathryn Black, Grace C. Bland, Shedrick O. Blanding, Mena P. Blanks, Richard E. Blauser, Harlan J. Blevins, Barbara S. Blue, Shirley A. Bluford, David F. Boeckel, John Bohannon, Billy Boling, James M. Bonner-Lindsay, Brigitte C. Bose-Basu, Bidisha Boykin, Ruffus Bradsher, Mary C. Bratcher-Porter, Shelvy J. Breitzer, Jonathan Brewer, Michael Brewton, Russell Brooks, Demetrius D. Brown, Romayne W. Brown, Tiffany Brummitt, David Bryant, Laura R. Burgess, Debra A. Burgess, Thomas S. Burnett, Annette D. Burston, Inez F. Buryk, Ronald Buskey-Allen, Shelia C. Buxton, James E. Cammon, Audrey Campbell, Conroy A. Campbell, Karen M. Carpenter, Michelle Carroll, Aljanal H. Carroll, Virginia C. Carson, Karen Catchings, Thelma L. Chan, Tat W. Chandler, Pauline A. Chao, Shirley L. Chavis-Lucas, Janie C. Chen, Yunkai Christian, Robert S. Cogdell, Mellinae E. Conway, Thomas E.

Cooper, Robert L. Cornwell, Kelly Coward, Clement Crane, Edward Crawford, Arleen Crews, Elliott R. Crotts, David F. Cunningham, Doris Daniel, William G. Danzy, Annie L. Darnell, Michelle R. Das, Shyamal K. Davis, Arnita Davis, Debra Davis, James G. Davis, Norma Davis, Selena G. Dawson, Archie L. DeBerry, Sarah DeBouse, Major L. Dederick, Dan Delgadillo, Virmil T. Dial, Tamara M. Dick, Carl E. Dix, Orin C. Dixon, Charles R. Dollberg, Douglas Drake, Irving R. Draper, Jennifer E. Draughon, Jandara D. Drayton, Jacquelyn Y. Duncan, Jarvora B. Dunham, Ander J. Dutch, Helena N. Edens, David L. Edwards, Arnetta I. Edwards, David Ellerby, Wilhelmina Elliott, Inez C. Evans, Helen A. Faison, Edward Farrow, Zeandrew Faulkner, Caleb Ferguson, Denice A. Ferriott, Lynda J. Fichman, Kelly L. Finch, James Fisher-Vines, Sheila M. Fleming, Elizabeth W. Fletcher, John Flowers, Mae E. Foote, Brenda M. Ford, Lendora S. Franklin, David Frantz, Sarah S. Fraser, Elizabeth Fredette, Mary J. Fuller, Yolanda

Gaddy, Larry Gainey, Cheryl S. Gates, Namid A. Gaylord, Donald Gibbs-Burgess, Palmela Gibson-Lee, Tammy L. Giles, Terry S. Gill, Wanda Gillespie, Isabelle Gilpin, Francis Godbolt, Vertell T. Goins, Sandra L. Goodwin, Ruth Gordon, Paul A. Goss, Alzonia Graham, Earl V. Graham, John H. Graham, Theresa Gray, Alice A. Gray, Herman L. Green, Vanish E. Greenfield, Richard Greenlit, Charles R. Gregory, Harlon Griffie, David S. Griffin, Melanie J. Griffin, Patti Grubb, Maurice J. Gunther, Sarah Hales, Andretta L. Hales, Andrew Hall, Phoebe J. Hanger, Samuel A. Hannibal, William Hardiman, Andrea V. Hardy, Beth A. Hargrove, Hazel L. Hargrove, Keith L. Hargrove, Samuel Harper, Annette G. Harris, Arzeta Harris, Joyce C. Harris, Shari Harris, Suzanne L. Hart, Linda C. Hartsfield, Marshall Harvey, Richard R. Haun, Matthew Hay, Barbara Hayslip, Mary He-Chen, Xiaogui Helsinger, Beth A. Henderson, Regina Henderson, Robert L. Hendricks, Carmen Henry, Eric D. Hernandez-Hinek, Socorro Hesseltine, Suzanne E.

Hicks, Brenda W. Hill, Amelia H. Hill, Lenard D. Hines, Walter R. Hockaday, Jerry E. Hoffler, Reginald Hogan, Elnora C. Hogan-Love, Najma B. Hogans, Napoleon Hollingsworth, Wandafa B. House, V. D. Houston-Washington, Phyllis Howell, Bill D. Hudson, Jarvis E. Ike, Chris A. Ikiz, Ali Ingram, Janie H. Jackson, Katie R. Jackson, Marilyn H. Jackson, Pamela J. Jackson, Priscilla L. Jackson, Yvonne V. Jacobs, Willie Jenkins, Cassandra D. Jenks, Robert Jessup, Ardenlian W. Jin, Mingxian Joel, Dorothy Johnson, Andrew G. Johnson, Arthur Johnson, Cedric S. Johnson, Cureton Johnson, Effie C. Johnson, Eva C. Johnson, Floyd Johnson, Gladys N. Johnson, Jean Johnson, Linda R. Johnson, Quentin L. Johnson, Rita D. Johnson, Tammie L. Joiner, Priscilla G. Jones, Bobby Jones, Henry C. Jones, Robert L. Josey, Ervin E. Kenney, Dianne M. Kenoly, Berril M. Kersey, DeSharon L. Kiewra, Leslie Kile, Charles Kim, Ji Young Klomegah, Roger Y. Knox, Dennis Knuckles, Thomas M. Knuckles, Thomas M. Kramer, Gary Krutkiewicz, Pamela

Labeach, J. R. LaFleur, Dina Lahuffman, Cynthia L. Lahuffman, Donald J. Lane, Celesta W. Lanier, Keith Lanier’s Parts & Services Lawrence, Rosemarie B. Lawrence, Wanda R. Lawson, Greg C. Le, Dong Leazer, Samuel M. LeBlanc, Catherine Lee, Andrew D. Lee, Baeyong Lees, Susan E. Lenning, Emily E. Lennon, Phyllis M. Lewis, Leontye L. Lheem, Han Linch-Parker, Sheryl A. Linskens, Paul J. Livingston, Wilhelmina Lloyd, Howard Lockett, Chesley Locklear, Caverlen E. Locklear, Erica J. Lodhi, Khalid M. Lodhi, Muhammad Logan, Bill Long, Sophia D. Lopacienski, Trisha Lowell, Jessica S. Lozane, Krishe Lucas, Ernestine M. Lucas, Janice H. Lumley, Christine P. Lumpkins, Mike Mack, William G. Mallette, Marlyn Martin, Ron Martin, Rose E. Martin, Sondra E. Martinez, Marcelino Massey, Nikki D. Mastin, Frank Matthews, Teresa A. Mattox, John McAllister, Freddie McAllister, Linda McAllister, Thomas McBride, Petronia McCall, Thelma McConnell, Gary R. McCormick, Sarah L. McEachin, Leroy McGlown, Dashawn A. McIver-Bell, Michele S. 2008-2009 DONORS


McKoy, Marion T. McLaurin, Brenda Mclean, Davey R. McLean, Edward McLeod, Jacqueline C. McLeod, William McLeod, Willis B. McMillan, Theodora P. McMillion, Cassandra C. McNair, Dennis R. McNatt, Earley J. McRae, Laverne McWilliams, Sierra Melvin, John Menscer, Gay Merchant, Frank, J. Miah, Fazlul H. Milanov, Valentin B. Miller, Jimmy T. Millings, Lois C. Mims, C B. Mims, Katie B. Minney, John Mitchell, Florence Mitchell, Jimmie L. Mitchell, Samuel Molvin, Richard Mongkuo, Maurice Y. Monroe, Berlene Moore, Alvin R. Moore-Brown, Terri Morant, Shirley A. Moses Malone, Barbara A. Moyd, Renarta C. Muhammed, Shahnawaz Murphy, Hattie W. Murphy, Stanford A. Murray, Barry V. Myers, Judge Narhi, Monica Nash, David National Pan Hellenic Council Nay, Howard F. Naylor, Norman W. Neal, James Neal, Vedas G. Nelson, Richard Nickolov, Radoslav Z. Nigro, John Nijhawan, Inder P. Norfleet, Ruth Novello, Gloria D. Nyman, Micki Obanor, Nosa Oehman, Robert Oliver, Norma J. Oliver, Virginia T. Olney, Margaret


Orban, Maria Pace, Cinquer V. Pace, Victor W. Paige, Desdy Pannell, Adrienne C. Parker, Beulah H. Parker, Charles Parker, Don N. Parker, Liliana C. Paschal, Susan B. Patel, Arvind Patterson, Michael Payne, Janie B. Pearsall, Gloria W. Peeples, Mary A. Penix, Marny M. Penrod, Gary A. Peppers, Timothy Perkins, Faye L. Perkins, Suzetta M. Perritt, Terezinha Perry, Sherri C. Pevster, Al Phillips, Guy Pierce, Roosevelt A. Pinckney, Kenneth S. Pitt, Charlotte A. Price, James H. Privott, Charlotte S. Promotional Messages Propst, Barbara P. Pryor, Lynn Quenum, Armand M. Quenum, Jonette Radford-Curry, Blanche Rahi, Gurcharn S. Ramjohn, Nadine F. Ratley, Anthony C. Ratley, Antony Ray, Mary A. Redding, Bobbie Reed, Damita Reed, John A. Regis, Patricia J. Reynolds, Shirley C. Rhodes, Darcel Rhodie, George Rhodie, Marshonda D. Rice, Mark W. Richardson, Sabrina G. Rickman, Era M. Ricks, Bobby L. Rigaud, Eglintine Rimmert, Lisa Risacher, Jollene Roberts, Savannah P. Robertson-Frye, Raquel R. Robinson, Carolyn L.

F AY E T T E V I L L E S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y • A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9

Robinson, Stacey A. Robinson, Terrance B. Rodrick, Patrice D. Rogers, Rita H. Rosser, James K. Rundlett, Teresa C. Russ, II, O’Neal D. Ruther, Sharon Sadler, Gregory Saint-Gobain Containers Samples, Dewey L. Sanders, Trent M. Sandoval, Rosa Savage, Rick Sawyer, Felix C. Schenck, Gerald Scott, Charles Scruggs, Albert Sellers, Tonya R. Senn, Andrew P. Shaffer, Denny Shaw University Alumni Assoc. Fayetteville/Cumberland Co Ch Shaw, Jannie M. Shaw, Rollin W. Shearon, James Shepherd, Essie D. Sheppard, Derwin R. Simmons, Edna D. Simmons, Willie Sims, Stephen Singletary, Steven J. Skipper, Hampton Sledge, Denise Sloop, David L. Smith, Ernestine W. Smith, Hilda D. Smith, Kelvin V. Smith, Loyd E. Smith, Michael R. Smith, Randy L. Smith, Sandra A. Smith, Wille Smith-Drummond, Shelia Sneed, Martha M. Snipes, Esther R. Soileau, Christine Spicer, Ruby B. Stafford, Noppaladt Stamps, Fred D. Staten-Johnson, Shaunte’ D. Stephenson, Alice H. Stevens, Kenneth M. Stewart, Alfred Stewart, Angelo C. Stewart, Clarence C. Stewart, Lofton Strickland, Louis C.

Stutts, Howard Sullen, Carolyn D. Sumler, Jonathan L. Sutton, Griselda G. Sweatte, Parmenas C. Sweet, Kenneth R. Swinford, Dean Swint, Bennie Swistak, Michelle Tang, Xin Tarr, William C. Taylor, Angela P. Taylor, Callie W. Taylor, Kevin Teal, Charles E. Thigpen, William H. Thomas, Franklin Thomas, Jessie J. Thomas, Rayon O. Thomas, Steven B. Thompson, Harold Thompson, Melvin Thompson-Pinckney, Teresa A. Thorton, James H. Tolar, Bennet Tomasini, Leslie A. Torrey, Rosa L. Tucker, James A. Tukes, Annie M. Turman, Millus Twumasi-Ankrah, Kwaku Uliasz, Corinthia K. Umerah, Amaka I. Van Nyhuis, Alison Vance, Justine F. Vannatter, Rebecca E. Vazquez, Evette Vergan, Charles G. Villines, Dorothy J. Vinson, Bernice Waddell, Rudolph E. Waits, Daniel M. Walker, Philip E. Wallace, Senetra Wane, Abdoul A. Wang, Dong Ward, Steve Ware, Edwin L. Warren, Garfield Washington, Annie D. Watson, Harmon S. Watson, Kathleen L. Weaver, Tim Wedlock, David P. Wester, Franklin E. Whitaker, Bessie Whitaker, Michelle White, Jacqueline

White, John Wiggins, Helen A. Wiggins, Rachel B. Wilkins, Emile Williams, Deborah M. Williams, Ethel C. Williams, Frank A. Williams, Ivan Williams, Jimmie R. Williams, Thomas G. Willies Computer Software Co. Willis, Shari J. Wilson, Clara V. Wilson, Jeff S. Wilson, Mattie B. Wilson, Michael R. Wilson, Robert L. Wilson, Sonja M. Wingfield, Elois H. Wise, Angela C. Womack, Rovella Womble, Christine W. Woodall, Steven J. Woods, Jerry Worley, Harold Worrell, Sharon Wright, Janet G. Wyatt, Carlton Wynn, Charles Wynne, Matthew J. Wynne-Hall, Valerie Yorgov, Vassil Y. Young, David R.

Young, S. F. Zachry, Lael W. Zagorski, Joe Zaky, Arif R. Zhang, Bo * indicates a contribution made through the National Alumni Association

Chestnutt Library

Physical Recreation & Recreation Complex

Lyon Science Annex

Bronco Hall

Rosenthal Building




Mrs. Gloria A. Moore-Carter, Chair

Mr. Terrence Murchison

Dr. James A. Anderson Chancellor

Ms. Juanita Pilgrim, Vice Chair

Mr. Roosevelt Wright

Robert Botley, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance

Dr. David Barlow Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Ms. Wendy Jones Senior Managing Director for Development

Dr. Leontye L. Lewis Dean, School of Education

Dr. Ruth Dial Woods

Ms. Sylvia Ray, Secretary Ms. Linda Lee Allan

Trustee Emeriti

Dr. Lucy Vidal-Barreto

Dr. William T. Brown

Mr. John B. Brown, Jr.

Mr. Felton J. Capel

Mr. Jerry C. Dean

Mr. Julius A. Fulmore, Jr.­

Dr. Shirish D. Devasthali

Dr. Jack V. Hill

Dr. John R. Griffin, Jr.

Mr. James M. Paige

Mr. James Jefferson (Ex Officio-SGA 2008-2009)

Ms. Suzetta M. Perkins, (Staff Liaison/Assist.Secretary)

Smith Administration Building

Bickett Hall

Dr. Thomas Conway Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff Dr. Jon Young Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Janice Haynie Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Mr. Arasu “Nick” Ganesan Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Telecommunication Services

Howard School

Dr. Edward McLean, Director of Athletics

Dr. Assad Tavakoli. Dean, School of Business and Economics

Att. Wanda D. Jenkins General Counsel

Dr. LaDelle Olion Dean, Graduate School

Dr. Bertha H. Miller Special Assistant to the Chancellor Ms. Carolyn Smith Executive Assistant to the Chancellor

Alumni Gates

Chesnutt Library

1200 Murchison Road Fayetteville, NC 28301 910.672.1474 or 800.222.2594 ww.uncfsu.edu Fayetteville State University is a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina. Fayetteville State University is committed to equality of educational opportunity and does not discriminate against applicants, students or employees based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. Moreover, Fayetteville State University values diversity and actively seeks to recruit talented students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds.

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