The graal magazine 05 march 2017

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+Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis Sed Nomine Tuo Da Gloriam+

March 2017 Nยบ 5


Creation of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem

Sovereign Brotherhood of Dames and Knights of The Temple OSMTJ-International-SPAIN

Digital Magazine

Sovereign Brotherhood of Dames and Knights of The Temple OSMTJ-SPAIN

March 2017


Ms. Fuensanta Santos de la Rubia Contact:

Editorial Board: Priory Council of HSDCT.OSMTJ. Mr. Jose Maria Fernandez Nuñez

Events Abril 2017 Congres History of Temple Zaragoza (Spain)


Mr. Josè Mª Fernandez Nùñez Ms. Fuensanta Santos de la Rubia Mr. Onofre Guerrero Gonzalez Mr. José Antonio Navarro


Ms. Fuensanta Santos de la Rubia Mr. Jose Antonio Navarro

International Order Contact: Mr. Agustin Ibañez Aguirre Tfno: 0034 672 110 817

International Translator Contact: Mr. Luis Antonio Colòn Arce

Translators: Mr. Luis Antonio Colòn Arce


Magazine published in Màlaga, Spain All rights reserved copyright. The totality of this website (text, images, marks, logos, software files and color schemes etc.) is protected by laws and regulations of intellectual property. Editing rights reserved by the Sovereign Brotherhood of Ladies and Knights Templar. It is prohibited the total or partial reproduction without the written permission from the Editor.

Table of Contents Credits.................................................................................... 1 Index....................................................................................... 2 Editorial.................................................................................. 3 Creation of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem .................... 4 The Templar Initiation ....................................................... 16 The Templars In The Kingdom of Murcia ...................... 22 Grand Masters of the Order of The Temple................... 26 Congres In Zaragoza (Spain)............................................... 36 Events Of Tampa OSMTJ.USA ........................................ 37 The Grail Translator Team ................................................ 38 Posting Rules ........................................................................ 39

The Grail


By Fuensanta Santos “Hypatia”

In this edition of the review, besides a saunter through the history of the Temple,

with the lead article of “The Creation of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem”, we offer the significance of the Templar initiation, a chronological study of the Grand Masters of the East and West and, the Temple in Murcia.

We relay great news for the Templar world with the celebration in Zaragoza,

Spain on April 30th and May 1st, of the first Congress on the History of the Temple organized by the Sovereign Brotherhood of Dames and Knights Templar, OSMTJSpain.

You are all cordially invited to attend this great event, where the knowledge and diffusion of our predecessors is the prime objective.

It is worth pointing out the variety of the themes to be discussed during the two day

congress and, through these an extraordinary opportunity of dialogue and exchange that the more than four points of information, four complete conferences and the presentation of an essay that is the result of over five years of work by its author, a historian and researcher of the Order of the Temple.

Encounters with academic and knowledgeable investigators will make this all

possible in the very appropriate setting of the ancient, historic and emblematic church of St. Isabel of Portugal in the venerable district of Vulgo de San Cayetano, and formerly a Templar church in the city of Zaragoza, and of which fortunately, we will learn more about from the capable research of Mr. Tomas Bernal.

Just as in previous congresses of our association, we have tried to give a certain

unity of perspective to our conferences. But unlike past conferences, the subjects will be published in our review, The Grail as these are held.

The findings of our investigators will be open to as usual in our brotherhood, to questions from members and other interested parties.


would also like to inform you as to the most recent activity celebrated in Tampa, Florida, with photos of the event, held by the Priory of St. Martin de Porres in

historic Ybor City near Tampa.

Creation of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem Jose Maria Fernandez NÚùez Abstract Without this being the books objective, I will deliver a superficial review of the avatars that were charged with the naming of the king and patriarch of the city, an act fraught with conspiracies, intrigues, betrayals and a variety of behaviors skilled and calculating directed towards displaying the relevance of the ecclesiastical arm over the secular and vice versa, helping its pretenders within the factions with indignant accords and in many cases, treacherous, among its protagonists concluding in the elevation of a Patriarch that should have never been so for purely legal reasons and ecclesiastical right. Michaud in his History of The Crusades, in this chapter concerning the appointment of the king, subjugates to what is explained by the "classics", Raimond d'Aguillers, chronicler of the Count of Toulouse or later chronicler, William of Tyre, regarding the naming of the King of Jerusalem of Fulk of Chartres or Jacques d' Vitry, from there and for the benefit of the investigation and in spite of my reticence with regard to them, I used and analyzed the situation via the texts that have reached us today, without opposing some later chroniclers such as Runciman, Sanderson Beck, L. Maibourg, Poujolat or Felix Marfa de Urcullu , as the most representatives.


Belgian, Flemish, Germans, Burgundians, Spaniards, etc., others were second stringers with scarce possibilities of success, and yet others were already destined to the clergy or the life of monastic rule. This "adventure" gave them, not only the returning to what had once been, but also to be the trunk and bastion of a new feudal fiefdom, not inherited where they did not have to submit to rules and legally imposed conditions. Their desire for preeminence was justified, they had embarked among other things to create a personal fortune that would place them, if not above their closest kin, but at least the same level in every way. In addition they relied on papal approval and the divine protection granted in Clairmont, as we had seen in the previous chapter. On June 7, 1099, the Crusaders reach the walls of Jerusalem, that had been previously rebuilt by the city's governor, the Fatimid Iftikar Ad Daula, after the unstoppable advance of the Christian hordes. One of the measures to slow down and prevent the assault, was to sully and poison the wells that were located just outside the walls of the city, and at the same time he expelled all the Catholic and orthodox Christians from the city to ensure internal peace and the loyalty of the inhabitants, that at a given time would defend itself as one; at the same time sending pleas for help to Egypt and Damascus. There was no shortage of visionaries and prophetic elements. The chronicles say that an old hermit urgently pressed the Crusaders to attack the city, but these lacked the most basic tools for this huge task; they had no assault ladders, catapults, rolling towers, assault mechanisms, battering rams, etc., everything had to be fabricated, and that was no small task to be completed in a day. Jaffa, the port city par excellence, had been abandoned by the Muslims ahead of the Christian advance, which facilitated logistic support to the army as far as all sorts of supplies: weapons, men, horses, lumber, craftsmen and all the myriad bulk supplies that accompanied these expeditions.

The situation in Jerusalem following its conquest, during the first Crusade in 1099, was not quite secure. The various knights that turned up with their troops craved power, as much or more than the Pagan liberation of Palestine, in the ideological sense that had led them there. All desired power and honors; in their initial advances, there had already existed a lawful territorial imperative ex novo, with the restoration of the Principality of Edessa, a year prior to the conquest of Jerusalem or of Antioch, which was seized by Bohemond of Taranto in that same Another visionary, a certain Pedro Desiderio, apparently a priest, affirmed that he had seen the spirit of Ademar of year. Montiel, Bishop of Le Puy, dead the previous year, him Each and every one of them wished to establish a being better known for his spirituality (Count of Provence, principality or county that would make them lords of the scion of an illustrious and famous family of which one of land they trod on. All were scions of royal houses or of its members would be the founder of the Temple) who upper echelons of high European nobility, mainly French, had informed him that an army of unimaginable size had

departed from Egypt to support the defenders of the city, the same spirit had relayed that they must lay bare and expiate their sins by walking barefoot in procession around the walls of Jerusalem and that these would fall in a period of nine days, if the repent was sincere. While these men paid heed to the visions of the priest, the defenders of the city profaned symbols of Christianity that existed within the walls and they did so openly from the safety of their ramparts. This gesture, along with the preaching among others Arnulf d'Cocques, fueled the morale of the Crusaders to the point that they forgot about the suffered fatigues of hunger and thirst, that had already claimed not a few of their tired companions, the survivors having already reached the extreme desperation, consuming and imbibing what agony keeps silent. In this already bleak and agonizing situation, augmented by the tauntsand provocations launched from the Saracens parapets and the religious impulse and quasi prophetic of the spiritual and laic leaders of the diminished army, they aligned in exasperation as a single bloc, fighting as one possessed entity, this attitude took them on 14 July of that same year to attack with such impulse that the infantry of 12,000 and more than 1300 knights were able to overtake the defenses and win the sought after and needed center.

with the same common denominator: the control over certain determined sites that, being of major relevance, also enhanced the prestige of their keepers, and were, as we see later on in this work, a rival to the task at hand. Important control, extremely important as this was surmised to rein in power and wealth the two worldly gods before which all "rational" beings on the planet humble themselves. They realized that maintaining such anarchy would lead to self destruction, there was no possibility of subsistence under the belief that only favored the opposite. Jerusalem should be a new kingdom, thus it had been promised from the most highest spiritual prime instance of that Europe at the wane of the 11th century, it was crucial therefore, to give the new state, a king and an administration similar to the homeland; with institutions to channel the needs of the new society, in short, create the kingdom.

They had to establish the foundations, giving the inhabitants a certain degree of security while at the same time establishing a system of taxation. Maintaining a_ standing army on constant alert does not come cheap, establishing a police force to maintain internal order while offering protection to pilgrims and caravans as Tancrede sacked the Dome of the Rock, taking possession well, although the latter_being of a lesser priority. All of of any thing of value within it and all that was in his path. these had their own escorts, on occasion insufficient, this Some Saracens surrendered and thus kept their lives in depending on the value of the cargo. exchangefor their chattels. The chronicles tell and in this all coincide that, the Iftikhar surrendered to Raymonde in David's Tower, and kingdom is founded in the year of its conquest (1099), for the unknown author of Gesta Francorum, it is founded his men were escorted out of the city. However, other on the 8th day of the conquest, for Michaud, the period Crusaders slaughtered everyone in their path, Muslims, would be fixed on the 10th day following the victory, for Jews, Christians who had not fled the city, they gave no Alphonse X the Wise of Castile, in his treatise on "The quarter to any woman, child or elderly, all were victims Great Overseas Conquest", that he was pronounced of the bloodbath, including the ones from the Al-Aqsa king on the 7th or 8th day of the victory, those days Mosque, who were under Tancrede's protection. concur more or less with the rest of the chroniclers. The Jews that were able to reach their synagogue and There is no absolute date for which reason I offer as meet with their Rabbi, after ransoming their lives were acceptable the one in the journals of the 24th or 27th burned alive within their temples without a second approximately of that beastly hot month of July. thought. More than 40,000 were annihilated, this extreme barbarism of the Christian Crusaders, awakened The princes, noblemen and knights gathered in council the enthusiasm of Muslim fanatics and a yearning for as a group for the purpose of electing a king. The news revenge. Following the "heroic" slaughter, the control reached the ears of the ecclesiastical arm who requested and discipline of the troops and their leaders regained, them to clarify it. The bishops and surviving clergymen and in a somewhat calmer, albeit not without altercations that accompanied and participated in the conquest, also

wanted to establith their hierarchies; these were divided into two heterogeneous groups, the first let us say legitimate, tonsured and obedient to the Holy Roman See, others appointed in urgency by the leaders of the armies, according to their whims and interests, one must take into consideration that they were still purely in a period of investitures and from that position they legitimized nominations of persons that were in no way clergy and not even canons, but they ate from the hand of their benefactor.

the opposite, upon seeing ourselves impotent, we shall declare devoid of all value what you have established against what we believe to be the most consistent and imbued with decorum".

Perhaps the most notable one due to the measures he adopted in his mandates, would be Arnulf Malecorne de Chocques. These more dependent on their natural lords to whom they owed their positions and appointments, than the Roman Curia to whom in theory they owed absolute obedience, given their alleged clerical condition, on fictitious occasions and not con trasted by religious authority some were carried out behind their backs conformed to the doctrinal fabric of the new entity. The ones appointed by the papacy had fallen along the journey towards Jerusalem, via different means. They had disappeared and with them, the bargaining chip which justified the legitimate and hypothetical Roman claim over the possession of what had been conquered. Being urgently replaced, by some non clerics; even lacking any sort of preparation, not even as a deacon. The princes, ignoring the warning and the opposition, decided to endow themselves with the institution and However, when the time came, they made an effort the correct person that would be capable of fulfilling the so that, ecclesiastic preminence would be above the charge. secular, more so for their own convenience than by divine convincing and thus it was communicated to the It was not easy, the intrigues, pressures to motivate the nobility, who solicited and carried out the naming of the proper candidate, the promise of favors, concessions and king ahead of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, a procedure titles, was as in any other place the common denominator that was not acceptable to the clergyat that moment. in such an important and relevant act, criticism rained down from the "clerics" chief among them, Arnulf The formula, alerted the warriors who settled the affair of Calabria or Martirano, Bishop of Bethlehem, who in the most natural way. The power of arms gave them harried the people against the princes telling them that the might and this, the reason, plus besides they counted they were going to elect as king the worst of all as he was on the importanr support by their sheer numbers of a not backed by the church and therefore not anointed by good part of that newly minted "clergy" whose duties the ministers of God. were owed to their elections. He would be impious, cruel and violent with his subjects. This argument motivated the ecclesiastical faction, towards the following communique: This caused the princes to establish or better yet incorporate new standards for the election where the "It was announced to the members of the clergy that this candidate must be of proven piety, generous with friends gathering's purpose would be to elect a king from amongst and foes, protector and defender of the helpless, valiant you. Your task seems saintly dignified, useful and with in combat and of proven Catholic faith. much attention it will be executed, without adequate order, on the other hand, we touch on this. It is truthfully All sorts of persons connected to the prospective so that spiritual things are greater than temporal ones, candidates were called to appear before the council, and that which is higher must always occupy the prime where under oath they had to answer truthfully to the position. It seems therefore, unless the correct order has formulated questions, concerning the vices and sins or of intentionally_been reversed, the person elected should their proven piety. be religious and pleasing to God, who can govern the Lord's church and serve Him, before considering the Those loyal to the Duke of Lorena lauded him making election of a secular power. If you desire proceeding much ado as to his multiple virtues and his scarce in this direction, we shallbe completely satisfied and shortcomings. However, the majority of the council we shall join you in body and spirit; but if you choose were taken aback by the witnesses for Count Sant Gilles,

according to the testimony of William of Tyre, they lied ad nauseam blaming him for sins and vices that he did not have, because there existed among them the hope that he would return to his dominions if he were not chosen. In spite of all this verbosity not accepted by a great part of the Council, the crown of the new realm (1) was offered to the Count of Sant Gilles. Raymonde of Toulouse was a man as powerful as a king, one for which the Pope had great esteem, not in vain, before convening the Council of Clermont, he first called on him in his own land and invited him as a principal baron of France to take part in same; given that King Phillip !, was excommunicated by reason of his second marriage. He refused to wear the crown. He did not agree on governing the city in which Christ had suffered. He said that he trembled solely upon even thinking of himself being called "King of Jerusalem"; all seems to indicate that Raymonde knew that the offer was not a sincere one, not even desired, and with such a crafty response, he attempted to prevent that Godfrey of Bouillon, be crowned king; however, the latter, craftier still; responded in kind automatically self appointing himself, Sancti Sepulchri Advocatus, being in fact the king of the new realm. Thus was carried out the ritual inversion that radicalllryaltered the order of things.

weaker, an endemic character that would dog them forever. The two ruling factions, the Normans and the Provencal's, marked the general guide of the newly forming society. After his "coronation" Godfrey, solicits Sant Gilles faction, the transfer of David's Tower, true bastion of the city, where he had in mind to transfer the seat of his palace. This fortress, constructed of massive and perfectly square stones, is known as Opus Quadratum, they are perfectly aligned blocks in horizontal and staggered transverse position (2) that offer a more complete security than a simple wall. It is located at the highest point of the western zone, and dominates all areas of the city. Its keeper would be the one who controls the space and life of all the city's inhabitants, hence, Godfrey would surmise that his authority would not be complete until he possessed it totally.

During the meeting of the Council he addressed Raymonde, its conqueror and therefore its master, urging him to cede it. Raymonde, refuses such a thing and makes it known that until he leaves it after Easter he will remain in the tower, he and his cohorts. Godfrey's insistence is insulting. William of Tyre writes that: "On his part the Duke vowed that he would do everything at his disposal to secure the Tower, as it would be shameful that after being elected as leader, another would possess the citadel and therefore be The new masters of the territory compete amongst considered an equal or even a superior." (3). themselves for a spot where only the power of their hosts makes them sovereigns, so long as, they know how His chronicler, Raymonde d' Aguiliers. (4) informs to maintain the difficult and constant balance required us Well as to their behavior and has them voicing by the multi layered social base that they depend on. declarations and statements that were never expressed. The persistent domestic disputes and quarrels and the ones carried out against the subjugated natives, quelled The Counts of Normandy and of Flanders took and conquered but not beaten, weakened them beyond Godfrey's side; the ones who initially supported the measure; these facts caused a certain rejection in their Count of Sant Gillles, in the open cause concerning the surrender of the fortress, were his friends and vassals; countries of origin. yet, they declared against him, to thus prod him to Their uncertain conquests, from the first instance, they resolve an anticipated exit and return to their homelands; could not get it in their minds and their ideas about something akin to Yehuda's (Judas) hope faced with the property that they were accustomed to. hypothetical defense of Yeshua (Jesus) seeing himself captured and thus showing the world that He was, This prolonged situation along tine time, causes one to effectively who He said He was. lose that eagerness of belonging, that sedentary character and that vision of feudal rights to ownership of land and His chronicler well documents their behavior, and puts places captured. words and declarations in their mouths that were never pronounced. Godfrey's faction was gaining more loyalists The syndrome of discord and false protection(vis a including some from Sant Gilles camp, who some came vis their new property's, would lead them to become to declare, that he was man more destined towards

spirituality than to combat, this deceitful claim had no just basis whatsoever. Raymonde had been proven, acknowledged and tested and known among all for his valor, the conquest of the Fortress of Jerusalem was the constant proof, only a brave and powerful warrior would dare embark on such a deed and again it, while his "colleagues" amused themselves slaughtering innocent civiliansyand loot all they could without any respect for temples, age, lives or genders, while Raymonde noble gentleman that he was, facilitated the exit from the city to Iftikhar and his men, along with their belongings, avoiding the "just" massacre by a bunch of miserable souls more focused on theft than on the "Holy" recovery of the site. Without taking into consideration his continuous participation with the King of Aragon in the wars against the Moors in Spain, among many other achievements, but then, as today, anything goes in the face of impotence generated by fear and envy, as long as what is good is sullied for the benefit of the ignorant and greedy. Without the support of his people, Raymonde, handed over David's Tower to the Bishop of Albara, attempting to stem the summary disrespect that was being unleashed against him. The receiver handed it over to Godfrey without any formal hearing, this act was cause for reproach by many, both adherents and opponents of the westerner. Raymonde charges him as impious and wicked for having betrayed his confidence. He in turn defends himself arguing that he saw himself obligated to do so, having been violently forced.

rest of his holdings, allaying the danger of the constant conspiracy that the envious aimed at his power, with the slight and vain hope that given time, the waters would return to their normal flow. In penance he had taken up the palm abandoning Jerusalem and Jericho, and headed towards the Jordan accompanied by a contingent of clerics. After bathing in its waters in spiritual retreat, they dedicated prayers to the count and all the other princes. Humbly garbed they recreated the baptism of Christ by the hand of the Evangelist. He made the arrangements to return to his place of birth and satisfy the wishes of all who had followed him, fortune was not on his side. Raymonde died in 1105, as a result of wounds suffered in a fire in the castle built on Pilgrim's Mount (known as Sangils, an abbreviation of Raymonde's name). Meanwhile, in Jerusalem affairs of state were dissolving. Upon the arrival of the conquerors, in all of Palestine, there existed an established ecclesiastical jurisdiction set up by different councils prior to the schism. The hierarchies and their jurisdictions were instituted, they were rearranged by the Council of Chalcedon in 451. Among other subjects, the elevation to the Patriarchy of the Archbishop: of Capitoline Aelia-Jerusalem St. Juvenal was touched upon. Archbishop during that transition of the Holy City, he oversaw Christianity's most ancient church, literally from horseback of these two hierarchies. This patriarchy as all the eastern ones, fell under the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Church when the Eastern Schism took place, and which aligned itself in 1054 with the ones that had not accepted the Filioque Clause, published during the 3rd Council of Toledo, cele. brated in 589, competing with Rome from that point on.

Aguillers states that he was witness to the arms borne to the bishop's place of lodging, was there an attempt to take it by force due to the count's stubborness? It was a total and complete plot against the Frenchman, the threats and physical violence that were displayed, were not precise no casual, but deliberate; all carefully orchestrated so that, its true conqueror would lose title and claim, questioned by the one that had been elected During the existence of the Realm, the orthodox religious order in Jerusalem undergoes an absolute king thanks to his prudent resignation. transformation. Where there existed some approved, It was in fact, always for the search and attainment of patriarchies and others corroborated in Chalcedon, these his goals and personal interests. Godfrey wastes no time were substituted by archbishoprics, their jurisÂŹdictions, making his newly attained rights over others prevail, the seats and dependencies were shifted; thus satisfying the first obstacle to topple, the powerful Count of Toulouse, many plaintiffs who had accompanied the Crusade. The the gretest danger to the security of the singular crown most recently nominated patriarchy and paradoxically upon his head, counting on this with the complacency the oldest by right, the one of Aelia Capitolina was of the Provencals who shifted to his side in the hope of dismantled. it was split into four archdiocese', and its leaders retained the positions of Archbishop of Tyre, of accelerating their return. Cesarea, Nazareth and of Petra, in addition to various In light of this he threatened to leave these lands, other diocese', among them, the Bishops of Lodiaabandoning the mission that bore him there, Raymonde Ramallah, Gaza, Hebron and Bethlehem. exasperated, and very indignant toward the other princes that seemed to forget the many hardships they The Bishopric of Jerusalem had been founded by had shared throughout the entire journey, he now had James the Lesser so therefore it must be converted them present with less friendly gestures, he decided to into a patriarchy according to the apostolic interim (5). put land on the table and secure under his control the This bishopric had a symbolic importance within both

churches, Constantine being the one that excerctsed the greater power over the other two Antioch and Alexandria, in addition jurisdictional powers over eastern bishoprics. Not so the Jerusalem church, the first pentarchy (6) the Papal See included in accordance with tradition it was founded by the Apostles during Pentecost (7), the one who wielded dominion over here, wielded the supremacy of Christianity. The Patriarch of Jerusalem, now called the Latin, like the realm they always planned to possess; directly controlled the Latin Quarter of Jerusalem and its environs where the Savior's Sepulcher was located, in addition, the abbey's of the Mount of Olives created by St. Helena of Constantinople and the one of the Temple Mount of Zion (8) of the Temple of Solomon.

through Papal Bulls, acknowledging the Augustinian Rule that from time immemorial, the canons and defenders of the Holy gepulcher possessed. Godfrey, far from the gratuitous credit given him as to creating foundations, entities, etc., was a monarch that distinguished himself precisely for creating nothing, but simply for replacing what was already there, he rebuilds churches, convents, abbey's, etc., that previously existed, among them he rebuilds the basiÂŹlica of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives, in the abbey near the church a community of Augustinian monks was convened. The actual bibliography tells us that in the last quarter of the 4th century the Byzantines transformed a small church converting it into a grand basilica which they named Mother of all Churches or

St. Helena founded a regular priory under the rule of Holy Zion. In the 7th century it would be destroyed of St. Augustine (9),(expelled by Arnulf d' Chocques) by Muslims, leaving but ruins of its past when the Crusaders arrived. caretakers of the Holy Sepulcher within the Temple. These were its domains and their direct vassals. The orthodox canons, were replaced by Latins from which sprang the armed branch known as the Order of the Holy Sepulcher, liberum arbitrium to Godfrey of which no existing documentation exists that can attest to this.

Given the great importance that this basilica known at that time as the "Cenaculum", Godfrey, immediately after his elevation, orders it rebuilt along with a monastery "ad latere" for its service, becoming St. Mary of Mount Zion and the Holy Spirit, that community according to authors such as Gabhart was endowed with hefty incomes as it was obliged to retain a guard of some 150 armed men for the defense of the Holy Sepulcher, the embryonic nucleus of the future Order, within the "Cenaculum" of Mt. Zion according to Christian tradition the sacraments of the Eucharist and priestly orders were created here. it was precisely there where Yeshua (Jesus) appeared to the Apostles on Easter Sunday; it is the meeting place of these with Mary and where the Holy Spirit descended upon their heads, after which the Apostles went their seperate ways to preach the good news. Politically it is fundamental as well since it is there that the Primitive Apostolic Church is convened, where St. James the Lesser, son of Alpheus, is consecrated as first Bishop of Jerusalem, also from there came Stephen and the deacons, first martyrs of Christendom. In conclusion if the Holy Sepulcher is the center or focal point of Christianity, the "Cenaculum" is its consolidation as a living manifestation of a creed.

These new Latin canons, take the name of the expelled ones created by St. Helena and become without intention, "tutors" of future Templars, known at the onset as "Order of the Poor Militia of Christ; Knights of the Holy City; Knights of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem or the Holy Militia of Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple". As to the origin of this Order (the keepers of the Sepulcher), historians cannot agree; Bartholomew of Saligine (10) Knight of the Order, dates it to the year 69 during the bishopric of St. James the Lesser. Others place it in the time of Constantine the Great and his mother the Empress Helena in 326, a majority credit it to Godfrey d' Bouillon or his successor Baldwin I, what is certain is that from that time on there is greater access to information

In general, the clergy emerged among the Crusaders, had lost all sense of pity and honor, they displayed themselves openly and without shame in houses of ill repute, shady dealings, intrigues and other popular pastimes of the moment. Arnulf was a "victim" of popular ditties that exposed the theft of sacred objects, carnal encounters with loose women, in short, alongside their mentor they were the antithesis of what a tonsured one should be, lacking the disciplinary brake after the death of Ademar, Bishop of Puy and papal legate. William, Bishop of Orange, a religious man fearful of God, succeeded Ademar in this capacity, and throughout his life, he served his ministry

faithfully; but shortly after Ademar'd death, he ended his days in Marrah, with them end, the truly pious, tonsured and papal legates that brought a concrete mission to Palestine which was not solely to evangelize or give polished replies to the spiritual needs of the Crusaders.

sister of King William I of England.

Following the abandonment of the Count of Sant Gilles in the summer of 1099, Arnulf is elected Patriarch of Jerusalem, on Or{ August 1, 1099, backed by Godfrey, the "Advocatus Sancti Sepulcril whose only condition The naming of the Patriarch demanded by the clergy requires that the realm be controlled by the laity and was inversely postponed to their interests, firstly carrying not under the papal mandate as intended by the latter, a out the naming of the temporal power ahead of the condition accepted by Malecorne. spiritual one. They lacked a sufficiently charismatic leader to assume the responsibilities of the Patriarchy and Arnulf loses the Patriarchy when Dagobert of Pisa (12), the cohesion of the barons, these as was already stated reclaims it, moving in to occupy the post of archdeacon went by the wayside, the substitutes were not up to the of Jerusalem. Upon Dagobert's death, Ghibbelint d' standards required and continued to be people that had Sabran, Bishop of Arles is appointed papal legate, answered the call with a desire to advance their lust for who heads to Jerusalem to resolve the conflict of the secular power rather than serve the eternal spirit of the patriarchy that arose from the naming by Baldwin of the cleric Eremar d' Therounne, Ghibbeline is appointed Crusader. Patriarch by the Pope in 1108, he dies on April 6, 1112 Arnulf of Calabria, Bishop of Martirano in Bethlehem, upon his return to Provence; Arnulf d' Malecorne being proposed as a possible choice, Arnulf Malecorne replaced by Baldwin I, in his second patriarchy on April also know as d' Rohens or D' Chocques. Neither one 26, 1112, in spite of reticences on behalf of a section enjoyed the reputation for the post. They were seen of the clergy due to the radical nature of some of his as opportunists and loyal only to their own unterests. opinions. Malecorne came to censure the reputation of the barons who were not Normans, whom he accused of looting He was briefly deposed in 1115 by a papal legate, and the church's properties, for which reason they formed reinstated in 1116k after the annulment of Baldwin and no part or role in the natural creation of posts, first the Adelaide's marriage. He retained his patriarchy until his ecclesiastical, then the secular ones, among them the death on April 26, 1118. In that same year of his death he had supported the candidacy of his benefactor. most important: the Patriarchy. Dagobert just as Arnulf, is lacking of scruples, he had been named patriarch by Pope Pascal II. The new patriarch arrives in Jerusalem on December 26, 1099 and begins his post with the help of Bohemond of Taranto, to whom he would turn to in another close by occasion (Baldwin I). For this, Dagobert solicits his support to seize the realm upon Godfrey's death and then submit it to Rome, with himself as papal delegate (in place of the deceased Raymond de Sant Gilles). He persisted in his eagerness of converting the realm into a feudal fiefdom of the Holy See, thus accepting the Egyptian realm as a patrimony of Arnulf, Bishop of Bethlehem and responsible for this the laity for the conquerors. promotion had been taken hostage by the Saracens and was never heard from again, for Raymonde d'Aguillers, Regarding Malecorne, if his character was censurable, chronicler of Count Raymonde, it was a divine his attitude is not, as one of the church's objectives was to regain lands lost in 1054 and this was the best and vengeance. (11) greatest occasion to once again display under its scepter, The post was much too far out of reach to seize it, the control“pf the first church and Tomb of Christ. as a matter of fact, he was not even a sub deacon. He is supposedly associated with Ademar d'Monteil, That is how the laity served the interests of the clergy, papal legate who dies in 1098. It seems that creating a Latin hierarchy in Jerusalem. Until that his"ecclesiasticarcharacter comes to him by the hand moment all Christians in the Holy Land were under of Odon d'Bayeux, who had died enroute, he was a the protection of the Greek Orthodox Church; as of Norman bishop and first Count of Kent. He received now they would also be under the Latin Patriarchy... the Pope, until its final expulsion carried out by Arnulf the title from his half brother William of Normandy. d' Malecorne during his second patriarchy (1112-1118). He had willed his goods to his protege' Malecorne who had ingratiated himself for his extensive speeches. Going Arhulf was one of the most disputable personages of on to depend on Peter of Narbona, new legate. The the First Crusade; he was the cause of death of Peter closest he ever came to a priesthood was in his father's Bartholomew dis-coverer of the Sacred Lance by shadow, a Flemish that places him as a tutor to Cecilia, submitting him to the Ordalia (13), The absence of Ademar d' Monteil, Bishop of Puy was noticed, he who,,had known how to maintain unity among the princes. Another notable absence was William, Bishop of Orange who had died in Marrah. Thus Arnulf sounded off with force, besides, he was backed by the "other part", the triumvirate formed by Flanders, Normandy and the Duke of Burgtndy. At this time, Malecorne was chaplain to the Normans, whose backing he counted on (he was elected Patriarch by them).

He was backed by the Count of Toulouse and the Crusade and therefore legitimate master of the territories Provengals. Arnulf changes his position to align with that of that were to be conquered. his natural lord, the Duke of Normandy which generates the controversy of doubt as to the aforementioned lance. This hypothesis would be seen as shaky due to a lack of the pre, vious documentation by that latent notice, that He compelled all crusaders to use the Latin rite which distills the analysis of the facts. increased the length between both confessions, he expelled Sabas, the Ortho, dox Patriarch (14), during his Urban as Gay shows and Chalandon backs,supported second mandate in 1112. He was the subject of infinite by Leib pope Urban in his itinerary, not only sought comments concerning his honor: accused of lewdness, the support of old Europe, but as well as that of the simony, of keeping company with a Muslim woman, of Alpine principalities, Slavs, Croats, Serbs, Pannonians having authorized the marriage of Baldwin I to Adelaide (Hungarians), Dalmatians, Bulaar, even from the ever de Vastosi while his first wife Arda of Armenia was still unstable dominions of Russia, Kiev (not to be confused living, he was accused of being corrupt. He held no with Rus de Kiev) and the other slavic countries who prestige among the local populace, being the subject of also received the request of attendance at the multiple councils convened. numerous satirical and bawdy ditties. It was thus a case of a false patriarch. They had This opportunity offered by the Byzantine in his cry for substituted the legitimate one through the dirty tricks help, also served to win in another ecclesiastical dispute that he maintained at that time, with the anti pope employed by the Italian, Clement III, partisan of nepotism, nicolaism and simony a measure taken outside of the framework prescribed as badges of that time. Faithful follower of of Gregoty by law, therefore such action has no legal protection, VII, he knew how to guarantee papal authority in the but at the same time no explicit condemnation due to it famous quarrels of the already explained investitures. concerning "another church" imposing it. He-truly knew how to take advantage of the situation, Which is why it is presumed to have been carried he swept up all dogmatic differences under his scepter, out, following the instructions of an usurper desirous all butthe ones of Palestine and Byzantium that remained of enthroning himself in the most sacred place of faithful to the Greek church. If we take into consideration Christianity. that Raymonde was the only European capable of carrying out the supposed Roman claims, given his Replacing a legitimate patriarchy was a simple thing, manpower (it constituted the largest Crusader army) the power of weapons guaranteed it. William of Tyre and the closest trustworthy collaborator, whom although informs as to the income of the new spiritual head of partially defeated, Clement II, was not beaten and his Jerusalem, that he was granted all the rents of the one supporters were precisely the Germanic states and ad expelled along with some increased re-venues: "that the lateres. Lord Patriarch be assigned the property's as well as those of the Pagan era, also the Greek era as a sort of new He had the foresight to name as papal delegates, contributor's. It could be explained as the means at lastto religious Gregorians such as himself who would always honestly fund the Patriarch's household." (15) contribute to the benefit of Rome. The military, social and wholly mundane he left in the hands of Raymonde The patriarch was more economically powerful than bolstered by the legates. He never agreed with Urban's the king, to which these on more than one occasion intention to return such a prize to Orthodox hands. would appeal for funds like Baldwin I, of his most sworn enemy, Dagbert of Pisa. For this he would count on the support of the papal delegates that accompanied the rest of the princes, he did Analyzing the consulted documents, one may deduce not trust Norman. or Germans, his ancestral enemies in from what was revealed in the previous chapter, the matter of the aforementioned complaints. But Urban with scarcely a margin of "error although lacking the did not count on that these delegated, would fall along "historicum verum", given the only sources are Gay the way, leaving Sant Gilles in a delicate position and at and Chalandon (16) in their two works already shown a clear disadvantage before his opponent Godfrey. and Runciman's ratification in his great opus where in guarded terms he expounds and I share. Now then lets recap all this and see what we have. We both conclude via different paths that, Urban the II' visit to Toulouse, was not only to personally deliver the invitation to participate in the recovery of the Holy Sites to Raymond d' Sant Gilles, (acts to which he himself did not attend) but rather to propose the nomination if he accepted as a delegate "alter ego" to govern in the name of the Holy See, at the end of the day "precursor" of the

* We have a legitimate patriarchy convened in 451 by the Councilof Chalcedon when there existed only one church. In its 28th Canon, the Council also approved the practical comparison between the Sees of Rome and Constantinope. This decision was made in the absence of the pope's delegates and annulled by him (17). The already appointed Anatole who presided,

wrote thus to the Pope referring to this: "remaining the armies were but the mere executors of the pope's reserved to the authority of Your Holiness all validity and decision for which reason the matter of title should fall on the shoulders of one who occupies the throne of St. approval of such act." (18) Pter. Fra Juan de Pineda states that Bishop Ademar de * We have a schism in 1054 dividing the church Puy was appointed by the Pope as general of the armies with the orthodox to the Greek church and the patriarchy in the name of the Holy Church of Rome. (19) under the tacit orbit of Constantinople. * We have the victory and "recovering" of the Holy * We have Byzantine emperor Alexis I,- who in Land that is not handed over to Alexis II Komnenos, in spite of being excommunicated, requests immediate help part for the more than justified disloyalties of the latter, of the Roman Pope to recover his empire, now in Seljuk most notably the case of Nicea and Antioch where the Turks hands and with eyes on a European invasion, to exit of Alexis' alter ego, General Tatizius, gave the the which the Pope pays no heed. opportunity to pretend that treason had occurred, giving the crusaders-justification to consider themselves free * We have Simeon II (1084-1106) in the legitimate of their oath, therefore not for one instance obligated patriarchy of Jerusalem. to relinquish what was conquered, more so when the * We have a visionary in Peter the Hermit, whom future social and political development of these lands after an audience with the Patriarch of Jerusalem, had not been placed on the table. With the conquest of Simeon II, seeks private audience with the Pope and Jerusalem, objective obtained, the sates are constituted. exposes all the dangers that Christians on pilgrimage srafes must face.

* We now have a pope that does pay attention. We are speaking about the orthodtlx-Patriarch Of Jerusalem and the orthodox church which is under Greek hegemony, this no trivial matter, the numbers speak for themselves. If it appropriates the patriarchy, it appropriates the very Christian soul, there lies the very center of Christianity, the Holy Sepulcher. * We have that since the very beginning, the Bishop of Rome's intention was the occupation (recovery for them) by force of what other Christians possessed by right; thus with the Patriarch of Jerusalem and the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem considered the womb, founded by the Apostle's, in its power, nothing and none could challenge the supremacy of the Church of Rome over the others, its wish of "dominationis mundi", took place during its "reign" only to be lost in 1291 under the mandate of Nicholas IV, another enlightened one of that sect who was more preoccupied with condemning philosophers such as Roger Bacon, than defending the birth-place of sectarian spirituality. * We have a tacit papal nod to Raymonde, Count of Sant Gilles, a pious man, powerful lord of middle France whom he asks to head a future Crusade which would produce a papal legate, with the clear intention of recuperating those lands, not to hand them over to Alexis II, but to empower Rome. * We have a council in Clermont that stirs up the bellicose Christian lords so as to direct their efforts towards the common enemy and expel the heretics from the Holy Land, offer safe passage to pilgrims and in a thinly veiled way turn over the governance of the new lands to it. It was always in u Urban's plan to entitle himself King of Jerusalem, they were not few, the voices raised when the illegal patriarch was elected arguing that it was the church that convened the crusade, that

* We have an ecclesiastical bewilderment, none of the prelates the papal legate Ademar de Puy included would live to see this, which explains the succession of the common and base more concerned with their own interests than for the common good, provoking a clergy-laity separation, when the annointed threaten to not recognize the ones named as kings by the noblemen, unless a patriarch is elected first; these react by distancing themselves; nevertheless, the election takes place. * We have an election for king which falls to Raymonde who refuses the crown, the council hands it to Godfrey, something unexpected and disappointing for the pope, his appointees from Dagbert (Arnulf had signed on with the "advocatus" that he would be patriarch on condition that it would be a lay state) they attempted on several occasions to seize power, it was an internal struggle of interests and powers, under the guise of the pilgrim. * We have the election of the Latin Patriarch Arnulf de Malecorne, who is illegally elected and like all the others, Arnulf of Bethlehem, Dagbert of Pisa, Eremar de Therouanne, Ghibbeline of Arles... unscrupuloug characters more akin to highwaymen, felons and delinquents than to pious, saintly and just men; they increased the animosity between the Latins and Germanics according to their convenience o In 1099 the illegal Latin Patriarchy of Jerusalem is created. * We have the creation of a patriarchy detained by Roman illegality and orthodox impotence that should have accepted the result. This patriarchy unlike the one deposed, is not born of legitimacy, it is resolved "a priori" by a group of clerics in a synod, where Arnulf who is not even a canon is selected (as illegal as the act itself) so thus we now have an idea of the major scam pilled off by Rome in its thirst for power. *

We have the expulsion of the Orthodox Patriarch

Sabas (1106 1156) in 1115 (20) along with Greek Christians, Syrians and other easterners by King Baldwin I, concilieted by Arnulf de Malecorne or Chocques, on April 26, 1112 in his second mandate upon the death of Ghibbeline of Arles. The orthodox patriarchs (Simeon II and his successor Sabas) live among the Latins some 16 long sad years, until they are expelled, moving to Constantinople. The Orthodox Church of Jerusalem or Patriarchy of Jerusalem, is one of the first churches of Christianity. It is not Dagbert as we are led to believe that expelled the orthodoxy, but Arnulf, the drop that caused the cup to overflow was the prohibition to non Catholics of access to the Holy Sepulcher in 1115, among other measures, such as the obligation of following the Catholic rite imposed upon all Christians in the city.

everything! some had lost their patronage, they became aware that their needs were always tethered to contributions of the personal preeminence of a determined chief or lord...they came to be forgotten, they were but necessary instruments during critical moments, and later cast into oblivion. Where they perhaps promised a social change within the new collective, they saw only a continuation of what they had left behind.

Other different lords, second string over there and empowered here, some employing, an unprecedented tyranny, not having anyone overseeing them, keeping them in check, thus recreating the same social situation as from where they came. The case of the Turks that caused the instability of the area, repeats itself. They witness how the pectoral cross that united them as brothers in a not so distant time, on many occasions was not taken into consideration. They saw From the very beginning the constant waves of troops, kinfolk and the friends of friends occupying relevant destined to fill the gaps in the Christian ranks, each time posts in the nascient state. less identified with the original mission of the gathering, but more so with the opportunity of gaining wealth and/ These displaced people, without firm beliefs, mercenaries or landing titles or similar sinecures. to any leader who would satisfy their immediate needs, were the very ones who faced their old comrades in the They approach the affair as a summer fling, with scarce struggle for conquest, only this time they would not have fixed morality and more of a romantic one. Palestine is the winning hand, at least not always, as the protectors the promised land, there, the nobodies could become increased the others diminished, as they were common somebodies, to return home with some rank of nobility, enemies of both Christians and Muslims, all were with rich possessions, with advantages coveted by their affected by that social factor and all would compete to peers. combat. Curious thing how mortal enemies join forces in the face of a greater threat, that placed in grave danger * In light of all this one can conclude, that even from its not only the stability of their realms, but the economy inception wass ondemned to failure. and well being of the population in general.

The Latin States Of Jerusalem

These, the ones disconnected from any place, accustomed to battle, had no place to return to, so it These chimerical dreams are based on a promise made was there where they had to make their fortune and the by Urban II to respect any new appropriated title-tollands paradigm offered them: take what you can, when you and property seized, in a country where milk flows in can and defend it as you know how, fountains and silver appears to be planted. Something implanted there by the law of arms and that would come When there was nothing left to plunder, they turn to the to constitute a feudal state of the seized lands. The lack caravans and afterwards, towards that which they came of such necessary protection for their launch, was the to defend and protect...the pilgrims. detonator that made them strong, as it is hardship and lack of resources that sharpen the mind, that selects the Great numbers of these men loitered everywhere, through the narrow and winding streets of the city, easy strong to press on in their goals. prey to forming groups of "bagaudae" (21) this not being Discontent was widespread, may of the combatants their original intention, but in many cases it became desperately watched as their dreams went up in smoke, their fate. At the onset enemies of their rivals, later they how these turned to road dust that blows away with coalesce in order to gain greater combative capacity a gentle breeze. They lacked everything, absolutely until reaching the amalgam that united these people of

different beliefs, race, nature and position. The lack of protection of campsites, led them to be more brazen and aggressive leading up to attacking royal caravans of one side or the other. It does not cease to be anecdotal to confirm how erratic postulates protagonized by Muslims and Crusaders, drove them to continuous drove them to spill innocent blood from both sides upon the land, some who considered themselves aggrieved, others for being unjustly punished, and the saddest part being is how those barbaric verbs that inebriate the minds of those who are committed to one band or another, continue to conjugate, and ready for the greatest of sacrifices in pursuit of who knows what truth or divine justice. One of the reasons for the Crusades was precisely for the protection of pilgrims headed to the Holy Land, where from their arri, val at the port of Jaffa, and their journey to the city of Jerusalem, they were the „_target of all sorts of abuse, from a simple robbery to death, rape or kidnapping, in the strictest sense of the word, which obliged them to join caravans that offered them greater protection during their journey and not exposing themselves along to the real dangers on their own.

as opposed to one escorting exalted individuals or large shipments of precious metals, which required a large host of well armed, aggressive and prepared soldiers, capable of driving back these brigands, with greater reinforcements, previously engaged from nearby cities, rallied to their side to further rout the thugs. In principle these troops were made up of men who in time of peace had lost their jobs, people who previously had been contracted by the organizers of the caravans, generally numerous, deployed according to the importance of a caravan and who defen ded themselves as equally as the sggressors attacked, without orders or strategy, what was important, was that the number of thieves succumbed when faced with the quality of those framed in military units. This military formation was not only the patrimony of the knights once they became masters of the geographic area and with enemies to fight, they planned their permanence in the Holy Places. A handful returned to their estates and lands, others just continued to hold out for a possible land grant and position that would allow them to live comfortably. Others embarked on the ecclesiastical and contemplative life, yet another group of non entities, despicable turned to pillage, in fact, they had already practiced it back in their lands. One of the objectives of the Crusades was precisely to serve as a system of social cleansing of old Europe, as would again be repeated in the lands of the new world.

These tidings that didinot cease to reach the Christian lands from where the Crusaders, liberators of the Holy City, came from, did not please those that had touted the Crusade, and they made this fact known to Baldwin and his court, who never ceased from the times of the Advocatus, the solicitation of more soldiers from the west to sustain the incipient realm, and the protection of Footnotes and Bibliography the Holy Sites.

1. It seems that the only sources that indicate this are Sant Gilles, Raymond d'Aguilliers and Anna Komnenos, as concluded by We know for a fact that caravans were the preferred Michaud in Book IV of his opus History of the Crusades.

form of trans. port for merchants to move their goods from one point to another throughout the Middle East, some proceeding from distant lands, such as the silk and spice ones, so vital for the consumption and commerce of that region. Within these caravans many travelers who needed to cross certain territories, took refuge, some more, some less, but always with the danger of assault, on occasion with their families and most, if not all their wealth, they had liquidated all their assets back home and moved to another in hopes of a better life, these, were tasty morsels for thieves who used informants at key•points in the convoys route.

2. Construction technique that gives a structure stability and strength. The foundation stones are laid horizontally and the next line above it is staggered so that the center line of each block::sits over the seam line of the two below it. 3. William of Tyre, History of the Crusades, Book IX, Chap. III Godfrey's Occupation of David's Tower. 4. This text is part of the Internet Medieval Source Book. C. Krey, The First Crusade: Accounts of eyewitnesses and participants, (Princeton, 1921) 262164, Raymond d'Aguilliers Historia Francorum qui ceperint Jerusal'n

5. A Patriarch, is a bishop who oversees a see, in principle, an apostolic one. The never ending migration of mankind around the

earth. The caravan was itself a multiracial melting pot of people with no social or domestic coherence, when faced with the constant danger of groups of "bagaudas (22), where you likely were to find locals, such as Christians, Greeks, Armenians, etc., and who truly

formed small armies as organized in their structure, but just as disorganized in combat, incapable of resisting the onslaught of an organized force. They perceived themselves strong when faced with a guard or escort, which in a normal caravan would never be substantial,

6. These five patriarchy's: Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem, are known as a pentarchy. 7.

Facts taken from Wikipedia, Pentarchy

8. In 1099, the Crusaders, after liberating Jerusalem, built a new church over the ruins of an ancient Byzantine temple called Hagia Zion. The new church was given the name of St. Mary and the group of priests that served there were known as the Priory of Our Lady of Zion, a title that combined the names of both churches. They remained there until 1217, when the Muslims destroyed the structure after tetaking Jerusalem. At that time they retreated

to Sicily, where they continued their ministry. The Priory lasted another four centuries, until in 1617, its last Indinbers joined the Jesuits. In short, he Priory of Zion was one O1 many orders and societies that have come and gone throughout the history of the Catholic church. Facts obtained from Opus Dei's website in their arti¬cle concerning the Priory of Zion. The authors of this text taken from a book called The DaVinci Deception by Mark Shea and Edward Sri. Ascension Press, 2006

15. William of Tyre, History of the Crusades, Election of the Jerusalem Patriarch, Book IX, Chap. XV

12. Upon the death of Godfrey, the Advocatus in 1100. He dis¬puted the throne with Baldwin I, this king stripped him of his seat and installed his predecessor, Arnulf de Malecorne or Chocques in his place. Dagbert storms off to Rome to present his complaints to the Pope. On his way back he

19. Fr. Juan de Pineda of the Venerable Order of Saint Francis. The thirty books of the ecclesiastic monarchy or Universal History part III - Barcelona, Cedran Press (1606) Book 20, pg. 217

16. Initial reactions of Urban, see Leib, Rome, Kiev and Byzantium, Gay, Les Papes du XIe Siecle and Chalandon, Histoire de la Premiere Croisade.

17. Encyclical letter Sempiternus rex Christus from His Holiness Pope Pius XIILto the patriarchs, bishops, archbishops 9. Vide Exordium, Pg. 7 and Caput IV of this book. and others ordained in the faith of peace and communion with the Apostolic See, as to the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon 10.Itinerary of the Holy Land celebrated fifteen centuries ago, 11.Francois Guizot, Memoires sur l'Histoire de France (1824) Anatole to Leon M. 132, 4 (Migne PL 54, 1084, Mansi, Chap. 21 pgs. 227/397. Raymond d'Aguilliers, Historia Francorum 18. VI,278s) qui ceperunt Jerusalen, Pg. 395


Thomas A. Idinopoulos, Jerusalem, pg. 178

The term may have a double origin, one being of Latin dies in Sicily in 1107, freeing Christianity of one of its most perverse 21. roots meaning [thief], or aCeltic one meaning [warrior]. Although in and nefarious ministers. that time this term became to be applied to all sorts of illicit behavior involving robbery, assault, burglary etc., some perpetrators saw its 13, Judgment-of God (trial by ordeal) character as a social revolution., 14. The Patriarchy continues to be a position of the orthodox See 21 church who returned to their original seat in Jerusalem in the mid 22. 19th century.

Josè Maria Fernandez Nùñez •• Degree in History •• Regional delegate of the UNEE •• (National Union of Writers of Spain) to Zaragoza •• Member of the Medieval Foundation for Genealogy. •• University of Cambrigde

The Templar Initiation Fuensanta Santos de la Rubia

I speak to you these words, oh Tat! that, you shall be initiated in the name of the greater God. If you understand them, you will be aware of, that what is invisible for a majority, for you it shall be clear and apparent. Hermes Trismegistus ( Hermes to his son Tat) In the introduction to his opus “Birth and Rebirth”, Mircea Eliade defines it with these words:

“The term initiation, in its broadest meaning, denotes a body of oral and practical rituals and teachings, whose purpose is to produce a decisive alteration in the religious and social situation. In philosophical terms, the initiation is the equivalent of basic change of the existential condition; the novitiate emerges from their difficultcexperience endowed as a totally different being than the one prior to the initiation; they have transformed Initiation is a voluntary process, subject to a ritualistic and into another”. (1) symbolic process, that opens a portal to a certain mental and spiritual transformation which prepares a candidate to embark on a path that leads them to a transcendental Parts Of The Initiatión change in their life, be it the step from one state to a greater one, such as the tribal initiations that mark the “rites of passage” from childhood to adolescence, and In every initiation process there are two well defined later to adulthood, in men as well as in women, or the seperate parts, on public or open and another closed, mystical and spiritual ones proper to the Indoeuropean secret one, the former consists of the preparation that cultures, where the profane is elevated to greater states the candidate must submit to, certain instructions, of consciousness that will trace the path that must be purifications through ritual baths and fastings, silent meditation, as only by demonstrating a certain discipline, spiritually embarked upon. humility and desire of advancing does one become It is not simply a teaching, it is a spiritual and physical worthy of embarking on the new path. The ego has preparation with the end result being worthy to know to be reigned in going beyond its own barriers, if it is one’s desire to elevate their vibration in a higher sphere, the mysteries. one must begin by walking towards their own center, The initiation process, means the death of a part of one’s waging a battle with one self conquering one’s fears and own personality so that there is room for the individual’s one’s former habits, against their own wants and their rebirth and a greater connection with their very soul. limitations, only thus will the soul reveal itself and one will understand the words that only one who has ears As an etymological definition the act called initiation for listening can hear. and the effect of being initiated, comes from the Latin “initiation and “initio “ “beginning” and also from the “Since then in Eleusis, in honor of the Goddess the verb “inire” “to enter”, penetrate, embark”, thus, its mysteries that cannot be spoken of are celebrated. symbolic meaning is “entering to begin”, the subject of ¡Joyous are those men who have known them!” the initiation is called the initiate. which means “one who shares the knowledge of something reserved for a Thus comments the Homeric hymn to Demeter, but limited group” and, any member of a secret society. not all could accede; to be allowed to penetrate the

Mysteries of Eleusis, required some previous tests; first grade initiation were called the Minor Mysteries one, its was carried out each year coinciding with the beginning of Spring, alongside the Illysos River in Athens, hare the aspirants prepared through some activities, some animal sacrifices as the blood of these was considered purifying, water ablutions, ritual bathing in the river and the imbibing of kykeon, a barley beverage similar to beer.

“I am all that has been, what is, and all that it will be. No mortal has been capable of lifting the veil that covers me” Plutarch, Isis and Osiris (2) Plato also alludes to these schools of major mysteries where only the high initiates enrolled, in his Timeus, where Critias describes the discussion between Solon the Greek and the Egyptian high priest when he wishes to inquire as to these major mysteries.

There is in Egypt, said Critias, in the Delta, where at one end the Nile divides its waters, in Lower Egypt, a territory called Saite, whose principal city was Sais, home of King Amasis (1). Its inhabitants honored as its founder a goddess whose Egyptian name was Neith, and in Greek, if we were to give it credit, is Athena (2). They profess great love for Athenians, and pretend in a certain way that they belong to the same race of people. Solon said that when he arrived in that land, he was perfectly received and accepted; that he had queried of the priests concerning antiquities; “More versed in this science; and that he had seen that neither he nor any other, among the Greeks, knew, for a fact, not one single word of these things.” One day, desiring to commit the priests to explaining themselves concerning the ancient ways of knowledge. Solon, proposed to speak of what we understand to be the most ancient, of Phoroneus, called the first (1), of Niobe (2), and after the deluge (3), of Deucalion (son of Prometheus) and Pyrrhos, with all that refers to this: he explained the genealogy of all of their descendants, and These initiates into the mysteries of Ceres were called expounded, providing their age, fixing the dates of all the happenings. “Mistos”, as they were guided and instructed by the “Mystes”, and they could only enter as far as the temple’s But one of the eldest priests, exclaimed: Solon, Solon! vestibule. you the Greeks shall forever be children; in Greece there are no old people! what mean you by that?replied Solon Only after being initiated for a full year in the Minor you are children as to the soul, replied the priest, for you Mysteries and having passed all required tests do not possess long traditions nor knowledge venerable successfully, could they begin to prepare to be initiated for its antiquity. (3) into the Major Mysteries, to enter into the high initiation, the/the “Mystos” became “Epoptes” (overseers), the only ones that were considered “superiors”. In Egypt, there existed rituals of high initiation for entering the Schools of Knowledge, and Houses of Life, where the greatest sages of antiquity were schooled, admission to these was highly selective, after passing the first of these and confirming that they were true lovers of knowledge, as well as being ready to commit themselves for life in these communities of initiates dedicated to the welfare of humanity, to maintain the secrecy, only thus could one aspire to immerse themselves in the hidden, to penetrate into the circle of the goddess as she prayed in the inscription conveyed to us by Pltarch, initiated into the Mysteries of Isis, from the Temple of Sais in Egypt.

Elements of Initiation In the initiation one must take into account the different elements for it to be carried out in such a way that represents the existential change in the character of the profane that must, during the experience, die in order to be reborn as a totally new being, this transition is more evident in the ancestral initiations that young tribal members submit to during their passage rites from child to adult, in the esoteric initiations, that transition is on a more spiritual level and, therefore less evident, it is an internal death and resurrection, a new awakening to a lb new consciousness of the being and the world, o etter yet of the sacred in oneself. The inherent elements of each ritual are in the first place to recreate the sacred space, the consecration of the place where the initiation will be carried out., its only function is to endow the site with a hierophany (manifestation of the sacred) so that Hermes maxim is fulfilled “What is above is akin to what is below”. Basilisk Review, Nov. 19821 June 1982, Number 13 (4). It means to sanctify a profane space, to isolate it from chaos, to represent heaven and earth; it is here where the “manifestation of what is different” takes place, where man connects with the divine of each belief or faith, These elements must be present in every initiation since in the act of sanctifying a place it also impregnates ritual, as they are symbols of the tests that a novice it with divinity. It is in this sacred space where the most must undergo who seeks to become an initiate, in fact, when a novice prepares, the element of earth represents important parts of the initiation ritual take place. creation and birth, it represents the body, it is the first that Within this ritual the four elements or forces that must be controlled, what ties us to unbridled passions, Empedocles of Agrigento called the “theory of the Four recognize and reign in our ego, learning to surrender Roots” must be represented, which explain the evolution unconditionally to the tasks imposed, submitting to the of the world, the Cosmos, it was Aristotle who defined ritual, overcoming addictions, learning to identify and them as elements joining the Water of Thales of Miletus, accept what binds us to exaggerated materialism and the air of Anaximenes of Miletus, the Fire of Heraclitus know how to defeat it. of Ephesus and the Earth of Xenophanes of Colophon, and Empedocles preached that these roots are subject to The element of Air symbolizes intelligence, life, breath, two forces, love that unites them and hate that divides imagination, decision, and it is ruled by our breathing, them, in other words the Ying amd Yang, in eastern it is fundamental to learn how to breathe for better theory, and man is also made of these four elements that meditation and connection with ourselves, as well as must be in harmony for one to enjoy good physical and for properly focusing our thoughts, and how to properly direct our intelligence to better serve humanity. spiritual health. Water is the element present in greater quantity within our physical selves, but in addition, it represents love, purification, our emotions, just as blood has its strategic center in the heart, all people are emotional beings, emotions move us, feelings move us, which is why it is Aecius precedes the quote with an interpretation of most important to observe, recognize and know how to Empedocles theory identifying no other roots with handle our own emotions to reach a healthy balance. elements (through Aristotelian influence) and adding the What happens to us is not as important as our attitude in two primary forces of amity and hatred to the list. how we deal with it, the objective is to work the element The quote is followed by his explanation of the mythical of Water, placing our emotions in the service of our elements; calls Zeus to ebullition and ether, Hera giver highest consciousness. of life to air, Aidoneus to the earth and Nestis/mortal Fire is the element that makes life possible, the sun, the fountain, indicate semen and water. ] warmth makes life flourish, it symbolizes reproduction, Empedocles, quoted by Santiago Gonzalez Escudero vital energy, passion, the fire of the soul, the force of in his essay “Roots and Elements of Empedocles” The action that drives all our intentions, dreams, desires, thus

[ Listen first, the four roots of all things; dazzling Zeus, Here, giver of life, Aidoneus and Nestis whose tears cause the mortal fountain to burst (fra. 31B6, of Aecius 1, 3, 20, Gredos pg. 175, vol. II) .

“Fraternally embraced within the Temple, the new chosen one fixes their attention on the invisible. The secrets of this area must be overcome one by one. They know that the underworld, belongs to the dead. They must, firstly, with caution, to try to relate to them. If they have sufficient strength to call to them without fear and control them without wavering, they will be able to declare the path that they themselves took.” (6) In effect the initiate awakens a new reality in which it is revealed, what form, from their position and circumstance, can they better serve the society that they frequent, which is in truth to serve humanity and make a better place of this world.

Pilgrimage As A Path To Initiation One of the great teachings concerning the transformation it is paramount to know how to temper ourselves, master of Christianity is Tales of a Russian Pilgrim, which tells us the art of seeking the level of intensity that we must use in its introduction: to apply heat, and to what things are or are not worth “The morals of the pilgrim is not a group of learned surrendering to, and it is the element that sets the rhythm rules, nor is it either an internal hygiene. All their actions of our own transformation, since the latter depends on are guided by a desire for spiritual perfection. Asceticism how much fire we put into our task of purification and is the condition of contemplation, and makes no sense perfection, in of itself. Thus spiritual life is reduced in this way to unity. Works comes out of faith, but without works Steps of Initiation faith does not exist. Coming from the world of failure, ignorance and weakness, the pilgrim heads towards the In every initiation rite several steps must be carried new Jerusalem, where they will enter whole in body out. a series of trials that, in each school of instruction and soul, when the end time comes. Gathering all the may be different but all have the same objective, the strength of their spirit to gaze upon the Absolute Being, transformation of the subject, their death as a profaner sometimes the new Adam, receives from Christ, some and rebirth as an initiate, the latter is their isolation or of the old Adam’s privileges. He is able to ignore cold, closure in the Chamber of Reflextion as it is referred to in hunger and pain; nature itself appears transfigured to him: Freemasonry, or in other ritualistic activities whose aim is Tree, grasses, air, light; all these things tell me that they the same, submerging the profaner in their own mystery exist for man, and for man they give God’s testimony. All and confront them with their fears and resistance; once prayed, all sang the glory of God.” this trial is surpassed the profaner is guided towards the This liberating optimism is not exclusive to the Christian Sacred Space, where they undergo an interrogation East, but it is rather the tendency of Christianity. That whose aim is to cause the individual to reiterate their creation be good and that after the fall it must be totally will to be initiated and integrated into the community, guided in its totality on the path of salvation, it’s something and where they will swear an oath upon being accepted that is taught by St. Augustine and after him by the great by their brethren there present, after which they receive medieval doctors, the same as St. Gregory of Nice. their initiation. If the eastern Middle Age is inclined above all to the ““The true believer isiac, is the one who, upon mystery of sin and the cross, is because the marvelous legitimately receiving, according to tradition, what is implications of the Incarnation have been revealed to shown and realized concerning these gods, seeks and the Christian conscience by the Fathers. Only the crisis rationally investigates the truth within these rituals.”” and unhinging of the modern world have caused the darkening of this “cosmic” sense of paternal theology, Plutarch “Of Isis and Osiris” 4 without which the thoughts of the great eastern doctors cannot truly be comprehended. (7) It is now when the initiates, as they pray in Plutarch’s verses, commence their true journey, we have seen how This book of hesychastic contemplation quite popular in the Egyptian schools of wisdom (5),after the initiation, in orthodox Christianity speaks to us in the first person the consecrated ones returned to the world to serve singular how we can utilize pilgrimage as an initiative humanity, this was not imposed, but it was rather a sign path, we already know that walking in pilgrimage with a of the transformation of the individual’s consciousness, spiritual end transforms us internally, through continuous that passes from an inferior degree to a superior one. prayer and meditation as a means of disciplining ourselves

in order to light our internal flame. Pilgrimage is an archetype of life, walking towards a spirituality which in the end is the final objective, to discover some universal values, the constant search of the human being towards a goal assuming the risks that this entails, consciously, and... what is life, if not an eternal pace towards a goal even if we are not conscious of the risks it implies? Pilgrimage is voluntary as well and it leads us towards a sacred place for our encounter and to face what this encounter awakens within us, it implies a labor, and effort that we have previously carried out to reach our goal thus giving meaning to our existence, it identifies us as “seekers” and all initiates are seekers, we seek to find ourselves, our very inner selves, the purest selfg our essence, thus to see ourselves and others in a new way, without being tethered to convention and roles where we view another pilgrim as equal, in short, pilgrimage is an initiative path as well, because when we take that first step we die in one way to be reborn in a new self.

Who Is A Templar Initiate? Before anything a Templar initiate, is that human being, man or woman, that has voluntarily chosen to be initiated, they have carried out their corresponding tasks and submitted to an initiation ritual, but one must take into account that the initiation rite, must be differentiated from the “investiture” which is the “ceremony” that stages the fact that previous tests and steps have been completed and the novice is prepared to continue to the next phase, to follow a determined path of learning, of personal, intellectual and spiritual perfection. To live the Initial Templar Path implies opening oneself to attaining a mystical consciousness with life, being aware that we are a part of the all, living the example of Christ within us, reaching the esoteric understanding of ourselves, what leads us towards a conscious seeking of knowledge.

Esoteric means hidden, reserved, it comes from the

a different way as each one must “polish” their own rough stone from “their” moment and individuality, and, within that consists the beauty and revelation of the Internal Mystery. That is the Gnostic Knowledge. In the Temple, the colors of the “bausant” (battle flag) and the red of the Cross, clearly represent that esoteric process of the aspirant who chooses and lives this path; black, white and red are the alchemistic colors; black or blackening symbolizes the primordial clay, the rough stone, the initial state of the postulant who dies during the night watch of arms, they must assume that they are black clay whose job consists of purifying that prime substance. Exiting the darkness and the chaos of the alchemistic blackening or “massa confusa” as it was referred to by Jung and begin the process of spiritual alchemy that leads us to the purest white, that initiates the process of change, it is the initiate, through their personal effort who cause that transformation, guided by his teachers, via the continuous “solve et coagula”, applying the constant and measured “ring of fire”, they begin to accede , after overcoming the different stages, the sate of enlightenment, and attempt to reach the crimson, the third color of the great work that comes after the white and that symbolizes that we have obtained the Philosophic Stone. Our spiritual father St. Bernard in “De Laude” reflected this process when he expressed the Perfection in ones Intentions that a Templar must display in battle.

“The defeat or victory of the Christian should be appraised not by fortune in combat, but for the feelings of the heart. If the motive for combat is just, the result of the battle cannot be bad; but neither can its final result be considered a success when it is not preceded by a good cause and a just intention if, with the will to slay your enemy, you yourself are laid out, you die as if you were homicidal; and if you are the victor and slay someone seeking to triumph or for vengeance, you live as a murderer.

Greek “esoteros” - “deeper within”, it referred to the doctrine transmitted by philosophers, only to the ones that were considered prepared, surrendered and committed So, whether you die or live, victorious or vanquished, in from among their disciples, and it was orally transmitted. no way is it advantageous to be homicidal. Unfortunate victory that causes you to succumb to sin while at the Why? well because the revelation of the mysteries same time defeating a man. In vain you presume to are given to each individual, the mystery reveals itself have defeated your enemy when rage and pride have differently to each individual prepared and open in defeated you.” (8)

Perfection is not gained in a day nor in a ritual, the state of consciousness to which St. Bernard alludes to is a never ending quest, a daily discipline of the Templars of old and, nowadays it is not different, constantly observing our ego, checking the purity of our intentions, seeing justice in the causes that you undertake, subduing sin which is nothing other than subduing oursel Ves, struggling against fears and shadows so as to overcome our enemy without allowing rage and pride to overcome us, and that is a daily task because every day there are temptations.

5. sabiduria_egipto-logia.html 6.

Henry Durville, Misterios Egipcios, Pg. 31


The Russian Pilgrim (intro) Jean Gauvaig Pg. 13


St. Bernard de Clairvaux “De Laude” (intro)

A Templar initiate must above all, display an attitude and will to live with a vocation, towards Templar by day from the heart, thus the meaning of the phrase

“Not unto us O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy Name give glory”.

Sources And Bibliografy 1.

Mircea Eliade “Birth and Rebirth” Introduction


Plutarch “From Isis to Osiris”


Plato “Tymon” Pg. 27

4. Santiago Gonzkez Escudero in his essay “Roots and Elements of Empedocles” - The Basilisk Review, Nov. 1982 - June 1982 No. 13 Pg. 66

Fuensanta Santos de la Rubia • Templar Master of Ceremonies HSDCT.OSMTJ.SPAIN • Researcher about The Temple its histori and symbolism. • Edited about. The book of Cchivalry, The magic square of The Temple, The Templars in the reconquest of Almeria, The Domus Eclesiae, The first Christian Basilicas. • Academy Honorary of the Municipasística Brazilian Academy of Letters. • Director and editor The Grail Magazine.

The Templars In The Kingdom of Murcia Onofre Garcia Fernández Abstract.

neighboring realms and also through which the ancient Kingdom of Murcia now became the property of the Due to the way that feudal overlords used to terrorize Castillian kingdom. the population, with their power, it was the key to the resurgence of a new spirituality, to reestablish God’s “Concerning the partitioning of the conquest of Spain honor and recover the holy places that had fallen into (...), amicably settled between both and composed in Muslim hands. Herein we explain how the Templars the following way: That King James as quoted and for arrived in the Kingdom of Murcia, their most important his successors, renders, concedes and determines for the summoned prince, Lord Alfonso and to his successors enclaves, as well as a brief biography of them. in perpetuity the castle and village of Alacant with all Aragon, along with Portugal was the first peninsular its confines and waters with all their confines, and also kingdom where there is factual proof as to where the Busot with all its confines, as the land goes and the part Templars first established themselves, this occurred of Biar, and the castle and village of Millena with all its around the year 1130 AD. It is known that in 1134, confines and all else that lies beyond the limits of Biar, King Alfonso “The Warrior” wrote in his will that Orders and goes to the port of Biar between the limit of the of the Holy Land were to inherit his kingdoms of Aragdn latter and that of Millena and towards the part of Murcia and Navarre, this never came to pass, as his heirs were and of Castile, exception made of the complete terms not even slightly interested in taking charge of these vast of each of both, and all else that remains between the realms nor above all to govern them. So as to not walk confines of Almicran and Bogarra, exception made of away empty handed, they negotiated their rights with the complete terms of each of both, and what goes King Raymond Berenger IV, and via these negotiations towards the beginning of the Rua Ridge which is in they received as compensation a group of villas and Ayora according to the dividing waters of this ridge from castles of Monzon, Barbera, Belchite and others. From Castile’s half where it is, and where the Cabriel and that moment on the Order commences in the peninsula. Jucar Rivers conjoin. By equal agreement the prince As a reward for their collaboration, they also received a Lord Alfonso, first born of the illustrious Lord Ferdinand, third of Tortosa, a fifth of Lerida and some other villas. King of Castile, renders, concedes and determines for himself and all his successors the already cited James, King James I has as a guardian during his infancy, the King of Aragon and his successors, in perpetuity, the Templar Master from the province of Aragon, Guillen castle of Castalla, with all its confines, and the castle de MgWreddn, later on the Templars collaborated in of Biar with all its confines, and the castle of Alimizra the conquest of Valencia and Majorca. We must not with all its confines, and and all that has been said as to forget that the history and fates of Valencia and Murcia, the castles of Alacant, waters and the latter being a wedding gift Busot with the exceptions of the from the crown of Aragon to the whole terms of said castles which crown of Castile separating it were expressed above, and all forever from Valencia. In 1265 that there is below the port of the Templars aided the crown of Biar, towards Xativa, Denia and Castile in suppressing the uprising all the other land of the realm of the Moors of Murcia, as reward of Valencia, and all else that lies for these services, the Templars there by the indicated confines received Jerez de lo;Caballeros, according to the division of the the castle of Murcia and one at waters up to Valencia (...). In Caravaca. Almizra, during the conference there celebrated. The 7th day of Therefore, the year 1265 marked the calendar of April in the year of the arrival of the Templars in 1244, era of 1282.” Murcia. Years prior when the treaty of Almizra was signed, (Followed by the signatures through which the crowns of witnesses and the seal and of Castile and Aragdn drew certification of the king’s secretary, the territorial frontiers of their Guillermo (William)

The Templars in the Kingdom of Murcia were a minority, as the Order with most holdings in the 13th and 14th centuries was the Order of Santiago. The Templar demarcation of the Kingdom of Murcia was one of the last redoubts where the Order installed itself when their presence in the East was non existent. The demarcation of Caravaca was the only one that the Templars had on the Murcian frontier, as the rest was occupied by the Order of Santiago. The permanence of the Templar Order in Murcia was a short one, they arrive in 1266, with the reconquering hosts of James I of Aragon and Alfonso X (The Wise) of Castile.

Principal Templar Enclaves in Murcia Church of St. Catherine

The Castle of Caravaca

After finalizing the Mohammedans (Muslims who without converting, became subjects of Christian sovereigns) uprising in 1266, King Alfonso X of Castile and Lecin granted the Castle of Caravaca to the Templars, which was the headquarters of the only commandery they possessed in the Kingdom of Murcia. The ones of Gehegih (se-hehg-een) and Bullas (booyahs) both depended on that one. After the suppression of the Order in the 14th century it passed on to the Order of Santiago (2) Tower of the Templars

It is built, over what once was a Mosque with a minaret from where a Muezzin would call the faithful to prayer, it also includes an Arab cemetery, this property was granted to the Templars by King Alfonso X in 1266, for having helped to quell a revolt in the city of Murcia. In the vicinity of this church, through excavations carried out in the 19th century, a grave was discovered which held the remains of the wife of Arab king Ibn Mardanish, also known as the Wolf King. Within its interior one may admire the image of St, Catherine by sculptor Nicholas Salzillo and also one of “La Dolorosa” (grieving Mary) by his son Francisco Salzillo. Church of St. John of God . Was commissioned by King Alfonso X, The Wise as his final resting place. The king’s decision to be interred in this church was confirmed in a codicil dated 10 January 1285, where among other things he says, “We order that our body be interred in our Monastery of St. Mary the Royal of Murcia, which is the head (chief city) of this realm and the first place that God wished for us to win in His service and to the honor of King Ferdinand our father and father of our land.”

Small Medieval castle that constituted an outpost for the defense of Caravaca de la Cruz.Its interior guards such great treasures as its facade dis-plays, with its fourteen towers whose walls guard and keep the Sanctuary of the Most Holy and True Cross.

The origins of this place are somewhat unclear. The one thatwe see today was built, it seems upon the foundation of a previous tower. The first references on the site we owe to the Arab geographer Al-Himyari. Most Holy and True Cross The Cross of Caravaca is a “Lignum Crucis”, a piece of wood from the cross that held the crucified Christ. It is kept in a reliquary shaped like a double horizontal and one vertical cross. The importance of the symbol is not in the teak case, but rather in the relic contained within.

Once the mass began, the priest stopped when he realized that he lacked a cross. At that precise moment, through the window of that place, two heavenly angels entered bearing the Lignum Crucis which they placed upon the altar. The priest received it with reverence, to the great astonishment of the Sayid’s court. In a miraculous way the Most Holy and True Cross of Caravaca made itself present to celebrate the sacred liturgy before the crucified Christ. Upon witnessing this, the king and his entire court converted to Christianity, receiving sacred baptism. paving the way for Christian worship in that border zone neighboring the Muslim Kingdom of Granada.

Houses and Farmlands In 1266 after retaking the Kingdom of Murcia, King James I, granted the Templars some houses, orchards and the village of Algorfa within the city’s fortress.

The grant remained under Templar administration until 1277, when Alfonso X decided to build the Monastery of St. Mary the Royal with the manifest wish of being laid to rest there, and requiring those lands for this purpose, arranged for the Templars an exchange for other lands, It is an eastern (lands that because of tradition, could have been within p a t r i a r c h a l the precint of Esparragal), the orchards that they held p e c t o r a l within the fortress, retaining only the houses. cross, which according to Bullas historic tradition, belonged to Situated in the northeast of the Kingdom of Murcia, Patriarch Robert the first Bishop of Jerusalem (1099). the castle of Bullas which was, along with the one of 130 years later the patriarch, Robert’s successor, was Ceheguin (seh-hehg-een), one of the three that made up the protagonist who wore the relic, that two years later the Templar bailiwick of Caravaca de la Cruz. was in Caravaca. It is a relic valued for its patriarchal provenance from the Holy Land and its connection to Around the year 1285 the Muslims of Huescar (whesthe True Cross, discovered in the 4th century by either car) knowing that this castle’s garrison was diminished Emperor Constantine (335-347), or his mother St. due to the absence of its knight’s that had gone out to seek Helen, and which was sectioned in three parts, the first and punish a group of Arab brigands that had committed one being delivered to the Patriarch of Jerusalem and robbery in their lands, took advantage of this to attack the other two transported to Constantinople and Rome. the village of Bullas, which was surrendered without resistance by its commander Bernardo Menendez 4/ According to local traditional lore, it was an event and only incident that occurred on that day of May 3 in 1231, in the midst of a territory totally under Islamic dominion. The Most Holy and True Cross appears in the Caravacan fortress. The Muslim king that controlled the Ceyt-Abuceyt area, wished to know the different trades of the imprisoned Christians. Among these there was a priest from Cuenca, Gines Perez de Chirinos who explained that he was a minister of God on earth and his trade was to celebrate the Eucharist. This reply aroused the Muslim king’s curiosity who wished to witness the liturgical act (3) He ordered the priest to celebrate mass, and for this he had the proper vestments and utensils brought from Upon learning of this, King Sancho IV, flew into a rage, considering this loss a weakness on the part of the Cuenca for the celebration of the Holy Mass.

Templars, and ordered their expulsion from the Murcian Cehegin Kingdom, citing that this act had caused much harm to all the land that depended on the frontier. Strategically situated just like the ones of Caravaca and Bullas, the castle of Cehegin had the advantage of Don Sancho Yailez Master of the Templar Order, wishing being able to watch the Quipar and Argds rivers from to show that the king had rushed into the decision he had its battlements, as well as the roads that came from the taken, accompanied by all his commanders and knights, Muslim frontier, this castle also enjoyed visual contact and also counting on the help of the provincial governor with the other two. Don Fernán Perez de Guzmán, in less than half a day the village of Bullas had been retaken and all the Moors This fortress had also been built by the Arabs, being within, lay dead. Not content with this the king, ordered taken by the Christians in the times of reconquest of the the castle demolished, thus being forever destroyed. north east regions of the Kingdom of Murcia. Even today, one cannot explain how King Sancho V ordered its demolition, as the fortress was situated on a considerable elevation that completely overlooked the village. the waters of the Mula River, the roads that came from the frontier and was within visual contact of the Templar castles of Cehegin and Caravaca. The Cup Bullas This place has a lovely legend that states: “That at the time when the Templars inhabited the village of Bullas, they constructed a mill some distance away, which they named “La Copa”, and the commander ordered that there should be a watchman on duty day and night, to prevent anyone from stealing the flour that was milled there.” This place was christened La Copa by the Templars because bread is made from wheat, and they never did anything without first taking into consideration the New Testament, so that the place would be complete in its eucharistic symbolism, they gave it this name because 1 Cor. 11.28, says: “Therefore examine each one yourselves, and eat of the bread made from the wheat and drink of the cup that holds the wine.” People thought that the Templars employed such strict vigilance, because they had great treasure hidden there. When this place was blessed by them as “The Cup”, the legend became, more believable and it spread throughout all of Spain, believing, until today, that in Bullas they still keep a very large cup that is referred to as the Cyborium or great cup, which is the one used by Jesus during the Last Supper.

In the 18th century the Order of Santiago were forced to abandon it, and leaving it unattended, thus becoming a source of stones and blocks for any who needed them, and even becoming a place where people occupied some of its rooms to live in. In 1957, the local mayor took the determination of demolishing what remained of it to give greater space to the square where a large supply depot had been setup.

BIBLIOGRAPHY (1, 4, 5 y 6) Antonio Galera Gracia, Great Guide Encyclopedia of Templar Spain, Aguilar Press 3/-D. Pedro Ballester Lorca, Chaplain of the Basilica Sanctuary of the Most Holy and True Cross of Caravaca.

Onofre Guerrero Fernàndez “Lanius Custus” ••

Scholar and researcher on the History of the Temple. ••

He is a Knight of HSDCT-OSMTJ -International. ••

Active member of the Spanish Civil Guard

Grand Masters of the Order of The Temple José Antonio Navarro


units that participated in the Crusades both in the Holy Land and the Iberian Peninsula, the so called reconquest, As we will see in the following document the Order of they were what we today would refer to as a special the Temple, from its embryonic stage or “non official” ops unit, akin to”U.S.Navy Seals” albeit in far greater already possessed a certain structure and from its numbers than a modern unit such as the latter. inception it always had a Grand Master, from its founding in the year 1118 by nine Crusader Knights, among them They were the best trained and had at their disposal Hugh de Payens, who in the long run became the first of the finest equipment, weapons and support that existed all the ones that followed, up until its official disbanding. in the 12th century. It is worth mentioning that the non The Grand Masters usually lived in Jerusalem, for which combatant members of the Order conducted a highly reason they were called Grand Masters of Outremer complex economic structure within the Christian world. (overseas), to whom the Provincial Masters that the They even created new and cutting edge financial Templars placed in each realm or Templar province, techniques that constitute a primitive form and the basis were subordinate. They were the highest authority of modern banking practices. within the Order, and as such, the’made all decisions The Order of the Temple, in addition, built a series that could affect the Order. of fortifications throughout Europe as well as a great They owed obedience only to God and the Holy Father, effort in the Mediterranean area as well as all over the regardless of what land they were from or were posted, Iberian Peninsula and the Holy Land, for the purpose of they were not subject to any king, nobleman, not even to defending the enclaves where they held control, they also had the prime responsibility of escorting and defending any bishop’s nor archbishop’s authority. pilgrims, palmersrand romists who were traveling to the holy places, meaning Rome, Santiago and above and beyond all Jerusalem, all this always following first the dictates of the Grand Masters of Outremer and their subordinates, the Provincial Masters.

A Brief Review of Templar History The Order of the Temple was officially approved by the Holy See in 1129, during the Council of Troyes, held in the great cathedral of that city, the Order grew quickly in size and power. Templar knights wore a distinctive white mantle with a red patriarchal cross on its left side, later on they were granted the familiar one still in use today, called the Pate Cross, they were the only ones authorized to wear such a mantle.

The success of the Order of the Temple is closely tied to the Crusades. The loss of the Holy Land progressively eroded support for the Order. Phillip IV of France, considerably indebted to the Order as well as to other creditors, began to pressure Pope Clement V who was always obstinate about the King of France’ solicitations as we can clearly see in the recently “declassified Vatican Archive folder” the Chinon Parchment, where Clement V absolves all the Templars of each and every calumnious accusation, as they lacked a lawful ecclesiastical basis, although later he would succumb to pressure dictating the Papal Bull “Vox In Excelso”, clearing the way for the king to take measures against its members. On Friday 13 October of 1307, a great number of French Templars were arrested in unison, forced to confess under extreme tortures of unimaginable caliber and cruelty, according to their resistance, they were enjustly condemned to be burned alive at the stake.

They based the greatest accusations of heresy, along with other unfounded charges that supposedly were committed by the Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, and Militarily, its members were among the finest trained the Templars, that included denying God, stepping upon

the Cross in their rituals, the practice of sodomy and chapel where they would look over the proposed names, bestiality along with numerous other accusations and selecting two. The one who garnered the most votes was condemning them to the stake. elected. His name was comminicated immediately to the chapter. Afterwards he was proclaimed Grand Master while a “Te Deum” resounded in honor of the Holy Ghost, the inspiration of the election. The ceremony concluded with this declaration from the commander of the election: “Beloved. lords, give thanks to God and behold your Master.” As of 1153 the Master was referred to asGrand Master by the Grace of God”. The Grand Master elected had to be a knight and had usually served in a very important post within the Holy Land.

The Powers of the Grand Master As we said, in 1312, Clement V finally gave in to pressure from Phillip IV and disbanded the Order. Its brusque eradication gave rise to numerous speculations and legends that still persist today, although not all the Templars nor their structure dissappeared totally, such as it happened on the Iberian Peninsula, where the Order was dissolved much later than in the rest of Europe where its members and holdings became part of the Orders of Santiago, Alcantara, Calatrava and Montesa, in the kingdoms pf Castile and Aragon. In Portugal they came to be know as the Order of Christ.

The Election Of The Grand Master When the Grand Master passed away, whether from wounds sus-tained in battle, illness or old age, he was wrapped in his white mantle and the body remained exposed in a chapel. During the week following his death all the brothers had to recite a hundred Lord’s Prayers each day for the repose of his soul. All his clothing was given to the lepers and his personal belongings were parceled out to all present. On the 8th day of his death he was placed in an unmarked grave. The Marshal of the Temple acted as Master, while the seat was vacant, and took charge of daily affairs and as soon as possible he would convene the dignitaries, meaning the Provincial Masters. When the company was gathered, it began by appointing the commander of the election, who was elected by majority of votes. The commander then proposed a short list of names that had been suggested with the help of the Marshal and the Masters of Jerusalem, Tripoli and Antioch. Afterwards the commander of the election selected another brother and they retired to the chapel to meditate and select two additional members. The four named another two and so on until a group of twelve was formed. It was obligatory that the group be formed by eight knights and four sergeants from different provinces. The twelve and the chaplain presented themselves before the chapter and later retired to the

The authority of the Grand Master demands obedience and must be respected, it is real but not absolute as it is limited by the actions of the chapter or convent. “The brothers of the Temple must obey the Master and he must obey the convent” states the Rule of the Temple. Only with the permission of the chapter and the majority vote of its members can he, modify or add an article to the Rule, barter or sell the goods of the Order, finalize a treaty or access the treasury, appoint Provincial,Masters, accept a candidacy and retire the habit or pronounce judgment to the detriment of the house. In his dealings with sovereigns the Master of the Temple assumed the rank of prince and his house had to be in keeping with that position. His house consisted of a chaplain “brother of the Order”; two squires in charge of his arms, a permanent secretary, a turco polier, a chef, two servants and a blacksmith. Two knights were to accompany him on all his duties and rode behind him. During campaigns, his tent which was circular as a tribute to the Holy Sepulcher, was pitched in the center

of camp with the Bausdnt displayed at its entrance. that I will give succor against infidel kings and princes, (bausght is the black and white, red crossed battle flag) and when in the presence of these foes I will not retreat, but on the contrary, I will stand my ground and lift my head against them, if they be infidels. That I will not The Oaths the Grands Masters sell the goods of the Order, nor allow them to be sold or attached. That I will forever remain chaste, and be of Provincial Masters faithful to the King, Our Lord.

That I will not render enemies, nor villages, nor castles belonging to the Order. That I will not reject people of the cloth, especially the ones of Cistercian principles and their abbots, treating them as our brothers and companions, aiding them, with words, good works, and even by arms. In faith of this, and of my own free will, I swear to abide by all these things. May God and His Holy Gospels assist me. (this oath is archived in the Abbey of Alcobaza) “““

The Grand Masters were always great warriors, whom on a multitude of occasions fought side by side with their brothers, no wonder they were killed in combat in spite of being protected by highly trained guards. We know that the Grand Masters and their Provincials had a set formula of oaths for their post that was modified over time although the Primitive Rule of the Temple was the basis for the successive modifications of these formulas, the original Primitive Rule was never altered, one must differentiate between the formula for a Grand Master and the one for a Provincial Master, although they were similar in form and content, as a practical example we will present the formula and oath employed by the Provincial Master of the Kingdom of Portugal.

“““I, (name of either official elected)..., Knight of the Order of the Temple, elected Master of the knights numbered at... (how many brothers are present for the election)...Promise to Our Lord Jesus Christ and to His vicar...Sovereign Pontiff and successors, obedience and perpetual loyalty, and I sear that I will not only defend in word, but by arms as well and with all my strength, the mysteries of the Faith, the Seven Sacraments, the fourteen articles of Faith, the symbol of Faith and of St. Athanasius, the books of the Old and New Testaments, with the comments of the Holy Fathers that have been received by the Church, the unity of God, the plurality of the Holy Trinity, and that Mary, daughter of Yoachim and Ann, of the Tribe of Judah and of David’s race, has always been a virgin, before, during and after delivery. I also promise to be submissive and obedient towards the Grand Master of the Order, in accordance with the statutes prescribed by our brother St.Bernard; that at all times when necessary, I will cross the seas into combat,

The Grands Masters of Outremer 1. Hugh de Payens: Founder and first Grand Master of the Order of the Temple. Hugh de Payens (1115-1136) was born in Payens Castle near Troyes and died in Palestine. He took part in the First Crusade, as part of Godfrey de Bouillon’s army. In Jerusalem, he created the Order of the Poor Companions of Christ. Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem, granted them the stables of Solomon’s Temple for the place of residence of their Order and this gave origin to its eventual name. With the help of both Baldwin and the Patriarch of Jerusalem, he returns to France, where he befriends and receives the favors of Bernard de Clairvaux. He took part in the Council of Troyes (1128), the conclave where the statutes of the newly approved Order of the Temple were drawn up; composed according to dictates of Bernard de Clairvaux. Hugh de Payens, founded the Order in Jerusalem that would later be known as the Templars, he lobbied for the approval;of its statutes

at the Council of Troyes, in 1128. He led the Order 4.Bernard de Tremelay (1151-1153) from its creation in 1115 until his death in 1136, having succeeded in positioning it as an influential military and Bernard de Tremelay, was Commander of Dole and he was elected Grand Master in 1151. He participated in international financial institution. the reconstruction of Gaza, which had been entrusted 2.Robert de Craon: Second Grand Master to the Order By Baldwin III. He He perished on Aug. 16, 1153 at the Battle of Ascalon, when they were able Robert de Craon (1136-1146). Was the second son of to breach the walls, filled with courage they entered into the Lord of Craon and he was betrothed to the daughter a trap and were slaughtered. He is succeeded by Andre of the Lord of Angoumois. The appearance of the de Montbard. Order, signals a radical, change in his life, forsaking titles, property and his fiancee) he joins the Order and leaves 5.Andrè de Montbard (1153-1156) for Palestine. He takes part in the Second Crusade. He stands out for his organizational and military talents, Andre’de Montbard was one of the original nine knights showing great courage in battle. These qualities serve who founded the brotherhood and was elected Grand him well when he is invested as second Grand Master Master in 1153 and he served until his death in 1156. of the Order. He was one of the individuals with most influence in the creation of the Order and he was the uncle of Bernard As the leader of the Order, Robert, takes the [Cross of the de Clairvaux, which is how the latter became interested Eight Beatitudes] and positions the group as the authentic in the proposal and eventually spearheaded the Council organizer of the Latin States. During his stewardship, of Troyes to develop the Order’s formation. His election the Order succeeds in convincing Pope Innocent II, was an act of independence on the Order’s part, against on 29 March of 1138, to emit the Bull [Omne Datum the French king, Louis VIII who attempted to control Optimum], which excludes the Templars from taxation the Order and force the chapter, to elect a Master that and episcopal jurisdiction, as well as permission to bear he could sway to his interests. The chapter, followed the red cross upon their white mantles. He defeats the the guiding rules to the letter and elected Seneschal de Emir of Aleppo and faces off with the Turks at the Battle Montbard. He eventually was succeeded by Bertrand of Tecua, but fails to take control of the military structure. de Blanchefort. Everard de Barres succeeds him as Grand Master.

3.Evrard (Everard) des Barres

6.Bertrand de Blanchefort (1156-1169)

A highly religious man and gifted in military strategy. He was taken prisoner by Nur-al-Din, in Jacob’s Valley and freed after two years, after being ransomed by Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos. He takes part in the Egyptian expedition, led by Amalric I, King of Jerusalem. He is forced to abandon said campaign, to take command of the Templar forces and Crusades in defense of Antioch and Tripoli against the attack launched by Nur-al-Din. He is defeated in 1165 at the Battle of Harens.The relationship with Amalric I of Jerusalem, falls apart, due to the king’s stupidity when he captures twelve Templars that held a certain fortress, when any sort of resistance was futile and the king’s politics of being part of a decision to break a peace treaty, negotiated Des Barres, embraces a monastic life in Clairvaux and by Geoffreoy de Foulcher. The breaking of the treaty abdicates in 1151 in spite of the Templars pleas for him and onset of hostilities, ended in defeat, giving history to continue at his post. He is succeeded by Bernard de the reason that the king denied it. He is succeeded by Tremelay. Philippe de Milly. Evrard des Barres succeeds Robert de Craon as Grand Master, leading the Order from 1147 to 1151, when he abdicates to become a Cistercian monk. Des Barres was a pious and religious man, a valiant, great and energetic individual. He died in 1174. Before he was elected Grand Master, he was Preceptor of the Order in France. During the Second Crusade, he answers a call to action to help Louis VIII, King of France, beginning a friendship that would eventually lead him back to France, leaving the Order without a leader, while it defended Jerusalem from an attack by Seljuk Turks. In France the Grand Master makes a very important loan to the king who is facing a difficult economic crisis.

7.Philippe de Milly (1169-1171) Philippe de Milly or Nablus, was born in the Holy Land, quite possibly in Nablus. He was of noble birth, a landlord and he barters with King Baldwin III of Jerusalem, his lands in Nablus for ones in Montreal (southwestern France). He defended Gaza, against attacks by Salahhudin and accompanied Amalric I to Constantinople, where he again encountered dissent ii the matter of strategy to be emplyed and he resigned ift 1171. He was succeeded by Eudes de Saiht-Amand.

8. Eudes (Odom) de Saiht-Amand (11711179) From a very young age he played an important role in Pales, tine. Endowed with combative spirit forged in struggle, courage and strategy, he achieves being made Marshal and Viscount of Jerusalem. Just as previous Masters, he also clashes with Amalric I, when the latter demands, that he surrender the Templar Gahtier du Mesviil, accused of slaytmg a messenger of the Old Man of the Moufttain (Assassin’s sect), which St. Amand opposes.

conquest, where he fulfills an important role as Provincial Master of the Order in Aragon and Provence. Elected Grand Master, he finds that he is unacquainted with the existent and problematic situation in the Holy Land, where the Hospitallers are feeling increasingly greater envy towards the Temple, for their increasing influence, power, authority and wealth. Arnold is a skilled negotiator, that, coupled with his advanced years, tends to lead him to reach negotiated solutions between the Temple and the Hospitallers. For this he seeks the mediation of Baldwin IV and Pope Lucius III. His time is marked by problems caused by the fanatic Reynauld de Chatillon, incursions violate the agreed treaties with Salahhudin. Fearful of a Muslim attack, he travels to Europe, accompanied by the Master of the Hospitallers, to solicit new reinforcements or a new Crusade, that would allow him to contain Salahhudin’s attack. He dies in Verona in 1184, and is succeeded by Gerard de Ridefort.

10.Gerard de Ridefort (1185-1189)

Of Flemish origin, could be considered as one of the worst Grand Masters. He joins the Second Crusade and befriends Raymond of Tripoli, arranging a marriage of convenience with Lucie de Botrun, a situation that did not end well. This turns Ridefort into the bitter enemy The Christian army led by Saiht-Amand and 80 of Raymond III. The Master, threw his support to Guy Templars, have the aid of 300 Crusader Knights and little de Lusignan, to seek the crown of Jerusalem, over the more than one thousand infantrymen. Defeat was a a other candidate, Raymond III. given, but St. Amamd, once again proves his strategy and ferocity. The Templars launch an attack that totally cuts He was a participant in the line of resistance against Sathrough Salahhudih’s defenses, destroying the strategy of lahhudin. At their defeat in the Battle of the “Horns of the battle and widespread panic ensues. Hattin”, he is taken captive by 1041ahhudin and to this Salahhudin, having learned his lesson, and in the day we know not the details of how he went free. He following year, he attacks by surprise at Jacob’s Ford, died in St. John of Acre in 1189 and is succeeded by causiig the Christians to scatter, where only the Templars Robert de Sable% and Hospitallers, give battle, to the death, except for 11.Robert de Sable (1191-1193) Saint-Amand, who is taken prisoner, to exchange for a nephew of Salahhudini in Templar custody. St. Amand After the sounding defeat of the “Horns of Hattin”, the rejects arty such exchange and he dies in captivity. He is leadership of the Order lay vacant and the disciplinary succeeded by Arhold of Torroja, measures of the Rule were reformed, to avoid any future Amalric I dies and is succeeded by Baldwin IV. This new kinigl5 weakness is taken advantage of by Salahhudih, who quickly instigates the Battle of Ascalon. The Muslim army, outnumbers the Christians ten to ohe.

behavior as that of Gerard de Ridefort.

takes part in the seizure of Acre and fights 9. Arnaldo (Arnold) de Torroja (1180-1184) Robert alongside the legendary Richard the Lion Heart, in the

A Spaniard from Aragon, battle tested during the re- Battle of Arsuf. He is succeeded by Gilbert He’rail.

12.Gilbert Herail (1193-1200)

16.Armand de Perigord (1232-1244)

a stickler for respecting to the letter, the treaties negotiated by Richard the Lion Heart, with the Muslims. He is forced to deal with the hard line of the Hospitallers and obey the erroneous orders of Innocent III. For this they do not hesitate to accuse the Order of treason, time would prove them right, showing that the strategy they proposed to follow was the correct one. The tribulations of the Holy Land, are accompanied by the success of the Spanish Crusade or reconquest. He is succeeded by Philippe du Plaissis.

Count of P’rigord and Provincial Master of Apulia and Sicily. He did not have much luck as a strategist. In Trapessac (Terbezek), the Turks massacred all the Templars. In 1239, he signs an’aCord with Damascus, shortly after the Sultan of Damascus, seeks the aid of the Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights to repel the Mongol attack, who had formed an alliance with the Sultan of Egypt.

13.Philippe de Plaissis (1201-1208) Born in Anjou, he joins the Order during the development of the Third Crusade. He attempts to restore peace with the Hospitallers and signs diverse accords of cooperation. The situation in the Holy Places is catastrophic and to is added the appearance of the plague in 1201 and in 1202, an earthquake strikes which destroys a majority of structures. Once again, dissension arises between the Temple and the Hospitallers at that time because of different truces signed with the Muslims, which cause the intervention of Pope Innocent III. He is succeeded by Guillaume (William) de Chartres.

The Christians and Muslims are swept away, in the Battle of La Forbie, also known as Harbiyah, where only thirty three out of three hundred survived. Those survivors took refuge in St. John of Acre. Armand was captured, but it was not known where he was being held or even if he remained alive. The Order opted to elect a provisional Master, until Perigord’s fate were known for certain. He is succeeded by Richard de Bures.

17.Richard de Bures (1245-1247) He was Lord of Chastel Blanc. De Perigord’s captivity and the uncertainty concerning his fate, forced the chapter to elect a provisional Master, until there was concrete news as to his fate.

14.Guillaume de Chartres (1209-1219)

18.Guillaume de Sonnac (1247-1250)

Son of the Count of Bar-sur-Seine, he supports the coronation as King of Jerusalem, of Jean (John) de Brienne. He takes part in the development of the Fifth Crusade and dies during an epidemic in 1219, during the siege of Damietta (Egypt). He is succeeded by Pierre de Montagut (Montaigd).

Scion of a noble family in the French region of Rouergue. There is evidence that he took part in the taking of Damietta. He died on Feb. 11 of 1250, during the Battle of Al Mansur. He is succeeded by Renaud de Vichiers.

15.Pedro (Peter) de Montaigil (1219-1232)


A Spaniard from Aragdn, is elected Master “In Absentia”, during the siege of Damietta, where the previous Master had died of illness. He died in 1232 and was succeeded by Armand de Perigord.

Native of Champagne. He replaces Guillaume de Sonnac, during the siege of Al-Mansur. He intervened in the release of Louis IX, King of France, who was taken captive by the Muslims at Al Mansur (Al Mansourra),

19.Renaud de Vichiers or Vichy

and wins his freedom one month later, in exchange for 23. Jacques de Molay (1292-1314) giving up Damietta. Renaud dies on 20 Jan. 1256 and is Jacques Bernard de Molay was born into a noble succeeded by Thomas Berard. Burgundian family (1240-?1244) and he joined the Order at Beume in 1265. Upon the death of Thibaud 20.Thomas Berard (1256-1273) Gaudin, he is elected Grand Master of the Order. He lived during a convulsive period of struggles against the Hospitallers. During his tenure much of the Holy The expulsion from the Holy Land, was an obsession Land was lost, with the exception of St. John of Acre. and he organized multiple expeditions for its re-conquest, without receiving any help from either kings or other He was succeeded by Guillaume de Beaujeu. orders.

21.Guillaume de Beaujeu (1273-1291)

In 1298, the Templars attack and defeat the Sultan of A warrior gifted with great charisma, talent and negotiating Egypt, Malej Nasser, succeeds in entering Jerusalem. skills. While serving the Order as Commander of Apulia, he was elected Grand Master “In Absentia”. He In 1299, he surrounds the city of Edessa. experiences the attack on St. John of Acre by the Sultan He attacks Syria and is on the verge of re taking Tortosa. of Egypt. • King Phillip the IV of France and the Pope, plot He mounts a desperate defense there, carrying out bold a tre-acherous plan to destroy the Order and seize its forays to destroy the war machines that were used to property’s and wealth. besiege the city. He dies defending the last Christian stronghold in the Holy Land. • The Pope, summons Jacques de Molay, to discuss the “pro-clamation of a new Crusade”, the latter, Among the resistance, is Commander Thibaud Gaudin heads to France, with multiple bags of the Order’s gold, who would succeed him as Grand Master and Marshal to finance this new venture. Pierre de Sevry. They agree to a meeting with the Sultan The king seizes the treasure as well as the city of of Egypt to negotiate terms, Marshal de Sevry attends •• Lyon. said meeting, only to discover treachery as he is taken captive and subsequently beheaded. Master Gaudin, The Hospitallers receive all the Templar’s real retreats from St. John of Acre, towards the fortress at •• Pilgrim’s Castle (thus named as it was built with their estate holdings in France. help) and afterwards they depart for Cyprus, concluding A trial is a clear farce, declarations under torture and no the presence of Crusaders and Templars in the Holy possibility of defense, Land. 9 Jacques de Molay, expects to be able to defend the 22.Thibaud Gaudin (1273-1291) Order before the Pope, something he was not permitted to do. He was Grand Commander, upon the death of Guillaume de Beaujeu. He thus succeeded the latter as • A farce of a trial condemns de Molay, to a life Grand Master, and it falls to him to witness the loss of sentence, according to a public sentencing. Upon hearing Christianity’s last bastion in the Holy Land. the sentence, de Molay again proclaims his innocence as well as the Order’s and he attempts to break the silence Assuming the command of the last troops in St. John that obliged his obedience to the Pope. He is then beaten of Acre, retreating to Sidon and then afterwards sailing into silence. towards Sagette Castle, where he is elected Grand Master in August of 1291. His tenure would be a brief •• He is moved to a prison and shortly thereafter, to one, as he dies on 16 April of 1292. prevent him from speaking, he is removed from his cell by the king’s soldiers, and taken to be burned alive on a Towards the end of that same year, Jacques de Molay stake, in spite of his being sentenced to life in prison. succeeds him, who would become the last Templar He was burned to death on the Isle de la Cite, in the Grand Master.

The first grant bestowed on the peninsula was in Portugal (1128) Soure Castle in Coimbra, and records of the Order’s establishment in other realms is uneven and spotty due to the presence or absence of authentic documentation. In spite of these donations and the intentions of the various monarchs to attract the Order, the Templ rs did not have any special hurry to enter the fray, and they viewed the Hispanic territories as more of an economic exploitation than a field of combat. It was not until the middle of the 12th century that they actually participated in the Christian re-conquest, albeit unequally, Castile and Leon favored the national orders (Santiago, Alca!ntara and Calatrava) over the international ones, whereas AragOn and Portugal required more of the Templar presence.

The Templars In The Kingdoms of Castile and León

Seine, alongside the Cathedral of Notre Dame, where once again he re-tracted his forced confession, in a public form, of so many accusations he had been forced to admit to while proclaiming the innocence of the Order and, according to legend, cursing the ones guilty of the conspiracy:

The first land grant to the Templars in this territory dates to the middle of the 12th century, during the reign of Alfonso VII the Emperor (1126-1157), although the oldest one dates to 1149, when Alfonso cedes a fortress near the road between Toledo and Cordoba to the Order, the objective being for the protection of Calatrava. But instead, the Templars return the property to the monarch stating that they lacked sufficient resources to defend the area with any success, precipitating the creation on the monarchs part of the Order of Calatrava.

Upon the king’s death in 1157, the Kingdoms of Castile and Lean are again divided between his heirs. In the case of Castile, the Calatrava fiasco impeded a greater development of the Order, although it certainly had a good start and showed signs of taking root. It took part in the conquest of Sierra de Gata in Extrema¬dura, although the amount and depth of said participation is unclear. An increasdd presence of Arab light militias in the area caused the Order to retreat from their land holdings the region, recovering them later in non military Within the span of a year, said curse would become convents form (as military function was carried out by manifest, with Clement’s death on 20 April of 1314 and the Hispanic orders). Phillip IV (according to Maurice Druon, caused by a severe brain injury during a hunting expedition on 29 Nov. The Order’s bad situation in Castile improved with the of 1314); and lastly, by poisoning, that of Guillaume de arrival of the 13th century, as it took a prominent part Nogaret, Phillip’s ruthless and unscrupulous chancellor alongside King Alfonso VIII (1158-1214) in the famous Battle of Navas de Tolosa (1212), and also took part in and keeper of the seal, in that same year. the conquest of the Kingdom of Toledo. Their base of was Montalban, which became the principal The Grands Masters of the Iberian operations Templar fortress in the Castilian kingdom, they were not Peninsula able to advance towards the south due to the aggressive push of the Hispanic orders. This situation would Upon the Templars arrival in the Iberian Peninsula and change during the 13th century, as Alfonso X utilized although the Order’s reason for existing was for the the services of the Order in his conquests, extending his retention and expansion of Christian territory in the lands as far as Murcia. Holy Land, they also felt drawn by a special Crusade concerning the Christian kingdoms-of, the peninsula In the Kingdom of Ledn, circumstances were far more against the Saracens. This attraction, of course, was not favorable than in Castile, mainly because Calatrava’s purely spiritual, Hispanic monarchs pledged vast land failure did not weigh on the Order. In this line, the Temple grants and castles to the Order to thus attract its knights. received such lands as Ponferrada, and according to the

“God knows who errs and has sinned and misfortune shall soon fall upon those who have condemned us without cause or reason. God will avenge our death. Lord, know that, in truth, all those who are against us, will suffer through us.” “ Clement, and also you Phillip. traitors to the spoken word, I commend ye to both appear before God’s tribunal!...You, Clement before forty days, and you, Phillip, within this year...”

Treaty of Tordehumos (1194), they were confirmed with five castles in the kingdom. The Castilian/Leonese re-unification ended with the unequal evolution, which left a better articulated Templar organization in Ledh and Castile.

The Templars In The Crown of Aragon 1131 was the year that Raymond Berenguer III (10821131), Count of Barcelona, cedes the Castle of Granyena to the Order of the Temple, becoming the first place granted to the Order in Barcelone Aragonese territory. Other grants followed, and they even received promises, on Raymond’s part to be welcomed into his county but the desperately needed help in the reconquest, on the part I of the Templars was put on hold. In fact, it was only motivated by the death of Alfonso the Warrior (1104-1134), King of Aragon. The monarch found himself in a complex testamentary situation, as he lacked natural heirs. His decision was scandalous for the time. as he left his entire kingdom to the orders of the Holy Sepilcher, Hospitallers and Templars. In spite of this, the Grandees of the realm decided to name the deceased monarch’s brother, Ramiro I (1035-1063), at that time a cloistered monk. However, the Orders did not give up just like that on what they considered a perfectly legal testament, for which Raymond Berenguer IV was designated for the ensuing negotiations. In these, the Templars were the greatest beneficiaries, as the other orders, represented by the Hospitallers, were not really involved in the Christian expansion.

Remolins, etc.). and also the receipt of a tenth part of the rights, tributes and incomes that the late count received, among other economic concessions. It is for this reason that the Order accumulated such vast wealth in the territories of the Crown of Aragon, arousing the fear of the nobility and the monarchs, as it also placed the Order in a definitive involvement of the expansion.

The Templars In The Kingdom of Portugal. As has already been mentioned, Portugal was the first realm to propose grants with the transfer of the Castle of Soure in 1128, at a time of difficulty in the Portuguese conquest. Nonetheless it was not until 1144 that the Order had a formal organization as such in Portugal, taking part in the conquest of Santarem and populating diverse diverse lands (Pombar and Tomar, for example). The history of the Templars in Portugal is one of expansion on a great scale, in contrast with its relative presence in the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. They developed an enormous commercial net, and it was very present in cities like Coimbra (capital of the realm during the reign of Alfonso Enriques, (1139-1185) and Lisbon. They were also dedicated to construction, building neighborhoods and houses in the lands that they populated, and charging rent for their use. This great development is tied to the figure of Gualdim Pais (1118-1195), Provincial Master of the Order in Portugal, founder of Tomar and a great builder. He rebuilt and constructed several castles and fortresses, forming a corridor of defensive fortresses to the north of the Tagus river, Almourol, Cardiga, Zezere), which was fundamental in the establishment of the kingdom’s frontier with respect to the Muslim threat.

The accord came in 1143, and the Templars surrendered a third of the kingdom in exchange for some very Beginning in 1172 the inroads of the Hospitaller, of important territories (Monzdn, Mongay, Chalamera, the orders that were genuinely Portuguese (Avis and

Evora) and the Order of Santiago, halted the Templar expansion and they lost their role in the conquest of the Algarve and Alentejo (ah-len-tayhoe).

Final Conclusion On The Grands

The End of The Templars on

We can assure for certain and even categorically that the figures of the Grand Masters and Provincial Masters, were of vital importance for the development and smooth operation of an organization such as the Order of the Temple was, they built new fortresses and rebuilt the existing damaged ones, they founded cities, placed Christian populations in Templar influenced areas, created innovative military tactics, to face the Muslim enemy and they were of course, the highest exponents and textbook example of what a Templar Knight was expected to be. It goes without saying that they were the supreme authority on the structure of an organization that given its volume of human participants, materials and economics, had no comparison at that time, the Order of the Temple would never have been able to be what it was, without the existence of those noble and fierce Templar Masters, who with their great deeds helped and fostered the myths and legends that even to this day we have a vast knowledge about the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ.

The Iberian Peninsula Although the extinction of the Templars in France was extremely violent, in the realms of the Iberian Peninsula the situation was quite different. it was not until 1308 in Castile that they proceeded to expel the knights from their property’s, and they still had to wait until 1309 when the matter was put in the hands of the Inquisition, by virtue of Papal orders. The Castilian expansion led Ferdinand IV to not give much importance to the Templar affair, whereas he confiscated their holdings but did not make a swift decision with respect to the members of the Order. All the Templars of Castile (who were still free), were summoned to Medina del Campo in 1310 to be interrogated before the council that was convened shortly later in Vienna, where the knights fate would be decided. However, in a council held in Salamanca the acquittal of the Templars of Castile was decided. On the other hand, in Aragdn, the Templars met with James II, who made the decision to detain the Knights of the Temple and have them declare before the Inquisition, causing a rebellion of some of them who then dug themselves in at various castles (MonzOn, Chalamera and Cantavieja) (can-tah-vee-ayhah among others), being defeated months later. In spite of all, the council of Tarragona of 1313 declared them innocent. As much in Portugal as in Aragon, the Temple had a fundamental importance in the process of Christian territorial expansion, but not so in Castile and Leon, where, above all in Castile, they experienced the push of the national orders and various political misadventures. In spite of all this, the Temple was, without a doubt, an important defensive force, builder an repopulator that greatly helped to create the peninsular map that was envisioned during the re-conquest of the Iberian Peninsula.

Masters of the Temple


Assorted information concerning the Temple and its Grand Masters on the Iberian Peninsula, material expressly provided for this work by Chil Agustin Ibgliez. Martin Walker (1993) The History of the Templars, Barcelona: Edicomunicacidn, S. A. Marcelo Claudio Dos Santos, Jacques de Molay, The Last Templar Grand Master, Aguilar Press, Madrid, 2006-2011 Rene Grousset (1991) Jacques de Molay - Le Crepuscule des Templiers (The Twilight of the Templars) Librairie Academique Perrin Wikipedia, For generic information concerning the Knights Templar.

Jose Antonio Navarro “Artal de Argos” ••

Scholar and researcher on the History of the Temple. ••


He is the webmaster, graphic designer

Creator of the Temple website HSDCT.OSMTJ.SPAIN ••

He is a Knight of HSDCT-OSMTJ -International.

Program of activities and conferences of the 1st Congress on The History of the Temple Saturday, April 29th 10:30AM - Reception 11:00AM - Templar paths throughout the city. 2:00PM - Lunch in fellowship and all visitors who wish to join us. 5:00PM - Private meeting of the Order. 7:00PM - Visit to Andalucia House and informal chat about Zaragoza.

Sunday - April 30th 11:00AM - Mass in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and concert of Sacred Music with baritone, Luis Romero Colás.

The conferences will take place in the Church of St. Isabel of Portugal in the San Cayetano area of the Zaragosa 4:00PM - Welcome speech by Juan Antonio Cabezos Martínez 4:30PM - Conference by Ramón Pamiés “The process against the Temple. A tale of treachery.” 6:45PM - Conference by Pedro Luis Conde Font “The Shroud as a Templar Relic” 8:00PM - Conference by Fuensanta Santos on “Female warriors in the Middle Ages and Dames Templar”.

Monday - May 1st 10:00AM - Conference by Tomás Bernal: The Temple church in Zaragoza. 12:00PM - Presentation of the book by José María Fernández, “Templars” Myths, Burdens and History. 12:30PM - Closure of the congress with “The Temple in the 21st century”, by Juan Antonio Cabezos Martínez.

Templars Activities in Tampa The South Florida-Tampa Priory of St. Martin de Porres, held its general meeting which included the newly formed Orlando chapter of the Order on Sept. 25th of 2016. The meeting was held in a private dining room of the historic Columbia Restaurant in Ybor City near Tampa. Founded in 1905 by the Hernรกndez-Gonzmart family who still run it today. Topics discussed concerned future projects of our Priory and several ideas for fund raising as well as discussions on how to grow the newly formed Orlando group. Present at this meeting, which included several wives, were Prior Augusto Leon Braga and his wife, Dame Templar Edna Tuiran. Also present were Mark Mora, leader of the the Orlando group. Retired Army Colonel Donald Kropp and Mrs. Kropp, Commander Danny Torres of the St. Lazarus Commandery and Luis Antonio Colon-Arce, Chancellor of the Priory.

Translators Team Luis Antonio Colòn Arce • • • • ••

New Jersey USA

University of Santiago BA History University of Naples Studied local art history and architecture. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Grail

Maria de los Angeles Leòn Santiago

Valencia SPAIN

•• PhD in chemistry from the University of South , Argentina •• Professor of chemistry and physics in middle education •• Templar lady, Sovereign Brotherhood ladies and Gentlemen of the Temple. OSMTJ. SPAIN.

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The Grail is an electronic magazine that offers all historians and scholars of Temple; a place to share information and disseminate their work It is a result of everyone as an effort to spread the history of the Order in all areas of the culture in which it was engaged and formed an active partThe content, of the Grail magazine, will be about the history of the Templars knights in the Middle Age, even to this day; as well as architecture, art, symbolism, theology and economics.


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Fuensanta Santos. Director.

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