Spring 2018 - Issue 7

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RIMSON The Florida Tech

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The Official Student-Run Newspaper•since

Our Mission: Live, discover and report the truth.


Issue 7


Are you Certain?

Melbourne Air Show thrills Florida Tech students


Florida Tech student makes film idea reality

Brett Twery (left) and Michael Milligan (right) at the FITV studio. Photo by Aaliyah Thomas

AAliyah Thomas \\ Contributing writer Solipsism isn’t a word thrown around often—but Florida Tech student Michael “Boo” Milligan is creating his own film based on it. Solipsism is the theory that only the self exists or can be proven to exist. It relates to the famous quote by Rene Descartes, “I think, therefore

I am.” Milligan chose to name his film “Certainty.” Certainty is the quality or state of being certain especially on the basis of evidence. Throug h t he ba sis of solipsism the characters and humans experience, Milligan said it was a fitting title.

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Highway to the danger zone

Melbourne 2018 Airshow.

Photo by Kevin Boodoosingh

ing the Melbourne Air & Space Show. With only 20 B-2 Spirit Stealth Bombers in the world, this appearance was a sure to be acrowd favorite according to Filippo Mazzanti, a mechanical engineering student at Florida Tech. “It’s an incredible and

KAT redner \\ Contributing Writer Faces turned to the sky as a rare B-2 Stealth Bomber gracefully glided over thousands of people. Many of these people happened to be Florida Tech students and alumni attend-

uncommon sight,” Mazzanti said. Not only was the B-2 a part of the show, the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds headlined the event with six of their red, white and blue F-16 aircrafts.

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May the odds be ever in your favor loads for you to see your future before you. In past semesters, internet servers have crashed and left students without classes. It’s a game of luck when it comes to PAWS and many students prepare for registration in different ways. One way that students prepare is by writing down the CRN’s of classes with the preferred times they want. Other ways that students prepare is by copy and pasting the numbers in at 7:59 p.m. and hitting the button when it hits exactly 08:00.00 p.m. One sophomore in ocean engineering, Natalie Holliday, has a plan for when it comes to registration. “To prepare for classes, I make a goal of what I want to accomplish by the end of

Ashley letendre \\ staff writer

Caio Silveira, left, the team’s leader. Photo courtesy of Caio Silveira


makes mothership for debris removal Lindsay isaac \\ Social media coordinator Cerberus, designed and built by eight Florida Tech seniors, is more than a reference to t he monstrous multi-headed dog of Greek mythology. It’s a laboratory prototype of a satellite capable of tracking and capturing space debris. I n o t he r w or d s , i t ’s

designed to assist in the removal of defunct, artificially created objects in space that can easily damage satellites or spacecrafts. The u n ma n ne d spac e debris capture vehicle won Best Aerospace Project at the 2017 Nor throp Gr umman Senior Design Showcase.

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NASA JPL Student Design Team Makes Mini Rovers for Mars 2020 Mission


Spring showers bring April flowers as they all say. Yet to some students, April brings showers of tears when it comes to registering for classes. It’s been rumored that registration, no matter the time, is considered the equivalent to the Hunger Games. Registration begins on April 8 around 8 p.m. This day is only available for seniors, athletes, flight and students with special permission. Registration then continues on for the following four days. Rising juniors register Monday and so on. Yet with this order, once everyone puts in their classes at 8 p.m., the only thing you can do is watch the circle twirl around as it

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Let the brain-picking begin Taking a step back to


move forward // ROTC


the year and base my specific courses on that goal,” Holliday said. In order to prepare, she researches the classes she has to take in advance. “Then I get the CRN’s and go to off campus WiFi when I register,” Holliday said. The ocean engineering freshmen, Holly Caldwell, advises the same thing for anyone trying to register. “Plan your schedule out in advance so you have the best chance at getting your firstchoice classes,” Caldwell said. Some consequences of not planning your classes or meeting with your academic advisor are as follows: having a hold, the class is filled, your adviser didn’t f lip your f lag or your

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Page 12 Sara Grenier, lacrosse player, setting records


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