Stewardship 2016 First United Methodist Church of Baton Rouge
Helpful Information About Giving at First United Methodist Church Your 2016 Commitment 1. You’re invited to present your commitment card in worship services on November 22nd. or Mail your commitment card to FUMC’s office 930 North Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70802. or Any Time Online: via (note: we accept ACH, credit and debit cards).
Ways to Give 1. Check or cash in offering plate during worship. 2. Recurring gift: set up a monthly withdrawal from your checking account by ACH Deposit, or by credit card through our Online Giving Portal found on our website, for easy maintenance of your sustaining gift of our ministry. 3. One-Time Gift: visit and click on the “Give” section at the top of the site, where you can make a donation at any time.
Online Giving 1. Visit, click on the “Give” section at the top of the site. 2. You can give via debit cards or credit cards. 3. You can give a one-time gift, or sign up for a recurring donation.
Brothers & Sisters in Christ, Each fall, our staff and other leaders begin to plan the church’s ministries for the upcoming year, and part of this planning process is to generate a reasonable estimate of the church’s expected annual income. To do this most accurately, we ask our members and other supporters to complete and turn in a “Commitment Card,” which is simply a written estimate of the amount of money you plan on giving to the church in the upcoming year. As you consider your commitment for 2016 I ask you to think and pray about a few things. In February 2014, our congregation adopted a vision that established six specific initiatives for our church (you can find out more at or read on to see how we’re making these goals a reality.) These initiatives, and our other wonderful ministries - like music, children, youth and missions - are only possible with your faithful financial support. It really is true, none of this can happen without you. I also want to remind you, however, that your financial gifts are more than just a way for the church to meet its budget. Our gifts help us grow spiritually, they loosen the hold material things have on our hearts, they help us say to God in a tangible way, “Thank You.” “I love You.” “I trust You.” Please take a few moments to read through this material and prayerfully consider your commitment to First United Methodist for the upcoming year. Then complete your Commitment Card and plan on offering it to God during worship on Sunday, November 22, 2015. First United Methodist Church has a 180-year history of sharing the light of Christ in the Greater Baton Rouge community. It’s up to you and me to make sure that light continues to shine brightly into the future. In Christ, Rev. Brady Whitton Senior Pastor
The Vision of First United Methodist Church Revive225 Goal: Create a center for urban mission to recruit, train and deploy people in Baton Rouge. Update: Since being established in April 2014, we have hosted twelve volunteer groups from Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Texas and other areas of Louisiana. Each week a group of volunteers work alongside FUMC volunteer project leaders to repair homes within 3-miles of FUMC’s campus. What’s Next: 10 groups are scheduled to work in the spring and summer of 2016, with 250 volunteers signed up. Registration is still open for volunteer groups to register.
“Revive225 knows its purpose and has people in place to get stuff done.”
Erick Dahl, Suncreek United Methodist Church, Youth Director.
By The Numbers: 282 Volunteers from 12 Churches, in 6 States 15 Households Served, 41 people in households served 160 FUMC Workday Volunteers 26 FUMC Volunteers (site leaders, food team, welcome team) 71,064 Hours Worked in Community by Missioners
Helping Youth Prepare for Excellence Goal: Establish an after-school student enrichment center. Update: Helping Youth Prepare for Excellence has entered its second year on the FUMC campus. HYPE creates a safe, fun and encouraging environment for students (Kindergarten - 5th grade) to complete their schoolwork, learn communication skills and enrich their lives in multiple areas. Volunteers come every day and share the love of God, with the students, assist them with their homework and share their own unique talents. Those talents include dancing, cooking and microbiology lessons, among many others. What’s Next: HYPE is looking to increase its enrollment to 60 students, and increase the number of volunteers.
“By being there to help these young people with their school work, to laugh with them and to share with them makes me feel that I am working to fulfill my Christian commitment.” Bill Potter, HYPE volunteer.
By The Numbers: 30 Students Enrolled in 2015 44 Volunteers Involved Weekly in 2015 In 2014, all students involved with HYPE were on the Honor Roll or Most Improved List at their school
Discipleship Path Goal: Develop an Intentional Plan or Path for Christian Discipleship.
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Abstain from worldly distractions
Engage in searching the scriptures
Update: The Adult Discipleship Path Team has been hard at work creating a visual model that defines the path that leads adults to explore and deepen their faith in Christ. This path includes foundational beliefs and scriptural understanding through the lens of God’s grace. A small-group course, Essentials 1, was written by Rev. Brady Whitton and recorded, and is being used in classes at FUMC. The first Essentials 1 course began in August 2015, and will be offered regularly.
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What’s Next: The youth department is currently adapting the Adult Discipleship Path for our 6th grade - 12th grade students. This will eventually be adapted for our children’s ministry. Essentials 2 will be written and recorded during 2016.
By The Numbers: 7 Essentials 1 Classes offered at FUMC since August 2016 225 people enrolled in Essentials 1 Course at FUMC so far 2 other churches have expressed interest in using the Essentials 1 Course
Member Engagement Team Goal: Develop a follow-up system for member engagement and care. Update: In February 2015 we purchased new software which has allowed Sunday School classes and small groups to better track participation. When FUMC knows a member has not been attending worship or their small group for some time, we reach out via phone, email or other contact to check in. What’s Next: The Member Engagement Team is researching ways to improve how Sunday School classes care for their members and log their attendance. “I am pleased that the Church is reaching out to members when they are absent from services. It is one of the ways in which we stay connected to each other, and I am happy that this is being done in such a gracious way. I also received several “missed you” messages from my Tuesday morning Bible Study group, and also my Sunday school class emailed me that I was missed.” Judy Powers
By The Numbers: On average 45 contacts weekly to members who have been absent from worship Over 1,000 contacts to members since May 2015
Worship Goal: Expand and improve worship venues on and off campus. Update: An acoustical and sound system analysis of the Sanctuary occurred in early 2015. Improvements will foster greater congregational participation as well as speech and musical intelligibility, in the Sanctuary Service. Training sessions for Lay Communion Servers, Lay Readers, Acolytes, and Soundboard Operators were offered. Off campus worship services have increased in 2015, including: Got Ashes on Ash Wednesday in 3 locations in Baton Rouge, Easter Sunrise Service at North Boulevard Town Square, a Blessing of the Animals at the Forrest Park Dog Park, and the creation of a home church in Port Allen. 700 Bibles were also distrubted to players at an Easter baseball tournament at Cypress Mounds (where an additional 8 other worship services were offered immediately before games Sunday mornings). What’s Next: We will investigate methods for improving flexibility of the chancel area and choir loft in the Sanctuary Service. Increase the number of off campus worship opportunities, and increase the number of laity involved in worship. By The Numbers: 15% increase of laity involved in leading Sanctuary Worship 3 Got Ashes? Ash Wednesday locations in Baton Rouge, with over 150 people receiving ashes 700 Bibles distributed to baseball players at Cypress Mounds
Proportional Giving Proportional giving is giving back to God a measured portion of what God has given you. The Biblical guideline for proportional giving is 10%, also known as a “tithe” (see Genesis 28:20-22, Nehemiah. 13:5-12, Matthew 23:23, etc.). Use the chart below to determine what your current giving percentage is, and then take a prayerful, purposeful and faith-filled step towards more generous proportional giving.
“We are the heirs, the beneficiaries of those who came before us who were touched by the generosity of Christ enough to give graciously so that we could experience the truth of Christ for ourselves. We owe the same to generations to come.” -Robert Schnase, Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations
1. Find your income in one of the columns on the left. 2. Read across until you find the appropriate amount of your pledge. 3. Read up to find your current giving percentage. 4. Consider increasing that percentage by moving one or more columns to the right. Gross Income Annual Monthly
Yearly Pledge 5% 7% 10%
2 4 6 8 10
4 8 12 15 19
6 12 17 23 29
8 15 23 31 38
10 19 29 38 48
12 23 35 46 58
13 27 40 54 67
15 31 46 62 77
17 35 52 69 87
19 38 58 77 96
23 46 69 92 115
29 58 87 115 144
300 600 900 1,200 1,500
500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
700 1,400 2,100 2,800 3,500
1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
1,500 3,000 4,500 6,000 7,500
5,000 5,883 6,667 $ 7,500 $ 8,333
12 13 15 17 19
23 27 31 35 38
35 40 46 52 58
48 54 62 69 77
58 67 77 87 96
69 81 95 104 115
81 94 108 121 135
92 108 123 138 154
104 121 138 156 173
115 135 154 173 192
138 162 185 208 231
173 202 231 260 288
1,800 2,100 2,400 2,700 3,000
3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000
4,200 6,000 4,900 7,000 5,600 8,000 6,300 9,000 7,000 10,000
9,000 10,500 12,000 13,500 15,000
10,417 12,500 14,563 $ 16,667 $ 20,833
24 29 34 38 48
48 58 67 77 96
72 87 101 115 144
96 115 135 154 192
120 144 168 192 240
144 173 202 231 268
168 202 236 269 337
192 231 269 308 385
216 260 303 346 433
240 288 337 385 481
288 346 404 462 577
361 433 505 577 721
3,750 6,250 8,750 4,500 7,500 10,500 5,250 8,750 12,250 6,000 10,000 14,000 7,500 12,500 17,500
60,000 70,000 80,000 $ 90,000 $ 100,000 $
125,000 150,000 175,000 $ 200,000 $ 250,000
Weekly Giving 6% 7%
833 $ 1,667 $ 2,500 $ 3,333 $ 4,167
10,000 $ 20,000 $ 30,000 $ 40,000 $ 50,000 $
12,500 15,000 17,500 20,000 25,000
18,750 22,500 26,250 30,000 37,500
First United Methodist Church, Baton Rouge Consolidated Balance Sheet - As of September 2015 Assets
Current Assets Iberia Bank Operating Account Iberia Bank Payroll Account Petty Cash Accounts FBO Checking Account - Iberia UMF Investment Account - Operating UMF Investment Account - FBO Marketable Stock Prepaid Insurance & Deposits Due From Others Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets Land Building Equipment Total Fixed Assets
Permanently Restricted Assets Endowment Funds - Trustees 6/30/2015 Total Permanently Restricted Assets
Other Payables
2015 Prepaid Pledges
Total Assets Liabilities
Total Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Designated Funds (FBO) General Memorials Designated Memorials
Youth Building Fund
Community Projects
Conference Specials
Fund Balance Unrestricted
Fund Balance Unrestricted - ELC
Church Projects
Total Designated Funds (FBO) Equity Fund Balance Restriced (Fixed asset balance less debt obligation) Fund Balance Restricted Endowments
Current Year Surplus Total Equity Total Liabilities and Equity
For more complete financial information, please contact Beth Fraser, Executive Director of Finance and Administration, at or 383-4777, ext 216
Proposed 2016 Budget “Every sanctuary and chapel in which we have worshipped, every church organ that has lifted our spirits, every pew where we have sat, every communion rail where we have knelt, every hymnal from which we have sung, every praise band that has touched our hearts, every church classroom where we have gathered with our friends, every church kitchen that has prepared our meals, every church van that has taken us to camp, every church camp cabin where we have slept – all are the fruits of someone’s extravagant generosity.” - Robert Schnase, Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations
2015 Budget $ 4,088,713 $
Budget Comparison 2016 Proposed $ 4,278,585
In 2016 we will repave the America Street Parking Lot. 200,000 has been included in the 2016 Budget for this project.
930 North Boulevard Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 (225) 383-4777