The official student newspaper of florida Tech
Fall, issue 6
October 29, 2013
SGA prepares to restrict hours to Evans Hall Jennifer Redding Staff Writer
lab. An air hockey table intended as a way for students to relax between classes shows excessive wear and tear even though it was only purchased last year. The main floor of Evans Hall The SGA officers knew the houses a lounge, computer lab and situation had gotten out of hand study rooms where students can when they had to remove an unaugather to relax and to study. thorized white board was anchored Though this versatile space into the wall in one of the meeting has been available at all hours since rooms. it opened, misuse of the facilities “I think it’s disrespectful, is driving Student Government As- he completely disrespected the sociation towards a tough decision: facility… and all the students had whether or not to restrict the hours to actually pay for it” stated SGA the facilities are available. President Carla Deras, “Student S G A Government senators inpaid for [the “I think it’s unfair for repairs]… and spect the area several times some of the students o u r b u d g e t a day to make comes from sure that ev- that actually respect the the students.” erything is S G A facility to take it away in order. It is has also had not uncom- from them because some to pay to fix mon for them other students are just chairs in the to encounter media room empty snack breaking everything.” which have wrappers or been broken bottles and r e p e a t e d l y. cans strewn about, left behind White boards are available in study after days and nights of studying. rooms, yet pencil marks have been Computer parts, such as mice, au- discovered on the walls, requiring dio ports and even monitors have cleaning. Damage is also visible on been found broken in the computer the walls of the study rooms from
people leaning backwards in the chairs and leaving marks. Students can be found studying in the lounge at all hours. “I leave at 5 a.m. often, and there is always people,” says Jessica Cushman, vice president of SGA. To close the study areas in Evans
Reefer on a college campus is not typically something to be celebrated. This is not the case at Florida Tech as College Players gets ready for their fall production, Reefer Madness. As the theatre troupe prepares for their 102 production, the excitement of the cast and crew is rapidly growing. “This is an entirely new direction for CP and we are all really excited,” said Sara Smasal,
College Players president and the director of the fall production. A satire of the 1936 American propaganda film of the same name, Reefer Madness pokes fun at the over-the-top allegations made about the negative effects of marijuana ranging in severity from pathological lying to murder. One of the lead actresses, Samee Sisk, was sure it would be like nothing the College Players audience has seen before, “Orgies, Jesus, and pot brownies…yeah you could say this is a big change from past semesters,” Sisk said. Along with a risqué script
and an extremely talented cast and crew, this is also the first multi-organization collaboration performance as both the Belly Dancing club and the Swing Dance club will be making appearances. There is also a costume contest during intermission on opening night, which falls on Halloween. The play is free to Florida Tech students and provides enough laughs to last you until winter break. There will even be free brownies at intermission…trust me, it is not what you think.
Photo by Neal Carera Vice President Samee Sisk and the rest of the College Players crew sets up and prepares pieces of the stage before the premier showing of Reefer Madness on Oct. 31.
Volleyball standout to compete in international beauty pageant See beauty, pg 8
other students are just breaking everything,” Deras said. If the situation does not improve, then restricting use of the area may be SGA’s solution to reduce the amount of money and time spent as a result of student negligence.
Photo by Jennifer Redding Students abusing the Evans Lounge facility damage couches, walls and leave behind trash.
College Players goes ‘mad’ Duke Richardson Staff Writer
overnight will have a large impact on students who use the facilities at these hours. “The place is not being respected as it should… I think it’s unfair for some of the students that actually respect the facility to take it away from them because some
Access of evil: Website begins 2.0 Carlo Mencarelli Staff Writer
page with frequently used aspects of Access. “I don’t avoid it, I just don’t use it. Normally I go directly to PAWS.” Dr. Alan Rosiene, a Love it or hate it, Access professor in the School of Arts Florida Tech is here to stay. and Communication, said when First introduced in 2012, the questioned about Access usage. Internet portal is approachThis sentiment that is displayed by ing its second version which professors are mirrored by students will introduce a host of new as well. “It’s really under-utilized. features and address various Why would I want to go to Access issues reported by students. then PAWS when I can just go to Access is a system dePAWS?” Corin Lobo, a sophomore veloped by a third party, a said. technology In the fusolutions “Why would I want ture students and company faculty will be unnamed El- to go to Access, then able to go directly lucian. The base system PAWS when I can just to PAWS, they will need to log in i s e d i t e d go to PAWS?” to Access first and and themed open PAWS from by the Web inside of Access. This is already in Services unit then curated by the works since when navigating different Florida Tech departto PAWS students and faculty are ments. prompted with a link to Access or “It was a two year projthe option to go directly to PAWS. ect to get it up and now the The prompt will be going away in focus is to improve it,” said favor of an automatic redirection Josh Culver, the Director of to Access. This change isn’t well Web Services. The change will received by the students, but they occur in the coming weeks, are not without suggestions on pending approval of the proimprovements. gram committees. “Access was a good, but Access 2.0 will also inflawed, attempt.” Zach Rubenfeld, clude Changes to make it easier a sophomore of Mechanical Engito use, a common complaint neering, said. Rubenfeld wasn’t from student and professor without suggestion though “It alike. Other improvements should actually have it all in one include the possibility of complace instead of just having links munity pages, which would allow students to create group pages to post messages on. Private personal pages also are coming to Access which will let users create a personal
See Access pg. 4
OPINIONS....................... 2 football team beats Campus life ................ 3 warner, now 3-5 Entertainment............ 6 SCI/TECH....................... 7 See Football, pg 8 sports.......................... 8
2 -October 29, 2013
Has 1984 arrived? Omar Almajnouni Contributing Writer Phone tapping scandals, surveillance cameras, video game consoles that monitor you for advertisers… Are we living in the time of Big Brother and the Thought Police? In recent years, and certainly in the past few months, surveillance by governments and corporations has been in the forefront of the public consciousness. The Snowden saga, with its NSA revelations of cell phone snooping, rocketed corporate sponsored government espionage back into the public mind. A recent example of this is the XBox Kinect ‘always on’ controversy that brought surveillance and civil espionage to the front pages in the summer of 2013. Following not weeks behind, the NSA revelations that YOUR cell phone records might be being monitored by the federal government disturbed more than a few citizens. 10 years ago , it was perhaps unthinkable that every American with a cell phone (and let’s face it, that is nearly every man, woman, and child over 10 years old at this point), could be tracked, for whatever purpose, through the very phone they won’t leave home without. While you can turn off the active GPS signal via your phones settings, you cannot turn off the 911 emergency connec-
tivity. If your phone is on, and “they” want to find you, they can. Even George Orwell couldn’t imagine this when he penned his famous dystopian novel, 1984in the ashes of post WWII Europe. In his novel, the main character Winston is able to temporarily elude the authorities by staying out of eyeshot of the state controlled surveillance cameras. In every corner of America, you have internet connectivity, Facebook, and google at your fingertips. I can’t be the only one thinking it, as these scandals and others, drove sales of George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World through the roof. At one point Huxley’s dystopian masterpiece was even showing “sold out” on Amazon. While living without a cell phone is nearly unthinkable for many of you, it is still very much optional. We are our own worst enemy. We want immediate GPS connectivity. We want to be on the grid constantly, texting and calling our friends and family hourly. We tag ourselves in photos, check in at restaurants, and post videos of ourselves on Youtube . Maybe the government really doesn’t care to look into any of this, but the point is, complaining about the NSA, while we ourselves are putting more and more of our information out into the world, voluntarily, is ever so slightly hypocritical. The last word in this surveillance debate is this: It is our choice to take part in it. In the end, we are spying on ourselves.
The Florida tech crimson
CAPS PSA: Are you aware? Stephanie L Field CAPS Everyone has a right to be safe and to feel secure in their environment. When we are in new situations, we are naturally on high alert-- just in case we need to protect ourselves. However, some of our most vulnerable moments actually occur when we are comfortable with our environments, and the people we are with, because we let our guard down. Currently on college campuses, one of the most significant safety issues is sexual assault. Sexual assault can happen to anyone-- men or women of any age-- and is unfortunately under-reported. You are invited to join CAPS on October 29 at 7p.m. in 202 Evans Hall for a free event, “If You Want To Touch, Ask!” to learn more about sexual assault awareness, discuss the serious issues behind safety and getting help and explore ways to keep yourself safe. While this event will go into more depth about sexual assault awareness, we are going to focus on some more general ways to stay safe in a variety of situations. To shed some more light on the issue, consider the following scenarios: Imagine there is small alleyway between two tall buildings that you need to walk through to arrive at your destination. It’s about noon on a sunny day, you are with a
few friends and there are a lot of people walking on the main streets at both ends of the alley. How do you feel? Now imagine this same alleyway, but it is midnight, there is no moonlight, you have no friends with you and the streets are fairly quiet. Feel different? It’s probably easy to say that the first scenario was where you would feel safest because you were not alone and could see your surroundings; however, the second scenario might sound more like the start of a bad horror movie, since you were alone and unable to see what was going on around you. Also, if something unexpectedly happened, there might not be anyone to help. If you were actually in these scenarios, your gut instinct (or the primitive fear centers in your brain that initiate the fight-or-flight response) would most likely put up a red flag telling you to “STOP!” by increasing your heart rate, raising your blood pressure, and maybe even making your palms sweaty. Next, the more developed part of your brain would allow you to logically think, “Yikes, that seems really ominous; I think I’ll find another route.” Now go back to the first alley: it’s bright and sunny, and as you and your friends are in the midst of an exciting conversation, a huge venomous spider lands on your shoulder, but you are so distracted you don’t even notice! You were comfortable and happy, yet at your most vulnerable. However, if you were in that dark alley, would you have noticed the spider on your shoulder? You probably would because your senses were heightened, since you were in a new and uncomfortable situation. The point of this is not to scare you away from all the situations where you feel safe, but to educate you about developing a SMART level of awareness. S = SPEED DIAL! Keep important numbers in your speed dial, such as Campus Security (321-674-8111) and a Taxi service, such as Brevard Yellow Cab (321-723-1234) or Brevard Checker Taxi (321676-3100). In case your phone is compromised (come on, I know you drop your phone as often as I do,) be sure to also have these numbers written on a piece of paper and safely stored in your wallet. M = MEETING PLACE! Whether you are partying at a new place or relaxing at an old hangout, make sure you agree on a place and time to
meet with the people you are with. This is a safe move in the event that someone loses their phone and gets separated from the party, or if your ride home needs to know where to find you. A = ASK! If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, ask for help! If the folks around seem sketchy and you are not keen on asking for their assistance, call 9-1-1 immediately. Remember, your gut instinct can be a lifesaver. R = R A L LY T H E TROOPS! Stick with friends. Make sure they are people you know well instead of acquaintances, or “friends of friends.” T = TUNE IN! Don’t get distracted when you are talking, texting, or fumbling for your keys. Keep your head up and use your eyes to be aware of potential dangers that can arise anywhere, from crossing the street to warding off potential attackers. Safety is up to you; be aware, advocate for yourself, and be a part of the solution. Remember, we are all vulnerable to sexual assault, and a perpetrator is often someone a victim knows well instead of a stranger. For more information on sexual assault awareness, safety tips, and how to cope after an assault, CAPS welcomes you to attend “If You Want To Touch, Ask!” on October 29 at 7p.m. in 202 Evans Hall. Come learn simple skills to enhance your personal safety, and that of the campus community. We hope these are some helpful hints for reducing stress and anxiety; however, they may not be enough for the support you need. To make an appointment with a counselor, you are welcome to call (321) 674-8050 or walk in to the center. CAPS is located beside the Health Center, at the corner of Country Club Road and University Blvd. The CAPS website ( offers additional information regarding resources, services and groups, as well as brief screenings for depression, anxiety, stress, eating disorders and alcohol use. We realize it can be intimidating to ask for help, but we hope you reach out when you need us. CAPS is just one of many resources at Florida Tech that supports maintaining a happy and healthy you! CAPS is looking forward to seeing you for our “If You Want To To Touch, Ask!” to go over some safety smarts for sexual assault awareness!
3 -October 29, 2013
The Florida tech crimson
Which work works? Carlo Mencarelli Staff Writer Students looking for cash don’t have to look any further than their own college campus. Florida Tech hires hundreds of students per year through various programs each with their pros and cons. There are multiple options for students looking for extra income. The most popular solutions are the Federal Work Study (FWS) and the College Roll positions. Another option, though less utilized is getting a part-time job that is unaffiliated with Florida Tech. There are hundreds of FWS and College Roll job postings a semester varying from work at the Clemente Center to working as a research assistant for an engineering department. With the resources provided by Photo by Kelsey McMullan Florida Tech every student that Career Managment Services is located on the 3rd floor of the Commons building. wants to be employed can find a FWS or College Roll job that suits their needs. College Roll jobs go through assistant or at the Gleason Per- are capped at a certain amount Federal Work Study jobs are the Human Resources department forming Arts Center. Off campus depending on the level of aid each handled by the Career Managelocated at the R.J. Work Building. positions are also available as student needs. The current total is ment department on the third floor These jobs are paid for by the de- tutors at local University Elemen- capped at $1000 per student per of the Florida Tech Commons. partment and open to all students tary School or at the Brevard Zoo. semester. College Roll earnings, Since FWS jobs are a form of regardless of citizenship. These College Roll jobs are center on the alternatively, are not capped at any federal aid international students jobs are just as varied as FWS university. The types of jobs range amount. FWS students are usuare not eligible for them. There jobs. They are applied for using from working at the Holzer Health ally allowed to switch to College are over 500 students in FWS the Student Job Board located on Center to the Panther Dining Hall. Roll when their federal funds are positions per year according to the the FL Tech website. The most important part of depleted though. The amount paid Career Management department The type of job a FWS can working for students is the pay per hour varies from job to job; it and even more available. be is very widespread. It can be they earn. That said, FWS jobs can be as little as $7.79 per hour or on campus working as a research
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higher than $10.00 per hour. The decision to apply for and ultimately accept a position with the college is serious and must be made with great care. The jobs aren’t very demanding and are usually very flexible with student schedules, but that doesn’t mean that the student can skip work if they don’t want to go one day. These jobs do have a minimum GPA requirement which, depending on the job, can be as high as 3.7.
4 -October 29, 2013
Access of evil: Website begins 2.0
The Florida tech crimson
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Everyone is welcome here. Photo by Neal Carera Josh Culver at his command center for Access updates.
Story continued from Page 1 to different systems.” Culver is aware of the problems Access is facing and is prepared to meet them head on. One of the major problems is making people use the system: “The hard-
est thing about Access is getting people to use it. Breaking old ways and habits.” The trend is changing though: According to Culver, freshman this semester have had an easier time using Access than senior students and professors. “Feedback is always welcome and taken very seri-
ous.” Culver said. He also stated that an official suggestions area will return to Access after being removed due to the area being used incorrectly as a help desk form. To combat this Culver has also been developing new help files for Access and will be posting those online as well.
An interactive map is on our website: Or call us at 321-723-8032 for more information. Harvest Faire – October 28 Sunday Service at 9:30 am
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5 -October 29, 2013
The Florida tech crimson
Photo by Neal Carrera Homecoming kicked off with a competition between the king and queen candidates in Columbia Village. Photo by AAron funk Anton Medvedev, Michael McMahon and Ahmad-Abu Hijleh from Tau Kappa Epsilon and Kristin Treat from Alpha Phi compete together in the homecoming lipsync competition.
Photo by Efram Goldberg Matthew Ryan scores the first run for the Panthers. A blackout late in the game didn’t help the team, they went on to loose to UCF 6-4. Photo by AAron funk Taking Back Sunday lead singer, Adam Lazzara, could not attend the concert. Spencer Chamberlain (pictured), former Underoath frontman filled in and rocked downtown Melbourne.
Photo by Efram Goldberg Pi Kappa Alpha’s Ricky Barbera and Phi Sigma Sigma’s Melissa Chapman won the King & Queen competition.
Photo by Efram Goldberg Number 14 Sean Ashley pushes past the Warner defensemen to make a touchdown for Florida Tech. The Panthers would go on to win the game 37-3.
Photo by Efram Goldberg (Right) Students dance the night away on the fourth level of the parking garage.
For More photographs from the homecoming and football game Visit the Crimson Website
6 -October 29, 2013
ENTERTAINMENT Anime Review: Attack on Titan
Angelina Bonilla Contributing Writer Attack on Titan or Shingeki No Kyojin is by far the most frustrating anime to review. Not because it’s bad, but because it is simultaneously one of the best anime of the summer and one of the most irritating anime of the summer. It is a Bipolar experience to say the very least. There are so many good parts about Attack On Titan that really do make you want to watch more and there are also parts that make you want to grab the writer of the series, shake him and go “WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS?!” It’s really hard to peg at times whether you as the viewer are supposed to be enjoying yourself for not. Attack On Titan is about an alternate version of earth where 1,000 years ago the planet was overrun by these giant creatures called Titans, humanoid looking things that do nothing but amble across the landscape and eat people. The human population was almost wiped out until they built three walls and managed to endure 100 years of peace in a gilded cage, until all hell breaks loose, enticing Eren (our protagonist), Mikasa (his adopted sister) and Armin (Eren’s Best Friend) to join the military when they reach age in order to beat the Titans
and reclaim the world, despite the insurmountable odds against them. At its core, Attack on Titan is very similar to a zombie apocalypse story and it shows by the “anyone can die” mentality. Getting too attached to any character on this show is a bad idea because you never know when they might get eaten. In a way this draws the viewer in because despite the horrible situation these characters are in you want to see them win. This sort of survival story is what has drawn people to the show and it’s hard to deny the pull of it. The characters are the best part about the show, particularly the trainee squad that’s focused on in the first few episodes. The first half of the anime being the most compelling part of the series as it builds up the story, shows us our first twist in the narrative and gives us a real reason to root for these guys. An issue does arise when we are suddenly introduced to new characters in the second half and are expected to care for them the same way, while the amount of episodes we spend with the new ones is relatively the same amount, we don’t get to grow with them. We barely get to see our trainees group and everything they did seemed to get pushed to the sidelines. The only big reason the second half stayed as compelling as it did was to see the inevitable
battle between two forces, but it just felt like it dragged on much like the rest of the second arc. The biggest problem in Attack on Titan is that the thing just drags on too long or just goes too fast. There is almost no neutral gear in this shows
gear shift. The pacing is very inconsistent, a trait it shares with its Manga counterpart. While it’s understandable that the writer needs to put exposition in in order to explain or show certain things, it’s not as understandable when they drag
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The Florida tech crimson
things out that could have been handled in one or two episodes they instead drag them out in five. It’s frustrating to say the very least that every episode ends on a cliffhanger even if nothing happened in the episode other than a big exposition dump. The one thing that everyone remembers about Titan is its opening, which is by far one of the best in any anime this reviewer has seen in a while. Both openings are just great and the endings add a delightful bit of symbolism that the show unfortunately lacked. The music overall is just fantastic and the animation is superb being some of the best action related animation that the anime community has seen in years. Every movement is crisp and clean as if it was happening right before your eyes and the sheer amount of beauty of it is worth at least one viewing. Media and Anime enthusiasts alike can find a lot to like in Attack on Titan. It’s got great action, compelling characters, amazing music and beautiful animation which is truly a sight to behold. The flaws however are what really hold this show back from being a masterpiece, taking what could have been a brilliant tale or survival in a cruel world and ended up with a great tale of survival in a cruel world.
7 -October 29, 2013
The Florida tech crimson
Open Access, open knowledge for all Kelsey McMullan Scit/Tech Editor
Models of Open Access Publishing
works, especially peer reviewed journals, free of charge. The idea behind this philosophy is that if we Imagine having all the an- share the knowledge of the world swers to the world’s largest and with each other, we can help to most complex problems at your solve each others problems. The fingertips, and the only thing you problems could be as complex as have to do is pay a subscription water mitigation and solving world fee to access all the answers. How hunger, or as simple as creating a much would you be willing to pay new piece of code to enhance a to have those answers? computer program. Evans Library celebrated T h e movement focuses on the availability of scholarly material, especially peer reviewed materials, but it is not restricted to publications. Photo by Kelsey Mcmullan The moveEvans Librarians provided Open Access ment also includes cookies at all of the events. open source software and open courseware. Open source software International Open Access week is a way for developers to interact from Oct. 21-27. The librarians with potential software users and hope that by sharing this event other developers in a way that with students, faculty and the cam- will improve source code. Open pus community that they can foster courseware is free courses that dialogue between the parties and individuals can access to increase encourage more openly shared, their knowledge and skills. Many peer-reviewed work with burden top universities and Ivy League of having to pay for the materials. schools have already begun putting The idea behind the open courses on iTunes, giving more access movement is to create people access to them. databases where scholars, sciHere on the Florida Tech entists and individuals can have campus the library has already beaccess to each others published
Top 3D graphics editing software Christopher Pangalos Staff Writer Over the years computer generated graphics have come a long way, from 2D frames to detailed 3D models. Today computer graphics are used in many forms of media including advertising, movies, TV shows, and video games. Similar to sculptors of the past, many modern day artists spend months creating and perfecting elaborate virtual models. Many of the programs to perform these tasks run hundreds of dollars. Luckily there are also open source programs such as Blender that allow everyday users to make their own creations free of cost. Blender (Free)- The all-inone for 3D model editing, Blender does pretty much everything from modeling, rendering, and sculpting to animation, video editing, and game creation. Blender easily beats many studio quality programs in overall capability supporting multiple operating systems and over 40 file extensions. Users familiar with Python can create scripts and games in Blender. On the downside the wide range of features gives Blender a very steep learning curve similar to a more complex Photoshop in three dimensions. While any type of 3D modeling requires a fair amount of experience, many of Blender’s features are accessed via hotkeys and a wide variety of menus which even experienced users may find difficult to master. Overall, Blender has the most potential of any free graphics software, but requires time and commitment to get much use out of it. Art of Illusion (Free)- While it doesn’t have nearly as many features as Blender, Art of Illusion
is much easier to use for model creation and supports the same major operating systems. Rather than having tons of different menus Art of Illusion features a toolbar on the side which allows users to create basic shapes, draw, or make selections more easily. While it doesn’t support game design, Art of Illusion does support animation and texture design. Overall, Art of illusion is a good alternative for users who have a bit of experience with graphics editing, but don’t wish to spend hours sorting through features they’ll never use. Wings 3D (Free)- A more basic program purely for model creation, Wing 3D should be used in conjunction with another program to modify and render. While Wings lacks animation and other advanced features it has the advantage of being quick and easy. Almost the opposite of blender, it has a very basic interface with small menus and only a few important buttons for basic mesh editing. Overall, Wings 3D is a good tool for creating simple models but lacks the features for anything advanced. Anim8or (Free)- With a good balance of usability and capability Anim8or is one of the best programs for beginning users who want to create advanced models. As its name implies Anim8or supports model animation through the use of key frames which knowledgeable users should be able to use with only a bit of practice. Anim8or’s interface is similar to Wings 3D keeping the main space empty and displaying most common tools on the side. While creating and editing models still requires practice Anim8or makes it fairly easy to perform basic tasks. Overall, Anim8or is a good option for those new to 3D graphics.
gun work on creating a database of university publications. They are focusing on professor’s publications currently and hope to expand their database to include graduate students theses in the near future. “There are big problems to solve,” said Holly Miller, one of the Florida Tech librarians, “the more access to the information would help solve the problems.” To celebrate Open Access week the library hosted introduction sessions, a few lectures, a q&a session and an essay writing competition. The q&a session featured a video chat with Peter Suber, director of the Harvard Office for Scholarly Communication, faculty Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and director of the Harvard Open Access Project. The essay contest was open to students and featured prizes for first through third place. 19 students submitted essays. The winners of the contest were Philip Gravinese, Sydney Smead in second and Henry Walch in third. While this movement sounds like a great way to increase the knowledge available in the world, it’s not without opponents. Universities, publishers, and even some professors are opposed to the Open Access movement because of the limited control of usage that open material. Professors and researchers opposed to the Open Access movement are concerned
Gold The cost of publishing is shifted from the readers to the authors. The author costs are usually paid by universities, research institutes, or funding agencies that support research. Green Authors may post open access copies of their published articles in online repositories, such as those maintained by their employers, usually universities. Hybrid Publishers maintain traditional paid subscription models but allow authors the choice to pay fees so that their articles can have open access upon publication. Delayed Access to content is embargoed for paid subscribers until after a certain period of time has elapsed. Provided by Evans Library, Susan Kozaitis, OpenAccess
about controlling the copyright and usage of their intellectual property. Also of concern is the loss of potential profit if the publications are made available for free. According to statistics published in 2010-2011 by the Association of research libraries, Washington D.C. the price of peer reviewed journals have risen 402 percent since the 1980s. That increase is four times faster than the price of books and other printed materials that libraries purchase.
The price of different journals and the availability of global research is not just a concern of professors and publishers, but of students as well. Petra Brnova, an industrial and organizational psychology pHD candidate is also feeling the financial pressure, “I’m interested in Open Access because I’m a researcher, and I need access to quality information, globally. Going through publishers is not always a viable option,” said Brnova.
Gadget Corner Joseph Stoltz Staff Writer Since it’s the “most ghoulish season of the year,” and only a few days away from All Hallows’ Eve itself, we nerds are able to show our true selves to the world without fear of being judged and ridiculed, or at least most of us anyways. So here’s two gadgets for the nerd at heart.
S3 Krypton Laser For those of you who know you were born a Jedi, but your parents tried to hide it from you in fear of you power, you will need a lightsaber to complete your training, but sadly that’s easier said than done, or at least until now since Wicked Lasers offers a fair amount of choices for powerful laser “toys” to play with, of which two stand out from the rest; the Krypton and the Arctic lasers. The S3 Krypton series shoots a beautiful and elegant emerald death ray that will annihilate the retinas of any poor creature that stares into the beam. This overpowered handheld laser has a power output of 500mW+ (500+ milliwatts), and to help you visualize how powerful the laser is, Wicked Laser wrote that the “Krypton is a Class 4 laser that can extend from the top of the One World Trade Center in New York City to Philadelphia.” They even continue on to say that the light is strong enough that it can point out stars in the sky and be seen by astronauts. On the Krypton’s webpage, you can see a video of a 100mW version of the laser igniting alcohol wicks by simply shining on it. If this is still not enough power for you and you need more adventure, then you can upgrade to 750mW+ edition.
S3 Arctic Laser The second laser, the S3 Arctic series, is for the people who care more about the burn than the shiny light that shoots out. While the Krypton series is substantially brighter and visible at great distances, the Arctic’s starting version has 700mW+ of available power to be used instead of only 500mW+, thus meaning you can have about 33% more fun burning stuff. The Arctic is also a much more affordable laser to buy, so this laser is more of a “utility” with more “burn for your buck,” and it does still make for a nice lightshow with its cyan colored beam, but it’s no Krypton spectacle. I know for some of you that a mere 700mW+ will still not satiate your hunger for power, but you don’t have to stop there, because this little friendly handheld laser also comes in a 1.4W+ version and a fully glorious 2W+ version. Now you may be wondering what these lovely devices have to do with a lightsaber other than burning things, well Wicked Lasers was so kind as to design the aircraft grade aluminum body of the laser to look like a lightsaber hilt, so much so that it could easily pass off as your own unique version of the device. The body design is not were the Jedi fun stops either, Wicked Lasers actually sells a lightsaber attachment, or as they refer to it as a “LaserSaber” since they are not affiliated with the Star Wars brand name, but none the less, people will aw at its spectacular splendor. Sadly now here comes the heartbreak. The Arctic laser has a starting price of $299.95 for the 700mW+, and the price grows up to $599.95 for the 2W+ version. For the Krypton laser, the price is even higher since to make the green light, the beam must be refracted through a complex series of crystals, thus the reason for the 500mW+ version being $699.95, and the 750mW+ version being $999.95, which is still much cheaper than buying textbooks. The cheapest part of the LaserSaber set is the saber section itself which is only $99.95, or cheaper than your cheapest textbook.
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SPORTS the Florida tech crimson
October 29, 2013
Both cross country teams advance to regional championship
Aces and runways
Kelsey McMullan Scit/Tech Editor Florida Tech women’s cross country team placed fourth, and the men’s cross country team placed fifth in the Sunshine State Conference Championship run on Sat. Oct. 26 at the Abbey Golf Course in St. Leo, Fla. The men’s 8k race was more challenging than the teams’ last race at the Florida State Invitational. Alvin Estacio was the only runner to set a new season best time of 31:28. Justin McMaster was the top runner from the men’s team with a time of 26:15, placing him sixth out of 60 runners. Josh Gordon was close behind McMaster coming in 12th with a time of 26:46. Ezekiel Zauner finished third from the Panthers in 17th with a time of 27:04.
Volleyball standout to compete in international beauty pageant David Barkholz Sports Editor On Nov. 2 Ezgi Avci will be in the Clemente Center, fighting alongside her teammates in what will be a crucial late-season Sunshine State Conference matchup against Rollins College. Two days later Avci will be by herself on a plane leaving the country, a once in a lifetime opportunity awaiting her in the Philippians. That once in a lifetime opportunity is the 2013 Ms. Earth international beauty pageant, an event Avci qualified for by finishing third in the Miss Turkey pageant last summer. “I’m so lucky,” Avci said. “My parents always wanted me to compete in Miss Turkey, but I was always like, ‘Eh, maybe not.’” But just this past year the junior from Istanbul finally caved and applied – along with 3,000 women – to compete in the national completion. It was a short time later that she received an email back. “I needed to go for eliminations,” Avci said. “They invited only 200 people out of the 3,000. Out of those 200, only 28 were chosen, and one of them was me.” Suddenly standing in the national limelight, the business administration major was whisked away back to her hometown for two weeks of “beauty camp.” “We worked a lot,” she said. “One day I remember
Photo by Efram Goldberg Avci prepars to serve. She has 12 aces this season. we worked 21 hours. It was really tiring. We were practicing how to dance because we had a huge show that night and really worked a lot on the choreography, how to pose – how to do all kinds of things.” It’s a lot of work for someone who had never competed in pageant before in their life. “We had so many photo shoots,”Avci said. “It was so exciting actually for the photo shoots, but it was also making me nervous because they were like, ‘You need to pose like this,’ and I don’t know how to pose. I was so nervous at the time but after a week I got used to it.” But Avci didn’t just get used to posing in front the cameras. She became one the best her country, good enough to finish third in a completion that began with 3,000. And then she came back home – to her other home – the volleyball court. She could have been a swimmer, but the repetitiveness of the sport bored her. She tried ballet next. “I got bored of that too after a year.” She said with a laugh. “Finally I ended up playing volleyball.” Acvi made the right choice.
She is part of a Florida Tech volleyball squad who jumped to a 12-2 record to start the season. Now at 14-7, the Panthers find themselves smack-dab in the middle the SSC standings, the conference tournament looming ahead at the end of November. But Avci won’t be there. She’ll be overseas. That doesn’t mean she won’t have the support of her teammates. Acvi has one more supporter, her coach, Amy O’Brien. “I’m so thankful for my coach”, Acvi said. “She’s like, ‘Yes, you should go. I’m so proud of you.’ She’s supported me a lot, that’s why I’m so thankful for her.” “I’m so sorry to leave them here. We’re really doing well this season. I’m really proud of them. We’re like a family. I wish them best of luck.” As far her academics go, Acvi will receive a grade of “incomplete” right now while she competes overseas. Upon her return she will take a final examine for each course. “It’s going to be hard,” she said. “You have to take notes in class, so I think I’m going to need to get notes from some of my friends.” The final night of the Miss Earth competition will be telecasted live 8 p.m. on Dec. 7.
Library Corner
Now through May 1, 2013, stop by Evans Library lobby for a trip through the a-MAZE-ing Human Experience, which features research and artworks from FIT’s College of Psychology and Liberal Arts. Climb inside… you may be surprised by what you find.
Three Panthers finished in the top twenty, Inka Homeyer placing 11th in a time of 23:06, Ellyn Willse in 18th in a time of 23:51 and Chelsea Forgenie coming across the finish line in the19th position in 23:55. Carl Dunne from Saint Leo University was the first place runner overall with a time of 25:37. Alexandria Palm from Nova Southeastern finished first overall out of 70 runners in a time of 21:50. The men’s team will be advancing to the NCAA Division II South Region Championship. The Region Championship race will be in Tampa, Fla. and begins at 10:00 a.m. If any of the runners qualify, the NCAA Division II National Championship race will be in Spokane, Wash. On Nov. 23.
Football blows out Warner 37-3 Press Release Florida Tech Athletics
Florida Tech (3-5) won its first Homecoming Game over fellow first-year program Warner University (0-9) by a 37-3 score Saturday afternoon in front of nearly 4,000 fans at Palm Bay High School’s Pirate Stadium. “It was great to get our first Homecoming win in school history,” head coach Steve Englehart said. “All sides of the ball played pretty well. We still have some areas we need to shore up and we committed some mistakes I don’t like seeing. I attribute that to part of the game, unfortunately. Warner made some plays that kept us offguard like the fake punts. I thought we responded by giving up only one of those. We capitalized on a couple of the punts that went over the punter’s head to put us in great field position. “Those plays really gave us a chance to play out in front, which we really haven’t done all year. That was good for our team, gave us a lot of energy and allowed our defense to play fast. We still need to continue doing a better job of getting first downs on third downs and do a better job of not allowing the opposing team to get a first down on third down. Overall, we played spirited and pretty well. I’m going to look for us to tweak some of the mistakes we had by watching the film and have a good week this upcoming week.” Leading 10-3 in the second quarter, the Panthers took advantage of a high snap on a punt by Warner and started at the Royals’ one-yard line. Following a penalty by each team, quarterback Sean Ashley ran the ball in from one-yard out for what would be his first of three straight rushing
touchdowns. Kenrick Walters put an exclamation point on the win with a 17-yard run with 3:22 remaining. For the first time in its inaugural season, the Panthers scored on the opening drive as Kaleb Leach capped a six-play, 61-yard drive with a seven-yard run less than three minutes into the game. Warner’s Connor Killeen answered with a 31-yard field goal at the 3:09 mark of the first quarter and could not tack on any additional points the remainder of the game. FIT’s defense held the Royals to negative-11 rushing yards and just 130 yards of total offense. It also held Warner to 2-of-8 on fourth-down conversions. J.J. Sanders led the defense once again with doubledigit tackles as he finished with 11. Anthony Hicks had four of the team’s 23 tackles for a loss. Of his four tackles, two were sacks. Tyler Grow matched Hicks with two sacks. Bobby Vega totaled 121 passing yards on 14-of-22 attempts. Ashley was 2-of-3 for 22 yards and had 15 yards on five carries along with his three rushing touchdowns. Aaron George and Xavier Milton led FIT with four catches each. George accumulated 48 receiving yards and Milton had 17. Jarvis Giles paced the Panthers in rushing with 56 yards on 12 carries. The Panthers will resume their Gulf South Conference schedule on Thursday, Oct. 31 with a 7:30 p.m. ET kickoff at the University of West Georgia in Carrollton, Ga. The game will be shown on regional television and ESPN3 for Melbourne area fans.
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