Fall 2017 - Issue 7

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Candelaria’s Got Confidence // JEFF LIBBY CONTRIBUTING WRITER In these last few weeks of the

more of a governing body rather than a programming body,” Candelaria explained. “We want to make the students aware that we’re here, we’re

semester and onward into next

the voice of the students and we want

year, many planned improvements

to be that voice.”

will take place within the Student

Candelaria explained how in the

Government Association. Under

past, SGA has not been successful in

new president, Rebecca Candelaria,

making itself known to the public. As

students at Florida Tech can expect

a result, many students may not have

a government with an amplified

fully realized what the SGA provided

interest in the needs and concerns

for them.

of the student body. Even in just the

Now, Candelaria hopes to better

Rebecca Candelaria offically became SGA presiPhoto by Jeff Libby dent on Oct. 16.

past few weeks, changes have already

immerse SGA within the student

been made to facilitate a better

body, stating there will be increased

student government and organization

functioning administration.

encouragement for student feedback


In a recent interview, Candelaria

and student involvement. Students

“We’re also working to construct

discussed some of these changes and

are now invited to sit in on open

an actual presidential cabinet with

shed light on the future plans of SGA.

executive board meetings, where they

positions dealing with residence

can express opinions directly to the

life, campus affairs and athletics,”

“We’re trying to make ourselves

//ABEER JANAKAT DESIGN EDITOR "Alexander Yanes ("Uncle

Lunny currently lives in Stamford, Connecticut, with her husband and two sons and commutes one and a half hours into the city to work each morning by train. Photo by Elizabeth Webbe

FIT Alumna at the NY Times She has also worked for a handful of other magazines in the

Kennedy Space Center and SpaceX.

She had a meeting with the CEO of

Now, the the New York Times can be

Gucci the other week as part of her

added to that list.

job with meeting business clients.

bachelor’s degree in humanities in

“He had been dealt a short hand since birth because of his autoimmune disease, but he never

after a months long battle with a

complained or said anything. He

failing liver and a lifelong fight with

just kept going along, laughing

an autoimmune disease. A member of

and smiling and hanging out

the Alpha Upsilon pledge class, he was

with his friends,” Raja Shahroze

an astronomy and astrophysics major,

Khan, software engineering

just 20 years young. Brother mine

student and the vice president of


communication of Pi Lambda Phi,

brothers of Pi Lambda Phi received on

said. If you did not get a chance to

Tuesday, Oct. 31 from Casey Doran, a

know Alex, here is a little glimpse

software engineering graduate student

from the people that know him.

and the previous president of Pi Lambda Phi. Alexander Yanes, a Florida Tech junior, previously a senator of SGA

Casey Doran was the president in 2015 when Yanes was initiated into Pi Lambda Phi. “He was a promising

and a brother of Pi Lambda Phi,

freshman, good grades coming

passed away on Oct. 30.

in, really excited about his major

Yanes suffered from an

[astronomy and astrophysics], was very much in line with Pi Lambda


Her interview was via phone and

was 21 and worked as a temporary

the workday, getting in and out of

receptionist in New York City.

a taxi as she went about her jampacked day, which begins at 5:45 a.m. “A lot of it was on my own and

Division at the New York Times,

personal drive,” Lunny said. “I never

overseeing anything that involves

thought of myself as being daring, but

digital, video, branded content,

looking back, I think I was. I never

magazines, newspaper events and

ever doubted I could do something.”

conferences for the luxury division.

best he could be.

event a few weeks ago.

1993. She moved up north when she

is the Vice President of the Luxury

discourage him from being the

Nicki Minaj attended her business

conducted as she was traveling during

Twenty-one years later, she


city: Vogue, Teen Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Women’s Health and more.

graduated from Florida Tech with her

on their respective departments

Fester") passed away this morning

autoimmune disease, but that did not

at extraordinary places like NASA,

Elizabeth Webbe Lunny

be responsible for checking in

In memory of Alexander Yanes

This was the group message the

Florida Tech alums have careers

Cabinet members would

Brother Mine Forever

“...Everyone is going to work hard. You have to work harder.”


Candelaria said.

The Florida Tech Crimson

New SGA President


Yanes at the annual Pi Lambda Phi formal. Photo by Pi Lambda Phi

Issue 7 November 14 Fall 2017

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