BuGils bi-Weekly (Mockup) #00

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BuGils Weekly bi

Life in Indonesia, it’s always getting better!

Every first and third Thursday of the month

Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009

Those Girls rock!

“Jakarta will sink in 2030 “ Ubaidillah - Executive Director of the Indonesian Environmental Forum (Wahli)

Based on his observation, Ubai-

dillah said that the sinking of Jakarta is caused by Jakarta’s open green spaces, which is reduced continously, and currently remained 9.6 percent of space from 661.52 square kilometres of space. He said, the government should take into account the construction of building structures which were not complemented with ecological balance studies. Source: NewStraitsTimes All girls rock band The Angels have rocked the EP garden on last Saturday, November 5th.

The speed of a Turtle

Whose Line is it Anyway? The Indonesian National News Agency Antara reports that Hollywood Star Julia Roberts may have had a hard time remembering her lines while shooting “Eat, Pray, Love” in and around Bali’s cultural Mecca of Ubud. Source: BaliDiscovery.com

The worldwide internet broadband speed and quality stakes, where Indonesia ranks.

Source: “Global Broadband Quality Study” - University of Oxford

Hadi Subiyanto, the actor cast in the role of a spiritual guru to Elizabeth Gilbert, the part portrayed by Roberts, told the press: “Julia Roberts often didn’t remember her lines and did a lot of improvisation. This made me confused, because I memorized the last word of each line from Julia’s dialogue so I would know when to begin my dialogue.” Despite Julia Robert’s lapses of memory and a resulting large number of retakes, the Indonesian actor and music educator enjoyed playing opposite the Academy award-winning actress. According to News Agency Antara, Hadi’s acting skills received praise from both Roberts and Ketut Liyer, the Ubud-based spiritual healer he portrays in the film.

Broadband Leadership 2009 1. South Korea


2. Japan

62. India

3. Hong Kong

63. Indonesia

4. Sweden

64. Egypt

5. Switzerland

65. Kenya

6. Netherlands

66. Nigeria

Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009 - BuGils bi-Weekly  1

BuGils bi Weekly

Cortie eugiat

Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009

NULLA FEU (555) 555-5555

Life in Indonesia, it’s always getting better!

Publisher: BuGils Group E-mail: editorial@bugilsnews.com

55555 ST. • DETORUM, 90000

(555) 555-5555

55555 ST. • DETORUM, 90000 Nostui telarte ex sus cae et gratus bonontiem



55555 ST. • DETORUM, 90000 (555)


Cortie eugiat. Ureet in velendip euisi.

55555 ST. NE • DETORUM, 90000 (555)


Editorial Coordinator: Nicolas Sanders



Design Consultant: FtoDesign.com


Contributors: Bartele Santema, Jasper Bouman, Harry McMechen, Carolina Pardal, Lens Ter Wee

AMCONUL HENIM 123 Everywhere, City, ST 00000

55555 ST. • DETORUM, 90000

Hostro dui Nostrud

Printing: NewspaperDirect ™ edo@newspaperdirect-jakarta.com www.newspaperdirect-jakarta.com

SATUDE TETUREAT Nostui telarte ex sus cae et gratus bonontiem lis

ICIENAM............................ $5555 ICIENAM............................$5555 ICIENAM............................$5555 ICIENAM............................$5555

BuGils Group - Contacts Eastern Promise



(555) 555-5555

ORE OBOR MINCIN UT. (555) 555-5555  Nis (555) 555-5555

NULLA FEU (555) 555-5555

Excercilit vel Xerit la consequ feu.


Jl. Kemang Raya 5, Kemang Phone: (021) 717 901 51


De Hooi Pondok Indah Plaza 2 Phone: (021) 750 07 42

The Cazbar Jalan Mega Kuningan, Lot 8-9 No. A9 Ph: (021) 576 45 82

One Tree Bar Jalan Faletehan 1 n°24, Blok M Ph: (021) 722 92 18


Lore Ming


BuGils Bali Jl Dewi Sartika 1 BB, Tuban, Bali Ph: (0361) 758 322

Aaltje Bakery Jl. Kemang Raya 5, Kemang Ph: (021) 717 901 51

Bartele Gallery Jalan Mega Kuningan, Lot 8-9 No. A9, 4th floor Ph: (021) 576 45 82

Newspaper Direct - Jakarta Jalan Raya Kemang No. 5 Ph: (021) 719 44 05


nim core

All BuGils bi-Weekly materials copyright 2009, Newspaper Direct - Jakarta. No re-use may be made in any form without prior written permission and payment of applicable fees, if any. This includes, but is not limited to, print, tape, film, CD-ROM, computer online services and merchandise logos. 2  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009


7 PM

jan 16-21 8pm Auguercip ercipit praestrud magna feummy nos exerit vulla Alit Atetuer

Editorial and the assurance that the damn pole would be moved the next day. The listrik mati (electricity cut) in the area would be unannounced. I happily watched the workers the next

The opening of BuGils Bali is way behind

schedule and it should have been opened six months ago. One of the problems we faced, was a huge electricity pole in the middle of the area, where we had planned the bar. The PLN pole should not be there in the first place, as it is private property, but things in Bali do not work like that. It didn’t take long before a whole battery of government people were surveying the property. One senior official looked up and down the pole, the kretek cigarette almost falling out of his mouth. With a painful grim on his face, the leader of the pack shook his head. ‘Ini enggak gampang, pak!’ (this is not an easy issue, sir!). I did not say anything, as I knew the magic words would soon follow. And indeed they did. ‘Kita bisa bantu....’ (we can help). The kretek was sparking dangerously when the inhaul became long and intense, just before he repeated the words. ‘Kita bisa bantu...’. The fumes of his cigarette dwindled up along the pole. It was the start of a long negotiating process in the weeks that followed, and when finally a deal was made, they suddenly had discovered that, to move one pole, two others had to be moved as well! The price went up and in the meanwhile the building had halted already for 2 months. When still nothing happened, I decided to go visit the head office in Denpasar to meet with the boss of bosses. The few words of Javanese that I know worked well on this friendly senior manager from Semarang. The talk started about Johan Cruyff, went on to quality of the old Dutch waterworks in middle java, and via the Shell history (that had started in Indonesia!) , we agreed on the difficulties PLN was facing with the increased price for oil. Then, after a short silence, he suddenly said: ‘Let me make a few phone calls...’. People were called to his office. One subcontractor tried to say it was impossible as the rules are that the whole area needs to be informed on forehand and in writing of an upcoming 4 hour electricity cut, but ten minutes later I left with a firm handshake

day climbing in the PLN pole. They were dangerously shifting cables and putting up new poles around the BuGils Bali area. Satisfied with the result, I flew back to Jakarta and it was not until a few days that I learned that the pole indeed had been removed, but NOT the 200.000 volt cables that were still hanging dangerously low over the building site! Apparently we had negotiated a deal on the pole removal, but not on the removal of the cables! Had they been clever, or had I been stupid?

“ One of the problems we faced, was a huge electricity pole in the middle of the area, where we had planned the bar.”

so friendly and why they took their time, sharing their coffee and peanuts with me. One bowed forward. ‘Your laywer never paid us. We are not asking for it, as we are just doing our duties, but it is just to let you know...’. I remembered the song of Billy Joel, Goodnight Saigon, where he shouts ‘And who is right and who is wrong?’. And we all go down together, I thought, as I looked at the big bags that were dragged in, filled with the BuGils shirts and caps. ‘How many in your unit?’, I asked the officer. ‘Eight.’, he said. I pointed at the bags. The people in the room looked happy. ‘Thank you! Begitu dong, mister Bart! Bagi-bagi (share)!’. ‘There are actually 16 in our team’, another officer said. ‘And we like the caps as well!’ , said the Kapten. I reckoned the bags were too heavy to carry anyway, and I let them get what they wanted. As a sign of appreciation in return I received a plastic bag full of illegal CD’s on my way out of the police station.

Just after this bad news came in, I received

a call from the police station in Semanggi. The friendly Kapten asked when I would come and pick up the bags of BuGils shirts and caps, that had been confiscated, while we were under investigation for the BuGils copyright case. The case had been settled months ago and I never had expected to see this stuff back. The doorway into the police office was almost blocked by huge piles of illegal CD’s. ‘Yesterday we did a razia CD...’, explained the officer. I was greeted as a long lost friend by the police officers that had put so much stress on me six months earlier. They apologized for the all the time this case had consumed and they explained they had just been doing their tugas or duty. I wondered why they were

Bugils Bali ready before the first of July. Really!

In the meanwhile BuGils Bali is continu-

ing with the construction and we hope to have the bar ready before the first of July. I try to be clever, by creating my own pole on top of the roof, with the idea of lifting the cables high over it. PLN is waiting for me to negotiate a new deal, but I am not going back there. Maybe I should go back, eat some peanuts, hand out some BuGils shirts and drink hot tea with a lid on it, but no. This time I want to be more clever than they are. While I write this, I realize how stupid this

‘Thank you!’ Begitu dong, mister Bart!

sounds. Who am I fooling? Do I really think I can beat the system? When I accepted these illegal CD’s, I became part of their system. I can try to be more clever than they are, but, in the end, they handle the electricity switch. I can never win. On my next trip to Bali I will bring some extra books of Bule Gila and hand them out to everybody with a uniform and a kretek in his mouth. A BuGils bar never comes easy...

Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009 - BuGils bi-Weekly  3

Expat Leagues Jakarta International FOOTBALL LEAGUE JIFL Teams

Standings P








Sabor Latino






























German Plus










De Hooi Nomads






























Lions F.C.





























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Recent Events Scary Halloween at Eastern Promise!

The sound of BuGils Bali

Happy Birthday Jasper!

EP waitresses in disguise. Can you tell who they are?


Cazbar’s manager Jasper with Ray Attree.

BuGils FC’s version of the Village People... Prem (leather boy) and Bosky (cowboy).

Group Therapy

Saturdays accoustic, Sule & Epi Rock!

Live Music at De Hooi

Free beers and friends at The One Tree Bar

Gomez and friends offered their services for Hidung Merah Circus.

Pressure Hour and rugby at One Tree last Friday.

Sweetest Illusion our new Ladies’ Night band here every Thursday.

Evi and her good friend Abi, One Tree regulars.


Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009 - BuGils bi-Weekly  5

Bar Goodies Eastern Promise Caricature

Worst Album Cover The absolute worst... the nastiest, the funniest, and the wackiest album art of all time. Episode 50.

This week’s caricature is a founding father,

author, waffle baker, newspaper salesman, gallery owner and… former farmer. Can you guess who he is?

The artist: Armen If you’d like to order your own caricature from Armen call him on: 08 56 97 29 32 45

Becky’s Window B e li e ve

Rudy Ray Moore The Sensuous Black Woman Meets the Sensuous Black Man (1971)


or not, but there is actually a waiting list for these window shots to be placed in this newsletter. So now, after 7 months of waiting eagerly (and 7 months of harassing me) I am very relieved… I mean pleased… to announce EP pool player Mark Mc Murray and his lovely wife Karina as this week’s window model couple!! Well done you guys and I hope it was worth the wait!

Take Me Back

Music for Nudists? This one was sent to us by Jeroen Verweij from Holland. Keep ‘em coming! Send to newsletter@bugilsnews.com

De Hooi Fact or Fiction? Spot the Not! Every week, a Cazbar regular will be

taken into the past... Who is this guy?


1 De Hooi is looking for a second location. 2 Harry is having a hard time thinking of another lie to tell about De Hooi. 3 De Hooi is now rocket powered.

6  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009

Bars Quiz Nights Our bar quizzes consists of 6 rounds of

different categories with 10 questions per round. A maximum of 4 players per team are allowed. And... the winning team do not pay their drinks bill!! (all drinks bought until 23.00)


Can you answer those questions taken out from our last quiz? Check correct answers on last page.

Last winners

Eastern Promise Quiz winners: Miranda, Paul, Shelley, Katherin.

De Hooi Quiz Night Winners: Tom, Keith, their friend & Rick.

QUIZ Schedule

1. How many fans does the Middlesbrough Riverside Stadium seat? a) 35,000 seats b) 23,000 seats c ) 78,000 seats

Next General Knowledge Quiz at Cazbar is on December, 5th, 8pm Next Sports Quiz at EP is on december, 9th, 8pm Next Sports Quiz at De Hooi is on december, 11th, 8pm

visit us now...


2. In England, who are nicknamed the Hornets? a) Manchester City b) Burnley c ) Watford


Where Business is a plaisure

Let Us take care of your corporate office requirements, so you focus on your business.

a) Montréal b) Monaco c ) Suzuka


4. What team manager was knighted by the Queen of England? a) Franck Williams b) Peter Sauber c ) Nikki Lauda


3. This Grand Prix circuit is located in the center of the town of:

Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009 - BuGils bi-Weekly  7

Events Calendar FREE BEER (if you fit our Monday profile) Every Monday between 5pm and 6pm we give away free beer if you fit our monday profile.

-> Next Monday Profiles

23th November : Lipstick 30th November : Spectacles

Pressure Hour!

At Ep, One Tree and Cazbar.

Live Music at EP We have on Saturday, November, 28th, 3 of the best Indie bands for you in Time Out magazine’s 4th edition of On The Up! Come see comme ca!

8  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009

ThanksGiving (EP, Cazbar, De Hooi, One Tree) Taste the best Turkey in town this Thanksgiving Thursday!

Funny Bar Facts


Funky bar fact

had his own 1 Brewhouse on the grounds of Mount Vernon. George Washington

2 a passenger on the Mayflower, the pilgrims made their landing at Plymouth According to a diary entry from

Rock, rather than continue to their destination in Virginia, due to lack of beer. pubs, ale is ordered by 3 pints and quarts. So in old England, when customers got unruly, the barIn English

tender would yell at them to mind their own pints and quarts and settle down. It’s where we get the phrase “mind your P’s and Q’s”.

The Funny Drinker of the Week


The Drink Poster of the Week

Did you know?

The White Horse Tavern in Rhode Island, built in 1673, is the oldest operating tavern in the United States. The world’s oldest known recipe is for beer! The human body produces its own supply of alcohol naturally on a continous basis, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Vikings used the skulls of their enemies as drinking vessels.

in England, pub fre4 quenters had a whistle baked into the rim of their beer mugs or ceremic/ Long ago

glass cups. The whistle was used to order services. Thus we get the phrase, “wet your whistle”. Jim Whitaker became the 5 first American to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. A can of Seattle’s own In 1963,

Rainier Beer made the ascent with him.


6 Guinness. 19 different versions of There are

of a typical American pale 7 lager actually has fewer calories than 2 percent milk or apple juice. 12 oz

Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009 - BuGils bi-Weekly  9

Recipes of the Week CHICKEN CURMA Ingredients to use: Chicken 1 kg Sliced onion 1 cup Poppy seeds 2 tbsps Coriander seeds 1 tbsp Cumin seeds 1 tsp Fresh grated coconut ½ cup Curd (yogurt) 1 cup Garlic cloves 2 no Ginger paste 2 tsp Green cardamom 3 – 4 Dry red chili whole 2 Fresh cream ¼ cup Oil 3 tbsps Salt To taste Directions: 1. Cut the chicken into small pieces. 2. Soak poppy seeds in 1 cup warm water for 10 minutes. 3. Grind soaked poppy seeds with deseeded red chilies,coriander seeds, cummin

seeds, garlic, green cardamom and grated coconut. 4. Heat oil in a pan. Add sliced onions and cook till they are translucent. Add Ginger Paste and stir for 15 seconds. 5. Add chicken pieces and cook on high flame for 5 minutes stirring constantly. 6. Stir in the ground paste and add 1 cup of water. Add salt and bring it to a boil. Reduce flame and add beaten yogurt. Simmer for 5 minutes. 6. Finish with fresh cream.

BRAINWASH Ingredients to use: 3.0 shot Blue Curacao 1.0 shot Gin 2.0 dl Pineapple Juice 1.0 shot OVAL Vodka 1.0 shot Jagermeister Directions: shake, stir

and pour over ice then add pineapple juice

Dos Hermanos Royal Collection Each masterfully hand-rolled cigar is wrapped with the rare deli tobacco leaf, a fine ingredient that can be harvested on the northern region of Sumatra. Better known as the famous Sumatra wrapper, this fine tobacco will show off Its silky color and texture while delivering a mild, medium - bodied smoke with a tender mix sweet, spicy notes. This is an excellent choice for all cigar lovers Type and Size: Churchill “50X7.5”, Toro “50X6”, and Robusto “50X5.5”

Dos Hermanos Premium Collection You will discover the well-balanced flavor that is complemented by its famous Besuki wrapper, found solely on the eastern coast of the island java. It will deliver satisfaction for any occasion. Type and Size: Churchill “50X7.5”, Toro “50X6”, and Robusto “50X5.5”

10  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009

What’s going on in Jakarta Jakarta Culinary Festival 4/29 November 2009 Ismaya Group brings you Jakarta Culi-

nary Festival, a one-month festival of good food, good drinks, and good fun! Find fascinating gastronomic events to experience and great promotions you don’t want to miss. We are bringing you some of the best food creators in the region to showcase their amazing culinary techniques, and the best F&B products in the industry. Jakarta Culinary Festival will take you to a new world of taste sensations!


INDONESIAN CONTEMPORARY ART & DESIGN (ICAD) 2009 @grandkemang Hotel Fri, 04 Dec 2009 - Fri, 15 Jan 2010 More Info: Rosa Lusi - 0813-1445-7940

British Council: The Jakarta Fashion Week Opportunities for Partnership in 2010 Sat, 14 Nov 2009 - Fri, 20 Nov 2009 Tue, 01 Dec 2009 http://www.jakartafashionweek.co.id/en 16:30 – 18:00 http://www.britcham.or.id

To be advised by reservation confirmation or personal

phone call.Led by the British Council Country Director, Keith Davies OBE, this team briefing will showcase opportunities for businesses in Indonesia to engage with the UK through their programmes in English, Education, Climate, Entrepreneurship and the Arts. The British Council is committed to do more, reaching thousands more people through face to face and online activities. They’d like to share some ideas and challenges with you for the coming year and to provide you with new opportunities for partnership with them.


BOOK NOW! events@britcham.or.id Members:Rp. 100.000*, Non Members: Rp. 200.000 *the first 10 member registrations are complimentary (one per corporate member) Location: TBA on RSVP Email: events@britcham.or.id

Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009 - BuGils bi-Weekly  11

DRAIN YOUR BRAIN PUZZLE OF THE WEEK The man in the pub A man is sitting in a pub feeling rather poor. He sees the man next to him pull a wad of £50 notes out of his wallet. He turns to the rich man and says to him, “I have an amazing talent; I know almost every song that has ever existed. ” The rich man laughs.The poor man says, “I am willing to bet you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing a genuine song with a lady’s name of your choice in it.” The rich man laughs again and says, “OK, how about my daughter’s name, Joanna Armstrong-Miller? ” The rich man goes home poor. The poor man goes home rich.

What song did he sing? Hint It is a genuine song that almost everyone should know.

SUDOKU OF THE WEEK Sudoku, known as well as südoku or su doku is a logical kind of Japanese puzzle. Rules are simple, it consists of a 9×9 grid, divided in

9 blocks of 3×3, that have to be filled up so all rows, columns and blocks (3×3) contain numbers 1 to 9 without repeating. You obviously start out with some spaces already

filled in. There’s only one possible solution for each sudoku, so be careful!

Easy Sudoku Difficult Sudoku

RIDDLE OF THE WEEK Three bulbs Imagine you are in a room with 3 switches. In adjacent

room there are 3 bulbs (all are off at the moment), each switch belongs to some bulb. It is impossible to see from one room to another. How can you find out, which switch belongs to which bulb, if you may enter the room with bulbs only once?

12  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009

From Our Readers Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor

sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009 - BuGils bi-Weekly  13

Staff & Customers Bar staff of the week

Bar customer of the week




& develop

our bar

a regular customer


of the


Name : Occupation : Bar :

network Enny Bartender One Tree Bar

Name : Occupation : Regular Bar :

Graham Garven Financial advisor Cazbar

How long have you been in Indonesia?

What are your hobbies? Sleeping, watching cinetron and eating Indomie

Well, good question eheh... Long enought lah..

What is your favorite EP food/Drink?

Why are you working in Indonesia?

Dont know, belum coba sih...

Always wanted to work in tropical country ahah...

What is your dream?

What makes your work better in Indonesia?

To meet honest men, and will love me!

Euh... cause they need lots of advices :)

You in a few words?

What’s your advice to a new comer in Jakarta?

Simple girl, honest dan maniiizzz...

Think twice!! anyway we are already enought...

Getting Deep... 14  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009




All classifieds are published without any charge. Send your text to classifieds@bugilsweekly.com including your name and phone number.

COUNTRY MUSIC INVESTOR WANTED Potentially very rewarding. Daryll Patton has been to Nashville 9 times and on verge of big break interesting in this exciting venture - Call Darryl on 081311506924 for CD songs and info.

FOR SALE Beach Resort in Bali. 5 Bungalows and a restaurant, all built in traditional style, a private villa and several outbuildings on an area of 4150 m2 of lush tropical flower and fruit gardens right on the beach. Ready to move in and operate! Call Janet on 081234567.



Green Wax Jacket hardly used (One season Only)spent most if its life in the wardrobe.

Beach Resort in Bali.

Could do with a re-wax : DIY or professionally £22.50 by Barbour and son. Once rewaxed this item will be virtually indistinguishable from new. Reason for sale ... I put on a couple of pounds - Can deliver within reason. Call Al on 081234567.

5 Bungalows and a restaurant, all built in traditional style, a private villa and several outbuildings on an area of 4150 m2 of lush tropical flower and fruit gardens right on the beach. Ready to move in and operate! Call Janet on 081234567.

FOR SALE Xbox with all the leads and 2 controllers! Plus 3 games: Rogue ops, XIII,Time Splitters 2. Call Mike on 081234567.

FOR SALE Green Wax Jacket hardly used (One season Only)spent most if its life in the wardrobe. Could do with a re-wax : DIY or professionally £22.50 by Barbour and son. Once rewaxed this item will be virtually indistinguishable from new. Reason for sale ... I put on a couple of pounds - Can deliver within reason. Call Al on 081234567.


FOR SALE Xbox with all the leads and 2 controllers! Plus 3 games: Rogue ops, XIII,Time Splitters 2. Call Mike on 081234567.

FOR SALE Beach Resort in Bali. 5 Bungalows and a restaurant, all built in traditional style, a private villa and several outbuildings on an area of 4150 m2 of lush tropical flower and fruit gardens right on the beach. Ready to move in and operate! Call Janet on 081234567.

ADVERTISING Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009 - BuGils bi-Weekly  15

Gallery Bartele Bartele Gallery

is located on the 4th floor, above Cazbar in Kantor Taman at Jl. Mega Kuningan.

Open every day from 9:00 am to 20:00 pm.

Quiz & Games Answers PAGE 7 - QUIZ 1 - 35,000 seats 2 - Watford 3 - Monaco 4 - Franck Williams

Rendez-vous in our next BuGils bi-Weekly issue for more Quiz & Games

PAGE 12 - GAMES - The song is “Happy Birthday”. - Keep the first bulb switched on for a few minutes. It gets warm, right? So all you have to do then is ... switch it off, switch another one on, walk into the room with bulbs, touch them and tell which one was switched on as the first one (the warm one) and the others can be easily identified ... 16  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #00 - 26th November - 2009

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