How do we invest your donation?

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Communication and Corporate Relations


Who are we? pioneer organization, born in 1985 that dared to talk about Sustainable Development A

Now with 26

years we have more experience more achievements more vision more desire to keep working

towards attaining a


between human wellbeing

and the conservation of


We share a dream Feeling that things are

well done

community and cooperate. People that take

Living in an urban or rural

seeing people responsibility for their own destiny Walking through the


Working with companies to mutually build beneficial relationships Witness how economic development is achieved without undermining the environment

This is the balanced country, model amongst other nations that Fundaci贸n Neotr贸pica dreams for Costa Rica.

This is the reality that we face There is an unfair distribution of the benefits arising from the use of

natural resources. The consequences of this injustice affect all the world. It affects our country and our homes. It affects everyone.

You and me‌

And furthermore ‌ very few people decide to get actively

involved in order to solve the challenges related to economic development and environmental conservation

In Neotrópica Foundation we have a

solid proposal for

this situation, but we can’t implement it on our own

¡We need you!

Fundaci贸n Neotr贸pica promotes social dialogue and community self management in conservation for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits generated by natural resources.

Rural Area On three main work sites (Osa, Atirro and Coyolito) and their hinterlands , which are not exented from inequity in the distribution of their natural resources.

Regions Urban Area Specially with companies and schools in the upper river basin of RĂ­o TĂĄrcoles.

The solution is in


Neotrópica will provide its experience, technical strength , reliability and transparent administration. Attributes gained with the test of time. However, we need informed and responsible citizens that contribute with their financial resources and their talent. The solution is in everyone. It’s in


It’s in government. It´s in communities. It’s personal.

Neotrópica’s Solution Encourage community self-management

Accompany the process of community empowerment

Promote Sustainable production


Promote global

environmental citizenship

How Our income comes from various sources 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Projects with national or international funds. Environmental Services: consulting and training Heliconia store (virtual) Educational Programs in our Field Stations Corporate Partners Program “Friends of Nature”

CEEC-AWT Península de Osa

Why do we need “unrestricted� funds?

To accomplish our mission. To contribute in solving the social and environmental challenges of our country.

To comply with our obligations as a good employer. To invest in causes that lack direct project funding

Training Provided to organized groups and residents of the “Neotropical regionsâ€?. It is also essential for businesses, schools and citizens that belong to the upper river basin of Grande de TĂĄrcoles river.

How do we invest your donations?

Technical Suppo

Aimed at leaders a organized gro neighboring the CEE but training is provid to groups in ot regions, according their inter

To maintain our Centers of Studies and Community Empowerment The CEECs are Neotrópica’s arms. The Centers allow us to have community outreach within the community and not as a foreigner.

How do we invest your donations?

Coordination with other entities in order to maintain networks

National Coalition for the Defense of Wetlands

How do we invest your donations? Marketing efforts , institutional image and resource development

Why are our Partners so important to us? They allow us to move quickly You enable us to maintain a “first-aid kit� that can be used, in environmental emergencies when and were needed.

You allow us to commit with long-term efforts Environmental solutions require efforts that can take years. Before Neotr贸pica engages in long-term initiatives, such as environmental education programs in urban schools we need to be assured that these efforts can be completed.

Many thanks for giving us a hand!

Fundaci贸n Neotr贸pica (506) 2253-2130

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