1 minute read
Is your relationship truly supporting you?
How many people are in a relationship that isn’t truly supportive? Why do we choose this and settle for less?
• Because we don’t want to be single? • Because we think the relationship will get ‘better’? • Because we feel we don’t deserve something or someone truly amazing? • Because we feel something or someone truly amazing isn’t ‘out’ there!? • Something else?
Settling for less in a relationship is definitely something you should never have to do! When we settle for less it doesn’t give us room to grow, freely express and be who we truly are but instead holds us to be small, contracted and not be free to express or grow. Getting to know you more and evaluating your relationship you can do the exercise on the next page.
Honesty is the key here; you may find you really want to give yourself space with this and write about one thing every day so not doing it all in one go. Don’t force yourself to write or think of things just let them come to you and note them down.
After completing this, if you took 1 of the things that made you feel tense or your relationship tense away would anything change?
Give yourself some space and time to write down:
5 things you love about yourself 5 things you love about your relationship 3
5 things that make you feel tense 5 things that makes your partner feel tense
5 things that make your relationship feel tense
There is no right or wrong here. Doing this exercise supports you to listen to yourself, but not only that when we start to truly listen to ourselves and our heart things start to shift as it can no longer be ignored, these shifts within are gold supporting us in soooo many ways and also gives space for our relationships to change and shift as well.