Spring Issue 4: February 9, 2016

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Photo by Nathaniel Ashton Reggae band Israel Vibrations played at Melbourne Auditorium Feb. 4.

Legendary musicians take the stage with reggae

Reggae lovers jammed to the sounds of Israel Vibration’s Play It Real Tour on Feb. 4. Held at the Melbourne Auditorium, a concert featured the reggae harmony group providing a night of music for a small but dedicated audience. Band manager Buffy said “I have been managing the band for six years now, and I enjoy every minute of it. I grew up with reggae music.” Israel Vibration was established in Kingston, Jamaica, during the 1970’s. Lascelle Bulgin, Albert

Craig and Cecil Spence formed the group. The three met as children through their love of reggae music. The trio made a name for themselves after releasing their debut single “Why Worry,” but then relocated and spent several years apart. 1987 was the year Israel Vibration reunited, as well as when they met Roots Radics, another reggae group with whom they have continued to be associated. Following the departure of Spence, Israel Vibration and Roots Radics continued to share their music, span-

ning multiple tours and the release of 23 albums. One of their albums, Reggae Knights (2010), produced and released by MediaCom, was nominated for the Best Reggae Album Grammy in 2011. The album was backed up by various musicians, including some of the founding members of Roots Radics. Roots Radics was formed in 1978. They became a well-respected session and studio band that backed up numerous artists and bands. Roots Radics will perform with the reggae harmony band

during the Play It Real tour. The Play It Real tour began with its opening at the Melbourne Auditorium. Joining the two reggae bands were multiple local musicians from around Melbourne. The tour was initiated with a dedication of that night’s performance in honor of both Black History Month — observed during February in the United States — and the birthdate of African American Civil Rights activist Rosa Parks. Israel Vibration, Roots Radics and the reggae genre proved to have

passionate supporters including Michael Manley McCalle (Ras Michael), Roots Rock Reggae Host on WFIT and Andrew Walker, assistant manager of the Gleason Performing Arts Center. Israel Vibration and Roots Radics will continue up the east coast before flying to Puerto Rico. The tour will continue in Nevada and Arizona, arriving in California and going up the west coast before ending in Oregon on June 22. v //BEN GOESS CONTRIBUTING WRITER

History comes alive at the Brevard Renaissance Fair Donning steel and boiled leather armor, two men entered the arena prepared for battle. This was not an ancient battlefield or a Hollywood movie set, but the scene at the third annual Brevard Renaissance Fair. Knights, pirates and even mythical creatures crowded Wickham Park in Melbourne, Florida. Dozens of tents littered the park last weekend, with merchants selling wares ranging from chainmail armor and swords to whole turkey legs. Attractions at the fair included a giant rolling pirate ship, fire dancers, and by far the most popular non-choreographed medieval fighting. Standing 6 ft. tall and covered from neck to toe in armor was Randy Pasinski, 28. Pasinski would be fighting today in the roped off arena. “I love fighting,” he said, “I’ve been doing this for three years.” The character he portrayed is Roland, who is armed with a steel one-handed sword and clad in faded blue and white armor. As he and his opponent entered the ring, the crowd stomped their feet and chanted his name. Both bowed before the queen who wished them both luck in combat. At once both combatants hurled themselves forward with axes and swords smashing into each other’s faces.

After defeating his opponent, Roland shook the shorter knight’s hand. The defeated warrior took off the great steel helm, revealing herself to be a woman. Anyone can fight after they take the proper training, said Brighid MacLennan. MacLennan is the hospitaller or public relations officer of the Constantinople chapter of the Adrian Empire. “The Adrian Empire is an organization that recreates medieval culture though combat, blacksmithing, and other historical arts” said MacLennan. The fighting here involves real armor, blunted swords and axes. “Every third Saturday at Wickham Park we hold practices. If you are interested in fighting or would like more information, please come see us” said MacLennan. The Adrian Empire’s national president Antony Caderivi, said that he has always loved renaissance fairs and that that last three years have shown a great turnouts in Brevard County. “My favorite part is sitting underneath a tree and listening to the sounds of the fair, smelling the fresh air, and closing my eyes. Being outdoors brings out the best in people. I can’t remember a time where I haven’t seen people glued to their phones,” Caderivi said. “Today they are experiencing the fair with their own eyes.” General admission tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for children ages 5 to 11.


In this issue Opinion: Rock the Primaries Google creates new malware protection Swimming

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Winston Churchill once said the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter, and I must say, that’s a pretty powerful argument. So how has democracy spread throughout the world as the prevalent government in many countries? For exactly the reason that Churchill highlights; it gives people of distinctly different backgrounds and educations an equal opportunity. While there are flaws in a democracy, nobody should complain because they have a chance to stand up, speak out and even run for office. That’s why this presidential election season, I encourage you to participate in the primary election rather than be a



bystander. The purpose of a primary election is essentially a preliminary election to decide what candidate each political party will support in a general election. Florida is one of thirteen states that maintain closed primary status, meaning that only registered members of a political party can vote on which candidate will run for the office of President of the United States. This is opposed to an open primary where voters are not required to declare party affiliation. The deadline to declare party affiliation in the state of Florida is February 16, 2015. Just register to vote at the county Supervisor of Elections or find one of the volunteers that usually appear outside of grocery

stores or public events. Make sure to think long and hard about what party you mark down, as you will only be able to vote in that party’s primary. An interesting feature of the United States is the two-party system. The system is not explicitly limited to two parties, but the parties have evolved dominance over time to ultimately give themselves a better chance of winning, and in recent elections, the popular vote has been split incredibly close to 50-50 between Republicans (conservatives) and Democrats (liberals). The implications of having two parties on nearly the opposite end of the political spectrum are huge. Should one party win the election, nearly 50 percent

of people who support the opposition will be left without an executive voice for at least the next four years. Given that the presidential election is essentially a two-horse race, it would be a gross understatement to say the selection of the horse is important. This election season, the primaries in the Republican Party have been exciting, with non-traditional candidates like Donald Trump and Ben Carson experiencing strong support at the beginning, while the resident politicians have made up ground recently. Should a non-traditional candidate like Donald Trump lose the primary election and run as an independent, the outcome of the general election would be muddled, as he would draw

support away from the Republican candidate. In the Democratic Party, the ever-present Hillary Clinton is hearing footsteps from the career senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders as he draws a large amount of support from young people and the working class. Whatever happens this election season, or wherever your political allegiances lie, it’s important to remember that voting is a right, and that the only way to get your voice heard and make change is to go do it. It’s up to us to prove Churchill wrong; to educate ourselves, educate others, debate, and most importantly, keep an open mind. v //WILL HENDERSON STAFF WRITER

CAPS PSA: The V-Day Conundrum Valentine’s day is quickly approaching, and you may be feeling sad or blue that you do not have anything to do. Maybe your relationship just ended, or you are trying to get over your most recent partner. Maybe you have taken the pledge to stay single until you get your degree, or dating and romance just isn’t for you! No matter what your circum//KENDRA BARTEL stances, it is likely someone will ask you what you are doing for Valentine’s Day. It could CONTRIBUTING COLUMNIST be you have it all figured out, but here are some ideas just in case you don’t! Indulge yourself: Use the day to take care of yourself. Go to the beach, get your nails done, get a haircut or a massage! Go to your favorite restaurant, or watch a show on Netflix. It is always important to take care of yourself and check in with how you’re doing. Use the day as an excuse to love yourself! Follow through: Maybe indulging and loving yourself seems too cliché, and not doing anything Valentine’s Day themed is more your style. However, this could be the perfect time to finish something you started, or get creative and start something new! Use the day to be proactive and productive. Fall in love with something new: Valentine’s Day is the “day of love,” but why make it about a person? Go try that workout class you have been interested in, or try out “Painting With a Twist” in Downtown Melbourne. Find something new and exciting you can check out and fall in love with it. Spend time with friends: Many people get the v-day blues. Instead, take the day to plan something with friends who may not have a “special someone” either. You can have a movie night, go to lunch, or to the zoo. Either way, get out and get active! Relax:

If you do not want to get out and do anything, or your plans do not work out, relax at home! Get comfy and do what makes you happy. If going out and about spending money isn’t something you can do, stay in and save. If you have a special someone Valentine's Day is a great day to show them how much you care. Take them out to dinner, buy them their favorite candy, or even go take a walk on the beach at sunset. Get creative and do something you know they will love and remember. It is also important to remember if you do have that special someone to always stay safe. This means using safer sex practices, such as condoms. Also, do not let yourself be pressured into anything! Valentine’s Day does not mean you have to have sex, get physical with your partner or be romantic at all. If you are not in the mood, always remember it is okay to say no. If you or someone you know is struggling with sadness or loneliness, or having relationship concerns, do not be afraid to ask for help by contacting the student counseling center (CAPS)! Also, if you would like someone to talk to about sex, have been a victim of sexual violence, or you feel nervous your partner may pressure you into an unwanted experience, know you are not alone and the student health center or student counseling center are here to help!


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The secret between you and yourself

Many successful people in life agree that if you do not fail, you will not know the meaning and the value of success. But if you’re not the one who is responsible for your failure, then who is? The answer is you, you are the enemy of yourself. YOU always try to do something but the inner voice tells you to do something else. Do not say that others are responsible for what you have because no one is responsible for your life except you and yourself. Put in your mind that nothing can stop you or stand on your face, so if you want something you can get it, and there is nothing impossible in life. If you are not able to discover who you are and what you can actually do you will never ever know the meaning of life. All of us are here in this life to draw our own and show others that we have the colors, and we are able to make our plate colorful. You have to be able to believe that you are able to add something to this

life, so your presence is not nothingness in this big world. “There is one of the books is that hard to forget because it changed my life to the right direction and found many of the answers that were stuck in my mind. This book was carrying a name of ‘The Power of Now,’” said Jawaher Al Falahi, freshmen in chemical engineering. The word of now makes your life different and makes you think about the moment of now more than wasting your time to think about what happened in the past or what will happen in the future. Sometimes, you push yourself toward sacrifice and work hard to achieve success. Whenever you are doing what you are supposed to do, that makes you feel happy and grants you emotional health. I am sure that everyone can get what they want as much they believe in their capabilities, so the world is one where everyone has his own view about how he can see this world. God has made the success and

loves the things that make you different than others as much as you love what you can do to achieve success in life. “It is very important to choose with whom I will walk because they will be part of me, and if it is not part of me then part of my action and behaviors. I always try to be beside positive people who encourage me and appreciate what I can do,” said Zuhoor Al Yamani, senior in biomedical engineering. “I realize that optimistic people tend to generalize the positive set of traits which make people draws towards them.” People can help you know the way of success, but you are the one who can decide to be successful or not. And that can happen in one case if you believe in yourself and your abilities. A lot of people die before they are born. A lot of people don't actually deserve to be alive. The most important thing in life is to give yourself respect and as long as you give yourself what she is supposed to have, she will teach you the meaning of creativity and

tenderness. You have to remember that success is to be satisfied with all your actions and you find yourself in everything you do. So if in everything this is the case, you will be able to complete the work with diligence and craftsmanship, and all roads will become accessible to you. The optimist is one complemented by working hard and having the utmost trust in God’s protection. “Yourself is your friend when she tells you that you are able to face the difficulties and make the change in life. On the other hand it is an enemy for you when she starts to tell you that you are less than others, and that is what makes you an easy victim to pessimism,” said Anoud Al Hosni, senior in meteorology. Unfortunately, studies shows that most self-talk is negative. You always say that you want to be active and effective in the society but yourself talks with you and can stand as a barrier to what you want, directing your desires to any wrong areas that deplete your abil-


ities and your energies. The real secret of a person and the great goal in life is to find yourself and be a friend to yourself. A few years ago, I was lost and did not know where the road was until I found myself and I decided to be her friend. I spent too much time until she accepted me and was at my side. At the beginning, I gave up because I was the reason for my own failure. You will feel tired and despair too much, but at the end of the journey I am sure that you will be up to what you want. Put in your mind that you only and only you are responsible for your failure. Don't say that you are the only one who has problems, work, family, friends and difficult circumstances in your life. It is better to show yourself who you are let others live their own lives for themselves. If you will say that others are responsible about what you have, then it is better to not live and let others live your life. Always try to find a way, and put your excuses away. v //AYSHA AL QASIMI STAFF WRITER


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INCOMING A look at the newcomers of Spring 2016 A few weeks have passed since the beginning of the semester. For some students, Spring 2016 is the start of the exciting and chaotic journey of being in college. Students from China, Oman, India, Brazil, Egypt, the United States and various other countries have traveled to Florida Tech to pursue degrees such as software engineering, biochemistry and chemical engineering, to global management and finance, communication and leadership.

SVETA WARREN Where are you from? I am originally from Ukraine. I was adopted when I was 10, but I've lived in Florida ever since.

Florida Tech is circulating with these new faces from across the world. According to the Office of Institutional Research, out of 131 new undergraduates, there are 65 new international undergraduate students as of Jan. 27 for Spring 2016. The following article contains interviews with a few of Florida Tech’s newcomers who answered questions about life at Florida Tech, food, and even emojis.

TRISTAN BALDAUF-WARREN Where are you from? San Ramon, California (near San Francisco)

KILEY HUNTER Where are you from? Detroit, Michigan

How did you hear about Florida Tech? My dad was a student here.

How did you hear about Florida Tech? I was looking for schools with flight programs by reading past results of National Intercollegiate Flying Association Safety Conventions (Flight Team competitions) because I was a member of my previous college's (Westminster College) flight team, which lead me to Florida Tech.

What is your favorite place on campus? The library and the cafeteria.

What is your favorite place on campus? It isn't technically on campus, but I love Panther Plaza. Old School Pizza and King of Gyro are great and New York barbershop does excellent work.

Describe yourself in 3 words. I like sushi.

Describe yourself in 3 words. Understanding, honest, hardworking

What do you always carry with you? My phone. How typical, right?

What do you always carry with you? I carry a 3x5" notepad that I use to keep track of my day, from grocery lists, homework assignments, phone numbers, emails/letters to send. I'd be lost without it.

What has surprised you about Florida Tech? The sheer number of international students has certainly surprised me!

What do you always carry with you? Sadly, my phone. What has surprised you about Florida Tech? All the amazing students and teachers. If you could be any emoji, what would it be? Favorite word? Shoot or darn it. What do you like most about Florida Tech? How helpful all the teachers are in all the classes and how everything I'm learning is being used in all my other classes. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sushi. What item have you used the most since you arrived at Florida Tech? The printer and a ruler.

What has surprised you about Florida Tech? That I would end up pledging Pi Kappa Alpha. It was never something I saw myself doing, but it's been a very positive experience and I've met a lot of great people so far. If you could be any emoji, what would it be? I don't know what it's called, but this one, I try to stay extremely busy and it just looks like how exhausted I feel sometimes. Favorite word? Schadenfreude What do you like most about Florida Tech? The amount of opportunities available to students here; it's what drew me to FIT in the first place. Here I can pursue training in dispatching and air traffic control as part of my major, which I wouldn't have been able to do at many of the other schools that I was looking at transferring to.


How did you hear about Florida Tech? I came across Florida Tech while looking for schools that would suit my intended degree. I found the school online. What is your favorite place on campus? The Botanical Gardens. Describe yourself in 3 words. Loyal, caring, stubborn.

If you could be any emoji, what would it be? Why? I would be the laughter with tears in my eyes emoji because I love to laugh. Favorite word? Sea. It's a pretty word, simple and short, but the sea itself is so much more than that. What do you like most about Florida Tech? I love the diversity on campus, as well as the location and proximity to the ocean and to Cape Canaveral. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? You're terrible for making me choose. I suppose salad or potatoes, because you don't have to specify what KIND of salad you're having or what kind of potatoes you're having. Could just be fries, could be mashed potatoes. Could be a chicken caesar salad, could be fruit salad.

COLTON JOHNSON Where are you from? Satellite Beach, Florida How did you hear about Florida Tech? I heard about Florida Tech from growing up in this area. What is your favorite place on campus? Rick Stottler Field Describe yourself in 3 words. Punctual, motivated, tri-alpha What do you always carry with you? My watch What has surprised you about Florida Tech? This school is a lot more diverse than the school I came from. If you could be any emoji, what would it be? Why? The dog because it speaks for itself. Favorite word? Elite What do you like most about Florida Tech? The professors If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cheeseburgers What item have you used the most since you arrived at Florida Tech? My Macbook



6 Local reggae band 23 Treez shares music at WFIT ISSUE 4

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WFIT hosted local reggae band 23 Treez in its studio to record original music in preparation for the release of their new album, In the Middle. “We’ve been making music almost 10 years. June will be 10 years,” said Adam Azar, singer and guitarist. The band’s three members are Azar, his brother Aaron, and their friend Mike Longman, all three of whom are locals. “My dad was a musician and I just kind of grew up around it,” said Longman. “So I don’t know, it was just natural. I never thought about it, I just did it. It’s just a natural love.” Adam agreed, saying all three of them were drawn

to music from a very young age. Shows tend to have a lot of local support, Aaron said. They play local venues including Meg O’Malley’s, Matt’s Casbah and Florida Discount Music. “We’ve always had a good outcome, a good turnout from our supporters and everything, that and just the passion of playing music,” Aaron said. “It’s a tight group, it just seems like there’s no reason not to play.” Todd Kennedy, station manager at WFIT, is the one who approached the band about playing in the studio again. “They’ve performed with us before, but not since we moved into our current

studio, which is a real upgrade from the old facility,” Kennedy said. The group’s influences include Pink Floyd and assorted Classic Rock sounds. “That, combined with the local music of our scene, it’s not just reggae, it’s not just rock, it just felt natural,” said Adam While the reggae genre is popular at the moment, the musicians of 23 Treez want students to know they aren’t a here one moment, gone the next kind of band. “We are the coastal

rock-reggae band, we’re a really good established band right in their backyard,” Adam said. On saturday, they celebrated the new album with an official release party and concert at Captain Hirams in Sebastian, and a 10th anniversary concert is in

the works for sometime in June. 23 Treez is on facebook, and CDs are available at CDbaby.com, Florida Discount Music, Catalyst, and MTB. v //ALEX COULTRUP SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATIOR

Polluted Olympic waters pose health risks

FLICKR.com The study found that athletes are at no less of a risk competing farther off shore. Olympic athletes will be competing in polluted and virus-laden waters this August. The 2016 Summer Olympic games will be held in Rio de Janeiro. The water where some of the Olympic competition will be held has been found to be highly polluted and may pose health risks to competing athletes. “I know some people that will go to Rio that are worried because they are lightweight, they are more vulnerable than the other athletes,” said Federica Pala, a freshman on the Florida Tech women’s rowing team. The Associated Press did two rounds of independent testing last year on the wa-

ter quality in areas where competitions will be held. According to the AP’s first report in July, the amount of viruses linked to human sewage found in the water of Guanabara Bay was up to 1.7 million times higher than what would be considered dangerous according to standards in the U.S. or Europe. The current global standards of water quality control test only for bacterial “markers” that indicate how safe or polluted the water is. This is the standard being followed in Brazil, despite the fact that it is viral levels which are dangerously high, not bacterial ones. Rowing, canoeing and sailing events as well as

marathon and triathlon swims will take place in the virus-infected waters. Ipanema Beach, where many of the spectators will be swimming, was also found to be polluted by AP’s testing. Kristina Mena, an expert in waterborne viruses at the University of Texas said in the AP’s report that if an athlete ingests just three teaspoons of water out of the bay there is a 99 percent chance that they will get sick. Pala said the risk is worth it, especially if it is a once in a lifetime chance. “I think we take risks every day during practice,” Pala said. “The training is hard and there’s lots of variables also on the water

with other boats, so you take risks every day.” Kevin Coyle, a junior on the Florida Tech men’s rowing team, said he wouldn’t turn down the opportunity either. “It’s the Olympics. If you make the team, done all the work that year, all the training, all the money spent, all the time, you go,” said Coyle. “But when it comes down to it, conditions are conditions. Bad water, it could be weather. There are certain health conditions you have to watch out for, but I would definitely still go.” Erik Heil, a German sailor, wrote on his team’s blog that the MRSA infection he got after competing in Olympic test events last August was caused by the polluted water. He had to undergo treatment which he said included having the infection painfully scraped off his hips and legs. Other viruses found in the water cause symptoms such as vomiting, explosive diarrhea and respiratory ailments. Alexandra Koenig, a junior biology major, said that maybe Olympic officials could have all the participants wear protective goggles or other gear to

protect the eyes and mouth and other opening where bacteria could get in. When Rio made its bid in 2009 to host the 2016 games, officials promised to clean up the city’s waterways by investing in better sewage treatment. In a statement made last year, Brazilian officials acknowledged that the improvements were not going to happen. Brian Ikenze Atabansi, a senior in information systems from Nigeria, voiced concerns for not just the athletes, but also the quality of life of the people living where the Olympic games take place. “If you’re not funding or finding a better way to better the lives of the people when you’re going to have events in their backyard, than I don’t see a reason why you should be there in the first place,” said Atabansi. “If you, as an organization, are going to benefit from whatever is going on in that country, it is your obligation to do something to better the lives of people that you’re going to gain revenue from.” v //AUDREY GANGLOFF SPORTS EDITOR


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Google makes efforts against deceptive ads, zero day vulnerabilities Seeing ads that lie or redirect to unrelated content is an everyday occurrence online. While there previously wasn’t much to discourage it, websites may now be facing a block from Google Chrome. Google says their safe browsing protection will now work to protect against deceptive ads such as the common “Download Now!” or “Your Software is Out of Date” buttons. According to Google’s Security Blog, Safe Browsing will work to protect against social engineering including deceiving users into installing unwanted software or releasing personal information. Google lists deceiving content as “Pretending to act, look and feel, like a trusted entity” or “Trying to trick you into doing something that you’d only do for a trusted entity.” Websites that host such content may be blocked with a warning message requiring users to click a button to continue to the site against Google’s recommendation. Since most users would be reluctant to continue to such websites, this may discourage the creation and hosting of these ads.

A related example of malware that has appeared recently and utilizes similar methods of social engineering is the “eFast Browser.” In this case the software attempt to mimic Google Chrome itself and upon installation is able to replace Chrome with a malignant look alike. According to PCWorld, the browser is based upon Chromium, an open source version of Google Chrome. It is most commonly distributed as a bundled program in software installers. Once installed, the eFast browser sets itself as the system’s default web browser, replaces Chrome shortcuts, and sets file associations for HTML, JPG, PDF, and GIF files. While running, the browser will display pop-ups and search ads. The browser also collects information that can be used for personal identification, though it’s not clear what the company, Clara Labs, does with this information. Google Chrome’s safe browsing does in fact block the company’s webpage with a warning message. Google’s Project Zero, which tracks down and exposes software security bugs, found that the popular

antivirus software Malwarebytes lacked proper update security, allowing potential attackers to replace update code with their own code in a “Man in the Middle Attack”. According to Google’s report, Malwarebytes’ signature updates are acquired by downloading YAML files over HTTP, and despite an MD5 checksum, these files are unsigned and could be replaced by an attacker. Google also explained that while the files were encrypted with an RC4 key, they could be decrypted, changed and re-encrypted through OpenSSL commands. Google declared this issue fixed by and closed it on Feb. 2. Malwarebytes recently started offering a bounty for bugs as part of its Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure program.

According to their guidelines, independent researchers who discover remote code execution vulnerabilities in Malewarebytes can report them to the company. Depending on the severity or exploitability, they could be awarded between $100 and $1000 as well as credit for finding the bug. Malwarebytes also says they reserve the right to offer a higher award on a case by case basis. //CHRISTOPHER PANGALOS STAFF WRITER

THE ADVANCED MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHER STARTER PACK This list is for the veterans. It’s proof that you don’t always need a DSLR to make magic happen.


This app is the gateway to a premium photo-sharing platform that’s basically Flickr on steroids. It is also capable of editing photo details like titles, description tags, locations and EXIF data. This platform This one’s cool. SKRWT provides access to the per— I’m really not sure why fect community not just for they called it that — is a sharing and licensing beaudynamic photo editing app This app actually isn’t all tiful and creative images, that focuses on more than that complicated, but it but for discovering them just color, tone and mood. made this list because as well. The real star of the In fact, its greatest strength proper use of it requires the show here is the site itself; is in handling something discipline to resist the urge all it takes is the creation of that many other apps of of slapping a vintage feel a free account. It functions its kind have hardly even on everything. That’s what as a safe haven for dediconsidered: lens distortion. the app offers, by the way. cated photographers, and This app doesn’t bother Numerous variations of feedback is usually quite itself with filters or stickers vintage tones and edits that detailed. The app possesses but delves straight into the make a picture look like it manual camera controls for mechanics. Because smartwas taken in the late 60’s. exposure and focal length, phones have wide angle 1967 Filters does not posand its editing tools invoke lenses that all but brand sess any major editing tools, the power of Adobe Lighttheir photos with the words but has an intuitive UI and room. It has a clean inter“I took this with my phone, ” a friendly demeanor. It is face that encourages browsthey hardly produce provery retro in appearance ing. It makes it very easy to fessional results; however, and maintains a theme of stay updated on the progthis app offers lens correcelegance and simplicity in ress on one’s own photos, tion software and mends its workings and its applicawhile providing the ability crooked lines. The results tion of simple filters. There to follow and stay updated are practically SLR quality. is also a lot of variety, so on the work of amazing SKRWT adjusts perspecedited photos don’t necphotographers and others. tives in an easy-to-use way essarily have to come out Although it offers a much that hardly requires any looking old school. It puts smaller community than photography experience; it’s less emphasis on editing Flickr does and doesn’t a fully realized version of photos than it does on have a groups feature, it’s the tiny feature that exists making memories. still filled with A1 content in Instagram. and is worth looking into.



ADOBE LIGHTROOM This is the Photoshop that no one seems to talk about. It has all the excellent connectivity, commutability and portability of Adobe’s other creative cloud applications, but it it brings even more to the table than meets the eye. It makes colors vibrant, prioritizes the subject and straightens skewed shots. It can also combine the lightest and darkest areas from a series of images of the same scene to make a single photo: a smart HDR ability similar to Google Photos’ Auto Awesome feature. Its interface is packed with buttons and fancy-looking knobs that are simple to use because they are laid out in a manner so clean and unobtrusive that it’s miraculous. This intuitive interface includes a slider that can remove or add haze to a photo, almost like a window wiper. Despite its relatively slow import process, Lightroom has arguably the best in its class in terms of photo management and organization.

OVER This app is light a pocketable InDesign for poster enthusiasts. Over makes it easy to turn regular photos into magnificent graphic art. It provides gorgeously styled text, shapes and clip art in a powerful interface that is simple to control. It also has a customization feature. As your grasp of its style grows, it adjusts to yours and accommodates your ideas by allowing you to customize its tools. It gives everyone the chance to become a designer for $3.99. Over has over 20 unique fonts that cater to a variety of moods and tastes; an in-app purchase provides users with premium features and over 200 additional fonts. There’s hardly anything to complain about with this app, really. Typography is an integral part of graphic design and using this app is definitely a good way to get started with it.



FEB. 9


Swim teams end regular season on high note The men’s and women’s swim teams of Florida Tech took on Rollins college on Jan. 30. The men’s team came out winning with a score of 199-63 and the women’s team came close with a score of 132-126. The men’s team took first in all 14 of the events they competed in, along with many second and third places as well. This was also the women’s best result of this year’s season. The men’s team captain Brian Dumont said that this was definitely the team’s best meet as a whole. Individually swimmers have made better times in their events, but it’s the first time that the whole team has performed this well altogether. The men and women of Florida Tech’s swim teams have been giving it their all this year. Their training schedule isn’t for the weak-hearted either. “It’s

pretty rigorous, we’re up in the morning hour and a half to two hours and in the afternoon again for an hour and a half,” said Bernadette Murphy, junior on the women’s swimming team. This past competition marked the end of the season for the swimmers, but the SSC championships are coming up in two weeks. The men’s team is hoping to keep up the momentum from this past win. “It was a good way to set the tempo for the championship,” Dumont said. On top of preparing for the championship, the swimmers are still students and balance their busy schedules between training and school. It takes commitment to dedicate yourself to your team and take care of your own response abilities at the same time. Coach Justin Andrade said that he is proud of all of the swimmers determination, and no matter what


Brian Dumont was one of 15 seniors Florida Tech said goodbye to. Photo by Amanda Stratford Photography. the end result turns out to be that they take away what they learned from being on the team. “They work hard every day no matter the obstacles in their way,” Andrade said. The swim teams have shown what it means to

be an athlete. The amount of practice that they go through and still manage school and a social life on top of that shows what is possible. “I believe the reward is there, there are times you question if it’s worth it but

in the end it always is,” Dumont said. The next time things seem to be getting hard in your life, remember the swimmers of Florida Tech and keep pushing to the end; the reward will be worth it. v //BENJAMIN QUASNEY CONTRIBUTING WRITER

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