4 minute read
New Business:
1. George Tolsen has a proposal for BOD to approve paying enduro score keeper $1 per FTR rider on estimate $800 per year. Current head tax was at $5 for out of state enduros and $7 for instate enduros, which will now be increased to $6 out of state and $8 in state. Motion to approve George Tolsen, 2nd Randy Faul. Unanimously approved.
2. Randy Faul has proposed an increase in head tax by one dollar per rider to create a scholarship fund. Also to increase from $4 to $5 per rider to update, maintain, repair, and to staff the electronic scoring and sign-up equipment and the radio communication system. Motion Randy Faul, 2nd Pete Rose. Unanimously approved.
3. Donny has presented a proposal to purchase waterproof radios and mics (ip67 radios with earbuds $100 each with 15 sec cut off) $5,000 purchase cap. Motion Donnie, 2nd Randy.
4. Tim Nordle gave an update on the new moto tally scoring, registration, and transponder system.
5. Update from Dan on the 35 ft cable operated antenna for sign up trailer. Cap at $6,000 purchase price. Motion by Randy Faul, 2nd Kelsey Saltar. Unanimously approved.
6. As discussed in the EC meeting, we have decided to eliminate tech inspection and spark arrestors.
Full meeting notes available on FTR website
Rule Book change as follows:
(Sections L-8 and L-9 to be modified):
Chapter III
General Rules
L. Competition Apparel and Equipment
8. (Deleted): Spark arrestors are mandatory on all ICE competition vehicles in the Hare Scrambles and Enduro series. Vehicles competing in the Peewee classes shall be exempt from this requirement. The spark arrestor must be approved by the USFS. A rod test may be performed to verify the presence of the spark arrestor. (Add): USFS-approved Spark Arrestors may be required on competition vehicles for specific events by individual Clubs, Promoters, Land-Owners, or Government Agencies, and public notice of any such requirement shall be posted on the official FTR website at least 30 days prior to the event. For example, Enduros on public land require a Spark Arrestor. Race vehicles will be inspected for compliance prior to the start of such events.
9. (Deleted): All race vehicles must pass Official FTR inspection for rule compliance [Tech Inspection] prior to participating in any FTRevent including practice. Any rider racing a vehicle that has not passed Tech inspection for the event will be subject to disqualification [DQ].
10. Utility Quad – Any quad manufactured with racks and four-wheel drive is required to compete in the Utility Quad class.
Called to Order: by President, Randy Faul 12:15 pm
Establish a Quorum: members present – quorum reached
President’s Report: Randy thanks everyone for coming and being a part of the season and banquet. We need content for the magazine so please feel free to contact Kurt.
BOD appointed Chairperson: Kyle was in charge of the scholarship fund this year and we were able to have 6 scholarships this year roughly $3,000 each. Thank you to all the clubs that donated. Old Business: 1. Approval of General Membership meeting minutes for August 3, 2019. Motion to approve by Randy, 2nd by Kayla approved unanimously
New Business: Vote on Elimination Spark arrestors and Tech inspection. Section I #8 and #9 to be eliminated from the rule book.
Discussion of starting stayc and stryder races for 2-4 year olds after the quad races on Saturday. See each club for approval
Adjourned: 12:40 Motion Kayla 2nd Kelsey
New Business:
1. Discussion on eliminating tech inspection and spark arrestors.
We will not need tech inspection to check transponders as we will be requiring every rider to bring their helmets to sign up to check transponders. We will not need tech inspection to check spark arrestors if we eliminate them. It will be the rider’s responsibility to ensure they have the proper numbers and backgrounds associated to their transponders. If the rider is not scored correctly due to numbers/ backgrounds or transponders they need to see the scoring trailer.
We will still create a funnel into practice to check for arm bands and tethers for quads
There was a suggestion to delay bike practice 30 minutes to allow enough time for the quad course to be swept and any trail changes to be made. 2. Discussion on salary increase for Tim Nordle. We will amend Tims contract to $2,400 per race (an increase of $100) and a check shall be sent to him on the first of the month.
5. Discuss increase of our head tax by another two dollars per head to compensate Tim to handle tech which will be seen further in BOD minutes
6. Discussion of having a lawyer on retainer to handle official documents and contracts
7. Discussion on eliminating partial points for not finishing the entire race to be brought up at HS meeting
Adjourned: 9:44am Motion; Kelsey 2nd Kayla