BuGils bi-Weekly #04

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BuGils bi Weekly Life in Indonesia, it’s always getting better!

Every first and third Week of the month

Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010

Fubar rocks the EP Beer Garden

“They can get married at any age, even girls who haven’t started menstruating.”

Nahdlatul Ulama

Leading Muslim organization

Eastern Promise was proud to host the reunion concert of one of Jakarta’s most illustrious expat bands ever: FUBAR!!!

Nahdlatul Ulama has issued a fatwa declaring “underage marriage acceptable as long as the purpose of the union was to build a happy family and allowing underage women to have intimate relationships and intercourse as long as they are able.” Under such a marriage, the minors are wed under Islamic law as if they were adults, but live separately with their families until they are judged mature enough to assume adult responsibilities.

Claims of Pig Blood in Cigarette Filters Coughs Up a Cloud of Controversy

Source: indonesiamatters.com

In a claim likely to cause consternation from Muslim smokers, a Dutch author has published a book that claims that pig blood is used to make cigarette filters. Pig 05049, written by Christien Meindertsma, lists 185 different ways that pigs’ body parts can be used, including in the manufacture of sweets, shampoo, bread, beer and bullets.

Source: balidiscovery.com

Source: thejakartaglobe.com Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM), the Ministry of Health and the Indonesian Ulema Council’s Food and Drug Analysis Agency (LPPOM) should immediately conduct a sampling test,” Tulus Abadi, chairman of the YLKI, told the Jakarta Globe. Tulus said that Indonesian cigarette producers were using imported filters because they are not produced locally.

Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse On April 1, 2010 a comprehensive new national traffic safety law came into effect. A sampling of some of the rules to be enforced include: Driving during daylight without lights illuminated Rp. 100,000 Failing to concentrate on driving by doing another activity Rp. 750,000 Failure to hold a valid driving license Rp. 1,000,000

Professor Simon Chapman from the School of

The Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation (YLKI) called on authorities to investigate the claims. “If the claim is true then the National

Public Health at the University of Sydney was quoted on the university’s Web site as saying, “many devout Islamic and Jewish smokers and some vegetarians would be horrified to think they were putting a filter in their mouth which contained a pig product.” Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  1

BuGils bi Weekly Life in Indonesia, it’s always getting better!

Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 Publisher: BuGils Group E-mail: editorial@bugilsnews.com

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Editorial Coordinator: Nicolas Sanders Design Consultant: FtoDesign.com Contributors: Bartele Santema, Lens Ter Wee, Jasper Bouman, Edo Frese, Harry McMechen, Melida Weber, Meggy Mumu Printing: NewspaperDirect ™ edo@newspaperdirect-jakarta.com www.newspaperdirect-jakarta.com

BuGils Group - Contacts Eastern Promise

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opening times : 10 am ‘till late

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2  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010

All BuGils bi-Weekly materials copyright 2010, Newspaper Direct - Jakarta. No re-use may be made in any form without prior written permission and payment of applicable fees, if any. This includes, but is not limited to, print, tape, film, CD-ROM, computer online services and merchandise logos.

Editorial remember her name - thank God!), the others I do not know. I mean, it is not that I don’t care about them, or that I am not sharp early in the morning (actually the morning is my sharpest moment of the day) but there is an Eni, Ani, Leni and a Lina. Sorry, but even without a night of alcohol before, nobody can keep track of names that similar. So when I was in the hospital last week with

ABOUT A LAZY EXPAT... In order to make this story interesting, I am

afraid I have to share a bit more information with you about my private life. I have been writing stories for almost 10 years now, and always managed to keep my private life a bit in a mystery. To be honest, it has often been a mystery to myself, but that’s another story and still ongoing. The first veil that I lift, is my modus ope-

randi for the first 30 minutes after I wake up. Contrary to what people believe - knowing that I have been a bar man for all these years - I always wake up early, between 5 and 6am. Why? I don’t know. I think it has something to do with the long past period of my youth on the farm. From the moment I wake up and go downstairs, the TV is already tuned on to the BBC News. The handphone is lying on the armrest of my lazy chair, fully charged from the night before. At the moment I fall down in the Lazy Boy, I press the button that throws this chair - and thus me - from a vertical into a horizontal position. It kind of wakes me up. My legs even shoot up into the air a bit, giving me a positive feeling of actually having done some morning exercise already. Without blinking an eye, or snapping fingers, I hold out my hand to the left and a hot cup of coffee is provided, normally within 10 seconds. If it takes longer, I push, with intense power of my legs, the chair back into the vertical position (now this is a serious exercise I tell you), and flip it out again, but now with a ‘WOW!’ sound and throwing my legs even higher in the air. Then the pembantus (servants) become seriously nervous and run with their hot coffee towards me! It’s my personal kind of fun routine in the morning. I do not always know who gives the coffee

to me, the babysitter, the pembantu, my wife - I have no idea, I watch TV while I receive it. Except for my wife (I always

another dengue attack (my third infection with dengue - so people please stop sending me messages that I should drink more guava juice!), I soon missed my daily routine at home. After 3 weeks of fever and chills, they still hadn’t found out if it was only dengue, or also a typhoid or a viral infection. I was bored to death, eating more antibiotics then potatoes. Then suddenly, in the middle of the day, the doctor unexpectedly came in with two susters (believe it or not: a Susi and a Lucy) and told me I could go home. I was released! And then they walked out again! This all happened within a few seconds. My wife wasn’t there because she was working at her office. Nobody was present. When that doctor left with his nurses, there was such a sudden silence that I just laid down on my back staring at the ceiling. Fifteen minutes later, my brain started

working again. OK. I can go. And now? Nobody to pack my bag? Nobody to hand me my clothes? I felt helpless. I laid like that for another 10 minutes, but it could just have well been 20. Then slowly it realized to me, I should do something myself. Maybe I should get up myself, and get my things together. Still staring, and probably still hoping somebody would come in and pack it all together for me, I suddenly remembered this push button next to my pillow. You know, the one that is in contact with a standby nurse. I pushed the button, and the pleasant silence I had enjoyed was now interrupted by this loud voice through a speaker above me: “Ya, mister...ada yang saya bisa bantu?” (can I help you with something?). “Uh... yes. The doctor told me I can go home.” I said. A short silence followed. And then,

through the speaker: “OK! Congratulations!” And that was it! Complete silence again! I continued staring at the ceiling, but nobody came. I wanted to call my wife, but I realized my mobile had not been charged the night before. I had become a spoiled expat, a damn spoiled expat that deserved to be sick and experience this. I am just 43 years old! I should take more control of myself again! You lazy Bartele! I got up, grabbed my things together and went to check out desk. The cashier department was a mess.

Papers everywhere and people running and screaming. One young lady looked more Western to me. Can you help me? She looked tired. I said: “It is rather hectic here. Is it always like this?”. She let a long sigh, clearly not happy and said “Yes, I am afraid so.” “You have Dutch blood, don’t you?” I said, without looking up to her, as I was signing the release form. She was slightly stunned. “Koh!? How do you know? My grandmother was Dutch!” I continued filling in the form. “Well, you are prettier then anybody else here” I continued coolly. She was flattered. It certainly gave her enlightenment in her busy work atmosphere. “I even speak some Dutch words!” She said happily. “Vervelend, lekker, naar boven, tot ziens,...:” Now I looked up. I felt like the cool guy, but having enough self-analysis that I am just another fat expat, I quickly started looking at it from a business opportunity. “I am looking for admin staff. It’s for a gallery. I promise you it will not be as hectic.” “Oh really!? I am looking for a new job!”, she smiled. I gave her my name card. Now, a few days later, I am back home

again, still slowly recovering from weeks of fever. Has my morning routine changed after my hospital experience? Am I taking control over my own life again? Yes. Well… slowly. I actually charge my own mobile now! (impressive right?). For the rest it is still the same. But I do say “good morning” to the staff now, which really confused them at the beginning. They asked my wife if they did something wrong maybe. She just smiled and explained to them that I am just happy to be back home. They all smiled with relief. And they now serve coffee within 5 seconds, I swear you. Haven’t I always said life in Indonesia is

beautiful? BARTELE

Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  3

News Metro Madness: Jakarta’s Sexual Ambiguity A friend of mine recently suggested an evening’s worth of research in possibly the most questionable area of Jakarta. I am referring to Kalijodo, a street full of bars and brothels that lies next to the less-than crystalline waters of the Grogol River just under the airport toll road in West Jakarta. Source: thejakartaglobe.com around 20 girls — was paraded past us and shook our hands as we consumed a few drinks before heading home. Kalijodo may represent the cheaper end of

the spectrum, but in fact, Jakarta is saturated with prostitution. There are places to suit all income brackets, even five-star hotels. Kalijodo itself exists in a sort of corrupt On Tuesday evening, three of us parked

on a side street close to the 100 or so not exactly club-class Bintang, baso and bonking joints that line the main Kalijodo strip. We soon found ourselves enjoying the aromatic ammonia fragrance of the river air as we passed by the endless parade of neon-lit Bintang signs and locals trying to beckon us into tiny discos resembling Guatemalan prison cells, all blasting out dangdut classics.

legal gray area — despite various efforts to shut it down — as do many of the city’s nightclubs, spas and naughty karaoke joints.

“Looking lady, mister?” came the per-

sistent refrain. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that the Guantanamo Bay atmosphere of many of these shantytown dance floors proved to be something of a passion killer. The general dilapidation and despera-

tion of the area was palpable and we soon sought refuge in what appeared to be the highest-class joint in the area, the sizeable Intan Executive Club. Our eyes adjusted to the near pitch black

interior. Many clubs in Jakarta seem to be enamored with the darkened movie theater approach to interior design. Perhaps it’s all part of an energy-saving push for a greener, more ecologically sustainable prostitution industry, or maybe every watt saved on lighting can be channeled mercilessly into the ear-splitting PA systems. Most likely, though, the darkness of these places provides a reassuring cloak of anonymity. This night, however, we were the only

“executives” in attendance and thus were given the royal treatment. It seemed that every person in the building — including

I guess I’d say that, for better or worse, the

flesh trade is ineradicable and will always be with us, whether legal or illegal, a direct consequence of the fact that human beings possess a mix of genes typical to both monogamous and non-monogamous species. Schopenhauer once said, “There are 80,000 prostitutes in London alone and what are they, if not bloody sacrifices on the altar of monogamy?” You’ll never get rid of Jakarta’s night but-

terflies, that’s for sure, as the seedy boulevards of Kalijodo testify. If you’re going to criminalize prostitution, though, then at least bust the men as well as — or even instead of — the women. It’s always the ladies who are victimized here, as with the case of the “sexy dancers” in Bandung who were recently convicted under the Anti-Pornography Law. There’s a certain strain of misogyny in Indonesian society that is unfortunately dovetailing with the increasing Islamification of the country at the moment.

Prostitution itself is legal in some parts

of the world and illegal in others, and even feminists don’t agree on this topic. Those in favor of legalization say that in a free society, making the world’s oldest trade illegal violates basic rights and individual liberties. It’s obviously a crime if one is forcing

somebody into such activity. However, if you sell your body of your own volition, then that is your right. There’s also the pragmatic argument that legalization protects women from disease and violence, as they can be monitored and helped. At a deeper, more philosophical level,

author Angela Carter posits an often-heard argument reflecting wider economic power in our society: “What is marriage but prostitution to one man instead of many?” Opponents of prostitution say that it com-

modifies women as sex objects, leads to violence against them and is a consequence of male domination.

4  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010

I know a girl who was once in a group

rounded up by the police for the crime of being in a disco. She was sent to a so-called re-education center in East Jakarta (it was a prison) in order to learn sewing (great). She managed to escape after three months by climbing out of a second-floor window and jumping down from a three-meter wall to her freedom. You go, girl! Simon Pitchforth has lived in Jakar-

ta for 13 years. His Metro Mad Jakarta blog is at metromad.blogspot.com.

News Video of smoking, swearing child shocks Indonesia

Tiger Gives Man Deadly Wake-Up Call in Jambi Source: TheJakartaGlobe.com

A video posted on the Internet of a small boy smoking, swearing and making lewd sexual gestures has shocked Indonesia. The short video appeared on YouTube over the weekend but was removed by the website on Wednesday for violating its terms of use, The Jakarta Globe daily reported. Source: AFP

Jakarta Globe that the video represented child abuse. The boy is believed to be from Malang, a town in east Java. “There should be immediate psy-

It showed a boy aged about four puffing

on a highly-toxic clove cigarette, blowing smoke rings and swearing in an east Java dialect with the encouragement of adults, who can be heard laughing in the background.

chological and medical treatment for the little boy as it will disturb his development. He cannot be like this,” National Commission for Child Protection chairman Seto Mulyadi was quoted as saying. A senior official from the women’s empowerment and child protection ministry said an investigation team will soon meet the child’s parents and local community leaders.

Responding to questions from the

adults, the child, called Sandy, said he wanted to be a thief when he grew up and spend his money on prostitutes. Sitting on a tricycle, he also said his

favourite thing in the world was “vaginas” and thrust his hips when asked to simulate intercourse. Child protection officials told The

“We’ll give a warning to the boy’s par-

ents and will cooperate with local community chiefs in order to prevent other kids in the surrounding neighbourhoods from engaging in this extreme behaviour,” Wahyu Hartomo told AFP.

A man was killed when a Sumatran tiger dragged him from a forest hut, breaking his neck and crushing his skull before his friends could save him, a conservation official said on Monday. The 25-year-old victim died from injuries

sustained in the Sunday night attack at Berbak National Park in Jambi, the provincial conservation agency head Didi Wuryanto told Agence France-Presse. “A Sumatran tiger went into the make-

shift hut while they were asleep and dragged one of the men out,” he said. “His friends heard screaming, but when they got to him, it was too late.” Authorities are investigating why the

men camped overnight in a forest where tigers were known to roam, he added. Human-animal conflicts are becom-

The team will also provide counselling to

the child and closely monitor his psychological development, he said.

ing a rising problem as people encroach on wildlife habitats, particularly in the rainforests of Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Democrats: ‘Being gay in Indonesia is a Constitutional right’ Source: blog.indahnesia.com JAKARTA - Politicians from President

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s Democratic Party have finally come into action by unlawful actions against gay and lesbians in the country. Although their actions seem too little too late, they are clear

that that gays and lesbians have the constitutional right to hold a congress wherever and whenever they wish. “Holding a congress is every citizen’s

basic human rights. Gays and lesbians are citizens, whose political and legal rights are guaranteed and protected by the Constitution,” Benny Kabur Harman, chairman of the House of Representatives’ law and human rights commission, said Friday.

Benny’s colleague, Pieter Zulkifli,

said that the congress should be perceived as part of a celebration towards democracy and human rights. The Surabaya police banned the congress, which was originally planned to take place from March 26 to March 28, following objection from various Muslim organizations and ulema. Organizers of the international congress may relocate the venue of the event to another city in East Java.

Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  5

News Multimillion-Dollar Blunder Builds Cruise Port Half Size KARANGASEM regency is urgently looking for Rp200 billion (US$21.9 million) to double the size of its showcase cruise terminal harbour near Padang Bai – because it has been built only half the size that’s needed to take cruise liners. Source: The Bali Times

The new Amuk Port at Tanah Ampo, billed

Bali Tourism Board head Ngurah Wijaya

as the biggest in Southeast Asia, has already been delayed. It was due to open for business at the end of 2009. But Karangasem Regent Wayan Geredeg said this week he was still hopeful it would be open by the end of the year.

said the harbour was crucial to boost the arrival on cruise ships of tourists to Bali. “Bali is a strategic position for cruise ships

from around the world to disembark,” he said. “We can attract hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists with the new harbour.”

“Cruise ship operators said 150 metres was

not enough for big ships to come ashore, so we still need to fix the design,” he said. “We have to expand the area by 150 metres.”

Karangasem has already been listed as a

the target, but we expect to finish it [the construction] by the middle of this year.”

destination by several international cruise ship operators and Bali tourism representatives said they were disappointed at the technical and funding delay as the new harbour was expected to substantially boost their industry.

Karangasem had requested the addition-

Karangasem’s current infra-structure

al funding from the national government and was waiting for a response, he said. Work on the port was started in 2006 at a project cost of Rp97 billion ($10.6 million).

can accommodate only 13 cruise ships a year which use the busy Bali-Lombok ferry port at nearby Padang Bai to land passengers.

Regent Geredeg added: “We have missed

In recent months some cruise ships have

used the incomplete Tanah Ampo facility from which passengers have been ferried ashore on small boats. Funding for the project has come from

three tiers of government with the national government providing Rp70 million ($7.68 million) for most of the construction work and the Bali administration allocating Rp22 billion ($2.4 million) for supporting infrastructure in the area. Karangasem provided the land for

the port, which it valued at Rp5 billion ($584,486).

Safety Riding Takes a Back Seat in Bali Efforts by the police to reduce the carnage on Bali’s roadways via a system dubbed “safety riding” appears to be an idea that came and went with little impact on road safety. Source: Balidiscovery.com

police-led convoys around the island in orderly parades and, day and night, with their headlights illuminated publicizing the campaign. Under threat of fines by police, Motorcycles riders were reminded that they were now required to always ride with their headlights “on” as a sign of their commitment to safer roads on the island. And while police were initially active in Beritabali.com reports how the program was launched in late 2009 with much fanfare and the slogan “The People Love Safe Roads.” Motorcycle clubs were recruited to travel in

the high-profile “safety riding program,” pulling over motorcycles without headlights “on” and drivers who failed to wear helmets, the passage of time has dimmed, if not extinguished completely, any official support and enthusiasm for the program.

6  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010

At the Surpati bypass near Jembrana

in West Bali, police took the extra steps of installing loudspeakers to broadcast safety reminders to passing motor cyclists and installed banners in locations through the regency. According to Beritabali.com, the

people now pay little attention to safety guidelines, driving past the front of the Jembrana Police Headquarters with headlight off and heads unprotected by helmets. Sharing the public’s lack of enthusiasm, the police also show little interest in enforcing the safety guidelines introduced with much fanfare just three months ago.

news Minister: ‘Indonesia’s legal system still not well organized’ JAKARTA - Indonesia’s legal system is bad and negatively affecting its detention center management, according to Law and Human Rights Minister Patrialis Akbar. Indonesia’s detention centers were in general overcrowded, he said. Source: blog.indahnesia.com period of a prisoner, he said. It could have been corrected if the court could provide the ministry with information on every verdict, he said. The minister also criticized the police and

”The legal system in our country is still

bad. Cooperation among the police, prosecutor’s office, court, and the law and human rights ministry, have not been established properly,” Minister Akbar said at a ceremony for kicking off an elementary school building construction project at Simpang Haru, West Sumatra, Saturday. It was because the legal and human rights

ministry had no accurate data on detention

public prosecutors for their tendency of arresting people easily. He hoped that they should not necessarily detain those alleged to have committed light crimes. The minister also claimed that he had even found out a person who had been arrested for alleged involvement in a civil case. “These have caused overcrowded condi-

tion at the detention centers and prisons, so that their services are not optimal,” he said. Out of the total 135,000 prisoners in Indonesia, about 45,000 have been arrested for illegal drug abuses and 5,000 are under 18 years old, who are categorized as children, according to the minister. Dos Hermanos Royal Collection

How to Slice a Visa Pie JAKARTA - Beritabali.com says that the provincial government of Bali is demanding a share of the income the national government collects through the sale of visa-on-arrivals purchased at the island’s Ngurah Rai International Airport. At present all funds collected for visas are remitted to Jakarta. Source: Beritabali.com Governor Made Mangku Pastika says that

Bali is only asking for a fair share of visa revenues, viewing the request as equitable and a valid form of balancing revenues between the central government and the provinces. What’s more, according to Pastika, Bali is making a substantial contribution to the national coffers via the monies collected from inbound tourists. In defending Bali’s claim to a share of visa

revenues, the governor pointed to the island’s dependence on tourism and its lack of exploitable natural resources, such as other parts of Indonesia. “We don’t have natural resources, we don’t have oil, we don’t have gas and we don’t have coal, yet

we do produce a lot of foreign exchange,” the governor emphasized. Governor Pastika would not adopt a legal excuse for refusing to share visa revenues, insisting that Bali has a right to its share of visa fees.

Each masterfully hand-rolled cigar is wrapped with the rare deli tobacco leaf, a fine ingredient that can be harvested on the northern region of Sumatra. Better known as the famous Sumatra wrapper, this fine tobacco will show off Its silky color and texture while delivering a mild, medium - bodied smoke with a tender mix sweet, spicy notes. This is an excellent choice for all cigar lovers Type and Size: Churchill “50X7.5”, Toro “50X6”, and Robusto “50X5.5”

Dos Hermanos Premium Collection You will discover the well-balanced flavor that is complemented by its famous Besuki wrapper, found solely on the eastern coast of the island java. It will deliver satisfaction for any occasion. Type and Size: Churchill “50X7.5”, Toro “50X6”, and Robusto “50X5.5”

Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  7

What’s going on in Jakarta Sun, 23 May 2010 The Scottish Highland Gathering Is Back! Dreaming of the 10s?

Location: TBA E-mail: jhg@phoenix.co.id

Come & Watch Crown Jakarta Rugby 10s May 1st, 2010 @ ISCI, Ciputat Raya 8am – 7pm All day; Food, Drink Commentary & Rugby ‘See You At The 10s!’

Who Will Be Champions?

Sun, 09-11 April 2010 The 4th Indonesia Travel and Holiday Fair Location: JCC E-mail: info@rajamice.com

CWA/Ken Pattern Charity Art Exhibition The Canadian Women’s Association will host its annual charity art exhibition at the Gran Melia Hotel from April 26 - May 22 featuring the work of Canadian artist Ken Pattern. Funds raised benefit Indonesian charities including: The Learning Farm, Budi Karya, Kampung Kids and others. The exhibition is open from 11am to 8pm daily with the official opening at 7pm on April 26. Location: Gran Melia Hotel Website: www.cwajakarta.com Email: cathy_herriman@yahoo.com 8  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010

EASTERN PROMISE Regular Events Monday Monday Profile Free beer 6 to 8 pm 1st week : Baldy 2nd week : Moustache 3rd week : Lipstick 4th week : Spectacles 5th week : No beer belly

Tuesday Acoustic with Epi and Suleh (9 pm to midnight) Quiz Night Start 8 pm Every last Tuesday of the month

Wednesday Jazz Night 9 pm onwards

Friday Pressure Hour (5 ‘till 6 pm) Free beer will be served until anybody, man or woman, visits the toilet or leaves the bar!

Live Music 9 pm onwards


EP Live Music in our Beer Garden! All live Music Starts at 21.00


The Beat Rock Fest!


Fri 09 Sat 10 Wed

Rock classics by CenterStage!

The Rolling Stones

Heineken Road Show


Fri 16 Sat 17

Heineken Music Presents Nu Page

All French pop rock outfit Selatan Transfer

Eastern Promise Caricature Last week’s caricature couple were of course ‘front bar only’ Paul and Tracy and 1st to reply the correct answer was Andrew Winstanley. Well done Andrew!

Live Music 9 pm onwards

Sunday Live String Trio 4 ‘till 7 pm (front bar)

Please come to our front bar on any Sunday afternoon if you want to meet Tracy and Paul.

Caricature maestro Armen with his idol Mike Tramp.

The artist behind the caricatures by the way is: Armen and if you’d like to order your own caricature you can call him on: 0856 972 932 45

Our caricature this week always sits

next to Ross Scholes. Can you guess who he is? Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  9

EASTERN PROMISE Walker’s World of Wit

believe what had just happened, but he had just experienced the best sex that he’d had in years. They fished for a while and continued on down the river, when soon they came upon another fork in the river. He again asked the lady , ‘Up or down ?’ There she went again, stripped off her clothes, and made wild passionate love to him again. This really impressed the elderly gentleman, so he asked her to go fishing again the next day.


She said yes and there they were the next day, riding in the boat when they came upon the fork in river, and the elderly gentleman asked, ‘Up or down ?’

At a Senior Citizen’s luncheon, an elderly gentleman and an elderly lady struck up a conversation and discovered that they both loved to fish. Since both of them were widowed, they decided to go fishing together the next day. The gentleman picked the lady up, and they headed to the river to his fishing boat and started out on their adventure.

The woman replied, ‘Down.’

They were riding down the river when there was a fork in the river, and the gentleman asked the lady, ‘Do you want to go up or down?’

This really confused the gentleman so he asked, ‘What’s the deal? Yesterday, every time I asked you if you wanted to go up or down you made mad passionate love to me. Now today, nothing!’

All of a sudden the lady stripped off her shirt and pants and made mad passionate love to the man right there in the boat! When they finished, the man couldn’t

A little puzzled and disappointed, the gentleman guided the boat down the river when he came upon another fork in the river and he asked the lady, ’Up or down ?’ She replied, ‘Up.’

She replied, ‘Well, yesterday I wasn’t wearing my hearing aid and I thought the choices were fuck or drown...

Eastern Promise Food Check out April’s special ’American’ menu! Yeah! Don’t miss our delicious weekend roasts! Every Friday from 11.30 – 14.30 we

put on an Indian buffet!

Please Note that we offer: 10/11 April

Free Wireless Internet Connec-

tion (password epromise) and The Guardian Newspaper daily + Sunday Times!!

17/18 April

Roast Lamb with mint sauce! apple sauce

Roast Pork with apple sauce and lots of

and lots of crackling!


10  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010


Exhibition Announcement!

The absolute worst... the nastiest, the funniest, and the wackiest album art of all time. Episode 73.

After the highly successful

‘Beyond Batik’ exhibition we are proud to announce and invite you to the opening of our 5th exhibition ‘Eastern Beauty’ on Thursday, 8 April from 19.00 onwards (in our restaurant gallery).

‘Eastern Beauty’ on Thursday, 8 April from 19.00 onwards The John Robinson Show Band Pep up your party Coming soon to a patch of gravel near you...

Becky’s Window Say hi to the Jacobsen family, our well

deserved winners of the window model of the (bi) week award! Well done and big hug!

FREE BEER (if you fit our Monday profile) Every Monday between 5pm and 6pm we give away free beer in all our bars... if you fit our Monday profile.

Eastern Promise Quiz Our monthly Pub Quiz

(every last Tuesday of the month!) Congratulations to The Unclogged team of Steve, Erik and Simon for winning the March Pub Quiz! And thank you Tom Elliott (2nd from right) for presenting the quiz!

The next Pub Quiz will be on Tuesday 27 April!

Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  11




Ex-White Lion singer Mike Tramp played for a maximum capacity crowd in our EP garden 2 weeks ago. Thanks for putting on a great show Mike!

The Singapore Pirates were in town again last week to play the almighty Lions and BuGils FC in a friendly mini tournament. Chie Chie made sure they had plenty of beer to drink!

Some of the 22 EP regulars at the Honk Kong rugby sevens were almost unrecognizable‌ It was wild!

From Our Readers Send your comments and stories to readers@bugilsnews.com

12  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010

De hooi Regular Events

De Hooi in pics

Monday Monday Profile Free beer 6 to 8 pm 1st week : Baldy 2nd week : Moustache 3rd week : Lipstick 4th week : Spectacles 5th week : No beer belly

De Hooi’s newly refurbished pool table.

Mike Tramp of White Lion played De Hooi.

And just some of the regular stuff that goes on.

Gomez rocks the mic every Friday at De Hooi

All Day Happy Hour for draught beer

Tuesday Get Brainwashed! 85/glass 400/pitcher

Wednesday Quiz Night Start 8 pm Free draught from 7 to 8 pm for all participants

Thursday Ladies Night (5 pm ‘till close) 50% all drinks for ladies

Chicken Wings (6 pm to midnight) 1000/piece Hot & BBQ

Friday Live Music 9 pm onwards

Sunday Bloody Mary Bar (9 am ‘till 3 pm) Free flow of bloody mary with purchase of breakfast. Open Mic (8 ‘till 9 pm) A free beer for each person who plays or sings a song.

Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  13

Cazbar Regular Events Monday Monday Profile Free beer 6 to 8 pm 1st week : Baldy 2nd week : Moustache 3rd week : Lipstick 4th week : Spectacles 5th week : No beer belly

Tuesday Ladies Night 50% all drinks for ladies (except wine) (5 pm ‘till close)

Wednesday Bizz Buzz (5 to 8 pm) 99/heineken pitcher 40/house spirits mixers

Thursday Quiz Night (first 3 weeks of the month) categories: 1st week General Knowledge 2nd week Music 3rd week Sports


There is no word to describe the “Blues Jam Session” at CazBar - Come and see for yourself!!

Blues Jam Session 9 pm onwards

Saturday Pressure Hour (7 pm ‘till 8 pm) Free beer will be served until anybody, man or woman, visits the toilet or leaves the bar!

Live Acoustic Duo 9.30 pm onwards

Order your freshly baked stroopwafels for home delivery (Min 3 pack) 14  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010

Call NOW!!

717 901 51

Bugils bali Regular Events Monday Monday Profile Free beer 6 to 8 pm 1st week : Baldy 2nd week : Moustache 3rd week : Lipstick 4th week : Spectacles 5th week : No beer belly


What’s Up in Bali? Spirit of the Week…every week a spirit is on special…this week it is Absolut Vodka at only 30,000 and next week…its blowjob shots at 60,000….those are shots, not the real deal! Daniel is in charge of picking the spirits and the shots so let him know if you have requests. Quiz Night more popular than pressure hour? Last week’s quiz proved a breath of fresh air as Quiz Masters baffled us with movies we had to guess from lego characters, and rock songs we played in classical music….Smart and creative….or maybe Dutch just do it better than Germans! First Place last week: Tem

Wings and Beer. Happy Hour! 25% off Bintang Draught and Chicken wings fro 1000/pc (dine in only)

Wednesday Quiz Night Start 7 pm Winner gets their bill paid for.

Thursday Ladies Night (6 pm ‘till close) Buy one drink and get one free (except wine)

Friday Pressure Hour (6 ‘till 7 pm) Free beer will be served until anybody, man or woman, visits the toilet or leaves the bar!

Dj Paddy (starts at 8 pm) Every first and third Friday of the month

Saturday BBQ Night On The Terrace (6 ‘till 9 pm)

Sunday Pasta Day all day long with Chef Teguh’s Pasta Special

Urs sneaking peeks at Widi behind the Heineken Tap!

Um….we can’t see the screen from these bar chairs!

Bar staff of the week

Meet our bar

Belanda is better than Sausage from Germany! Seriously….the manager is good looking, honest and fair!

of the

Daniel: What’s your most memorable


moment at Bugils Bali? Koming: Widi’s Birthday party last year… it was a great party with very interesting photos taken, but I can’t share those or Melida will kill me!


Koming and Ryo Koming Bar: Gorgeous woman, only 25 years old, and Single. Her first rather boring interview by Daniel reveals the following:

Ryo Kitchen: Daniel: Before Bugils Bali where did you

Daniel: Where did you work before



Ryo: A&W for three years

Koming Mama’s German Restaurant! I

was there for three years.

Daniel: What do you like about working

Daniel: Why did you move to Bugils? Koming: Better salary, better looking,

Ryo: All are gila! I love Gila!

and richer men…..he he he...

Daniel: What’s your favorite thing to

at Bugils?

Daniel: What do you like about working

at Bugils? Koming: Owners are great! Sausage from

make at Bugils? Ryo: Frikandel because when we are busy its quick and easy and tastes like the real thing!

Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  15

Bugils bali Bar customer of the week


a regular customer & develop



Dave - Kiwi Dave, Bugils Bali Virgin Customer: Daniel: How did you discover Bugils Bali? Dave: A drunken Aussie brought me here to buy 6 bintang

kecil (but don’t tell his wife) Daniel: Why not tell his wife? Dave: Because this is his own little private watering hole that she does not know about Daniel: So Dave you are a Kiwi? Dave: Yes I am a Kiwi! Daniel: So why did you order the chicken and not the lamb? Dave: Because I am not sure if the NZ lamb chops are any more genuine than a real Rolex in Bali. Dave: Joking aside, don’t lose your Chef, and day staff and evening staff have physical talent!

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16  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010

Bartele gallery New Items for Sale

Not Just a Gallery Besides selling wonderfully rare

treasures such as antique maps, old prints and colonial photographs, Bartele Gallery can also be used as a space for holding events. We can cater for coffee mornings, wine and canapé gatherings, talks, or whatever you fancy! With The Cazbar being just a floor below, we have all the conveniences required to create your event. Our resident Cartography expert,

A chromolithograph showing a small church in an attractive tree-lined avenue in

Batavia, by Josias Cornelius (J.C.) Rappard, an army officer and artist who spent much of his career in Indonesia and between 1842 – 1872 he produced water colour drawings for a series of chromolithographs illustrating topographical views and colonial life in the Dutch East Indies at the time. These popular prints were first published in Nederlandsche – Indie by W.A. van Rees and M.T.H. Perelaar in 1881-83 and later re-published in Het Kamerlid van Berkenstein in Nederlandsch – Indie in Leiden in 1888 and from which the this print is derived. $215.

Dr. David E. Parry (author of The Cartography of the East Indian Islands) would be more than happy to lead a talk on antique maps. Being an avid collector for over 30 years, there is nothing about cartography which he cannot answer! If you pop by on a Wednesday or

a Friday, I will be here to help you discuss your event or pick out that special piece to complete your collection. If there is a particular item you need me to source, just let me know and we will be able to find it for you so you don’t have to lift a finger. Please feel free to give us a call or

drop by. We are open 7 days a week, from 11am until 7pm. Looking forward to seeing you.

Particular See-/Charte der Strafs/Sunda,

nebft de,/nen darinnen be/findlichen Infu/len und Sand/bänken. A rare and very attractive mid-18th century small sea chart showing the North Java coast from Bantam to Batavia with a beautiful engraving of a Javanese plantation in the southwest quadrant of the map and a very unusual ‘framed window’ view vignette of a palm-fringed island in the south-east quadrant. Drawn by John Wolfgang Heydt, a German draughtsman and engraver born in Indonesia, engraved by Andreas Hoffer of Nuremberg and published in Allerneuster Geograpisch undTopographische Schau-Platz von Africa und Oost- Indien in 1744. $640.

Celebes. 38. Groote Waterval Na By Tondano. Cataracte Pres de Tondano. A very fine and detailed black and white mid19th century lithograph by Paulus Lauters (1806-1875) of a waterfall near Lake Tondano, in the Celebes (Sulawesi) from an original drawing by the C.W.M. Van de Velde (1817-1898), a Dutch naval officer and head of the Dutch Royal Hydrographer’s Office in Batavia and published by Frans Buffa and Sons of Amsterdam in 1844-45 in Gezigten uit Neerlands Indie, naar de natuur geteekend en beschreven, a very beautiful and luxurious illustrated work on Indonesia. $135.

Angela Richardson Bartele Gallery Kantor Taman E3.3 Unit A1 4th Floor (entrance via Cazbar) Jl. Mega Kuningan Jakarta Tel: +62 21 5764575 Fax: +62 21 5764576 Email: bartele@me.com

Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  17

DRAIN YOUR BRAIN PUZZLE OF THE WEEK At a musical recital five students (John, Kate, Larry, Mary and Nick)


performed five musical pieces. Two by Bach, two by Mozart and one by Vivaldi. There were three violinists and two pianists. Each student performed only one piece, and played only one instrument. Find the order of the students, their respective instruments and the composer, with the following conditions:

What gets beaten, and whipped, but never cries? - An egg.

1. The composers were not played consecutively. Vivaldi was played last and Mozart

was played first. 2. There was one piano piece that was played between two violin pieces, and two violin pieces between the first and last piano piece. 3. There were no piano pieces by Mozart. 4. Kate played third. 5. Nick played the piano, and immediately followed John, who played a piece by Mozart. 6. Mary did not play a piece by Vivaldi.

Rules are simple, it consists of a 9×9 grid, divided in 9 blocks of 3×3,

that have to be filled up so all rows, columns and blocks (3×3) contain numbers 1 to 9 without repeating. You obviously start out with some spaces already filled in. There’s

18  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010

I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg, I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg. I peel layer s like onions, but still remain whole; I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole. What am I? - A snake.

I have no bones and no legs, but if you keep me warm, I will soon walk away. What am I? - An egg.

Sudoku, known as well as südoku or su doku is a logical kind of Japanese puzzle.

Easy Sudoku

One day, while I was having breakfast, my wedding ring slipped off my finger and fell into a full cup of coffee, but the ring didn’t get wet. Why not? - The cup was filled with dry, ground coffee.

What kind of dress can never be worn? - An address.


only one possible solution for each sudoku, so be careful!

What room is never entered? - A Mushroom.

What are two things you cannot have for breakfast? - Lunch and dinner. How many blocks can you put in an empty box? - One. After that it’s not empty anymore.

Difficult Sudoku


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Advertise with us Contact Lauren at lauren@bugilsnews.com

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classifieds@bugilsnews.com Quiz & Games Answers

Rendez-vous in our next BuGils bi-Weekly issue for more Quiz & Games Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  19

20  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #04 - 6th April - 2010

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