Organizational Portfolio, February 2,019
Project support by Swedish Foundation Ingrid and Lars Hannell
Municipality of Patzicia, Chimaltenango This Municipality is located of 75 kilometers from Guatemala city. The population is 85% indigenous Kaqchikel. Illiteracy rates in the municipality range between 35 to 40% of the population, especially in those people that range from 40 to 65 years. In the range of youth between age 13 to 25 years; 90% don’t continue their studies after achieve a high school level.
The Hannell Foundation Project cover several villages and population located in urban area of the community. Each month, in addition to the scholarship program, students and their parents receive workshops from Fundated on different themes that help them to improve their living conditions. In February, the theme was “How parents can help their children to improve their ways of studying at home�
Municipality of Patzun, Chimaltenango Municipality located 84 kilometers to Guatemala City. The population is 90% kaqchikel indigenous. Illiteracy rates in the municipality range between 50 to 60% of the population, especially in those people (women) that range between 40 to 65 years. In the range of youth between ages 13 to 25, 90% don’t continue their studies after achieve high school level. 65% reaches the level of third basic.
The Hannell Foundation Project cover several villages and population located in urban area of the community. The six educational projects that are supported in this municipality have additional benefits: 1. Therapies to scholarship students with learning disabilities; 2. Therapies to scholarship students with emotional problems; 3. Workshops to parents; 4. Workshops to teachers in their schools to provide emotional and learning disabilities first aid. On February, the theme was “How to improve monthly workshops through the local proposal of thematic that improve family and community dynamic”
Municipality of San Martin Jilotepeque, Chimaltenango This Municipality is located 90 kilometers from Guatemala City. The population is 90% kaqchikel indigenous. The illiteracy rates in the municipality are around 60% of the population, especially in those people that are between 40 to 65 years. It is the largest municipality of the Chimaltenango department and one of the most affect by the internal armed conflict that lasted 36 years in Guatemala.
Hannell Foundation project cover several villages and a small population of children with special disabilities who are attend in a special School. On February, besides of the scholarship program, the workshop was "Weekly organization of the time through study schedule of the students"
Municipality of San Juan Comalapa, Chimaltenango This Municipality is located 84 kilometers from Guatemala City. The population is 95% kaqchikel indigenous. San Juan Comalapa was the first municipality supported by Mr. Lars Hannell in the 70s, when the primary school was built in Cojol Juyu village.
Hannell Foundation project covers the studies of young people (95% women) of the basic, high school and university levels. Additional of the scholarship and workshops that parents and students receive; teachers are training in different themes to address learning disabilities (dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslalia, dyslexia, among others) Also, the three groups (students, parents and teachers) are training in topics as self-esteem, emotional control, decision making and conflict resolution.