Annual Report 2018 English

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Annual Report 2017

Foundation for Educational Exchange Between Canada and the United States of America

Contents Messages from the Board Chair and the Chief Executive Officer


Board of Directors


Our Partners


The Fulbright Program


Featured Award


2016-2017 Canadian Fulbright Award Recipients


2016-2017 American Fulbright Award Recipients


Leadership and Enrichment Programs for Fulbright Canada Alumni


The Killam Fellowships Program


Education USA




2017 Highlights


Fulbright Canada Secretariat


“Through the Fulbright Canada Program, I was able to broaden my intellectual horizons at McGill University under the tutelage of an amazing faculty at the School of Religious Studies. As I immersed myself in the complex reality of Islamic extremism, terrorism, and radicalization, I was inspired by the strides Canada has made in combating Islamophobia and radicalization. Without the Fulbright Canada Program, I would never have gained this sort of intensive cultural and academic exposure to a variety of ideas that both related to my own research and ultimately challenged my previous notions.�

Ms. Samia Ahmed, Fulbright Student, New York University to McGill University, 2016-2017

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017

Cover image features Dr. Ruben Zaiotti, Fulbright Research Chair in Public Diplomacy, from Dalhousie University to the University of Southern California.

As I travel across North America, I have the privilege of meeting young scholars and their mentors, who impress me because of their brilliance, dedication and enthusiasm for learning and for life. They also inspire me because of their commitment to contributing to a better world. When I ask their plans for the future, they do not simply state their goals for future studies, travel and employment. They stop and think for a moment before saying, “I want to make a difference.” Some want to find cures for disease, or to improve the economy and others, the environment. All want to give back to society and contribute positively to the future. Our Fulbright scholars shine in this regard. They have the opportunity to think about their communities and their studies from another perspective. Travel has not only broadened their horizons but has opened their minds and hearts to the ideal of service to society. On behalf of the Fulbright Board and of all the past and present recipients of Fulbright awards, from the leading academic researchers to the youngest scholars, I would like to thank most sincerely the Governments of Canada and the United States for making this enriching experience possible. I especially thank the Board members and notably, the representatives of the United States State Department and Global Affairs Canada for their fine service. I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary work of the Fulbright staff and volunteers who, led by Michael Hawes, have once again raised the quality, scope and breadth of the programs offered. The experience of orientation, ongoing fellowship, the possibility of volunteer service and travel across the country as well as special experiences such as the program in the North, all add immeasurably to these meaningful exchanges. It has been a privilege to serve the board and I congratulate and welcome warmly Michael Parham who has stepped up to carry on these proud traditions as incoming Board Chair. Sincerely yours,

Dr. Roseann O’Reilly Runte Board Chair

I am extremely pleased, on behalf of our board of directors, along with my colleagues at the secretariat, to present the 2017 Annual Report for the Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America. This report is testament to the ongoing success of the entire Fulbright Canada community – grantees, alumni, partners, donors, and friends. They continue to inspire and remain dedicated to the belief in the value of international education through academic exchange, the enhancement of mutual understanding, and the building of stronger and more diverse communities. The Fulbright Program in Canada, the Killam Fellowships Program, our various special initiatives, and our suite of programs for alumni, are thriving and, more than that, they have the kind of impact that we can all be proud of. Our core goals – supporting excellence, inspiring young leaders, and enhancing mutual understanding – are all being met. Further, through our programs, Fulbright Canada is committed to do its part to grow and support the Canada – U.S. relationship; notably, one of the strongest and most enduring friendships in the world. We are pleased to be supporting researchers from many different fields. At the same, our specialized programs, like the Fulbright Arctic Initiative and the Young Indigenous Leaders Initiative, allow us to provide support in areas that very much demand our attention and support. While our core programs are field open, the Fulbright Canada is especially committed to supporting youth, comparative public policy research, northern and indigenous issues, and STEM.

Dr. Michael Hawes

Chief Executive Officer

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


Board of Directors Canadian Directors

American Directors

His Excellency David MacNaughton

Ambassador Kelly Craft

Canadian Ambassador to the United States

Ambassador of the United States to Canada

Dr. Carl Amrhein

Mr. Ronald T. Covais (Past Board Chair)

Deputy Minister Alberta Health

Managing Director Canarsie Global Partners

Madame Hélène Desmarais

Mr. John P. Curtin Jr.

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Centre d’entreprises et d’innovation de Montréal

Advisory Director Goldman Sachs Canada

Mr. Cameron Mackay

Mr. Ronald J. Daniels

Director General Trade Sectors Global Affairs Canada

President Johns Hopkins University

Mr. Michael W. Kempner

Mr. Daniel McCarthy (Board Treasurer)

Founder, President, and CEO MWW Group

Managing Director Credit Suisse Securities (Canada) Inc.

Dr. Maria M. Klawe

Hon. A. Anne McLellan

President Harvey Mudd College

Senior Advisor Bennett Jones LLP

Ms. Kay Mayfield

Ms. Susan L. Riddell Rose

Minister Counselor for Public Affairs U.S. Embassy, Ottawa

President and CEO Perpetual Energy Inc.

Dr. Roseann O’Reilly Runte (Board Chair) President and Vice-Chancellor Carleton University

Mr. Michael Parham

General Counsel and Secretary RealNetworks, Inc.

Dr. Walter L. Schindler

Mr. Frank Sobey Chairman Crombie REIT

Founder and Managing Partner SAIL Capital Partners LLC

Dr. Luc Vinet

Mr. Nicholas S. Zeppos Chancellor Vanderbilt University

Rector Emeritus Université de Montréal

Mr. Christopher Wilkie

Director General - Trade Sectors Global Affairs Canada

Chief Executive Officer Dr. Michael K. Hawes


Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


Partners The American Killam Trusts

Canadian University Partners - Universités canadiennes partenaires Acadia University, Brock University, Carleton University, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Concordia University, Dalhousie University, Lakehead University, McGill University, McMaster University, Memorial University, Mount Allison University, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, North-South Institute, Queen’s University, Simon Fraser University, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University of Guelph, Université Laval, University of Lethbridge, University of Manitoba, Université de Montréal, University of Northern British Columbia, University of Ottawa, Université du Québec à Montréal, University of Prince Edward Island, University of Saskatchewan, University of Toronto, University of Victoria, University of Waterloo, Victoria Island University, Western University, University of Winnipeg, Wilfrid Laurier University, York University

American University Partners - Universités americaines partenaires American University, Arizona State University, Brandeis University, Bridgewater State University, California NanoSystems Institute, Clemson University, Duke University, Florida Polytechnic University, Harvard University, Illinois institute of Technology, Ithaca College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Miami Dade College, Michigan State University, New York University, State University of New York—Plattsburgh, Norwich University, Smith College, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Georgia (Kennesaw State University), University of Hawai’i at Manoa, University of Maine, University of Miami, University of Southern California, University of Texas at Austin, University of Washington, Vanderbilt University, Wellesley College

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017



Fulbright Program

Long regarded as the world’s premiere academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program attracts exceptional students and scholars from more than 160 countries. The first cohort of Canada-U.S. Fulbright award recipients was named in 1991. Since that time, some fifteen hundred distinguished students, scholars, and professionals have participated in this educational exchange program. Canada-U.S. Fulbright students and scholars conduct research, teach, or study in their host country for either one semester or a full academic year. In 2016-17 Fulbright Canada supported 58 outstanding Canadians and 62 exceptional American students and scholars. Traditional Fulbright Awards for students are intended for graduate students and junior professionals who wish to study and/or conduct research in the host country. In addition to the Traditional Fulbright awards, scholars in both countries are invited to take up one of the 60 Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs at 38 of North America’s best universities. These chairs are intended to enable emerging and established scholars, post-doctoral researchers, and experienced professionals to conduct research, teach, or undertake a combination of activities for one semester or a full academic year at one of our partner universities. These chairs develop long-term partnerships between Fulbright Canada and the university and build the university’s capacity for excellence in research. The scope of the Fulbright program in Canada continues to grow. Fulbright Canada has introduced a number of new programs, and expanded key existing programs for our scholars, students, and professional grantees. Excellent examples of this growth and our innovations include the growing research chair program in Canada and the U.S. and various youth centered programs - both highlighted in this report.


Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017

Featured Award

Young Indigenous Leaders Program “As we move to be a more global society, I am enlivened to work toward advancing my community culturally, environmentally and economically. I feel embolden to navigate the waters of the unknown because of my participation in ELSCD. This opportunity would not have come into fruition without the help of Fulbright Canada.”

- Mr. Adonis Trujillo Fulbright Canada, in partnership with the U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, introduced a new program to support indigenous youth leaders in North America as they work to grow productivity and promote social and environmental justice through initiatives that improve health outcomes, advance approaches to environmentally sound development, and preserve their language, culture, and customs. This program will offer support for young indigenous leaders to undertake short exchange programs to work on research and community engagement projects (2-4 weeks). Those persons participating in the Fulbright North American Youth Leadership Initiative, along with their home and host institutions, will be committed to ongoing collaboration. Participants will be encouraged to develop products for broader use among researchers and practitioners (i.e. white papers, best practice guides, curriculum, and workshop modules)

The 2017 Leaders Ms. Chelsea Sunday A graduate of SUNY Potsdam, a member of Akwesasne Mohawk Nation, and community sexual health leader. Ms. Savannah Romero A graduate of the University of Washington, a tireless advocate for the rights of indigenous students, and a legislative assistant in the office of Congressman Adam Smith. Ms. Sarah Crawford A graduate of Minnesota State University, a JD candidate at the Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law at ASU, a former legislative assistant to US Senator Tim Johnson, and a legislative and intergovernmental affairs coordinator for the National Indian Gaming Commission. Mr. Adonis Trujillo A graduate of Fort Lewis State College in Colorado, a member of the Taos Peubla Tribe in Taos New Mexico, and an MBA candidate at the University of Arizona. Ms Caitlin Tozier A student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and a member of the National Indian Education Association Board of Directors.

In June 2017, the 5 Fulbright Canada grantees met with 35 other young Canadian leaders at the Emerging Leaders for Sustainable Community Development Program at Vancouver Island University.

The grantees also met with leaders in the community and explored approaches environmentally sound development.

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


Canadian Fulbright Scholars Dr. Isabella Bakker, York University / University of California Santa Barbara “Macroeconomics, Gender and Human Rights” Mr. Andrew Z. Cohen, Carleton University / Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars “The Life of Theodore C. Sorensen and the Uses of Political Oratory” Dr. Rick Colbourne, University of Northern British Columbia / University of Arizona “Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems” Dr. Marie Connolly, Université du Québec à Montréal / State University of New York Plattsburgh “Social Mobility in Canada and the United States” Dr. Gerard Duhaime, Université Laval / University of Hawai’i at Manoa “Income Inequalities and Public Policies in the Circumpolar Region: A Pilot Project” Dr. Pierre Jolicoeur, Royal Military College of Canada / Norwich University “Impact of Social Media on Radicalization Processes and ‘Home-Grown’ Terrorism in Canada and the U.S.” Dr. Jennifer M. Kilty, University of Ottawa / Kennesaw State University “When HIV is a Crime: Law, Ethics and Emotions in Comparative Context” Dr. Claude Laguë, University of Ottawa / University of California Davis “Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education” Mr. Allan Stephen Manson, Queen’s University / University of California - Berkeley “A Comparative Evaluation of Nunavut’s Unique Single-Level Trial Court” Dr. J. Scott Matthews, Memorial University of Newfoundland / Vanderbilt University “Something for Nothing? Motivated Reasoning and Support for Policy Tradeoffs” Dr. Kent Moore, University of Toronto / University of Washington “Impact of Climate Change on the Arctic’s Atmosphere and Ocean” Dr. Gabrielle Moser, Ontario College of Art and Design University / Brown University “Picturing race and citizenship: photography and belonging in the US and Canada, 1900-1948” Mr. Christopher Nicholls, Western University / Harvard University “Borders, Boundaries and Bundles’ in Comparative Corporate Governance: Canadian and US Approaches to Defining and Regulating Corporate Purpose” Dr. James Jude Orbinski, Wilfrid Laurier University / University of California Irvine “Complex Ecology Modelling for Community-Based, Health-Oriented Early Warning Systems for Extreme Weather Events” Dr. Gabrielle Ann Slowey, York University / Dartmouth College “Canada on the Edge? Energy, Ecological Governance and Indigenous Peoples (COE)” Dr. Ruben Zaiotti, Dalhousie University / University of Southern California “Troubled Europe: Public diplomacy, rituals and the making of European Union’s international identity”


Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017

Canadian Fulbright Students Ms. Rachael Baker, 2016-2017, York University / Wayne State University “Gleaning Ground in the Motor City: Green Redevelopment and Dispossession in Detroit, Michigan” Mr. Gregory Brown, 2016-2017, Carleton University / State University of New York Albany “Policing the “Gotcha“ Society: Responses in Front-Line Police Work to Today’s Techno-Social and Socio-Political Policing Landscape” Mr. Julien Cossette, 2016-2017, York University / University of Chicago “On developing teaching skills and a solid grasp of the anthropological literature on the question of infrastructure” Ms. Taylor Currie, 2016-2017, Queen’s University / University of Maryland “As American as Apple Pie: DuPont Public Relation Campaigns as Dominant Cultural Order in Twentieth Century America” Ms. Adrienne Davidson, 2016-2017, University of Toronto / Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies “Aboriginal Governance in the U.S. and Canadian North: Institutional Design and Conflict Management” Ms. Rebecca Gwynne Fulton, 2016-2017, Concordia University / Villanova University “The Photographic Image of Death and the Future of Democratic Sovereignty” Ms. Léa Lemay Langlois, 2016-2017, Université du Québec à Montréal / University of Notre Dame “Enforced disappearance and human trafficking in international law: a comparative study of the normative content from a gender perspective” Mr. Darrick Lee, 2016-2017, University of British Columbia / University of Pennsylvania “Computational Topology, Persistent Homology, and its Applications” Mr. Corwyn Lund, 2016-2017, Toronto International Film Festival / Rhode Island School of Design “Temporality, mortality, and materiality in formal and informal memorial sculpture and public art” Mr. John Mitton, 2016-2017, Dalhousie University / University of Southern California “International Rivalry and Extra-Dyadic Civil Conflict Intervention: A comparative process-analysis of rivalry externalization” Ms. Katherine Newman, 2016-2017, University of Victoria / City University of New York “Governing the Night: Urban Political Economy and the Nocturnal Global City” Ms. Emily K. M. Scott, 2016-2017, University of Toronto / George Washington University “INGO Innovation and Adaptation During Response in New Humanitarian Space” Mr. Joseph Stinziano, 2016-2017, Western University / University of New Mexico “Determining the effect of heat stress on photosynthetic performance and mechanism of thermotolerance in the highly heat tolerant plant Boechera depauperata” Ms. Claire Thomson, 2016-2017, University of Alberta / Oglala Lakota College “The Borderlands of Adapting and Persisting as Lakota, 1876-1960” Mr. Paul Warchuk, 2016-2017, Federal Court of Appeal / Harvard University “State Accountability: Comparative Administrative Law”

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


American Fulbright Scholars Dr. Stephen Bird, 2016-2017, Clarkson University / University of Ottawa “The Politics of Energy Conflict and Social Acceptance” Dr. Patrick J. Carnes, 2016-2017, New Freedom Corporation (Independent) / University of Alberta “Gene Polymorphism and Sexual Addiction Phenotype: An Exploratory Analysis” Dr. Michael J. Conroy, 2016-2017, University of Georgia / University of Windsor “Statistical Modeling of Fish Movements and Survival Near International Boundaries in the Arctic and Great Lakes, North America” Dr. Kalenda Eaton, 2016-2017, Arcadia University / Dalhousie University “Charting the North American Black Experience Through Literature and History” Mr. John W. Head, 2016-2017, University of Kansas / Balsillie School of International Affairs “Sovereignty, Global Governance, and Agro-Ecological Integrity: Building an International Legal and Institutional Public-Trust Regime to Reform Agriculture” Dr. William Hunter, 2016-2017, Illinois State University / University of Calgary “Integrated STEM Education Practices in Schools” Dr. Jack Jackson, 2016-2017, Whitman College / McGill University “The Politics of Debt in Constitutional Contexts” Dr. Roy F. Janisch, 2016-2017, Pittsburgh State University / Vancouver Island University “Conflict Resolution: A Comparison Between First Nations and Native American Communities” Dr. Korina Jocson, 2016-2017, University of Massachusetts Amherst / University of Ottawa “Youth Media Making, Learning Opportunities, and Social Justice in Ottawa” Dr. Irene P. Kan, 2016-2017, Villanova University / University of Toronto University of Lethbridge “Memory Scaffolding: Interplay Between Prior Knowledge and New Learning” Dr. Jay Liebowitz, 2016-2017, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology / Queen’s University “Using Intuition-Based Decision Making for Collaborative Leadership” Dr. Richard D. Morgenstern, 2016-2017, Resources for the Future / University of Ottawa “Competitiveness and Emissions Leakage in Ontario’s Cap and Trade System” Dr. Rhacel Salazar Parreñas, 2016-2017, University of Southern California / McMaster University “What is Servitude? Filipino and Indonesian Domestic Workers in Singapore and the United Arab Emirates” Dr. Brian J. Payne, 2016-2017, Bridgewater State College / Carleton University “The Boom and Bust of Canada’s Processed Seafood, 1900-1930” Dr. Anne Sisson Runyan, 2016-2017, University of Cincinnati / York University “The Gendered and Colonizing Politics of Burying Nuclear Waste in Canada: A Feminist Study of Transnational Resistance to Sacrificing the Lake Huron Shores” Dr. Kim S. Stote, 2016-2017, State University of New York Empire State College / University of Prince Edward Island “The Effect of Wild Blueberry Consumption in Human Health” Dr. Paul Mark Suprenand, 2016-2017, Mote Marine Laboratory / University of Northern British Columbia “Oil Spill Impacts on Arctic Whales and Indigenous Communities of the Beaufort Sea Coastal Marine Ecosystem” Dr. Eteri Svanidze, 2016-2017, Rice University / McMaster University “Discovery, Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Quantum Materials” Dr. Lloyd A. Taylor, 2016-2017, The Citadel The Military College of South Carolina / University of Calgary “Knowledge and Resilience as Protective Factors for Bullying and Ostracism Among Children and Adolescents with ADHD” Dr. Lisa C. Thomas, 2016-2017, Austin College / University of Alberta “The Legacy of Canadian Indigenous Music as Classical Compositional Material” Dr. Derek D. Turner, 2016-2017, Connecticut College / University of Calgary “Evolution Without Change: The Puzzle of Evolutionary Stasis” Dr. Kevin J. White, 2016-2017, State University of New York Oswego / Brock University “Collaborative Efforts in Haudenosaunee Studies”


Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017

American Fulbright Scholars Continued Dr. Dee M. Williams, 2016-2017, United States Geological Survey / University of Ottawa “Traditional Knowledge Integration with Science” Dr. Tao L. Wu, 2016-2017, Illinois Institute of Technology / Balsillie School of International Affairs “Monetary Policy, Interest Rate Dynamics, and Derivatives Pricing” Dr. John P. Ziker, 2016-2017, Boise State University / University of Lethbridge “Childhood Trauma and Addiction and Mental Health Outcomes in the NLSCY: Direct Epigenetic Effects or Behavioral Responses to Compromised Phenotypes?” Dr. Jorge N. Zumaeta, 2016-2017, Florida International University / University of Alberta “Economic Attitudes and Financial Decisions among Welfare Recipients”

American Fulbright Students Ms. Samia Ahmed, 2016-2017, New York University / McGill University “Why Some Young Canadian Muslims are Radicalized” Mr. Daniel Edgel, 2016-2017, Western Washington University / University of Toronto “Impact of Canadian and U.S. Carbon Pricing Policies on Public Transit Demand” Mr. Garrett Fontenot, 2016-2017, University of Notre Dame / McGill University “Shadows of an Empire: Political Transformation and Imperial Rivalry in the French Atlantic” Mr. Andrew Gaddis, 2016-2017, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University / British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS “Exchanges Beyond Needles: Addressing Opiate Addiction Through International Collaboration” Mr. Joel Hebert, 2016-2017, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill / University of British Columbia “From Whitehall to Westminster: Colonial Lobbies and the Politics of British Decolonization” Mr. Isaac Hopkins, 2016-2017, University of Georgia / University of Guelph “Grand River and the North American Story: Mapping Contested Spaces for Performance” Ms. Danae (Yankoski) Jacobson, 2016-2017, University of Notre Dame / University of Ottawa “Nuns and Nature: An Environmental History of Nuns in Nineteenth Century North America” Ms. Kelsey Jones-Casey, 2016-2017, University of Washington / Labrador Institute “The Emotional and Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change on Farmers and Fishers of Canada” Ms. Ellen Korcovelos, 2016-2017, Virginia Commonwealth University / University of Toronto “Computerized Psycholinguistic Assessment of Dementia Patients” Ms. Crystalyn Lemieux, 2016-2017, University of Alaska Anchorage / Thompson Rivers University “Cultural identity ePortfolios” Mr. Kyle Manning, 2016-2017, University of Maine at Farmington / Université du Québec à Montréal “Scrolling Comics: Continuity in the Comic Blogs of Québec” Ms. Christina McIntyre, 2016-2017, Messiah College / University of Toronto “Comparative Canadian and U.S. Low-Income Housing Policy” Ms. Victoria Ostenso, 2016-2017, Carleton College / University of British Columbia “UBC Integrated Land and Food Systems Program, Culturally Appropriate Food Access” Mr. Zackery Thill, 2016-2017, University of Oregon / University of Alberta “Controversy to cooperation: First Nations and Alberta collaborate on oil sands monitoring” Mr. Joshua Tupler, 2016-2017, Dartmouth College / Queen’s University “Boots on the Ground? Alliances and the Use Military Force in the Post-Cold War Era” Mr. Cyrus Zhou, 2016-2017, Johns Hopkins University / University of British Columbia “Microbial Communities of the Canadian Shale”


Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017

Leadership / Enrichment Programs for Fulbright Canada Alumni One of the hallmarks of the Fulbright Program is community engagement. Alumni are encouraged to engage in their communities, take action, and expand their Fulbright experience beyond their academic institution. With our community engagement programs, Fulbright Canada aims to provide alumni with an opportunity to envision and build a more inclusive, cleaner, safer, and just world. The outcomes of these projects are both tangible and long-term.

2016 - 2017 Community Leaders

2016 - 2017 Eco-Leaders

Jennifer Selby (St. Johns, CA) Alumni partners: Remzi Cej and Ross Reid Pathways to Success: Supporting Former Refugee Youth in Pursuing Meaningful Futures Pilot Project

Chris Barrett (Various locations in CA, USA) Beyond Plastics - Developing New Green Materials Sourced from Sustainable Bio-Resources, a Student-Led Engineering Partnership between U. C. Berkeley, Stanford, and McGill

Caitlin Fisher (Toronto, ON, CA) Alumni partners: Paul Lovejoy and Geoffrey Alan Rhodes Young Inventors Initiative Wade Kellar (Halifax, NS, CA) Alumni partners: Paul Black and Robert Batherson North Preston Watershed Engagement and Action Project Althia Raj (Ottawa, ON, CA) Alumni partners: Katrina Marsh and Karen Diepeveen Summerfield Apartment 613: 613U Digital Media Toolkit and Training Sandra Song (Edmonton, AB, CA) Alumni partners: Yang Wang and Sanjay Beesoon Canada at 150: Lessons on Race, Racialization, and Racism Stefanie Von Hlatky (Kingston, ON, CA) Alumni partners: Josh Tupler and David Last Beyond Model UN: Increasing Understanding of International Relations


Janel Curry (Lawrence, MA, USA) Understanding the Beauty of Butterflies Rebecca Lawton (Victoria, BC, CA) Climate Communication: Eco-Writing for Future Leaders at the Royal B.C. Museum Victoria Ostenso (Richmond, BC, CA) Protecting Food Security through Multi-Lingual Garden Communication James Steenberg (Halifax, NS, CA) Naturalizing public green space in Halifax to enhance community benefits Andrew Stuhl (Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA) Greening Lewisberg Julia Whidden (Miami, FL, USA) Females in the Natural Sciences x Girls Inc.: Promoting Ocean Conservation and STEM Education in Girls Through Hands-On Experiences with Sharks

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017

The Killam Fellowships Program “The Killam Fellowship experience offered me what can only be described as the adventure of a lifetime. Having the opportunity to learn and conduct research in the United States was an extremely valuable experience for me at this point in my career. I had the chance to travel throughout the United States and meet remarkable individuals from all over the country, as well as all over the world. During my four months at American University, I experienced an incredible amount of personal growth that I will take with me in all my future endeavors. I am incredibly thankful to Fulbright Canada, as I will always look back on my time as a Killam Fellow with the fondest of memories.� Matthew Downer Canadian Killam Fellow 2016-2017 Memorial University of Newfoundland to American University

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


The Killam Fellowships Program, supported by an endowment from the American Killam Trusts, is designed to develop a cadre of young leaders committed to enhancing mutual understanding between Canada and the United States. The Killam Fellowships Program provides exceptional undergraduate students from universities in Canada and the United States with the opportunity to spend either one semester or a full academic year in the other country during their undergraduate career. These awards are the first of their kind between Canada and the United States. In its inaugural year, the Killam Fellowships Program engaged 13 American and Canadian undergraduate students in educational exchange. In 2016-2017, the program has grown to include 355 Killam alumni.

2016 - 2017 Canadian Killam Fellows

2016 - 2017 American Killam Fellows

Mr. Mohammed Abdelmutti, York University / University of Texas Austin, Architecture and Planning

Mr. Juan Apiz, University of Puerto Rico Cayey / Bishop’s University, Biological Sciences

Ms. Pareesa Bina, Wilfrid Laurier University / Georgia Southern University, Business Economics

Ms. Makenzee Bruce, State University of New York Plattsburgh / Acadia University, Education History

Ms. Danielle Burnison, McMaster University / Bridgewater State University, Business

Mr. William Clark, University of Texas Austin / Queen’s University, Political Science

Mr. Matthew Downer, Memorial University of Newfoundland / American University, Cognitive Science

Ms. Sapna Daryanani, Arizona State University / University of Calgary, Business, Art and Design

Ms. Janessa Duran, University of Toronto / Smith College, Law and Political Science

Ms. Samantha Erne, American University / Western University, Law and Social Studies

Mr. Léo Délage-Laurin, Université Laval / University of Texas Austin, Chemistry

Mr. Maxwell Glas, American University / University of Calgary, International Studies

Mr. Cole Forster, University of Alberta / Ithaca College, Political Science and French and Francophone Studies

Ms. Katelynn Hatton, American University / Carleton University, History

Ms. Abbey Friars, Acadia University / University of Maine, Kinesiology

Ms. Natalie Hedden, American University / University of Toronto, Communications, Law, Economics, and Political Science

Ms. Emily Gosse, Concordia University / California State University Long Beach, Communications, History, and Psychology

Ms. Natalie Hochhaus, Arizona State University / University of Ottawa, International Studies and Anthrology

Ms. Chloe Hanstead-Berezowski, Dalhousie University / Arizona State University, Environmental Sciences, Sustainability, and Society

Ms. Caitlin Hunter, University of Texas Austin / University of Victoria, History and Political Science

Ms. Sarah Kosowan, University of Calgary / Texas State University, Political Science, International Studies, and Business Ms. Angel Leung, Western University / Wellesley College, Social Studies Ms. Hannah Mackellar, Mount Allison University / Arizona State University, Biological Sciences Ms. Sari Ohsada, Queen’s University / Arizona State University, Environmental Sciences and International Studies Ms. Caitlin Salvino, Carleton University / American University, Law Ms. Leah Schmidt, University of Calgary / American University, Anthropology, International Studies, and Social Studies Ms. Kira Sideroff, University of Ottawa / Arizona State University, Communications

Mr. Alberto Icazatti-Burtell, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus / Brandon University, Engineering Ms. Emily Jackman, Arizona State University / York University, Economics and Computer Science Ms. Mackenzie Keith, Cleveland State University / Bishop’s University, Business and International Studies Ms. Carly LaRoche, American University / Mount Allison University, Environmental Sciences Mr. Andrew Magloughlin, American University / McMaster University, Political Science and Economics Mr. Paden Stanton, University of Maine / Carleton University, Political Science and International Studies Ms. Courcelle Stark, Smith College / Dalhousie University, Environmental Sciences

Ms. Katlin Siri, Dalhousie University / University of Texas Austin, Sociology and Anthropology Mr. Joel Szota, Carleton University / Vanderbilt University, Public Policy and Administration International Studies Ms. Sarah Thompson, University of Prince Edward Island / Clemson University, Computer Science and Mathematics Ms. Courtney Young, Western University / Harvard College, Business Theology and Religion


Killlam Fellows at the Embassy of Canada in Washington D.C. during the 2017 Killam Fellowship Spring Seminar

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017

EducationUSA in Canada has one advisor, employed by Fulbright Canada, Jenika Heim. In 2017, she traveled to Montreal (5), Toronto (4), Vancouver (3), Calgary (1), Halifax (1), and Kingston (1), and also had frequent school visits in the greater Ottawa area. She ran eight well-attended webinars, hosted two virtual presentations to high schools, and concentrated on expanding EducationUSA’s reach through Instagram and the “Study South of the Border” blog.

Jan 2017

Dec 2017







There are two exciting 2017 initiatives worth highlighting. First, she ran her first Guidance Counsellor Day in Ottawa in the Fall of 2016. In 2017, she ran this event in Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Halifax, and Calgary. In each city, this event was a success. Particularly, the Guidance Counsellor Days run in conjunction with the Study and Go Abroad fair in late February/early March, included between 6-10 U.S. admissions officers in each city stop (Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto). Second, She launched the Common Application Essay Writing Boot Camp, a four session, online workshop for aspiring undergraduate students to take their essay ideas and turn them into first drafts. The students logged in from cities across Canada and supported each other throughout the process. The Common Application Essay Writing Boot Camp demonstrates the way that EducationUSA can make a huge impact in students lives, even at a distance.

Students and parents attend an EducationUSA presentation on the National Collegiate Athletic Association at John McCrae Secondary School.

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


Canada Telephone 613-212-5764 Fax 613-212-2896

Finance REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS To the Directors of the Foundation for Educational Exchange Between Canada and the United States of America The accompanying summary financial statements of the Foundation for Educational Exchange Between Canada and the United States of America (Fulbright Canada), which comprise the summary statement of financial position as at August 31, 2016, the summary statement of operations for the year then ended, and related notes, are derived from the audited financial statements prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, of Fulbright Canada as at and for the year ended August 31, 2017. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those financial statements in our report dated November 17, 2017. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations applied in the preparation of the audited financial statements of Fullbright Canada. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of Fulbright Canada. Management's Responsibility for the Summary Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements on the basis described in note 1. Auditors’ Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standard (CAS) 810, “Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements”. Opinion n our opinion, the summary financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of Fulbright Canada as at and for the year ended August 31, 2017 are a fair summary of those financial statements, in accordance with the basis described in note 1.

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Chartered Professional Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants November 17, 2017


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Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


ear ended August 31, 2017, with comparative information for 2016

Revenue Grants U.S. Government (State Department, US Embassy) Government of Canada (GAC, NAC AANDC) Provincial Government ( uebec) Donations and contributions Corporations Contribution from Killam endowment Council for nternational Exchange of Scholars Expenses Awards Fulbright scholars Fulbright students Arctic initiative program Killam fellowships Leadership and mobility programs Mobility program Killam orientation travel Fulbright orientation travel Program - development Scholarship programs Fundraising Contracted services Program - delivery Killam administration Meetings and travel 25th anniversary gala Administration Employee benefits Amortization of tangible capital assets

Excess of revenue over expenses from operations Net realized gain on foreign exchange from operations and sale of investments Unrealized gains (losses) on cash and investments Excess of revenue over expenses



1,405,899 690,000 25,000

941,838 663,364 25,000

1,929,755 673,444 4,724,098

1,845,748 676,902 6,636 4,159,488

1,422,948 652,081 476,771 276,043 159,262

1,356,013 638,369 7,794 260,060 117,965

80,524 38,786

69,247 34,512

67,427 45,150 146,455

46,505 31,273 139,056

157,916 103,197 926,063 148,948 19,540 4,721,111

120,000 66,517 77,219 893,389 135,653 19,179 4,012,751









See accompanying notes to summary financial statements.

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


Highlights Fulbright Canada had an outstanding and productive year. We continued to support exceptional students, scholars, and alumni, we launched youth-centered programs and events, and we built on our commitment to indigenous issues and opportunities. Further, we developed new partnerships and renewed key public and private sector partnerships. Fulbright Canada also honoured and celebrated Canada’s Sesquicentennial – 150 years since confederation – and played a role in bringing youth leaders together to reflect on a vision for Canada’s future. Whether it was the Fulbright Canada Youth Institute on Canada in the World, alumni speaking at the Walrus Talks National Tour, or the “Canada Inclusive/Exclusive 150 Years and Beyond” conference in London, academic, business, community, and indigenous leaders came together to champion diversity and inclusivity and play a positive and constructive role in Canada’s approach to both global and local issues, with a particular focus on Canada-U.S. relations. Through these initiatives and our core programs, Fulbright Canada continued to grow both the reputation and impact of the Fulbright Program in Canada.

Ongoing Expansion of Fulbright Canada Research Chairs Program The chairs program continues to be a source of growth for Fulbright Canada. We announced several new chairs this year, including four new Distinguished Fulbright Canada Research Chairs at Carleton University. These chairs were established through a 25-year commitment, with the chairs set to be hosted at the Sprott School of Business, the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Public Affairs, and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

Carleton University Signing Ceremony, June 2017

Orientation The annual Fall Orientation was held in Ottawa on September 8th and 9th. The 2016-2017 U.S. Fulbright Scholars and Students and all new Killam Fellows came together and participated in a range of academic, professional, and cultural activities.

The STEM Initiative

Visit to the National Art Gallery during Orientation, September 2017

Fulbright Canada, Northforge Innovations, Inc., and Wind River, established a joint STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) initiative to introduce eighth and ninth graders to computer science and to help in Canada become a more prominent technology leader. Beginning with two schools in the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario, the program will support innovation, scientific research, and entrepreneurship, while at the same time, supporting the greater Ottawa community. Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


Fulbright Canada Dr. Michael K. Hawes Chief Executive Officer

Martha Vrany

Executive Assistant to the CEO

Rebecca Anne Dixon Executive Assistant

Caroline Regimbald Executive Assistant

Finance Ava Kovats

Manager, Finance and Administration

Nesreen El-Onsi

Administrative and Finance Officer

Program Michelle Emond

Jenika Heim

Program Officer, Students

Education USA Advisor

Brad Hector

Alanna Blackie DeMos

Program Officer, Scholars

Coordinator - Public Affairs and Alumni Relations

Caroline Woodward

Juan Garrido

Special Projects Coordinator

Social Media Assistant

Interns Nanda Kishore Daggupati

Communications and Research Assistant McGill University Arts Internship Program

Miri Vinitski

York University Summer Intern


Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017

Stephanie Mak

York University Summer Intern

Foundation for Educational Exchange Between Canada and the United States of America

Fondation pour les échanges éducatifs entre le Canada et les États-Unis d’Amérique


! " # 613.688.5540 ! FulbrightCanada " @Fulbright Canada # FulbrightCanada $ 350 Albert Street, Suite 2015 % Ottawa, Ontario & K1R 1A4

Canadian Fulbright Students Ms. Rachael Baker, 2016-2017, York University / Wayne State University Gleaning Ground in the Motor City: Green Redevelopment and Dispossession in Detroit, Michigan Mr. Gregory Brown, 2016-2017, Carleton University / State University of New York Albany Policing the “Gotcha“ Society: Responses in Front-Line Police Work to Today’s Techno-Social and Socio-Political Policing Landscape Mr. Julien Cossette, 2016-2017, York University / University of Chicago On developing teaching skills and a solid grasp of the anthropological literature on the question of infrastructure Ms. Taylor Currie, 2016-2017, Queen’s University / University of Maryland As American as Apple Pie: DuPont Public Relation Campaigns as Dominant Cultural Order in Twentieth Century America Ms. Adrienne Davidson, 2016-2017, University of Toronto / Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies Aboriginal Governance in the U.S. and Canadian North: Institutional Design and Conflict Management Ms. Rebecca Gwynne Fulton, 2016-2017, Concordia University / Villanova University The Photographic Image of Death and the Future of Democratic Sovereignty Ms. Léa Lemay Langlois, 2016-2017, Université du Québec à Montréal / University of Notre Dame Enforced disappearance and human trafficking in international law: a comparative study of the normative content from a gender perspective Mr. Darrick Lee, 2016-2017, University of British Columbia / University of Pennsylvania Computational Topology, Persistent Homology, and its Applications Mr. Corwyn Lund, 2016-2017, Toronto International Film Festival / Rhode Island School of Design Temporality, mortality, and materiality in formal and informal memorial sculpture and public art Mr. John Mitton, 2016-2017, Dalhousie University / University of Southern California International Rivalry and Extra-Dyadic Civil Conflict Intervention: A comparative process-analysis of rivalry externalization Ms. Katherine Newman, 2016-2017, University of Victoria / City University of New York Governing the Night: Urban Political Economy and the Nocturnal Global City Ms. Emily K. M. Scott, 2016-2017, University of Toronto / George Washington University INGO Innovation and Adaptation During Response in New Humanitarian Space Mr. Joseph Stinziano, 2016-2017, Western University / University of New Mexico Determining the effect of heat stress on photosynthetic performance and mechanism of thermotolerance in the highly heat tolerant plant Boechera depauperata Ms. Claire Thomson, 2016-2017, University of Alberta / Oglala Lakota College The Borderlands of Adapting and Persisting as Lakota, 1876-1960 Mr. Paul Warchuk, 2016-2017, Federal Court of Appeal / Harvard University State Accountability: Comparative Administrative Law

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


Canadian Fulbright Scholars Dr. Isabella Bakker, York University / University of California Santa Barbara Macroeconomics, Gender and Human Rights Mr. Andrew Z. Cohen, Carleton University / Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars The Life of Theodore C. Sorensen and the Uses of Political Oratory Dr. Rick Colbourne, University of Northern British Columbia / University of Arizona Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Dr. Marie Connolly, Université du Québec à Montréal / State University of New York Plattsburgh Social Mobility in Canada and the United States Dr. Gerard Duhaime, Université Laval / University of Hawai’i at Manoa Income Inequalities and Public Policies in the Circumpolar Region: A Pilot Project Dr. Pierre Jolicoeur, Royal Military College of Canada / Norwich University Impact of Social Media on Radicalization Processes and ‘Home-Grown’ Terrorism in Canada and the U.S. Dr. Jennifer M. Kilty, University of Ottawa / Kennesaw State University When HIV is a Crime: Law, Ethics and Emotions in Comparative Context Dr. Claude Laguë, University of Ottawa / University of California Davis Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education Mr. Allan Stephen Manson, Queen’s University / University of California - Berkeley A Comparative Evaluation of Nunavut’s Unique Single-Level Trial Court Dr. J. Scott Matthews, Memorial University of Newfoundland / Vanderbilt University Something for Nothing? Motivated Reasoning and Support for Policy Tradeoffs Dr. Kent Moore, University of Toronto / University of Washington Impact of Climate Change on the Arctic’s Atmosphere and Ocean Dr. Gabrielle Moser, Ontario College of Art and Design University / Brown University Picturing race and citizenship: photography and belonging in the US and Canada, 1900-1948 Mr. Christopher Nicholls, Western University / Harvard University Borders, Boundaries and Bundles’ in Comparative Corporate Governance: Canadian and US Approaches to Defining and Regulating Corporate Purpose Dr. James Jude Orbinski, Wilfrid Laurier University / University of California Irvine Complex Ecology Modelling for Community-Based, Health-Oriented Early Warning Systems for Extreme Weather Events Dr. Gabrielle Ann Slowey, York University / Dartmouth College Canada on the Edge? Energy, Ecological Governance and Indigenous Peoples (COE) Dr. Ruben Zaiotti, Dalhousie University / University of Southern California Troubled Europe: Public diplomacy, rituals and the making of European Union’s international identity

Fulbright Canada Annual Report 2017


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