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FREDSKORPSET………………………………….……..13 CULTURAL EXCHANGES……....16 YOUTH POWER………………………………………………...20 PROFESSIONAL SPACE…………………….…..22 SPECIAL ARTICLES……...…..………………………….32 VOLUNTEER………...…………….36

Guatemala, October 2010 Edition 01/010. Number 01/010 Dear Reader Friends: We are giving a warm welcome to our virtual magazine FUNDATED NEWS that we hope to share with you from month to month. In it we will gather the most important news from our organization on a national and international level. In this same space, all our friends that desire to share their comments and/or any publication are welcome to do so as an open window without discrimination, that will show and give more above all borders the way that each of us observes what is happening in our country and world. For the ones that initially explored this idea and that today form part of the Editorial Council of FUNDATED NEWS, it’s a beautiful challenge that opens the opportunity to get more close to you, that thanks to your friendship and trust in us, we are allowed to develop our labor. When the idea came up, a lot of questions emerged: Why a virtual magazine? Where do we start? What should our first edition be of? As some of you know, Fundated is an organization that was born more than 25 years ago; it’s a product of the strongest period of the armed conflict in Guatemala. Our organization was born by the necessity that a Guatemalan organism gave continuity to the work that was being developed by international entities in favor of native people, to whom they were submitted to the effects of the longest inner war in a Latin American country. In a period of Guatemalan history where repression and the inability of free speech and thought stood out, it was a Guatemalan woman who risked her life taking this decision. The lack of democracy and life controlled by repression and hate would silence any movement that would favor help to the most vulnerable people in the country.


When going back to the origins of Fundated, we found an answer to one of the questions that emerged at the time that we asked ourselves why we should create FUNDATED NEWS. We could not start the circulation of this magazine, if the first issue did not tell part of our organizational history. We could not begin the circulation of our magazine if we ourselves did not recognize the value and valor of this woman that today is the example in which all of us in Fundated adopt as a mirror in which we look at ourselves in order for our organization to accomplish each day the reason for which it was created. It is, this our first edition, a tribute to our General Secretary, Yolanda de Salazar. For her vocation, service, heart and work in favor of all that for more than 37 years have been part of her life, in front of the several organizations in which she has left an inerasable print of service and social-communitarian work. For 3 decades she has been an anonymous heroine in our country, this first issue of our magazine, is dedicated to her, an example of what a woman should be. All of us who form part of FUNDATED NEWS are committed to guarantee all our reader friends and guest writers, that our virtual magazine will always be an open space of expression. A space that Guatemala needs to have in order to find the proper and best roads in order to find development and wellbeing that all Guatemalans demand and deserve. What will our reader friends find in FUNDATED NEWS beside news about our organization? Because it is an open space of free expression, all our reader friends will find on a monthly basis, articles related to different subjects, such as; social, political and economical at national and international levels. We will supply information relevant to workshops, seminars and training for private or public organizations. You will be able to download documents of formation and organizational development in order to be shared with all our readers.


With all our heart, we hope that the circulation of FUNDATED NEWS allows us to have the possibility to entwine and share the experiences that we all have acquired with the passing of the years in front of our organizations. In an anticipated way, we thank you in a deep and profound way for taking your time to read us, and we encourage you to participate with your opinions and articles in the following editions of our magazine. May each and every one of you be welcome to FUNDATED NEWS, a space created to be a spokesman of your thoughts, but above all, your feelings. Hugs and best wishes Editorial Council FUNDATED NEWS




With over 35 years to devote his life to social work, has earned two college degrees. Is the Founder and Representative Legal of Fundación Asistencia Técnica Para El Desarrollo –FUNDATED-, "which currently covers 10 departments of our country, supports over 3,500 families and coordinates the Partnership Norwegian Peace Corps in 8 countries the region.. Who is Yolanda? I am a happy person held as woman, mother and grandmother. I have had the blessing of God to belong to a large family and very close, which gave me the opportunity to study and meet my country the size that I wanted, to be able to train my children in a human quality that makes me proud and feel satisfied with everything I've done in my life. How long and how do you start your work in the social area? Fortunately I belong to a generation where many social movements arose, in the 60s, and then my youth was very marked by these young women's movements worldwide and also where one was starting already giving a participation of the woman. In them one was speaking about human rights and about justice, for what, to belong to this generation marks me enough. Also I lived through my student life intensely since I was A Student Leader and also practice sport, which made me know enough the situation of my country.

多Do you believe that it was a challenge for you as woman to assume FUNDATED's leadership? Yes, it was a strong enough challenge, because it was in a very special moment for me. I was coming of working as director of an international organization of social support, of support to the development. She was the Regional Director for Central America of Help of the Church Norway and on having finished my 25 years of work for a personal decision, for my health, and then on having recovered I felt that it could not continue without being in the social work and I present the option to direct FUNDATED. This for me was a very strong challenge because it was to continue a style of work, but also to adapt to a few social changes and to a situation of personal very strong life. Then many factors were combined in this moment, a personal situation and a situation by the one that was crossing Guatemala, a few interests that I wanted to combine and that it did not know how. In this moment it had in my life as a wall, had come to a ceiling and there was a person, a Norwegian friend who said to me that I could give him return to this wall and continue forward and it to be what I represent for my FUNDATED, return was able to give him this wall and continue forward with my work. How do you see the position of the woman in the current society, compared with through the one that you lived in your beginnings? It is clear that I see her much better, because she is a woman to whom already there has been given the opportunity to be able to know more her rights, of assuming her responsibilities, of giving her this freedom in order that she takes her decisions. In my epoch it was not like that, in my epoch it was a rigid enough, patriarchal enough system, where the father was the principal figure and we had to be ruled by the discipline and the order that he was indicating. I see now this great difference, of which now the woman can and recognizes which are her rights, which fills me with pride because, in spite of the fact that, I come from a situation of oppression, since also my social work was focused that the women were not living through this situation and when I see this change of mentality, especially in the young persons, since I feel very release of which this change has been achieved.


Do you see positive changes in how has evolved the social aspect in our country? We cannot be so pessimistic. Clear that there are positive changes, lamentably Guatemala cannot turn as something isolated but it is a part of a complex situation in Latin America and worldwide. Then one sees affected by all these factors that they present, but from the signature of the Peace agreements, I see some advances. For example, in the freedom of expression, in the freedom of association, in the form since there is a major opening for the participation of young women and of women; but the Latin-American situation and the world situation of the organized crime and the drug trafficking affects us enough, also the division of classes that exists in our country is something that we could not have overcome and that has not wanted to excel, because there is no a political desire to want to do it, and then all that to affect and to minimize the positive achievements that we could have reached as a society. Which do you believe that it is the key to find and to achieve a real change in our society? I believe that the key would be, the political will that is had on the part of those who have the power. We know that in our country there are powerful forces, the force of the civil society is something that must fortify and be kept, but it is one also the force of the ones who detect the economic power, the political power also and all of them are working at an isolated form, every who fighting for his own interests. If some day these forces will manage to joining for a common interest, in an interest really for Guatemala, and not in an individualistic interest, I believe that this it would be the form in which our country might go out forward. Those also are forming pictures, young women with this integrating mentality, with this liberating mentality, with this mentality of social justice. Of course that it is necessary to respect the areas of each one, we cannot say that there is going to be an equality of economic conditions, because always they are going to exist rich and poor; but that to give all of the population the opportunity to be able to live in better conditions, fairly, it is what I believe that it would be the step that we can give to achieve that our society changes.


Do you see in the youth the key to achieve this change? Yes, our situation for all the social facts through that our country has lived, is a generational, at the time situation the current generation, that of the young persons and teenagers is fundamental to achieve the change in our country I believe that is where the key of the success is. The key of our future is in preparing healthy young persons, in preparing leaders who are honest, that are just, that have this vision of a better Guatemala. All my confidence is in the young people now. How do you see FUNDATED’s evolution up to the date? Now I'm astonish how it has evolved FUNDATED, I did not believe, do not imagine that it was evolving so rapidly; but also, in such an integral form, in a form where it is at par of the needs and of the challenges of the country. It is with an integrated vision, with a vision of participation also of the young persons, of the women, of the children and also of the experience of the adults. It is opening doors, is a fundamental part in order to that the persons meet other persons, organizations meet other organizations, it is taking a very particular leadership. I do not imagine that so rapid, I was managing to have this position that has now and that more satisfies me, it is the credibility that FUNDATED generates in the own persons and in the organizations with which it coordinates and works. Do you have a story or experience that has marked you? Well, I have many anecdotes depending on my life; I have anecdotes that give me laugh, others that give me sadness and some that I am afraid. An experience that marked a change for me was when I knew what the children and the women were suffering for the armed conflict, when I had to see with my own eyes which were the situation of the returned ones, specially the undernourished children who were dying. To try to convince the mothers that they needed support to be able to save their lives and of this form have to extract them of this place and lead them to receiving attention.


To see to weep for the women delivering their children to take them to a hospital and knowing that maybe they would not return to see them. This moment was something that marked my life and take me to say " this must not return to happen in Guatemala, this does not have to happen in my country, does not have a raison to be ". That marked enough my life as mother, as Guatemalan and as woman. Some message for those who lost their faith, those who believe that there is nothing to do for our country We never have to lose the faith and the confidence, the confidence first in God and in us. Our country is a beautiful and privileged country, a country that deserves to be better and to be in peace. That we have to think about our children, about our grandsons, because they deserve to live in a society in peace, that we have to contribute always with our ideas, our spiritual force, our positivism, our faith and hope, it is what always must mark our life. This is transitory and we are a part of this negative situation, but also we have to be a part of the change, of some or another way, already we do not have to be liabilities, that only in spite of it chatting with our friends, with our family, already we are a part of this, because we are a part of the worry and of the interest of changing, that we are not indifferent to what happens and we are persons that are provided with intelligence to be able to give ideas, to be able to give orientation, to be able to give suggestions. I know that is important to take part and the vehicle to be able to generate changes are the organizations, the power to take part in an organization, in some political party that maybe could answer to the social interests, to look for these ways, these routes that satisfy us and that we are not isolated and strictly between ourselves same we do not isolate, let's be a part of some movement, of some organization that fights for something.



Solidarity: We are a magazine that believes in helping the neighbor and express it by means of our work and consistency.

Brotherhood: We attend and share with the persons with which we work and for which we work, forming of this form; THE FAMILY FUNDATED, this one is formed by more than 5000 persons.

Empathy: We feel and believe in our work and in the persons that they are benefited by this one.

Transparency: We believe firmly in the help and in the honesty of our work and in the decisions that we take..

Equity: We are a magazine that expresses equality in our work.

Efficacy and efficiency: We are punctual; always we are in the search of overcoming the expectations of the persons for which we work. Therefore, to be always ready for new challenges.

Our Mission: Fundated News exist as a virtual magazine that has as aim announce his underwriters the work that FUNDATED realizes national and internationally with the persons and communities in which it has presence, of this form publishing the reality that these cross, and the changes that they generate.


Our Vision: To be a virtual leading magazine inside the item of the humanitarian work, which promotes the help, solidarity and transparent work that realizes national and internationally with those persons that they meet involved inside this work. Empower to short, medium and long term to the persons in order that they are active subjects of his integral and community development across the grant of basic tools of auto-management. Our Objective: To show the professional work that is realized inside the organization, as to implement a virtual information system in which the organization can benefit from the current technology. Likewise, it helps the organization to be announced and on having used the above mentioned technological tools puts it in a top position or of major competitiveness with other organizations. Nuestros Objetivos específicos:  To involve the reader inside the reality that is Guatemala and that of the countries that form a part of the FAMILY FUNDATED.  To develop topics that are of interest of the reader, as these are of intellectual, spiritual and cultural benefit.  To promote the help to the communities and persons most affected in which FUNDATED has presence.  To provide with capacity and tools in order that the persons, groups and institutions face his challenges successfully.  To promote the community and personal development to improve the quality of life of those who suffer marginalization in the rural and urban areas of the country.  To develop activities that tends to promote the spiritual, cultural and material well-being of the Guatemalan people.



FREDSKORPSET FK is a program in which they believe bows. Knowledge is exchanged and it is known to persons' diversity. Limits cross. This is what happens when companies and organizations of Norway and of the countries of the South are, they cooperate and interact. FK Norway provides the sand for the establishment and the development of contacts between persons, companies and organizations. FK's motto Norway is "meetings between people.” In short, FK Norway finances, puts the necessary conditions and prepares a frame inside which two or more institutions of the North and of the South can exchange equipment and personnel of resources. FK Norway offers to persons the opportunity to be employed during a time at another country to return to the respective native land with a training that it allows them to contribute to the change and to the social development. HISTORICAL REVIEW FK initiates to having presence in Latin-American territory with the Coordination of FK's Network Mesoamerica from May, 2007, thanks to the efforts done on the part of the partners and exparticipants in the fight of managing to take FK's representation where they could rest as center and channel of information. FK decided to rest on a local organization for the creation of the above mentioned coordination, being FUNDATED the organization that was assuming the above mentioned responsibility. Between the responsibilities of the coordination the following ones are: · Regional Seminars every year; one for partners and other one for ex-participants ·

Web page

· National annual Mini-seminar in Guatemala or / and in Nicaragua



To write articles in FK's Web:

· To contribute to empower the ex-participants (FK:X) and to help them with the creation and maintenance of his own network · To support a database exceeds partners and FK:X in Mesoamerica ·

Electronic Bulletin to partners monthly

· Meetings with partners to know more thoroughly his forms of work and to detect if there are some abnormalities or doubts that need FK's intervention ·

Other activities that the network needs

From 2004 Fredskorpset it comes realizing seminars with partners and from 2006 it initiated also to taking in it counts the ex-participants, who now possess already his own network, up to the moment they are 7 the seminars that FK has carried out in Guatemala, and one in Nicaragua, where always there has been promoted the strengthening and growth of the networks, both of partners and of ex-participants, as well as the strengthening of the South. Product of saying empowerment, this year expects to have the first exchange South - South between FK's associate institutions and with own financing.



PROGRAM OF JUVENILE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE SPOR It is a program in which there are done exchanges of voluntary Guatemalan persons to take part in activities in Norway; as to Norwegian persons take part in activities inside Guatemala. The volunteers must be ready to realize any work in order to help the person who needs it; there is assigned to every volunteer a family in which he is received as one more member of the family. All this experience serves in order that they experience new things and in order that they obtain more knowledge. The principal aim of the project is to include young women without or with limited experience in organizations of programs of juvenile exchange. Include young persons who come and represent principally to the different indigenous cultures or who as his social, economic and / or familiar conditions have not had opportunity of integral development. Activities 2010 1st. PHASE SOUTH/SOUTH As part of the evolution of the Cultural Exchange Program North/South, between the Kingdom of Norway, Tanzania and Guatemala: actually there are two Guatemalan participants who are in Tanzania living for the first time this adventure forming the 1st. phase of the Cultural Exchange Program South/South between Tanzania and Guatemala. You can read more about it in the next link:

15th. PHASE NORTH/SOUTH The 15th. Phase, actually they are in Xela, studying Spanish; they are Ina, Inge, Asta and Aslak. They will live in San Juan Comalapa. To more information visit the next link


If you want to be part of our exchanges of Guatemalan youth with opportunity to travel, live and learn from a new culture, contact us at the next email address The requirements to be able to apply to be part of this new phase are the following:        

To have 18 to 25 years old To have ended the basic level ( pre high school) To have basic acknowledge of English To fit with the group and profile that we are looking for Availability of time To have Guatemala as residence country To be preferably of indigenous origin To present request, addressed to FUNDATED (brief history of your life, how did you know about the program and why do you want to travel)  Photography of complete body  CV  Copy of you ID (Cédula or DPI)

SPOR is a program that has offered to many Guatemalan youth the opportunity to change their life with an exchange of 6 months into another country, and it is incredible to see as these 6 months that seem to be small, change the life of each one of them of drastic form. When they came to Fundated's offices for the first time, so insecure of themselves, with the mark that leaves the gender and ethnic discrimination. They are young whose goals are almost zero; and thanks to the exchange and see how out of their country, exist other cultures as the Sami, with whom in spite of the distance their similarities are impressive. They return to Guatemala as proud young persons of their roots and culture, with the self-esteem that they were lacking, leaders in search of the well-being of their country and their community, which there offer to other young persons example and hope, which they think about a future and new goals are planned, YOUNG PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE DIFFERENCE!


This "SPOR" has gone beyond and now they have created a group called " PEKU PEKU " formed by youth from Norway, Tanzania and Guatemala, which aim is to work with program of Environment through the Art and the Education for the integral development.



YOUTH POWER Youth Power is a project that develops and promotes the direct search of leadership and the moral values of the young persons of affected communities or indirectly for the armed internal conflict, by means of trainings and activities that offer to them the skills of management and capture of decision; demonstrating the sense of initiative and responsibility as members of a family, community and company with diverse sociopolitical factors and effects. COMPONENTS: · SOCIAL COMMUNITY AREA Social conscience (History of Guatemala), leadership, Development of the goals of the millennium, Rights and Obligations of the Child quality of life and resolution of conflicts. · PSYCHOLOGICAL AREA: Mental health, psychological Evaluations, individual and in group Therapies. · AREA OF EXPRESSION: Juvenile expression through the art · MANAGERIAL AREA: Juvenile companies, social responsibility of the company, tutorships and alliances. · SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Economical support through scholarships, in order that they could end their studies. During these stages, the young persons will go facing new social and economic situations, which carry a new personal, familiar and community learning of the managerial world.



STRATEGIC ADMINISTRATION INTRODUCTION A central aim of the strategic administration consists of investigating why some organizations are successful and others fail. The strategic decisions determine the future course and the competitive position of a company for a long time. The decisions to expand geographically or to diversify are examples of strategic decisions. The strategic decisions take in all kinds and size of organization, from General Motors up to a small hardware store. The existence and the work of many persons meet affected by the strategic decisions, so the bet is very high. The survival itself of the organization can be in game and determined by three big factors: the industry in which it is located, the country or countries where it is located and his own resources, capacities and strategies. To understand the roots of success of a company, it is not a vacuous academic exercise, such an understanding will provide a better appraisal of the strategies that can increase the possibility of greatness and reduce the possibility of the failure. ANTECEDENTS The administrators of success (efficient and effective) always there are surged good strategies, but it is not but up to recent epochs (1962) that the experts of the administration recognized to the strategy as a key factor in the success organizational. This lateness of recognitions owed principally to the changes of the environment happened from the 20s (The Second World war). Approach of the formulation of the policies: When a small businessman offers a class of goods or services to a limited group of clients, the functional areas of the company can be planned, to be organized and to be coordinated in an informal way. But when the good or service is modified or is replaced, or when the territories of sale spread, the functional areas increase.


The activity to integrate the functions needs a structure of more formal procedures in order that the company could coordinate the activities so much inside like between the functional basic areas. This way there arises the “Approach of the formulation of policies ", based on the concept of implantation of the daily guides of orientation who establish the delimiting as for what a functional area can or not to do. Approach of initial strategy (1962-1975): Chandler proposed that "strategy" should define like: “the determination of the aims and longterm plans, the actions to undertake and the assignment of the necessary resources to achieve this. The approach of the initial strategy includes four key ideas, which are: 1. The "actions" to undertake to achieve the aims, since in the aims, same. 2. The "search" of key ideas instead of the routine beginning of implanting the policies being based on an alone idea that could or not to need a consideration. 3. Interest in "how" the strategy is formulated, not only in that it was ensuing from her. 4. To leave the conventional thing of which the relation between the company and his environment was more or less stable and predictable. Chandler A. developed his ideas using the historical method, analyzing the growth and development of the company.

The definition of Chandler's "strategy" was refined by Andrews K., and Ansoff I., and others, who introduced the idea as a "process", instead of fixed indications (the policies). Approach of the strategic administration (1974-1990): Hofer Ch and Schendel D., suggest a new approach: the " strategic administration ", based on the beginning of which the general design of an organization can be described only if the achievement of the "aims" joins to the "policies" and to the strategy as one of the key factors in the process of the strategic administration. Hofer and Schendel centres on four key aspects of the strategic administration, which are:


1. The establishment of aims. 2. The activity of the formulation of the strategy. 3. The implantation of the strategy. 4. Change in the analysis of the administration and the activity to achieve the predetermined aims. The key factors are the "political" processes and the individual internal reactions of the organization, which can force the review of the strategy. The final activity, the strategic control, provides to the administrators a negative feedback that can affect, certainly, a new process of strategic administration. WHAT IS THE STRATEGIC ADMINISTRATION? Strategic administration is the art and the science of formulating, helping and evaluating the strategy that will allow to the organization to reach his aims. This definition implies that the strategic administration tries to integrate the administration, the marketing, the finance and the accounting, the production and operations, the investigation and the development. The process of strategic administration can be described as an objective and systematic approach for the capture of decisions in an organization. The strategic administration is not a pure science that takes to a concrete approach type " one, two, three, four ". It is a question rather of an attempt for organizing qualitative and quantitative information, in such a way that it allows the capture of affective decisions in circumstances of uncertainty. The principal benefit of the strategic administration is that it is allowed that an organization this one in aptitude to influence his way, instead of should react to him, exercising thus some control on his destination.

THE STRATEGY The meaning of the term strategy, it comes from the Greek word Strategos, chief of army, traditionally used in the area of the warlike operations. In the last years the concept of strategy has evolved in a such way that, on the base from this one there has arisen a new school


of administration and a new way of directing the organizations, so called " administration strategy ". The employment of the term strategy in administration means much more than the military meanings than the same one. For the military men, the strategy is simply the science and the art of using the armed force of a nation to obtain ends determined by his leaders. The strategy in administration, is a term difficult to define and very few authors coincide with the meaning of the strategy. But the definition of strategy arises from the need to possess her. Last 20 years were 5 times more turbulent than 80 previous years. The technological, political changes, the global economy and the social increasing crisis, it confirms that the world raises innovation, diversity and transience. This world is full of uncertainty, the variables are less and less controllable, the most valued value is the speculation, to manage with suppositions, the aptitude to interpret. Estos cambios tiene como l铆mite la creatividad y la innovaci贸n de la gente y esto tiene que ver con la estrategia. La estrategia es descubrir, no programar, es guiar, no controlar. Es liderar las ideas. These changes it takes as a limit the creativity and the innovation of the people and this has to see with the strategy. The strategy is to discover, not to programme, is to guide, not to control. It is to lead the ideas. By strategy for the administration basically there are understood the adjustment of the resources and skills of the organization to the changeable environment, taking advantage of opportunities and evaluating risks depending on aims and goals. We resort to the strategy in uncertain, not structured, not controllable situations, that is to say, in those situations where there is another decree which behavior we cannot predict. To have a strategic intention implies having a vision on the future, must allow to orientate, discover, to explore. The sense of the orientation must answer: what company do we want to be?, to where do we want to arrive? One of the key businesswomen is to have clear the current and future business, it is not possible to decide without knowing to where it wants to come near.


The strategy is the response to two questions: what is our business?, what should be?, it is a present decision with future effect, but the time of the strategy is indeterminate, because the strategy established only is valid up to the near own or foreign maneuver. The strategy is a coherent model, unifier and integrator of decisions that determines and reveals the intention of the organization in terms of long-term aims, programs of action, and priorities in the assignment of resources. Selecting the current or future business of the organization, trying to achieve a sustainable long-term advantage and answering adequately to the opportunities and threats arisen in the external way of the company, having in it counts the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. We cannot reduce importance to the competitive strategy, mentioning the author Michael Porter as father of the term " competitive advantage ", defining this one as that activity that differentiates to an organization of his competitors already the competitive strategy as something that it has to see in spite of being different. In addition it is necessary to establish the difference between strategic administration and strategic planning. The planning is analysis, and the strategic administration is synthesis. The strategies, often, appear at any time and in any place of the organizations, generally by means of united processes of informal learning. Different approaches and definitions of strategy PETER DRUCKER: He was one of the first ones in the term mentioned strategy in the administration. For him, strategy of the organization was the response to two questions: what is our business?, what should be? ALFRED CHANDLER JR: It defines to the strategy as the determination of goals and basic aims of long term of the company, the addition of the courses of action and the assignment of necessary resources to achieve the above mentioned goals. For him, the structure continues to the strategy. His interest was put in the study of the relation between the form that the companies were following in his growth (his strategies) and the design of the organization (his structure) planned to be able to be administered in his growth.


KENNETH ANDREWS: It combines the ideas of Drucker and Chandler in his definition of strategy. The strategy is the boss of the aims, intentions or goals and the policies and essential plans to obtain the above mentioned goals, established in such a way that they define in what class of business the this company or it wants to be and what class of company is or wants to be. IGOR ANSOFF: The strategy is the common bow between the activities of the organization and the relations such product - market that they were defining the esenia nature of the business in which this the organization and the business that the organization plans for the future. HNERY MINTZBERG: He is the one who offers the most complete definition of strategy, since he identifies five definitions of strategy from varied representations of the term. a. The strategy like plan: It is a course of action that works as guide for the boarding situation. This plan proceeds to the action and develops in a conscious way. b. The strategy like guideline of action: It works as a maneuver to win an opponent. c. The strategy like boss: It works as model in a flow of actions. It refers to the wished behavior and therefore the strategy must be consistent with the behavior, be intentional this one or not. d. The strategy like position: The strategy is a position with regard to an environment organizational. It works like mediating between the organization and his environment. e. The strategy like perspective: The strategy like perspective corresponds to a more wide vision, implies that not only it is a position, but, that also is, forms a of perceiving the world. The strategy is a concept, an abstraction in the mind of the actors. The important thing is that the perspective is shared for and between the members of the organization, across his intentions and actions.


HOW TO FORMULATE A STRATEGY? The increasing complexity of the competitive panorama, the progressive importance of the global topics in the formulation of the strategy and the enormous diversity of corporate identities, energetic positions and challenges suggest that the approaches orientated to the "recipe" are condemned to the failure. Nevertheless, even more wide level, the strategic administration includes three principal steps: An analysis of “where are we now? ", an evaluation of " towards where do we go? "And, a valuation of “how do we come even there? “". 1. Where are we now?: This first instance of the process consists of analyzing where the business or the company is in his joint today; generally it begins with an exhaustive evaluation of his current performance. As part of this evaluation, it is useful to reconsider topics as: which is our mission?, which is our vision?, which are the values that apply to gesticulate of the company? And which are our key aims? This analysis is in the habit of including an evaluation of the pertinent trends of the sociopolitical environment, economically, legally and technologically inside which it produces the company, as well as of the opportunities and present threats in the environment and of the strengths and internal weaknesses. 2. Towards where do we go?: This second step consists of generating strategic alternatives based on the evaluation of the environmental and competitive pertinent trends, on the observation of the forces of the change and on the analysis of the sustainability of the competitive current positioning realized in the first step. The strategy must be formulated to corporate level, to level of the business unit, to functional level and worldwide; the result, it is a declaration of strategic intention, that is to say, a wide declaration (vision) that identifies the governing concept or the driving force that will lead to the company towards the achievement of this intention; the strategic intention indicates the desire to win. It orientates the organization towards the competitive key aims and offers clear goals on the capacities to developing, the resources of that they must take advantage and the segments in which it is necessary to center. Also it uses as follow-up as that the strategic administration has an approach about the long term.


3. How do we come even there?: This third step consists of formulating specific questions on how it achieves the wished aims. One of the most important points of this stage is how to tackle the gap of capacities that it separates to the current skills of the organization of the necessary capacities to reach the strategic formulated intention. It points at the development of the central capacities and at the identification of the key factors for the success linked with the successful implementation of the chosen strategy. The final product is a detailed set of strategies that constitute the base to communicate the course chosen to the whole organization, as well as to formulate goals and intermediate and subordinated plans.



If your country suffers from poverty also, what are you doing here? By Marcos Macal Exchange Guatemala - Tanzania

Every day I walk to my work, I do the best I can with the work that I have and the tools that I posses. In some occasions when I finish my work I walk and get lost in Mwanga, sometimes I find people and start to talk with them. They usually think that I am from some place in Europe or the United States, when I say Latin America or Central America; they only hear the word AMERICA. So they usually think that I count with a large amount of money. I explain to them the situation back in Guatemala and Central America, always when I finish is the same questions. What are you doing here? Your country suffers like these one and it’s a third world country. Why did you come and help? Why do you come to work here? It would seem that in the mind of many people, helping depends on the amount of money. To my simple criteria, helping depends on the intention of wanting to help. If we, the third world countries have similar sufferings, is it possible that together we might find solutions? I think so; it’s just a matter of REALLY wanting to help us one and another. I don’t think that suffering can be put in terms of quantification and that this problem can be solved only from a monetary point of view. If well, it’s true that we need money to make charity works. We also need good intentions, intellectual and moral capacity to make this work come true. I have said it before, if we´re really to change as a society, country and world, first we have to start changing as people. What can I offer the world? What can I find in myself that can change in order to help others and me? Change exists and it will be possible, but e main question is; do we really want to change? If the answer is yes, then this question follows it, what are we willing to do to REALLY change? It’s not enough just wanting to change, we have to work for it and that will never be an easy task.


Good morning teacha! how are you today?.... i am fine thank you, and you teacha? By Ileana Ortiz Exchange Guatemala - Tanzania This is a phrase that I hear my students say, everyday, when I enter my work. I’m working as a drawing teacher and also helping with the English language at St. Anton of Padua Nursery School. Here there is only one class in which the children, of 3 to 5 years of age, share their day from 8 a.m. up to 2 p.m. I find interesting the way that the teachers here are able to manage teaching all the children what each child needs accordingly to their age; this situation it’s also common in Guatemala. Nevertheless, the strategies that they use for classes like this, in many occasions are not effective. I think I have much to learn here, which is good. Here they have two teachers, teacher Jose whom is the teacher in charge, and teacher Getu who is the auxiliary teacher and is the one who is in charge of some classes as well. Both of them have behaved truly friendly with me, as well as the rest of the school staff. I also find the group of students very interesting; therefore you can find a great variety of personalities. In my persona, l as well as my professional experience, with children you can see certain patterns of behavior no matter what culture are they from. However, here is where I have been able to see the most influence of culture in the kids. Is this aspect which I think will teach me a lot about the culture, their future and their past. My work specifically is being the drawing teacher, this consists most of all in developing the fine motor skills in the boys and girls by the use of several exercises that increase their ability of hand-eye coordination. Beside this, I am also in charge of the first activity of the day; this consists in letting the children introduce themselves, teaching them geometrical shapes, as well as new objects and to say the body parts using the English language only. I think that these is an amazing idea, since here they use the English method, these means that the classes are given in English to the children, of course because of their ages


they also use the Swahili language specially when introducing new concepts. I think that as a teacher and psychologist I can give much here, even though that at first sight it would appear different to some people, but the development in fine motor skills at this age is very important, because it determines how the boy or girl will develop the ability of reason, as well as the development of all the activities with their hands. Another good thing about my job is that I am able to practice my Swahili and improve little by little.



VOLUNTEER PROGRAM To reach FUNDATED's aims, and to improve the projects and programs that we execute annually; a program of voluntary work was implemented, where students and professionals, already are national or foreigners, they turn into important collaborators. Simultaneously, these collaborators prosper humanly and qualify professionally. The volunteers who take part in FUNDATED necessarily possess certain values as: honesty, amiability, initiative, responsibility, environmental care and interest in the conservation of the same one and an attitude of respect and collaboration with the local communities. When you come to work with us, one will see rewarded with practical knowledge in planning, production, execution and evaluation of projects and programs in the areas of health, education, infrastructure, microcredit and community development, etc. In addition, it will have a warm human environment, respectful, creative and supportive environment.

Financing Thinking that FUNDATED works under an annual pre-established budget only and exclusively for execution and evaluation of projects and programs, we cannot offer any type of financing or economic remuneration as well as the coverage of supply or housing (in case of housing like organization we have the aptitude to manage families in the communities where they work in order that they receive them but our volunteers or collaborators still had on the responsibility of volunteer the payment of the service given by the family).

Conditions FUNDATED does not have a limited capacity of squares. Therefore, quite that one presents that it is interested in knowing closely and


thoroughly the Guatemalan reality and the commanding needs of his settlers can be employed at diverse places of the country fell like: Chimaltenango, Solola, Suchitep茅quez, Quetzaltenango, Cardinal City, Zacapa, Huehuetenango. Mobilization For the volunteers FUNDATED in some occasions it can provide of transport towards and from where they are. Coordinaci贸n del Voluntariado Every volunteer will have a coordinator who will orientate him during his volunteer's process. In addition, always it will have the support of all our human equipment. Plan of Work The plan of work that you are going to execute will be reminded before his arrival to FUNDATED, according to his interests, capacities or worries of acquisition of knowledge. The daily activities will be established by his coordinator. The volunteer and his coordinator will have to meet once per week the Equipment of FUNDATED to evaluate and to fit the plan of work. At the end of his work and stay, his participation will be qualified.


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