Stewardship 2015 First United Methodist Church of Baton Rouge
Transforming lives by engaging our members to celebrate and share God’s love in Jesus Christ.
Brothers & Sisters in Christ, Each fall, our staff and other leaders begin to plan the church’s ministries for the upcoming year, and part of this planning process is to generate a reasonable estimate of the church’s expected annual income. To do this most accurately, we ask our members and other supporters to complete and turn in a “Commitment Card,” which is simply a written estimate of the amount of money you plan on giving to the church in the upcoming year. As you consider your commitment for 2015 I ask you to think and pray about a few things. In February 2014, our congregation adopted a vision that established six specific initiatives for our church (you can find out more at We are well underway to making these goals a reality. These initiatives, and our other wonderful ministries - like music, children, youth and missions - are only possible with your faithful financial support. It really is true, none of this can happen without you. I also want to remind you, however, that your financial gifts are more than just a way for the church to meet its budget. Our gifts help us grow spiritually, they loosen the hold material things have on our hearts, they help us say to God in a tangible way, “Thank You.” “I love You.” “I trust You.” Please take a few moments to read through this material and prayerfully consider your commitment to First United Methodist for the upcoming year. Then complete your Commitment Card and plan on offering it to God during worship on Sunday, November 23, 2014. First United Methodist Church has a 180-year history of sharing the light of Christ in the Greater Baton Rouge community. It’s up to you and me to make sure that light continues to shine brightly into the future. In Christ,
Inviting & Welcoming $345,298 Music & Worship $443,976
Administrative $396,250
Education & Formation $870,624
2014 Missional Budget $3,839,972 Building & Grounds $736,307
Congregational Care & Fellowship $442,888 Mission & Outreach $604,629
We are committed to a balanced budget for 2015, and will set the 2015 budget in accordance with the congregation’s support.
Where does the money go? First United Methodist Church is presently entering the second year of a three-year Vision process where we have six initiatives to start new ministries or improve existing ones among our congregation. They are: 1. After School Enrichment Program 2. Emerging Worship 3. Improving Sanctuary Worship 4. Intentional Discipleship path for Children, Youth and Adults 5. Member Engagement and Care 6. Urban Mission Center for more information, visit
These, along with other vital ministries of the church are the efforts that your generous giving will support. These figures represent the ministry of our congregation during the budget year of 2014.
How can you respond? 1
Pray about your commitment for 2015
Generosity is a spiritual discipline in the Christian faith. Seek God’s guidance for how you can begin a practice of giving to the mission and vision that will impact our community through the people of First United Methodist Church.
Attend worship during the month of November to experience the Sermon series, “The Three Essential Prayers: Help, Thanks, Wow.”
Join us for Commitment Sunday, November 23rd, to turn in your pledge card.
1. Online: via (note: we accept ACH credit and debit cards) 2. Submit your pledge card in worship services on November 23rd or in services following. 3. Mail your pledge card to FUMC’s office 930 North Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Encourage others to make a contribution to our ministry through a pledge or one-time gift
There are three ways to give to FUMC: 1. Check or Cash in offering plate during worship. 2. Recurring Gift: set up a monthly withdrawal from your checking account by ACH Deposit, or by credit card through our VANCO Service found on our website, for easy maintenance of your sustaining gift of our ministry. 3. One-Time Gift: visit and click on the “Give” section at the top of the site, where you can make a donation at any time.
930 North Boulevard Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 (225) 383-4777