(16) Spring Summer FS&U

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The magazine for Fayetteville State University Alumni and Friends - SPRING - SUMMER 16






THE CAMPUS KITCHEN AT FAYETTEVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY Campus Kitchens at FSU (CKFSU), a newly launched food recovery program...






“The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors, is always our number one priority,...”

Michael Johnson




Maybelyn Rodriguez-Laureano (Left) Jalisha C. Pone (Right)

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THE COTTON CLUB II An initiative launched by First Lady Nancy Anderson to raise money for Performing and Fine Arts Scholarships.


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Profile: Trustee Dr. Inder Nijhawan


Author Focuses on FSU Professor’s Study of Gospel Great


FSU Senior Honored for Community Service


FSU Student Name Fredrick Douglass Global Fellow Rise Program Scholar Wins Presentation Award...


FSU Student Wins Award for Excellence..


Giving Opportunities


Mr. and Miss FSU Portraits Unveiled


Ken Spencer Appointed to the Role of Head Me’s Basketball Coach at FSU


FSU Athletics Names Ericka Gee Harris Head Women’s Tennis Coach


FSU Names Serena King-Coleman as the 13th Head Women’s Basketball Coach


FSU Receives Grant to Teach Computer Coding to Neighborhood Youth


FSU Math Professor Visits Leading Mathematical Research Institute in China


FSU Named Gates Foundation Institutional Partner and Implements Innovative Initiatives


FSU Grad Invited to Join Peace Corps


The Blue and White


Trustee Emeritus W.T. Brown Dies


Two Broncos Selected to Lead HBCUs


Alum Jeff “Uzi D” Anderson `96 Named Operations Manager/Program Director of WBAV and WPEG



President Barack Obama made an appearance at Fayetteville State University (FSU) in support of Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton.


From the Chancellor’s Desk

DEAR BRONCOS AND FRIENDS, There have been some exciting times at Fayetteville State University (FSU), but I guarantee you that the academic year 2017-2018 will be one of the most memorable in the history of this great institution. This time next year, the 150th Anniversary – or Sesquicentennial – of this storied university will be well underway, and events associated with this milestone celebration will be in full swing. When our founders pooled together their resources to establish what would become FSU, I am not sure if they even envisioned that their investment would yield a university that has become a force on the local, state, national, and global scene. That is exactly what has transpired. FSU continues to make a name for itself in the higher education realm for its world-class educational offerings. Our university’s name is constantly and consistently being mentioned in higher

FS&U is published by the Fayetteville State University Division of Institutional Advancement, Office of Marketing and Strategic Communications. Address: Phone: Fax:


1200 Murchison Road Fayetteville, NC 28301 910-672-1838 910-672-1989

education circles for the quality of its academic programs. Our graduates are making an impact worldwide through their service and humanitarian efforts. The research and scholarly efforts of our faculty continue to garner worldwide attention. A tremendous amount of work is being put forth to prepare for the Sesquicentennial. A committee of more than 125 faculty, staff, alumni, community representatives and students is working diligently to put together a series of events that will spotlight FSU and its rich history. Not only that, the campus will undergo a transformation that will make it even more beautiful. A water feature will be the centerpiece of the main entrance to the campus at Murchison Road and W.T. Brown Drive. By this time next year, we hope to have reached our $25 million goal through the Campaign for Fayetteville State

Chancellor James A. Anderson Editor Jeffery M. Womble Interim Director for Institutional Advancement Associate Editors La’Won D. Williams Director of University Publications

University – From a Proud Legacy to a 21st Century University. This campaign will enable us to continue investing in our number one resource – students – by providing needed scholarship support. This issue of FS&U gives just a brief overview of what you can expect in 2017. A program brochure for the Sesquicentennial will soon be published. Mark your calendars and make note of events and programs that are of interest to you. You will not want to miss the excitement associated with the university’s 150th birthday celebration. In the Bronco Spirit,

James A. Anderson Chancellor

Fayetteville State University is committed to equality of educational opportunity and does not discriminate against applicants, students, or employees based on race, color, national origin, religion, age, or disability. It is the policy of Fayetteville State University to create diversity among its student body by recruiting and enrolling students without regard to race, gender, or ethnicity. Applicants of all races, gender and ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to apply for enrollment. Fayetteville State University is proud to be a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina.


By Erin Pesut “What’s green?” At the small low tables in their small blue seats, preschoolers at the Early Childhood Learning Center at Fayetteville State University (FSU) shouted out their answers. Pickles! Green beans! Peas! When someone yelled, “Apples,” a small boy responded, “Aren’t apples red?” As the nutrition discussion around which foods were what color continued, these children ate their first meal provided by Campus Kitchens at FSU (CKFSU), a newly launched food recovery program where students transform surplus edible food from dining halls, grocery stores, restaurants and farmers markets into meals for those in need. FSU is the second Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in the United States to host a Campus Kitchen and the first HBCU in North Carolina.

Food waste is a huge problem in our nation, and The Campus Kitchens Project (CKP), based out of Washington D.C., cites that currently approximately 40% of food is wasted in the United States while 1 in 6 persons experiences food insecurity. The Campus Kitchen at FSU was launched in May and is ready, as the CKP’s motto reads, to teach, reach, feed and lead.

Office of Academic Affairs, Aramark Dining Services, the FSU Farmers Market and other community organizations that CKFSU came into being. FSU also received a $5,000 grant to assist with the launch from their success in the Campus Kitchen video competition. Dr. Blount did a considerable amount of leg work, or “field work” as she called it, to get the program off the ground.

During the Mr. Fayetteville State University competition in the spring of 2015, competitor Joel Cook wanted FSU to launch a food recovery program. He vowed, whether or not he won the competition, that he would begin something to help.

In June of 2015, Dr. Blount attended a High Impact Priorities Conference at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and visited their newly launched Campus Kitchen. In August, she attended The Campus Kitchens Project boot camp at the national office in Washington D.C. and when she attended a conference in Chicago, she didn’t miss a chance to catch the train to Northwestern and visit their Campus Kitchen and take notes.

“I knew we could do more to help out with food insecurity, and if we had the opportunity, I wanted to do it. This was one of my platforms,” Joel said. CKFSU came to fruition through the collaboration of many people and departments at FSU. Dr. Stacye Blount, Assistant Professor of Sociology, FSU’s Teacher of the Year for the 2015-2016 school year and the faculty advisor to the CKFSU student leadership team, worked diligently to see the process through. It was with the help of the Sociology Department, the Office of Civic Engagement and ServiceLearning (CESL), Division of Student Affairs,

“Not until we embarked on this project, I mean, I was maybe semi-conscious of the amount of food that we waste, but now I follow just about everything to do with food and food recovery and diminishing food waste on Twitter and Facebook, and it’s just amazing,” Dr. Blount articulated. If you’re still not sure what food recovery is, you’re not alone.

to teach, reach, feed and lead


Dr. Blount said most people were asking her the same thing. Questions came from curious people: Where will you get the food? How will you collect it? Do you take it out of the garbage can? Food recovery refers to the practice of collecting surplus edible food that would otherwise go to waste and using it to create healthy meals for people. For instance, what happens to the extra food that never gets eaten at the FSU cafeteria? As FSU evaluated how their Campus Kitchen could best serve the population at FSU, it was decided they would use it to help feed the children and preschoolers at the Early Childhood Learning Center. On the day of the launch, Gloria Moore Carter, Director of the Early Childhood Learning Center, thanked Joel for his vision and his passion. “I have a heart for seeing children eat healthy,” Joel said. “It is a great concern for me, and we have an opportunity to do that here.” During the monthly PTA meetings, when it was difficult for parents to provide children with a wholesome dinner on-the-go, CKFSU will offer children a healthy meal from food that would otherwise have gone to waste. While kids eat their free, fresh and nutritious dinner, parents can fully focus on the meeting. Veronica Jones, a member of the CKFSU advisory board said, “It’s not just feeding the kids, it’s about teaching and the importance of nutrition, of fruits and whole grains. We even made sure we all washed our hands before.” She explained the importance of nutrition education, especially with young children and mentioned how in the classroom, they encouraged the kids to share their preferences—Did they prefer grapes or melon? Veronica said that they also talked about the benefits of drinking more water and less Kool-Aid. In the future, Dr. Blount hopes the nutrition lessons will continue even after the kids leave the classroom, perhaps CKFSU will provide recipe cards for parents or even offer experiential learning options with the possible implementation of a garden at FSU, a way for both toddlers in pre-school and


the two early college high school’s students on FSU’s campus a chance to get their hands dirty. But where would CKFSU be without the chefs? And they certainly stepped up. Chef Paul Stanley, an FSU Aramark chef, is completely on board. For someone who has been in culinary arts for 27 years, he said, “I have a heart for things like this.” On days when there is a PTA meeting, Chef Stanley, at work in the FSU kitchen, will think about what food can be refurbished for the kids at the Early Childhood Learning Center. To “refurbish” the food for the kids, Chef Stanley makes sure the food is prepared properly, cooled properly and monitored all day to ensure food safety. Olivia Rogine, Community Development Coordinator from the Campus Kitchens Project headquarter office in Washington D.C. traveled to Fayetteville to attend the launch. She mentioned the “adoptability” of the Campus Kitchen model. At various Campus Kitchens around the country, some volunteers address student hunger on campus or senior-based hunger in their own community. “It’s very inter-generational. Every community is different. What’s so unique about FSU is they wanted to focus on children, on childhood hunger.” Nearby, in the kitchen, Joel was at work seeing how much food was left. Some children were ready for seconds. He cited the duality. “We are a nation of abundance and still a nation that goes hungry. This is a community project. It’s not just me.” Campus Kitchens at FSU starts up again this school year. For more information check out the Campus Kitchen website and search for Fayetteville State University, or find them on Facebook: Campus Kitchen at Fayetteville State University. Reprinted from City View Magazine


Trustee Dr. Inder Nijhawan

Alumni of the School of Business and Economics know that there were many deans, faculty, staff and responsible for the international acclaim of the school. Ask any alum to name three faculty members who were instrumental in their success during their matriculation, and it is highly likely Dr. Inder Nijhawan will be among those mentioned. Dr. Nijhawan spent 40 years on the FSU faculty, and now that he has retired and holds the title of Professor Emeritus, he has found another way to serve Fayetteville State University as a member of the Board of Trustees. Here is a little more about this university servant. Where are you from? India Education? Bachelor’s degree in Economics Master of Economics, Delhi School of Economics Ph.D in Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Occupation? Professor Emeritus Occupation? 40 years What did you enjoy most about serving on the faculty at FSU? Interaction with colleagues and students. Let me explain. FSU faculty has always been diverse. It was a joy to work with colleagues from China, South Korea, Nigeria, Iran, Africa, Greece, United States etc. The office space was limited and it was not unusual for a faculty member to share an office with at least two colleagues. We were like a close-knit family. Because of limited office space, a large room was partitioned into several small cabins. The walls were not soundproof and we could hear every conversation from the adjoining cabins. The food aroma traveled freely between the cabins. Lunch was, more often than not, a shared experience. Indeed my immersion in international cultures began at FSU.

It was a learning experience to interact with the FSU students. I had never taught in a predominantly African-American university. Perhaps I learned as much from my students as they from me. Having taught at Delhi University, North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I thought that the role of an instructor was to simply report to the class at the designated time, turn upside down the cup of knowledge, let it drip for 50 minutes and then leave. It did not matter who and how many absorbed the information that was imparted. I quickly learned that the success in classroom will depend on understanding my students, building a rapport with them and matching my teaching strategies with their learning styles. I was compelled to invent, innovate and experiment with different teaching strategies to reach some of my unmotivated, unprepared and apathetic students. I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to my students who taught me how to become a better and more effective teacher. What do you remember most about your time at FSU? Forty years is a long time to work for an institution. Over these forty years, I have had the privilege of working with 6 Chancellors, 9 Vicechancellors and numerous Deans (I have lost count). I feel proud to say that I have never been treated unequally by the administration because of my national origin or ethnicity. I have always been treated with respect and dignity. That is one memory I will cherish for as long as I live. Above all, I will remember with gratitude the opportunity to teach students who might not have access to college education elsewhere.

pastors, CPA’s, entrepreneurs, businessmen, military brass, City Council members, leaders from non-profit organizations and of course our illustrious Chancellor. I have learned to appreciate different perspectives, paradigms and viewpoints that are colored by the Board members’ backgrounds, professions and experiences. Also, I have always looked at FSU from a narrow lense -- my department, my school, but never in its totality. I now realize how important each unit is to the success and wellbeing of the university. I have a renewed appreciation for our Chancellor who must be entrepreneurial to maintain a balance between the FSU interests and demands of General Administration and North Carolina legislators. I am keenly aware how politics influences academia. Tell us about your family. I have a wife and two sons. My wife is a retired Computer Programming Instructor from Fayetteville Technical Community College. My older son serves as a Senior Director in a Biotech company and my younger son is a Product Specialist in a Fortune 500 company. I have four grandchildren: three grandsons and one slave driver – my charming granddaughter. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Reading and walking are my hobbies. I volunteer at the Science of the Soul Study Center in Fayetteville. I enjoy communion with Nature. It is not unusual for me to sit on my deck and just gaze at sunset or listen to birds chirp. Every spare moment I get, I remember with gratitude how blessed I am.

How long have you been on the Board of Trustees? Three (3) years. What do you like most about serving on the Board of Trustees? Four decades ago, when I walked through the main gate of FSU, I could not imagine in my wildest dreams that one day I will be a sitting member of the highest policy making body of the University. The FSU Board of Trustees has afforded me an opportunity to rub shoulders with prominent citizens: educators, physicians,

Jodie Ervin, Chairman (Above) Vedas Neal, Vice Chair Claude Bogues, Secretary 7

Two Fund-raisers Join the Institutional Advancement Team In an effort to complete the final phase of the Campaign for Fayetteville State University: From a Proud Legacy to a 21st Century University, two fund-raisers have become a part of the Division of Institutional Advancement.

not limited to, the president of her class every year along with the Student Body President her senior year. These leadership roles helped her hone in on various moral and ethical values led her to the next phase in life.

Maybelyn Rodriguez-Laureano, known as May Rodriguez for short, is a young alumna of the Class of 2013. The daughter of a retired service member, she’s lived all across the United States but has been in the Fayetteville area since 2009, claiming it as home. During her undergraduate studies at FSU, she was a scholarship recipient and Global Honors Student. Ms. Rodriguez participated in various student engagement and leadership initiatives, such as serving as Miss Freshman 2010-2011. Majoring in communication, she balanced her academic studies with involvement in the theatre department, participating in several plays, including a performance as Hermia in the Shakespeare production A Midsummer’s Night Dream. She recently began pursuing her MBA online at FSU with hopes of completing the program in December 2017.

Pone attended the University of North Carolina at Greensboro from 2006-2011, during her time there, she took advantage of opportunities that enhanced her personal and professional development. Continuing her passion to serve, she became the president of the National Society of Minorities in Hospitality. It was here that she realized her passion-- planning and coordinating events for a cause. To supplement her collegiate learning, she became a certified wedding and event coordinator. Upon her completion of dual Bachelor of Arts degrees in Hospitality & Tourism Management and Communications, she continued on the path to academic success by furthering her education and increasing her candidate appeal in the field of non-profit management and the public sector as related to events and fundraising.

Upon her accelerated graduation in 2013, she quickly entered the workforce as a Sales Manager for a big-box retailer. After a couple of years, she transitioned into the nonprofit world from her passion for volunteerism and served as the Regional Director of Development for the American Heart Association. When the opportunity to serve her alma mater presented itself, she was eager to transition once more to higher education development. Now, as the new Assistant Director of Development with the Division of Institutional Advancement she is proud to give back to the legacy that has been a blessing in her life and paved a way for her success as a young professional and global citizen. “My goal is to inspire fellow alumni, who are proud and grateful for their collegiate experiences here at FSU, as well as the community at large to help make a difference for our current and future students, supporting the continuation of our proud legacy.” Also joining the Advancement team is Jalisha C. Pone. Pone was born and raised in Cumberland County, North Carolina and graduated from South View Senior High of Hope Mills, NC. While at South View, Pone was involved in various leadership capacities, to include but 8

In the fall of 2011, Pone began the Masters of Public Administration (MPA) program at North Carolina Central University (NCCU) in Durham, NC. Throughout her tenure at NCCU, she took on several leadership roles that included, Vice President of the Graduate Students Association, President of the Graduate Association for Public Administration, and the Special Events Coordinator for Duke University Center Activities and Events Office. Along with these exceptional leadership positions, she received and humbly accepted several awards and honors such as, Student Academic Excellence & Community Service Award, induction into the National Public Administration Honor Society Pi Alpha Alpha. Worth mentioning also is that she was inducted into the Golden Key International Honor Society and had a selection of her original research presented at the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) National Conference in New Orleans in March of 2013. Upon graduating from the MPA program, Jalisha received top honors, graduating Summa Cum Laude, 4.0. In her previous position, she served as Relay for Life Community Manager servicing Lee,

Jalisha C. Pone

Maybelyn Rodriguez-Laureano

Harnett and Chatham Counties. In her spare time, she serves as the Chair of Member Support and Events for the Junior League of Fayetteville as well as the Vice Chair and Special Events Chair of Fayetteville Young Professionals. Pone continues to strive to be an asset to her community, giving back to place that gave her so much. She is a firm believer that you live by example and not by words alone in other words be the change that you want to see. “The key to ultimate happiness and fulfillment lies within our own transformation. The more we learn and grow and evolve as individuals, the more we will find happiness and satisfaction in relationships, work and life.” ­- Kristi Bowman

Author Focuses on FSU Professor’s Study of Gospel Great Despite the popularity and importance of the Caravans, a gospel music ensemble whose history goes back to the beginning of Gospel’s Golden Age, very little academic investigation has been devoted to the group or its individual members. Yet of the three women crowned Queen of Gospel over the years, the Caravans produced two: Albertina Walker and Pastor Shirley Caesar. Thus, it was with much relief and delight that, while working on my book, A City Called Heaven: Chicago and the Birth of Gospel Music, I discovered Professor Brooksie Harrington’s 1992 dissertation, Shirley Caesar: A Woman of Words, on the life and significance of Caravan member Pastor Shirley Caesar. Not only did Harrington’s work provide important details and anecdotes about Pastor Caesar’s life, secured first hand from the singer, but it also included an extended interview with living members of the Caravans, a group that has since disbanded. Very few group interviews with the Caravans have been preserved for posterity, and none to my knowledge guided by a scholar with Dr. Harrington’s insight and understanding of the music, its aesthetic, and its role in the African American Diaspora. Important

details about the Caravans might have been lost forever were it not for what Harrington learned and shared in his text.

continue to borrow from Harrington’s work and often call upon him personally as Gospel Music continues to evolve.

Harrington’s research has special credence, given that Pastor Caesar is one of only a few remaining gospel legends who continues to perform, record, and preserve traditional gospel music with which she has contributed—from her earliest appearances as “Baby Shirley” with Thelma Bumpess to today. Her latest album is on the Billboard Top Gospel Albums chart, and her performance of “Mother Emmanuel,” a one-year remembrance of the Charleston church shooting, is a contender for the Journal of Gospel Music’s Best Gospel Song of 2016. Despite these accomplishments, no full-length work outside of Dr. Harrington’s work examines the life and times of Pastor Shirley Caesar, gospel’s reigning Queen.

Most currently, Harrington has agreed to become a Co-Applicant in the application, “Expressive Cultures of the African Diaspora,” which is being submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for a grant in excess of $2.5 million over five years. The application is under the Partnership portfolio of SSHRC, and the proposal falls under three categories, “Insight”, “Connections” and “Creative Activity.”

On June 28, 2016, the eleven-time Grammy-winning gospel singer Shirley Caesar became the 2,583rd recipient of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

-- Robert M. Marovich, author: A City Called Heaven: Chicago and the Birth of Gospel Music (University of Illinois Press, Music in American Life Series, 2015).

The dialogue and the research that deal with Gospel Music as an academic discourse, the academic analysis of Shirley Caesar, 9 9


Fayetteville State University Senior Honored for

Fayetteville State University senior Jerrin “Giselle” Grant has been recognized for outstanding leadership and service by North Carolina Campus Compact, a statewide network of colleges and universities with a shared commitment to civic engagement. Grant is a recipient of the network’s Community Impact Award, honoring one student leader at each member school. Grant is one of 25 students selected by their campus for the 2016 honor, joining more than 200 college students recognized by the network since the award was first presented in 2006. Grant has been an outstanding civic leader during her time at Fayetteville State University, contributing to community service programs, supporting her peers, and excelling in the classroom and as a member of FSU’s ROTC. She was part of the founding student leadership team for FSU’s Campus Kitchens Project (CKFSU) and spent last summer as an intern with Wake Forest University’s Campus Kitchen. Now she is the CKFSU student coordinator. As a ROTC leader, Grant has been named Cadet of the Year and Cadet Wing Commander. She has also served as a CHEER tutor and peer learning assistant, supporting students with identified learning differences. A criminal justice major, Grant is from Greensboro, North Carolina. Though she could attend, Grant was honored at the Compact’s annual CSNAP student conference, held this year on November 12 at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. The event convened more than 160 students and staff from 24 campuses in the network. In addition to awards and networking opportunities, the conference included student-led workshops on diverse community engagement topics and a showcase of organizations working for social change, including the Campus Kitchens Project, Rachel Carson Council, and the Sustained Dialogue Institute. North Carolina Campus Compact is a statewide coalition of 36 public, private, and community colleges and universities that share a commitment to civic and community engagement. The network was founded in 2002 and is hosted by Elon University. North Carolina Campus Compact is an affiliate of the national Campus Compact organization, which claims 1,000 member schools representing nearly 2 million college students.



FSU Student Named Frederick Douglass Global Fellow Fayetteville State University (FSU) student Chinwendu Maduegbunam has been selected as one of 10 students to represent FSU in London this summer as part of The Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship program.

The Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship Program is a nationwide initiative designed to break down the barriers of cost, curriculum, and culture to make study abroad accessible to students from Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). Along with Project Passport, the fellowship is part of a strategic three-year partnership between CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and the Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions (CMSI) to increase study abroad at MSIs. The program received nearly 100 applications from students around the country. According to CIEE and CMSI officials, they were impressed by Maduegbunam’s application and are honored to have her represent FSU. Click on the following link to view the video

submission: Chinwendu Maduegbunam Fayetteville State University.

These Frederick Douglass Global Fellows are meritorious individuals who demonstrate high academic achievement, possess exemplary communication skills, display the hallmarks of self-determination, exhibit characteristics of bold leadership, and have a history of service to others. In the spirit of Frederick Douglass, one of America’s most powerful intellectuals, communicators, and scholars, they have committed to sharing their experiences and intercultural growth with peers and classmates before, during, and after their summer abroad. This year’s cohort of 10 students will take part in a summer study abroad program designed to enhance their leadership and intercultural skills in London, England. Future Frederick Douglass Global Fellows will participate in study abroad programs in Cape Town, South Africa (summer 2018), and Seoul, South Korea (summer 2019).

RISE Program Scholar Wins Presentation Award at 2016 Annual Biomedical Research Conference Shaaron Ochoa-Rios, a Fayetteville State University graduating senior biology major was selected as a winner for her poster presentation during the 2016 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Tampa, Florida, November 9-13. Shaaron displayed a huge amount of confidence while presenting her summer research work primarily because she felt well-prepared and she had already won an award in a similar competition for this presentation at the end of her summer research experience at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. Shaaron’s win continues the outstanding track record of the FSU-RISE program for bringing home a student winner each year for the past 10 years. Shaaron received a $250 cash prize and a free full year membership into the American Society for Biomedical Engineering. Shaaron is a third-year FSU Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (FSU-RISE) scholar who will graduate from FSU on December 10, 2016. She is currently submitting applications to graduate schools to pursue a Ph.D. in a biomedical science field of study. Shaaron recently received the 201617 FSU-RISE Scholar of the Year Award for her outstanding research and performance in the RISE program. She is currently a research student in the laboratory of Dr. Shirley Chao investigating the exposure to high concentrations of Cannamix and its components on the mortality rate in male German cockroach, Blatella germanica. The two-time winning ABRCMS poster presentation from her summer work at Georgia Tech was entitled, “Controlling Stem Cell Aggregate Differentiation Using Microfluidics Devices.” Shaaron was among 10 FSU-RISE scholars who presented their research work out of 18 RISE scholars who attended the conference. More than 3,600 students, faculty, administrators and 350 exhibit booths attended ABRCMS this year with more than 2,035 research presentations in 20 areas of biomedical and behavioral research. The FSU-RISE program is federally-funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. The overall goal of the program is to increase the number of well-prepared underrepresented (UR) biology, chemistry, math and computer science majors entering and completing Ph.D. degrees in the biomedical sciences. For more information on the program, visit www.uncfsu.edu/fsurise or contact the Ms. Cathy Baldwin, Program Coordinator at cbwi4@uncfsu.edu or Dr. James Raynor, Director at Jraynor@uncfsu.edu .



Fayetteville State University Student Wins Award of Excellence for Best Research Presentation Laura Lovell, a Fayetteville State University (FSU) undergraduate student pursuing a major in Chemistry and Physics with a minor in Materials Science, recently won the Award of Excellence at the 24th International Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2016) held in Fort Worth, Texas (https://www.caari.com/). Lovell’s research on “Morphological and Hardness changes in silica implanted with MeV heavy ions,” is a technique which can be used to create high efficiency thermoelectric devices. Specifically, her research enables a better understanding of the changes in the surface morphology of Infrasil (a type of optical quartz silica) when ion implantation and subsequent annealing are used to induce the formation of metallic nanocrystals beneath the surface.

their research and industrial applications. Each year the Topic Areas are reviewed and updated to reflect current research interests. This conference began in 1968 as a Conference on the Use of Small Accelerators for Teaching and Research and in 1974 became known as the International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI). Congratulations to the Department of Chemistry and Physics for this award-winning research project.

Laura Lovell and Chibu Umerah also presented a lecture and two poster presentations on ion beam radiation effects on Physical and Mechanical properties of silica, as well as on studying the heavy element content of polymers used for toy manufacturing. Ms. Umerah is also an undergraduate student majoring in Chemistry and Physics with a minor in Materials Science. The poster presentations by Umerah were “Change in the optical properties of Ag and Au implanted Infrasil silica” and “Elemental Analysis of selected toys by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS), Electron Microprobe, and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS).” The other co-authors of these projects are FSU faculty members Dr. Z. Luo, Dr. D. ILA (Mentor), and Dr. D. Demaree (US-ARL). The CAARI Conference series is unique in that it brings together scientists, engineers, professors, physicians and students from all over the world who use particle accelerators in


Laura Lovell, a Fayetteville State University (FSU) undergraduate student pursuing a major in Chemistry and Physics with a minor in Materials Science, presented with the Award of Excellence at the 24th International Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2016) held in Fort Worth, Texas (November 2016)

New Phone App Addresses Campus Safety

Thanks to a new phone app, students, faculty and staff at Fayetteville State University (FSU) will now have safety at their fingertips. LiveSafe, co-founded by Kristina Anderson, a survivor of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, will now make reporting a crime on and around university property easier. “The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors, is always our number one priority,” said FSU Police Chief Charles Kimble. “With that, we are always looking for ways that can make reporting a crime easier and quicker and keep our campus safer. We think that LiveSafe will do just that and we encourage our FSU family to download the app and use it if needed.” The app has safety features like GPS tagged monitoring that allows friends and family to keep track of your travels on campus and see when you arrive at a destination. The app can keep the user anonymous when reporting a crime or automatically send information and location to police when they are called for faster response times. LiveSafe is available now for Apple and android phones. Just go to your app store and download it for free.


Free to




GIVING OPPORTUNITIES From annual giving to planned gifts, from endowed scholarships to faculty chairs, opportunities for giving to Fayetteville State University are numerous. Your gifts support student aid, faculty research and facilities improvements. They also help programs such as honors, band and athletics. So, whether you’re a student, an established professional or about to retire, there is a giving option that’s just right for you to make a difference at FSU.


ENDOWMENTS Endowed gifts provide ongoing benefits for FSU by earning a market rate of interest while keeping the principal investment intact to fund future years of scholarships, or whatever efforts the donor sought to fund. In some instances, a percentage of the principal is allowed to be used each year. An endowment allows FSU to be less reliant upon volatile funding sources such as government and sponsored programs. Naming Opportunities for donors who wish to make a gift in honor or in memory of an individual, there are opportunities to name buildings, rooms, scholarships, professorships, departments and programs. For more information please contact Jalisha C. Pone, Associate Director of Development at jpone@uncfsu.edu or 910.672.1682.

ANNUAL GIVING Funds received through the annual giving campaign are an essential supplement to Fayetteville State University’s current basic operating needs. Because support from the state has decreased over the years, annual gifts allow the university to renovate facilities, upgrade technology, purchase new equipment and provide student scholarships, among other things. Gifts to the annual giving campaign may be designated for a specific college/school/department or they can be unrestricted for use where the need is greatest. In addition, some employers match their employees’ charitable contributions. For more information please contact May Rodriguez, Assistant Director of Development at mrodrig3@unsfsu.edu or 910.672.1681.

CORPORATE AND FOUNDATION GIVING Through the years, Fayetteville State University has adapted its curriculum and teaching methodologies to ensure that all of our students receive an education that allows them to be competitive in a changing world. Your investment in FSU helps to ensure that our university and our graduates are continually able to demonstrate strength and potential by sustaining major programs in nanotechnology, leadership and community development, logistics and transportation systems, and public health. For more information please contact Dr. Tamara Holmes Brothers at thbrothers@uncfsu.edu or 910.672.1349.

PLANNED GIVING Sometimes referred to as gift planning, may be defined as a method of supporting universities that enables philanthropic individuals or donors to make larger gifts than they could make from their income. While some planned gifts provide a life-long income to the donor, others use estate and tax planning techniques to provide for charity and other heirs in ways that maximize the gift and/or minimize its impact on the donor’s estate. Thus, by definition, a planned gift is any major gift, made in lifetime or at death as part of a donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning. By contrast, gifts to the annual fund or for membership dues are made from a donor’s discretionary income, and while they may be budgeted for, they are not planned. Whether a donor uses cash, appreciated securities/stock, real estate, artwork, partnership interests, personal property, life insurance, a retirement plan, etc., the benefits of funding a planned gift can make this type of charitable giving very attractive to both donor and charity. For more information please contact Advancement Services at 910.672.2422.

STUDENT GIVING Some individuals give to FSU while they are enrolled as undergraduate and graduate students. The student giving program supports the annual giving campaign. Participation is optional, but those who do say they feel a greater sense of school pride that results in a tradition of giving that continues long after their matriculation at the university has ended. For more information please contact Clanton Johnson, Director of Advancement Services at cdjohnson02@uncfsu.edu or 910.672.2422.

REUNION GIVING The class reunion is a great time for alumni to give back to alma mater and to recognize their gift giving over a period of time. Since the maximum number of years to fulfill pledges for endowed gifts, there’s no better time than a class reunion year to establish a fund and complete it by the next reunion. For more information please contact YaKima Rhinehart at yrhinehart@uncfsu.edu or 910.672.1287.


Mr. and Miss FSU Portra The formal portraits of Mr. and Miss Fayetteville State University (FSU) were unveiled recently. Keeping with FSU tradition, the portraits, taken by Gordon Kinlaw, of Elizabethtown, are hanging in the lobby of the Rudolph Jones Student Center. Miss FSU, Bria Perkins, is a senior mass communications and Spanish major from 16

aits Unveiled Eden, N.C. Mr. FSU, Keith Porch Jr., is a senior criminal justice major from Raleigh, North Carolina. Both were crowned during competitions held in the spring. First runnerup was Aaliyah Tate, a senior Spanish major from Boston, Mass. Tate also won the Maceo Smith Talent Award. Second runner-up was Rachel Williams, a junior social work major from Fayetteville. Williams won the

Jeff Womble Interview Award and the Olivia Chavis Evening Gown Award. First runner-up for Mr. FSU was Malcolm Burnette, a junior mathematics major from Fayetteville, N.C. Second runner-up was Mathew Foy, a junior business administration major from Wilmington. 17


Ken Spencer Appointed to the Role of Head Men’s Basketball Coach at Fayetteville State University Spencer will be the 18th head coach in the history of FSU men’s basketball Ken Spencer takes over the helm as the 18th head men’s basketball coach in the history of Fayetteville State University (FSU). Spencer returns to the CIAA conference after a fouryear stint coaching on the Division I level. “We’re excited to have Ken Spencer serve as coach for our men’s basketball program,” said Director of Athletics Anthony Bennett. “He has proven to be an outstanding coach who demonstrates a deep passion for and commitment to the university’s core beliefs, values and ideals, and I am confident he will foster these values in our exceptional student-athletes.” Spencer will lead the Broncos’ men’s basketball program after a four year stint at South Carolina State University (SCSU) to include serving as associate head coach the past two seasons. He has been responsible for multitude of tasks to include: academics, recruiting, scouting, scheduling, guard development and on-the-floor coaching while at SCSU. “First, I would like to thank God for blessing me with the position of head men’s basketball coach at Fayetteville State University,” declared Spencer. “I would also like to thank Chancellor James A. Anderson, Director of Athletics, Anthony Bennett, and the search committee for entrusting me to lead the men’s basketball program and giving me the opportunity to serve this great institution.” Prior to joining the Bulldogs’ coaching staff, Spencer was the head men’s basketball coach at CIAA Southern Divisional rival institution, Saint Augustine’s University (2010-12). Prior to taking over the program at Saint Augustine’s, Spencer spent four seasons at Winston-Salem State University as the associate head coach and was in charge of all aspects of the program, especially recruiting and player development during the Rams’ time in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) and their transition to Division I. 18

“I fully understand what it means to be in this position as well as what it means to the community, city, and to Fayetteville State University alumni near and far,” Spencer continued. “I plan to create an environment that energizes and empowers our studentathletes to represent Fayetteville State University with class and diligently pursue excellence academically, athletically, and socially, while consistently competing for championships.” Before his stint at WSSU, Spencer built a powerhouse as the head boys’ basketball coach at Marlboro County High School in Bennettsville, S.C. In eight seasons, Marlboro County High was 173-51 overall, appeared in three state title games and won the state championship in 2001. Before becoming a high school coach, Spencer served as a student assistant coach at Pembroke State (1992-93) under Dan Kenney and John Haskins and as a graduate assistant coach at Fayetteville State (199192) under Jeff Capel, Sr., who was most recently an assistant coach with the NBA’s Philadelphia 76ers. Spencer was a standout basketball player at UNC Pembroke, finishing his career as the school’s all-time three-point field goal leader. A four-year letterman, Spencer was captain on the UNCP team that won the Carolinas Conference championship during his senior season. He earned his bachelor’s degree in business management from UNC Pembroke in 1991 and returned to UNCP to obtain a physical education degree with teacher certification in 1993. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army after college and served in the Reserves for 10 years. Spencer recently completed his Master’s in Sport Management from Southern New Hampshire University. “Finally, I am forever grateful to my wife, Ellen Spencer; my kids, Kevin and Karmen; and extended family and friends for all of their support,” asserted Spencer.


Fayetteville State Athletics Names Ericka Gee Harris Head Women’s Tennis Coach Harris named the fourth head coach in program’s history

Erika Gee Harris has joined Fayetteville State University (FSU) as the fourth head women’s tennis coach in the history of the program. Women’s tennis became a varsity sport at FSU in 2002. Harris will begin her leadership role of the women’s tennis program for the upcoming 2016-17 season. Harris brings over 35 years of experience as a tennis player and several years of experience in the areas of development and coordination of adult and youth programs of various age ranges and skill sets. She has strong ties and affiliation with the United States Tennis Association (USTA), the Cape Fear Regional Tennis Foundation, and the Wizards Tennis Association. Harris also served as the assistant girls’ tennis coach at nearby E.E. Smith High School for two seasons (2014-16). She was named the 2015 Volunteer of the Year for her work and as the secretary with the Cape Fear Regional Tennis Foundation. “I am pleased to announce that Erika Gee Harris has joined Fayetteville State University to lead our women’s tennis program,” said Director of Athletics Anthony Bennett. “I was very impressed with Harris’ playing and coaching experience. She is well-suited to help guide our student-athletes and continue the tradition of combining academic and athletic excellence.”

“I am extremely honored to have been chosen to the head coaching position for the FSU Women’s Tennis Team,” stated Harris. “My goal is to encompass a complete tennis program that utilizes on and off court lessons. When athletics is combined and balanced with a positive academic and social atmosphere, each aspect benefits the other.” In addition to her efforts in the tennis community, Harris has associations with the Arts Council of Fayetteville, the Charity Christian Center Ministry, Western Assembly of Churches, and the Ellington-White Community Development Corporation. She is also a local business owner of an event planning and design company. Harris studied Architectural Engineering at North Carolina A & T State University. While at NCAT, she met and married her husband Chris Harris, a Fayetteville native. She is a native of Martinsville, VA by way of District Heights, MD. She resides in Fayetteville with husband Chris and daughter Sydney.

Harris served as captain of the USTA Southern Women’s 40+ Singles League (2015) and Co-captain of the 18+ Adult League. She is the current captain of the overall 40+ Adult League. Harris joined the Wizards Tennis Association in 2012 and then began service on the tournament committee in 2013. She took the reins at tournament director in 2015. Harris has experience developing tennis tournaments as fundraising initiatives, including a tournament recognized during the USTA Southern Annual Tennis Weekend in Pinehurst, NC. 19


Making Big Plays in the IFL Former Fayetteville State Football Player Michael Johnson

“Johnson having an impact in rookie season with the Iowa Barnstormers” 20

Former Fayetteville State University football student-athlete Michael Johnson (Raleigh, NC) has been a defensive force as a rookie linebacker and defensive back for the Iowa Barnstormers of the Indoor Football League (IFL) during the 2016 season. Johnson has recorded 24.5 tackles, including 4.5 tackles for loss with a sack and an interception in five games played. Johnson signed with Barnstormers on March 21, 2016 as a defensive back. The Iowa Barnstormers are a professional indoor football team based in Des Moines, Iowa. They are currently members of the Indoor Football League (IFL). The Barnstormers play a 16-game regular season schedule with their eight home games at Wells Fargo Arena. In his senior season (2014), Johnson led the Broncos in several defensive categories, including tackles and interceptions. He recorded 79 tackles and grabbed a teamhigh three interceptions as well as two fumble recoveries, eight pass deflections, and five breakups.

Johnson was a three year starter for FSU. He concluded his Bronco’s career with 227 tackles and 12 interceptions. Johnson earned multiple All-American and AllCIAA honors during his collegiate career. “I am grateful for the opportunity to continue playing the game I love,” said Johnson. “My goal is to make plays and make my team better. I look forward to finishing out this season strong and starting out fresh for the future.” The Barnstormers will return to action on Saturday, June 11th against the Sioux Falls Storm at 7:05 PM. Iowa will conclude the 2016 season at home on Saturday June 25th versus the Cedar Rapids Titans inside the Wells Fargo Arena.


Fayetteville State Names Serena King-Coleman as the 13th Head Women’s Basketball Coach King-Coleman comes to FSU after best single season in her career said director of athletics Anthony Bennett. “Beyond her impressive competitive success, her vision for Fayetteville State women’s basketball, knowledge of the game, and infectious energy left us confident Serena will lead Lady Bronco women’s basketball into a perennial contender.”

Fayetteville State University (FSU) has named Serena King-Coleman as the 13th head women’s basketball coach in program history. Women’s basketball was officially recognized as a sport at FSU in 1940. The program has claimed three CIAA Championships (1979, 2001, and 2010) and made seven NCAA DII postseason appearances. King-Coleman comes to FSU after completing seven seasons as head women’s basketball coach at Kentucky State University. She complied an overall record of 99-67 at KSU. Last season (2015-16), King-Coleman reached a career single season best record of 24-5. She led the Thorobrettes to the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC) Tournament championship game and an appearance in the NCAA DII South Regionals this past season. Kentucky State had back-to-back 20-plus win seasons under King-Coleman. The team had a record of 46-11 the last two seasons (2014-16). “We are delighted to welcome Serena KingColeman to the FSU family. She is a winner and a respected mentor of young women,”

King-Coleman has experience and roots coaching in the CIAA. She served as head women’s basketball coach at St. Paul’s College (SPC) for six seasons (2004-10). In 2008, King-Coleman coached the first ever CIAA Women’s Player of the Year in SPC history. The Lady Tigers also received the CIAA Sportsmanship Award during the 2007-08 season under her tutelage. King-Coleman also held the titles of senior woman administrator (SWA) and assistant athletics director her last three seasons at St. Paul’s (2007-10). “I’m extremely grateful and excited to join the Fayetteville State family and lead the women’s basketball program,” stated KingColeman. “This is a great opportunity for me and my family. I’m thrilled to be coaching again in the CIAA. This is a huge blessing and I’m ready to do the best job possible.”

She is a member of the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA). King-Coleman was inducted into the Kentucky 10th Region Hall of Fame for her contributions to girl’s high school basketball. She is a 2009 National Association of Collegiate Women Athletics Administrators (NACWAA) and the Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) Institute graduate. She also received the Marian Hanna Satcher Student Retention Award in 2009. She played intercollegiate women’s basketball as a student-athlete at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro (UNCG) from 1993-97. King-Coleman earned Big South All-Rookie honors as a Spartan. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in English in 1998. King-Coleman and her husband Meade have three children; Symphonie, Madison, and Aria.

Her head coaching career began at Gardner-Webb University. She served as the interim head women’s basketball coach during the 2003-04 season. King-Coleman held the position of associate head women’s basketball coach and recruiting coordinator at GWU before being promoted to interim head coach. King-Coleman maintains professional involvement at both the conference and regional levels. She served as the acting WBCA Division II Conference Captain for the SIAC as well as a member of the NCAA DII Regional Ranking Committee while at Kentucky State.



BARACK OBAMA ADDRESSES NORTH CAROLINA AT FAYETTEVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY On Friday, November 4, the most powerful leader in the world made an appearance at Fayetteville State University (FSU). The President of the United States, Barack Obama, came to FSU in support of Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton. The event, while free, required a ticket for admission. According to the Clinton campaign team, more than 9,000 tickets were given to students, faculty, staff, and the community. Attendees began lining up at Felton J. Capel Arena as early as 5:30 a.m., for the President’s presentation that was scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. The line snaked its way through Parking Lot S adjacent to Capel Arena, down the long sidewalk in front of Luther “Nick” Jeralds Stadium, down Murchison Road in front of University Place Apartments, wound its way around the corner to Langdon Street and ended past Fire Station No. 14. FSU Chancellor James Anderson welcomed the audience and told them how fortunate they were to be able to see a sitting U.S. President who also happens to be a man of color. The President was introduced by Fayetteville native Donovan Livingston. Livingston became an internet sensation when he delivered the commencement address at Harvard over the summer. A week prior to President Obama’s visit, former President Bill Clinton spoke to a crowd of about 1,400 people at the Rudolph Jones Student Center Amphitheater. Like President Obama, former President Clinton appeared to make a pitch for his wife. Another powerful political figure was on the FSU campus earlier in the year. In May, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch came to FSU. Her visit was part of the second phase of her national Community Policing Tour, which sprouted from President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing initiative.


U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch



CAROLE WEATHERFORD FSU Faculty Member Receives National Book Award Carole Boston Weatherford, a professor of English at Fayetteville State University (FSU), is a recipient of The 2016 Boston Globe– Horn Book Award. The winners were announced by The Boston Globe and The Horn Book in a video presentation that was launched on hbook.com. Weatherford won for her book Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer, Spirit of the Civil Rights Movement. The book, a poetic biography, has won several national awards, including the Flora Steiglitz Straus Award from Bank Street College of Education and the Caldecott Honor, Sibert Honor, and Coretta Scott King New Talent Award from the American Library Association. In their 50th year, the Boston Globe–Horn Book awards are among the most prestigious honors in the field of children’s and young adult literature. A winner and two honor books were selected in each of three categories: nonfiction, fiction, and picture book. Horn Book editor in chief Roger Sutton remarked, “I am so pleased that the judges recognized such a range of both big and small diversity, with choices reflecting intimate moments of contemporary child life as well as larger themes drawn from U.S. and world history.” “The Boston Globe congratulates the winners of this year’s Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards as we celebrate the fiftieth year of this special program honoring authors of children’s and young adult literature. Since 1967, The Boston Globe has been proud to partner with The Horn Book on this annual literary awards program which is one of the many ways the Globe promotes excellence in the arts and letters nationally,” said Linda Pizzuti Henry, Boston Globe managing director. Weatherford has received accolades for her books and teaching. She previously has been named one of the Top 25 Professors at Affordable Historically Black Colleges by Affordable Colleges Online. To be selected, the schools at which the professors teach had to be classified as “Historically Black,” be fully accredited, 24

and also have annual tuition under $12,000. The professors were selected based on recent achievements in their fields, the classroom, and the community. A New York Times Best Selling Author, she was also the recipient of the North Carolina Literature Award. Weatherford’s book, Gordon Parks: How the Photographer Captured Black and White America, recently won the NAACP Image Award for children’s literature.




FSU Receives Grant to Teach Computer Coding to Neighborhood Youth Fayetteville State University’s (FSU) School of Business and Economics received a grant for $54,231 from the Google Community Grants Fund. The grant will be used for a project entitled: Coding Camp: Training the Next Generation of Computer Science Professionals, and represents a partnership between FSU and Smith Recreation Center, across the street from the FSU campus. The project is designed to teach coding to 100 disadvantaged elementary and middle-school youth using the CS-First curriculum and resources. The goals of the grant are to: • • •

Bridge the digital divide by acquiring the equipment to provide access to computers as a means to reduce digital inequality Develop a cadre of children capable of exhibiting digital fluency through computational thinking practices Raise community and parental awareness of computer science as a field and computational thinking as a practice that can enhance educational outcomes for underserved students

The principal investigator for the grant was Dr. Bee Yew, an Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems in the School of Business and Economics. Dr. Pam Jackson, Dean of the School of Business and Economics, was co-principal investigator. “This grant demonstrates community collaboration at its best,” said Dr. Jackson. “Fayetteville State University, especially the faculty in the School of Business and Economics, is always looking for ways to partner with our neighboring communities and provide resources for them to increase and enhance their skills and knowledge. This project will not only teach these students an important component of computer science, but it will also put them on the path to gaining a better understanding of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. I applaud Dr. Yew for her work in securing this important grant for FSU and the community.”


FSU Math Professor Visits Leading Mathematical Research Institute in China

Beijing International Centre for Mathematical Research Fayetteville State University Mathematics Professor Zhenlu Cui was selected to visit The Beijing International Centre for Mathematical Research (BICMR) at Peking University for research collaboration in summer 2016. This week-long visit was primarily supported by Changjiang Professor Pingwen Zhang, Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Vice Provost of Peking University. Sponsored by the national government of China, BICMR is devoted to promoting forefront mathematical research and education, and enhancing scientific exchange and cooperation among Chinese and international mathematicians. Since its establishment in 2005, BICMR has been actively recruiting global talents and exploring new models of mathematical education. Every year, it hosts mathematicians from around the world for potential collaboration, including Fields Medalists, Wolf Prize Winners, and academicians from the US National Academy of Sciences and French Academy of Sciences.


During the visit, Dr. Cui gave a series of lectures on his newest project “Theoretical Modeling of Superfluidity of Bacterial Suspensions” initiated in spring 2016, and established a pilot research group to collaborate on this project. Dr. Cui’s research interests lie generally in the areas of applied and computational mathematics and along interdisciplinary boundaries encompassing mathematics, soft matter physics and microbiology. His work has been inspired by experimental results and natural phenomena in physics and biology. He has been internationally recognized for his research findings in the field.



#1 Psychology, #3 Criminal Justice, and #3 Business most affordable online programs in the country.1


Highlights AACSB accredited Business program is ranked #3 in NC and highest among HBCUs in the country.3



Nursing program in NC2 and #2 in the southeast region with 95% pass rate on the NCLEX.

3+2 Engineering program partnership with NC State. Earn 2 degrees in 5 years.

Only school in NC with GEOINT Certificate program accredited by the National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency.

Cyber Security certificates offered by FSU’s Office of Defense and Homeland Security.

HBCU producer of teachers in NC and #8 in the nation. NCATE accredited Education program.

Study abroad in countries like China, Africa, England, and more.

Office of Admissions 910.672.1371 admissions@uncfsu.edu #2 Forensic Biology program in the country.4

Highachieving Air Force and Army ROTC programs. 29

1.AffordableSchools.net 2.NurseJournal.org 3.Social Science Research Network 4.ForensicsColleges.com

FSU Named Gates Foundation Institutional Partner and Implements Innovative Initiatives At the beginning of the 2015-16 academic year, Fayetteville State University was awarded a four-year Institutional Partnership grant of $1.2 million by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to increase the number of low-income students who earn high quality degrees or certificates at affordable prices. The grant agreement requires FSU to increase by one-third the number of post-secondary education credentials awarded over the next seven years and to report regularly on strategies employed and outcomes achieved. Lessons about best practices gathered from FSU and other institutional partners nationwide will be used by the Gates Foundation to encourage and develop models for increasing degree completion and certification throughout the nation.

partners and ultimately other educational institutions globally and nationwide. Specifically, FSU is implementing: • BroncoConnect (powered by Starfish), a web-based advisement and early alert system that helps identify students in need of academic support and assistance before it is too late to help them. • Academic Support – The quality and availability of tutoring and supplemental instruction have been strengthened; our capacity for tracking students’ use of these resources has been improved. • Courseware - Comprehensive web-based resources -- including interactive study tools, videos, quizzes, texts, photos -- that enhance student engagement and improve learning outcomes. • High-Impact Practices – Educational experiences that have been shown to have an especially significant impact on engagement and learning, such as, learning communities, service learning, research with faculty, global experiences, internships, and senior capstone courses.

The invitation to become an institutional partner followed a nearly 18-month review by Gates Foundation staff of FSU’s progress in degree completion even in the midst of consecutive years of budget reductions. To achieve the degree completion goals, FSU employs a variety of existing and new initiatives that enhance instruction and advisement through innovative technology, improve data collection and analysis, and strengthen the infrastructure for student support. These tools and initiatives are leading to best practices and models not only for FSU, but to share with other Gates institutional


• Merit Pages – a web-based tool that gives each student an online profile that celebrates his or her achievements and helps to document the value of the student’s educational experience. • Professional Academic Advisors – To ensure yearround access to academic advisors have been deployed throughout the university to supplement the advisement provided by faculty. • Faculty Workload – Faculty workload has been revised to provide for faculty more opportunities to mentor students in research and other high-impact practices.

• Faculty Development – Faculty have participated in workshops and conferences related to high-impact practices, online learning, and course design. • Alternative Credit Project – To create more affordable pathways to degree completion for adult learners, FSU has partnered with the American Council of Education (ACE) and 40 other institutions to award credit for low-cost, online courses. • “Reimagining the First Year” – FSU is one of 25 institutions working together with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASC&U) on a comprehensive project to improve RaiseMe – An innovative social-media tool that enables students throughout the nation to “follow” FSU and be awarded microscholarships for good grades, community service, campus

offerings in recent years to permit students to complete degrees in summer rather than returning for an additional semester; in summer 2015, more than 100 students completed degrees in summer. • Continuous Improvement Report (CIR) – a comprehensive assessment tool that provides feedback and potential additional funding for progress on such measures as student persistence, learning outcomes, and instructional and advisement effectiveness. This tool earned American Council of Education Award for Institutional Transformation.) The Gates project is guided by the belief that higher education should help students “support themselves, engage in their communities, and achieve their dreams.” However, the higher education system that has emerged in the US in the last century has been directed toward traditional college-aged students and has proven to be ineffective in serving low-income, firstgeneration students, many of whom are adult learners. “Our selection as a Gates Foundation Institutional Partner affirms the work we have been doing at FSU for the past seven years to improve student success,” said FSU Chancellor James Anderson. “We are pleased to have this opportunity to work with the Gates Foundation and other institutional partners to help shape the future of higher education in the United States.” The grant project activities will be under the direction of the Office of Academic Affairs.

visits; in addition to increasing awareness of FSU, RaiseMe also assures students that funding will be available to support their higher education goals if they continue to perform well in high school. • New Certificate Programs – Two new certificate programs, Geospatial Intelligence and Cyber-Security, have been developed to add value and marketability to current students and offer high-value alternative credentials for adult learners and military veterans. • Enrollment Services – The Enrollment Services Call Center is a one-stop resource that provides quick and accurate answers to wide range of questions about enrollment processes, including admissions, registration, bill payment, and financial aid. • Summer School – Based on both national and state-wide date about the positive impact of summer school attendance on degree completion, FSU has enhanced summer school

About the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellmann and Co-chair William H. Gates Sr., under the direction of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.

http://www.gatesfoundation.org/Who-We-Are/GeneralInformation/Foundation-Factsheet For more information, contact: Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC 31 Dr. Jon Young, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs jyoung@uncfsu.edu or (910) 672-1460


FSU Grad Invited to Join Peace Corps

“Let Girls Learn”



arah Jennen, who graduated from Fayetteville State University (FSU) with a BS in Elementary Education in December 2015, left for Peace Corps service in Samoa on September 30th, 2016. She has 10 weeks of language, crosscultural and technical training in Samoa until early December 2016. When training is complete, she will be sworn in as a Peace Corps Volunteer in a ceremony which is usually officiated by the U.S. Ambassador, and then she will proceed to her community where she will teach English literacy for 2 years. She is a part of the “Let Girls Learn” program.

Sarah Jennen `16 leaves to serve in Samoa.

Jennen is the first FSU graduate to be invited to serve with the Peace Corps since the opening of the Peace Corps office on campus. We had 15 applicants begin the application process during our first year, but the application process takes 9-12 months to complete. She is the first one to complete the process, be selected, and leave on an assignment. A small send-off reception was held in her honor on September 29 in the Lauretta Taylor Building, which was attended by faculty and staff members from the School of Education (Department of Elementary Education) and the Department of Social Work. Some students also attended (including the Peace Corps office’s two student Ambassadors). Among the guests were Dr. Manarino-Legget (Chair of the Department of Elementary Education) and Dr. Sharon Williams (stood in for Dr. Terri Moore-Brown, Chair of the Social Work Department who was in Texas presenting a paper at a conference).

32 17

The Blue & White ALUMNI

My Fellow Broncos,

It is our 149th year, and I am excited! Like you, I am looking forward to celebrating the tremendous legacy, and the indelible mark that Fayetteville State University has left on the world. As we forge ahead with the work that continues to sustain our alma mater, I thank you for the role that you have played in ensuring that FSU continues to lead the way in providing a quality education for over 6000 students per year. This past year has been one filled with accomplishments for our alumni. We have seen two of them installed as university presidents, and one signed to an NFL roster. Far too many to count have been appointed to top level positions within their companies. Broncos are opening businesses, and receiving awards and

Class of `66

accolades. Most of all, Broncos are giving back! Over the past two years the numbers of alumni giving back to the university rose 56%! This is a very important data point, as it is one metric the UNC system uses to measure our institutional effectiveness. It is imperative that we continue this momentum by reaching out to our fellow alumni, and asking them to give back to our alma mater. Let us not forget our motto, Res Non Verba. As we prepare to head into our Sesquicentennial let us remember the foundation provided for us by our beloved FSU, and stand firmly and proudly upon it. We go forth letting all with whom we come in contact know what Fayetteville State University produces – proud, accomplished alumni who own our place in the world, and who accept the charge to make it better. Part of doing so, is ensuring the continued viability of this institution. We are Broncos, and we lead with our deeds, not our words! Res non Verba! I look forward to seeing you during our 150TH celebrations! In Bronco Love and Blessings, YaKima S. Rinehart, ’96 Senior Director of Alumni Affairs

The Class of `66 Participated in the Spring 2016 Commencement as pictured above in celebration of their golden anniversary. 33 17


Trustee Emeritus W.T. Brown Dies Desegregation was difficult, but Mr. Brown was a calm in the eye of an educational storm. “Teachers of that time had courage and he really worked hard to make that transition and change a smooth one,” said Bill Harrison, a former Cumberland County Schools superintendent. Mr. Brown was remembered by others throughout the community Monday in the wake of the retired educator’s death. Cumberland County Schools Superintendent Frank Till said Mr. Brown went out of his way to teach him about the history of the school system. “He was one of the most welcoming people when I came here,” Mr. Till said. “I’ve met some of the greats in education, but truly out of all of them none were greater than Mr. Brown.” Susan Williams, chairwoman for the Cumberland County Board of Education, recalled Mr. Brown as a strong advocate for public education who had a love for children. “He will truly be missed in our community,” she said. Cumberland County Commissioner Larry Lancaster, a former principal, teacher and board of education chairman said Mr. Brown served as a mentor to him and countless others in the school system. “He had a wealth of knowledge for those he supervised in so many areas, especially teaching how to make good, sound and thoughtful decisions,” Mr. Lancaster said. “He was my friend. I will miss him and I love him.”

William T. Brown, a Fayetteville educator and principal during the years of desegregation in the schools and later a trustee at Fayetteville State University, died November 14. He was 87. Mr. Brown was known in the community as an education leader who was at the center of Fayetteville’ school desegregation efforts 45 years ago. “I will say an additional seven years was taken off my life as a result of that experience,” Mr. Brown told the Fayetteville Observer in 1986.


A Durham native, Mr. Brown graduated from North Carolina A&T State University in 1948 and North Carolina Central University in 1954. Mr. Brown also completed graduate studies at Columbia University in 1961 and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1968. He taught for a year in Summerville, South Carolina, before moving to Fayetteville to begin teaching science at E.E. Smith High School in 1955. Mr. Brown soon rose to the position of principal at Ferguson Elementary School and then was assigned as principal at Washington Drive Junior High School.

Mr. Brown was principal of Washington Drive Junior High School from 1963 to 1971. During that time, integration of the city schools began in phases. In 1971, Mr. Brown became principal at E.E. Smith High School, the first year that white students began attending historically black high schools in Cumberland County. On the first day of classes at the school, the Fayetteville Observer reported that Mr. Brown reminded the students that their achievements would be remembered rather than racial slurs.

Anderson’s words were not lost on Mayor Nat Robertson and Mayor Pro Tem Mitch Colvin. “He was a great man and a great asset to this community,” Mr. Robertson said before adjourning Monday night’s Fayetteville City Council meeting. “And he will be missed.” Mr. Colvin later said he grew up in the Broadell neighborhood, just three or four streets away from Mr. Brown. “He was a pillar in the community,” Mr. Colvin said.

His address was remembered as the “How Shall I Be Remembered?” speech.

Mr. Robertson and Mr. Colvin are graduates of E.E. Smith High School.

After serving as principal at E.E. Smith High School, Mr. Brown became an assistant superintendent and then an associate superintendent for the Fayetteville City Schools. When the city’s school system merged with the Cumberland County school system in 1985, Mr. Brown again served as associate superintendent until his retirement in 1992.

The Rev. Cureton Johnson has been Mr. Brown’s minister at First Baptist Church on Moore Street for nearly 25 years, where the preacher says Mr. Brown was ever faithful.

Shortly after announcing his retirement from the Cumberland County Schools, Mr. Brown announced that he had taken a position as a special assistant to the chancellor at Fayetteville State University.

Mr. Brown’s legacy lives on in William T. Brown Elementary in Spring Lake, which was named for him in 1994.

Mr. Brown held that position until 1995, when he was appointed to the University of North Carolina Board of Governors. Mr. Brown also served on the Fayetteville State University Board of Trustees and was a trustee emeritus at the time of his death. He held honorary doctorate degrees from Fayetteville State University and Shaw University. Fayetteville State University Chancellor Dr. James Anderson said Monday he hopes to start an education scholarship at the school in Mr. Brown’s name. “This is a very significant loss for anyone associated with Fayetteville State University,” Mr. Anderson said. “And Fayetteville.” The Fayetteville State University family mourns the loss of Dr. Major Michaelangelo Boyd, FSU Class of 1960. Boyd also served on the FSU Board of Trustees and as interim Director of Athletics. Additionally, Boyd was one of the founders of the Epsilon Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Funeral services were held Friday, October 21, 2016 at the Saint Augustus AME Zion Church, 318 E. North Street, Kinston, N.C. Jack W. Gravely, a Fayetteville State University alumnus who served two stints as head of the Virginia State Conference NAACP three decades apart, passed recently. Gravely died of cardiac arrest shortly before a scheduled procedure at VCU Medical Center. Gravely — whose activism and civic mindedness also found expression as

He was just a good, solid man,” the Rev. Johnson said. “And he was faithful to his late wife.”

Reprinted from The Fayetteville Observer

Fallen Broncos Annie Carlton Annie Westbrook Bobby Dawson Donald Petree Emma P Dunham Fannie Green Faye Leavy Frederick Rodgers Harold Williamson

Henry Geddie Jeffrey McLeod Larry Walker Linda Allen Mia Anthony Patrice Wright Roscoe Locke

a local radio talk show host — served as executive secretary of the state office of the NAACP from November 1976 to January 1985. Upon resigning from the organization, he moved to Arlington County and worked as special assistant to the county manager. He later held positions at National Public Radio as assistant to its president for affirmative action, and as a special assistant to then-national NAACP leader Benjamin L. Hooks. Gravely, a graduate of Fayetteville State University and the University of Virginia School of Law, was appointed the first director of diversity at the Federal Communications Commission in September 1995. Since 2008, Gravely had hosted “The Jack Gravely Show” on Rejoice WREJ-AM 990 (formerly WLEE). From 1996 to 2002, he hosted a talk show on WRVA-AM. 35

“Once we started the business, I chose to come to FSU to earn an education in business in an effort to allow me to run the business even better, . . . . . . It is definitely living up to my expectations.” ~ Julius Cook

FSU Student Turns Mother’s Recipe for Barbecue Sauce into A Business Venture Julius Cook and his siblings believe in preserving family legacies. They sat down one day and tried to think of ways to not only do that, but also to honor the family matriarch who had been instrumental in the lives of so many people.

honey mustard – is in the test kitchen.

They harkened back to the days to when they would gather for family dinners on Sundays and on major holidays. They thought of all of the meals their mother prepared for these feasts and one major ingredient always stood out – the barbecue sauce.

Based on responses Cook has received about the sauce, it has left smiles on many faces. In March, when the University Of North Carolina Board of Governors held its meeting on the FSU campus, bottles of Bezzie’s sauce were placed in gift bags that were presented to board members. Some of the board members sent emails and other correspondences telling Cook how much they enjoyed the sauce and that they planned to buy more of it.

“We grew up using it on everything we ate and my mother would make it and give it away,” Cook said. “When people tasted it, they started asking, ‘Where can we buy this barbecue sauce? Do they sell it in stores?’ We kept hearing it so much, we said ‘hey, let’s get out and start a business with this.’ ” And that’s exactly what they did. Using the entrepreneurship skills he learned while working on his Master of Business Administration degree at Fayetteville State University, Cook and his siblings put the plan in motion. The result was Bezzie’s Barbecue Sauce, named after their mother Daisy Cook aka “Bezzie.” There are two flavors of Bezzie’s barbecue sauce – original and hot and spicy. Another flavor –


“The selling proposition is that it is a healthy sauce, because it’s MSG and gluten-free and it has a taste that leaves a smile on your face,” said Cook.

The sauce can be purchased in about 800 stores in North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, and New York, the states where his siblings reside. Stores carrying the product include BiLo, Carlie C’s IGA, Piggly Wiggly, and specialty shops throughout the country. It’s scheduled to be distributed in Georgia, Florida, Texas, and Alabama in the coming months. The sauce is manufactured at Quinn Specialty Products in Dunn, and distributed by Cisco Foods and Artisan Specialty Foods. About 3 palates – 1,200 bottles per palate – are produced each month. Bezzie’s sells for about $4.99 in North and

South Carolina, and between $6 and $8 per bottle in Maryland. “We have it in a lot of upscale specialty shops in New York,” Cook said. “The goal is to have a bottle of the product on every table throughout the continental United States and abroad.” That goal is attainable because of the information Cook is learning in his business courses here at FSU. He said his time at FSU has prepared him with the tools to operate in today’s business world. He said his classes and professors are providing him with the tools needed to be a successful entrepreneur. Because of his FSU education, he and his family hopes to expand the business to include vegetables, rubs, and a variety of other sauces to include spaghetti sauce. “Once we started the business, I chose to come to FSU to earn an education in business in an effort to allow me to run the business even better,” Cook said. “It is definitely living up to my expectations. It benefitted me so much, that’s why I chose to do my MBA here. I learn something new here every day that helps me with my business. The education here has been a welcome challenge with positive outcomes of what I expected in business schools.” For more information about the sauce, visit: www.bezzieshomestylefoods.com


TWO BRONCOS SELECTED TO LEAD HBCUs “Throughout my career, I have focused my efforts and energy on students and ensuring their path to earning a college education is accessible... ~ Dr. Anthony Jenkins `95


wo Fayetteville State University alumni have been selected as college presidents. The West Virginia State University Board of Governors named Dr. Anthony L. Jenkins, Class of 1995, as the 11th President of West Virginia State University, and Dr. Joseph Johnson, Class of 1968, has been tabbed as the acting president of Virginia University in Richmond, Va. Both assumed their new leadership positions July 1, 2016. “I am humbled to be selected as the 11th President of West Virginia State University,” Dr. Anthony Jenkins said. “Throughout my career, I have focused my efforts and energy on students and ensuring their path to earning a college education is accessible and, most of all, challenging and rewarding. I am truly honored to join a family—the State family— which is dedicated to studentcenteredness and access.” Dr. Jenkins, a Washington, D.C. native, is a United States Army veteran and has a background in criminal justice, sociology and educational leadership and policy studies. He most recently served

as Senior Associate Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services at the University of Central Florida (UCF). During his tenure at UCF, Dr. Jenkins supported a strategic vision that impacted student life, success, retention and graduation rates. Prior to that, he served as Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, where he developed and implemented the university’s first comprehensive retention plan resulting in an increase in first-to-second and second-to-third year return rate. Dr. Jenkins’ higher education experience also includes serving as the Dean of Students at the University of Houston Clear Lake; Associate Dean of Students at the University of North Carolina Wilmington; Assistant Dean of Students at Northeastern Illinois University; Area Coordinator at Virginia Tech University; and Admission and Financial Aid Advisor at Jackson State University. Prior to his career in higher education, Dr. Jenkins served in the United States Army as an Air Defense Artillery Specialist. Dr. Jenkins has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice/Sociology from FSU, a master’s degree in Criminology from North Carolina Central University and a doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Virginia Tech University.




Dr. Johnson’s educational expertise spans more than four decades. He is currently President and Lead Consultant of TFG: The Flanner Group, which provides sustainable strategies for educational institutions. He served as Senior Vice President of Virginia Union University from January 2011 through December 2012. As the senior administrative officer for the University, he supervised the Divisions of Academic Affairs, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, Campus Police and Safety, and Research, Planning and Special Programs. “The blueprint for progress that has been established over the past seven years under the leadership of Chairman Richardson and President Perkins provides not only a clear path for staying the course, but a path for continuous improvement in the context of the historic significance, contemporary relevance, and the value proposition of Virginia Union University,” Dr. Johnson said. “In that context, I pledge to the entire VUU Family that I shall plan the work required, work the plan, and lead with commitment and sincerity.” Before joining Virginia Union as Senior Vice President in 2011, Dr. Johnson was a Senior Professor of Educational Leadership in the School of Education’s Department of Educational Leadership at FSU. He served as Dean of the School of Education for five years from 1997 through 2002, and two years from 2004-2006. He has also served as the Coordinator of the Master of School Administration Program and Coordinator of the North Carolina Principal Fellows Program from 2002-


2004, as well as Director of the Ed. D. Program from 2006-2007. Dr. Johnson has served as either associate or assistant superintendent of schools for several school districts in North Carolina, including New Hanover County, Durham County, and Rocky Mount. He has worked as the Supervisor of Operations and Services for an educational consortium among five public school districts in the Richmond, Virginia metropolitan area (The Mathematics and Science Center) and has held various leadership positions with Richmond Public Schools over a span of 14 years. Dr. Johnson earned a Doctorate in Educational Administration from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1981. He earned a Master of Education degree in Science Education from Virginia State University in 1973, and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from FSU in 1968.

“...I pledge to the entire VUU Family that I shall plan the work required, work the plan, and lead with commitment and sincerity.” ~ Dr. Joseph Johnson `68


Alum Jeff “Uzi D” Anderson `96 Named Operations Manager/Program Director of WBAV and WPEG


ayetteville State University alumnus Jeff “Uzi D” Anderson has been named to the position of Operations Manager/Program Director of the legendary hip-hop station WPEG/ Power 98 and Urban AC WBAV/V101.9. The appointment was made by Beasley Media Group Charlotte. Anderson, Class of 1996, began his new position on Sept. 12. He returned to Beasley where he began his radio career at 99.1 WZFX-FM, Fayetteville, NC. More than two decades ago. Anderson’s career path has taken him around the country, establishing his award-winning radio experience, and he has established a reputation as a successful Radio Programmer in Beasley Media Group. “Jeff is a past Beasley programmer and we know first-hand that he’s one of the Best Urban PDs in America!” said VP of Programming Justin Chase. “We are thrilled to have him back in the company!”

“We are very pleased to have Jeff return to the Beasley family,” added Market Manager Bill Schoening. “This is a perfect time for Jeff to join the awardwinning stations of WPEG and WBAV in Charlotte!” “I am humbled to join an incredible group of stations with WPEG/WBAV and this awesome team. Joining these epic stations are a long time dream come true, remarked Jeff. “I am thankful to Bill, Justin, and the Beasley family for believing in me enough to give me an opportunity to make some more history together.” Anderson is married to Joanna Lowe Anderson, a former Miss Fayetteville State University.

“Jeff is a past Beasley programmer and we know first-hand that he’s one of the Best Urban PDs in America!” ~ Justin Chase, VP of Programming


1200 Murchison Road Fayetteville, NC 28301 www.uncfsu.edu

Fayetteville State University selected Tom Joyner School of the Month in January 2017! 40

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