BuGils bi-Weekly #03

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BuGils bi Weekly Life in Indonesia, it’s always getting better!

Every first and third Week of the month

Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

Entertainer Leo rocks Bugils out!

«We can’t issue a match permit because we’re having an anti-terrorist exercise»

Jakarta police. For the second consecutive

week, there will be no football in the nation’s capital. Persija Jakarta was scheduled to host Persiwa Wamena in an Indonesian Super League fixture at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium. Unfortunately for football fans, local police have better things to do. Persija match organizer Reza Khan said police refused to issue a permit even though he offered to stage the match behind closed doors.

BuGils Bali will welcome Leo again in April. Don’t miss him!

Source: thejakartaglobe.com

When the ‘Hobbits’ Conquered Indonesia Ancestors of a hobbit-like species of humans may have colonized the Indonesian island of Flores as far back as a million years ago, much earlier than thought, according to a new study. Source: AP Ancestors of a hobbit-like species of humans

may have colonized the Indonesian island of Flores as far back as a million years ago, much earlier than thought, according to a new study published Thursday. These early ancestors, or hominins, were pre-

viously thought to have arrived on the island about 800,000 years ago but artifacts found in a new archaeological site suggest they might have been around even earlier.

species of human completely new to science.

In a paper published in Nature, researchers

“Flores man” is thought to be a descendant

said their findings suggest these hominins may have evolved into tiny hobbit-like humans, or “Flores man,” who stood about a meter tall and had skulls the size of grapefruit.

of homo erectus, who had a large brain, was full-sized and spread out from Africa to Asia about two million years ago.

FIFA says Indonesia out of 2022 World Cup race Indonesia was dropped from the race to host the 2022 World Cup on Friday after failing to provide government guarantees to FIFA. “We have informed Indonesia that because they have failed to provide a number of documents and guarantees .... Indonesia is not any more a candidate for 2022,” FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke said. Source: Reuters

Scientists suspect “Flores man” lived at the Skeletal remains of an 18,000-year-old “Flores

man” were discovered about five years ago and scientists then determined it belonged to a

same time as modern humans and became extinct after a massive volcanic eruption on the island around 12,000 years ago. Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  1

BuGils bi Weekly Life in Indonesia, it’s always getting better!

Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 Publisher: BuGils Group E-mail: editorial@bugilsnews.com

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Editorial Coordinator: Nicolas Sanders Design Consultant: FtoDesign.com Contributors: Bartele Santema, Lens Ter Wee, Jasper Bouman, Edo Frese, Harry McMechen, Melida Weber, Meggy Mumu Printing: NewspaperDirect ™ edo@newspaperdirect-jakarta.com www.newspaperdirect-jakarta.com

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2  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

All BuGils bi-Weekly materials copyright 2010, Newspaper Direct - Jakarta. No re-use may be made in any form without prior written permission and payment of applicable fees, if any. This includes, but is not limited to, print, tape, film, CD-ROM, computer online services and merchandise logos.

Editorial My uncle had

seem some ugly fighting in the war between 1946 and 1949, when he was based as KNIL soldier in Surabaya. “Did they ever manage to finish that bridge from Madura to Surabaya? They were working on it for months but it never seemed to move forward… ”, he asked me once. Apparantly they had planned that bridge some 50 years earlier already. I remembered his words when the ferry slowly approached the island of the fearfull fighters of Madura. “Masih di proces”, said an cigarette salesman while pointing at some kind of unfinished construction not far from the ferry point. It only needs a few hundred meters of bridge , but the Javanese seem reluctant to give millions of Madurase easy access. The Javanese don’t want that bridge to be finished. And although the Madurese women are warmly welcomed in the rest of Indonesia (I am sure this has something to do with their special powers. Ask any Indonesian and they will shyly laugh about this), the men are feared for the use of their keris, called the clurit. Therefore, probably, it took us a while to find a driver who was brave enough to bring us to us destination: Sumenep, or more precisely, Kalianget.

Having read “The Islands” of Aalberts,

who was a controller for the Dutch Government in the late 30’s and stationed in Sumenep, I was obsessed by his tales. The old fort from 1758, a fabulous kraton, the descendants of Willem van Duinen, a huge blonde Dutchman who shipwrecked near Sumenep and built a huge trading empire on Madura, a small Dutch village with descendants of VOC soldiers, there were so many things he wrote about, and I wanted to see what was left of it some 65 years later.

His eyes were full of fear. “Its them! Its them!”, he shouted I looked over my shoulder while Yoko hit the gas. From the ferry port to Sumenep is four

hours drive. Yoko was driving fast and was obvious nervous. At a certain point he suspected that he was being followed by a small pick-up truck. The lorry had the back covered. “The thugs cover beneath it..”, he said. He was sweating heavily and tried to get rid of the lorry by driving as fast as he could. After an hour of road madness he became more relaxed and told us about the gangs that were apparantly still active on the island. I remembered Aalberts wrote about them as well, so it did make me feel a bit uncomfortable. But the real shock came when we stopped to fill up the tank. We were in complete shock when the lorry with the three rough looking Madurese in the front seat stopped right next to us! And we tought they were miles behind us! Yoko abruptly stopped filling the tank, paid without even looking at the amount and jumped in the car. His eyes were full of fear. “Its them! Its them!”, he shouted I looked over my shoulder while Yoko hit the gas. The suspected thugs did not even look at us but were

busy filling up their tank. The adrenaline levels slowly decreased when I became aware of an unpleasant smell. I looked at our driver. Yoko had a huge wet circle in his pants, the source of the unbearable air. We still had one hour to go. I had to go to a toilet now, but no, Yoko was not planning to stop any time soon... When we finally arrived in Sumenep,

we drove around and around until we finally heard the relieving words from a traffic police officer: “Yes! They DO sell beers over there! Lots of beer!”. After the stressfull trip we were finally getting close for some refreshing Bintangs. It even looked like a bar, with colored lights blinking at the entrance and lots of mirrors inside. A karaoke system was used to entertaine four other guests. “You sell beer?” , we asked the cute waitress, who probably had never served many westerners as her eyes were bulging out. She did not say a thing, but kept staring at us, her mouth hanging open. She wanted to give us a menu, but we did not need that: we only wanted beer. Big bottles of ice cold beer. A few minutes later she came back with beers, but to our disappointment (read: “shock”) it were big bottles of Bintang Zero (0% alchohol beers). She had never heard of Bintang “biasa” (normal). “Ini Bintang biasa…”, she said with a less innocent look on her face. She was right. Don’t complain, just drink and shut up, was her message. And so we did. We did not want to argue on Madura. The Clurits were everywhere… Time for some serious research. What

was left from the impressions of Aalbert when he lived in this lonely outpost in 1939 till 1942, just before he was internent by the Japanese? Did the Kampung Belanda still exist? To be continued.. BARTELE

Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  3

News Sexy Dancers Jailed by Indonesia’s Porn Law as Activists Fume The shock jailing under the country’s controversial Antipornography Law of six women for putting on an erotic dance show in Bandung has left women’s rights activists incensed. “This is discrimination,” said Masruchah, deputy chairwoman of the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan). Source: thejakartaglobe.com “Women’s bodies will always be blamed

for everything.” Masruchah told the Jakarta Globe that police had recklessly applied a flawed law that blamed women’s bodies for various ills. “The sanctions given to these female

dancers are too much. Their intention was merely to entertain. Officials cannot apply the sanction at their whim,” she said, adding that dancing was a form of expression and as such was guaranteed by the Constitution. In a closed hearing

on Wednesday, the Bandung District Court sentenced four female dancers to two and a half months in jail and fined them Rp 1 million ($110) each. The manager of the cafe where the dance took place and the dancers’coordinator were each given similar sentences. The dancers — Galetya Tannia (19), Anasta-

sia (27), Novi Anggita (19) and Irna Septiani (19) — cafe manager Natal Hariadi (33) and coordinator Yafeth Vins (26) were all arrested during a dawn raid on Jan. 1 at the Bel Air Cafe over a dance show performed as part of New Year’s Eve celebrations.

country has failed to protect women and their freedom of expression,” she said. Apart from violating the controversial Anti-

pornography Law, presiding judge I Made Sukadan also found them guilty under Article 282 of the Criminal Code, which bans “the public display of writing, pictures or other things of which the content violates the codes of morality.” The offense carries a maximum sentence of 18 months in prison. Eddy Hiariej, an

expert in criminal law at Yogyakarta’s Gadjah Mada University, said he was concerned that the Bandung verdicts might prompt more convictions under the controversial Antipornography Law. “The law has stirred debate ever since it was

proposed because no one can determine for certain what attitudes or materials constitute erotic or artistic,” he told the Globe during a telephone interview on Friday.

indications as soon as we receive bank account details,” Comr. Gen. Ito Sumardi said Friday, declining to elaborate. PPATK head Yunus Husein was earlier quoted by Antara as saying that the transactions “were in small amounts and not in billions [of rupiah].” The transactions were “limited to the domestic sphere”, he said Thursday after a meeting on money laundering prevention. He said that usually terrorists used couriers

carrying cash instead of sending money through banks. “But this does not mean they are not using bank services. They still use them occasionally.” Among those taken to trial over ter-

rorism activity, the police have seldom laid charges on people financing it. To date, as many as 452 people, out of which 242 have been released, have been arrested over terrorism-related incidents. One is defendant Al Khelaiw Ali Abdul-

lah, an Arab national accused of financing terror activity.

rubber law” that was easily distorted and would always be open to interpretation.

Source: TEMPO Interactive

law.“If the dancers were male, would the officials have given them the same punishment as the women? This is the big question,”she said.

were two teenage girls who were sentenced in the Serang District Court in Banten in October to between two and four months in jail and fined Rp 300,000 each for performing an erotic dance in a private room at a karaoke club.

“This is very unusual and it proves that the

“We will form a team to investigate these

Eddy called the Antipornography Law “a

The first people convicted under the law

director of Jurnal Perempuan, a women’s rights magazine, said the verdicts showed how subjective and dangerous the law was.

A team will be formed to follow up the recent report by the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) that found indications of funding terrorist activities in 97 bank accounts, the National Police chief detective says. Source: thejakartapost.com

East Kalimantan Plans to Plant 6,5 Million Trees

Masruchah questioned the fairness of the

Separately, Mariana Amiruddin, executive

Police to follow terrorists’ money

The 45-year-old woman who organized

the dance was given 10 months in jail and a similar fine.

4  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

The East Kalimantan provincial government plans to plant 6,5 million trees to reduce carbon emission, which is the agenda set by the government. This was implemented starting this January and to go on for the next five years. “The program is the government’s agenda in realizing the planting of one billion trees nationwide,” said East Kalimantan governor Awang Faroek Ishak yesterday. “One person in East Kalimantan must plant five trees so that this program can work.”

News Luxury Tax on Alcohol Down the Drain Starting Next Month, Sri Mulyani Says Industry players and analysts welcome the government’s decision to scrap a luxury tax on alcoholic beverages from April 1, but they doubted it would bring down the sales price. Currently, imbibers pay as much as 500 percent in taxes for their drinks. Source: thejakartaglobe.com welcomed the tax exemption but said he could not guarantee a significant reduction in the price of a drink. “ D e p e n di n g on the bever-

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati

said the government would start excluding alcoholic beverages from the luxury goods sales tax (PPnBM), to comply with a revised law on value-added and luxury taxes approved by the House of Representatives in September 2009. She was speaking at a customs office ceremony at which illegal liquor was destroyed. “We will adjust the relevant tariff accord-

ingly [through a ministerial regulation],” she said.

age class, the tax exemption will affect the price quite a lot. However, I heard that there are plans to increase import duties, which in turn will make the tax exemption not as significant.” The government currently levies the

luxury goods tax of 40 percent to 150 percent on alcohol depending on its strength. The current import duty for alcohol can be as high as 150 percent of the initial bottle price levied on importers. With several additional smaller taxes, it often costs as much as 500 percent more than its wholesale price by the time it hits the shelves and coolers.

Ipung Nimpuno, a representative of the

Indonesian Malt Beverages Association, said local brewers have not yet received details of the regulation. “But for us domestic beer producers, the impact would not be significant. The impact would be more significant for imported liquor,” Ipung said. Mulyani said she hoped that once the

luxury tax was removed, the price of drinks at bars and restaurants would fall, and that the distribution of illegal liquor would decrease as well, “which in turn will ensure the state’s income from duties and excise.” Jimmy Gani, president director of PT Sar-

inah, the nation’s sole liquor importer,

Teguh Yudo Wicaksono from the Center

for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta agreed. “With the tax exemption, low-priced,

standardized liquor such as beer could compete in price with nonstandardized liquors, namely traditional alcoholic beverages whose quality cannot be guaranteed. This means consumers will have a safer choice to consume liquor,” Teguh said.

beverages, because liquor is for a very limited market. It’s not like people who like cola will change to beer,” he said.

Construction of Sunda Strait bridge costs 8 billion euros Source: indahnesia.com “The planned bridge between the

islands of Sumatra and Java, the Sunda Strait Bridge, will not be just a bridge. The bridge will have three lanes for vehicles in both directions, even outside the separate lanes for motorcycles. The bridge will also house a double track railroad. It seems that everyone forgot to take a look at the cost of such a project, because it is estimated that such a bridge will cost up to eight billion euro. A survey, done by PT. Bangungra-

ha Sejahtera Mulia, a company of Artha Graha Network, has yielded information that the construction of the 29-kilometer long bridge will cost some 100 billion Rupiah in total. The bridge should be ready in 2025. People that will use the bridge will be traveling between Anyer in Banten and Bakauheni in Lampung. Then using the bridge, you will pass the islands of Sanghiyang, Prajurit and Ular.

“However, I do not see that there will

be a drastic price cut. It will depend on each liquor, as each kind has a market niche. I also don’t see that there will be a higher number of consumers for these Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  5

News Dutch bunker found under Tanjung Priok train station Archeologists from the archeological directorate of the Culture and Tourism Ministry have found a bunker and some doors during excavations at Tanjung Priok train station, North Jakarta, between February and March this year. Old Town management unit (UPT) chief Candrian Attahiyyat said Tuesday that the experts had completed digging for preliminary data about their findings. Source: thejakartapost.com

“It is about a 2-meter underground hole.

We have not yet determined the size of the bunker itself.” Candrian estimated the bunker was

constructed by the Dutch colonial government between 1938 and 1940, arguing that materials such as concrete and cement were only becoming widespread at the beginning of the 20th century.

seems the Dutch government feared a massive assault on the city. As a matter of fact, the fighting was relatively minimal [in Jakarta],” Candrian added. But the archeologists had not yet deter-

mined whether the bunker was operational at the time, he added. Similar bunkers have been found

The concrete bunker was large enough to accommodate about 100 people, but “It did not have an air supply. Therefore, it might have only been used for emergencies that lasted no longer than a day,” he said.

beneath government offices and strategic colonial sites across the capital, including Tanjung Priok harbor of North Jakarta, the Jakarta History Museum of West Jakarta, Lapangan Banteng, Menteng and Kebon Sirih of Central Jakarta, he said.

Based on similar structures found at

Candrian said the doors were found

other sites in the city, Candrian believed the bunker was built in preparation of the Japanese invasion of Southeast Asia during World War II.

North Jakarta Mayor Bambang Sugi-

“We believe the bunker was a hideout. It

inside the basement, one of which was in front of the stairs leading to the bunker. yono said that the doors were still being studied by archeologists.

“For now, the site of the excavation is

closed to the public,” Bambang said. Candrian said that his office was hoping

to uncover another bunker under the Fine Arts and Ceramic Museum at Old Town. “We want to examine whether all of the

bunkers in the city have similar structures,” he said. Bambang said that the excavation was

part of efforts to promote the station as a tourism destination. “We expect residents will enjoy visiting

to learn about the history of the station. We plan to build a tourism information center and souvenir stalls,” he said. Tanjung Priok station was opened on

April 6, 1925, marking the first electric train service in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia’s former name).

Parking tariff in Jakarta back to normal Warrant stated by Jakarta Capital City to the troubled parking operators due to the illegal parking tariff has been successful. Now the troubled parking operators are setting the tariff back to normal based of Governor Regulation (Pergub) No 48/2004 about retribution and parking.. Source: beritajakarta.com

They also

set parking tariff information in e v e r y entrances and exit gate of the parking lot. It will make easier the people to know about the official tariff. According to beritajakarta.com obser-

vation on Sunday (3/21), parking lots in Central and East Jakarta have set normal tariff. One of the locations is in Metropole Megaria Theater, Menteng, Central Jakar-

ta. The parking lot which is managed by ISS Parking has declined the tariff based on the regulation: Rp 2,000 for car for the first hour and Rp 1,000 for the next hours, Rp 500 for motor cycle for the first hour and Rp 500 for the next hours. Other location is Gramedia book store,

Matraman, East Jakarta. Secure Parking as the operator has set the tariff information. “Parking tariff is back to normal,” said Rina (25), one of the store visitors.

tariff, the govt. should give them hard sanction,” he said. Head of Parking Technical Implementer

Unit (UPT) of the Dept. of Transportation, Benjamin Bukit stated that the instruction of city Vice Governor, Prijanto several times ago about parking tariff information setting has been done by the UPT. Warrant letters have been sent to as many as 584 parking operators in Jakarta Capital City. So far there has no refusal from the oper-

The same thing also said by Yudha, the

theater’s visitor. He hoped in the next days, the operators will be committed to set the normal tariff. “If they set new

6  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

ators. It is because the UPT does not make a standard of the parking tariff information except the information should be clearly shown to the people.

news Jakarta Suckers! by Ross McKay (published by Morfiny Books, 85000 rupiah, available from morfinybooks@yahoo.ca) Ross McKay’s

latest novel ‘Jakarta Suckers!’, bule-prostitute romance blossoms on Jl Falatehan. Some cynics say you can always tell if a bar-girl is lying, because you can see her lips move. I don’t agree - just ask her what she wants to drink and she’s guaranteed to tell the truth! But cewek2 licik and bule2 gila will con-

tinue to interact, because they’re made for each other. And it is mutually advantageous, as the former get richer and the latter get wiser.

Excerpts from the book: (Why a Prostitute?) Again, sage old bules will ask you why you’d expect a hooker here in Jakarta, or in Bangkok, to be good settling-down material. If you want a soul-mate in Michigan, or Manitoba, or Manchester, you’d not go rushing down to the red-light district, would you? And nor would I. Having commuted through King’s Cross Station in London at all hours of day or night for several years, and seen how frightful the hookers there are, it would seem an act of madness to go prospecting for a partner in that sort of locale. But the girls here are not the same as prostitutes in the West, who have alternatives, not least to do what so many young women do there and sponge off the welfare state. There are millions of poor people here with no prospect of real jobs and not a trace of any serious welfare system to tide them over until an economic miracle arrives. They include large numbers of young, and not so young, women, who often have elderly parents who depend on them, or babies to feed, or, sadly, shiftless husbands or live-in lovers who whack ‘em around if they don’t go out and bring home sustenance.

So what do they do? They are not, many of them, stupid, and they are, most of them, attractive. Indonesian women are magnificent specimens of their sex, and we bules, by our reactions, remind them of this daily. (Why a Bule?) So the girls go out for bules, not because we have big dicks, though they tell us that, nor because we are handsome or consummate raconteurs, though they give us to believe those things too (lies, remember?) but because we have money, in amounts they can only dream about. English teachers are on the lowest rung of expat salary levels, and their pay is equivalent, so I’m told, to about the same as a judge’s or a middle-ranking police officer’s. (though those fine fellows have ways of supplementing incomes not open to the teachers) The girls in the bars see it as their mission in life to detach us from our cash. Or more precisely, detach the cash from us, because they don’t want us, they want the nice green stuff. To this end, guided by the imperatives of survival, and advancement – which means buying plots of land back in their kampungs, building a house on it, and boosting their bank account to a level whereby their ‘post-sell-by’ date in barlife will be comfortable – they will tell you whatever you want to hear, or whatever they think will motivate those dollar bills and pound notes to flit from your pockets to their purses. This goes far beyond haggling over bedfees. It encompasses gulling the dumbest into financing courses in hair-dressing or typing or anything the poor sod will believe is a stepping stone to ‘liberation’ from a life of sin! Big Yuli, not the scrawny little Yuli from Tebet who got a few hundred out of me to pay her dad’s debts, but the gal with enormous assets who did the ‘Johnny Andrean’ on me, yes, the full monty hairdressing course, never actually convinced me she wanted a new career, but I was so fixated on her chest at the time that I happily handed over the money.

Dos Hermanos Royal Collection Each masterfully hand-rolled cigar is wrapped with the rare deli tobacco leaf, a fine ingredient that can be harvested on the northern region of Sumatra. Better known as the famous Sumatra wrapper, this fine tobacco will show off Its silky color and texture while delivering a mild, medium - bodied smoke with a tender mix sweet, spicy notes. This is an excellent choice for all cigar lovers Type and Size: Churchill “50X7.5”, Toro “50X6”, and Robusto “50X5.5”

Dos Hermanos Premium Collection You will discover the well-balanced flavor that is complemented by its famous Besuki wrapper, found solely on the eastern coast of the island java. It will deliver satisfaction for any occasion. Type and Size: Churchill “50X7.5”, Toro “50X6”, and Robusto “50X5.5”

Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  7

What’s going on in Jakarta INAPA 2010 The INDONESIA’s Largest International Auto Parts, Accessories and Equip Exhibition INAPA has recognized the professional show of choice for buyers in the automotive parts & components, automotive accessories, automotive garage equipment for OEM and aftermarket industry in Indonesia. Many exhibitors in 2009 have expressed a proven opportunity to boost sales and gain exposure as well as meeting with key decision makers and potential buyers. INAPA has further proved as The INDONESIA’s Largest Automotive Parts, Accessories and Equipment exhibition. INAPA 2010 together with specialized sub-events: Auto Garage Tech; Auto Electronics; Rubber & Tyre and held in conjunction with IIBT 2010 (Bus, Truck & Components) and INATRONiC 2010 is the Indonesia’s unparalled one-stop for the AUTOMOTIVE platform that can show the complete convergence of technology and products through value chain. Location: Jakarta International Expo Website: www.inapa-exhibition.net Email: info@gem-indonesia.net

8  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

Sun, 23 May 2010 The Scottish Highland Gathering Is Back! Location: TBA E-mail: jhg@phoenix.co.id

EASTERN PROMISE Regular Events Monday Monday Profile Free beer 6 to 8 pm 1st week : Baldy 2nd week : Moustache 3rd week : Lipstick 4th week : Spectacles 5th week : No beer belly

Tuesday Acoustic with Epi and Suleh (9 pm to midnight) Quiz Night Start 8 pm Every last Tuesday of the month

Wednesday Jazz Night 9 pm onwards

Friday Pressure Hour (5 ‘till 6 pm) Free beer will be served until anybody, man or woman, visits the toilet or leaves the bar!

Live Music 9 pm onwards

Saturday Live Music 9 pm onwards

Sunday Live String Trio 4 ‘till 7 pm (front bar)

Richard (2nd from left) and more Lions…

EP Live Music in our Beer Garden! All live Music Starts at 21.00 These last few years there have been many band reunions. From The Police to Van Halen to The Smashing Pumpkins to Led Zeppelin to Genesis; everybody seemed to be getting in on the act. But, who cares about those guys? Tonight’s band is the band we have all wanted to reform for so long so badly. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are proud to present the reunion concert of one of Jakarta’s most illustrious expat bands ever; FUBAR!!!

Fri 26

Sat 27

All round rock and pop by Indie Jam featuring Oka on vocals!

Flying Syrup are Indonesia’s no 1 Modern Brit-Pop band so get ready for some Keane, Kaiser Chiefs, Franz Ferdinand, Coldplay, The Bravery, The Killers, The Hoosiers and many more….!!!!

Fri 02

Sat 03

A special performance by expat rockers Halo Mister! All live Music Starts at 21.00

Eastern Promise Caricature Our caricature couple this

week never skip a Sunday afternoon ‘piss up’ in our front bar. Can you guess who they are?

The artist behind the caricatures by the way is : Armen and if you’d like to order your own caricature you can call him on: 0856 972 932 45

Last week’s caricature was of course ‘Lions FC player and Global Jaya principal’ Richard Henry and 1st to reply the correct answer was Megawatts vocalist Mark Dempsey. Well done Mark!

Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  9

EASTERN PROMISE Walker’s World of Wit

The only cow in a small town in Scotland stopped giving milk. The town folk found they could buy a cow in Wales quite cheaply. They brought the cow from Wales and it was wonderful, produced lots of milk every day and everyone was happy. They bought a bull to mate with the cow to get more cows, so they’d never have to worry about their milk supply again. They put the bull in the pasture with the cow but whenever the bull tried to mount the cow, the cow would move away. No matter what approach the bull tried, the cow would move away from the bull and he was never able to do the deed. The people were very upset and decided to go the Vet, who was very wise, tell him

what was happening and ask his advice. “Whenever the bull tries to mount our cow, she moves away. If he approaches from the back, she moves forward. When he approaches her from the front, she backs off. If he attempts from the one side, she walks away to the other side.” The Vet rubbed his chin thoughtfully and pondered this before asking, “Did you by chance, buy this cow in Wales ? ” The people were dumbfounded, since no one had ever mentioned that they had brought the cow over from Wales. “You are truly a wise Vet,” they said. “How did you know we got the cow from Wales? The Vet replied with a distant look in his eye, “My wife is from Wales .”

Eastern Promise Food Check out this month’s special ‘Mexican’ menu! Arriba! Every Friday from 11.30 – 14.30 we

put on an Indian buffet!

Please Note that we offer:

26/27 March

Free Wireless Internet Connec-

tion (password epromise) and The Guardian Newspaper daily + Sunday Times!!

Roast Pork with apple sauce and lots of


10  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

2/3 April Roast Chicken with onion gravy!

EASTERN PROMISE Eastern Promise Quiz

Bad Album Cover The absolute worst... the nastiest, the funniest, and the wackiest album art of all time. Episode 72.

Quiz Lovers, test your trivia knowledge in the EP Pub Quiz every last Tuesday of the month! The Quiz consists of 6 rounds

of different categories with 10 questions per round. A maximum of 4 players per team are allowed. Starts at 8 pm. And… The winning team do not pay their drinks bill!! (all drinks bought until 23.00)

Robertino A Gay Ranchero No argument here.


‘Beyond Batik’ Exhibition

(if you fit our Monday profile) Every Monday between 5pm and 6pm we give away free beer in all our bars... if you fit our Monday profile.

We are entering the few weeks of the

batik exhibition in our restaurant so get there quick if you have your eyes on one of these beautiful pieces of Yogyakarta!

They are discounted

by 50%

Becky’s Window These 3 youngsters are on a trip around

the world and had planned to visit EP for some of the famous Balti Curries from as far as Argentina…. For that, they are our window models of the week! Well done guys and good luck on your further travels.

Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  11

EASTERN PROMISE EP in pics The Charity Music Event for the Hidung

Merah Circus was a huge success and proceeds for the Dan Roberts charity reached 20 million!! On behalf of the Hidung Merah I would like to thank Philips (Rob Fletcher) and The Hero / Giant Group (John Callaghan) in particular for supporting the event with some fantastic raffle prizes (see picture)! Another thanks must go out to Ray Attree (see picture) for talking the evening together and for also managing to squeeze so much money out of peoples’ pockets! And finally thank all of you who came to the event and/ or bought raffle tickets!

If you would like to donate to Hidung Merah Circus or for further info, check out Dan’s blog http://rednosecircus.wordpress.com,

or email him at dan@circusindonesia.org.

These newcomers to the beer garden were impressed with Bali rock band Pandora last week…

Hashers having fun as usual (a free beer if you can guess the guy behind his hands) 12  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

De hooi Regular Events

De Hooi in pics

Monday Monday Profile Free beer 6 to 8 pm 1st week : Baldy 2nd week : Moustache 3rd week : Lipstick 4th week : Spectacles 5th week : No beer belly

My word!

Is it getting hot in here?

Good lord.

Don’t we make a cute couple?

All Day Happy Hour for draught beer

Tuesday Get Brainwashed! 85/glass 400/pitcher

Wednesday Quiz Night Start 8 pm Free draught from 7 to 8 pm for all participants

Thursday Ladies Night (5 pm ‘till close) 50% all drinks for ladies

Chicken Wings (6 pm to midnight) 1000/piece Hot & BBQ

Friday Live Music 9 pm onwards

Sunday Bloody Mary Bar (9 am ‘till 3 pm) Free flow of bloody mary with purchase of breakfast. Open Mic (8 ‘till 9 pm) A free beer for each person who plays or sings a song.

Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  13

De hooi (interview) Bar customer of the week

Bar staff of the week



& develop


our bar

a regular customer


of the



JR Harry. How long you been living in Jakarta. JR. 26 years. Harry: 26 years in Jakarta. JR. In Jakarta. Harry. What you do when you first got here? Same

thing you’re doing now? JR. Same thing the whole time. Harry. And what’s that? JR. Vice president of operations for Southeast Asia for Global Sante Fe International Corporation. Harry. Sante Fe? Is that the moving company? JR. Hell no, it’s a drilling company. Overlooking operations in Jakarta, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand & Mainmar. Harry. Mianmar, I don’t know what that is. JR. God damn it. Mianmar Harry. Mianmar JR. M-Y-A-N-M-A-R, When the British had it they called Rango. Don’t you know anything? It was called Burma then. Harry. Jakarta must have been a lot different 26 years ago. JR. Wooo! Harry. Where did you drink when you first got to Jakarta? JR. Wasn’t much choice. The Hilton or the Mandarin Hotel. I’ll never forget that place it was called the Captain’s Den. Harry. When did you start drinking at De Hooi? About when it opened, yeah? JR. I think you’d been open about 2 weeks when I first came in. Harry. What keeps you coming back? JR. Service and good atmosphere, friendly customers you can sit and have a conversation with. Harry. That’s probably good enough. JR. Alright. HARRY. Thanks.

Anggi Harry. I’m going to interview you. Anggi. Again?!?! Harry. Why? How long has it been? How long you been

working for BuGils group? Anggi. Six years. Something like that. Is this for the newsletter? Harry. Yeah. Anggi. Why you put all that? Harry. Keeps it real. Anggi. Can I go to the travel agent first? I got some problems I’ve got to work out. Harry. Yeah. 10 minutes later Harry. Where you going? Anggi. Singapore. Harry. With who? Anggi. Myself. Harry. (chuckles) You’ve been working for BuGils for six years huh? Anggi. Five Harry. Where’d you start? Anggi. BuGils. Harry. You went straight from BuGils to here? Anggi. From BuGils to Cazbar. Harry. So what made you move from Cazbar to here? Anggi. I quit for a little while before I started working here. Harry. So you started here when De Hooi first opened? Anggi. I started here after De Hooi had been open for 5 months. Harry. What else do people want to know about you? Anggi. Many customers don’t believe I don’t have a boyfriend. Harry. “a” meaning one? Anggi. Yes. Harry. Thanks for your time.

Order your freshly baked stroopwafels for home delivery (Min 3 pack) 14  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

Call NOW!!

717 901 51

Cazbar Regular Events

Name those famous album covers done in Lego

Monday Monday Profile Free beer 6 to 8 pm 1st week : Baldy 2nd week : Moustache 3rd week : Lipstick 4th week : Spectacles 5th week : No beer belly










Tuesday Ladies Night 50% all drinks for ladies (except wine) (5 pm ‘till close)

Wednesday Bizz Buzz (5 to 8 pm) 99/heineken pitcher 40/house spirits mixers

Thursday Quiz Night (first 3 weeks of the month) categories: 1st week General Knowledge 2nd week Music 3rd week Sports

Friday Blues Jam Session 9 pm onwards

Saturday Pressure Hour (7 pm ‘till 8 pm) Free beer will be served until anybody, man or woman, visits the toilet or leaves the bar!

Live Acoustic Duo 9.30 pm onwards

Tattoo pic in the last BuGils bi Weekly was David Yates.

Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  15



Can you answer those 10 questions taken out from our last quiz? Check correct answers on page 19.

Team name a Unclogged f Shreek! e ATO c Fantastic b Ismaji d Planters

R1 R2 R3 9.5 10.0 7.5 3.5 7.0 7.5 6.5 5.0 7.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 4.0 6.0 6.5 ret

R4 8.5 8.0 5.0 5.5 ret

1. Dr. Sayer (Robin Williams) Lady, and perpetrates a gigangives Leonard (Robert De Niro) tic fraud in which 1993 movie? a rousing experimental treatment in which 1990 drama 5. Who says there is no honbased on a true story? our among thieves? Catherine Zeta-Jones and Sean Connery’s 2. Be careful what you wish for. characters join forces in a 1999 He doesn’t have to sell his soul movie, where deceit, blackmail, to the devil, but Josh’s (Tom treachery and subterfuge are Hanks) huge wish comes true in the only things you can count which 1988 movie? on. Or can you? Which movie is this? 3. Ellie (Jodie Foster) believes in extra-terrestrial life, and after contact with another world is made, she is chosen as the passenger in a weird machine. Problem is, nobody knows what this machine will do. Is it real? Is it a gigantic hoax? What is the name of this 1997 science fiction drama? 4. Kevin Kline’s character impersonates the American president, falls in love with the First

6. What would you do if you could change the past? John (James Caviezel) gets the chance when he talks to his dead father (Dennis Quaid) on an old ham radio, in which 2000 movie? 7. A carefully concocted plan, by Ethan Hawke and Jude Law’s characters, is almost brought undone by a stray eyelash in which 1997 science fiction drama?

Take Me Back

R5 8.0 6.0 4.0

Total 43.5 32.0 27.5 23.0 16.5 0.0

joker points TOTAL 2 10.0 53.5 4 8.0 40.0 5 4.0 31.5 4 5.5 28.5 1 4.0 20.5 3 0.0 0.0

8. What would happen if “the boy who never grew up”, actually grew up and forgot who he was? Robin Williams leads an all-star cast, in which 1991 tale of revenge and self-discovery? 9. Have you ever read a book where the characters seem to leap off the page? It happened to Mo (Brendan Fraser) literally, and with disastrous consequences. Which 2008 fantasy film also starred Helen Mirren and Paul Bettany? 10. You can expect the unexpected when two doctors (Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger) turn the tables on nature with an unlikely pregnancy. Which 1994 film also stars Emma Thompson, Pamela Reed and bad boy Frank Langella?

From Our Readers Send your comments and stories to readers@bugilsnews.com

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Who is this gentleman? 16  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

Contact Lauren at lauren@bugilsnews.com

Bugils bali Regular Events Monday Monday Profile Free beer 6 to 8 pm 1st week : Baldy 2nd week : Moustache 3rd week : Lipstick 4th week : Spectacles 5th week : No beer belly

Tuesday Wings and Beer. Happy Hour! 25% off Bintang Draught and Chicken wings fro 1000/pc (dine in only)

What’s Up in Bali? Spirit of the Week…every week a spirit is on special…this week it is Tequila at only 40,000 and that’s cheap for Bali. Daniel is in charge of picking the spirits so let him know if you have requests. We have staff! After a meager time with only Koming and Widi behind the bar we now have new waitresses. We have imported from Java: Emili, Yanti and Rieke! Come and see the new girls being trained by the more experienced ones… New quizmaster is in town…the Dutch Duo Paddy and Harald have taken over for a little while the quiz at Bugils Bali! So all of you that were sick of the old quiz master (Melida) come and be challenged by the new one…Strangely enough Melida and Scott have been the champions of the quiz 2 weeks in a row! Bugils Heineken Charity April 24 The big screen at Bugils Bali is stopping traffic…

Wednesday Quiz Night Start 7 pm Winner gets their bill paid for.

Thursday Ladies Night (6 pm ‘till close) Buy one drink and get one free (except wine)


The Japanese discover Bugils Bali on a Ladies Night

Bugils Bali during Nyepi

Pressure Hour (6 ‘till 7 pm) Free beer will be served until anybody, man or woman, visits the toilet or leaves the bar!

Dj Paddy (starts at 8 pm) Every first and third Friday of the month

Saturday BBQ Night On The Terrace (6 ‘till 9 pm)

Sunday Pasta Day all day long with Chef Teguh’s Pasta Special

Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  17

DRAIN YOUR BRAIN PUZZLE OF THE WEEK At the recent BrainBashers Olympics,

the 100 metres heats were closely monitored. Each contestant had to run in two races so that the average place could be determined. Only one runner finished in the same place in both races. Alan was never last. Charlie always beat Darren. Brian had at least one first place. Alan finished third in at least one of the races. Both Darren and Charlie had a second place.

What were the two results?

10 RIDDLES TO HAVE FUN WITH YOUR KIDS What goes up and down stairs without moving? - Carpet Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die. - Fire What can you catch but not throw? - A cold I run, yet I have no legs. What am I? - A nose Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red. - A match Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, throw away the inside. - Corn


What goes around the world and stays in a corner? - A stamp

Sudoku, known as well as südoku or su doku is a logical kind of Japanese puzzle.

What gets wetter the more it dries? - A towel

Rules are simple, it consists of a 9×9 grid, divided in 9 blocks of 3×3,

that have to be filled up so all rows, columns and blocks (3×3) contain numbers 1 to 9 without repeating. You obviously start out with some spaces already filled in. There’s

only one possible solution for each sudoku, so be careful!

Easy Sudoku

18  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

The more there is, the less you see. - Darkness They come at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen. - Stars

Difficult Sudoku

Sports Schedule Monday 22 March 07.00 - 13.00 10.30 - 17.30 21.30 - close

Cricket Cricket Cricket IPL

New Zealand - Australia, 1st test day 4 Bangladesh - England, 2nd test day 3 Mumbai Indians - Kolkata Knight Riders

Tuesday 23 March 10.30 - 17.30 21.30 - close

Cricket Cricket IPL

Bangladesh - England, 2nd test day 4 Royal Challengers - Chennai Super Kings

Wednedsay 24 March 10.30 - 17.30 Cricket 21.30 - close Cricket IPL

Bangladesh - England, 2nd test day 5 Kings XI Punjab - Rajasthan Royals

Thursday 25 March 17.15 - 21.30 20.00 - 22.30 21.30 - close

Cricket IPL AFL Cricket IPL

Bangalore Royal Challengers - Delhi Daredevils Rochmond - Carlton Mumbai Indians - Chennai Super Kings

Friday 26 March 09.30 - 12.00 13.35 - 15.40 15.15 - 20.30 15.30 - 17.45 15.40 - 17.45 18.30 - 20.45 21.30 - close 23.30 - close 00.00 - 02.00

NBA Super 14s Rugby NRL Super 14s ALF Cricket IPL NRL Super 14s

Dallas Mavericks - Portland Trailblazers Highlanders - Lions IRB 7s Hongkong Wests Tigers - Eels Brumbies - Chiefs Geelong - Essendon Rajasthan Royals - Deccan Chargers Dragons - Cowboys Cheetahs - Reds

Saturday 27 March 07.00 - 08.30 07.00 - 12.45 09.15 - 18.30 10.30 - 13.00 13.00 - 14.00 13.30 - 15.45 13.35 - 15.40 15.40 - 17.45 18.10 - 20.15 19.30 - 21.30 20.30 - 22.45 21.30 - close 22.00 - 00.00 22.00 - 00.00 22.00 - 00.00 23.30 - close 00.30 - 02.30

NBA Cricket Rugby AFL F1 NRL Super 14s Super 14s Super 14s SPL AFL Cricket IPL EPL EPL SPL NRL EPL

Denver Nuggets - Toronto Raptors New Zealand - Australia, 2nd test day 1 IRB 7s Hongkong Melbourne - Hawthorn Australian GP Qualifying Panthers - Storms Hurricanes - Sharks Waratahs - Blues Western Force - Bulls Hearts - Rangers Sydney - St Kilda Kings XI Punjab - Kolkata Knight Riders Birmingham City - Arsenal Chelsea - Aston Villa Celtic - Kilmarnock Titans - Raiders Bolton Wanderers - Manchester United

Sunday 28 March 07.00 - 12.45 08.00 - 18.45 10.30 - 12.45 13.00 - 15.00 13.30 - 15.45 17.15 - 21.30 20.45 - close 18.00 - 20.00 19.30 - 21.30 22.00 - 00.00

Cricket Rugby AFL F1 NRL Cricket IPL Cricket IPL EPL Eredivisie EPL

New Zealand - Australia, 2nd test day 2 IRB 7s Hongkong Western Bulldogs - Collingwood Australian GP Broncos - Warriors Rajasthan Royals - Chennai Super Kings Deccan Chargers v Mumbai Indians Burnley - Blackburn Rovers Ajax - Groningen Liverpool - Sunderland

Monday 29 March 07.00 - 12.45 21.30 - close

Cricket Cricket IPL

New Zealand - Australia, 2nd test day 3 Delhi Daredevils v Kolkata Knight Riders

Tuesday 30 March 07.00 - 12.45 20.30 - close

Cricket Cricket IPL

New Zealand - Australia, 2nd test day 4 Mumbai Indians - Kings XI Punjab

Wednesday 31 March 01.45 - 03.45 Football 01.45 - 03.45 Football 07.00 - 12.45 Cricket 16.30 - 20.30 Cricket IPL 20.30 - close Cricket IPL

UEFA CL QF1, 1st leg UEFA CL QF2, 1st leg New Zealand - Australia, 2nd test day 5 Chennai Super Kings - Bangalore Royal Challengers Delhi Daredevils - Rajasthan Royals

Thursday 1 April 01.45 - 03.45 01.45 - 03.45 20.30 - close

Football Football Cricket IPL

UEFA CL QF3, 1st leg UEFA CL QF4, 1st leg Kolkata Knight Riders - Deccan Chargers

Friday 2 April 13.35 - 15.40 15.40 - 17.45 20.30 - close 21.00 - 23.00

Super 14s Super 14s Cricket IPL EPL

Hurricanes - Crusadors Western Force - Stormers Kings XI Punjab - Bangalore Royal Challengers Fulham - Wigan

Saturday 3 April 11.30 - 13.35 13.35 - 15.40 15.40 - 18.10 16.30 - 20.30 18.45 - 20.45 19.15 - 21.15 20.30 - close 21.00 - 23.00 21.00 - 23.00 21.00 - 23.00 22.05 - 00.10 23.30 - 01.30

Super 14s Super 14s Super 14s Cricket IPL EPL SPL Cricket IPL EPL EPL SPL Super 14s EPL

Blues - Bulls Chiefs - Highlanders Waratahs - Cheetahs Chennai Super Kings - Rajasthan Royals Manchester United - Chelsea Hibernian - Celtic Mumbai Indians - Deccan Chargers Arsenal - Wolverhampton Wanderers Birmingham - Liverpool Glasgow Rangers - Hamilton Sharks - Reds Burnley - Manchester City

Sunday 4 April 16.30 - 20.30 20.30 - close 14.00 - 16.00 17.30 - 19.30 19.30 - 21.30 22.00 - 00.00

Cricket IPL Cricket IPL F1 Eredivisie Eredivisie EPL

Kolkata Knight Riders - Kings XI Punjab Delhi Daredevils - Bangalore Royal Challengers Malaysian GP ADO Den Haag - Ajax Willem II - PSV Everton - West Ham

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Rendez-vous in our next BuGils bi-Weekly issue for more Quiz & Games Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly  19

20  BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #03 - 23rd March - 2010

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