Funnel Magazine Volume 3: Edition 2

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Dear Funnel Hackers, We have an edition worthy of February and Valentines Day which is full of love, surprises, and a Funnel Hacking Proposal. We are bringing a world record-breaking couple Kolton and Chelsea, who are geniuses in guerrilla marketing. They had the world’s most massive Super Soaker battle and the world’s largest dog day, where people came out and hung out with their dogs. They’ve been featured on ABC, NBC, Fox, and Grant Cardone. In the interview, Chelsea mentions the five languages of love when Hawk asks the couple about being a power couple and working together in the same room. She says “The types of personalities you are and how to communicate with that certain one when to leave them alone when to not. The five love languages, I know it’s not necessarily business connected, but just knowing how to speak and communicate and even constructively criticize a person who could get hurt a little bit easier than a normal person. It took a lot of different things that we worked out, reached out for, and tried to learn.” I took The Five Languages of Love test really early in the relationship with my husband to find each of our love languages and how compatible we were and to best understand what we need out of each other to feel satisfied in the relationship. After Chelsea mentioned the test, I retook the test since we are now partners in business as well as marriage. Over the last six months, I have learned that both partnerships take work and persistence. For anyone interested take the test and learn what you need to communicate effectively with your partner. P.S Happy Valentines Day Funnel Hackers! Your Editor, Tricia Wilkes














The Math Behind the Message ARTICLE BY Christa Nichols

The Math Behind the Message: How to Use Math to Write Copy that Connects With Your Audience

messaging that converts in your funnels, in your email sequences, and in your ads always have a basis in math.

It’s no surprise that being an entrepreneur requires math. From sales to ROI and ad spend to profit and loss, math is involved every step of the way. Even sales funnel design has a mathematical element to it when it comes to the composition and balance of each page.

Words for the Win? About a year ago, I set off on a personal mission to find out what makes good copy good. I read books. I watched webinars. I took masterclasses and joined email lists and stalked other copywriters and influencers.

But I never expected to discover that math is actually Sorry, Dana Derricks. It was all for research. one of the keys of … well … writing good sales copy? I had a burning desire to know what makes good copy I KNOW! Listen, I’m not excited about it either. I’m GOOD. Is it a compelling headline? A fascinating a copywriter for goodness sakes, not an accountant! story? An irresistibly described offer? And I found that I’m pretty sure part of the reason I became a writer is the answer to those questions is yes, of course. Who because there’s no math in writing. wants to read a boring headline, rambling story, or At least that’s what I thought. lackluster offer? So you can imagine my level of chagrin when the truth about high-converting copy hit me one day. Good sales copy, the truly highconverting, stop-them-in-theirtracks-and-make-them-click




But I knew there was more that I hadn’t quite put my finger on. I knew that in order for copy to really hit and deliver the conversions and sales desired, there had to be more than just words, more than sentences and phrases, more than product descriptions, well-placed emojis, or attention-grabbing CTAs.

I was right. There was more to it, but the answer gaps in the information. And your target market has a surprised me. Because the answer was math. tendency to trip over those gaps and fall right through the holes and out of your sales funnels. “Why?” I cried to the heavens. “Why can’t I just write a bunch of nice words that sell stuff?” Okay, maybe I But what does a copy equation look like? I promise, wasn’t quite that dramatic, but I’m pretty sure there was there’s no calculus or trigonometry here - if there was, some emotional eating involved when the realization I would no longer be a copywriter. It’s actually super that I had to start using math in my copy hit. simple. All you need to create copy that converts are the following elements: So anyway, “WHY?” Turns out, BECAUSE of MATH. And yes, I died a little on the inside. Connection + Communication = Conversion Word Brain I’ve always been a fan of words, even as a kid. When the other children were out on the monkey bars or the swings at recess, I was the kindergartener holding book club under the slide. Dr. Seuss and I were tight, and we knew how to have a good time. When it was time to go off to college, I decided to study journalism and mass communication. I wrote for the university newspaper and ate up the news writing and English classes. I only had to take one math class in college - statistics - and this gave me an immense sense of relief. It’s not that I’m THAT bad at math. It’s just not how I operate. I’ve always thought in terms of words and stories.

That equation right there is the foundation of good copy. When your message connects well with your audience and your call to action is clearly and compellingly communicated, then the conversion will follow. When you use this copy equation to write sales copy, you’ll have the framework to write copy on any subject for any client. Your message will hit and convert because of … gulp .... math. THE THREE LEVELS

Each step of the copy equation has three levels: the Base, the Math, and the Words. First, I’m going to break the three levels down for you and show you the exact questions you need to be able to answer in order to build a solid foundation for your sales copy. Then I’ll walk you through how to apply these three levels to When I became an entrepreneur, I cracked open the the first part of the copy equation, connection. You’ll be dusty, cobwebbed part of my brain where I had tucked writing copy that connects with your target audience away my basic math skills and brushed up on my like a Jedi mind reader in no time! bookkeeping and accounting skills. As a Facebook ads manager, I dealt with ads budgets, conversion rates, The Base. The base level of each step of the copy and ROIs every day. But I never expected that math equation describes the foundation of that part of the would play such a large role in my secret love: writing. equation. Everything in that step of the equation will be built upon the foundation, helping to ensure that your Figuring Out the Equation copy targeted well. Questions to ask include: I didn’t set out to be a copywriter. I only discovered I • What is behind this part of the copy equation? was good at copywriting by accident while managing • Do I have the information I need to begin Facebook ads. Writing ad copy was always my favorite writing? part of creating ads. I loved putting myself in someone else’s shoes and writing what would sell. The Math. Here’s where all the math really comes into But sometimes the copy hit and other times it didn’t. I play. Each step of the copy equation has something couldn’t figure out why. As a trained journalist, I knew you’ll need to add and something you’ll need to remove how to tell a story, how to get an audience interested, in order for your copy to be effective. The math level is and how to paint a picture with words. How hard could what keeps your copy clear, straightforward, and direct it be just to add a sales element, right? Turns out, because it trims out any unnecessary items that might distract from your message. Questions to ask include: sometimes it was kind of hard! As I wrote more and more copy, I began to see a pattern • What do I need to add to my knowledge base in order to write effectively? emerge. I’d been overlooking an important element, and that element was the reason my copy didn’t always • What do I need to remove? convert. Guess what? It was math. Of course. Because copy, my friends, is an equation. Leave out a step in the copy equation, and the copy will have holes and EDITION 2 FUNNELMAGAZINE.COM


The Words. The temptation for any writer is to start at this level of the equation. I mean, we’re all about the words, right? Resist skipping past the base and the math levels - resist I say! I promise your copy will be SO much better if your words don’t come until after you’ve addressed the first two levels. Questions to ask: • Are my words consistent with the base and the math levels of this step of the equation? • Am I spreading the message that needs to be here? Step One: Connecting With Your Target Audience If you want people to stop and read your content, you have to immediately form a connection with them. That’s why connection is the first step in good sales copy. I will say it again, good sales copy creates a CONNECTION with the reader. But how do you know if your copy will connect? Isn’t it all just hoping you get the messaging right and then testing it? No. You can write copy that connects with your audience every time by applying the three levels of connective copy. THE BASE The base level of connection is your audience, the people you want to reach with your message. Without them, you wouldn’t even have an offer, right? Before you write, make sure you’ve identified your target audience. I told you we were starting simple.

know. That’s a big mistake - you’ve effectively just subtracted your audience instead of adding them. Unlike face to face interaction, there’s no politeness factor keeping people tuned in to the written word. When readers feel like you’re not talking to them or addressing their wants and needs, they can just click away. So don’t be that guy. Subtract yourself from the equation. Go back to your audience research, put yourself in their shoes, and write what THEY want and need to hear, NOT what you want to say. THE WORDS Yes, we’re back in my comfort zone again. Happy sigh! You’re ready to put pen to page (or, more likely, fingers to keyboard) and start crafting a message that will connect with your target audience. You have one goal in at the Words level when it comes to connection: mind-reading. You want your target audience to feel like you’re speaking right to them, that you understand them, and that you’re someone they can relate to. And you have about three seconds to make it happen. In the connection step of the copy equation, your focus is going to be on two parts of your copy: the headline and the opening statement. If you don’t catch them with the headline and opening statement, then you’ve already lost them. Here’s how you can make sure you do.

Make the headline work FOR you. Your headline THE MATH should be an attention-grabber. It should stop them in their tracks so they can’t help but want to read more. Be Math is hugely important at the connection level. To creative, but clear. Here are some examples of funnel connect well with your target audience, you have headlines that work and headlines that don’t. to know THEM and leave YOURSELF out of the equation. In order to connect well, you’re going to add Headline 1: Sign Up For My Webinar On Money audience research and subtract your own agenda, Management Today! preconceived notions, and biases. Oh, excuse me. I think I just fell asleep. This headline Add Audience Research. If you want to connect with wouldn’t entice anyone to click. For one thing, there’s your audience, you have to know them. You have to nothing that differentiates it from any other money know who they are, what makes them tick, and what management seminar. There’s also no indication of their pain points and needs are. This makes audience who the target audience is, and that’s NOT a good research absolutely essential. thing. A headline that targets everyone often appeals to no one. We can do better. Subtract Yourself. Have you ever gotten cornered by somebody whose favorite thing to do is talk about Headline 2: Do You Want to Makeover Your Money themselves? Bad sales copy is kind of like that. Because Situation? Get Financially Free Without Pinching you know your products or services so well, it’s Pennies or Putting Your Family on a Shoestring Budget! really easy to just launch into telling your That’s so much better! It’s very clear about what the audience what you think they should offer will provide, and it’s written to appeal to a specific audience - money-conscious parents interested in financial programs. VOLUME 3



Kill it with the opening statement. There are many ways to handle the opening statement, but these two are my tried and true favorites because the audience will feel understood and plugged in immediately. Lead with what your target audience wants . . .

There are two more steps in the copy equation that we didn’t even get to. Stay tuned to read about how to use the copy equation to create messaging that communicates effectively and converts like mad in upcoming editions.

Teaser: Ever wondered why sometimes your sales copy hits, and other times it falls flat? It may have less to I ran a campaign for a health and wellness expert doing do with the words you use and more to do with the a detox challenge once. I was struggling with how to lack of something completely unexpected in your copy make detox sound sexy, and as I was brainstorming ... math. with a team member for ideas, I decided to just be Social Media Blurb: honest. • Want to know why sometimes sales copy hits “I just don’t think I would like doing a detox! The thought and other times it falls flat? Math. of it kind of makes me want to go hide in the closet and • Math is the framework that can help you create eat ice cream out of the carton!” amazing sales copy on any subject for any client. The opening statement for the ad became, “Does the thought of doing a detox make you want to hide in the • There’s no math in writing ... so why am I now preaching math as the saving grace of highcloset and eat ice cream out of the carton?” The client converting copy everywhere? LOVED it, and that ad copy performed like crazy! The audience ate it up, and the client had leads coming out • Write copy that connects with your audience every time by using . . . math? of her ears. • Stop wondering if your copy will connect with I’ve resigned myself to the fact that math has made a your audience. With this math-based copy big difference in the effectiveness of the copy I write. equation, you can write copy about anything for Who knew? When you build your copy around your anyone! target audience, it connects with them quickly. Your audience feels understood, and they’re more likely to keep reading - and clicking - further into your funnel. . . . OR lead with what they don’t want.

Using the copy equation formula can be a game changer for your funnels. It helps takes the guesswork out of wondering if your copy will connect with your audience, and it provides a framework to follow so you can write copy about anything for anyone.




How to Get 100 Joint Venture Partners, Affiliates, and Referral Sources ARTICLE BY Seth Greene

How to get 100 joint venture partners, affiliates, and referral sources to promote your product or service.

100 list of advertisers he wanted every month via direct mail, and phone. He would snail mail every month, and call every month. Executing that strategy every month for over a year landed him a large number of What if you had a sales force of 100 amazing JV those 100 as clients, and took off. partners, affiliates, and referral sources promoting your business to their email lists, social media followings, Legendary business guru Jay Abraham shared these customer, clients, and even prospects? two examples with me: The #2 physical therapist in Southern California got to #2 by assembling a list of 1,200 chiropractors and It’s called the Dream 100 Strategy, and it was doctors. He dripped on them two times a month, and originated by Chet Holmes back when he worked for in 12 months had 400 of them sending him patients. Warren Buffett. This strategy originated and executed by Chet, took the magazine he worked for from the An architect of retails stores sent a monthly letter to bottom place at the publishing company to the top of the owners of major chains in her area. One letter a month, and in 12 months she had generated over a the heap. million dollars in new business. The strategy as executed by Chet and remembered by You can read more about this in Chet’s book, The me was decades ago. Ultimate Sales Machine. He did it all by dripping on those dream Keep reading and I will show you how we have brought this into the 21st century and made it work even better. Sound too good to be true?




So how do you bring this into the 21st century?

about you, your story, and your message. You need an introduction, table of contents, and a conclusion. You need a front cover, back cover, and spine. You need the interior laid out, and the blog posts rewritten as book chapters. Then once your book is done, you need Kindle and physical versions prepared to be sold on Amazon. Once your book is published, you need a book launch day to push it to the top if its category so you have that all important screenshot of it at the top of Amazon. You will coordinate everyone who was on his list, who made it into the book, to tell their followers about the launch of the book - so everyone goes and buys it and reviews it on the same day (because you And how do you get those folks to promote you THREE sent out advance copies), thus driving it up the Amazon times BEFORE you even ASK? rankings even faster. Step one - you are going to start by interviewing them on your podcast. This way, you aren’t asking them for anything. You are offering to give them more exposure to their message (to the audience you are building), at no charge. You are leading with value first. This is very important. It totally defines the relationship and how they will perceive you. They will see you as a reporter, as a host, as someone valuable with a media platform that is offering to do them a favor by having them on. They will be grateful to you for the opportunity, and you will start building up reciprocity (see Cialdini’s seminal work Influence for more on this). You conduct the interview in such a way as t make it all about THEM. Then when you send them to show graphics and copy to use, they will promote it to their following without you even having to ask. That’s promotion one. By the way, do the interview on ZOOM, so that you can stream it to Facebook Live, plus get separate audio and video tracks. That way you have three different shows out of one interview. The audio show goes to Itunes, Google Play, Spotify, and I Heart Radio. The video show goes to YouTube, and the live interview goes to Facebook live. That’s three shows in one, plus the graphics and quotes become social media content.

So they shared it to their audience when they were on the show, they shared the blog post, and then they promoted the book launch. All on the back of one 2030 minute interview, and you didn’t’ have to ask them for the 3 promotions. You probably already are now getting business from their tribe, as they have seen you 3 times. Along the way, you sent a warm and fuzzy postcard every month. You also sent a gift each month for no reason. After the book launch, I would let the 2x a month drips work for two months. Then you send them a complimentary copy of whatever it is you are offering. After they have consumed it (read it, watched it, etc), then I would send them a letter asking them directly to promote whatever it is that you are offering. Wash, rinse, and repeat every quarter and watch your business explode in a year.

Want to jump on a call where I walk you through the exact process, how it works, and how you can do it for Step two: Have the interview transcribed. Then edit it your business? into a several-thousand-word search engine optimized blog post. Include the audio, video, and graphics in the blog post to increase the amount of time people spend on that page of your blog, thus boosting your SEO rankings even more. Submit the blog post to google with various software programs designed for SEO, and get your website significant google juice in a matter of a few months, not years. Email a link of the blog post to your guest, and watch them share it with their following. Step three: When you have 10-12 interviews done, you are going to turn them into a book. You need a chapter











Article by Bryan Dulaney

7 Necessary Steps To Creating A Tribe of Raving Fans Who Buy Everything You Have To Offer

Every business owner wants to have raving fans who everyone. love what they create or produce! Everyone should It’s certainly happened to me and it’s happened for my want a tribe of fans who shout to the rooftops about clients too, because now we manufacture raving fans your products or services. as much as possible. Think about sports teams, and the NFL is a great It’s what we all want and we know is the lifeblood of example. We all have our favorite teams and we’re any successful business that has been around for more pretty passionate about our teams. Growing up in than a decade. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania I am, of course, an Eagles Fan for Life even though I now live in sunny San Diego, Think about it. How many companies do you know CA. that have been around for 10, 20 or even 50+ years. Think about Apple, Microsoft, or Budweiser. I mean What if you had fans like your favorite sports team the list goes on and on and you know what? Those big has? Can you imagine what that would do for your brands have raving fans who love their products and business? who in some shape or form shout to the rooftops about I remember back in 2012 when I launched an their experience with those brands. advertising service offer and the results were sooo good Let’s take Apple for example, we wear their watches, that one affiliate really got behind it and shared it with we carry their phones in our pockets and we use their his community and BAM we took that service from $0 computers. We can’t get away from Apple unless we to over $70,000 a month in recurring cash flow. completely changed brands, and then we’d just be a It was exhilarating. I mean imagine $297, $497, and fan of another brand. $997 recurring subscription payments hitting your So, here’s the steps that you need to thoughtfully account every few hours! It was amazing, and that’s consider when you go about crafting a user experience what happens when you produce a product that in order to create your own tribe of raving fans who buy produces results for others. everything you have to offer in your business. They love it and they share it with Step 1: Irresistible Money Magnets




Do you have something that your perfect customer desperately wants or needs? An “irresistible money

magnet” is something that you can use to position in meet them, unless you just like rejection. front of our ideal and perfect customer to get them Building relationships takes some time and investment onto your list so you can build a relationship with them on your part. and eventually turn them into a buyer, if done properly. The same applies when it comes to the internet and A few examples of irresistible money magnets are: developing relationships with your prospects online. webinars, free reports, free video series, checklists, free What I recommend is that you bring your expertise to + shipping offers, samples, downloads, etc. There are the table for free and provide results in advance. This 21 different types of irresistible money magnets that means they can produce results by doing what you you can use to build your list in your market. Some of teach them or inspire them to do. Once they get those them will make sense and some of them will not. results, they are not only able to continue purchasing The biggest thing that you need to be thinking while with you, but they can also be a testimonial for you as you’re creating your own irresistible money magnet well. is, “what does my avatar (a.k.a perfect customer) The more you can build this relationship and provide desperately want or need?” Answering this question will results the better your results overall. Just be sure to help you create ideas that you can test. ask for testimonials and get creative with the way you You can also do some market analysis and see what your get them. If you provide free value before they give competitors are doing and then model them, but make you money that’s great because when it comes time to sure to make yours unique and better. Remember, just them giving you money for whatever you offer, they will because someone else is doing something similar, that be more likely to say “yes” to whatever you offer. doesn’t matter. You have your own unique fingerprint Step 4: Converting Sales right? If so, then what you create will be unique in it’s own way. Just make sure you don’t copy someone else Next, after you’ve developed that relationship by word for word in order to truly make it your own. This providing massive value, then it’s time that you make will help you stand out as well. an offer and get them to give you money for whatever it is that you sell. Step 2: Capturing Leads I use this 4-part formula for making offers that has Building a list today is more important than ever, treated me well over the years. however, acquiring this list looks a little different than it did compared to just a few years ago. In the past Part 1: Here’s what you get. List all of the features of we would primarily build email lists and use email to what they are actually going to receive when they buy market to the people on those lists. from you. Now we can use a variety of ways to capture leads Part 2: Here’s what it will do for you. List all of the including: ManyChat, Pixels for Remarketing, Live Chat benefits that each feature will do in their business or life. and SMS along with traditional email list building. Part 3: Here’s what to do next. Tell them what to do Now, you may ask, “which one should I be doing next such as: buy now, join now, register, etc. Bryan?” You should be doing all of them, in my opinion. And if you’re not doing one of these, you need to get in Part 4: Here’s why now. Create some urgency for them to act and to get in the game. Without urgency the game already. You are behind the 8 ball. people put it off or lose interest. You must get crafty Step 3: Developing Relationships here and create urgency within your prospects so they actually pull out their credit card and give you money This is where the rubber meets that road and where for whatever it is that you offer. I see most people drag their face across the cement trying to figure it out. Typically I see people focused Step 5: Adding Outrageous Value on list building but then when it comes to developing relationships with people, they fall flat on their face. Now, you’ve processed their order for whatever it is that you offered them. Next, it’s time to start stacking Don’t be that person. the value and make additional offers that Be strategic. Think about how you would build a they can say YES to because it’s relationship with someone that you meet out and about in your town or city. You probably wouldn’t try stuffing some sales pitch down their throat the first minute you EDITION 2



something that solves a problem or a need.

I suggest that you create a tribe name or slogan that they can identify with. Here’s an example: GoPro. It’s a great company and I more so love the slogan that they have associated with their brand. “Be a hero” and they have stickers that people put on their cars, computers and who knows where but they identify with “being a hero” when they slap that sticker on their card

For example, your out at a restaurant and you order a chicken salad and the waitress says, “would you like avocado with that?” Then all of a sudden it’s an extra $1.75 for two slices of avocado. Bam - and just like that, you were up-sold, and they increased the average cart value meaning which means how the amount each person spends when they come in to buy. In Summary:

This is an important number that you should know When you focus on working backwards and your about your business and about your funnels. outcome is to create a tribe of raving fans, you begin to think differently about how you architect the experience Step 6: Delivering Awesomeness that your prospects and your buyers go through. Next, is where we get to actually create that WOW Shoot, if you don’t think about it, someone else will! effect within our customers so they will get excited about This is how disruptors come into your market and make sharing what we have to offer. There’s a few ways that a dent, then begin to take market and mind share. we deliver awesomeness that I’ve noticed that not a lot of people do until of course I’ve started sharing these It’s the easiest way to differentiate yourself, because best practices. most people are just thinking about making money and just converting sales. #1: Call customers at any level. It doesn’t matter if they spent $7 or $5,000. Do you call your customers or They are short sighted of creating a tribe of raving do you have someone on your team that cares enough fans and for some reason think that “raving fans” is to call them and welcome them and find out if there’s something that only big brands focus on. It’s definitely anything that they need help with? We do. not. I think about it with every funnel that we build for ourselves and our clients and partners. I started doing this back in 2012 and I was shocked to hear how many people were blown away by this simple If you need help designing, building or launch your own gesture. The cool part about it is that we get some Perfect Funnel System for your business, we would love incredibly valuable data about our customers and their to help! Since 2006, we have built over 1,650 funnels experience so we can continue to make it better, which that have gone onto generating in excess of over $60 is something you should adopt into your way of thinking million. We can help you too. as well. #2: Ship them some stuff. We ship welcome packages, t-shirts and all kinds of stuff that people love. Step 7: Raving Fans Lastly, if you’ve done all 6 steps up until now, then you should have created a raving fan who is just as excited about promoting your business as you are.




Article by Chris


The 20-Second Headline Hack Responsible for a 7% Increase In Conversions

The importance of having a great headline is well- Despite the rise of the digital world, the reader flow is documented and discussed. After all, without a headline just as important now as it has always been (if not even that grabs the interest of the reader, your copy will not more so, with shortening attention spans!). be read, and your sales video will not be watched! A very simple way to achieve an improved flow is to Many marketers have heard stories of the amazing bold certain words. copywriters who can change just one word in a headline However, part of the skill of bolding is to make sure and skyrocket the sales! that the words, when bolded, can be read on their own But making your headline the best it can be doesn’t just without the need for any of the other text that surrounds stop with the copy you use. The design and layout can them. have a dramatic effect on your page’s (and, ultimately, This is known as a double-readership path. Essentially, your funnel’s) performance. it caters to skim readers and means they still get the This is an effect we have seen with a simple 20-second gist of your sales message by simply scan-reading the tweak on our own headlines, which has resulted in a bolded sections. huge average increase of 7% on conversions. When trying to achieve this effect in ClickFunnels, Despite being an easy tweak to make in ClickFunnels, certain fonts do not work well. The bolding can often be this tweak comes from the good old-fashioned world of hard to spot and has little to no visual impact. print advertising! Just like the printers of old, using different font colors can The copywriters and printers of old would discuss how produce a better bolding effect and can be much more to improve the readability or “flow” of an ad. effective in terms of the visual impact, when compared to simply using the bold button. This would include how to make the page seem simple and easy to read, whilst also making certain things Across the pages that we tested this on, we changed “pop” on the page, meaning they would stand the default text color (#2f2f2f), which is a very dark out and be magnets to the attention of shade of gray that is used for both normal and bold the reader. text.




We found that using a slightly lighter gray (#373d3f) for the normal font color, combined with pure black

(#000000) for all bolded text, provided the impact You have a couple of options regarding the text color. Here, you can set a color for all ‘normal’ font-weight we were looking for. text and a separate color for all ‘bold’ font-weight text. By choosing the slightly lighter gray, the contrast for the bolded text becomes that much greater, whilst This means that, within the same block of text, you can the perceived difficulty in reading the text is minimal set bold weight letters to be a different color to make (there are countless studies to show black text on white them stand out more. background is the easiest to read). To change the color, click on the box next to the label Making this change allows the skim readers of your (shown by the red arrows above). page, around 81% of all your readers, to more easily pick up the main points you want them to, encouraging them to take a closer look and read the page more thoroughly. To change the font color within ClickFunnels, simply click on the headline or paragraph block to select the element. Once selected, the element will show as orange. Click on the gear icon within the options (see below). A screen will appear on the right-hand side of the window with the properties for that text block (see You can either click on one of the pre-defined color below). options, choose directly from within the color picker, or enter a value directly into the box (using either Hex, RGB or RGBA). To alter the transparency of a color, use the slider to adjust this. You can also enter a RGBA value straight into the box (see example below).

To configure a text block so that it has 2 different colors between normal and bold font weights, simply set the colors within the text block element properties (shown below).




that of simply using the bold function in ClickFunnels. For those who naturally read the page in-depth, around 20% of your readers, the benefit is that they will place more emphasis on the bolded parts of the text, subconsciously understanding that these points have been singled out for their importance. This “weighting” that the reader’s place on the bolded copy is mirrored by the search engines when they crawl a page and try to understand what it is about. This can be especially important when running ads to a webpage, for example with Google AdWords.

Once you have set up your colors, you will need to apply bold to some of the text. To do this, double-click on the By bolding keywords, Google will award you for good relevance to the search term. This is due to the algorithm text element so that a blue box appears around it. understanding that, by bolding these phrases, the user The blue box shows that you are in text edit mode. will quickly see the content is what they wanted. In other words, you will be completely relevant and provide a good user experience! Highlight the text you wish to make bold and then click That good user experience, of allowing a visitor to quickly and easily understand what your funnel page on the ‘B’ within the text toolbar (shown above). is about, ultimately drives the conversion rates of the page. Once complete, just click away from the text box More of the page’s visitors will stay and consume the content, they will have a greater understanding of your element to view. offer (and ultimately the value of the offer) and are more likely to take the action you desire. Occasionally, it is not possible to use these exact colors (light gray & pure black) due to the funnel’s color scheme. In testing other pages, we have seen increases in conversion by “bolding” with branding colors.

Although no amount of bolding (with color or otherwise) will cure a poor headline or weak offer! If you have a funnel that currently works, try a little color bolding!

You might be surprised by the results, especially as it Although this has not been as effective as using pure only takes around 20 seconds to implement! black, the increases we have seen have been above




Article by Hernan Vazquez

2 Steps To Winning At Facebook Ads With Your Funnel

Facebook Ads has made it extremely easy for anyone to advertise on Facebook. This is a good thing for those looking to get exposure for a product or a service. But this means more competition. Think about it: Everyone is advertising on Facebook right now because, in some way, shape or form, they’re realizing its potential. And with more competition, this means higher ad costs. Or does it?

Even for those with some experience. This may be why. According to the “Social Media Marketing Industry Report” published by www.socialmediaexaminer, 93% of social media marketers use Facebook advertising regularly. And according to a study by WordStream the number of Facebook advertisers has doubled over the past 18 months as of August of 2018. And the average Cost Per Click (CPC) is roughly $1.72 across all industries, ranging from $3.77 as the highest with If you have been running Facebook ads over the past Finance & Insurance to $0.45 per click with apparel. few years you may have noticed that Facebook ad Also, Cost Per Action (CPA) across all industries costs are seasonal, or cyclical in nature. What I mean averages at $18.68. by that is, during those heavy consumer buying seasons there are more people and companies advertising their And despite all these statistics and numbers, I’m going products. to show you how you can come it on the low end of these averages consistently, even during the seasonal Take, for example, the end of the year where brick and advertising peaks. Implementing these two steps has mortar and online retailers are swamping timelines with become the staple of my Facebook advertising strategy. Christmas shopping ideas; Or Black Friday deals which Guess what? Anyone can do it. have now turned into Black Friday week (or month!). Competing for space on the timelines becomes There are a few requirements for this to work: Content, increasingly costly. Especially when you’re up against research, and some patience. the deep-pocketed big box retailers. Some smaller Step 1: By now you should have a general understanding advertisers choose to sit out these seasonal peaks of who your target audience is if not, this is where the choosing not to blow a good chunk of their yearly or research requirement comes in. We are going to create monthly ad spend. what I like to call non-threatening content. This means In fact, for many, Facebook Ads are you’re creating content with the intent to engage with becoming less and less effective. your target market. I must stress that we are not trying to sell anything at this point. This content should hold some sort of value or emotional appeal. This could be VOLUME 3



“how-to” videos or tutorials, inspirational or motivational content, a blog post, cool pictures, and videos…you get the point. What we are doing here is farming or mining an audience. We will be tracking who engages with the content. And this content is created to appeal to my target audience. For example: In the past, I have frequently promoted my book “Perpetual Profits”. Because my book is about helping entrepreneurs and small businesses succeed in digital marketing, I started out by targeting people who liked Tony Robbins, Frank Kern, or Digital Marketing. The problem I faced was, these are obvious categories to target, and everyone in my niche would be targeting these same interests. This means high conversion costs if I was attempting to sell my book to this audience upfront. The workaround for this is to NOT sell my book to these people up front. Instead, I promoted value-driven content about how to design your Facebook ad for best engagement, and how to increase your Facebook page reach. I promoted tidbits of information that I learned over the years as a digital marketer. If it was a video, I tracked who engaged with that video.

After I collected enough data on my new audience, such as landing page views, video views, shares or likes, I moved to step two.

Step 2: Retargeting. So now that we have all this data carved out from targeting a broad, general audience with similar interests we are going to retarget them with our offers. We have essentially taken a target that could If it was an image with a link, I tracked who clicked on only be hit with a shotgun and created a target that the link and dwelled on my promoted content. These fine can be pinpointed by a laser scope. people became my audience. And that is what I mean by farming or mining your audience. Here’s the cool Here’s the big thing: By putting out content that thing, because I was promoting value-driven content, engaged with a general audience, I have now created I was also building a rapport with my audience, trust, my own audience that would be more apt to buy what and goodwill. This helps tremendously with conversions I have for sale. Why? Because I built trust and rapport. later. This type of content will cost less than promoting But not only that, promoting my offers will be much offers and hoping someone buys from me. cheaper. This is because I know exactly who I am targeting. I’m not guessing. In the case of promoting my book, by doing step 1, I was able to narrow down a field of hundreds of thousands of people who would “maybe” buy my book to a few thousand people who would be very interested in buying my book. My averages went up. I was able to create a custom audience and retarget people based on video views, landing page views or website visitors. Not only did this lower my CPC tremendously, but it also lowered my CPA, increased my reach and engagement and allowed me to scale at a much faster pace.




And guess what? With each new product I promoted in this space I already have a built-in audience that keeps getting bigger. It all starts with the value-driven content in the beginning. If you want to decrease your advertising costs, increase your leads and conversions and more accurately predict monthly or yearly advertising costs, follow this method, and let me know how it goes!




Article by Kristen Miller

5 Ways To Keep Your Organic Facebook Posts In Line With Your Funnel

Your social media is the top of your funnel. In so many 1- Start with the end in mind cases, your organic Facebook posts are how people Know exactly what is in your funnel and what you need find out about you. to say to get people to click over to your funnel. Usually, someone shares a post from you that they Make sense? love or you boost the post to reach new people and someone gets to know you for the first time. It’s not the same as talking about your lead magnet all the time. It’s the way they get to know you more too. Maybe they downloaded your lead magnet and liked your It’s not the same as mentioning your product all the Facebook page to see more of you in their newsfeed. time. So it’s very important that you keep your posts in line What do they need to hear to prepare them for the with your funnel. That means, what you post about lead magnet or product? directly relates to your funnel. Don’t post recipes if you 2 - It’s all about THEM don’t sell anything related to recipes. This is a big one! It’s not about you, it’s about THEM. That makes sense right? Always, always, always keep that in mind. But with social media, we sometimes think that we need to be extra social and post whatever is going on in our Make sure you keep “I” to a minimum and that there is lives. It’s ok to be off-topic sometimes, but not when it’s a “what’s in it for me?” for your audience. the majority of your content. Hint: After you write a post, think to yourself “What’s in it for them?” If you can’t come up with a good answer What do you need to do instead? - rewrite it. Keep these 5 things in mind when creating your organic 3 - Post about the right topics Facebook content. Like I mentioned before, don’t post recipes if that has nothing to do with your business. Only post about topics that accompany your business. Or make sure that the post always circles back to the business somehow. VOLUME 3



If you want to post about the best dinner recipe you Pro Tip: Video always reaches the most people and ever tried - make sure you bring it back around to the creates the best engagement with your audience. Be lesson or the reason for the post and make it apply to sure to try video! your business. 5 - Engage with your audience 4 - Post the right type of content When they comment - comment back! Like their When you know what topic to post about, make sure comment. Keep the conversation going. Facebook you’re posting it in a way that connects with your looooves when pages engagement back with their audience. It’s not a one-way conversation there! audience. Types of content: • Recorded Video • Live Video • Images • Sharing blog posts • Text only posts • Voice posts If you’re not sure what your audience responds to best, try them all and see what resonates the most.




Article by Page Vandiver

The Authority Funnel to End All Authority Funnels

In the game of digital marketing, the playing field is In case you haven’t noticed chatbots in the last few always changing. One night, everything is wired for years, consider this a formal wake up call. baseball: Swing the bat with a single strategy and it’s Let’s Recap: “A chatbot is a computer program that is a grand slam. capable of having human-like conversation with a user When algorithms or policies change overnight, the rules by receiving and sending text messages for the purpose fly out the window…and suddenly it’s a soccer game – of automating a business process,” according to Hristo requiring very fancy footwork to get the same ball to Borisov, Director of Product Management at Progress. the finish line. These programs are interactive and allow individualized, Or even worse, after months of a steady decline, you guided, relevant communication between two parties find yourself wondering why yesterday’s methods are - in our context – usually a consumer and a business. not fulfilling today’s strategic goals. They are designed for customer service, support, and personalized communication. As media choices continue to fragment, user personas cluster into highly specialized niches, and customized ManyChat hosted its first ever #Conversations2018 messaging prevails, it’s time for a massive shift in Conference in Austin September 21-23. Around 1,000 marketing: digital marketers converged on The Fairmont Hotel to learn about innovations in messenger marketing, Consumers want to communicate with brands chatbots, and sales funnels. differently…and it’s getting much more personal. If you missed out this year, skipped a session, or simply Consumers don’t want broadcast-only-buy-me-now couldn’t pull away from the swanky lounge downstairs, marketing. They want two-sided interactive relationship consider this your unofficial (unsponsored) Cliff’s Notes with a true exchange of wants, needs, and value. guide to the event. …Enter the golden era for chatbots, messenger These top insights from the conference will help you marketing, and automated responses in our build better strategies, generate better results, and funnel structures. approach funnels in a new, fresh way:




Mikael Yang presenting onstage.

email. The data speaks for itself: Messenger marketing is on its way to overtaking email in advertising, sales and support channel. Chatbots help you avoid the conversations that you don’t want, and generate conversations that you do want. When used correctly, chatbots can create customer journeys, help you provide personalized content to the right audiences at the right time, lower cost per result, build trust with customers, automate internal processes, aid customer listening, and elevate your brand experience overall.

Photo Courtesy Dorne McLoughlin Insight #1: To increase conversions and CTRS, test and deliver messenger marketing campaigns.

Mikael Yang, ManyChat Mikael Yang behind the scenes after the conference.

Have you ever had a problem that irritated you? Well, good news: You might be sitting on gold. When Mikael Yang was trying to create a platform to solve a business problem in 2015, he found that custom broadcasting via a messaging app was extremely time & cost prohibitive. There had to be a better way... He called his friend and technical cofounder Anthony to discuss the problem. Within a few days, they had a prototype…and ManyChat was born.

Photo courtesy Page Vandiver Now the company has 400,000 bot pages with 150,000,000 subscribers that send 3 billion messages Insight #2: Ask your audience specific questions. per month. That kind of growth is staggering, but Listen. Then deliver specific answers to their needs it’s really an indication of the wide implications of and problems. messenger marketing. Our problem isn’t that we don’t have enough leads. It’s If you haven’t implemented automated social that we don’t have enough quality engagement with messaging, take note: This is no fringe communication the leads that we have. *Mic drop* We’re not listening tactic. According to an eMarketer report, 2.5 billion will enough to what they want and then delivering it to be using messaging apps per month by 2021. Another them. report touts that more than half of 18-44 year olds prefer Try something new: Change the way that you look at their mobile communication via text above voice and funnels. Instead of expecting low results (a large reach video. According to Mailchimp, the average open rate at the top of the funnel and smaller conversion at the is 2% for emails. Trends now indicate that messenger bottom), start engaging conversations with targets at marketing can have as high as 10x higher click rate than key points in their customer journey. Start by leading people from your page, ads, and emails into chats and bots. Add binary, specific questions into your email responses, bots, and funnels…And surprise: People will talk back, giving the opportunity to deliver tailored answers and content that produces more conversions. Look at it this way: People are most fascinated by those who are fascinated with them, and EDITION 2



the more that you listen to your audience and deliver customized answers to their needs and problems, the better results that you will see. Ryan Deiss used these tactics and implemented a bot on his contact page, earning an extra $250k in conversions in 2 months. Ryan Deiss, Digital Marketer

When building target market descriptions and strategy, marketers should never neglect to include the end user’s emotional state. Target markets don’t stop at numeric ages or simple preferences (ex: Females between the ages of 21 and 65 who like Justin Timberlake); they should also connect to emotional needs and wants that drive actual consumer behavior.

Insight #3: Best practices from someone who generFor example, in planning funnel strategy for a Portland ated $80k in a week: coffeehouse, a market could look like this: “New college students in Portland that feel disconnected from home Brace yourselves…the conversions are coming… and are suffering with anxiety.” Funnel steps should be …if you use these best practices: Don’t be afraid to stand planned around the type of progress or transformation out - Add memes, conversational language, branded that your end user wants to make with his or her GIFS and options that speak to your end user. emotional state. Always test your bots and funnels before you implement Thinking this way positions you to then ask better or fully automate. And prepare for the onslaught of questions through bots and re-engage with tailored messages and follow-up activity that must take place. content for better results, like PDF guides of the city, (Hint: Bring on more support. A funnel that aims offers for products and incentives for loyalty programs & succeeds at generating $80k in will need a lot of that do more than just initial lead generation. Remember follow-up.) that we are mostly buying an emotional state when we As you build and scale, always remember this golden purchase products and services. “We’re buying better rule: “You do not own Facebook, YouTube or Google. versions of ourselves.” Do not hedge all your bets on one platform. Even if Molly Pittman & Dan Gamito, ManyChat it’s a great channel...Always build your own audiences [and capture their data in your own CRMs].” It sounds simple, but fail to follow it and the results could prove deadly for your business and future revenue. Cat Howell, Eight Loop Social Molly Pittman & Dan Gamito co-presenting an excellent session early in the conference day 1.

Rachel Miller Photo courtesy Geraldine Lerroye. Insight #5: Funnels & chatbots are really tools in a bigger picture of building relationship with your customer. Brands that miss conversations with their customers are missing out on conversions. And these conversations should be treated like developing a relationship. Find Photo courtesy Dorne McLoughlin out what your customers want to know and give it Insight #4: Redefine the word “Market” in your to them. Focus on the conversation BEFORE the thought processes. conversion by creating irresistible content and weaving In the famous words of Inigo Montoya, it into your funnels. “You keep using that word. I don’t Here’s how: Create a list of the top questions in your think that word means what inbox and create content that answers those questions you think it means.” in video snippets, automated FAQs, and lead magnets. VOLUME 3 Weave these content pieces into your funnel and draw



people across your page, ads, livestreams, offers and Insight #7: Turn your customers into raving fans bot. with reward & loyalty programs with bots & Apple Wallet. Use chatbots to remind people when a livestream is about to happen, and invite them to opt-in to a lead With social messaging tools like ManyChat, agencies magnet after the stream with your chatbot. Spend a and companies can provide loyalty and reward long time developing relationship and trust, deliver programs that not only save money – but save brands specific answers and products that customers request, from extinction. Starbucks company revenue was on call them to action, and you will need buckets to catch the decline in 2012. Within 4 quarters of rolling out their the excess overflow from your results. Rachel Miller reward and loyalty program, the company’s trajectory implemented these tactics to launch her course and was completely reversed. Now, 21% of the company generated multiples over her initial $25k goal. revenue comes from its rewards members. Rachel Miller, Moolah Marketing Mikael Yang, Curt Maly & Molly Pittman backstage

Make this tactic work for your brand or clients by looking at your customers like an engaged relationship. Use bots to ask for emails, referrals, and unlock rewards. Ask for reviews - and if customers share a negative or positive experience, design your bot to deliver short prerecorded response videos or prompt them to share their reviews. Give customers a reward code or QR code that can be stored in their Apple Wallet. And suddenly, your brand (or your client’s) has just broken free of clutter and landed in the winner’s circle.

Photo courtesy Curt Maly Insight #6: It’s all about quality, not quantity.

Philippe LeCoutre, Messenger Marketing Loyalty Dorne McLoughlin, Mikael Yang, Philippe LeCoutre

You don’t need to have maximum numbers in your audience to have maximum impact on your bottom line. Speaking specifically to a few people is better than speaking generally to a wider audience. A bot with only 160 subscribers may not seem impressive, but reconsider this: Curt Maly’s team generated $57k from $1500 with a bot he built for his clients, proving the point: “You don’t need to have generic conversations with a bigger audience. Maintain great conversations with a few people and you can have great results...” Curt Maly, Black Box Social Alex Afterman, Mandy Miller, Mikael Yang, Jenna Curry and Page Vandiver.

Photo courtesy Page Vandiver

Photo Courtesy Dorne McLoughlin




Insight #8: Start small. Replicate. Systemize. Repeat. Let’s say that you wanted to generate leads & automate appointment booking for a large franchise in Europe. Start small: Create an initial bot for the head office that solicits name, phone number, email and an appointment. Then, replicate: For franchise locations, educate location owners in a group meeting with a demo. Create an offer that allows them to implement a bot for their location (or pay you to do it). To get maximum impact with minimal investment, start with the ManyChat free plan and make use of free templates available. Roll out an ad to a bot that generates leads & appointments. In our era, knowledge is the new currency. People want Create re-engagement campaigns for potential to leverage it to reach their dreams, change their lives, customers who didn’t convert with an educational video and pursue a new path. and a link. Then create systems to respond to demand Use your bots to help people be more successful versions that will be generated by your campaigns. of themselves and they will want to stay connected This is the strategy Dorne McLoughlin implemented for with you. Help your customers be the hero of the story her client BabyBallet in the UK. Their revenues soared and make them the center of questions, value and transactions. and Dorne’s did, too. Design bot flows with top 10 lists, answer FAQs, followDorne McLoughlin, Ribbit Media up guides, plans to work through content, quizzes, forms -Sonya Keenan being interviewed off stage about that automate onboarding processes and content that brand story, customer journeys, and digital marketing. connects your customers to your content and the life of their dreams. Photo courtesy Page Vandiver This builds trust, demonstrates your authority, and leads your customers to fulfilled wants and needs… By implementing a chatbot into her client’s funnel, Mary which churns the marketing circle of life and generates Kathryn Johnson found that it helped provide consistent new advocates and brand evangelists. value and credibility and increased her client’s “know, Sonya Keenan, Omnichannel Media Group like and trust” factor. Insight #9: Bots can rocket power course sales.

Overall, they helped her client generate $1M in online courses in 99 days. She discovered that prospects downloaded 2.9 lead magnets before buying, spent hours consuming content on the client’s Facebook page, and continued to see opt-ins on content generated more than 8 months ago. Mary Kathryn Johnson, Insight 10: Take your customer on a journey. Let bots help guide the adventure.




Thinking about implementing a bot for yourself or a client? ...Or are you still wondering what a Chatbot is? See a simple bot in action here: Page.S.Vandiver

Article by Tyler Cerny

4 Fundamental Principles for Wildly Profitable Funnels

What’s your intention of building funnels? If you want My first urge is to stare at astonishment at all of them and say “Awww how cute” to create profit, here’s how….. The first step to a wildly profitable funnel is a direct Then as my ADHD kicked in, I had a strong urge to try result of how much you understand the 4 fundamental to catch one. principles of conversion funnels. Dozens of them were swimming within inches from face. The principles include: Very confidently I reach out and fail epically. • Attention Again, I try to do it quicker. No luck. • Interest • Desire Finally, with all my stealth that I could muster while • Action trying to stay afloat, I reach out for one and as I am Now, before I break down each fundamental principle inching closer…. the same thing happens. I want to share a story with you. Meanwhile, I hear a girl scream. That taught me one of the most important things about I turn around and notice a huge bunch of fish swimming sales, marketing, and conversion funnels. to a piece of white bread near a woman’s head. Funny thing was…… it happened in Thailand. Koh Phangan, Thailand located at a place called Secret Beach. As all the tourists are swimming, the local workers are having a grand time tossing white bread (apparently I went to a restaurant located on a tip of the huge rock an extremely popular fish food option). at Secret Beach. After ordering my food, I took a 15Then it HIT ME. The harder I worked to catch one on foot jump from the tip of the rock into the water. my own resulted in more frustration and less results. As I am struggling to wade and put my snorkel mask on simultaneously, I am welcomed by hundreds This resulted in a vicious downward cycle in regards to the Law of Manifestation courtesy of Tony Robbins. of tiny little fish. To avoid this, work smarter not harder. Find the right fish and then the “bait.” Find a way that would allow you to feed many fish at once instead of one at a time. VOLUME 3



beginning of the relationship but also throughout the entire customer lifecycle. This includes: • Lead Magnets (initial offering) • Trip Wire also known as your low barrier offer that leads to commitment and hopefully to a larger sale called your core offer. • Core Offer • Profit Multiplier: something you offer to a paying customer to spend more money with you. Most of the time the profit multiplier capitalizes on convenience and emotion. The customer already has their card out (convenience) and have a surplus of emotion (creating desire) to most likely make another purchase. Finally, that’s where it all comes together. The lead magnet needs to serve as an irresistible offer.

This is the secret. Create a process that will sell one to many instead of one to one. Not only that, but find By having an irresistible lead magnet, you gain the attention of the potential customer. Like bread :) something that these “fish” want. Depending on the fish you want to attract will depend Once you have their attention, you have to gain their interest. To increase the interest you must have great on the food you offer them. copy, consistent messaging, and a clear path for the Because when you do, supply is met with a surplus of potential customer. demand AKA profit if you tie this analogy back into the If the interest creates a surplus of emotions, desire will world of internet marketing and beyond. result. This desire needs to be capitalized with a clear Think about it. call to action. Every time people are pushy and try to reach, reach, Finally, conversion takes place through ACTION if all of reach via outreach like a cold call, cold email, cold these principles are aligned and carried out thoroughly. social media messages I never looked at white bread the same way after the It’s extremely hard to scale because of 3 reasons experience. • You are marketing and selling an “irrelevant This was arguably one of the most incredible experiences something” to one person at a time of my life while I lived abroad in Southeast Asia for 16 • Your results are dependent on your energy and months as a digital nomad. will power alone • Reaching out for selfish gain and in a pushy way will leave you empty handed The solution to these issues is to identify your ideal customer. Preferably your top 100 which can be learned about in Dot Com Secrets. Once you know them, you can enter their mind and thought processes by calling our their biggest fears and worries. Now you can add value. Instead of finding bait, you find something that they will love to consume. “Bait” doesn’t always mean the one only option at the EDITION 2



Selfie Your Social Proof ARTICLE BY Ken Rochon

So often we go to events and focus on connecting with powerful elevator scripts and pitches to dazzle people with who we are and what we can do. Elevator schmelevator is probably just as effective. I’ve studied the power of networking at events since for most of my career and even published a book in 2008 ‘Becoming the Perfect Networker… Succeeding 1 Connection @ a Time’ to help people shift from sharing who they are to caring who for who they meet to serve. In other words, instead of going with how great thou art, go with how great thou can contribute to ‘prove’ you bring value to a relationship. A lot has happened in 2008, and God willing I will do a more current edition soon. Even if you get the 5th edition which came out in 2014 that would not address all the neat and new approaches I’ve learned really work. To save you from buying that book, the premise covered three shifts in networking that I will bullet point here: • You can collect cards, but you must identify at least one and hopefully up to three that you can serve with a connection, referral or a lead. The rest of the cards should receive at least a communication that you enjoyed




meeting them at such and such event and you would like to know how you can help them. This 1st frequency connection is the beginning of a relationship that you are proving you are ready to establish. • Connect with as many of the people as you can from the business cards on Facebook and your preferred social channel. Facebook gives you access to their personal network, their birthday and their social interests… all should be respected and supported. • Have a communication touch with the all the people you meet at networking events that you want to work with at least once a month. Invite them to events, wish them a happy birthday, holiday greetings, and be a value to them in some way (see 1st bullet point as it is applicable). Okay, so that was then and this is now. What has changed? I would say almost everything has changed. The basics above are still not mastered by most professional (networkers), so I believe it is still important to emphasize, without the basics mastered (initiate value, follow up and stay connected), the new ninja techniques will be futile. So you are ready for a black belt in Ninja Networking? Well, let’s get started. Here are ten things I am doing that experience a dramatic increase in lead generation and conversion because of trust and value established.

1. It is crucial you either have an ecard or text replacement (Apple: General: Keyboard: Text Replacement) Presto, you are typing everything you need to share with a couple letters that trigger that comment or info.

10. Get the best current photo of you with a big smile and put it on your business card. When people look at business cards, they gravitate to the ones they recognize and see positivity. You automatically rise to the Top 10% by having your beautiful smile on your card.

2. When you meet someone at an event, don’t just exchange cards, move immediately to connecting on BONUS: If you are in a city that is creating a Keep text using your ecard or text replacement for efficiency Smiling book for that city, you want to be included in and speed. the book. The book is a ‘Who’s Who of influencers and leaders in that community. It is free to get in the book 3. Ask people to take a Selfie with you so that you (to have your business, link and customized text is a fee, remember their face and they remember yours. but includes free copies of the book in black and white 4. Start a group that aligns with your belief system, or a color collector’s edition). This has been the most ie. Achievement group, Angel Network, Amplified powerful way I have experienced in positioning yourself Inspiratoin Group, Go Giver Group, Top 1% Movers as a positive leader. & Shakers, Live to Give Group, etc. Invite the people All the above will help you build an email list that you feel are a good fit for your group (or a group you you can market to with newsletters, offers and keep belong to) and indoctrinate them with love and value. connected. 5. Get their birthday in a system that beats Facebook Moving your contacts into a CRM or spreadsheet will reminder (or just look ahead for who’s birthday is coming help you not feel overwhelmed. I recommend creating up and send them a message that will have you stand fields that help you find the person or people you want out. Send a text instead of the 500 facebook birthday to communicate with. For instance, who has a birthday messages they will receive on their birthday. Send them today (or this week)? Who is a parent? Anniversaries? a card, send them an ecard with humor and possibly Children’s ages and interest? What event you met them your brand reminding them you care and what you do. at and what do they do that you can connect them to 6. The proudest part of any parent’s life is their children. people who need what they do? Take the time to make a list of who should receive a The problem with communication and connections are Happy Father’s Day or Happy Mother’s Day card that the more you know the more overwhelming it is (ecard or text). There are books on Amazon like ‘The to care and give quality communication and value. 50 Book Challenge on Fatherhood’ and ‘A Father-Son With that said, it is super vital that you earmark you Bond’ that I wrote and send electronically. If you want TOP 100 and stay focused on them. Hire an assistant a copy of the ebook, connect below and it is yours for if needed (virtual assistants are great too) and don’t be FREE. too busy that you forget to take care of the three most 7. Attend the events that your tribe attends, and if you important leads of the day, or the TOP 100 on your list have a book, give a copy away as a door prize or to when they need you. the person you want to know more about you. Typically Do not communicate with email if you can help it. the person giving away a door prize receives a minute You are typically adding to someone’s anxiety or of fame that I believe is invaluable for the cost of the being forgotten because email does not document book being given away. communication received. If you email, text or messenger 8. If you don’t have a book, seriously consider writing the person that an email is awaiting them that will bring one. In this day and age, it is the expert who takes the them value. cake, and all that is left for the ‘non-experts’ are the We have a 100 waking hours a week and it is vital crumbs. Books share you, your philosophy and help that we are never too busy for our family, friends and differentiate you from the competition. I have written top clients (and new leads). With that said, schedule 22 books since my first networking book, and can only an hour a day (even on weekends) that you reach out say my books connect me to my clients and my future and touch the ones you care about with a text or clients. messenger with value. 9. Contribute to your community and do it consistently. People don’t care how much you know, they care about how much you care (about making a difference) for them. EDITION 2



The biggest advise I can close with is what you are doing is creating what you have, so if what you have is not what you want, then it is time to change what you are doing. Get uncomfortable and create a system you want to be the recipient of the communication. If you wouldn’t want the actions or communication, neither will someone else. So communicate with care, and lead with love.










Why Becoming a Local Niche Celebrity Can Make You a Lead Magnet Article by Janis Pettit

Before I opened my first business in New York City 30 • Know what makes you special and unique and years ago, I experienced some success as a TV and stage be clear in communicating how that can help actor. I worked on Broadway, in touring companies, your target audience. and did many TV appearances. Eventually, I even • Develop one clear mission and message and hosted a cable business talk show. Along the way, I repeat it in some form in every communication. had a wonderful mentor. Her name was Maxine Marx. This is what you stand for. She was a formidable casting director in New York and the daughter of Chico Marx, one of the famous Marx brothers’ comedy team that appeared in many Hollywood films.

As people feel more and more inundated with email, we’ve all seen email open rates decline, unless the email sequence is focused on a specific topic that is of interest We were in an acting class with her one day when she to that subscriber right now and they are somewhat said she wanted us to understand something clearly. intrigued by the person sending it and know they can She said, “you are no more than another bar of soap learn from them. on the supermarket shelf so you better learn how to stand out”. Wow. That seemed harsh. But think about it. A few years ago I started experimenting with using There are hundreds of people who do what you do. And what we decided to call Direct Contact Marketing to they are all online shouting for attention. They all want build local celebrity status and put highly targeted you to sign up for their mailing list and consume their people into our funnels. To be honest I’d been focused content. It was some of the best advice I ever received. on growing visibility and traffic exclusively online for years. But along with many successful colleagues, we How do you stand out so people chose you? noticed the decline in response to methods that had worked well online for years. • Be willing to step into the spotlight and build your visibility so you get in front of more of your Direct Contact Marketing uses some old school methods target audience. that are re-emerging as tried and true winners. It’s a fast way to build trusting relationships with potential clients. Here how we are getting big results. Strategic Networking




Who is your target market? CEO’s? Attorneys? Young professional women?

Once you know this, find out where they network and hang out locally. This may take more than a simple Google search. Look at Search local Facebook groups and ask local professionals you know. Look at charity events and special clubs.

One-on-One Meet and Greets

We use a LinkedIn strategy to build a strong local network for our business and for our clients. By using a well crafted short series of follow up messages, I’m able to regularly schedule coffee or lunch meetings with Try attending meetings and determine if it’s worth influencers. This has resulted in a number of high profile, investing your time and energy, which means high dollar clients and new speaking opportunities. determining if the group could be a good source for If you just can’t get your schedules to sync, even a phone clients or referrals. I’ve discovered some hard to find meeting or video meeting can do the trick. groups in my area that are for executives and CEO’s that have provided us with a gold mine of new clients. I Again… Invite these people to opt-in to your funnel so get to network with these people monthly and to build they can see your expertise in action! a trusting relationship that results in clients that are easy This is a way to get highly motivated hot leads and to serve and don’t haggle over price. referral sources into your funnel. More importantly, Consider joining a committee to get even more visibility. people are 10X more likely to refer you and hire you Plus it will get you out of the office! when they’ve had several face-to-face conversations with you, or when you’ve been a featured speaker. Invite these people to opt-in to your funnel so they can see your expertise in action! We now help experts, consultants, corporate trainers, and local service businesses develop Direct Contact Strategic Speaking Marketing system that builds their local Celebrity Live speaking engagements are the most lucrative status and creates a spike in sales with a much easier activity for me and for many of my clients. I rarely conversion process. Part of this process is to create one speak, even for free, without walking away with compelling funnel that showcases their expertise and 5-figures in sales. All you need is one or two engaging, builds interest in their service. timely presentations that present a solution that your So step into the local spotlight. Don’t be just another target market needs. bar of soap on the supermarket shelf! It’s the fastest, Approach those same networking groups you’ve easiest way to grow your business. discovered and offer to speak. Ask everyone you know if they are aware of any speaking opportunities. Or do your own invitation-only event. Both can work well. Invite these people to opt-in to your funnel so they can see your expertise in action!




10 Hot Tips to Using Social Media Marketing Effectively Article by Michelle Ciantar

1. Have a Clear Plan Having a clear plan is about being very well prepared in your actions on a consistent basis. You are twice as likely to succeed with your marketing by knowing what you want to achieve before you get there. The plan shows you the way to track your progress. 2. Know Your Target Market

You are going to learn ten easy steps to use social media marketing effectively in your business. It can be a little daunting to consider using social media to market, especially if you are not an expert or you are only just discovering the world of social media and its many features. Having clarity in your digital marketing efforts will relieve you of the stress of overwhelm and not knowing what you are doing consistently. Social media is an essential tool for being seen by your audience on a regular basis and build your brand online. The best way to build your brand is to captivate your audience quickly and articulately. Having a clear plan will assist you in achieving this. The more focused your marketing efforts are, the more focused your returns will be. Social media marketing is the best way to position yourself online in a way where your prospects know who you are, what you or your product or service does and how to connect with you. It’s an easy way to build relationships, followers, business networks and an online community. It’s also a valuable resource to responsibly collecting the data of your clients and campaigns so you can evaluate what is working and what needs to be reviewed. Focus on the solutions to your client’s problems.

Conducting market research to identify who your target market is and what their needs, wants, desires and problems are will give you the information needed to market effectively to them. By knowing their demographic profile in detail, you will know how to attract them into your marketing and sales funnel. 3. Focus On Engagement With Your Audience Include ways for your audience to engage with you and your content. The easiest way to do this is by asking a question or encouraging them to ask you a question. Create like, comment and share campaigns to lift your engagement. Comment and like on their reactions to your content. 4. Research Using research to gather data, facts, and statistics for the content you deliver will not only help position you as an expert but will be most effective in engaging with your target audience. Knowing internal and external factors that affect consumers decision making and purchase behavior will help your marketing ROI. 5. Pick & Choose Wisely The reality is that not every social media platform is going to suit every business, service or product as much as others. And not every campaign on social media is going to give you a positive ROI. Knowing where your audience is consuming content is where you need to be seen. 6. Create Valuable Content




Valuable content is the type of content that you give out for free and is better than some of the content your competitors are charging money for. Creating value

post after value post consistently is going to bring in 9. Optimize Your Posts more leads, shares and referrals. Look up the analytics of what the best times to post on different platforms are to get the highest possible 7. Establish Metric Evaluation organic reach and engagement. Research the top ten Likes, comments, and shares are just vanity hashtags related to your content. Engage with the measurements. They are great for engagement metrics audience as quickly as possible to stay relevant in the but also look at how much reach your posts are getting newsfeed. and how many clicks back to your website or link. Organic reach is at an all-time low so using ads to drive 10. Rinse & Repeat traffic is beneficial. Continue to analyze your marketing efforts and see what needs tweaking and improving to get the best 8. Know Your Competition results. To market effectively online, it pays to take a look at 3-5 of your top competitors content to see how you can differentiate yourself and see what content they are getting the most engagement with. Know what hashtags and keywords they use.






To Life C





Scaling To Life Changing Experiences Intro by Tricia Wilkes

The Woman Of My Dreams Let’s set the stage it’s Funnel Hacking Live 2018 in Orlando Florida. Were you there? Do you remember the guy who proposed on stage? As we inch closer to Funnel Hacking Live 2019 in Tennessee and Valentine’s Day, do you wonder where they are now? This edition Hawk interviews the couple. Hawk asks Kolton and Chelsea about the proposal, and Kolton says “We’ve never actually been on vacation together in the six years we’ve been together, so this is our first vacation, and the first time I’ve flown on a plane. I’m so scared of flying, so this was like a major deal for me. Russell Brunson and ClickFunnels had changed our lives so much, so I said I knew I wanted to propose out there in Florida somewhere. I just reached out to Dave Woodward, and I was gonna ask if we could meet Russell in some backroom and propose and stuff like that, and he was like, “Yeah, that sounds good” and all this stuff. I had no idea how far they were gonna take it. It was a surprise for both of us. It was just really incredible, to be able to propose to the woman of my dreams after so many years was a dream come true.”

“I always say, surprises are my favorite. I’m one of those weird people that like surprises instead of hates them, and I didn’t even really know much about ClickFunnels. I didn’t know that Kolton had started much about it. I just thought I was gonna get more of a vacation, he was gonna learn some stuff, and it was all gonna be good. And then he came home after the first day and told me all these amazing things that he had learned, all these amazing people he had met, and all this cool stuff, and I was like, “I wanna go! That sounds really cool.” Went, and then had a life-changing experience, just in the people that you meet and the info that you hear and all that. Thank God he knows that I’m the person first to raise my hand to volunteer. Like, “Who wants to volunteer?” And I raise my hand. So he picks the perfect seat, and I have no idea. I literally, I don’t even know how I didn’t have any idea. And, James asked for a volunteer, and I’m like, “Me!” And he calls me up and next thing I know I’m listening to, I love music, so I love listening to him sing, so closing my eyes and being in my head was not difficult for me. But I open my eyes and see Kolton, and it was the best surprise of all time. It was crazy. It

was an amazing experience at a cool place where we could set some further goals from that moment on. And to be able to see them come about has been ridiculously awesome. The experience almost continues to get better as it gets further away just because of how everything is coming together. It’s really cool.” Running Away From Being Poor This couple is on a different road from where they started. Being able to hear their story of being homeless to now scaling to all of these lifechanging events will make you look at scaling in a whole different perspective. Hawk asks “What would you attribute your success to?” Kolton answers Hawk “I tell my friends, I tell people I’m not trying to go for a lot of money, and I’m not trying to make seven figures. My goal isn’t to be rich. I think we’ve both been really broke and poor. We’ve lived in a boat together. We’ve lived in a barn together. We’ve lived on couches. We’ve moved everything in our truck. So I would say I’m really running away from being poor. It’s something that I don’t wish on anyone. It’s something I don’t wanna experience. I think that’s the

Chelsea shares her story and says



biggest driving factor every day is just trying to put us in a position where we never have to experience or go through that again.”

of the biggest challenges and obstacles that you guys overcame that, after you overcame them, you found that they were one of the most important learning lessons that Chelsea also adds “a big factor into helped you scale your business?” moving forward from that was also giving back. As small as starting an Kolton answered “Ego! We’ve education aspect, of just teaching started over 34 businesses together people what we’ve learned from in the past six years. And we’ve our hard experiences if you will, and had some good ones and some giving away that information to bad ones and then two years ago other people, so they don’t have to I had a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I go through that. So giving away our lost everything. I think the biggest information, which led to our time, thing was setting aside ego and which led to our money. And the understanding what you’re good at more we continue to give back of all and not doing what you suck at.” aspects, and we continue to gain in Chelsea says “Delegating the rest all aspects. It’s crazy.” really.” They were on the road of running Kolton said “Absolutely. I’ve always from being poor to being able to wanted to start my own business. provide a course for everyone to Come to find out I’m better at scale to life-changing experiences promoting. So if I find a product as Kolton has more recently got to that I really like, I’m really good at experience. promoting it. It was hard to wrap The Broke Ass Entrepreneur my head around that because I Program just wanted to create rather than promote. That was a big change Kolton tells hawk about his program in our lives, and our business is just “Our flagship course, and we have really figuring out what you’re good this program called the Broke Ass at. Entrepreneur Program. It’s a Broke Ass Entrepreneur course. Pretty Chelsea said, “And figuring out how much all the tips and tricks and to get the correct people around secrets I’ve put together with having you also to keep your dream going.” no money. That’s why I’ve been able Kolton adds much later in the to do everything, ‘cause I never had interview with Hawk that “They said the money to pay anyone else how nine out of 10 small businesses fail, to do it, so I learned a lot. We put a so I said let’s start ten businesses. lot into this course. I would say we We ended up starting 34 before we had a six-figure business. Then we figured out what works.” just said, let’s give this course out for free, and the moment we gave our The Five Love Languages course away for free, that’s when we went from a six-figure business to a Last month we had another power seven-figure business. To piggyback couple featured in the magazine, on what she’s saying, the more we Hawk asks Kolton about working give back, the more it just comes together as a couple. back tenfold.” Kolton answers “It’s definitely harder as a couple. We spend 24/7 Over 34 Businesses In The Past together. We work from home. This Six Years is our office here at the house. So Hawk asks Kolton “What are some we’re around each other 24/7. VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE


That’s something that I guess is difficult for a while. Chelsea says “It’s a hurdle in itself.” Kolton replies “You have to learn how to be partners and you have to know how to be business partners and stuff like that. And then again, turning your home into an office and having business partners say, actually out back we have our sales guy. He has a 30 foot RV in our backyard right now ‘cause he stays here, and then he comes in, and he does sales during the day. So, you have to make sacrifices.” Hawk asks “Did you guys take assessments? Or how did you guys figure out the right way to work with each other?” Kolton answers “Definitely we’ve done the assessments. And counseling and therapy. You got business coaches.” Chelsea says “The types of personalities you are and how to communicate with that certain one, when to leave them alone, when to not. The five love languages, I know it’s not necessarily business connected, but just knowing how to speak and communicate and even constructively criticize a person who could get hurt a little bit easier than a normal person. It took a lot of different things that we worked out, reached out for, and tried to learn.” Let’s Go On A Double Date Hawk asks Kolton: “How did you end up getting mentored by someone who runs a billion dollar company.” Kolton answered “I was actually in the homeless shelter I used to watch his YouTube videos, and now he’s got the biggest YouTube channel on entrepreneurship Valuetainment, it’s Patrick Bet-David. Pretty much I’ve wanted to get close to him, and I know he moved his company here to Dallas, and I tried connecting

with them, and I couldn’t. So I pretty much became friends with everyone in his circle. I found out who his circle was and I just became friends with them. I saw they were going to events and I would show up. And I became friends with everybody in his circle to where eventually he couldn’t ignore me. And then started spending more time with him, and then being invited to do some YouTube videos with him, and stuff like that. So, it’s been great.” Chelsea goes onto say that “I just sent a message on LinkedIn and was like can we go on a double date. I have no idea how, but he replied, and he was like yep, set it up.” The Night Of The NBA Finals Kolton tells Hawk about how he became a public figure on Facebook “My private military company was shut down in a bad way, pretty much the government it was out of my hands, I had lost my company overnight. And some of the people that went through the program, they weren’t happy, and I ended up on the news as a scammer, it was a big messed up story that wasn’t true

and all that stuff, but my fan base, that was the night of the top story of the night of the NBA finals, so what it did was, it was a lot of hate that was directed to me on the news, and what it did was it grew my fan base pretty much overnight, and then Facebook ended up verifying me. I got my blue check, and I became a verified public figure from it all. And then since then, started through events and donating back to different veteran organizations, stuff like that. Then just getting a lot of good news stories. We were talking out how haters kind of propel you and that’s exactly what happened to me in that instance.” Scaling To Get The Dream Car A lot of Funnel Hackers and Affiliates are scaling their business to reach one of the most ultimate goals in the industry of having Russell cover the cost of your dream car Hawk asks Kolton how he plans to scale to that goal. Kolton says “Giving out the course. The course says as many people as possible. Now, we’re looking at running campaigns on Instagram, LinkedIn, and all this stuff. Pretty much, if we


can just, I want this to be the world’s greatest free entrepreneurial course. We’re gonna keep building it until it gets there. I think that the more we continue to grow, the more we add, and the more we just try to blast it out to as many people as we can, the more it’s just gonna grow. That’s the plan, and with that comes trying to automate more systems and automate more stuff, and then even having that next tier in the value ladder to go up the next level, as your time dwindles.” You absolutely have to read the full interview to find out about Kolton and Chelsea’s Dream house and Everything you need to know about guerrilla marketing! Interview Interview with Hawk Mikado

Hawk: Hey! What’s going on everybody? This is Hawk Mikado, The Funnel Genius and publisher of Funnel Magazine, and I’m here with Kolton and Chelsea, who are geniuses in guerrilla marketing. Now, these two have created some of the coolest things and some of the most interesting things that I’ve


actually heard about in marketing. They had the world’s largest Super Soaker battle and the world’s largest dog day, where people came out and hung out with their dogs. They’ve been featured on ABC, NBC, Fox, Grant Cardone, and a ton of other things. They have a seven-figure business but they only have four people that work with them, actually two people that work with them, and that means a lot of profit. Welcome guys. Thanks for being on.

together in the six years we’ve been together, so this is our first vacation, and the first time I’ve flown on a plane. I’m so scared of flying, so this was like a major deal for me. Russell Brunson and ClickFunnels had changed our lives so much, so I said I knew I wanted to propose out there in Florida somewhere. I just reached out to Dave Woodward and I was gonna ask if we could meet Russell in some backroom and propose and stuff like that and he was like, “Yeah, that sounds good” and all this stuff. I had no idea how far they Kolton: Thanks for having us. Such were gonna take it. It was a surprise an honor. for both of us. It was just really incredible, to be able to propose to Chelsea: Thank you. the woman of my dreams after so Hawk: Absolutely. Just out of many years was a dream come true. curiosity, how did you guys get Hawk: That’s awesome. started?

to, I love music so I love listening to him sing, so closing my eyes and being in my head was not difficult for me. But I open my eyes and see Kolton and it was the best surprise of all time. It was crazy. It was an amazing experience at a cool place where we could set some further goals from that moment on. And to be able to see them come about has been ridiculously awesome. The experience almost continues to get better as it gets further away just because of how everything is coming together. It’s really cool.

Chelsea: Oh yeah. I always say surprises are my favorite. I’m one of those weird people that like surprises instead of hates them and I didn’t even really know much about ClickFunnels. I didn’t know that Kolton had started much about it. I just thought I was gonna get more of a vacation, he was gonna learn some stuff and it was all gonna be good. And then he came home after the first day and told me all of these amazing things that he had learned, all these amazing people he had met, and all this cool stuff, and I was like, “I wanna go! That sounds really cool.” Went, and then had a life-changing experience, just in the people that you meet and the info that you hear and all that.

Kolton: I tell my friends, I tell people I’m not trying to go for a lot of money and I’m not trying to make seven figures. My goal isn’t to be rich. I think we’ve both been really broke and poor. We’ve lived in a boat together. We’ve lived in a barn together. We’ve lived on couches. We’ve moved everything in our truck. So I would say I’m really running away from being poor. It’s something that I don’t wish on anyone. It’s something I don’t wanna experience. I think that’s the biggest driving factor every day is just trying to put us in a position where we never have to experience or go through that again.

Kolton: I did four years in the Navy and then I got out of the Navy and I ended up homeless in Florida, and that’s where I started my first business as a private military company, and it grew to be the largest in the state of Florida. Then I franchised it to Texas. And then her best friend and her brother used to work for me and they introduced us. This about six years ago? Chelsea: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Kolton: I’m guessing. And then I guess the rest is history. Hawk: That’s awesome. I love your proposal by the way. It was an incredible proposal, last year, was it last year at Funnel Hacking Live? Chelsea: It was. Hawk: An incredible experience. Before we dive into some of the other stuff here, can you share, what was the inspiration for you Kolton? And then, how was the experience for you Chelsea? Kolton: As for the proposal? We’ve never actually been on a vacation VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE

Thank God he knows that I’m the person to first raise my hand to volunteer. Like, “Who wants to volunteer?” And I raise my hand. So he picks the perfect seat, and I have no idea. I literally, I don’t even know how I didn’t have any idea. And, James asked for a volunteer and I’m like, “Me!” And he calls me up and next thing I know I’m listening


Hawk: That’s incredible. You guys, if I recall correctly, you were homeless at one point, and you’ve now got a seven-figure business, which is incredible. What would you attribute your success to?

Chelsea: And then a big factor into moving forward from that was also giving back. As small as starting an education aspect, of just teaching people what we’ve learned from our hard experiences if you will, and giving away that information to other people so they don’t have to go through that. So giving away our information, which led to our time, which led to our money. And the more we continue to give back of all

aspects, we continue to gain in all I know a lot of entrepreneurs, it just aspects. It’s crazy. doesn’t make sense, right? It doesn’t click. We did actually the same thing Kolton: Absolutely. Our course right with one of our courses and we gave now, our flagship course, we have it away for free and everybody who this program called the Broke Ass completed the course hired us to do Entrepreneur Program. It’s a Broke the work for them. Out of curiosity, Ass Entrepreneur course. Pretty how is it you guys are monetizing on much all the tips and tricks and the back end to go from a six-figure secrets I’ve put together with having to seven figure with that? no money. That’s why I’ve been able to do everything, ‘cause I never had Kolton: That’s a great question. We the money to pay anyone else how had a hard time at first and we just to do it, so I learned a lot. We put did it. I gave away a lot of funnels a lot into this course. I would say and stuff like that in the course. I give we had a business. Then we just out Marketing Secrets BlackBook. said, let’s give this course out for I’ve got my books that I like to read, free, and the moment we gave our and so we have all of our affiliate course away for free, that’s when we links in there and same with all of the went from a six-figure business to a other stuff we use, we use affiliate seven-figure business. To piggyback links, in pretty much everything that on what she’s saying, the more we we have in there that we use every give back, the more it just comes day. And then on the back end, back tenfold. people love the course so much that they end up wanting to hire us. Hawk: Alright. I love this concept of We have a coaching program and taking a course you used to charge then we’ll actually go through it. You for and giving it away for free to scale know, someone says, “I don’t know your business. That’s something that how to build a funnel,” we’ll build the


funnel for them and stuff like that, the chatbots, the email sequences. Pretty much, people on the back end will hire us but on the low end, they’re just becoming our affiliates. Hawk: That’s awesome. Kolton: I was saying, it’s neat, at the top we update, we do massive updates every month. So we’re super motivated in this course. It’s something that we constantly grow. We roll out massive updates every month and I think that’s why it’s growing at the rate it is, and so many people are just loving it. ‘Cause it’s not something that’s gonna ever be irrelevant as long as we’re gonna keep updating. Hawk: I know you put a lot of your affiliate links in there. Do you have an affiliate program for your course? Kolton: Right now we don’t because that’s the thing is, I mean there’s not really anything you can buy in the course itself. I mean, if somebody


wants to hire us they can but no, right now we don’t have that. I’m not sure if we will. I just love giving it out to as many people as we can.

to be business partners and stuff like that. And then again, turning your home into an office and having business partners say, actually out back we have our sales guy. He has a 30 foot RV in our backyard right now ‘cause he stays here and then he comes in and he does sales during the day. So, you have to make sacrifices.

Hawk: Awesome. What are some of the biggest challenges and obstacles that you guys overcame that, after you overcame them, you found that they were one of the most important learning lessons that helped you scale your business? Hawk: That’s awesome. Out of curiosity, ‘cause I work with my wife Kolton: I would say ego. We’ve or worked with my wife until she’s started over 34 businesses together currently semi-retired with the baby. in the past six years. And we’ve Did you guys take assessments? had some good ones and some Or how did you guys figure out the bad ones and then two years ago right way to work with each other? I had a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I ‘Cause that’s, I know from personal lost everything. I think the biggest experience, that’s a feat. thing was setting aside ego and understanding what you’re good at Chelsea: Oh yeah. How do you and not doing what you suck at. even start to answer that? Chelsea: Delegating the rest really.

Kolton: It’s something you have to constantly be doing. But definitely, Kolton: Absolutely. I’ve always we’ve done the assessments. wanted to start my own business. Come to find out I’m better at Chelsea: Oh yeah. promoting. So if I find a product Kolton: And counseling and therapy. that I really like, I’m really good at You got business coaches promoting it. It was hard to wrap my head around that because I Chelsea: The types of personalities just wanted to create rather than you are and how to communicate promote. That was a big change with that certain one, when to in our lives and our business is just leave them alone, when to not. The really figuring out what you’re good five love languages, I know it’s not at. necessarily business connected, but just knowing how to speak Chelsea: And figuring out how to and communicate and even get the correct people around you constructively criticize a person who also to keep your dream going. could get hurt a little bit easier than Kolton: Absolutely, having the a normal person. It took a lot of right team around for sure. But it’s different things that we worked out, definitely harder as a couple. We reached out for, and tried to learn. spend 24/7 together. We work from Kolton: Yeah. home. This is our office here at the house. So we’re around each other Hawk: Awesome. I mean obviously 24/7. That’s something that I guess you’re using ClickFunnels and you’ve is difficult for a while. You have to got all these affiliate products learn how... and things that you’re promoting. Do you guys have a lot of things Chelsea: It’s a hurdle in itself. automated in your business or is it a Kolton: You have to learn how to be lot of things that you’re delegating partners and you have to know how and doing yourself? VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE


Chelsea: We would like for it to be majority automated for sure but as of right now I would say it’s half and half. Kolton: Yeah, I would say right now we have a really good team. So that’s like the biggest thing right now but always looking to automate things. I think I’ve got one of my quotes, “How can we automate this shit?” I’m always looking to automate as much as we can. Hawk: Awesome. What do you guys look for when you’re in the tools or systems when you’re looking to automate something? Kolton: What do we look for? I would say deliverability. I definitely, and even with the course it’s challenging as well ‘cause I don’t wanna take away from being able to have someone personally feel like they’re helped, themselves personally. I think just trying to find that happy medium of automating as much as you can. I’m seeing a lot of people that have bad reviews on some chatbots and stuff like that, and I’ve had people not liking my chatbots ‘cause it’s not personal. So it’s just really finding that happy medium of what you can automate and what you should and what you can actually just take a little extra time out of your day to make someone feel better. Hawk: You mentioned earlier that you guys are giving this course away for free and that’s the front end of your funnel. How do you guys drive traffic to that course? Kolton: A lot of it has been organic. We’ve got a guerrilla marketing 4.0 group, a little over 1000 people, and we’ve got a few fan pages. Definitely, Instagram, LinkedIn, we’re running Google AdWords, and Facebook ads. We’re building up some Facebook ads now. A lot of its just word of mouth.

Hawk: People go through the course and then share the course with their friends and family. Kolton: Absolutely. Chelsea: Right. Hawk: Awesome. What are some of the other things that you guys have on the front end of your funnel? Kolton: I would say on the front end I’ve got instant chat, which is really cool, that I would say not a lot of courses offer. So we have 24/7 chat where someone can message and you go straight to our phones. I would say I’m upfront, where I say, “This is paid, you have to pay for this. This is free.” I put a ton of advice from me on free stuff and then I show some paid stuff, and it says it right there. This is paid for. This is free. So really just black and white. It’s just really easy to consume and people know what they’re seeing. I hate when you watch a ten-minute video and then it comes to find out it’s something that you gotta pay for a seven-figure businesses, trying to or something you don’t need. I think scale them eight, and that’s gonna just being transparent in the whole be, we believe, about a $50,000 course. program. Chelsea: That’s the word I was Hawk: 50 per month? looking for. Kolton: 50 for the year. Kolton: Transparency. Hawk: Awesome. We all know that Hawk: Awesome. What’s the value fortune is in the follow-up, right, ladder.So you mentioned earlier, getting on the phone, sending you’ve got the course and then emails, you’ve got the chat box, you’ve got some consulting, what what are some of the key things does your overall value ladder that you’ve found that have been look like? I mean, you’ve got some most effective for you guys to keep consulting. What is your overall your audience engaged and get value ladder look like? them coming back to either invest in Kolton: Yeah. So, we’ve got the programs with you, or invest in your course and the next one has affiliate products. become affiliates for various Kolton: Well, I would say, I guess, products that we’re promoting and the biggest thing that puts our feet then we’ve got a coaching program to the fires at the top, we say the we’re watching, help you, it’s about next update is on the first of every $3000 a month, and then we’re month. Right now, it says 11/1, 1/18 actually opening up a more high is the next update. It really forces ticket thing where we’re working on VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE


us to add more content, create more videos, do more research, and then once we do it, we have an automated email that will go out to every member, it says hey just to let you know we added these lessons to the course if you want to check them out, here they are. That keeps people coming back as that email follow-up and then also each month, we’re forcing ourselves to continually add to it and grow. Hawk: If you could share one thing, and I’d like each of you to share one thing, that the audience could implement in their business or in their life, it doesn’t have to be business but they could implement today in the next couple of hours, what would you recommend they do? Kolton: Okay. I would say don’t give up. I think too many people give up way too easy, you don’t give

up. If you just keep going, 100% guaranteed you’ll succeed, I think too many people just throw in the towel way too early. If something doesn’t work, you can start something else. They said nine out of 10 small businesses fail, so I said let’s start 10 businesses. We ended up starting 34 before we figured out what works, but hopefully, you don’t have to do that. Now with tools like ClickFunnels and all this stuff, it’s so much easier. We built our first million dollar business without ClickFunnels and without websites and all that stuff. And now it is so much easier. Now, with having an internet connection and a pulse, I think you can make money online. Chelsea: I like that. Let’s see, I think if I could say something, it would almost be sad because I’m in love with ClickFunnels, would be along the thing that Russell says in finding somebody that you want, aspire to be or reach or be like, or whatever and it can be applied in business or personal. I think that’s what kind of helped me is finding somebody that I could aspire to that I could follow and model things after. And even if you surpass them, setting a goal and being able to go after it every single day is something that can work in keeping you sane so that you can do your business. Keeping you a little bit ahead of the game in your funnels, or your marketing, or whatever and pushing you further to success quicker. Stuff like that. That’s what I’ve found that was a step that I took that made a change in what my normal routine looked like and I went past my goals and reached every single one of them and it’s been phenomenal, you just keep making more.

company? Kolton: This guy, when I was actually in the homeless shelter I used to watch his YouTube videos, and now he’s got the biggest YouTube channel on entrepreneurship Valuetainment, it’s Patrick Bet-David. Pretty much I’ve wanted to get close to him, and I know he moved his company here to Dallas and I tried connecting with them, and I couldn’t. So I pretty much became friends with everyone in his circle. I found out who his circle was and I just became friends with them. I saw they were going to events and I would show up. And I became friends with everybody in his circle to where eventually he couldn’t ignore me. And then started spending more time with him, and then being invited to do some YouTube videos with him, and stuff like that. So, it’s been great. Chelsea: I just sent a message on LinkedIn and was like can we go on a double date. I have no idea how, but he replied and he was like yep, set it up.

as a scammer, it was a big messed up story that wasn’t true and all that stuff, but my fan base, that was the night of the top story of the night of the NBA finals, so what it did was, it was a lot of hate that was directed to me on the news, and what it did was it grew my fan base pretty much and then Facebook ended up verifying me. I got my blue check, I became a verified public figure from it all. And then since then, started through events and donating back to different veteran organizations, stuff like that. Then just getting a lot of good news stories. We were talking out how haters kind of propel you and that’s exactly what happened to me in that instance. Hawk: I love how you took other people’s negative activity and utilized it. The other thing I want to talk about this super soaker battle. Because that sounds fun. Why did you guys decide to create the world’s largest super soaker battle?

Kolton: Pretty much, we had no money, we were at my grandmother’s house, I was living on the coach there, and so we had no money, and we knew we wanted to start a business, and we reverse engineered a business model where Kolton: Yeah. we could make money. Facebook events are free. We wanted to do Chelsea: Seriously. something crazy, but I said I want Hawk: You guys are also featured to step it up and break a record or on Grant Cardone’s show, can you something. Let’s call it the world’s share a little bit more about the largest super soaker battle. experience of that and what came We put it on Facebook. Went to out of that. bed, the next day there were about Kolton: Yeah. We were actually 10,000 people on it, then it grew to talking about haters that day. My about 30,000 people. And then we private military company was shut started getting calls from Hasbro, down in a bad way, pretty much the General Motors, Nestle, Vita Coco, government it was out of my hands, all of them, they wanted to sponsor I had lost my company overnight. my event and it’s anywhere from Hawk: That’s awesome. How did And some of the people that went 2,000 to 10,000 dollars for a you end up getting mentored by through the program, they weren’t booth there at the event. And the someone who runs a billion dollar happy and I ended up on the news stadium we negotiated being able Hawk: That’s awesome, I love it. That sounds very similar to how I got Russel on the cover of my magazine. I sent a message to everybody he knows.



up. If you just keep going, 100% guaranteed you’ll succeed, I think too many people just throw in the towel way too early. If something doesn’t work, you can start something else. They said nine out of 10 small businesses fail, so I said let’s start 10 businesses. We ended up starting 34 before we figured out what works, but hopefully, you don’t have to do that. Now with tools like ClickFunnels and all this stuff, it’s so much easier. We built our first million dollar business without ClickFunnels and without websites and all that stuff. And now it is so much easier. Now, with having an internet connection and a pulse, I think you can make money online. Chelsea: I like that. Let’s see, I think if I could say something, it would almost be sad because I’m in love with ClickFunnels, would be along the thing that Russell says in finding somebody that you want, aspire to be or reach or be like, or whatever and it can be applied in business or personal. I think that’s what kind of helped me is finding somebody that I could aspire to that I could follow and model things after. And even if you surpass them, setting a goal and being able to go after it every single day is something that can work in keeping you sane so that you can do your business. Keeping you a little bit ahead of the game in your funnels, or your marketing, or whatever and pushing you further to success quicker. Stuff like that. That’s what I’ve found that was a step that I took that made a change in what my normal routine looked like and I went past my goals and reached every single one of them and it’s been phenomenal, you just keep making more.

company? Kolton: This guy, when I was actually in the homeless shelter I used to watch his YouTube videos, and now he’s got the biggest YouTube channel on entrepreneurship Valuetainment, it’s Patrick Bet-David. Pretty much I’ve wanted to get close to him, and I know he moved his company here to Dallas and I tried connecting with them, and I couldn’t. So I pretty much became friends with everyone in his circle. I found out who his circle was and I just became friends with them. I saw they were going to events and I would show up. And I became friends with everybody in his circle to where eventually he couldn’t ignore me. And then started spending more time with him, and then being invited to do some YouTube videos with him, and stuff like that. So, it’s been great. Chelsea: I just sent a message on LinkedIn and was like can we go on a double date. I have no idea how, but he replied and he was like yep, set it up.

as a scammer, it was a big messed up story that wasn’t true and all that stuff, but my fan base, that was the night of the top story of the night of the NBA finals, so what it did was, it was a lot of hate that was directed to me on the news, and what it did was it grew my fan base pretty much and then Facebook ended up verifying me. I got my blue check, I became a verified public figure from it all. And then since then, started through events and donating back to different veteran organizations, stuff like that. Then just getting a lot of good news stories. We were talking out how haters kind of propel you and that’s exactly what happened to me in that instance. Hawk: I love how you took other people’s negative activity and utilized it. The other thing I want to talk about this super soaker battle. Because that sounds fun. Why did you guys decide to create the world’s largest super soaker battle?

Kolton: Pretty much, we had no money, we were at my grandmother’s house, I was living on the coach there, and so we had no money, and we knew we wanted to start a business, and we reverse engineered a business model where Kolton: Yeah. we could make money. Facebook events are free. We wanted to do Chelsea: Seriously. something crazy, but I said I want Hawk: You guys are also featured to step it up and break a record or on Grant Cardone’s show, can you something. Let’s call it the world’s share a little bit more about the largest super soaker battle. experience of that and what came We put it on Facebook. Went to out of that. bed, the next day there were about Kolton: Yeah. We were actually 10,000 people on it, then it grew to talking about haters that day. My about 30,000 people. And then we private military company was shut started getting calls from Hasbro, down in a bad way, pretty much the General Motors, Nestle, Vita Coco, government it was out of my hands, all of them, they wanted to sponsor I had lost my company overnight. my event and it’s anywhere from Hawk: That’s awesome. How did And some of the people that went 2,000 to 10,000 dollars for a you end up getting mentored by through the program, they weren’t booth there at the event. And the someone who runs a billion dollar happy and I ended up on the news stadium we negotiated being able VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE

Hawk: That’s awesome, I love it. That sounds very similar to how I got Russel on the cover of my magazine. I sent a message to everybody he knows.


your time dwindles. Hawk: Awesome. You guys have anything else that you want to share, wisdom, insights, anything you guys have wondered over the years. Chelsea: Gosh. That sort of question just gives you brain farts. Kolton: Don’t have an ego. You’ve got to brainstorm. I think that’s the biggest thing that we have in our business is brainstorming. I tell people to do this all the time, invite your friends over, family members. I definitely like inviting friends and family, because it’s kind of a different perspective because they know you better and whenever you tell them about your business they’re able to give you feedback as more accustom to you. We have a big table, and we usually get friends and family and we just get paper everywhere and crayons and markers and sharpies and we just hash out ideas. And this room’s it’s full of whiteboards, I’ve taken over our living room, we got a big conference table, I’m VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE

putting another whiteboard in there. table was, the biggest space. We Brainstorming is so powerful. have two giant light boards. I love these things. They’re like 100 bucks Chelsea: There’s always value that on Amazon. you can find to be added, which comes back to giving back what Chelsea: Oh yeah. you can. Always, not kind of getting Hawk: But you get them and they stuck in oh we’re successful and so just stick to the wall. we’re doing it right, and what we have is working, that’s it. If you, Chelsea: Yeah. even if you are happy, keep pushing Yeah, my dream home yourselves, keep getting different Kolton: would be just covered in whiteboards. opinions, different ideas and maybe something’s gonna push you even That’s my dream. further. Not settling and getting Hawk: So is mine. There’s actually that ego, I guess if you will. Just whiteboard paint. You can get a always be trying to provide the best value you can and staying up to Chelsea: Oh! I didn’t know. date with this ever changing world Hawk: Yeah, all sorts of things. And too. You can’t just sit still, it’s always literally, if you can write on it, you changing. gotta get a ... I know exactly, it’s like Hawk: Absolutely. By the way, everything is strategized and if I’m whiteboards, we got these ones on the phone, I can write, so yeah, I’d be happy to share any of the here. products that we got as well. Chelsea: Yeah. Hawk: You can design, you can Hawk: I have them in our kitchen make it look cool and design stuff. because that’s where the biggest There’s also wet erase markers which table is, the biggest space in and allow you to write on it and it doesn’t because that’s where the biggest come off without water, which is fun.


Kolton: We actually just put a furry Kolton: But it’s cool. We update it, wall in our house so every time, I’m constantly trying to learn and grow, so the moment Kolton: It’s a red furry wall, and I actually learn something, I’m that’s actually where we’re gonna putting the link up before I have the put our two comma club awards video even made, so the moment and we got a little light for it and I learn something, you’re able to stuff like that, so that’ll be cool. I’ll learn. send you a picture. Hawk: Awesome. I’m creating my Hawk: Is it like shag carpet kind of account right now. fur? Kolton: Awesome. Chelsea: Yeah. Hawk: That’s pretty cool ... I love Kolton: It’s a full wall of red fur, shag that you guys give this away for carpet. free. That’s powerful. So if we get ... Let’s dive a little deeper into Chelsea: Austin Powers style. guerrilla marketing. I’m looking Kolton: Yep. at this. So you talk about traffic secrets. What are some of the ... Hawk: That’s interesting. Because this is a big sore spot for Chelsea: That’s what most people a lot of people. They may even be say. able to sell, they can get, anybody Hawk: I’m, yeah ... That’s different can get a funnel. Anybody can hire for sure. I never really thought about somebody to build them a funnel, and hopefully, they hire an expert putting carpet on a wall. to build them a good funnel. But it Kolton: It’s a low risk. always comes down to the having Hawk: That’s awesome. You gotta the right traffic, so what are some send a picture of that so we can put of the strategies or tactics that you it in the magazine with your two guys recommend to generate high quality, high converting traffic that comma club award on it. doesn’t cost an arm and a leg? Chelsea: Oh yeah. Kolton: Well I would say reverse Hawk: Awesome. Perfect. Well did engineering is the biggest thing. I you guys have anything ... I mean guess if somebody has no money that was some brilliant wisdom and you want to get traffic, I and insights you guys have shared. would recommend going to Anything else you guys want to and you share with the audience? start searching for different records because there are so many records. Chelsea: I don’t think so. There are records that you and I Kolton: That’s it. Do what makes could break today. There are so you happy. many easy records to break, and you just have to find the one that’s Hawk: What about your course? easiest, the one that you can do, Kolton: Oh yes. You can go to and if you find a record, then set and get up an event, and then once you do, the free course. then you start calling all the news agencies, and then you’ll have the Kolton: as we said, we’re constantly news coverage, and then you have growing it, so it’ll just keep getting the link to your funnel that you better. sprinkle throughout the interview.


And then that’s how you get a massive amount of traffic, and then we can start building the brand and then with that, you’re building the social proof and all that fun stuff. So a lot of businesses we’ve launched, right off the bat, we’ve had a ... built the brand essentially overnight just because It’s really easy to get news coverage. I would say you don’t need to hire a PR company. Just find a record or find something crazy to do and then have a charity event and then give all the money back. Donate it. Because you’ll still build your brand, you’ll still get a lot of clicks and so that can essentially be your free offer. Hawk: That’s pretty cool. So that’s the focus is those events are the key to getting the initial traffic in? Kolton: Absolutely. You gotta maximize every social thing you do. So even small scale, every time you’re meeting somebody, constantly be giving out your card. Constantly be talking about what you’re doing. We wanted to just have a simple engagement and then Dave Woodward was talking about taking it to this level so we’re like “Let’s do it.” And what that’s done in turn with traffic and all this stuff, it was just ... I never would have thought that that proposal would have exploded our business, but it really did. Hawk: That’s awesome. You said you don’t need PR, and I know that’s, it sounds easier than it is. So what are some of the strategies, or how do you guys go to them and say, “Here’s what we’re doing. Here’s how you guys want to cover us because of this.” Kolton: Yeah, definitely, you gotta think about what they’re looking for. So the news agencies, they get all the same charity inquiries, all the same ... Just be different than everybody else. So make it so


different. Even if it’s not a niche, it’s just literally just brainstorming how to be different. So that’s what I would say to do, just write down your idea and brainstorm how can we make this different. How can we make it stand out? How can we make it newsworthy, and you can even join journalism groups on Facebook and stuff like that and pick peoples’ brains because the journalists, they just want to see something that’s different and something that has to grab attention and hold it the whole time. They want their viewership, so if it holds views or improves their views or shares or likes, they’ll more than likely cover it.

book. So we actually placed eighth out of over eleven hundred affiliates on that one. We sold 67 books. But we’ve only been doing this affiliate stuff less than three months probably. We’re just getting started. Hawk: Nice. I sold 23 of those books. Kolton: They’re great books. I’m still waiting on mine to get in the mail.

Hawk: You haven’t gotten ... It’s a pretty cool book. I just got it I think two days ago. It’s probably on its way. It looks really clean and ... we’re trying to implement to where all of our team can go through it. I want each of our team members to Hawk: Awesome. You guys have go through the 30-day challenge. a ton of affiliate resources in here. What are some of the best resources Chelsea: Oh cool. that you found? One that you found Hawk: It was an idea. Like here’s a convert best for you guys to bring in challenge for you. Pick one of the 30 commissions as well as, or also some and everybody picked the same one, of the best ones that somebody can and I was like no, no, no, that’s not use and implement to their business? gonna ... No, you guys aren’t gonna Kolton: I would say ClickFunnels. get to cheat that way, because you I’ve never seen a company like each have to do a different one. ClickFunnels. They don’t stop And they weren’t very happy when I growing, and once you become said that, because they’re all, I think a customer, you’re gonna keep they’re all just gonna try to work off getting all their new stuff and Russell of each other’s Brunson, he just dropped a funnel Rolodex on how you can go to the Rolodex and just find people. He’s getting ready to roll out ten X secrets next month. It’s just a lot of resources that constantly get pumped in, so I would say Click Funnels for sure.

Kolton: Yeah.

Hawk: Awesome. Out of curiosity, you said you guys are halfway to your dream 100. How much do you guys make every single month from ClickFunnels if you don’t mind sharing?

Chelsea: Cool.

Chelsea: Yeah. Hawk: I want to see which one works best for us. Kolton: That’s smart.

Hawk: I appreciate you guys for being on, for sharing some really powerful insights, wisdom and a ton of resources in here as well, which I love. So yeah, if there’s anything Kolton: I would say right now we’re ... How can somebody reach out to right at about 3,000 a month in you if they want to get support from recurring revenue. We did close to you guys? ... We did about $7,000 in a week Kolton: So right there, as or two weeks promoting the 30-day soon as you get in the course VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE

68, you can scroll to the bottom and then you can, even there in the messenger, you can send a message and it’ll go straight to my phone, there on the bottom right. Or it says “to work one on one with Kolton” and then you can go to my phone and then oh, I just got your message. Yep I got it. But yeah if you ever need any help or any advice, we’re definitely here to help, and we love doing this. It’s so much fun. Definitely having someone believe in us and just help us in the beginning was enough to take us to the next level, and that’s all we want to do for other people. Because the more you give, the more you get back. Hawk: Awesome guys. Appreciate you. Thank you so much for being on. Chelsea: Thank you. Kolton: Thank you. Hawk: You’re welcome. All right guys. You’ve heard from Kolton and Chelsea who have shared some pretty awesome things and you gotta go check out this course, because I’m gonna go check out this course, and it’s awesome. Take a look at it, go register, it’s completely free, and you’re gonna have some pretty cool insights and wisdom from it. If you guys need anything, reach out to them, they’re here to help, here to support you guys grow and scale your business whether you’re broke ass entrepreneur or a millionaire who wants to make millions more, go check them out. If you’re not already subscribed to Funnel Magazine as a lifetime member and you never want to have to pay again, go to lifetime so you can get access and never have to pay again, plus you get access to all of these interviews before anybody else does. Thank you guys, and have a blessed day.








What’s My KPI?

ARTICLE BY David Milton

I get a lot of questions from beginner IMers (Internet Your KPI is calculated by taking the cost of the ads and Marketers) about how to calculate their KPI. So, let’s dividing it by the number of items sold. In this instance, dive right in. your KPI is $50.00 ($100/2) to acquire a customer. Your product sells for $297, leaving you with a profit of First, KPI is anything you want it to be. KPI can be $247. Nice return! Basically, you 5x’d your money. You used to measure Video Views, how much profit you put in $50.00 and got back $247. are making, or the likelihood your dog really ate your homework. For IM purposes, KPI usually refers to We know if your KPI becomes $15, that’s even better. CPA or Cost Per Acquisition. How much do you pay to But, how high can a KPI be before we kill the ad? A acquire a paying customer? That’s KPI. good rule of thumb is that your KPI can be 30% of the If you’re a beginner, how are you supposed to calculate total product profit, or about $90, in this case. You’d KPI? You have no sales, no historical data. We do it still profit $207 per sale. You’d have a real business. through reverse-engineering. It’s easy… Experienced marketers will accept a lot less for short Let’s say you have a product you want to sell via periods of time. I have been known to pay $250 just to Facebook ads. You know your product sells for $297.00, make $297. I’m still $47 in the black. And, I just crushed but you don’t know your KPI or CPA. No worries. my competition’s ego and desire to live. Before you run ads on Facebook, you first must test your ads. We’ll use the test data to find your KPI. Let’s say you run ads for 1 week and the ads cost a total of $100.00. During that week, you sold 2 products at $297.00 each for a total of $594.00. Your profit for the week was $494.00 ($594-$100).

I know what you’re thinking. That’s all good for digital products, but what about physical products? The sme logic applies, you just have to account for your product cost. If the product cost $50 and you sell it for $150, then your margins will be more restrictive. In this case, you make $100 gross profit. A KPI of $30 will yield $70 net profit. For me, that scenario is still viable. Safe Max KPI=Total Product Profit * .30 No matter what you sell, or how you sell it, it’s a numbers game. Know your KPI. Stay below your KPI and you’ll always be safe. What’s your KPI?





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Motivation’s Enemy Article by Marcos Jacober

Swords clashed. Armor jingled. Deep grunts could be heard as men felt the brutal force of blade upon a shield. Arrows whistled through the air, some hitting their mark, some covered in tar and set on fire, many making their kill. The year? Around 1500BC. The place? Jericho, Canaan Land—Israel’s mortal enemy and the gate into the Promised Land. The Battle We are in a brutal war in the business world, a war that must be fought every day against an enemy that we can’t avoid. It’s a battle can keep us from succeeding. It’s a war, an enemy, that many people will succumb to, too tired to go on, refusing to fight any longer. This ruthless enemy of motivation, the necessity of success, is procrastination. We have many people today who are procrastinators already, not reaching for success at all. Because they choose to not even try, they are “stuck” as entrance level burger flippers, janitors, or cashiers, not climbing the ladder of success or even earning more responsibility in their jobs. They’re just not motivated.

a fear of failure that must be overcome if we are to be the victor over procrastination. We set our goals too high and expect to reach them. When we fall short, we say, “See! I shouldn’t have tried anyway. I always fail!” It makes it so much harder to try again in the future, causing us to procrastinate even further. Others in this battle are slowly losing their motivation and slipping towards procrastination. You see, procrastination sneaks up on you. It stems from perfectionism. When we tend to be perfectionistic, it wears on us. Then, we get to where we start to put things off. “I can’t do that right now. It’s going to take FOREVER!” when, in essence, when done without the perfectionistic tendencies, it would take maybe half an hour instead of an hour and a half. The battle for keeping a hold on that motivation can also stem from anxiety. Looking at our to-do list as a whole instead of as bite-sized chunks can really cause us to be overwhelmed. When we feel overwhelmed, anxiety grips us. Anxiety slows our emotional responses and our body as a whole, leaving us feeling even more vulnerable and overwhelmed.

People procrastinate and keep procrastinating for The Warning Signs many reasons. One is that we, as mortal humans, have In the medieval times, there were watchmen that stood on towers to spy out for the enemy. Before the enemy would ever get close to the city, they would be spotted, and the trumpet would be sounded like a sign




of warning so the foot soldiers could be dispatched and enemies. Some that are used are successful strategies the archers could be at the ready for when the enemy that have been developed by others. Others are strategies that have been carefully thought out and drew within range. developed by generals and captains in new wars. There We have watchmen of our own, if you will, warning are also some strategies that will help us to overcome signs to watch for, signs of procrastination. Those who procrastination and stay motivated! are motivated must be aware of these signs so they know if they are beginning to go down that slippery One strategy that can help us to be a victory over our enemy is to take an honest look at our to-do list. Let’s slope of procrastination. begin by writing it all down. If you need to jog your One sign to watch for is being unrealistic about time. memory, you could pull that that hourly organizer we Many people fight time management issues because used earlier if you didn’t crumble it up and throw it they think they have more time than they do. They away in frustration. I guess if you threw it away, you can’t keep track of time. They’re always late. Maybe it’s could grab it out and uncrumple it… but I wouldn’t. because they get caught up on Facebook or in reading Looking at that to-do list probably makes you feel kind a book. They think, “Oh, I have 10 more minutes before of overwhelmed right? I have to leave. I’ll do this until it’s time,” then it’s, “Oh, After you have your to-do list written down, take an shoot!” honest inventory. How does it look? Get out another “Too much to do, not enough time”. Do you have more piece of paper. planned to do than you have hours in the day? It’s easy On your to-do list, cross out those things you can to find out if you do. Follow the checklist below: delegate to others. Add their names and tasks to the • On a piece of paper, write down your plans for delegation list. Cross out the things that are less pressing the day. and can be done another day. Find another day on • Next, sit down with an hourly planner. You can your calendar, a day that isn’t so full but isn’t too awful make up a table on the computer and input the close to the due date as to cause stress. Add it there, hours of the day for this purpose. Just make sure and DON’T ADD THEM ALL ON THE SAME DAY! to make each row large enough to be able to fit Lastly, cross out the things that are less important. Add the words in each row. that task to your calendar in the same manner. • Write down every activity in its own slot, giving **By the way, this has nothing to do with anything, enough time for each to be completed. but you fathers, if you have a choice between going • Make sure to leave time for restroom breaks, breaks to stretch your legs, lunch, and supper if to an investor’s meeting (or something of the like) or your daughter’s recital or son’s baseball game, you had your timetable goes that far. better send a team member to that investor’s meeting • Do you have enough time in the day? and make that team member take detailed notes • Where is your family time? for you. Go to your child’s activity. That is the most • What time does it put you getting to bed? important! Waking up? This exercise is a real eye-opener! There are also a few other of the many strategies that Another sign is insomnia. Not being able to shut your I would like to name. One is to have an organized brain off because you’re constantly thinking about what workspace. According to Angie’s List, one in 20 needs to be done is the pits. Yes, I suffer from insomnia. documents is lost among the clutter on the desks of the Yes, my brain screams at me almost all. night. long... average executive to be never seen again. Also, every some nights. You can’t stop thinking. Ideas just keep year there are over 150 hours wasted in looking for papers that should have been filed in their own places. rolling and rolling around your head. “A place for everything, and everything in its place”, Are your goals vague with no details? Do you see right? problems instead of solutions? Do you have a hard time seeing what’s important and what you really want You should focus on just one task at a time. Setting out of your business? Out of life? Are you unfulfilled? a timer may help in this endeavor. The timer Depressed? You might be slipping into procrastination. should be set for maybe 10 The Strategies Victorious armies rely on strategies to overcome their




to 15 minutes—whatever you’re comfortable with. Take a 5-minute break. Walk around, get a drink, relax, whatever you need to do. Go at it again! Repeat. Repeat. Re-… Well, you get the idea.

promise!), get help from others. Get a support group of those who are motivated. Because those who are around you tend to rub off onto you, like chocolatecovered fingers on a new white shirt, you don’t want these confidants and counselors to be other souls with Two more. Ready? Alright. First—Set very specific rules troubles in motivation. for yourself AND FOLLOW THEM! Here are some examples. Remember, your support group will be giving you advice. Do you really want that from others who are 1. Set specific work hours. It’s a lot easier to get your toalready failing? do list done if you work a certain amount of time a day. It’s easier to work that certain time per day if you have a My friends, let me encourage you to keep overcoming specific, set time you choose to work. If you have those and overcoming. Israel had battle after battle in specific hours set up and stick by them, it’s much easier Canaan Land, later called Israel. They did not give up. to be motivated during that time. They did not surrender. Neither should we. Overcoming motivation’s enemy, procrastination, is an ongoing, 2. Stay off Facebook until after your set work hours are everyday process. Zig Ziglar once said, “Of course over. Getting on beforehand makes most people lose motivation is not permanent. But neither is bathing, track of time and start work late. It may also distract but it is something you should do on a regular basis.” you later. Confession Time: I fight procrastination too. We all 3. Keep a set bedtime so you can get up in the morning. do at times. It’s a battle that must be overcome. Fight I know. I know. You’re not a child, right? Well, staying hard! Fight for your business! Fight for your future! up late will lead to lack of focus in the morning. The lack of focus leads to a lack of motivation. 4. Last but not least, even when you’re working from home, which some have the ability to do, dress for success. Dressing in your scrubby clothes makes you feel scrubby and unmotivated. And number 2 of the last 2 (See! I’m holding to my




Are These Author Blocks Causing You to Procrastinate? ARTICLE BY Colin J. Campbell

If you’re a keen student of marketing and sales, you’re likely aware that publishing a book gives you many advantages in business. You can use it as a tool to get free media exposure. You can send physical copies to your clients as a way to get referrals. You can attract new prospects by sharing it on your website. You can send it prior to a meeting and build rapport with prospects before you meet them. The real-world applications of your own book are virtually limitless. Yet, how many times have you thought about writing a book and haven’t started? Also: how many times have you began writing your book yet haven’t completed it?

having to z.” It was tempting to share those step-bystep tips in this article. However, the more fundamental issue preventing people from publishing isn’t a lack of techniques. It’s mindset. So, in this article I will share common metal blocks business owners have in regard to becoming an author.

If you’re like me: you have a folder on your computer that contains a “graveyard” of unfinished text files. You’ve started and stopped your book too many times to count, and it’s taking your mental energy. Probably millions of other business owners share this experience. If you feel bad in any way about not producing your book: no worries. You are in good company.

How long do your legs need to be?

This article will give you three main insights for producing your book without all the frustration. I gained these insights over 6 years, ghost-writing books for business owners, speakers, and consultants. During that time it was necessary to develop systems, processes and techniques for streamlining the publishing process. Ordinarily I would write about technique: “How to x in y time, without

Your legs need to be long enough walk on. Your lungs need to expand wide enough to breathe. Your heart needs to beat enough times to pump blood through your body. Any longer, wider, or more frequent could probably kill you.




The following three blocks are, in my opinion, the top sources of delay as it relates to business owners who want to publish a book. Enjoy Overcoming these Author Blocks. The Page-Count Myth How wide do your lungs need to expand? How many times does your heart need to pump? Is there one answer to these questions for all people? No.

The same answer applies to your book. It needs to be long enough to help people. That’s the most essential concern. Does it help your reader, or not? Your book’s thickness does not increase its value. Helping people is what matters, and page-count has little or nothing to do that.

The Page-Count Myth is a common misconception that books need to be a certain size before publishing. It is unfounded, and not true. Here are five examples of famous books that all had fewer than 100 pages: • J.K .Rowling’s Very Good Lives has 80 pages. Plus: the title… Could you do better than that? • Sun Tzu’s The Art of War has 96 pages. • Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol has 80 pages. • Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has 64 pages. • Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto has 96 pages. (As far as I’m concerned 96 pages less). … and the list goes on and on. My favorite example of a short book that made a big impact is called It Works: The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True. It was written by an anonymous author, RHL. The book only has 24 pages.

tests on her new patients and helps them overcome a variety of ailments. During our interviews I could tell something was wrong. She was defensive and unwilling to speak her mind. I asked her what’s wrong. She told me that she was afraid what her peers would say about her book. I asked her, “Do your peers pay you?” She understood what I meant and said, “You’re right! They don’t pay me. My clients do!” In that moment she effectively fired her Invisible Group of Critics. There was a tangible difference in her communication, and we produced a wonderful little book she currently uses to generate referrals. Fear of social expulsion is biologically wired into our brains. It’s very human to consider our critics when producing marketing material. But it’s counterproductive. Your best clients have far less information and knowledge than you on your topic. Most people who are seeking information that can help them are appreciative when they read what you have. Speak to them to the exclusion of the others.

I’d like to share a practical technique that will help you get in the right frame of mind before writing. It is one of best ways I’ve found to create a flow of authentic It sold 1.5 million copies, and was written by someone communication from your heart to your reader’s. who doesn’t even have a name! The Café-Technique You have a name, right? Imagine you’re sitting on a comfortable chair in a café. Could you write 24 pages? In the chair next to you is a great client (or customer, patient, etc.). You know each other well. They are a Maybe you’re the next big deal. high-value client. They refer. They pay well. They’re Wait! easy to work with. Your client is going through some I must give one last example. This one’s quick. It’s The challenges that you know how to solve. Think about Elements of Style by E.B. White and William Strunk Jr. how that conversation could go. What would you ask It’s one of the most common reference books on the them? What would they say? What fears do they topic of English composition, and it only has 85 pages. have? What questions do they ask? What does their In regard to The Elements of Style, Steven King Wrote, daily experience of life look, sound and feel like? Really “Little or no detectible bullshit.” The less detectable BS, put yourself in that imaginary situation. the better. You’d likely answer all you’re client’s questions. You’d Twenty… Four… Pages!

explain the steps, tell a story, give a metaphor, and maybe show an example or a case-study. You’d The Invisible Group of Critics communicate to the best of your ability, and you The Invisible Group of Critics are imaginary people we wouldn’t think about it. hold in our mind. They tell us why we suck, should give So here are a couple considerations: what if that up, and stick our head in the oven. Sometimes these conversation could be turned into text? Wouldn’t it critics come in the form of teachers, family, neighbours, contain almost all the information necessary for other competitors, associates, school mates, or even friends. clients or prospects to solve similar challenges? Isn’t Other times they don’t have a face: they’re just echoes that the purpose of a book: giving people in a haunted house. When we hold the Invisible Group new capabilities? of Critics in our minds, we give them attention. We start writing to them instead of our target market. Onward!

One of my clients is a medical doctor who specializes in alternative healthcare. She does all sorts of diagnostic




When my girlfriend and I pass a window-display and she says, “Oh my… I love that dress!” she’s not looking at the glass, or the manikin. The only thing she cares about is that dress, and how it would look on her. The people reading your book don’t care about your words as much as they care about the capability they get from you. So, the faster you can transfer a single capability to your readers, the better. Less truly is more.

It’s important to understand there is no such thing as a perfect book. There’s no such thing as a perfect anything. Even Michelangelo’s David – his ankles are cracking.

Understand that all your friends were once strangers. Your clients were once prospects. Your current success was once only potential. Don’t allow fear of exposure to prevent you from creating a new future. Your ideas have value. However, they won’t make any impact if you don’t communicate them. You deserve to help more people, and a little book containing your best ideas will help you do that.

I dare you to produce a 27-page book. In that book share three insights you’ve gained that could help your prospect make a buying decision. Don’t try and be clever. Just write it like you’d speak to your real client or customer. Make the dimensions 6x9. Get someone from Fiverr to make you a cover. Print a couple copies out. Share your books with people. Become an author as soon as possible. The feeling of confidence and capability will motivate you to do another, better version. Producing something fast does not mean you need to sacrifice quality.

Publish as soon as your communication is clear enough to understand. Get your ideas into the heads of people who want it. Your current understanding of your topic is likely more refined than your reader’s. Therefore you What should you include in your book? Include only the can help them. So do it now. If you keep putting off, tips, suggestions and stories that help give your reader you may put it off forever. a new capability. Anything else: scrap it. Anyone who An Author Challenge doesn’t like it: scrap them.


The idea that you can make something “perfect,” is a great way to delay your progress. It also erodes your I believe in your success, and hope you’re well. Take confidence. Striving for progression on the other hand care for now. is faster, more profitable, and helpful to others. We publish imperfect, yet functional material now, rather than later. We use that imperfect, functional material to attract our target audience. We get paid sooner rather than later. Our readers get the benefits. It’s a functional system, not a perfect one.




10 Ways Technology Can Help Your Small Business Article by Eric Luis

No Doubt you are already a lean, mean business when people search for a similar business like yours. running machine. So how can tech further help your Figure out how to utilize SEO practices to improve your small business?… Google page rank or ask me for a free consultation at Top Level Traffic. Often it’s just yourself along with a few members of staff. You probably won’t think that a small business 2. Extend Your Reach With Social Media can afford the type of technology to improve spending Social Media is a viable method to improve a more along with streamline activities, however, you do. grounded association with your clients, while likewise What’s more, regardless of whether you require a little having a beneficial outcome on prospects, however, its help doing the books for your doggie daycare business better for branding overall just check out my profile at or need to streamline planning for your booming online #techipic on Instagram if you want proof. Make sure to business, odds are there’s an improvement to be made only share useful data with your followers, that is more using technology, let me explain how you can improve important in the sea of noise with social media. This your business using technology with a few pointers enables work to trust again, thus can position you as below: a specialist in your field in the eyes of your potential clients. 1. Make Yourself Easy to Find With a Great Website 3. Utilize a Smartphone or Tablet to Stay Connected Customers searching for business want to see a solid, in a hurry clean site. It is subconsciously classed as a characteristic of polished methodology to the customer, thus enforcing In case you’re in a business where customers need to the trust aspect. Having a website will not just help your contact you effortlessly, having a dedicated cell phone small business but by making profiles on local business or tablet is an excellent idea not to mention in this datasites it will also draw in new customers too, along with rich world it is simply not ethical to run a business without improving your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation ) one. Individuals need to contact you regardless of where through backlinks. you go. Satellite rental costs have come down over the years giving people more options when choosing their A well designed along with well-presented access to always-on data for their business. business web page additionally builds along with improves the odds you’ll 4. Invoicing With Online Systems simplified be found on web indexes In case you’re giving quotes or invoices to customers onsite, having a successful cloud-based invoice platform VOLUME 3 accessible via for example a tablet with a wireless FUNNEL MAGAZINE


printer is essential so naturally, this will help your small business. Speaking from experience I use one daily at Best Computer Repair. Most interfaces are anything but difficult for staff to utilize or for yourself to take in. the best programs are readily available from any PC or cell phone worldwide.

8. Cut Communications Costs

If your business utilizes online conference software or has a ton of remote coordinating costs, you can without much of a stretch cut those expenses. Free programs are available that let you set up a platform to talk face to face without the expense of some other platforms, 5. Utilize a Project Management or Calendar System shopping around or speaking to a specialist always pays off. A Calendar System, for example, the one that accompanies Outlook or Google Apps for Business is 9. Consider a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy an incredible method to improve productivity. Every one of your colleagues can get to their timetables, Workers use a gadget of their choice, and your small customer reports, you along with your staff can offer business helps counterbalance the expense. BYOD updates in a single dashboard. Surely the power in that strategies can also help your small business, they are is self-explanatory for any small to even large-scale also one of the greatest tech trends in small business right now. Some business owners set up very successful business owner. partnerships with local tech firms thus have further reduced costs with added overall company exposure to all parties concerned. It’s basically free advertising with improved technology along with productivity without the expense. 10. Make Security a Priority Ensure your remote systems are enhanced but mostly protected with a hard to figure out at least a 32 character password ( longer is better ), make sure it has both upper and lower case characters along with having a few special characters like ?%$”£^&*… phew! 6. Consider an Email Newsletter Honestly, most of us all know this, yet I still see clients of Frequently distributing an email bulletin is amazingly ours struggle with it daily. powerful compared to other approaches when it comes As well as having a strong password necessitate that to marketing or simply just to update, along with representatives, staff, along with clients frequently interact with your gathering of followers or audience. change their passwords, and that cell phones have Concentrate on understanding what your followers security modes both activated and enforced. Ensure are keen on finding out, make content that conveys that everyone has the most recent virus or malware genuine help or value but it doesn’t need the hard sell protection also that is it is kept up to date. pitch, I cannot stress this enough, leave the hard pitch sell approach out of your email marketing or people Did you enjoy this post on ” 10 Ways Technology Can Help Your Small Business ” if so please consider showing will also tune out. your support by commenting below or giving us a share 7. Consider Offsite Storage or alike… No doubt your business has essential records or documents, ensure that your PCs are running cloudbased backup solution programs. In the dreaded hopefully unlikely event of a fire or PC crash, backup programs store a duplicate of your archives safely. Thus saving you tremendous data loss or in worst case business loss as both are more and more intertwined.




Do you need more help with software technologies or any digital business optimization, such as more guaranteed calls to your business, website design, web hosting, content creation, social media management etc?


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