Fall 2017 - Issue 7

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Candelaria’s Got Confidence // JEFF LIBBY CONTRIBUTING WRITER In these last few weeks of the

more of a governing body rather than a programming body,” Candelaria explained. “We want to make the students aware that we’re here, we’re

semester and onward into next

the voice of the students and we want

year, many planned improvements

to be that voice.”

will take place within the Student

Candelaria explained how in the

Government Association. Under

past, SGA has not been successful in

new president, Rebecca Candelaria,

making itself known to the public. As

students at Florida Tech can expect

a result, many students may not have

a government with an amplified

fully realized what the SGA provided

interest in the needs and concerns

for them.

of the student body. Even in just the

Now, Candelaria hopes to better

Rebecca Candelaria offically became SGA presiPhoto by Jeff Libby dent on Oct. 16.

past few weeks, changes have already

immerse SGA within the student

been made to facilitate a better

body, stating there will be increased

student government and organization

functioning administration.

encouragement for student feedback


In a recent interview, Candelaria

and student involvement. Students

“We’re also working to construct

discussed some of these changes and

are now invited to sit in on open

an actual presidential cabinet with

shed light on the future plans of SGA.

executive board meetings, where they

positions dealing with residence

can express opinions directly to the

life, campus affairs and athletics,”

“We’re trying to make ourselves

//ABEER JANAKAT DESIGN EDITOR "Alexander Yanes ("Uncle

Lunny currently lives in Stamford, Connecticut, with her husband and two sons and commutes one and a half hours into the city to work each morning by train. Photo by Elizabeth Webbe

FIT Alumna at the NY Times She has also worked for a handful of other magazines in the

Kennedy Space Center and SpaceX.

She had a meeting with the CEO of

Now, the the New York Times can be

Gucci the other week as part of her

added to that list.

job with meeting business clients.

bachelor’s degree in humanities in

“He had been dealt a short hand since birth because of his autoimmune disease, but he never

after a months long battle with a

complained or said anything. He

failing liver and a lifelong fight with

just kept going along, laughing

an autoimmune disease. A member of

and smiling and hanging out

the Alpha Upsilon pledge class, he was

with his friends,” Raja Shahroze

an astronomy and astrophysics major,

Khan, software engineering

just 20 years young. Brother mine

student and the vice president of


communication of Pi Lambda Phi,

brothers of Pi Lambda Phi received on

said. If you did not get a chance to

Tuesday, Oct. 31 from Casey Doran, a

know Alex, here is a little glimpse

software engineering graduate student

from the people that know him.

and the previous president of Pi Lambda Phi. Alexander Yanes, a Florida Tech junior, previously a senator of SGA

Casey Doran was the president in 2015 when Yanes was initiated into Pi Lambda Phi. “He was a promising

and a brother of Pi Lambda Phi,

freshman, good grades coming

passed away on Oct. 30.

in, really excited about his major

Yanes suffered from an

[astronomy and astrophysics], was very much in line with Pi Lambda


Her interview was via phone and

was 21 and worked as a temporary

the workday, getting in and out of

receptionist in New York City.

a taxi as she went about her jampacked day, which begins at 5:45 a.m. “A lot of it was on my own and

Division at the New York Times,

personal drive,” Lunny said. “I never

overseeing anything that involves

thought of myself as being daring, but

digital, video, branded content,

looking back, I think I was. I never

magazines, newspaper events and

ever doubted I could do something.”

conferences for the luxury division.

best he could be.

event a few weeks ago.

1993. She moved up north when she

is the Vice President of the Luxury

discourage him from being the

Nicki Minaj attended her business

conducted as she was traveling during

Twenty-one years later, she


city: Vogue, Teen Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Women’s Health and more.

graduated from Florida Tech with her

on their respective departments

Fester") passed away this morning

autoimmune disease, but that did not

at extraordinary places like NASA,

Elizabeth Webbe Lunny

be responsible for checking in

In memory of Alexander Yanes

This was the group message the

Florida Tech alums have careers

Cabinet members would

Brother Mine Forever

“...Everyone is going to work hard. You have to work harder.”


Candelaria said.

The Florida Tech Crimson

New SGA President


Yanes at the annual Pi Lambda Phi formal. Photo by Pi Lambda Phi

Issue 7 November 14 Fall 2017



Satirical Section:



real fake news Fake News Inspired by Real Events


Student realizes all Almost time for his “I’ll do the Annual it laters” all Late-November coincide on Midterm Exam Thanksgiving Harvest Weekend Starting this week and going into the next couple of weeks, professors

In a shocking revelation, Florida

from all around Florida Tech are

Tech student, Chris Bradenton,

getting themselves ready for the Late-

realized that all his “I’ll do it laters”

November Midterm Exam Harvest.

have rearranged his schedule

It’s at this time of the semester the

to be piled up on the same five

midterm exams are ripe and ready for

days in November, also known as

the picking.

Thanksgiving weekend.

“I’ve been waiting a long time

“I don’t understand how

for the perfect moment to pick my

this could have happened,” said

midterm up out of the gates of hell,”

Bradenton. “I’ve been busy every

said a professor in the mathematics

day so I had to put off my design

department. “When Thanksgiving is

project to a couple days when I’m

close by, and students jump at the

not in class. I had to also put off

chance of freedom for a couple days, I

my book report to a time when I’m

know that’s the perfect time.”

not necessarily going to be tired.

“It’s always busy in the midterm

Who would’ve thought those days I

fields this time of year,” commented

postponed my assignments would be

a humanities professor. “Some of us

the same exact days?”

like to go there together to pick and

Bradenton says he has a plan to

issue our exams all at the same time.”

move forward with his predicament.

“Sometimes we mix it up and

“I’m visiting my family that weekend

don’t issue an exam, but we plant

so I’m going to have to try to finish

a project that will surely interrupt

those things some other time,” said

students’ time with their families,”

Bradenton. Eligible future times he

said a communication professor.

considered were Sunday night from

“You have to prepare for the

9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. or all day

harvest. It’s like preparing for the real

Monday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.

world. How else are students going to

Tuesday the next morning.

learn if they don’t put in extra effort

“Those seem like reasonable

and study over a holiday weekend?”

times. I don’t usually do anything

added the communication professor.

from the hours of 2:00 a.m. to

#CABISCOOLTELLYOURFRIENDS Sponsored by Florida Tech Campus Acitivities Board

6:00 a.m., so it’s nice to be able to manage my time appropriately,” said Bradenton.

Mary Kozaitis Editor-In-Chief mkozaitis2014@my.fit.edu

Ted Petersen Advisor tpetersen@fit.edu

Eleanor Mathers Managing Editor lmathers2014@my.fit.edu

Doug Schoeller Copy Editor dschoeller2013@my.fit.edu

Audrey Gangloff Copy Editor agangloff2013@my.fit.edu

Annika Sundquist Sports Editor asundquist2014@my.fit.edu

Abeer Janakat Design Editor ajanakat2013@my.fit.edu

Nathaniel Ashton Photo Editor nashton2015@my.fit.edu

Elin Svensson Business Manager esvensson2013@my.fit.edu

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The Florida Tech Crimson is a student-run newspaper published every two weeks during the academic year, with the exception of breaks and holidays, by the students of Florida Institute of Technology. General circulation of the paper is approximately 1,000 copies per issue. The Florida Tech Crimson is a service for Florida Tech students, staff, faculty, alumni and the general public. The Florida Tech Crimson strives to inform the public and to use its editorial sections as open forum for debate on campus issues. The Florida Tech Crimson welcomes input and opinion pieces submitted by students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Florida Institute of Technology. Published letters may be edited without notification for length, libel, good taste or other reasons at the discretion of our staff. The opinions expressed herein The Florida Tech Crimson and our website do not necessarily represent the student body, staff, faculty, alumni or Florida Institute of Technology or its partners. Images and stories submitter to The Florida Tech Crimson and their derivative works become the intellectual property of the Florida Tech Crimsons. Depicted works of art and or product may be subject to copyright to their respective owners. Advertisers may contact the Florida Tech Crimson for sizes and pricing at crimson@fit.edu. All contents copyright The Florida Tech Crimson unless otherwise notedp. All rights reserved. No part of the Florida Tech Crimson may be reprinted without the written consent of the Editor-In-Chief. The Florida Tech Crimson is always looking for new writers, columnists, photographers and designers. Contact us at crimson@fit.edu for more information.



Find Your Zen

// Lisa Stewart, M.S. & Gabriela Gonzalez, M.S. Outreach Coordinators (CAPS) Does the end of the semester

notice that your breathing becomes

have you feeling frazzled? Is your

quick and shallow. This is actually

to-do list growing by the minute?

our bodies’ way of adapting to

Are you feeling like there is not

stressful situations. For instance, if

enough time to get everything done?

you were taking a walk and stumbled

You may be feeling more stressed

across a bear, your body would go

than usual this time of the school

into “fight-or-flight mode, meaning

year. It is not uncommon for people

that hormones are released by the

to sacrifice basic needs when they

sympathetic nervous system to help

become stressed and overwhelmed,

either fight or flee the threat. As you

as they may be under the illusion that

are highly unlikely to come across any

it is helpful to do so. For instance,

bears when taking your final exams,

have you ever skipped a meal,

the fight-or-flight physiological

stopped going to the gym or pulled

response is less helpful when dealing

an all-nighter to study? These types

with academic stress and may even

of sacrifices may seem to provide a

worsen your stress. Fortunately,

short-term benefit of some extra time.

we can activate our bodies’

However, when our basic needs are

parasympathetic nervous system (or

not met, our mood and stress level

relaxation system) by taking slow,

can be negatively affected.

deep breaths.

Fortunately, there are many

slowly for five seconds. Repeat this

room,or any accessories like jewelry

Take a Mental Vacation

exercise until you feel calm.

or headphones.

Take five minutes to imagine

Ground Yourself

Think of three things you can

your favorite place in the entire

hear: Notice the background noises.

world. You may want to close your

about all the things you have to do,

Maybe you hear a clock ticking,

eyes or go somewhere where there

you are not able to enjoy the present

people talking or cars driving by.

are not a lot of distractions. Maybe

Think of two things you can

your favorite place is a beach or the

If you are busy stressing out

moment. Keeping yourself grounded in the present allows you to be fully

smell: Maybe you smell freshly cut

mountains, an amusement park or

engaged in each moment and can

grass or a nice perfume/cologne.

a bustling city. Try really hard to

prevent getting stuck in unhelpful

If you notice that you do not smell

think about what that place is like.

thinking ruts. To ground yourself, try

too pleasant, this could be a good

What does it look like? What does

this exercise that activates all five of

reminder not to neglect your hygiene

it sound like? What does it smell

your senses:

when you are stressed!

like? How do you feel when you are

Think of five things you can

Think of one thing you can taste:

there? Immersing e yourself into this

see: Take a second and look at your

Your breath may linger from a cup of

imagery allows your brain to create

surroundings and notice what is

coffee or maybe you are chewing on

positive emotional reactions based

around you, such as a design on the

gum or a piece of candy.

solely on your thoughts.

carpet, a shadow, a knick-knack or

Feel free to list more or less of

As you can see, relaxation does

any sensory experiences. The goal

not have to take a lot of time or

is to take a few minutes to notice

effort. Just taking five minutes each

feel: Pick something up and notice

your current surroundings instead of

day to practice mindfulness and

its texture. Consider the weight of

thinking about the future or past.

relaxation can make a big difference

a leaf. Think of four things you can

your clothes, the temperature of the

in managing your reaction to stress.

Want more Zen in your life? Check out our next event: #PanthersOm!

To try it out, place your hand on

helpful things you can do to help keep

your stomach. When you inhale, you

those stress levels in check as the end

should feel your stomach expand.

of the semester approaches. Next

This ensures that you are breathing

time your heart starts racing thinking

deeply from your diaphragm, instead

about finals, try one of these simple

of taking shallow breaths. To do this


technique, just remember five-five-

Just Breathe (Deeply)

five. First, breathe in slowly, counting

When feeling anxious,

to five in your head. Then, hold your

overwhelmed or stressed, you may



breath for five seconds. Lastly, exhale

For a weekly dose of Zen check out our group: Creative Reflections!





The Jilshock Group

Daniel Oguntoyinbo, Jilshock's chief operations officer, asking people if Jilshock can use pictures of them



Photo by Jilshock

that it developed into an expression,” Oguntoyinbo said. “It felt natural. So, we came together and said we were going to make

The Jilshock Group ― a media production and web marketing

A year and a half

company run by six Florida Tech

since the spring break

students ― began as an idea during

trip, The Jilshock Group

spring break in Panama City Beach

has grown to six members


and is starting to develop a

Ebube Ubochi, Oforma Osi-Ogbu and Daniel Oguntoyinbo were on that trip together. “My earliest memory of Jilshock

“PCB was the inception. From that it developed into an expression,” Oguntoyinbo said. “It felt natural. So, we came together and said we were going to make something out of this.”

something out of this.”

following. The company offers media production services — photography, videography,

goes back to spring break,” said

cinematography, layout

Oguntoyinbo, Chief Operations

and graphic design — and is

Officer for The Jilshock Group.

expanding into screenwriting

“It was just basically a couple of guys on a beach, going around, trying

and apparel. “We have an apparel line that we

to talk to people — girls especially,”

are building. That is our big project

he said. “I guess the best avenue to do

right now,” Ubochi said. The

that was through pictures.”

clothes will feature the

The three of them would walk up to people and ask, “Hey, can we take your picture?” According to Oguntoyinbo, the

group’s photography and designs. According to Ubochi, the group

idea didn’t start because they actually

went through a

wanted to take people’s pictures.

rebranding phase

“It was because we wanted

and is now starting

to talk,” he said. It was easier to

to take the shape

approach people from behind a lens.

that the team of

But, Ubochi — Chief Executive Officer of The Jilshock Group — said

six envisioned. “We talked

that wasn’t entirely true. “I wanted to

about what the

take pictures,” he said.

brand should be,

One photo had the guys hooked — they titled it “Bri.” “That picture is… I don’t know

what the brand should do, what products we

how to explain it,” Oguntoyinbo said.

wanted to take

Ubochi said the photo is still the best

on,” he said.

portrait he has ever taken.

“Now with

The Bri photo and the PCB trip

the pictures,

were enough to encourage Ubochi,

I am really

Oguntoyinbo and Osi-Ogbu to form

happy, because they are doing more

The Jilshock Group.

than just looking good. They are

“PCB was the inception. From

telling stories in interesting ways.”

"Monique" Photo by Jilshock from Beach Portrait Series




The Jilshock Group (Cont.)


THE PORTRAIT SERIES The Jilshock Group has started to release portraits on Instagram — @jilshock.

either of them laughing nervously, or them telling you stories.” Oforma Osi-Ogbu, Chief

“We post them in sets of three,

Information Officer for The Jilshock

so people can get a glimpse into what

Group, is the team’s analyst. He loves

the photo shoot actually was,” Ubochi

data analytics and monitoring trends.


“People like the candid shots — Ubochi does not give people

direction during the shoots. “When we start taking pictures, they are not sure what to do,” he said. But according to Ubochi, that state of confusion is golden. “Once you get pictures of the confusion, they either become a

when the person isn’t directly looking or directly posing,” he said. “The outdoor pictures are also doing really well.” According to Osi-Ogbu, The Jilshock Group is a force to be reckoned with. “You should definitely be on the

little more uncomfortable, or they

lookout for a lot of things from us in

start to get confident,” he said. “The

the next 18 months — our clothing,

confidence comes, but sometimes it’s

our videos and our screenwriting

nice if they feel uncomfortable first.

project,” he said.

That way, you get sincere shots —

"Bri", one of the group's favorite portraits taken.

Photos from The Jilshock Group’s Portrait Series on Instagram—@jilshock.

Photo by Jilshock


Candelaria’s Got Confidence (Cont.)



students know I’m not just picking

report back to discuss these issues

my favorite people,” Candelaria said. She explained that emails were

system would hopefully make

sent to the student body asking who

business easier to conduct, as well

they thought would be a good fit for

as resolve problems on campus with

each position. About 30 responses


were received in total, seven of which

Recently, business has not been very easy to conduct due to inconsistencies between the SGA’s

then applied for positions and were interviewed. Three of these people were

two main governing documents, the

selected for the positions by

Code of Laws and the Constitution.

Candelaria and will be later approved

“In some places, our Constitution actually contradicts our Code of Laws,” said Candelaria about

All of these updates and changes

Constitution is supposed to supersede

Candelaria said she feels confident in

the Code of Laws.”

her new role as president. Although she said she will miss some aspects

members are working to re-write

of being vice president, mentioning

the two documents so that they

how she enjoyed directly dealing

agree each other, hoping to have

with external affairs and the senate,

them approved by next semester.

Candelaria said she thinks she made

Having the documents well in-

the right choice in accepting to step

line would make processes such

up to the job. “I had been observing Daniel

business within the school more

[Ata] in his role and previously

straightforward and defined.

Warren [Pittorie], so I knew pretty

As for the new vice president and the three empty seats in the student senate, the positions have since been

well what I had to do as president,” said Candelaria. Moving forward, Candelaria

filled. The names were announced on

said she’s happy she will get to

Nov. 10.

see her visions put to action in the

Candelaria described the

FIT Alumna at the NY Times (Cont.)

week preliminary period. may seem overwhelming, but

as voting, appointing officials and

Professor Webbe’s office is located in the Harris Commons building and is filled with pictures of his family on his bookshelves, as well his degrees and some of his running medals on the wall. Photo by Mary Kozaitis

or disapproved by senate after a two-

the old documents. “Overall, the

Candelaria and her executive


“I wanted to make sure that the

to learn of any issues, and then in executive board meetings. This


Florida Tech community and said she

selection process as being more

realized that she might have missed

“open” than in the past, with the

that opportunity had she not accepted

input of students greatly considered.

the job as president.


as when she was in school, however.

at local Florida clinics and runs or

Father Douglas Bailey, the current

occasionally helps set-up running

she is she never assumed that she was

Catholic Campus Chaplain, married

races in Brevard county.

the smartest person in the room, but

her and her husband and said her

she knew she could be the hardest

grandfather’s funeral mass.

Lunny explains that to get where

She has another connection


that has been at FIT since her time

“I don’t want to come off

He explains the best part of his career is watching the progress and success of students. “That’s why I’m here. My favorite

preachy, but everyone is going to

on campus in the nineties, who also

day of the week is when I can see

work hard. You have to work harder,”

happens to be one of her biggest

students”, he said. “It keeps me

Lunny said. “Constructive criticism is

inspirations. Her father, professor

feeling their age. It’s energizing. I

crucial if you want to grow.”

Frank Webbe, has been working at

love it.”

Florida Tech since 1978. Soon he will

Lunny was also a founding

He said he can be a fairly

sister of Alpha Phi at Florida Tech

be coming up on his 40th anniversary

demanding professor in the

and is still close with a handful of

with the school.

classroom, but if you do not demand

Not only does Webbe teach

sisters, one of whom is her children’s

multiple classes within the School


the best, you won’t get the best. Webbe said he knew his

of Psychology, but he also helps

daughter wanted to leave and go to a

being much different during her time.

with student research, is an

big city and is extremely proud of her.

There was not the cultural richness

athletic rep for the school (directs a

She will be in Melbourne this coming

that it has now, she said.

concussion management program),

December and will be a speaker at the

studies dementia and alzheimer's

December commencement ceremony.

She described Florida Tech as

Some things are still the same






Brother Mine Forever


In memory of Alexander Yanes (CONT)


Other than his studies and Lambda Pi Eta ,Yanes was also

Phi's values fighting to eliminate

involved with SGA. He was a senator

prejudice,” Doran said.

of the school year 2016-2017.

Doran talked about Yanes’ role

Warren Pittorie, last year’s

in the fraternity. Doran said that at

SGA president, was not very close to

one point Yanes held about seven

Yanes, but still thought highly of him.

leadership positions.

Yanes volunteered for one of three

“The shocking part was not all

open positions in the senate, taking

the stuff he signed up for, it's that he

on this responsibility set the bar high

did it all without breaking a sweat,”

for what Pittorie thought of him.

Doran said. “I don't think we had

“Every time I talked to him he

a damn thing to teach him. He was

seemed upbeat, seemed cheerful,

cut out for all that, he was cut out

always on time for meetings,

to help us lead the whole fraternity,

always showed up, never skipped or

not just Florida Tech's chapter, in a

anything,” Pittorie said. “He just did

wave of reforms that's still playing out

everything right, did everything 100



Yanes helped Pi Lambda Phi with more than just operations and duties. He was also there for the little

Alexander Yanes was a part of many people’s stories. When asked about his

things. Doran said that Yanes had a

relationship with Yanes, Doran said,

way to break up tense situations and

“Kid was a superhuman. It's a lesser

long silences.

fraternity, a weaker school and a

“[He] would defuse any

darker scientific community without

interpersonal bomb with a chuckle

him. I was his president, his friend,

and a reminder that none of that crap

his brother, his roommate, his fan,

mattered,” Doran said.

and his (stern) cheerleader.”

Beyond his fraternity and school involvement Yanes had big dreams. According to Doran, he strived to be

Yanes with the Pi Lambda Phi brothers at an Orlando City tailgate. Photo by Pi Lambda Phi

Khan said that Yanes knew he was tougher than people thought. “He was stronger than we gave

the students that knew him. His brothers, like Khan, will miss

the most. “He cared. More than we deserved. ‘So, how are classes?’ wasn't

a NASA astrophysicist. Yanes had a

him credit for. He'd already been

his genuine smile. “It was warm and

a rhetorical question. He wanted the

simulated “martian garden”, which

fighting something all his life,” Khan

gentle,” Khan said.

best of us. I don't think that should

he took care of and admired. Doran

said. “He loved all of us and would do

thinks Yanes dreamed of terraforming

his best for us.”

Mars — making Mars habitable for terrestrial life forms.

Yanes’ legacy was more than what he accomplished, but it was his

Yanes’ legacy will linger with all the brothers of Pi Lambda Phi and all

stop,” Doran said. A public memorial service was

smile and caring personality that will

held for Yanes in Panther Bay by his

resonate with those who knew him

Pi Lambda Phi brothers.

Sisters of Phi Sigma Sigma visit Pi Lambda Phi during their chapter meeting on Nov. 12 to honor and remeber Yanes.

Find yourself twiddling your thumbs during the week? WE HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU TO DO. Join the weekly Crimson meetings on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. in the newsroom (the back enterance of Grissom Hall) to snag a story and a slice of pizza.

“He wanted the best of us. I don't think that should stop.” ― Casey Doran

Photo by Pi Lambda Phi


SPORTS Senior night sorrow




The Panther’s lost in

Freshman midfielder, Jeeda Al-Naber, during the game against Lee on Nov. 10. Photo by Florida Tech Atheltics

Memorable year for women’s soccer //LEXI BETTERMANN STAFF WRITER Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017 was a remarkable day for women’s

campus on Friday, Nov. 10 at 1 p.m. ET. Unfortunately, in the first round of the NCAA tournament Florida Tech (9-8-3) saw its

home crowd one last time. He said it

heartbreaking fashion against West

has been a blessing to be apart of the

Georgia in the annual homecoming

football program.

game. Redshirt senior quarterback,

“When I came on my visit, I saw

Mark Cato, threw a late interception

the family and I knew it was the place

that was ran back for a touchdown

for me and I wanted to be a part of it,”

which led to the 20-13 loss.

Jackson said.

Along with it being homecoming

This is Florida Tech Football’s

weekend, the game was also senior

fifth year of existence. Redshirt

night. Cato threw for 108 passing

defensive lineman, Harry Brown, has

yards, two touchdowns and one

been a part of the team ever since the

Championship title. In addition,

interception in his final home game.

very beginning. He said the past five

the Melbourne squad manage to

He said he thinks he was a little too

years have been something special.

return to the NCAA Tournament

pumped up before the game.

after its last appearance in 2013.

“I had a little bit extra juice on

“It’s pretty interesting to see how far we’ve come as a whole family,”

As the team readies for

my throws,” Cato said. “It took me a

Brown said. “Starting off as a team that nobody thought we would win

soccer when they were crowned

postseason run cut short by No. 6

the 2018 season, seven seniors

little while to calm down and I don’t

Sunshine State Conference

Lee (17-4). The Flames outlasted

will leave the Panthers lineup.

think it's still hit me that I’m not

to building that up to making the playoffs by the third or fourth year.

Champions. Florida Tech clawed

the Panthers 2-0 to claim their

However, they will return most

going to be playing here anymore. I’m

the title with a 4-2 victory over

first NCAA First Round win in

of their core athletes. With the

sure that’ll hit me sometime later. It’s

This year we have had our ups and

newcomers entering the squad in

always fun to come out here and play

downs, but it’s been a pretty good

the off-season, Florida Tech will

the game I love.”

experience overall being apart of

the Tampa Spartans (9-6-3). “First off Florida Tech lost

three years. The Panthers fought

Finishing with the third most

something first.”

in the conference final in 2010 to

through the entire 90 minutes of

look to this year's solid group of

Tampa, so that was motivation

regulation, but Lee broke through

freshmen and sophomores to step

tackles in the game, senior defensive

up and fill the voids.

back, Jo Jackson, was able to put

in their regular season finale. Their

up a big performance in front of the

record is now standing at 5-6.

enough to kick some Tampa

the score in the first period.

butt,” Brittany Etrick, sophomore

Returning from intermission, the

midfielder, said. “Also, Florida

Flames increased their lead to

resolve and togetherness, which

Tech has never had a conference

put Florida Tech at distance in

allowed them to accomplish

championship so we thought

the closing minutes of the first-

something that had never been

it was about time to bring one


achieved in Florida Tech women's


Despite the 2-0 loss, the

"This team showed great

soccer history,” Head Soccer

match marked the fifth NCAA

Coach, Dustin Smith, stated.

Regional seeds got released

appearance for the Crimson and

"Winning the SSC Championship

on Monday, Nov. 6, Florida

Gray within the past 10 years.

took a team effort that we have

After the NCAA South

Tech prepared for the NCAA

This season has been an

The Panthers fell to Delta State

“It’s pretty interesting to see how far we’ve come as a whole family.” ―Harry Brown

been preaching about all year.

tournament. No. 6 seed Florida

outstanding stretch for FIT,

For now, we will enjoy the

Tech (9-7-3) was preparing to

as the Panthers marked an

moment before getting back

face No. 3 seed Lee University

exceptional milestone with

to work in preparation for the

(16-4-0) at Nova Southeastern's

the program's first ever SSC

NCAA Tournament."

Florida Tech Women's Soccer Team after the National Collegiate Athletic Association qualification. Photo by Florida Tech Atheltics

Panthers played homeconing against the West Georigia Wolves on Nov. 4. Photo by Florida Tech Atheltics

















Photo by Florida Tech Athletics

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