Special Program Spring/Summer 2011 Newsletter

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Volume I, Issue 4

Spring/Summer 2011

The Office of Special Programs

A Celebration of Graduation Trio programs were first created during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration in an effort to end the war on poverty and provide those with class and social barriers and economic disparities the opportunity to receive a postsecondary education. With 31 total graduates from Student Support Services and the Educational Opportunity Centers, the Department of Special Programs at Fayetteville State University is not only continuing this fight against poverty, but is helping Trio participants win the war. Walter Palmer, Program Coordinator for EOC, instills in his employees the office motto, “Recruit, Retain, and Support: it illustrates how we have identified these participants for our EOC program; provided the necessary EOC services and follow-ups to make sure they are prepared to enroll in college and once they are enrolled to provide them with all the support that they need to be successful during their college experience.” And with a successful college ex-

perience, participants are more likely to become successful college graduates. Carmen Wade, Program Coordinator for SSS, understands the significance her program has in the students‟ pursuit of a baccalaureate education. “Many disadvantaged students are faced with obstacles that can make the thought of obtaining a baccalaureate degree only a dream,” Wade states. “Student Support Services helps to make this dream a reality. We provide our students with a support system as well as resources that make achieving a baccalaureate degree a definite possibility,” a possibility that would not be available to these students without the various support methods of the SSS program. Both Coordinators understand the significance of each of these participants‟ accomplishments, not only for themselves and for their families, but for the entire community. “The completion of a college degree betters the community by providing an outstanding taxpaying citizen for others to rely on,” Palmer states. continue on page 4

Picture from left to right: (1st row) Elijah Davis, Alba Gonzalez, Shana Johnson-Varsite (2nd row) Tamikka Portee, Kelsey McRae, Joel Walker (3rd row) Leslie Finch, Ashley Williams, Lakeitha Greene (4th row) Pamela Bennett, Odell Windfield

Volume I, Issue 4

Spring/Summer 2011

Inside this Issue 3

Message from Director


Celebration of Graduation cont.


New Employees


EOC Achievements


Exploring Education and Culture


SSS Awards Banquet


Advice from Advisors


Wade’s Quarterly Corner

Editor Andrea Neal Director of Special Programs Associate Editors Rodney McCrowre Academic Advisor, SSS Adena Cosby Academic Advisor, EOC Contributing Writer Carmen Wade, Program Coordinator SSS

Inside this Issue

Office of Special Programs Educational Opportunity Centers The Educational Opportunity Centers helps high school seniors as well as high school graduates and college dropouts to make career choices and set educational goals. The Program also helps high school dropouts to enroll in adult high school alternative educational programs. Participants must be at least 19 years of age and have an interest in pursuing a college degree. Services are available at No Cost to U.S. citizens who meet Federal eligibility requirements. Information concerning college admissions requirements and financial aid for college is provided, as well as assistance with the preparation of FAFSA applications.

Walter Palmer Program Coordinator Keisha Avant Academic Advisor

Adena Cosby Academic Advisor

Daren Bethea Academic Advisor

Michelle Worsley Academic Advisor

Student Support Services Student Support Services serves students who are low-income, first-generation college students, and disabled. The program provides academic support services and activities that will enhance students' academic skills and improve their retention, graduation rates, and the overall college experience of students.

Carmen Wade Program Coordinator Vivian Davis-Utley Tutor Coordinator

Rodney McCrowre Academic Advisor

Ardenlian Jessup Administrative Support Associate

www.uncfsu.edu/specialprograms Page 2

HELEN T. CHICK BUILDING, ROOM 109 (910) 672-1172

Fayetteville State University

Director’s Letter

Message from the Director Albert Einstein said “Education is not received it is achieved.” Over 30 TRiO participants, from the Office of Special Programs, achieved the prestigious honor of earning their first baccalaureate during the Spring Semester. The successful completion of this endeavor is a testament to the success of TRiO Programs. They are also proof that despite what obstacles and barriers one is presented in life, with perseverance and support systems that foster an environment for student success, anything can be made possible! Accolades are in order for Ms. Lakeitha Greene and Ms. Alba Gonzalez. Ms. Lakeitha Greene entered Fayetteville State University and Student Support Services during the summer of 2008. Ms. Greene was an active SSS program participant and exceeded all expectations by graduating an entire year early. She is currently applying for graduate school to pursue her Masters in School Counseling. Ms. Gonzalez, an EOC participant, earned her baccalaureate degree and currently works for Forsyth County Health Department in Winston-Salem, as a Health Educator for the Latino Community. Both ladies accomplishments are a small part of the many success stories that we are able to tell due to the unquestionable benefits of programs like Student Support Services and Educational Opportunity Centers. Ms. Greene and Ms. Gonzalez are reminders that our jobs are important as we continue to shape the lives of countless participants. As we anticipate embarking on another academic year, we remain optimistic and will continue to provide quality services to our students. We will continue to remain “studentcentered” offices ensuring that each participant in our programs reaches the same finish line that has been crossed by countless others before them — graduation! We desire for our participants to continue to pass the baton of success. In a time of economic turmoil, I would like to extend a heartfelt appreciation to the dedicated staff members from the Office of Special Programs. Your personal commitment to our programs and participants is evident in your superior work performance.

Educationally yours,

Andrea Neal Director of Special Programs

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Volume I, Issue 4

Spring/Summer 2011

Spring Graduates

A Celebration of Graduation cont’d. “It also gives the graduate a sense of pride to share with family members and friends.” Wade agrees, “These students will shine in their communities and amongst their peers as individuals who were once diamonds in the rough that are now faceted gems. These students will transform their communities and their peers while motivating them to become the change agents that this world is in dire need of.” Change agents indeed, these 31 students are now first generation college graduates, and they have set a standard for the generations to follow that regardless of your circumstances, you can still achieve your dreams. “We encourage our students to dream better and bigger than where they see themselves or even where they come from,” Wade states. “Students gain an understanding that through structure, responsibility, accountability, hard work, and not settling, they can do, be, and go wherever they want, regardless of what the pessimists say and do, and regardless of negative experiences they have encountered along their journey.” And with Trio programs like Student Support Services and the Educational Opportunity Centers, dreams are indeed becoming a reality. Page 4

Educational Opportunities Centers Devan Adams Randy Baker Pamela Bennett Senikka Bennett Pauline Campbell Alba Gonzalez Melissa Grabowski Linda Grace Tonisha Hines Wendy Locklear Cassandra Smith Latasha Smith Justin Tucker Takima Wynn Monque Young

Student Support Services Ulysees Braboy Alexis Brown Elijah Davis III Kendra Drayton Tressa Evans (EOC) Leslie Finch Lakeitha Greene Shana Johnson-Variste Kelsey McRae Leron Montgomery Tamikka Portee Alisia Salone Joel Walker Gregory Treadwell Odell Winfield Ashley Williams

Volume I, Issue 4

Spring/Summer 2011

New Employees

Special Programs Welcomes Two New Employees ioral Support Specialist for 5 years. In 2007, he returned to FSU to work with the Upward Bound Program as a Student Support Specialist, where he demonstrated a passion for helping high school students graduate and pursue post-secondary education. Mr. McCrowre is an advocate for low-income, first generation, disabled students, and underrepresented groups pursuing higher Rodney McCrowre education. Rodney is committed to continue providing leadership Rodney McCrowre joins ence degree in Business and mentoring to the particiFayetteville State UniverAdministration. After pants in Student Support Sersity‟s Office of Special ProRodney‟s departure vices. In addition, Mr. grams as the new Academic from FSU, he became McCrowre has an active rapport Advisor for Student Support gainfully employed with the faculty and staff at FSU Services. Rodney is a proud with the Cumberland that makes his transition a sucgraduate of Fayetteville County School System, cessful one. Rodney states that State University where he serving as a Teacher he is humble, yet grateful that earned a Bachelor of SciAssistant and BehavThe Educational Opportunity Centers staff welcomes a new Academic Advisor for Harnett County, Ms. Adena Cosby. Ms. Cosby was raised as an Air Force dependent and spent her childhood, teen, and young adult years traveling throughout the country as her father was assigned to different duty stations. Her first two years of undergraduate study were spent at Huntingdon College, a private Methodist campus located in Montgomery, AL, where she studied Political Science, Communications, and minored in Spanish. Ms. Cosby completed her Bachelors at John Cabot Page 5

University, a prestigious, American educational institute located in the heart of Rome, Italy. “Studying abroad was one of the best experiences of my life. The fact that the University housed hundreds of students from all over the world was enlightening! I had classes with students from Bosnia, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Germany, just to name a few.” Ms. Cosby earned a Bachelor‟s of Arts in Political Science, made the Dean‟s List of Honors, and graduated Cum Laude before returning to the U.S. She spent the first years of her professional life as store Manager for Cape

Fear Formal Wear, a regional business that specializes in men‟s tuxedo sales and rentals. “Becoming a part of the Special Program‟s staff is a big change, but I‟m up for the challenge. Since my former position was customer service oriented, I know I will be able to give each EOC participant the individualized attention they need and deserve.” Ms. Cosby is excited about her career change and looks forward to being a positive role model to each participant she serves. It‟s the culmination of both national and international cultural exposure, and her background in customer ser-

FSU has allotted him the opportunity for growth at this institution of higher learning. Mr. McCrowre is inspired from one of his favorite quotes by Albert Einstein: “A successful man is he who receives a great deal from his fellow men, usually incomparably more than corresponds to his service to them. The value of a man, however, should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.” Mr. McCrowre supports the vision of FSU “from ordinary to extraordinary” and efforts of the Bronco family to build future leaders in this global economy. Mr. McCrowre is working towards completing his Masters in Business Administration with a concentration in Healthcare Management. Mr. McCrowre is married to Mrs. Yolanda Reid-McCrowre and they have two children, Kerri and Rodney.

Adena Cosby

vice that makes Adena extremely confident that she will be a valuable asset to both the EOC staff and the Harnett County community as a whole. “I‟m very pleased to be a part of the Special Program‟s family.”

Volume I, Issue 4

Spring/Summer 2011

EOC Achievements

EOC Star Bong Kim gets Accepted into Chapel Hill

Bong Kim entered the U.S. from South Korea with simple hopes of a better future. It never dawned on her that she would one day open a letter of acceptance from one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “I was very happy when I found out. I am very proud of myself. School begins August 23rd and I am going to wear UNC t-shirts everyday!” Kim is excited about the transition and will be pursuing a Bachelors of Science Degree in Biology. Originally, Kim came to the U.S. to provide her daughter with the opportunity to receive a stellar

education. She worked in home care and for a beauty supply business before she came across an ad for the EOC program in a local paper. “I wanted to change my status; I would work but would only make a little money.” EOC provided her with the assistance she needed to apply and enroll in undergraduate study and helped her map out an appropriate career path to pursue. After beginning her college career, Kim still faced another hurdle that she needed to jump, her language barrier. Kim studied English in South Korea, but was shocked at how difficult it was to communicate with native English speakers. She would bring tape recorders to class and listen to the lectures over and over again hoping to get a better understanding of what the professor was saying. “It took me almost a year to learn what „procedure‟ meant in my lab class,” Kim laughed as she recalled the moment it finally clicked. “Oh! P-r-o-c-e-d-u-r-e! Now I understand.” What Kim did understand was the importance of learning English as a step towards advancing her career. She began taking ESL (English as a Second Language)

classes at Fayetteville Technical Community College and slowly increased her course load as she began to grasp a better understanding of the English Language. Even with this extra training, her first time in the university classroom setting was difficult to adjust to. “Time was an issue. I would know the material but would not be able to finish the test because it took a long time for me to understand the question. The questions I answered were right, but I would still get a low score.” Yet with hard work, determination, and help from the EOC staff at Fayetteville State University, Kim reached a goal that others only dream about. “Bong Kim is very special to the EOC program,“ Walter Palmer, EOC Program Coordinator stated. “All of the staff considers her as part of the EOC family because she comes into the main office every day even when school is not in session. We love her

and embrace her because she is so appreciative of the EOC services that we provide her on a continuous basis.” Kim is excited about embarking on a new journey and is grateful for all of the support TRiO programs have offered her. “ESL is almost a disability, but TRiO was a big help. Michelle helped me with all of my applications and EOC helped pay my admission fee. It helps make me a better person .” She is looking forward to living on campus at Chapel Hill and eventually earning her license as a Registered Nurse. She is also thrilled about being one step closer to achieving her ultimate goal, “Finally I will be able to join the medical missionary team at my church that is why I wanted to become a RN.” The EOC staff wishes Bong Kim all the best, as she continues her endeavors.

Michelle Worsley Shines in the Community Mrs. Carol Scheib is a Basic Skills Instructor at Fayetteville Technical Community College. Below is a written expression of her appreciation for Mrs. Worsley, an Academic Advisor with the EOC Program, regarding her contributions to EOC participants at FTCC: Mrs. Worsley conducts miniseminars in classrooms, helps students prepare the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) forms, assists in preparation of college admissions forms, and helps locate grants and scholarships. Her commitment to her students does not stop with the Page 6

completion of documents; she follows each student through their academic careers. Advocating for the student‟s success by following up with them monthly, calling administrative officials or college admissions counselors on their behalf, and making herself available to each of her students in order to make their college experience a simple and easy transition. Mrs. Worsley is a great asset to our program at Fayetteville Technical Community College because she encourages, motivates and advocates for the student. She is a valuable component to our program because she helps students

understand that they can achieve their dreams of continuing their eduMichelle Worsley assists an EOC participant cation. Her calm Mrs. Worsley demonstrates that demeanor but fierce determishe is knowledgeable, committed, nation to ensure that everyone, caring and imminently qualified no matter who they are, will for her chosen career. Her ability have the opportunity to attend to listen and treat each individual the school of their choice is with respect and dignity is one of paramount to her success as an her best qualities and those of us Academic Advisor. who have the opportunity to beneIf actions are the hallmark of fit from her knowledge and experthe character of a person— tise are enriched by knowing her.

Volume I, Issue 4

EOC College Tour On March 30th, 2011, the Educational Opportunity Centers took approximately 30 participants to the historically rich Columbia, South Carolina for a graduate school tour and cultural experience. They began their day by touring Allen University, a Historically Black College originally designed to educate former slaves to become future clergymen for the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The group also toured Benedict College, a private liberal arts institution that has the second largest undergraduate population amongst South Carolina private universities, and is the fourth largest institution in the United Negro College Fund network. Daren Bethea, EOC‟s Academic Advisor

Spring/Summer 2011

for Hoke County, feels that the locations of the schools serve as a great benefit to the students of both campuses, “Both Universities offer a lot of different majors, since they are located so close together, students have the opportunity to take classes at both colleges.” Walter Palmer, Program Coordinator agrees with the benefits of studying at these locations and felt that the students conducting the tour represented their educational institutions very well. “Our entire group was impressed with the enthusiasm of the students and tour guides who we met from both colleges. Our EOC participants benefitted from the knowledge and excitement our guides had during each campus tour and it

Exploring Education and Culture

gave each participant a better understanding of what it would be like to attend a four year university.” After the college campus tours, the group filled up on southern cuisine at a local dining estabPictured: Benedict College lishment before heading to the University of lege is right for them. “Most of the South Carolina‟s Koger Center participants we serve were born and to see a production. raised in our five-county target The EOC program‟s staff area,” Walter Palmer stated. “This hopes to inspire potential two tour gave them a deeper insight year post-secondary transfers about the potential benefits of purand recent high school and suing a post-secondary education in GED graduates with the ability a different location.” to expand their horizons when it comes to deciding which col-

SSS Graduate School Tour On March 7-9, 2011, Fayetteville State University Student Support Services participants traveled to Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Students toured Johns Hopkins University, Morgan State University, University of Maryland-College Park, and Bowie State University. They also visited B. Smith‟s restaurant at Union Station and the Smithsonian American and African Arts

Museum. Johns Hopkins University opened in 1876. Students had an opportunity to walk through the laboratories and observe the set-up as well as some of the instruments used in these labs. At Morgan State University, students toured the campus and talked with the Deans of various programs regarding their interests of study. SSS participants listen to a tour guide

SSS Participants on a College Tour Page 7

At the Smithsonian American Art Museum students viewed collections that captured the aspirations, character and imagination of the American people throughout three centuries. Students were also given the opportunity to view pieces from the African American Arts exhibits. Students thoroughly enjoyed the graduate tour and gained a wealth of knowledge from the experiences that they were provided. Mica Alexander, a SSS participant who attended the graduate school tour stated,

“College does not guarantee happiness and success but it does provide a person with the opportunity to test yourself and see what you can achieve. It also opens your eyes and allows you to see the numerous possibilities.” As the staff of Student Support Services continues to provide enriching experiences that encourage their participants to continue their education in graduate school, the possibilities available to them will continue to remain numerous.

SSS Awards Banquet

Fayetteville State University

An Evening With the Stars... On April 28, 2011, Student Support Services held its 1st Annual Awards Banquet. The theme was “An Evening with the Stars.” The speaker for the occasion was Mr. Raymond Sharp, Associate Director of Residential Life. Mr. Sharp gave the students tips on how to be excellent in every aspect of their lives and explained to them that anything is possible with hard work and diligence. The students also participated in ballroom dancing classes and presented a showcase of what they learned. The choreographers for this portion of the event were Ms. Adena Cosby, Academic Advisor with Educational Opportunity Centers, and Ms. Avis Hatcher, Dance instructor at FSU. The male students were clad in tuxedos provided by Cape Fear Formal Wear, a men‟s formal store located in the Cross Creek Mall. The students did a phenomenal job as they danced the evening away. Students with GPA‟S of 3.0 and above were recognized and Elijah Davis was presented with the Director‟s Choice Award by Ms. Andrea Neal, Director of Special Programs at FSU. The graduates were recognized with post-secondary completion certificates and the tutors for excellence in providing academic support to our students. The evening was a great success and motivated participants to know that they are stars and that they can be excellent

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in whatever endeavors they choose to pursue. Mr. Tyrese Bailey had the privilege of introducing the guest speaker for the evening. Mr. Raymond Sharp graduated in 1998 from E.E. Smith High School in Fayetteville, NC. He attended Fayetteville State University (FSU) on a Chancellor‟s Academic Scholarship from August 1998 through December 2002 and graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in English, and a minor in Communications. Mr. Sharp is an inducted member of Sigma Tau Delta International Honor Society and holds a Masters of Arts in Education from Central Michigan University. He currently serves as the Associate Director of Residential Life where he continues to inspire and develop leaders throughout the cam-

pus of Fayetteville State University. Mr. Sharp is married to Mrs. Tanesha Sharp, originally from Youngstown, Ohio. He is the proud father of their son Braylen and daughter Brielle. Mr. Sharp states, “being involved in student leadership was one of the most impactful experiences in my life and has helped shape my current perspectives on personal enrichment and actively seeking to serve others.” Mr. Sharp encouraged everyone to pursue their passion stressing the importance of realizing that “you have what people need. Take the initiative to find a niche and exploit it.” Mr. Sharp believes that change and transformation in oneself is essential for a leader to successfully impact a climate and a culture not just an individual. The goal of the SSS staff is to encourage students to do just as Mr. Sharp encouraged.

Volume I, Issue 4

Spring/Summer 2011

SSS Awards Banquet

“So what happens when you fall off track...Admit that you are wrong, refocus your actions and your efforts, and work with diligence and courage to accomplish the goals that are your heart’s desire.” —Mr. Raymond Sharp

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Volume I, Issue 4

Spring/Summer 2011

Advice from Advisors

The Road to 1800 advice From Advisors The birds are chirping, new flowers are blooming, the days are getting longer… spring time is here! Just as nature embarks on a journey towards a path of new beginnings, EOC has a little bit of advice on what paths our participants should be venturing down this time of year to make their pursuit of a postsecondary education easily attainable: Financial Aid is a critical part of the college enrollment process, especially during this season. Whether you are applying to school for the first time, transferring to another college, or continuing your education at a four year university, one fact will always re-

main the same: You must complete your FAFSA every year! The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) allows each undergraduate student to determine how much assistance the federal government will provide towards their college education. The FAFSA will also specify how much of the Pell grant the applicant is eligible for along with the total amount of government subsidized loans they are qualified to receive for the upcoming academic year. Below are a few pointers from EOC‟s Academic Advisors on making the process for applying for Financial Aid easier.

Keisha Avant says: “Understand the consequences

of being a „career student.‟ If you continuously receive federal financial aid year after year and have yet to receive a degree, you will eventually exhaust your eligibility for additional aid.”

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Walter Palmer says: “If you are depending on Financial Aid to pay for attending the college of your choice, please complete your FAFSA as soon as possible. You can start applying for Financial Aid each year after January 1st. And remember, you must complete a FAFSA each year that you are enrolled in college.”

Michelle Worsley says: “If the school in which you are requesting financial aid from asks you for specific documents (i.e. tax forms, Social Security benefits received, child support, etc), you need to turn in the requested items ASAP! If you are a dependent student (under 24, single, no children, not a military veteran, etc.) you are required to have your parent(s) tax information and other income information when you apply. Where you live or whether or not they claimed you on your taxes does not factor into determining dependent status”

Daren Bethea says: “Depending on the college you enroll in, the Pell Grant may not cover all of your tuition and fees each year. You may have to look into other funding sources, such as scholarships and grants, to cover the rest of your expenses.”

Wade’s Quarterly Corner

Fayetteville State University




Do You!

Many of us spend our entire lives trying to please other people. As you begin this semester, make sure that the goals that you have set before you are those that will make you happy. You may even need to take a moment to define “happiness.” Many times we are so accustomed to going from day to day mediocre, just okay, or pleasing other people, that we have forgotten or don‟t even know what true happiness is. Mary J. Blige said it best, “All I really want is to be happy.” Well, all of us do. We are on a pursuit of happiness. Ask yourself will you be able to live with your decisions at the end of the day. If you can, then everyone else will have to as well. Life is too short to spend it trying to please other people. Somebody will always have something to say whether it be negative or positive. Make sure that you set an uncompromisable standard for yourself.

TAKE SIX 1. Endeavor to change the way you look at things. Always look at the bright side. The mind may drag you to think about negativity and difficulties. Don't let it. Look at the good and positive side of every situation. 2. Think of solutions, not problems.

Do what you have to do (legally) to achieve the level of success that you would like to have. One level of success in one person’s life may not be the same for another. Define what you want. No one can do you better than you can. Do you…and do it well!!!

“The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is calamity not to dream.” ~Benjamin Elijah Mays Page 11

3. Listen to relaxing, uplifting music. 4. Each day, devote some time to reading a few pages of an inspiring book or article. 5. Watch your thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, start thinking of pleasant things. 6. Always look at what you have done and not at what you haven't.

Fayetteville State University

1200 Murchison Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone: 910-672-1172 Fax: 910-672-186

The Educational Opportunity Centers project is 100% federally funded at $389,740.00

The Student Support Services project is 100% federally funded at $347,427.000

Proudly Serving: Cumberland County Harnett County Hoke County Sampson County Robeson County

Proudly Serving Fayetteville State University students

The enclosed materials were compiled through a grant from the US Department of Education. However, the contents have not been reviewed by the Department and no endorsement should be inferred.

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