1 minute read
Sissy Fag
Words have been transformed to disrespect and degrade others.
Bitch: The word bitch means female dog and is used to describe a sexually provocative woman or a woman you don’t like and judge her to be malicious. Men also call each other bitch, implying that the other guy is a weakling, hence too female.
Did you know that the word bitch was first used by men towards Artemis, an Olympian Goddess of hunting, childbirth and protector of the girl child. The men used the word as an attempt to disempower her as they felt threatened by her power.
No wonder the word gets thrown at strong, powerful women!
Virgin: The word virgin is used to describe someone, specifically women as heterosexually inexperienced and thus incomplete. Did you know that in truth a virgin was simply and purely a woman who was unattached, unclaimed, and unowned by any man and therefore independent and autonomous. Nothing incomplete here, the contrary a powerful fully claimed woman!! Frigid. Slag. Slut. Some of the words that maybe hurled someone’s way because someone or a group of people want to put a person down, hate the person, are jealous about the person or want to pressure the person into something i.e. calling someone frigid so they won’t want to be labelled this and end up having sex or doing something sexual with someone.
Remember this is a word and NOT you.
It is just a word being fired towards you. Yes fired, it’s like someone shooting at you and it hurts sometimes even more than a physical punch. Don’t take it on or feel you have to change yourself or justify yourself for another to feel more comfortable or happy about how they feel in themselves.
Be who you are not what others want to see you as or label you as.
If you are having words like these thrown your way, be with the people in your life who love and respect you. They will confirm the truth of who you are, not what you are not.