August newsletter

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August 2014

This is a monthly publication of the Office of Continuing Education and Summer School ordinarily distributed the first week of the month through FSU News.

Summer School

We’ve had a very busy summer and thanks to so many of you, it was a successful one. Overall, our enrollment increased by 1%. While that is small, it is trending in the right direction. The number of students who ‘walk’ in the May Commencement but use summer school to finish requirements is increasing, too.

Continuing Education and Summer School


Our Special Visiting students survey gave us positive feedback. Courses were rated as Good or Excellent by 90% of the responding students. Ninety-seven percent indicated that they would recommend FSU Summer School to their friends. Faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Summer School survey to help us identify areas where our program is on target, but also to point out where we could improve. According to feedback received to date, almost one-third of the summer faculty consider their teaching experience during summer school as better or much better than their teaching experience during the fall and spring. Over 50% indicate there is no difference. Please take a moment and give us your thoughts. We will leave the survey open until the end of August. Early results from students and faculty indicate that 

People aren’t aware that we have a Summer School Administrative Guide posted on our website. Please skim it and let us know what additional information would be helpful to add in our 2014-15 revision.

Publishing the Summer School schedule in the fall will be very helpful to students who intend to graduate in May and need to ensure that they can get all the courses they need by the end of Summer session II. It’s also a great benefit to their advisors.

Students are requesting that we distribute more of our summer courses throughout the day and evening. The majority of our face-to-face classes meet in the morning.

If you intend to lead a 2015 international travel experience (study abroad) to complement a summer school course, the proposal is due by September 15. Contact the Office of Summer School for details regarding the proposal.

Continuing Education Our Summer Camp season ends this week. We wrap up the summer with LEGO Camp for young ‘constuctioneers.’ We are thrilled to report that over 100 children learned to swim in our Swim Camp. Thanks to Coach Oscar Roverato of the Fayetteville Aqautics Swim Team for excellent leadership. Our Day Campers strengthened their skills in athletics, academics, and creative arts. They also spent some time making lap quilts for Project Linus. Their quilts will be given to children on Ft. Bragg who are going through tough periods and in need of an extra measure of kindness and security. FSU Alum Jernise Rucker did us all proud as camp coordinator. Do you know anyone thinking about taking the LSAT and applying to Law School? We will offer an LSAT Prep workshop beginning September 8 and running for eight weeks. See our website or call us for more details. Do you dream about retirement? Join us on August 28 from noon-1pm in the Continuing Education classroom, Bronco Square Suite 106, for a free Lunch and Learn about financial planning for retirement. Pre-register on our website. Starting in late September, we will offer a GED class at the Cumberland County Detention Center. If you have any interest in teaching, or know someone who might, please call the Office of Continuing Education (910) 672-1228. And now you know! Spread the word.

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