Letter to the Reader
“Creating opportunities�, that is the phrase that describes the present edition of Fundated News and every work sphere that our organization integrates. Opportunities are presented in small and big level of crisis, generating positive transcendental movements and spaces of solidarity, conscious, emotion, love, gratitude, empowering, trust, motivation, etc. Being so close to so many scopes of the Central American reality, gives organizations like ours the opportunity to give each beneficiary a change that most times, changes their history. In counter way, we who have the blessing of this close approach to our social realities, we are given the opportunity to establish bonds of solidarity that must be transcended, like a legacy, to all new generations that are unaware of what’s happening inside their context. "Creating opportunities", is what every article in our third edition has inside it, therefore it transmits with feeling and emotion the experience that each and every one of our invited writers will give to each reader, the opportunity to apply several opinions in each aspect of their lives. We give a warm welcome to the third edition of the virtual magazine FUNDATED NEWS, where you will be able to find a new structure with the following themes: Politics, Health, Community Development, Culture, Leadership.
Thank you, dear reader, for giving us the opportunity to be near you. In exchange of this, we will give you the opportunity to enrich yourself with articles that are forged with a basis of lived experiences, that un most cases, are the best school of life. May each and every one of you be welcome to FUNDATED NEWS, a space created to be the carrier of your thoughts, but above all, your feelings. Hugs, Editorial Council FUNDATED NEWS
Infant Mortality In our country infant mortality has several causes, the first being; that our country has no state policy for the most vulnerable regions, in practice there isn’t a prevention method to treat from a simple diarrhea to tuberculosis. In Guatemala deaths of this sort have a higher rate than those that are caused by common violence. There is statistic data from the Human rights office about this matter that affects children in Guatemala, it´s enough to watch the high malnutrition rates for children in order to realize that there is a political will to generate sources of work like an elemental alternative way to change and fight the life conditions of this people. There are health posts and centers in several regions of our country, but they don’t count with both medicine and the staff in order to give the needed attention to treat in a preventive way this problem. The state of Guatemala doesn’t give the necessary amount of money to the ministry of health and social assistance, they don’t give the not because they are unaware of the situation, no, they don’t give the money because it wouldn’t generate an income to the state arcs in order to recover the expenses, but in our constitution in the articles 93 to 100, they state that it’s a state obligation, the prevention and healing of ever Guatemalan person, and this must be free of charge. Historically our rulers haven’t been concerned with education, therefore also health, maybe it’s for this reason that this vulnerable population is appealing to the truth behind the death of the children that is said; because it was God´s will, what a big irony.
We must remember that our nation, this population that we refer to lives in inhospitable places where their own ignorance makes them turn to natural medications, I’m not saying those medications are wrong, but plenty of times they are not the proper medication, it’s for this reason that its necessary to demand from our leaders a real and truthful commitment to eradicate this problem.
By: Maria Fernanda
Health 8
Indigo Children A five year old girl enters a restaurant in the city joined by her parents. She sits down, takes the menu and stars looking among the pages for the kids menu. The child knows how to read since she was three years old. “Pizza! For me, pizza, please”, she asks the waiter that has arrived to the table to take the order. Without paying attention, he apologizes to the parents because their isn`t pizza that day. Immediately the little girl starts arguing with the man: “But, How? Here it says that there is pizza, then how can you tell me that there is none” The answer left both parents with their mouths open, and the waiter without any argument to answer her. The worst part of it all, was trying to convince the girl to change her menu order. And how about this other story: A couple was arguing, each time with a higher tone, until suddenly their little child of four years stands in front of both of them, he raises his arms and he starts bringing them down slowly like trying to calm things down, without screaming he told them softly: 'Peace please, peace', he repeated this several times until they had no reasons to keep going with the fight. Both stories are real. They are stories of parents that “think” that they have an indigo child, a special being, someone sensitive with a high intelligence or even “an angel among us” as some of the followers of this movement describe. They only “think” they have an indigo child because there is no diagnosis that can assure that a child is “indigo” like when a child is “gifted” or “hyperactive” that there is an actual diagnosis.
The subject of Indigo children found its place in homes in conversations between parents, and more in conversations between mothers that read the book of Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, it has to be slightly said that this book is sold out in the country. Both North-American authors, one an engineer and another an economist, they both write about a new generation of human beings that are full of energy and love with clear purposes in life. The peace and breaking systems. Science does not recognize this fact as such, but it admits that they are observing changes in these new generations. But, that they are different children, they are.
BY THE COLOR OF THEIR AURA. The term indigo was established in 1982 by Nancy Ann Tappe, a psychologist that developed a system that classifies the personality of humans according to the color of their aura or of the energy that one possesses. She observed that from 1980 children were being born with a aura of indigo color (dark blue) which personality was as the specialist who support this movement describe today: they answer back, very sure of themselves, they are children or students who questions everything, they learn what they are interested in with very little effort, some are very intelligent, others have attention disorder or hyperactivity, they may have paranormal activity or not. Guatemalan psychologists don’t stop getting surprised out of the fact that the children that they are treating in their clinics comes close to the indigo profile. “They are children that very rational explanations for everything; very conscience about
themselves, of their rights; the “because or because I am in charge” are not enough argument for them to accept an order, it has to be reason with them in order for them to obey” something like the child that demanded her pizza from the waiter. There are studies that prove that the children from recent years posses levels of intelligence that are higher than those of the decade of the 70´s. “Science explains it as a result of the stimulus in which they have been exposed”. Nevertheless, the floor is open to grasp other ways to understand it: “there are several factors that are far beyond of what science can explain at this precise moment”. What’s true is that the behavior of these children puts in a tight spot the traditional educational system, and many times because they don’t fit in this system they are diagnose with behavior or learning problems. The good thing about all this is that these children force grownups to reflect about the systems that work today and they come to break obsolete systems. An indigo child comes to elevate the energy of the planet and its population; they are the ones who will help transcend, for that they have to work in the change of the conscience of humans that keep acting under norms concepts, and structures that have expired. This implies making changes in the whole system, in the family, education, ways of government, values, rolls, etc. Everything that has expired gets in the way of development of the human being, like for the whole world. This philosophy may sound really pretty, even poetic, but it’s not an easy task neither for the children or the parents, who
continuously will be submitted to face their own reality, because very few are ready for this. In order to discover an indigo child, a series of questions have to be made, we will present them in our next edition. Licda. Yolanda De Salazar 12
Although parenting style varies from family to family, some are ruled by family traditions, others use a style guided more by a social trend. No matter what parenting style has been used within the family, communication is important. Failing to properly express what you want to express can bring consequences that usually are not liked by any member of the family; creating, mainly, conflicts between parents and their children. The article 多Hablas el mismo idioma de tu hija? (in English: 多Do you speak the same language as your daughter?) (2008), points out that for parents to be able to establish a real communication should take into account first that the most important thing is to listen, without prejudice, giving the children a chance to talk. Cifuentes, quoted by this article, states that "Most parents tell their children what to do or how they should be. It is very important to be open for questions, the key to everything is to open the ears, not advise both "(3rd paragraph). Villela (2008) quoting Colli, a clinical psychologist, states that it is important to let the children see that whenever they have problems their parents are
available for them without implying that they are involved in every aspect of their children’s lives, and be watching them all the time when they are with their friends or when attending school activities. Since this can cause, eventually, that your child lose confidence in his or herself, therefore he or she will stop settling different issues they may encounter, on their own. 14
Parent-child problems tend to be common when there is good communication between parents and their children. The DSMIV TR (2005) refers that parent-child problems exist when "the object of clinical attention is the pattern of interaction between parents and children (eg., Impaired communication, overprotection, inadequate discipline) that is associated with clinically significant impairment of the individual or family activity to the onset of clinically significant symptoms in parents or children "(p. 823). Sometimes the relationship between parents and children is difficult. Parentchild problems arise when parents are away from the children and the arguments between them are frequent. Assault or abuse may occur and children can feel rivalry in connection with other siblings. Parent-child problems are inter-generational patterns of miscommunication. Without treatment, it is more likely that children with these same patterns continue. According to Castanyer (2007) assertiveness is part of selfesteem of person, so it is important that this "shield", called
assertiveness, which protects you for life, to be properly trained from childhood. It is the responsibility of parents to encourage and train this assertive skill in the child, so when he or she is dealing with losses can feel good about his or herself. Sena (s.f) establish that a person builds and develops primary social skills within the family. These skills will be integrated later with different social interactions throughout their lives. Gimeno (1999) emphasizes the importance of role model for your child's personal development, as this model depends on the legacy that is transmitted to the infant. Therefore, the importance of assertive communication with their children lies in the example as fathers and mothers give to their children, no matter how old these are, remember it is never too late to start again, or this case, to correct mistakes. As should pay close attention to detail in their actions, how the simple act of asking them to say that you are not there when they answer the door or phone. BY: Licda. Ileana E. Ortiz
¿Hablas el mismo idioma de tu hija? (2008, 11 febrero). DEGUATE.COM. [En red] Disponible en: http://www.deguate.com/artman/publish/mujer_familia/hablas-el-mismo-idioma-detu-hija.shtml
Villela, A. (2008, 9 de junio). Están, pero no están. EL PERIÓDICO. [En red] Disponible en: http://www.elperiodico.com.gt/es/20080609/salud/57126/
American Psychiatric Association (Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría) (2005). MANUAL DIAGNÓSTICO Y ESTADÍSTICO DE LOS TRASTORNOS MENTALES – DSM-IV-TR. México D.F., México: Masson, S.A.
Castanyer, O. (2007). LA ASERTIVIDAD: EXPRESIÓN DE UNA SANA AUTOESTIMA. (3ra ed.) España: Desclée de Brouwer.
Sena, C. (s.f.). Interacción familia y escuela: Educación colaborativa en jardín maternal. REVISTA: 0 A 5 LA EDUCACIÓN EN LOS PRIMEROS AÑOS, VÍNCULOS CON LA FAMILIA. 15. 48.
MORE THAN A DONATION On Saturday march 12, Fundated organized an activity with the group of orphans and some mothers from the Patzún region in Chimaltenango. The activity had a good response from people who desire to help and several donations in the form of materials where received, such things as: baby bottles, clothes, balls, etc. The intention of this people was very welcome, but studying a Little the intention of any person that is willing to donate, the following questions arise; why do we donate? People work very hard to be able to obtain their material things, so, what makes them give their time to donate? In the particular case of Guatemala, I sincerely believe that we the people desire to see better days and little by little we have come to realize that the change will start with us and it will not depend so much on government entities. The day of the donation I was able to see, how the people who were giving the donations where very satisfied and happy with knowing that the things they were giving was going to be of great use to other people. I think that the biggest conclusion they reached, is that if for them it’s just material things, for the people who were in need, it goes beyond being just something material, it becomes a kind of light and hope. The intention of donating and what is being donated, it goes to be seen and thought by the ones who receive the donation like a kind a sort of memory that says YOU ARE NOT ALONE and that there are people thinking of you and that want for them and for everyone to improve as persons and country. To donate is an act of altruism, if well, people feel good by receiving material things that they need, also the person giving them feels good by doing so, at that moment there is a
kind of exchange. The life of both persons change, for one single moment they are joined and tuned together; one is willing to help and the other is willing to be helped and to be thankful for it. Likewise, I consider that with all donations and help there must also be a responsibility from both parts. In the part of the donor and the part of the one who receives. If well, the donation is a help, in no moment a donation is an obligation. Therefore, the donation must have a responsibility. I have seen that people that receive donations without any responsibility, later their minds get used to that position and they stop wanting to improve their life for themselves. It is for this reason, that donating must have certain obligations and responsibilities in part of the people who receive the donations. Example of this: If I give a book for donation, it’s an obligation that, that book be read and that later they tell what the book was about and for them to take care of the book. There are responsibilities with each good intention. To conclude, I’m sure that in a near future more people will join these acts of donation and aid. Maybe some will join because they want to feel better of themselves; others may join because it seems appealing to them or even maybe because they truly want to see a change in present society. Whatever the reason for helping is, together we will make a change and this change has started, it might be slow and small, but, with time it will grow and it will bear fruit on a larger scale.
Guatemala needs leaders and people who are willing to give of themselves, those leaders are attending the call of the country and society, son others will follow and they will also hear the call for help and they will do what they have to do in the precise moment. There will always be a reason to make a harder effort, and there will also always be hope for a better tomorrow. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO WHERE INVOLVED. By: Lic. Marcos L贸pez A special thank you to all the people and companies that donated materials in order for this activity to be achieved successfully.
www.doriplast.com Phone number: 2448-3381
Woman you and Me Are Valuable! In different times in history, societies have define what means to be a man and a woman, they have established things like; functions, activities, ways of behavior and different standards for each one. These differences are transformed into inequalities and injustice. 22
For several years, men have discriminated and marginalized women through laws, governments, customs and traditions. When we are born, we are given a value depending if we are women or men, since we are little we are taught what boys and girl do, we are told that there are games we can´t play because we are women and we learn all the chores that we will have to do when we are bigger. It´s in this way that we women learn to be caring, tender and to depend on others; they make us believe that our destiny as a woman can only be to do work in the house, as a mother and to take care of the children. Men on the other hand are taught differently; they recognize their strength, independence and the capacity to participate and to decide on their own lives, what’s really regrettable is when some men use this assign power, their strength and violence against women in order to make them believe that they don’t have worth or that they can’t achieve goals. All of this has had its effect and it’s that, we women are busy with the chores of the house and are excluded of any social or political activity. We are considered the weaker sex without the capacity to think and much less to take any participation with equality of rights in social life. Many of us women don’t agree with these injust and inhuman situations, we want a life different for us and for all women.
With the passing of time things have changed in the history of societies and in our own personal history. During many years, women have organized themselves and have shared the necessity to change these situations. Thanks to them the formal acknowledgment of fundamental right for women has been achieved, like; to be able to prepare one-self academically, participate in political life, decide over our own body, say no to violence and to begin taking important decisions in our lives. Nevertheless, we are still suffering from violence, abuse from men and women because we have not been able to change the relationship of domination and inequality that men have toward women and because we have yet not changed our way of thinking, we haven’t found a way to respect ourselves, give us self-confidence and to value ourselves enough. To value ourselves is fundamental in the development of people, and it can be achieved in the relationship of respect and recognition with others. In order to change this low self-esteem, we need to: Learn to accept ourselves, love us and to recognize that what we do has a value and a meaning in the family, community and in all society. Recognize our abilities, value our ideas and initiatives and make other people respect us. Change the way of educating and treating our sons and daughters, making it with respect and valuing them as people.
Not to generate privileges among boys and girls and sons and daughters. Be aware of the way we behave with other women and men in society. We want a different world, we have to influence in society and in the individual lives of women and men, so that we won’t suffer violence, disrespect and abuse. We need to promote a change of attitude, because with violence, no one is happy. By: Damaris Elizabeth Tujal Sir.
CULTURE… KNOWING OURSELVES!!!... KNOWING OUR COUNTRY!!! In order to understand what culture is, we have to see what we are as human beings. Culture comes from the latin word cultum that means; cultivating, it means cultivating one’s own, the roots of every town, expressions that in the course of time we are incorporating to nature. As Lofficier would say: “Culture is a personal asset, it comes to us only by the road of one’s own cultivation” Also, culture is all that that we need to know in order to act in a correct way in society. Sometimes we think in going to other countries to know other cultures, but we make the certain mistakes by not knowing the culture of our own country. Guatemala has a autochthonous culture, this means that the culture of the town comes from many years back. The culture of the Mayan people marks the identity of the country, by their colors, flavors, festival culture and even their music. Guatemala is a big textile of colors, dresses from the dreams of Mayan women. One of the things that get my attention is the variety of their beautiful textiles; articles made my hand are the main craft of the majority of the towns in Guatemala. The ability of weaving is an art that has pass through out generations and generations. In the markets of the country, in the Guatemalan departments we can find a variety of colorful articles made by the villagers. Guatemala enjoys an enormous culture thanks to its several ethnic groups, depending where each one of us lives we can find several features and behaviors, language, etc. What most captivates the attention of foreign people is the archeology and natural resources that Guatemala possesses.
Mayan´s where people that created their own home, people, education, culture, etc. To this date we are still discovering that we are a rich country in culture and custom. “Guatemala: Live culture” By: Diana Montenegro 26
In the past edition of Fundated News, we spoke about different ways of applying leadership in all scopes of personal and organizational relations. We define the concept of leadership, the leader; the classes of leadership, etc., nevertheless, all this theory and its application to social practice depend from the string of effective and efficient communication, from without a leader couldn’t transmit his feelings and thoughts to his followers, making of his influence a vague energy without consequences. Communication is the vital element of the world in which we move. It´s what allows us to know mutually, show and demonstrate ourselves in several ways without losing authenticity. From this perspective we reveal ourselves as thought and action, as feeling and memory, as image and imaginary. Understanding communication as a permanent process of transmission and reception of values, attitudes, actions and ideas, it allows us to grow and develop ourselves as groups and organizations that have a firm conviction to overcome adversities and to reach more dignity in favor of life. When can we test that inside our organization we apply or not the concept of “effective communication”? There are an endless amount of symptoms that can tell if a group or organization has a good communication. Having as a
parameter any chapter of the many series in television that are focused in the attention of emergencies in matter of health, such as; Dr. house or Grey´s Anatomy, the organization that presents, primarily of: a) Its members don’t know and apply the vision and organizational mission; b) Their members don’t know the objectives of their organization and each and every project or program. c) Its processes are bureaucratic and little systematic d) There is no connection between its superior members with the executors of the programs and projects. e) Constantly there are situation of unconformity between the members and work team, generating a culture of gossip; it suffers from a great disease that won’t allow the development in its camp of action and that in short term it will act like a cancer, the organization or group will die or disappear.
The Diagnosis: If your organization suffers from one or several symptoms, the diagnosis is simply: the communication doesn´t exist and much less what we can call an “effective communication”. The treatment: In order for your organization to accomplish the start of the process of effective communication, it results necessary to count with some instruments that allow the viability of our proposals, organize our projections and enhance our capabilities to accomplish a larger effectiveness and impact from our actions. It’s about strengthening the political
development of the communication of the organizations, also of elaborating and being able to execute them. For those of us who develop ourselves both personally and professionally in local organizations, the process of effective communication inside the leadership must be a tool that allows us: a) a communication toward the service of transformation of determined situations that improve the life of people; b) The communication as a service to exchange and share; and c) The communication as learning that allows growth and also to develop our capacity to listen. The organizational communication in a group or organization is part of the strengthening and institutional development and it concretes primarily in the communicative actions that start from the bonds and articulations in and of the organization and they are projected enhancing the practice and visibility of the institution and its task. Understanding the communication as a transversal process of the organization makes it possible to include it in a institutional politic and not to limit it to something merely instrumental. When addressing the subject of communication in groups and organizations, it’s important to take in account that all communication is achieved in the frame of human bonds and that these are expressed by the way in which people achieve their tasks, how they relate and complement themselves accordingly to their own cultures.
In this way an organizational culture is constructed, composed by a set of values, beliefs and comprehensions that the members of an organization share.
The culture of an organization has several indefinite ways of thought, feeling and reaction that guide the decision making, the way in which the activities and specially communication is achieved. We understand communication as the greatest gift that God has given us (for those who believe in a supreme being) or like the biggest virtue of human beings (for those who believe in a theory of evolution, where the process of communication based in reason separates men from the rest of beings). Regardless of our ideology, communication is what allows us to be fully humans. Thanks to it, we can enjoy life in community and diversity. This communication has its expressions both in interpersonal relations like in those who are produced in groups and organizations in the development of their tasks. To approach the subject of organizational communication, it’s necessary to begin to recognize consciously the ways of communication in which we participate in a daily basis in a natural and spontaneous way. The attitudes, actions, structures and all that we do and stop doing communicate what we think, want, in definitive way, who we are. All behavior is a form of communication. Because there is no contrary way to behavior (that is to say, no-behavior) there isn´t also the “no-communication”. That´s why, in all scopes of personal and social life it’s impossible not to communicate. Without effective communication leadership doesn’t change structure; without effective communication we can´t understand the message and therefore, we won’t influence others, without effective communication others won´t influence in us.
In a period in the Central American region, in which a series of organizational, group, election processes has begun, it’s important to recognize that an effective communication is the fundamental element that allows the transmission of ideas and concepts; strategy´s and politics; feelings and emotions. 32
If we are direct or indirect participants of these massive processes of leadership in our countries, our responsibility as leaders is to know how to transmit effectively, through communication, the truth of messages and how this can influence in a positive or negative way in our societies, organizations and personal life. By: M.A. Mario Julio Salazar
LATERAL LEADERSHIP It becomes impossible for any person to fulfill every task or goal that he or she wants to accomplish without the help of other people, but so it happens that getting the collaboration of other people is a hard task to achieve, and this is because we don’t know enough of how to achieve these things. When we can’t get the collaboration of other people, there are at least three possible causes, three problems that are necessary to solve in order to take the team work to better practices: 1. Personal skills are limited. 2. There isn’t a clear vision of what a good collaboration is. 3. There isn´t any knowledge on how to influence in the behavior of others. A way to have an influence in the behavior of others is through LATERAL LEATHERSHIP, this is develop when people lacking of power and authority, but with personal skills achieve to influence over a group of people in order to promote collaboration and to accomplish the wanted objective. To achieve this collaboration is the main objective of this type of leadership. LEADERSHIP
How to improve personal skills and turn into a Lateral Leader. 1.
PURPOSE: establishing the purpose that you want to reach as a team work, the starting point; it’s to formulate the goal that you want to reach using synergy always.
THOUGHTS: Determine how to reach the goal, thinking in an orderly form and to do that you can use a circular scheme that is presented next:
LEARNING: Integrate the thought with the action, the thought can me improved with data that is gathered through action and ACTION ALLOWS THE THOUGHT TO BE REORIENTED.
COMMITMENT: Every person that desires to work in a team in order to achieve a common objective needs to give the best of him or herself, and in the appropriate circumstances every person is productive.
FEEDBACK: It´s necessary to take advantage of the ideas and suggestions that other people give in order to optimize results.
Besides the 5 basic elements to produce results and to become a lateral leader, it´s necessary a simple strategy to influence others: 1. MAKE QUESTIONS: That make the other team members think. 2. OFFER IDEAS: Also invite other to use them, edify over them and correct them. 3. ACT IN A WAY THAT SERVES AS A MODEL: To produce a better behavior. Extracts from the book: “Lateral Leadership” by: Roger Fish & Alan Sharp DIFFICULTY TO WORK IN A TEAM The difficulty to work in a team has several etiologies; here we will mention the three initial ones:
The lack of organization prevents having a process that ensures an orderly and complete work, for which the reflection of the results, it is not always as expected; it causes frustrations and anger from the team, raising with it the lack of collaboration, being this and indispensable aspect in order to achieve the desired objective. The best way to influence in others is through example and if the roll of lateral leader is obtained within the team, it’s necessary to give and demonstrate the best of oneself in benefit for others. By: Licda. Lily F. Montenegro Armas
Leadership… an attitude that changes lives! Effective leadership begins with healthy and clear thoughts; the leaders that advance are those who have a vision of the details that they will make in the future, the way of thinking can be something powerful. The qualities that we need to develop in our lives are the same we enjoy seeing in others, leadership and creativity are two of the most powerful forces that exist. One of the keys that help to passing from understanding what a leader is to being a good leader is found in character. The qualities of character activate the ability to direct or they get in the way of success. The leader is characterized by: being active, restless, dynamic, industrious, sharp and willing. Leadership in other words is INFLUENCE. Let’s impact in the lives of those who surround us, let’s influence in others, being a leader is not an emotional thing, it’s a decision. We all have to transform ourselves into leaders, taking the responsibility of living and changing our way of thinking, in our homes our work, we have to be different. Let´s make our nation big with our norms of faith and conduct that will guide us in life doing what we have to do... Doing what´s fair.
Each one with the gift that we have received, minister it to others, as good administrators of the multiform, thanks to GOD 1p. 4.10 By: Adolfo Rafael.
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