Adult Discipleship Formation and Education Opportunities for 2015-2016

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Adult Discipleship Formation and Education Opportunities for

2015 - 2016





Welcome to First United Methodist Come disciple with us! Sunday Morning Sanctuary Services 8:30 am & 11:00 am Sunday Morning America Street Service 11:00 am Conference Center Service of Prayer for Healing 12:10 pm st Every 1 Sunday of the month Aldrich Chapel Wednesday Gathering and Worship 5:45 pm Conference Center

At FUMC Baton Rouge, we use a path for discipleship that teaches the Christian Faith from a Methodist perspective, increasing Biblical literacy, and connecting people to a covenantal small group. When choosing your studies for this fall, consider balancing your practice of the means of grace (worship, prayer, scripture, mercy, conferencing, and abstinence-look for these symbols throughout). We hope to see you in worship, study, and a small group each week! 2

Registration To register for classes & child care: Visit our website at For more information, contact: Cherri Johnson, Director of Spiritual Formation & Adult Education 383-4777 ext. 249 / or Melissa Feigley 383-4777 ext. 257/

Spiritual Direction Spiritual Direction is the ministry of Christian hospitality and companionship focusing on personal spiritual growth and relationship with God and others. Participants meet once-a-month with a trained UMC spiritual director. Scheduling is flexible. Benefits of Spiritual Direction: Identify and trust your experience of God Learn how you best relate to God Gain clarity regarding decisions in accordance with God’s desire Heal life’s hurts through the grace of the Holy Spirit Discover your spiritual gifts Discern your next step of faith For an appointment, contact Cherri Johnson, Certified UMC Spiritual Director 225-383-4777, ext. 249 or

Spiritual Direction Supervision Peer Group: Open to all trained Spiritual Directors in the Baton Rouge area. Group meets on the second Thursday of each month, September-May. 3 pm - 4:30 pm at The Center for Spiritual Formation.


Transform Engage Sunday Morning Transformational Opportunity

Discipleship Groups These small groups reflect the discipleship model of the Class Meeting created and designed by John Wesley, founding father of Methodism. Members commit to journey together in a covenantal relationship with one another to deepen their faith as disciples. If you are interested in this type of small group experience, contact Cherri Johnson, or by calling 383-4777, ext 249.

Sunday Morning Formational Opportunity Sunday Morning Formation Group All ages Caring deeply for its members, this class reads and shares insights gleaned from traditional Christian writers and scholars offering a variety of topics related to Christian practice as disciples of Jesus Christ.

9:45 am - 10:40 am Facilitated by Carolyn McDowell and Rev. Liz Wyatt Meets in The Center for Spiritual Formation Participants may join at any time 4

Celebrate Share Sunday Morning Informational Opportunities Faith Study: The Message of the Trinity Join us as we explore the Christian concept of the Trinity - God revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. September 13th through December 27th 9:45 am - 10:40 am Facilitated by Nancy Dumas Meets in A.B. 107

Christian Believer

Join us as we explore the substance of the Christian faith as a way of connecting to God and living faithfully. This thirty-week study of the classic doctrines explains the basic teachings of the church. September 13th through May 15th 9:45 am - 10:40 am Facilitated by Tasha Whitton Meets in S.B. 307

Discover First is a four-week opportunity to learn more about United Methodism, the rich history of FUMC Baton Rouge, and the impact God is making in our lives and in the lives of those we reach out to with Jesus’ love. The first Sunday of each month, we welcome newcomers; the second, we discuss our United Methodist heritage; the third, we tell the unique story of FUMC and tour the building; and the fourth, we explore minstries and what it means to be a member. 9:45 am - 10:40 am Facilitated by Rev. Pattye Hewitt Meets in the Ory Parish Hall Participants may join at any time 5

Adult Sunday Morning Learning and Fellowship Groups All classes held from 9:40~10:40 am Locations-Map on last page A.B.– Adult Building S.B. - Sanctuary Building C.B.— Chapel Building

Aldersgate Age 45+

Using a variety of materials, this class engages in lively discussions offering a variety of views as they wrestle with scripture and what it means for Christians today. A.B. 106

Colloquium Age 55+

This class enjoys hospitality and fellowship and studies special topics, as well as series relating scripture to life and the world today. C.B. 109

Community Age 35+

This class uses scripture-based studies and other resources that focus on growth in faith and ways one can draw closer to God. Community provides opportunities for Christian fellowship, social events and community service projects. S.B. 301

Telephone Class

Homebound Adults - All ages Meets weekly at 10:00 am, via the telephone for Bible study and Christian conversation. If you would like to join, contact Sandra King at 383-4777 for more information. 6


Age 35+ This class studies scripture from a very practical, “What does this mean for how I am to live?� with a focus on community needs and the desire to respond to those needs in a Christian fashion. S.B. 305

Covenant Age 60+

Focuses on Adult Bible Study Series with a lecture/discussion format. A.B. 115


Age 20-30 Couples

Primarily aimed at young couples that are married, engaged, or dating, and looking to strengthen their faith in Christ and gain new friendships. S.B. L10

Good News

All ages Lecture and discussion on topical studies, seasonal studies, and bible studies concentrating on books of the Bible and prominent biblical personalities. C.B. Aldrich Chapel


Age 40+ Strives to increase biblical knowledge and spiritual practice through Bible study as well as addressing current issues from a Christian perspective. S.B. 308 7

Adult Sunday Morning Learning and Fellowship Men’s Heritage Men of All Ages A small, informal group using the Adult Bible Study series and Biblical teachings as they relate to daily life. A.B. 118 - Adult Parlor

Milestone Age 30—40

Individuals and couples with young families focusing on strengthening their relationship with God, each other, their families and community through Bible study, fellowship, and missions. A.B. 117

Rings ‘n’ Ivy Age 55+

This class offers educational initiatives that engage authentic ways of living Christian faith fully. They care deeply for members, serve regularly in UM missions, offer an active social calendar and welcome visitors each week. S.B. L04

Sisters in Spirit Women of All Ages

A community of ladies joining together with a common goal to grow in Christ and in the Holy Spirit through prayer, Bible study, fellowship and mission. A.B. 113


The Seekers All Ages

This class focuses on supportive Christian community and fellowship as they journey together through faith sharing, bible study, discussion and community outreach. S.B. L08 The Other 6 Days

All Ages A very informal class that typically uses TED Talks to encourage open minded conversation relating to daily life with the goal of abundant living.

S.B. L12

Wedding Ring Older Adults

Chooses a variety of studies and curricula ranging from current topics to in-depth study of scripture. A.B. 112 Wesley Fellowship Age 45+

Supports one another through active prayer, study, and caring for the spiritual journey. S.B. L02 Young Professionals Class Age 23+ A bridge from one chapter of our lives to the next with fellowship and scripture, all while sharing God’s love with those whom we encounter. S.B. 303 9

Transform Engage Sunday Evening Bible Study Disciple I Bible Study

Essentials I

A 34-week in-depth bible study utilizing one theme each week to understand the Bible as a whole. This introductory course includes 17 weeks of Old Testament and 17 weeks of New Testament study. September 13th - May 15th 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Led by Donnie Braud Meets in A.B. 104

The gateway to adult discipleship, this course reviews the essential practices of the Christian faith through a Wesleyan lens. All church members are encouraged to complete this course. September 13th - November 1st 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Led by Rev. Pattye Hewitt Meets in A.B. 117

Disciple II Bible Study

Disciple IV Bible Study

This 32-week study offers a deeper examination of Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts—approaching all experiences of life as opportunites for faithful witness and service.

A 32-week study of Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude, and finally, Revelation. A focus on the Psalms leads naturally to an emphasis on worship in this study.

September 13th - May 15th 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Led by Tasha Whitton Meets in A.B. 113

September 13th - May 15th 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Led by Marianne Hebert Meets in A.B. 106 10



Sunday Evening The Enneagram

With roots in Christian tradition, the Enneagram personality system helps us better understand how personality and spirituality are connected and intertwined. This enlightening and informative two part course provides invaluable insight for self-awareness, personal spiritual growth, and faithful discipleship. November 8th and November 15th 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Led by Sister Lucy Silvio, CSJ Meets in A.B. 117 Cost is $15

Financial Peace University

A biblically based curriculum designed by Dave Ramsey that teaches people how to handle money as Christians. Learn to take control of your money, invest in the future, and give like never before. September 13th through December 13th 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Led by Nick & Rachel Totaro & Blake Cotton Meets in S.B. L02

Small Group Spiritual Direction An opportunity to deepen your faith and to share and explore with others your relationship with God. September 13th through May 15th Second Sunday of Each Month 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Led by Rev. Liz Wyatt Meets in the Center for Spiritual Formation 11

Tuesday Opportunities Knitting the Threads of God’s Love

For beginner or expert knitters. Class members knit hats, shawls, and prayer blankets to benefit others. Contact Sandra King at 383-4777, ext. 248. 9:00 am - 11:00 am Meets in A.B. 117

Men’s Coffee All men are invited to fellowship and Bible Study. 9:00 am - 10:00 am Meets in A.B. 118

Centering Prayer

The contemplative practice of the presence of God in prayer. Introductory session offered Wednesday, September 16th from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm. (Centering Prayer is also available at the University UMC Chapel on Wednesdays from 11:15-12 pm, led by Lisa Frost.) 11:45 am - 12:30 pm Led by Margaret Johnson Meets in The Center for Spiritual Formation, Parlor

Bible Study at St. James Place

Join Rev. Brady Whitton weekly to explore Biblical passages and themes, in order to committ our lives to Christian discipleship in an ecumentical setting. 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Led by Rev. Brady Whitton Meets at St. James Place

Disciple IV Bible Study

A 32-week study of Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude, and finally, Revelation. In this study, a focus on the Psalms leads naturally to an emphasis on worship. September 8th through May 17th

11:00 am - 12:30 pm Led by Mary Rotenberg Meets A.B. 113 12

Tuesday Opportunites TuesdayTuesday Opportunities and Studies In the Kitchen with Brother Lawrence: A Cooking Class Centered on Prayer Join us each week as we enjoy a spectacular meal while we read and share insights on prayer using Companions in Christ and the writings of Brother Lawrence, a 17th century lay brother who practiced the presence of God in daily life. September 15th through October 6th 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Cost is $25.00 Meets at Kay Martin’s home Limited to 8 participants

Wednesday Morning Opportunities Christian Parenting for Moms: Mind, Body and Soul Small groups will begin meeting in the fall on both Sunday evenings and Wednesdays to encourage mothers with children. There will be a time of coffee and fellowship, followed by small group meetings based on the age of your oldest child. The focus will begin with the book Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe.

8:30 am - 10:30 am or 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm (Wednesday) or 5 pm - 7 pm (Sunday) September 9th through December 18th (for fall) Contact Katie Goodson, Denise Hursey or Cherri Johnson Meets in Ory Parish Hall; Nursery Provided

Sisters in Christ

Join the Sisters in Christ group for a variety of studies. Begins September 9th 10 am - 11:30 am Led by Lisa Schultz or Terrie Powell Meets in A.B. 106 13

Wednesday Opportunities The Bible for Every Day

Join Rev. Whitton each week to explore a different Biblical passage or biblical theme and what it has to say about our lives, our relationships, and our God. 9:30 am - 10:30 am Led by Rev. Brady Whitton Meets in A.B. 115

Making Sense of the Bible

This course address misunderstood Biblical themes and answers many of the hard questions frequently asked by Christians today. This course may change the way you read and understand the Bible. 10 am - 11:30 am September 9th through December 9th Led by Gerry Poche and Peewee Hathorn Meets in A.B. 113

Healing Support Covenant Group

This group meets weekly to offer prayers and support for those in attendance who are in need of healing. 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Facilitated by Ruth Owenby and Jon Seger Meets in A.B. 118 - the Adult Parlor

Between the Dark and the Daylight

This course is a guide for those who have ever spent sleepless nights wrestling with frustration, fear of the unknown, and pain of loss and separation. September 9th through November 18th 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm Led by Rev. Liz Wyatt & John Carnahan Meets in A.B. 115

Disciple IV Bible Study

A 32-week study of Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude, and finally, Revelation. A focus on the Psalms leads naturally to an emphasis on worship in this study. September 9th through May 18th 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Led by Gwen Redding Meets in S.B. L04 14

Wednesday Opportunities Begins August 19th A multi-generational experience for adults, children and youth

Schedule: 5:00 pm – Dinner is served in the gym 5:45 pm – Worship in the Conference Center 6:30 pm – Classes for adults, youth, and children 7:30 pm – Classes end; parents pick up children from Conference Center lobby

Smart Money Smart Kids

Starting with the basics like working, spending, saving and giving, and moving into more challenging issues like avoiding debt for life, paying cash for college, and battling discontentment, Dave and Rachel present a no-nonsense, common-sense approach for changing your family tree. August 19th through September 30th 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Led by Amanda Wells Meets in A.B. 117

Books of Life Book Club

The small group reads and discusses a single book each month. Selections are chosen by members. First Monday of Each Month 6:30 pm - 8 pm Led by Mary Jacob Meets in the McKenzie Library 15

Thursday Opportunities Disciple II

A 32-week in-depth Bible study concentrating on Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts. Because the readings are less extensive than Disciple I, there is more time for reflection and greater in-depth study. Begins September 10th through May 19th 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Led by Mary Rotenberg Meets at Mary Rotenberg’s home

Widow’s Walk Join other women experiencing personal loss. Find community and support for your journey. September 10th through December 3rd 10:00 am - 11:30 am Third Floor Youth Building Classroom Contact Lulu Wemple Spiritual Direction Supervision Peer Group Open to all trained spiritual directors. Second Thursday of Every Month 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Meets in The Center for Spiritual Formation

Special Speaker Dr. Ben Witherington Bible scholar Ben Witherington is Amos Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. Witherington has written over forty books, including The Jesus Quest and The Paul Quest, both of which were selected as top Biblical studies works by Christianity Today. October 16th (9 am - 3 pm) October 17th (9 am - 12 pm) FUMC Conference Center Contact Cherri Johnson


Retreats Men’s Spiritual Life Retreat: Searching the Scriptures August 21st - 23rd At the Rosaryville Spirit Life Center Retreat Leaders: Rev. Brady Whitton, Bob Leitner, and Clay Johnson Cost of Retreat is $185.00. Partial Scholarships available for all retreats. Contact Cherri Johnson.

Women’s Retreat April 8th - 10th St. Joseph Abbey Covington, LA

Silent Retreat: February 19th - 21st St. Joseph Abbey Covington, LA

Do you know the depth of God’s love for you? Is your heart longing to be healed and known by God? Come fall in love with the God that lives in, among, and around us. Begins Friday, April 8th 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Reteat ends Sunday after lunch Cost is $185 per person

Is God calling you to experience the beauty of the earth in a restful, peaceful environment? Do you hunger for a deeper relationship with God? The rhythm of the day will consist of worship and brief communal gatherings. Guided meditations will set the tone for silence and prayer. Participants may also worship with the Benedictine monks during their worship services. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Cost of the retreat is $185 per person. Men and women welcome. For information Contact Cherri Johnson, Director of Spiritual Formation and Education at 225-383-4777 ext. 249 or


United Methodist Women Study

A riveting story of the collision between ethics, race, and medicine; of scientific discovery and faith healing; and of a daughter consumed with questions about the mother she never knew. November 15th 5 pm - 6:30 pm Led by Erin Anding Meets in S. B. L04

Introduction to the Practice of Centering Prayer You are invited to “A Day Away� to learn about and engage in the contemplative practice of Centering Prayer. The retreat will begin and end with a gentle form of yoga. September 12th 10 am - 12 pm Led by Margaret Johnson and Lisa Frost Meets at the LSU Wesley Foundation Chapel 333 East Chimes Street

The History of the Bible (Online)

Join this online study of the history and culture that informed the writing of the Old and New Testaments. Conversations will be held throughout the week. Readings taken from Understanding the Bible by Stephen Harris.

Begins September 6th Led by Tasha Whitton This is an online course with weekly discussions.

Sacred Space If you are looking for a quiet space to be with God in prayer, we invite you to the chapel or adjacent quiet rooms on the second floor of the Center for Spiritual Formation. (Spiritual Direction available by appointment) Contact Cherri Johnson


Campus Map

(S.B.) (C.C.)


(Y.B.) (A.B.)

Our main Welcome Center can help you find any of the class locations listed in this brochure. The Welcome Center is located in the lobby of the Conference Center. 19

First United Methodist Church 930 North Boulevard â—? Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 20

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