NEWS TO USE FSU SGA Student Publications Newsletter
Tiffany’s Corner By Tiffany Lettsome Comedian Joan Rivers, part of FSU’s Seven Days of Opening Nights, will be at the Ruby Diamond Theater on Wednesday,
Feb. 15, at 8 pm. A limited number of free student tickets will be presented to FSU students with valid ID on the day of the event. Whether you have or don’t have a valentine this year, participate in a chance to win a free dinner and prizes. The Filipino Student Association will host its Annual Dating Game on Thursday, Feb. 16, in Union 312/313 from 7–9 pm. There will be two rounds Continued on 2
BSU To Host ‘Motown Get-Down’
Vol. 4, No. 6 Feb. 2012
Previous Dance Marathon Participants
Dance Marathon Weekend Arrives
By Aurelie Mathieu
By Andrew Shoffner
The Black Student Union will host Motown Get-Down in Club Downunder on Feb. 22. Doors open at 8 pm and the event is free. Motown Get-Down features groups of FSU students from various organizations who perform to a song of a classic Motown artist or group during the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, said Quintin Davis, co-chair of the event. “The word around town is that it is one of the best events that the BSU has ever produced,” Davis said. “People talk about it and it raises a lot Continued on 2
FSU’s 17th Annual Dance Marathon will take place Feb. 17-19 at the Leon County Civic Center. Half the funds raised will go to the local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, Shands Hospital in Gainesville, said Kaila Kowalski, DM internal director, with the other half going to the FSU College of Medicine’s Pediatric Outreach Services. FSU’s DM is sponsored by dozens of local vendors. The slogan of this year’s event is “Give a Weekend, Save a Life.” DM begins with an opening ceremony at 6 pm on Friday and continues in two shifts. The first shift is from 7 pm Friday through 3 pm Saturday. The second shift is from 7 pm Saturday through 3 pm Sunday. The closing ceremony will take place at 2 pm Sunday. The shifts are interspersed with a group dance. The executive board performs a line dance every hour on the hour at the event, and throughout the night they teach the participating dancers the moves. “Toward the end of the event, hundreds of people are performing the same choreographed line dance,” Kowalski said. “There are several ways to get involved with Dance Marathon at FSU such as joining a committee, becoming a dancer, becoming a sponsor, or by being a fundraiser,” Kowalski said. To become a dancer, the donations breakdown as follows: regular admission to Dance Marathon is $8 to get onto the floor and $4 to get to the gate as a visitor. During the 12 am – 4 am hours no visitors are allowed onto the floor. These prices are for a two-hour pass. Visitors can also pay $25 for access to an entire shift or $35 for a whole weekend pass. Dancers can register as individuals or create/join existing groups involved in DM. Past DMs have had more than 1000 dancers on the floor at a given time. In 16 years, FSU DM has raised more than $3.3 million. To get involved, visit Dance Marathon’s website at and register to become a dancer, or just donate.
Kolors of Kurves Plans Pageant By Aurelie Mathieu Kolors of Kurves, a new organization founded this semester, is inviting young men and women of any size, color or orientation to “unlock, uplift and reach their full potential.” Antoinette Wakefield, the organization’s president and founder, said Kolors of Kurves strives to be a voice and advocate for equality, empowerment and resource for the FSU student body. Wakefield said the group plans to reach out to the FSU and Tallahassee communities. “The mission is to tie the knots between fashion, beauty, health, selfawareness and to effectively encourage self-love and commitment,” Wakefield said. “When people feel good about their selves and become secure in who they are, they are able to look beyond their current circumstances and live up to their full potential.” The organization will be hosting events to spread their message. Along with SISTUHS, the organization will be hosting their Miss Kolors of Kurves 2012 informational meetings on Feb. 15 and 16 at 7 pm in William Johnston 060. Miss Kolor’s of Kurves will be FSU’s first ever plus-size pageant. For more information, email