1 minute read
POLY-LOVE Loving more than one person Poly-love (polyamory) is having sexual or romantic partners with more than one person where everyone involved consents (everyone knows about it and agrees).
So, can we really love more than one person?
For sure, we can love everyone equally if we know that love is, who we are and that it is our natural expression.
But does this mean that we have to have a sexual relationship with everybody?
For some people having a polyamory relationship might be what they want and something that they like and feel comfortable with. Other people might feel the complete opposite to this. For instance, if someone finds it hard to be in a relationship with just one person being in a relationship with two people could get and feel very complicated! If a person easily gets or feels jealous, then this could be a complete nightmare for them.
The answer to this difficult question changes depending on who you ask and what their beliefs/feelings are and there can be so many questions around this, like:
• Do we need sexual relationships with more than one person to be fulfilled?
• Because romantic love doesn’t work, do we blame monogamy (being in a sexual relationship with one person)?
• Do people like poly-love because it feels more freeing for them? And free from what? Would there be more to look into here?
What if loving more than one person has nothing to do with sex but instead about living in a community that loves and cares for each other equally, appreciating everyone with all their imperfections, and ultimately that is what is being craved?