Summer Edition FSU Special Programs' Newsletter Fall 2010

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Volume 1, Issue 1

Summer 2010

Office of Special Programs Message from the Director It is my pleasure to acknowledge all of the wonderful staff, students and clients in our department and share some of their accomplishments with the university and community partners. I am extremely proud of the many accomplishments our participants have achieved. I would like to begin by thanking Mr. Jonathan Walker, Academic Advisor for Student Support Services, and Ms. Felicia Crittenden, University College, for all of their work with the newsletter! Ms. Andrea Neal, newly appointed Director of Special Programs.

The Department of Special Programs is pleased to present its first quarterly newsletter!

There are many personal successes we would like to share in this issue. There are also many events we would like to inform the community of. I am excited about the future of Special Programs. I

Inside this issue: EOC new staff


SSS visit to Philly


Rawls wins EOC’s Road to Success


SSS students study abroad


1 million awarded to SSS


EOC Student Spotlight 5 SSS Student Spotlight 6

Special Programs new home Effective July 26, 2010, Special Programs is now housed in the “new” University College relocating from the College of Arts and Sciences. University College now consists of the following units: the Freshman Center, Transfer and Advisement Center, International Education, the Honors Program, Military Education, College Access Programs,

believe with the staff and wonderful support we receive from our university and community partners we will continue to provide services to minimize the gap for individuals faced with socioeconomic and educational disparities. It is my hope that you enjoy this newsletter as much as we enjoy working with our programs. If you support the mission of Special Programs at Fayetteville State University and would like to support our programs with a monetary or in-kind donation, please contact our office. Educationally yours,

Andrea Neal Director of Special Programs

the Learning Center, and the C.H.E.E.R Scholars Program. University College is under the leadership of Dr. John Brooks, who was recently appointed Dean of the College.

funded by the U.S. Department of Education for the purpose of providing educational opportunities, outreach, and support programs that inspire youth and adults to achieve a quality education.

Special Programs has been restructured and now consists of Educational Opportunity Centers and Student Support Services. Both programs are 100% federally

The goal of these projects is to assist the targeted population with entrance and graduation from college.

Volume 1, Issue 1

SSS travels to city of “Brotherly Love” On Thursday, July 15, 2010, 18 Student Support Services (SSS) participants and two SSS staff members traveled to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on a graduate tour. The participants had the opportunity to visit two major institutions in the area: Villanova University, a premier institution of higher learning and The University of Pennsylvania, a private, Ivy League, research

university. Each school provided an information session regarding admissions requirements, financial aid information, and an array of academic programs students could pursue for their graduate studies. Representatives from the Graduate School including the Dean of Graduate Studies, and current graduate students provided a plethora of information to our

SSS participants at the Philadelphia African American Museum.

SSS participants during the summer graduate tour to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

students regarding the various programs and their experiences. SSS participants also had the opportunity to visit several cultural sites and a museum. On Saturday, July 17, students visited the African American Museum, which provided a number of exhibits, Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church and Independence National Park, which included the viewing of the Liberty Bell and the Franklin Court Printing Office. Students received pertinent information regarding the history of our

nation. As the graduate tour commenced, students were provided an opportunity to evaluate the excursion. All provided great feedback, positive experiences, and learned valuable information. The tour was a great success!

Sykes and Worsley join EOC Team ing African American, American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, low income, rural, and first generation college students, and introduced them to Michelle joins the EOC office as higher education throughout the new academic advisor for CumNorth Carolina. She is excited berland County. Worsley most about working with EOC berecently worked with a local noncause she has a passion for profit, Cumberland Community reaching those in danger of slipAction Program, Inc., where she ping through the institutional was instrumental in assisting lowcracks due to lack of information to-no-wealth individuals and their regarding educational opportuni- Worsley, a Trio alumni, is excited families become self-sufficient about working for the EOC program. ties beyond high school. through education, trainings, and employment. She also served as an Sykes, a student studying dental and also provides the essentials to hygiene, is excited about work- obtain the needed requirements to administrator in the Office of Difurther their years in college. I beversity and Multicultural Affairs at ing for EOC because she believe I will bring to this program a lieves it is a great program. “It the University of North Carolinanewness and happiness.” helps adults, including myself, Chapel Hill where she targeted Special Programs would like to welcome our newest additions to the Department, Mrs. Michelle Worsley and Ms. Candice Sykes.

Sykes joins the EOC team as the Administrative Support Associate. Page 2

underserved communities, includ-

succeed in getting into college,

Volume 1, Issue 1

Ingram learns “valuable” lesson able to hold onto the dollar bill for one semester she would give her $20.00. The original dollar bill was marked. The goal of the incentive was to stress the importance of saving. Ingram proudly exchanges the saved $1 bill with Recent changes in the regulations for TRiO, mandated by the US Department of Education, require each SSS project to provide Ingram, second from left at table, and fellow SSS participants compete educational services designed to improve financial during a game of financial BINGO. and economic literacy. The winner of the first round Each year SSS offers programTopics include: basic perwould receive a prize. ming to acquaint students with sonal income, household Shakaren Ingram, a Junior Psy- money management, finanfinancial literacy. This past chology major, immediately fall, participants attended a cial planning skills, and announced BINGO. Ms. Neal workshop entitled “All about basic economic decision presented Shakaren with a one the Benjamin's” facilitated by making skills. dollar bill as her prize. She Ms. Andrea Neal. Students informed Ingram that if she was were engaged in interactive exercises that covered credit cards, budgeted spending, and expected incomes post graduation.

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Noah Lamar Rawls AUGUST 5, 2 010 10:25 PM

Rawls wins EOC’s Road to Success gram is tasked to serve 1,800 participants in the following target counties: Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, Sampson, and Robeson. Each academic advisor is responsible for visiting several satellite offices in their assigned county during the week.

Participants also learned both the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing with credit. Students were divided into four groups. Each group was given information for three different cards (interest rates, finance charges, annual fees, and grace periods ) and were instructed to select the card, which they believed was the best fit for them. At the end of the workshop, a game of financial BINGO provided a recap of various financial terms. Students were given the definition and had to match it with the appropriate term.

Ms. Neal.

Rawls, serves the participants in Robeson County.

Accolades are in order for Mr. Cam'ron Rawls, EOC’s Academic Advisor for Robeson County. Each year the EOC pro-

participants were totaled and their car moved accordingly. In three months, Cam’ron was able to enroll over 300 participants into the EOC Program. The race will resume on September 1.

Ms. Neal established the “EOC Road to Success” during the spring semester to motivate the staff through friendly competition. “I’m naturally a very competitive person so I embrace challenges. I believe that challenges with offered incentives tap into even the most timid individuals competitive drive. The EOC advisors all have to recruit new clients, so I figured, why not make it a fun challenge and offer incentive and public recognition for their hard work.” A poster was created to hang on the wall and each staff person was assigned their own race car. At the end of each week the number of new

A poster was created to keep track of each advisor’s weekly turn-ins.

Volume 1, Issue 1

SSS students study abroad this summer Two SSS participants had the opportunity to study abroad this summer in Spain. Each took a moment to share their experience with us.

absorb history, culture, and the language of Spain, through Skype videos and Facebook messages I shared what I learned with my friends and family back home.

Akyia Lawrence-The study abroad experience was very important to me. It helped open up my eyes to other ways of life. This helped me to understand that the world is full of a variety of things, and not just what I am used to and that the possibilities in life are endless. Wherever you want to go or whatever you want to do in life can be accomplished because the sky is truly the limit.

Within the first week, I was starting to feel as if I was at home. The people in the city were polite and well mannered. On a tour of Cáceres, I learned the history behind the old city. I was amazed that Cáceres was older than the United States and it still had most of its original buildings still in place. I felt as if I was living history. One of my favorite places to visit was the Plaza Mayor which would be considered the Main Square. I met many wonderful people in the Plaza, including my best friends in Spain and also the CEO of a Company. The Plaza is the place where I practiced speaking Spanish while immersed in the daily activities of the locals. Understandably, adjusting to life back in the States was difficult.

This experience was truly like no other. I had the opportunity to do things I never would have gotten to do such as climbing to the top of Monfrague, taste test the native foods and exercise my Spanish language skills. When I reached the top of Monfrague, the view was simply beautiful. I also was able to taste foods such as Rabbit, Lamb and tortilla de patata, which are not usually served in The United States. My overall experience in Spain was wonderful and I have not experienced anything like it. Along the way, I learned a lot of Spanish and met a variety of lifelong friends. I experienced a lot of the Spanish culture, witnessed different ways of life and had the opportunity of trying a variety of ethnic foods. This study abroad experience gave me a good balance of culture, life and language skills. If I could do this program again I would not hesitate. Christopher Williams-When I announced to my friends and family that I would be traveling to Cáceres, Spain, to study abroad for a month, the first question they had was usually, “Where?” Spain is a relatively unfamiliar area to most Americans, even to me, but it was that mysteriousness (and the hundreds of miles of water) that drew me to it. After living there for a month, I was able to Page 4

During my time in Spain, my “normal” had become spontaneously hopping on a bus and traveling to new cities, meeting new people, and trying new food. It is only now, two months after returning from Spain, that I am able to fully appreciate my experience there and to understand how it has enriched my life.

Akyia Lawrence takes a moment to embrace Spain’s rich culture during her study abroad experience.

Christopher Williams pauses as he climbs to the top of Monfrague.

Continuation grant for Student Support Services-over 1 million dollars Congratulations to the Student Support Services Program for a continuation grant of $1,737,135 million dollars for the next five years. This year’s competition was extremely competitive due to the level funding for all TRiO Programs under President Barack Obama’s approved budget. A number of SSS programs across the nation were defunded. Many projects waited for weeks in anticipation for the new slate. Email notifications were sent

out earlier through the TRiO listserv this month for programs to contact Congress to find out if they were refunded. Ms. Neal didn't waste any time picking up the telephone. “I immediately contacted Senator Burr’s office and once I introduced myself and the reason for my call the assistant ecstatically stated, I was going to call you if I didn’t hear from you today. She told me FSU was one of the first she received. I am elated that we are able to continue such a dynamic program for another 5 years.”

Student Support Services Upcoming Events September 1– Returning Student Orientation September 9– Workshop: “It’s a Different World” September 23– Workshop: “Basic Math Concepts/TI-83” October 5– Workshop “Study and Test Taking Skills” October 6– Tutee Appreciation Day October 27– Advisement Luncheon October 19-29– Midterm Advisement

Volume 1, Issue 1

EOC Student Spotlight Words for Mr. Bethea: “I know that you offer assistance to many people. You are not wasting your time or effort. If you could only reach one person and help them improve their life, you have achieved more than you would have ever known. I want you to know, Mr. Bethea; I am that one person and thank you! You will always be a significant part of my life.” These are words written by Ms. Della Smith after she was called on to describe her experiences with EOC since

Ms. Della Smith

stumbling upon the program during a routine visit at a local library. She has observed Mr. Bethea on countless occasions leaving Sandhills Community College after-hours, to ensure that each student has been served. Ms. Smith, who never imagined returning to school, is now on the Chancellor’s List and a member of Tau Sigma Academic Honor Society because of her superior academic performances.

Ms. Alba Gonzalez Alba Gonzalez, a single mother of three children, two of whom are attending college, is a senior Spanish major/Sociology minor at FSU. Gonzalez graduated with honors from FTCC with an AA in General Education. She has received numerous accolades since her enrollment in EOC, to include Academic Excellence in Spanish, the JRF Scholarship,

and the AARP Foundation Women’s Scholarship. Gonzalez accredits her success by the help of Mr. Delano Blaizes. “His perseverance in keeping me on track gave me the motivation to continue striving for more. He is not only my advisor, he is my friend” proclaims Gonzalez when asked about Mr. Blaizes.

Student Leadership Program Established To assist with the holistic development of students and to mold them to serve as leaders who will become change agents in our society, SSS has established an ambassador program. The purpose of this program is to enhance each students’ leadership, interpersonal, and public speaking skills. Nine students have been selected to serve during the 2010-211 academic year. Each ambassador possesses a strong grade point average and is highly Page 5

involved here on campus in clubs and organizations.

Okwara, Venise Patterson, and Christopher Williams.

Ambassadors will be responsible for creating and facilitating at least two support workshops for their peers each semester, representing and speaking on behalf of SSS during open house and orientation, and conducting peer mentoring sessions with new SSS participants.

“I feel like it’s an honor, and a privilege to be a SSS Ambassador, ” stated Mi’ca Alexander. Tanya Henry hopes to motivate her peers. “I feel as though I could make a positive impact on my peers by serving in this position. It is my desire that I inspire and motivate them to achieve their goals and take advantage of all the opportunities SSS and FSU have to offer. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity.”

This first cohort of ambassadors include: Mi’ca Alexander, David Antoine, Christopher Hall, Tanya Henry, Jamille Johnson, Garion Mangum, Chioma

“He is not only my advisor, he is my friend.” -Alba Gonzalez

Educational Opportunity Centers Upcoming Events September 19– Turkey Festival: Hoke County October 6– Fall into Work Job Fair: Cumberland County

SSS Ambassadors hard at work during new student orientation.

Volume 1, Issue 1

SSS Student Spotlight

Keyana Brown, Senior Major: Elementary, Education

My experience in Student Support Services will be one that will not be forgotten. I am a senior double majoring in History and Elementary Education. I currently have a grade point average of 3.5. I became a part of Student Support Services in August of 2006. I started receiving tutoring which was very helpful and I can honestly say it is one of the reasons my grade point average has always been a 3.0 or higher. The summer of my freshman year Student Support Services provided me with a check to pay for summer school. I have attended several graduate tours which were very helpful and informative. I am very appreciative of the opportunity to visit other schools and learn about the opportunities that they have to offer. Ms. Neal has not only been my advisor, she has also been a role model to me. I look up to her and I am thankful that she is a part of my life. Ms. Neal stays on top of me which is very beneficial and it lets me know that she cares. For the last two years I have been selected to speak at the program, “Making a Good Impression”. It helped me become a better speaker and I was able to give advice and inform the freshmen about some of my experiences that I have had since I have been in college. Student Support Services has opened several doors for me. I encourage students who are not members to join the program. I inform them about the opportunities that are offered and tell them what Student Support Services has done for me.

David Antoine, Sophomore Major: Forensic Science My experience in Student Support Services is great and educational. I was first introduced to the program after I attended the C.H.E.E.R. Scholars Program. The C.H.E.E.R. program was a great experience and made me feel like I was ready for college; I felt challenged. Prior to getting fully accepted into FSU, I went to visit the people who helped me along the way: Ms. Davis, Ms. Neal, Ms. Jessup and Mr. Walker. When I came to see them in August of 2009, my freshman year, they were constantly checking on me and made sure I was comfortable with college because during C.H.E.E.R. I had difficulties making the transition and being away from home.. Student Support Services helped me with open arms; whether it was tutoring, checking out a calculator for math class or simply providing a pencil. Simple things like that made me think back because during my childhood we didn’t have a steady income, which at one point caused us to live in my mom's car. SSS made me feel like my education is important and encouraged me to do better. I felt as if SSS was my second home and family, so that’s why I am so excited to recommend some of my friends and peers to the program. I’ve seen what they did for me, and I want them to get help and start where I was to be successful in college. Let me start by saying that I am a non-traditional student. I am the fifth of eight children. I am also a first Major: generation college student. I transferred to Fayetteville State after obtaining my Early Childhood Teacher Associate degree with honors. (GPA: 3.9+) Although it was difficult I decided to continue my education. Early on I knew that I would need help in certain subject areas, college algebra in particular. I went to SSS and signed up. The staff was very courteous and assisted me through the process. My first experience in the SSS program was in the tutoring program. I have a math phobia and knew that College Algebra was going to be challenging, to say the least. My tutor was very patient and helpful and I managed to pass the course. Later I elected to take a Spanish class. Again, I needed help because of the accelerated pace. Although I have some background in Spanish, I had trouble keeping up. SSS was right there to assist me with a fabulous tutor who weathered the storm with me. SSS is not just tutoring. A little while ago I needed some information on the Praxis exam and Mr. Walker provided me with assistance and a practice book. Hopefully, I will be ready soon. Being older, I am sometimes overwhelmed at the daunting challenges of higher education. The encouraging emails from Mr. Walker of SSS help me to stay my course. Although I am not utilizing all of the services that SSS Page 6 offers, I highly recommend them because they really are interested in students’ success. After having such positive experiences with SSS, I will not hesitate to contact them for my future needs. Page 6 Thank you to the SSS team!

Rose Shefton, Senior Elementary Education

Fayetteville State University

Ms. Andrea P. Neal, Director of Special Programs Special Programs Helen T. Chick Building 1200 Murchison Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone: 910-672-1172 Fax: 910-672-1869

Educational Opportunity Centers Walter Palmer, Coordinator Keisha Avant Daren Bethea Charmine McQueen Cam’ron Rawls Candice Sykes Erica Williams Michelle Worsley Helen T. Chick Building Room 224 (910) 672-1171

is funded by the U.S. Department of Education for the purpose of providing assistance to adults Services Provided: who want to pursue a college Choosing a College degree. The Completing Admissions Appliservices are cations offered to Completing Financial Aid adults residing Applications in Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, Choosing a Career Robeson and Completing Scholarship Sampson CounSearches ties in North Carolina. Resolving Loan Defaults The Educational Opportunity Centers project is 100% federally funded at $389,740.00

Student Support Services

Vivian Davis-Utley Ardenlian Jessup Jonathan Walker

Helen T. Chick Building Room 109 (910) 672-1172

serves students who are low-income, first-generation college students, and disabled. The program provides academic support services and acServices Provided tivities that will enhance students' Academic Advisement academic skills and improve their Tutoring retention and graduation rates. Support Workshops Our goal is to improve students' Cultural Enrichment Activities retention and graduation rates Financial Aid Information and the overall college experience Graduate School Assistance of students. The Student Support Services project is 100% federally funded at $347,427.00

The enclosed materials were compiled through a grant from the US Department of Education. However, the contents have not been reviewed by the Department and no endorsement should be inferred.

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