Fulbright Canada Annual Report-2020

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Annual Report 2019 - 2020 Foundation for Educational Exchange Between Canada and the United States of America

Contents Message from the Board Chair and the Chief Executive Officer


Board of Directors


Our Partners


The Fulbright Program


Responding to COVID-19


Fulbright Canada Online


2019-2020 American Fulbright Award Recipients


2019-2020 Canadian Fulbright Award Recipients


Fulbright Distinguished Awards and Specialists


Fulbright Arctic Initiative


The Killam Fellowships Program


Mobility Awards


Youth Initiatives


Fulbright Canada Alumni




Audit Statement


2019-2020 Highlights


Fulbright Canada Secretariat


Cover: Dr. PRENTISS DANTZLER, Fulbright Scholar, 2019-2020

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020



Message From the Board Chair As the Chair of the Fulbright Canada Board, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our 2019-2020 students and scholars on winning this prestigious award. While I am not surprised, given the intellectual caliber and the dedication to the purpose of our grantees, I feel compelled to mention their good judgment and flexibility as we faced what was for us all a very challenging year. Some say that the true test of a person is their ability to deal with adversity. This group certainly proved that to be the case. Indeed, their work and ingenuity will be much in demand as we navigate the global health emergency and its aftermath. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank my colleagues on the Board for their unwavering support for the program and their commitment to finding the Daniel McCarthy way forward, even though each of them have their own Board Chair professional responsibilities. We were all faced with a challenge that was, by any measure, a true test of our resolve. Likewise, the two governments were laserfocused on the health, safety, and security of our grantees and the program’s integrity. It is my pleasure to serve as the Fulbright Canada Board Chair. I enjoy working with this group of exceptional educators, business professionals, and senior government officials. We are proud to support the work of the outstanding Fulbright Canada management team under the leadership of Dr. Michael Hawes.

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


Message From Chief Executive Officer What started as a year filled with promise, with Fulbrighters and Killam students heading off on their transformative professional and personal adventures, became a year dominated by a global health crisis. What followed was a series of events that would ultimately involve border closures, a dramatic shift to remote work, and, in relatively short order, the suspension of our inperson exchange programs. Students and scholars were brought home early or offered support to stay in place. In the end, we acted quickly to ensure the safety and security of our grantees, to make sure that they had choices concerning their current and future circumstances, and that they had our support (moral, practical, and financial) as they struggled with these choices. I could not be more proud of my team at Fulbright Canada Michael Hawes as they worked tirelessly and with a real sense of urgency to support our grantees, especially those in the field. I Chief Executive Officer would also like to thank our Board of Directors, the two governments, and our partners, whose generosity and good judgment was a source of inspiration. Finally, I want to express my appreciation for our class of 2019-2020, whose patience, flexibility, and trust in us reminded me of the true power of the human connection. In the end, like so many other organizations, we had to pivot. The reality involved, among other things, remote work, remote study, stay in place orders, and other restrictions that stand in stark contrast to what Fulbright is all about. Again, our grantees rose to the challenge, realizing the importance of international education and the critical role that research plays in a world that is transforming itself before our very eyes. Our work, and their contributions, are more critical now than they have ever been. All of this required us to rely more on technology, develop new programs, find new ways to support our grantees. New initiatives and new programming were underway by the end of the school year. It is too early to predict how long the crisis will last. What I do know is that the power of human knowledge, the ingenuity of this latest generation, and the indomitable nature of the human spirit will see us through. Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 20


Board of Directors Canadian Directors

American Directors

His Excellency David MacNaughton Canadian Ambassador to the United States

Ambassador Kelly Craft Ambassador of the United States to Canada

Ms. Kirsten Hillman Acting Ambassador of Canada to the United States

Mr. Richard M. Mills Jr. Chargé D’Affaires U.S. Embassy Ottawa

Dr. Sophie D’Amours Rector Laval University

Dr. Ana Mari Cauce President and Vice Chancellor University of Washington

Mme Hélène Desmarais Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Centre d’entreprises et d’innovation de Montréal

Mr. Michael W. Kempner Founder, President, and CEO MWW PR

Mr. Daniel McCarthy (Board Chair) Managing Director Credit Suisse Securities (Canada) Inc.

Mr. David W. Leebron President Rice University

Dr. Santa Ono President and Vice-Chancellor University of British Columbia

Mr. Obie McKenzie (Treasurer) Managing Director Blackrock Financial

Ms. Susan L. Riddell Rose President and CEO Perpetual Energy Inc.

Mr. Michael Parham (Board Chair) General Counsel and Secretary RealNetworks, Inc.

Mr. Ajay Royan Managing General Partner and Co-Founder Mithril Capital Management LLC

Mr. Jason Rowe CEO Goldman Sachs Canada Inc.

Dr. Roseann Runte (Past Board Chair) CEO, Canadian Foundation for Innovation President and Vice-Chancellor, Carleton University

Dr. Walter L. Schindler Founder and Managing Partner SAIL Capital Partners LLC

Dr. Christopher Wilkie Director General - Trade Sectors Global Affairs Canada

Dr. Valerie Smith President Swarthmore College

Mr. Emmanuel Kamarianakis Director General Global Affairs Canada

Ms. Stacy White Minister Counselor for Public Affairs U. S. Embassy, Ottawa

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020



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Our Partners

The American Killam Trusts

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


American University Partners • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Canadian University Partners

American University Arizona State University Bridgewater State University Clemson University Dartmouth College Duke University Florida Polytechnic University Harvard University Illinois institute of Technology Johns Hopkins University Ithaca College Kennesaw State University in Georgia Massachusetts Institute of Technology Miami Dade College Michigan State University New York University State University of New York College at Plattsburgh Norwich University Smith College Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) The Citadel University of the Atlantic University of Arizona University of California at Berkeley University of California at Irvine University of California at Los Angeles University of California at Santa Barbara University of California at San Diego University of Hawai’i at Manoa University of Maine University of Miami University of Southern California University of Texas at Austin University of Virginia University of Washington Vanderbilt University Wellesley College Yale University

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Acadia University Balsillie School of International Affairs Brock University Carleton University Centre for International Governance Innovation Concordia University Dalhousie University Lakehead University McGill University McMaster University Memorial University of Newfoundland Mount Allison University Norman Paterson School of International Affairs Queen’s University St. Mary’s University University of Alberta University of British Columbia University of Calgary University of Guelph Université Laval University of Lethbridge University of Manitoba Université de Montréal University of Northern British Columbia University of Ottawa Université du Québec à Montréal University of Prince Edward Island University of Regina University of Saskatchewan University of Toronto University of Victoria University of Waterloo Vancouver Island University Western University University of Winnipeg Wilfrid Laurier University York University

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The Fulbright Program

Long regarded as the world’s premiere academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program attracts exceptional students and scholars from more than 160 countries. The first cohort of Canada-U.S. Fulbright award recipients was named in 1991. Since that time, more than two thousand distinguished students, scholars, and professionals have participated in this educational exchange program. CanadaU.S. Fulbright students and scholars conduct research, teach, or study in their host country for either one semester or a full academic year. In 2019-20 Fulbright Canada supported 51 outstanding Canadians and 68 exceptional American students and scholars.

a combination of activities for one semester or a full academic year at one of our partner universities. These chairs develop long-term partnerships between Fulbright Canada and the university and build the university’s capacity for excellence in research. The scope of the Fulbright program in Canada continues to grow. Fulbright Canada has introduced a number of new programs, and expanded key existing programs for our scholars, students, and professional grantees. Excellent examples of this growth and our innovations include the growing research chair program in Canada and the U.S. and various youth-centered programs — both highlighted in this report.

Traditional Fulbright Awards for students are intended for graduate students and junior professionals who wish to study and/or conduct research in the host country. In addition to the Traditional Fulbright awards, scholars in both countries are invited to take up one of the 66 Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs at 35 of North America’s best universities. These chairs are intended to enable emerging and established scholars, post-doctoral researchers, and experienced professionals to conduct research, teach, or undertake Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020



Responding to COVID-19 Supporting Grantees, Alumni, and the Fulbright Community During COVID-19 The Fulbright Program was launched some 75 years ago with an unrelenting sense of optimism and a belief that academic exchanges contribute to meaningful mutual understanding. The underlying message is that people working together, regardless of race, religion, nationality, and other factors that have caused division and conflict, can overcome the most significant challenges of our time. That optimism is still with us, though there is no denying that 2020 was a difficult year. Fulbright Canada is fortunate to have had a supportive board of directors, engaged government partners, and, above all, patient and flexible grantees. The health and safety of our alumni and our partners have been our top priority. In April 2020, following public health guidelines and government restrictions, we officially suspended the program. We quickly and successfully brought home all of the students and scholars in our core exchange programs who opted for a voluntary early return. Along the way, we gave them our support (moral, practical, and financial) as they struggled with their choices.

post-COVID Challenge, a competition in which youth with diverse backgrounds and different perspectives were invited to present their ‘big ideas’ for a world transformed. Like other organizations, we pivoted to more online programming, offering a Virtual Speakers Series and a series of networking events for current grantees and alumni. While a good deal of uncertainty remains, we all look forward to a return to normal and offer our sincere thanks to our colleagues and partners who made working through this crisis possible. We plan to carry on with these new initiatives as value-added elements in our core programming. In the end, there is no substitute for the transformative experience that an in-person academic exchange offers. Genuinely understanding someone else’s reality requires that one lives it. True collaboration occurs in the lab, in the classroom, over meetings, and sometimes in a park or over a meal.

Fulbright Canada adapted some programs, like the Community Leadership Program and the Community Action program, to suit a virtual environment. And, at the same time, we adopted new ones like the Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020



We provided the flexibility that allowed people to pursue their scholarship in a way that worked for them during these extraordinary times

Support Services for Grantees


Fulbrighters had access to a 24 hr support line. Fulbright Canada has partnered with Togetherall, formerly Big White Wall, to bring free mental health services to all grantees and alumni.

In an extraordinary move, the Fulbright Scholarship Board allowed the 2020-2021 grantees to defer their grant until the following academic year. The exceptional circumstances merited a flexible approach that was appreciated by Fulbright Canada grantees.

Pivoting to Virtual The Fulbright Program was conceived 75 years ago with an unrelenting sense of optimism and a belief that human beings, working together, can overcome the great challenges of our time.

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Fulbright Canada Online Engaging the Fulbright Canada community virtually Our response to the evolving COVID-19 crisis and our suite of virtual programs is intended to ensure our grantees, alumni, and, where appropriate, our wider community, are supported, while facilitating ongoing connection and collaboration during this challenging time. We are also committed to ensuring Fulbright Canada continues to be positioned as the reputable organization that brings diverse leaders together and provides meaningful opportunities that support those looking to engage in cross-cultural exchange and contribute to our collective future. presence, and we are encouraging alumni to join. In the current environment, community engagement remains a key priority, while recognizing that our approach must adapt. Fulbright Canada continues to create unique opportunities for grantees, alumni, and the greater Fulbright community to engage in impactful ways.

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


Fulbright Canada Speaker Series Mental Health and Resiliency During COVID-19 May 26, 2020 Dr. Chip Taylor 2017 Fulbright Canada - Palix Foundation Distinguished Visiting Research Chair in Brain Science, and Child and Family Health and Wellness Breaking the mold: Creating an inclusive post-secondary educational approach June 23, 2020 Dr. Deborah Saucier President and Vice-Chancellor Vancouver Island University Turning Dialogue and Intention Into Action – Why Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Public Health Matters August 5, 2020 Dr. Shanthi Johnson Professor and Dean University of Alberta - School of Public Health Safeguarding and Including Gender Minority Students and Colleagues in Higher Education and Research August 18, 2020 Dr. Chris Chevallier Project Leader, National LGBT Federation 2011-2012 Killam Fellow Adapting in Today’s World and Planning for the Unknown August 24, 2020 Jae Cooper Partner and Founder, Elevate Consulting

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“We know that educational attainment is a key determinant of economic success. Therefore, we must ‘break the mold’ of post-secondary education, so we are inclusive of all, breaking down barriers that have, in the past, excluded people from accessing further education because of their background, circumstances, or life experiences.” Dr. Deborah Saucier

American Fulbrighters American Fulbright Scholars Dr. Jason Black, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Transnational Studies University of North Carolina at Charlotte to Brock University Colonial Representations and Decolonial Interventions: A Rhetorical Cross-Cultural Study of the Indigenous Mascotting Controversy in Canadian and U.S. Cultures Dr. Sterling Bland, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in American Literature Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey to McGill University In the Shadow of Invisibility: Ralph Ellison, Identity, and the American Experience Dr. Laura Brown, Fulbright Global Scholar Award University of New Mexico to the University of British Columbia An Opioid Addiction Treatment Tale of Two (and then Three) Cities: A Comparative Examination of Porto, Portugal, Vancouver, Canada, and Santa Fe, New Mexico Dr. Toni Calasanti, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Aging & Society Virginia Tech University to McMaster University Social Inequalities and Experiences of Old Age Dr. Michael Carolan, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Science and Society Colorado State University to the University of Ottawa Digital Foodscapes in North America: Opportunities, Threats, and Barriers to Sustainable Agrifood Imaginaries Dr. Cynthia-Lou Coleman Emery, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Aboriginal Studies Portland State University to Vancouver Island University Comparing Science, Culture and Discourse about Indigenous issues in Canada and the United States Ms. Janelle Diller, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Human Rights and Social Justice University of Bern to the University of Ottawa Westphalian-Plus Governance for Human Rights and Social Justice in a Pluralistic World Dr. Heather Dillon, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in STEM Education University of Portland to the University of Calgary Redesigning Education for Learning through Evidence and Collaborative Teaching Dr. Jessica Dolan, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Studies Independent to the University of Guelph What we live on: Haudenosaunee Environmental Thought, Resiliency, and Food Systems

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019


Dr. Robert Gehl, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Communication, Media, and Film University of Utah to the University of Calgary A Critical Genealogy of Emerging Alternative Social Media Dr. Randall Harlow, Fulbright Global Scholar Award University of Northern Iowa to McGill University Global Hyperorgan: An Intercontinental Creative Space for Bridging Cultures Through Acoustic Music Dr. Joanna Hearne, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Society and Culture University of Missouri to the University of Alberta Media that Nurtures Us: Indigenous Women’s Media in Public Culture Ms. Jennifer Herbst, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Health Law, Policy and Ethics Quinnipiac University to the University of Ottawa The Ethics of Non-Professional Surrogate Decision Making for Patients Without Capacity Mr. Oliver Kim, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Governance and Public Administration University of Pittsburgh to the University of Ottawa Comparing the Role of Patients and Consumers In Health Policy-Making In The United States and Canada Dr. Nancy Langston, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Interdisciplinary Sustainability Solutions Michigan Technological University to Lakehead University Restoring Woodland Caribou and Common Loons in The North: Lessons From the Past Dr. Jessaca Leinaweaver, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Society and Culture Brown University to Dalhousie University Demography, Identity, and Family: Adoption’s Second Generation in Canada and Beyond Dr. Susan Long, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Education University of South Carolina to the University of Alberta Decolonizing Practices in Teacher Education: A Study of Equity Pedagogies in Canada and the U.S.


Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019



American Fulbright Scholars Dr. John Mortensen, Fulbright Global Scholar Award Cedarville University to the University of British Columbia Historic Improvisation for Today’s Musician Dr. Soe Myint, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Water, Environment, and Clean Energy Arizona State University to the University of Regina Examining Ground and Surface Water Changes in Response to Environmental Issues, Land Use Dynamics, and Social Economic Changes Mr. Thomas Rice, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Arts and Humanities Kalamazoo College to the University of Alberta Land, Water, Air, Oil, Money: Shifting Uncertainties Dr. Jolene Rickard, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Indigenist Resiliencies Cornell University to McMaster University Indigenous Ingenuities and Materiality Dr. Ronica Rooks, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Aging & Society University of Colorado Denver to McMaster University Social Disadvantage, Gentrification and Chronic Conditions in Seniors Ms. Mary Stewart, Fulbright Scholar - FLEX Award Florida State University to the University of New Brunswick Harnessing the Connective Power of Creativity Dr. Miles Taylor, Fulbright Scholar - FLEX Award Florida State University to McGill University Health Disparities by Socioeconomic Status Across the Life Course in Canada; Introductory and Advanced Trajectory Methods for Life Course Scholars Dr. Fernando Teson, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Political and Constitutional Theory Florida State University to McGill University Self-Determination and Group Agency Dr. Beverly Trezek, Fulbright Canada Research Chair University of Wisconsin–Madison to York University Literacy Outcomes of Deaf Learners: Updating the Evidence Base Dr. Jyotsna Vaid, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Brain, Language, and Music Texas A&M University to McGill University Literacy and Script Influences on Bilinguals’ Cognitive and Neural Processing

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DR. JYOTSANA VAID 2019-2020 FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 20 1519

American Fulbright Students Mr. Joseph Besl, College of Wooster to the University of Saskatchewan Exploring Climate Influence On Water Security In Northern Canada Ms. Hannah Facknitz, James Madison University to the University of British Columbia Master of Arts in History program Mr. Brian Gallagher, State University of New York at Stony Brook to Concordia University How Will Eco-Evolutionary Feedbacks Mediate Climate Change Responses In Brook Trout? Mr. Alec Gewirtz, Princeton University to the University of Toronto Faith and Disability: A Study of Community at L’Arche Daybreak Mr. Andrew Hahm, Princeton University to Queen’s University Multiculturalism and Race in Liberal Rights Regimes Ms. Maria Hammack, University of Texas at Austin to the University of Windsor Black Exodus: Channels of Liberation Across Global Frontiers in Canada & Mexico Ms. Briana Martin, University of Vermont to McGill University Sisters in Healing: Addressing Health Disparities for Women of Color Ms. Yvonne Nguyen, Villanova University to McMaster University Post-Janus Responses to U.S. “Right-to-Work” Laws: A Case Study between Ohio and Ontario Ms. Claire Reising, New York University to the Université de Montréal A Site of Experimentation: Diasporic Writing in Montréal Ms. Kelsey Schober, Bates College to the University of Alberta Amplifying the Arctic: Empowering Northern Communities through Public Policy Mr. Omar Sheikh, Oregon State University to the University of Alberta Skipping Exons 45-55 of the Dystrophin Gene to Treat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Ms. Stanzi Vaubel, State University of New York at Buffalo to Concordia University The Indeterminacy Festival

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


“It’s important to know who you are as a person, first and foremost, and to know where you fit in the social spectrum. this way, you can reflect on your own experiences and status and determine how they made you feel - and then compare them to others’ experiences.” ALEC GERWITZ 2019-2020 FULBRIGHT STUDENT

Canadian Fulbrighters Canadian Fulbright Scholars Dr. Hind A. Al-Abadleh, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Climate Change, Air Quality, and Atmospheric Chemistry Wilfrid Laurier University to the University of California, Irvine Chemistry of Metals in Atmospheric Aerosols Dr. Neil Banerjee, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Science Western University to Illinois Institute of Technology Mining 2.0: Innovating the Mining Life Cycle Using Synchrotron Spectroscopy Dr. Jean-Christophe Boucher, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Public Diplomacy University of Calgary to the University of Southern California What Does America Want from its Allies? U.S. Leadership and Expectations in the 21st Century Dr. Stephen Broomer, Fulbright Scholar Independent to the University of California, Santa Cruz The home movie, digitization and aura Dr. Pascale Duhamel, Fulbright Canada Research Chair University of Ottawa to Vanderbilt University Composer Names: Authorship Before Music Printing (12th-15th Centuries) Dr. Gordon Hickey, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Arctic Studies McGill University to Dartmouth College Trust, control and risk in strategic alliance networks: Novel insights for transboundary Arctic fisheries governance Dr. Lois Klassen, Fulbright Scholar Independent to the University of Texas at El Paso Gendered Figurations: Art about the US/Mexico border region and Canada’s “Highway of Tears” Dr. Christian Leuprecht, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Canada-U.S. Relations Royal Military College of Canada to Johns Hopkins University North American Strategic Security: Determinants and Conditions of Canada-US cooperation Dr. Carmen Logie, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Public Health University of Toronto to Johns Hopkins University A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer (LGBTQ) Health Interventions in Canada and the United States

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


Dr. Gregory Lowan-Trudeau, Fulbright Canada Research Chair University of Calgary to the University of California, Santa Barbara Exploring Media Perspectives on Indigenous Environmental Issues in Canada and the United States: A Comparative Critical Discourse Analysis Dr. Justin Massie, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Canada-U.S. Relations Université du Québec à Montréal to Johns Hopkins University Ambivalent Ally: Canada and US-Led Coalition Operations Dr. Nicole Mideo, Fulbright Scholar University of Toronto to Princeton University Mechanisms And Consequences Of Helminth-Microparasite Coinfection Dr. Kathy Snow, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Arctic Studies University of Prince Edward Island to the University of Washington Ajurnaqtut Aniguinnasuut (everything difficult always passes): Healthy Communities through culturally relevant education Dr. Nancy Teeple, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Peace and War Studies Simon Fraser University to Norwich University U.S. Arctic Policy and its Implications for Canada


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Canadian Fulbright Students Mr. Marc Andre Begin, Université de Sherbrooke to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Creating a Portable Robotic Device to Assist Active People with Upper-Limb Disabilities in their Daily Activities Ms. Victoria Bikowski, York University to Dartmouth College Securing Development Certainty via Aboriginal Consultation Ms. Ashly Dyck, University of Saskatchewan to Ohio State University Modelling soil carbon stabilization and permanence over time, soil texture, and land use Ms. Lilia Ivanova, University of British Columbia to Yale University Institutionalizing Empathy: Human Rights Memory at the Crossroads of Culture, Institutions, and Individuals Mr. Lewis Krashinsky, Independent to Princeton University Right-Wing Populism in Canada and the United States: A Comparative Puzzle Mr. Michel Laforge, Memorial University of Newfoundland to the University of Wyoming Individual Differences in Migratory Behavior of North American Ungulates Ms. Sarah Mason-Case, University of Toronto to Harvard University Legality and the Construction of Nature in International Law Relating to Climate Change Ms. Sarah Runyon, Marion & Company to the University of Arizona Correctional Oversight: Offences against the Administration of Justice Mr. Raeid Saqur, University of Toronto to Princeton University Guiding AI Agents on Multimodal Tasks by Policy Gradient Optimization using Natural Language Feedback


Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


Distinguished Chairs and Specialist Awards Distinguished Chairs Dr. Austin Gallagher, Fulbright Canada Distinguished Chair in Environmental Science Independent to Carleton University Innovations in Aquatic Conservation Physiology Dr. Jocelyn Létourneau, Fulbright Canada Distinguished Chair in International Area Studies Université Laval to Yale University Enunci(n)ation. A Journey to the Heart of National Conversations (with specific reference to the USA) Dr. Louis Nemzer, Fulbright Canada Distinguished Chair in Environmental Science Nova Southeastern University to Carleton University Addressing Agricultural Drivers of Antimicrobial Resistance Dr. Florence Neymotin, Fulbright Canada Distinguished Chair in Entrepreneurship Nova Southeastern University to Carleton University Creation, Dissemination, and Statistical Analysis of a Canadian Annual Business Survey Dr. Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Québec Studies McGill University to the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh Connecting Health and Social Care for Older Adults: Comparative Evidence from Canada and the U.S.

Fulbright Canada Specialists Dr. Alexandra Harrington, Fulbright Canada Special Foundation Fellow Albany Law School to Balsillie School of International Affairs Dr. Thomas Hodd, Fulbright Canada - Bridgewater State University Canadian Specialist Université de Moncton to Bridgewater State University Dr. Mark Kaplan, Fulbright Specialist University of California, Los Angeles to Government of Canada Upstream Determinants Of Suicide In Canada Ms. Marie Legault, Fulbright Canada - Bridgewater State University Canadian Specialist Government of Canada to Bridgewater State University

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The Arctic Initiative Building on the success of the inaugural round of the Fulbright Arctic Initiative from 2015-16, the second round of Fulbright Arctic scholars were welcomed from 201819. The scholars worked collaboratively on two interdisciplinary thematic research areas, while working on independent research projects. The resilient communities research group focused on health inequities to ensure that Arctic communities can develop pathways to thrive. The sustainable economies research group articulated and acknowledged the complexity and diversity of Arctic economies, while focusing on how risk can be better assessed, managed, and communicated in the Arctic so as to enhance economic sustainability.

American Scholars FAI II

Canadian Scholars FAI II

Dr. Katie Cueva University of Alaska - Anchorage to the Institute for Circumpolar Health Research

Dr. Sean Guistini Nunavut Arctic College to the University of Alaska - Fairbanks

Dr. Todd Sformo University of Alaska - Fairbanks to the University of Victoria

Dr. Gwen Healey Akearok Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre to Dartmouth College Dr. Josée Lavoie University of Manitoba to the University of Alaska - Anchorage


Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019



Killam Fellowships Program Undergraduate exchange between Canada and the United States, supported by the American Killam Trusts The Killam Fellowships Program, supported by an endowment from the American Killam Trusts, is designed to develop a cadre of young leaders committed to enhancing mutual understanding between Canada and the United States. The Killam Fellowships Program provides exceptional undergraduate students from universities in Canada and the United States with the opportunity to spend either one semester or a full academic year in the other country during their undergraduate career.

Killam Spring Seminar Featuring fascinating alumni and expert panellists, the Killam Fellows had the opportunity to discuss what a post COVID-19 world will look like. Fellows also had the opportunity to learn from each other and share both cultural and academic experiences gained during their fellowship.

Featured Panel: Moving Forward in a post COVID-19 Environment April 24, 2020 Dr. Nick Cull Director, Master of Public Diplomacy at University of Southern California Dr. Elizabeth Dubois Killam Fellow, University of Ottawa to American University, 2010-2011 Dr. Victoria Herrmann Fulbright Student, Lehigh University to Carleton University, 2013-2014) Dr. Jason Black Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Transnational Studies, 2019-2020 Caroline Woodward Killam Fellow, University of Ottawa to Arizona State University, 2015-2016

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Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019


American Killam Fellows Arlene Chan, Psychology and Biology University of Hawai’i at Manoa to the University of Victoria

Bianca Navia, Political Science and Global Studies Arizona State University to the University of Ottawa

Brittany Christian, Political Science Bridgewater State University to York University

Alexandra Neumann, Sustainability and Biology Arizona State University to the University of Prince Edward Island

Nicholas Corder, French and Journalism University of Missouri to the Université Laval

Benjamin Parsons, Applied Physics University of Washington to the University of Victoria

Rachael King, Environmental Science Arizona State University to Acadia University

Celeste Ramirez, Computer Science Florida Polytechnic University to Western University

Kees Koopman, Anthropology North Carolina State University to McGill University

Augusta Reinhart, Political Science University of Montana-Missoula to the Université de Montréal

Madison Lusk, Conservation Biology & Ecology Arizona State University to the University of Alberta

Zachary Rubiner, International Relations American University to Carleton University

Alejandra Montoya, Nursing Miami Dade College to the University of Calgary

Liza Wilson, Environmental Science American University to Dalhousie University

Stephanie Mooney, Culture and Communication Ithaca College to Queen’s University

Heream Yang, Human and Organizational Development Vanderbilt University to McGill University

Cecelia Moran, Financial Management Clemson University to the University of Ottawa


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Canadian Killam Fellows Peter Akioyamen, Data Science Western University to Florida Polytechnic University

Amelia Lacey, Biochemistry (Nutrition) Memorial University of Newfoundland to the University of Hawai’i at Manoa

Parker Deabreu, Economics Brock University to the University of Maine

Erin Lange, Chemistry Carleton University to Arizona State University

Kelsey Devaney, Elementary Education McGill University to the University of Virginia

Grace Lavoie, Economics St. Mary’s University to Clemson University

Katie Du, Biology University of Alberta to Wellesley College

Yun Lin, Equity Studies University of Toronto to American University

Kaela Fraser, Chemistry Acadia University to Arizona State University

Jonathan Lin, Life Sciences Queen’s University to Arizona State University

Bijean Ghafouri, Political Science Université de Montréal to American University

Francis Routledge, Neuroscience Dalhousie University to Smith College

Daniel Gold, Economics and Mathematics Mount Allison University to the University of Texas at Austin

Jeremy Thompson, Computer Science University of Prince Edward Island to Clemson University

Raphael Hotter, Mathematics and Computer Science McGill University to the University of California, Berkeley

Justin Wikkerink, Political Science University of Victoria to Bridgewater State University

Wei Hu, Computer Science and Mathematics University of Ottawa to the University of Washington

Jasmine Wu, Business and Computer Science University of British Columbia to Arizona State University

Maria Karteris, Marketing York University to Miami Dade College

Julia Zakoor, Integrated Business and Humanities McMaster University to American University

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Mobility Fulbright Mobility Grant Recipients Dr. Jason Black to Montréal, QC* Provide a lecture to the Insitute of the Study of Canada and its Indigenous Studies Program regarding McGill mascot controversy. Dr. Michael Carolan to Winnipeg, MB* Present a talk on the digital agriculture space and discuss the Enterprise Machine Intelligence and Learning Initiative to promote machine learning and grow the digital agriculture industry in Manitoba Mr. Oliver Kim to Halifax, NS Presented current research to the Health Law Institute at the Schulich School of Law Dr. Soe Myint to Mississauga, ON Delivered a talk as part of colloquium at the University of Toronto – Mississauga Dr. Florence Neymotin to Halifax, NS* Present research findings on the state of entrepreneurship in Canada and speak to the Department of Economics and the Rowe School of Business

Fulbright Student Professional Development Program Mr. Joseph Besl to Vancouver, BC Attended a course on Environment, Media and Communication Ms. Hannah Facknitz to Toronto, ON* Attend Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Annual Meeting Mr. Andrew Hahm to St. John’s, NL* Present work at Graduate Philosophy Conference at Memorial University Ms. Maria Hammack to Montréal, QC* Conduct research on freedom seekers and their impact on Montréal’s Black community Ms. Kelsey Schober to Whitehorse, YT Attended Assembly of First Nations National Climate Gathering. Mr. Omar Sheikh to Halifax, NS* Deliver a presentation about treatments for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


Fulbright Canada - SUNY Enrichment Program Dr. Amélie Quesnel-Vallée to Stony Brook, NY* Host a master class on the Québec Health Care System and provide guest lecture on research on Québec and Canada

Killam Fellowships Cultural Awareness Program Peter Akioyamen to Boston, MA

Madison Lusk to Vancouver, BC*

Nicholas Corder to Bouctouche Dieppe, Moncton NB

Alejandra Montoya to Vancouver, BC Cecilia Moran to Vancouver, BC

Parker Deabreu to Los Angeles, CA* Kaela Fraser to Los Angeles, CA

Bianca Naviaa to Montréal and Québec City, QC

Bijean Ghafouri to San Juan, Puerto Rico

Augusta Reinhart to Halifax, NS

Daniel Gold to Chicago, IL

Francis Routledge to New York, NY*

Wei Hu to New Orleans, LA

Zachary Rubiner to Québec City, QC

Maria Karteris to Grand Canyon, NV*

Jeremy Thompson to Chicago, IL

Amelia Lacey to San Francisco, CA*

JR Wikkerink to Charleston, SC*

Grace Lavoie to Denver, CO

Liza Wilson to Montréal, QC

Jonathan Lin to Los Angeles, CA

Jasmine Wu to Boston, MA

Georgia Lin to New York, NY

Julia Zakoor to New Orleans, LA*

* denotes mobilty grants that were cancelled due to COVID-19

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019


“It’s important to know who you are as a person, first and foremost, and to know where you fit in the social spectrum. this way, you can reflect on your own experiences and status and determine how they made you feel - and then compare them to others’ experiences.” AMANDA ZHANG Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020 2020 YOUTH AMBASSADOR 34

Youth Initiatives Youth Ambassadors Program The Youth Ambassador Program brings together high school students and adult educators to promote mutual understanding, increase leadership skills, and prepare youth to make a difference in their communities. The Youth Ambassadors are exception student leaders with proven commitment to community involvement to bring about positive change. They receive funding to travel to the United States for three weeks to explore themes of civic education, community service, leadership development, and social inclusion.

2020 Youth Ambassadors Amina Abdrazakova - Calgary, AB

Olivia Li - Calgary, AB

Sabrielle Bonner - Toronto, ON

Rachel Moss - Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s, NL

Zoe Duhaime - Capreol, ON

Ann Nguyen - Toronto, ON

David He - Vancouver, BC

Jaya Pardy - Amherst, NS

Jiayi Hong - Winnipeg, MB

Fareedah Sadek - Fort McMurray, AB

Bohdan Hrotovytskyy - Toronto, ON

Ziyad Syed - Okotoks, AB

Antonio Kappos - Burlington, ON

Amanda Zhang - Fredericton, NB

Béatrice Légasse - Québec, QC

2020 Adult Mentor Ahmareen Farah - Mississauga, ON

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 20


Fulbright Canada Alumni Alumni Leadership and Enrichment Program One of the hallmarks of the Fulbright Program is community engagement. Alumni are encouraged to engage in their communities, take action, and expand their Fulbright experience beyond their academic institution. With our community engagement programs, Fulbright Canada aims to provide alumni with an opportunity to envision and build a more inclusive, cleaner, svafer, and just world. The outcomes of these projects are both tangible and long-term.

2019 - 20 US Embassy Community Leaders

2019 - 20 Maple Leaf Foundation - Eco-Leaders

Kathy Bunka (Ottawa, ON) Fulbright Student, 1994-1995 Skills Development for Immigrant Young Women and Girls in Ottawa

Kathleen Hefferon (Guelph, ON) Fulbright Scholar, 2017-2018 Using A Digital Agriculture Activity to Encourage Girls to Persist In STEM Fields

Peter Stoett (Oshawa, ON) Fulbright Scholar, 2012-2013 Community Outreach with Ontario Tech

Dr. Jay Leibowitz (Kingston, ON) Fulbright Scholar, 2016-2017 Kingston Youth Financial Literacy Symposium and Contest Dr. Rob Williams (Washington State) Fulbright Scholar, 2009-2010

As the global health environment continues to evolve, Fulbright Canada is moving to an online delivery model for many of our activities, including our alumni programming. We remain fully committed to continuing to provide enrichment opportunities for our alumni.

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


Fulbright Canada Alumni Advisory Board The Fulbright Canada Alumni Advisory Board will work alongside the Fulbright Canada Secretariat to provide alumni perspectives on recruitment, programming, fundraising, and impact. Cheryl Camillo Fulbright Student 2015-2016

Robin McLay (Chair) Fulbright Student 1998-1999

Clinton Davis Fulbright Student 2000-2001

Leah Sarson Fulbright Student 2015-2016

Scott Delaney Fulbright Student 2011-2012

Gabrielle Slowey Fulbright Scholar 2016-2017

Elizabeth Dubois Killam Fellow 2010-2011

Chip Taylor Fulbright Scholar 2016-2017

Frédérick Gagnon Fulbright Student 2005-2006 Fulbright Scholar 2014-2015

Allison Turner Fulbright Student 2015-2016

Victoria Herrmann Fulbright Student 2013-2014

Jonathan Yantzi Fulbright Student 2013-2014

Fulbright Canada National Alumni Association The Fulbright Canada Alumni Association will extend the Fulbright international exchange into a lifelong experience for the alumni of the Fulbright Canada and Killam Fellowships programs. The Association aims to develop an interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and international community of Fulbright Canada students, scholars, and alumni in major cities across Canada. Jonathan Yantzi (President) Fulbright Student 2013-2014

Robin McLay Fulbright Student 1998-1999

Pascale Fournier Fulbright Student 2001-2002

Gabrielle Slowey Fulbright Scholar 2016-2017

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 20


EducationUSA Helping Canadians with their educational goals EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State network which promotes U.S. higher education by offering accurate, comprehensive, and current information about opportunities to study at accredited postsecondary institutions in the United States. EducationUSA also provides services to the U.S. higher education community to help institutional leaders meet their recruitment and campus internationalization goals. EducationUSA kicked off 2020 with two successful Guidance Counsellor Forum events in North Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario in January and a February trip to Montréal for the Study and Go Abroad Fair and seven school visits. Shortly after, due to COVID-19, all operations moved online and travel ceased. EducationUSA adviser Jenika Heim pivoted quickly and created and launched a series of successful virtual events, many of which have been adapted across the EducationUSA network. Virtual engagement has been high through both social media and webinars. During five virtual Showcases (May-August), 113 U.S. universities presented to 847 attendees about their campuses and academic opportunities. We ran five SAT Boot Camps (five sessions in each Boot Camp) with a total of 587 attendees. For the four-session Common App and Essay Writing Boot Camp, 41 students attended. On social media, we continue to concentrate on Instagram and launched a weekly Live admissions chat called #TuesdayTips. We ran 21 live Instagram sessions during this period and gained 587 new followers. Lastly, our Pre-Departure webinar took place exclusively online with the collaboration of the U.S. Embassy, presenting to 211 departing Canadian students and their families. EducationUSA continues to manage to two interns through the U.S. State Department’s Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) program. These two interns have worked diligently on maintaining strong social media presence and website updates while also continuing to improve these channels.

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


Stacy White, U.S. Embassy Minster Counselor for Public Affairs, giving opening remarks at the Pre-Departure ceremony in Ottawa (June 2019) EducationUSA Advisor Jenika Heim providing a virtual SAT bootcamp.

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 20


Audit Statement REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS To the Directors of the Foundation for Educational Exchange Between Canada and the United States of America The accompanying summary financial statements of the Foundation for Educational Exchange Between Canada and the United States of America (Fulbright Canada), which comprise the summary statement of financial position as at August 31, 2019, the summary statement of operations for the year then ended, and related notes, are derived from the audited financial statements prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, of Fulbright Canada as at and for the year ended August 31, 2020. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those financial statements in our report dated December 15, 2020. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations applied in the preparation of the audited financial statements of Fullbright Canada. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of Fulbright Canada. Management’s Responsibility for the Summary Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements on the basis described in note 1. Auditors’ Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standard (CAS) 810, “Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements”. Opinion In our opinion, the summary financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of Fulbright Canada as at and for the year ended August 31, 2020 are a fair summary of those financial statements, in accordance with the basis described in note 1.

Chartered Professional Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants Ottawa, Canada December 15, 2020

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 20


Highlights Fulbright Canada at Toronto International Film Festival

Fulbright Canada and the Toronto chapter of the Fulbright Canada Alumni Association hosted its second annual alumni reception in celebration of the Toronto International Film Festival. Approximately 50 Fulbright and Killam alumni gathered in the heart of Toronto’s Entertainment District in the midst of the world-renowned festival. The reception gave alumni the opportunity to interact with each other as well as representatives from the U.S. Consulate General in Toronto. Following the reception, the guests attended the international premiere of the movie ‘Blow the Man Down’ at the prestigious TIFF Bell Lightbox Cinema.

Fall Orientation

The annual Fall Orientation was held in Ottawa on September 14th and 15th. The 2019-2020 U.S. Fulbright Scholars and Students and all new Killam Fellows came together and participated in a range of academic, professional, and cultural activities, including panels and a hockey game.

PHACtually Speaking / Parlons santé - Dr. Mark S. Kaplan

Hosted by the Office of the Chief Science Advisor, Fulbright Specialist and Fulbright program alumnus spoke about his work with the Public Health Agency of Canada comparing Canadian and American violent death reporting systems.

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


Fulbright Chair Lecture at the University of Ottawa

Dr. Janelle Diller, Fulbright Chair in Human Rights and Social Justice, 20192020, shared her research focus at the University of Ottawa Human Rights Research and Education Centre. Dr. Michael Hawes attended and gave the opening address further strengthening our long-standing partnership with the University of Ottawa.

Partnership Event – Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fulbright Canada alumni and Board Member Obie Mckenzie were in attendance at an intimate event to celebrate the partnership between Fulbright Canada and the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation (PETF). Pascale Fournier, Director of PETF and alumna, highlighted that “Canada and the World is a key theme as we partner with Fulbright Canada and share our goal of building new forms of excellence at home and globally.”

Massey College: What’s in Store for Canada-U.S. Relations In partnership with Massey College and Johns Hopkins University, Fulbright Canada hosted a panel discussion in Toronto on the future of CanadaU.S. Relations. The top U.S. diplomat in Canada, Richard M. Mills, Jr., and Fulbright Canada alumnus Christopher Sands, Fulbright Student 19992000 joined panellists to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the Trudeau government in managing the bilateral relationship in the years ahead.

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


Fulbright Canada Secretariat Dr. Michael K. Hawes

Martha Vrany

Executive Assistant to the CEO

Chief Executive Officer

Finance Nesreen El-Onsi

Ava Kovats

Finance Officer

Director, Finance, Administration and Human Resources

Program Michelle Emond

Jenika Heim

Program Officer, Students

EducationUSA Advisor

Alanna Blackie

Brad Hector

Coordinator - Public Affairs and Alumni Relations

Program Officer, Scholars

Anna Abraham

Paulo Carvalho

Operations and Communications Specialist

Recruitment Specialist

Sanford Jones

Coco Yang

Prospect Research Officer

Alumni Support Specialist

Philanthropic Developement Chantal Dompierre Director of Philanthropic Development

Interns Saranya Tharmabalan

Khanh Van Do

York University Summer Intern

York University Summer Intern

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2019 - 2020


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