RIMSON The Florida Tech
The Official Student-Run Newspaper•since
crimson@fit.edu Issue 4
Our Mission: Live, discover and report the truth.
A Fan of Fireworks
Fireworks Lift spirits at Founders Day
emily walker // crimson
Florida Tech pays tribute to President Keuper during Founders Day emily walker \\ staff writer
Florida Tech celebrated its sixtieth anniversary by trying something it had never done before: setting off fireworks. The Founders Day event took place on Saturday, Sept. 22 as Florida Tech celebrated its sixtieth anniversary. The event was open to not only students, staff, and faculty, but also to the public. According to Wes Sumner, a member of the organizing committee for the event, roughly 2,000 people from Florida Tech and the community attended the event. The event kicked off at 6:30 p.m. on Crawford Green with a blow-up obstacle course, inflatable balls people could run around inside, and free food from Chick-fil-A. Florida Tech gave out free t-shirts and set up a tent where people could create their own laptop skins and stickers. At 8 p.m., the fireworks began over the Olin Quad.
Sumner said they organized the event to include not just students, but also the community. According to Sumner, the biggest way they did that was through the fireworks, which Sumner helped organize. “We wanted to do something that had not been done before,” he said. “We wanted to do something that would be a gift back. Something that would give folks an opportunity to come together and have a moment of joy in relation to Florida Tech.” While the fireworks may have been the highlight of the night, the evening started with the free food, shirts, and stickers. Ajeé Watson, a sophomore studying aerospace engineering, said the food was a big draw for her. “I heard about the free food, and I got tipped off that it was Chick-fil-A,” she said. Brynn Doughty, a sophomore in ocean engineering, believed the activities were
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Study days "fall" short
thomas handel \\ staff writer
As students trudge through the first half of the semester, with obstacles such as midterms and projects looming ahead, it may seem daunting to some that final exam study days have been removed from the calendar. Monica Baloga, the Senior Vice President for Academics and Provost, described in an email statement how the decision was reached last spring by the university. Baloga stated that due to the necessity of meeting credit hour requirements, administration, with the help
of SGA, conducted a poll for students on whether they wished to keep their study days or fall break. The students ultimately decided to keep fall break. Adam Syndergaard, a sophomore in mechanical engineering, described how much has changed since then. “Last semester I didn’t really feel it that much because my classes were super easy, but I feel like this semester it’s going to make a big difference,” Syndergaard said. “My classes got drastically harder.” When asked about the decision that was reached, however, Syndergaard said he was content with the
outcome. “I think it is nice to have the break halfway throughout the semester just to kind of break it up,” Syndergaard said. He spoke about in addition to the fall break, earlier holidays such as Labor Day and Columbus Day make the difference as well. Raghav Ringshia, another sophomore in mechanical engineering, was less enthusiastic, citing the importance of those final two days before final exams.
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No more student directory annika sundquist \\ staff writer
Students everywhere no longer have the ability to look up other students’ emails on the Florida Tech website. Florida Tech has gotten rid of the Student Directory in favor of other applications available on the website that they joint run with the marketing department in web services. Curtis Robinson, Associate Director of IT Enterprise Systems, said, “IT has been evaluating a bunch of different custom applications available on the website. They have reduced the number that IT supports”, and the student directory is one of those applications. Students have been upset about the lack of communication that the directory would no longer be available. Connie Ammons, a senior in business and environmental studies, has a work study position on campus that she used the directory for a lot in the past. Ammons said, “I’m an assistant
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Parking problems on campus Tyler jones \\ staff writer
Taking five to ten minutes to find a parking spot, if there even are any left, have students disgruntled. To many, it seems that it’s nearly impossible to ever find parking on campus, leaving students having to walk long distances to class or being late because they couldn’t even find a place to park. Some students are left questioning why they have to pay for parking when the tuition per year is at such a high rate. “I feel like it’s stupid, I already payed $50,000 why do I have to pay any more money just to park,” said,Jared Blanco, software engineer major. Often times students end up arriving on campus much earlier than they want to just to allow themselves the time to find a place to park. “I often spend 5-10 Minutes looking for a place to park,” said, Johnny Poret, computer science major. The recent increase in parking prices hasn’t helped this situation either. In an interview with the Chief of Security, Kevin Graham, to discuss the recent rise in frustrations regarding parking around campus. “I do not set the policy as far as
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pages 6-7 celebrating 60 years at the florida insitute of technology