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Flute Sonata in C Major, BWV 1033 I. Andante—Presto II. Allegro III. Adagio IV. Menuett I and II


presents the Saturday, November 18, 2023 7:30 p.m. Lindsay Recital Hall

Junior Recital of Emma Cranford, flute Adam Ravain, piano Senior Recital of Jeremy Roldan, tenor Elizabeth Lajeunesse, piano

Die schöne Müllerin, D.795 III. Halt! V. Am Feierabend VI. Der Neugierige

PROGRAM Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z.323 V. Strike the Viol

Henry Purcell (1659–1695)

A Fool’s Preferment, Z.571 VI. I’ll Sail Upon the Dog-Star If Music Be the Food of Love, Z.379

Arcana (2004)

Sei Ariette II. Vanne, o rosa fortunata VI. Ma rendi pur contento

Emma Cranford Franz Schubert (1797–1828) Jeremy Roldan

Emma Cranford

Sogno Ideale L’Ultima Canzone

Jeremy Roldan, tenor

Emma Cranford, flute

Poem (1918)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)

Elizabeth Brown (b. 1953)

Vincenzo Bellini (1801–1835) Jeremy Roldan

To Ensure An Enjoyable Concert Experience For All… Please refrain from talking, entering, or exiting during performances. Food and drink are prohibited in all concert halls. Recording or broadcasting of the concert by any means, including the use of digital cameras, cell phones, or other devices is expressly forbidden. Please deactivate all portable electronic devices including watches, cell phones, pagers, hand-held gaming devices or other electronic equipment that may distract the audience or performers. Florida State University provides accommodations for persons with disabilities. Please notify the College of Music at (850) 644-3424 at least five working days prior to a musical event to request accommodation for disability or alternative program format.

En mi Viejo San Juan

Charles Griffe (1884–1920)

Francesco Paolo Tosti (1846–1916)

Jeremy Roldan

Noel Estrada (1918–1979)

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