Funnel Magazine Volume 3: Edition 5

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Dear Funnel Hackers, I am so excited to be bringing you an edition that’s One Funnel Away from being Life Altering. I know most of us can hear Russell Brunson saying “Your just one funnel away” in our sleep. This edition features Blake Nubar who took that to the extreme with breaking the fastest two comma club record: in a mere forty-three days. Blake Nubar brought so many actionable steps and gold nuggets to the interview but what really resonated with me, in the interview was when he said “My goal is to get people to continue through the processes because we both know what it’s like to generate income online and truly change your life with a single funnel. One funnel changed my entire life in 43 days. We went from zero to a million dollars, in 43 days. I mean, in 43 days a tree can’t even grow that fast.” The analogy of a seed growing into a tree in 43 days really hit home for me, it’s Springtime and in our little piece of nature within city limits is in full bloom now that’s May. With my husband’s business name being Orange Tree Marketing, of course, we are into gardening and growing. We love being out in nature and planting in our garden. My five-year-old little Funnel Hacker and I have been growing and nurturing this apple tree from seed since February, and it’s still quite tiny, but one day with patience, sun, and water it will bear fruit (in about twothree more years of course) Like our little apple tree with execution, processes, and ambition your One Funnel Away from having a successful Funnel. It may just take longer than 43 days. So this spring go out and plant some seeds and enjoy Springtime! Your Editor, Tricia Wilkes

“Happy Mother’s day to all of the Funnel Hacker Moms out there.” 06













Are You Made For TV? ARTICLE BY Fran Harris

People keep saying that TV is dying. Those people are While the dotcom gold rush made a lot of millionaires clueless. TV is not dying, TV is actually multiplying. It’s and billionaires, TV celebrities still remain among the changing. highest paid individuals in the world. So, what does that have to do with you? When I was a young girl, there were three TV channels – ABC, NBC, and CBS. Today, there are more than Again, allow me to explain. 1,000 channels and networks. There are literally If you could get your brand, your business, your product hundreds of thousands of TV shows. Does that sound on television in front of the right audiences, your like dying to you? Exactly. How can you say a medium chances of becoming a bonafide celebrity increase is dying when it’s experiencing that level of growth? You exponentially, and so does your chances of increasing can’t. Which is why there’s no better way to grow your your revenues. But how? It’s simple. Celebrity pays. No brand or business than through the power of television. Allow me to explain. 30 years ago there a border wall around television. You didn’t appear on television unless were the kid of a network executive, or you had made the nightly news, or you were an actor or actress on a TV show. That border wall has crumbled. And because of that, the barriers to appearing on TV or a TV-like medium are virtually non-existent. In fact, cable and the internet took care of that. VOLUME 3



other medium has the ability to turn someone into an instant celebrity overnight, like television. Remember, 40 years ago, if you were interviewed as an author, speaker, expert on television, you were “a big deal”. In today’s lingo, you had authority. You were a thought leader. It’s crazy. You could have appeared on radio on Monday, and in a magazine on Tuesday, but if you appeared on television on Wednesday morning, everyone in America knew your name by dinner time. The same is still true today. Even with the existence of the internet, the sheer number of people who would be exposed to your brand by appearing on say, Good Morning America, is in the range of 4-5 million. That’s Use a text or phone number instead of a website ONE appearance. (unless the domain name is amazing). If your domain is, that’s fine. But please don’t use a When I hosted my show Home Rules, on HGTV a few domain that’s 30 characters long. Nobody’s going to years ago. I received more business opportunities in 3 remember it. It’s better to ask someone to text or call. months than I had in the previous three years! Why? Which is better? Depends on your lead magnet. If you Because I was the host of a TV show on a network that want someone to download something, you could say, has an audience of 100 million. It gave me credibility. “Text “2533” to 310.555.5555. People know how to text. It gave me a certain level of celebrity. Now, my show It’s hard to screw up those instructions. They should get averaged about a million viewers each week, which is the download immediately. If you want people to listen respectable, but not huge. It didn’t attract Super Bowlto a message, give out a phone number, and ask the like numbers or even Seinfeld-final-episode numbers. host to flash the # on the screen. Infomercials prove But a million set of eyeballs on an authority-building that people WILL call a number on the screen. network was a big deal. My point is, even though I made only six figures from my show, I had offers Make a BOLD claim. This is what I discuss in my free that easily topped $5-$7 million dollars. Offers from book Celebrity Playbook. It’s one of the easiest ways furniture companies, cosmetics companies, speaking to get FREE TV publicity. I once told a producer that bureaus and more. It was literally unbelievable. And it I could take ANY person in his audience with sellable was ALL because of TV. expertise, and guarantee that they’d make their first Internet dollar in 24-48rs. My phone rang off the hook. Why had these offers come my way? Because of the size of my platform, my reach. My email list ballooned These are simple tactics you could use to get on TV overnight. So, still, don’t think celebrity sells? to grow your publicity quotient, become a celebrity and explode your bank account. Remember, TV never So, that brings us to you. sleeps. When I was a kid, TV actually went off the air, Even if you appeared on your local television talking and it didn’t come back on, until the next morning. about your area of expertise, you could still turn that Thankfully for us, those days are long gone. I hope to appearance into thousands or millions of dollars. And see you on the air soon. Let me know if I can help. getting on your local channels is much easier than you think. Here are a few ideas. Give away something free on the air. People love free and they certainly love free from “celebrities”. Ask the producer if you can do a contest or giveaway for a book or a tee-shirt. Executing your giveaway should be easy. Have them use a specific hashtag and enter them into a drawing, and announce the winner either LIVE online…or on that same network channel. Guess what? You’ll get another appearance to announce your winner. EDITION 5



3 Ways To Scale Your Facebook Ad Campaigns ARTICLE BY Pedro Campos

For some entrepreneurs, scaling their Facebook Ad 1 - Vertical Scaling campaigns can be scary. There`s a huge misconception out there… Let`s face it… Think of this scenario: a coach is spending $2,000 a … a lot of things can go wrong if you don`t know how to month on ads to market her new course. Her thought play the game. process is “well, I`m getting 20 sales a month with an average cost per acquisition of $100, if I just bump up Costs per acquisition might spike up, your audience the budget to $8,000, I`m going to have proportional might stop responding to your ads the same way and results.” tactics that worked in the past, no longer work. Unfortunately, it doesn`t work like that, there are many As Warren Buffett says… “risk only comes to those that factors that influence your CPA (cost per acquisition). don`t know what they`re doing!” Scaling your budget this way will not give you So my goal with this post is to actually share with you proportional returns, it will probably give you a lot of the 3 most common ways to scale Facebook Ads, so headaches. you know what works and how to take this information As a word of warning, vertical scaling done right works and apply it to your business. but it can only take you so far. “Some offers may not resonate with certain If you want to go this route, the best way to do it is to groups of people.” increase your budget by 50% every 3 to 5 days. I never touch a campaign for 3 days after launching it.




This gives time for the algorithm to gather essential data about your campaigns because there can be false positives or false negatives.

“Relying on just one offer to drive your entire business “The goal is to always have fresh targeting, so you`re forward isn`t a long term strategy, it will probably get not showing the same ads to the same group of you in trouble.” people.” 2 - Horizontal Scaling

Main Takeaways

This is actually one of my favorite ways and certainly As you see, scaling your Facebook Ads isn`t facing the one of the most viable. “boogeyman.” The way it works is doing research on different audiences Facebook wants people on the platform for as long and creating new adsets. The goal is to always have as possible and they definitely don`t want you to show fresh targeting, so you`re not showing the same ads to them the same stuff over and over again. the same group of people. This is not 2010, where you`d put out a campaign, it Instead of relying solely on increasing the budget, would run for ages and continue to produce results. The you`re actually finding new potential audiences that closest thing to this nowadays is using video ads but you Facebook can show your ads to and widening your still have to mix it up. targeting. Based on this discussion, here`s what we can Your audience size depends on how big your budget is conclude: but for most cases, I like to keep it between 500,000 • scaling effectively isn`t just about increasing the and 1M, as I create new adsets. budget You can go a far as 20M people when dealing with • playing with different types of offers is essential bigger budgets, at massive scale. when scaling • looking for new audiences is a great way to scale “Variety is really the game of the game when it comes and keep your campaigns fresh to scaling Facebook Ads.” • you can`t build a scalable business on just one offer 3 - Offer Scaling • the “set it and forget it system” doesn`t work I`m sorry to break the news for you… anymore But relying on just one offer to drive your entire business forward isn`t a long term strategy, it will probably get Variety is really the game of the game when it comes to you in trouble. scaling Facebook Ads. As you scale, your ads will start to wear out and people There`s a ton of ways to offer value to your audience, will start getting tired of seeing the same offer over and so in order to compete in the ad auction, you must over again. embrace that fact. Some offers may not resonate with a certain group of I`d love to hear your thoughts… people, so if you don`t mix things up, you run the risk of What new insights did you get from this post? actually missing out on a big portion of your market. Let`s say you`ve been running that webinar that`s super profitable. Maybe, you can add to your offer collection, so to speak, a video series or an ebook. If you`re selling an online course about a certain topic, maybe you create a second course to solve a different problem, something that`s equally relevant to your audience.










Article by Adam Moody

What You Must Do To Triple (Or Better) Response Rates

I recently set myself a goal to increase lead gen revenue What to do? as it had dropped off over the past few years and gone Cold emailing. to nearly zero leading up to and after my move across the country. Yup! If you’re a little bit like me, the revenue from the lead generation or affiliate sources can be a great side income and getting that notification email from PayPal about another payment made while you weren’t doing anything is great!

I knew going into it that I’d want automation to handle this since sending out prospecting emails is not only boring and time-consuming but I’d need to send multiple follow-ups.

Why? But - that’s not to say there’s no work involved - you have to create something of value and get it in front of Well, you have at best about a 30% chance of a response to cold email depending on how you present people...specifically the right people, you know? it and if it’s truly cold and you go straight for the sale I won’t bore you with the details of the specific project, it’s less than 1%. because what is most important is how I more than tripled my response rate from hot prospects that wanted However, if you continue to follow up your odds of response go up and up until you’re closer to 90% at 6+ me to reach out to them! points of contact. Now, this is always the interesting part, especially if you’re entering a new market. I had no contacts in this 90%... area (recently moved here) and haven’t worked in this That’s not a typo. industry no referrals. In all honesty, I didn’t even go that far, I just set up a series of 3 emails with a classic hook in the first email to greatly increase my odds of response and then set up the 2nd series of 4 emails to send to those who replied.


Interested in seeing these emails and how simple they are? VOLUME 3


Here’s the first series of prospecting emails:

What did the results look like for the entire series?

Email 1

Here are the overall stats:

Easy email, straight to the point and uses the great “are you accepting XXX in YYY area” formula. Good stuff. But I’m 100% convinced that it’s the subject line that gets the open on these emails:

It’s so simple. I love it. What’s the open rate for this email? 75% Yeah, that’s a good way to get an open AND a reply. So good. Ok, let’s go through the rest of the prospecting emails to see what they would be sent if they didn’t reply to this first email. Email 2

Now, fun fact that you can’t see from the numbers above… While I do love the first email and will use it forever, it only got about a 20% reply rate. I say only, but that’s pretty darn good. But that means that 80% didn’t respond within 48 hours, and most of those probably never would have. By sending those 2 follow up emails, my reply rate was 81%! I quadrupled the reply rate with 2 follow up emails.

Email 3

Once anyone had responded to the prospecting emails, I sent them a series of follow-up emails to get them on the phone or at least respond positively via email. So, how did this second set of emails turn out? Pretty good from my point of view: 91% open rate, 2 replies, and I’m now in conversation with 2 companies that cover a large portion of the complete metro area.




Maybe I was busy. Maybe the hook wasn’t right on the first email. Send me another one! If it’s the right timing and the right offer I want you to get it in front of me and we should do the same with our automated follow-up. You can do the same in 15 minutes writing out a few quick emails in a notepad file and then sticking them into an automated follow-up system that does the work for you, day in and day out. If you don’t have at least 3 emails automated, you’ve got a very clear task today! It’s this mixture of automation and initiative to set it up once and then let it run that can produce great results. The bottom line is this - if you aren’t using the automated tools that exist for free or very low cost out there to send automated follow-ups you are throwing away money. I said it at a recent webinar I was talking on, I get annoyed when someone sends me 1 email and then I never hear from them again.




Article by Seth Greene

Why a Website Can Make Your Business Fail, But a Funnel Can Print You Money on Demand!

This is Milo’s restaurant, They are across the street from our office, and my wife and I had breakfast this morning there. Now if I go to reservations, there’s nothing. Just call us. So this page is purposeless. It’s blank. Milo’s is closing their doors after nine years. I want to share with you a little bit about what might have changed the trajectory of their business. This is their website, Milo’s on Main. You will notice there is no Facebook pixel, there is no retargeting pixel on this website, so if I go there and go away, he has no way of knowing I was there or contacting me. The Contact Us form is something that most businesses do, but they bury it. You have to go to it and get past the driving directions, contacting them is at the bottom. Google Maps won’t load, so that’s a problem. And it has an email address, here is the contact form. So again, I’ve got to As far as the banquet room page goes, these are the scroll down to find it. pictures of downstairs, not the actual upstairs banquet room. VOLUME 3



I’ve been a customer many times because it’s across the street from our office, and an interesting thing we found was they’ve never asked us for our contact information. There has never been an attempt to get us on a list of any kind, whether it’s direct mail or email. They’ve got Flickr, Foursquare, and Facebook. Flickr doesn’t go to Flickr, it goes to Yelp.

What if I want to order online? It’s going to take me to, which does not exist so I can’t order online.

Foursquare goes to Foursquare, where I can check in. I didn’t know people still used Foursquare because Facebook made a check-in feature. Well, they don’t, apparently, because the last time there’s been a comment was three years ago, four years ago. So that’s not doing them much good. The menu actually works. I can actually see the menu. About Us. There’s a video. There are a couple of paragraphs, and that’s about it. Upcoming Events, there’s nothing. So I’m going to go back to their homepage. This slider takes pretty much the entire above the fold area of the website. I got bottles on mine, which doesn’t do me any good. I don’t know what that is. I haven’t checked on a cell phone, but it probably isn’t going to Let’s check out their Facebook. They have 2,651 fans for render on a smartphone unless it’s set up that way, and a local restaurant is not bad. But if we can get a chicken I doubt it. and pizza wing place where it’s 11,000 followers, we This doesn’t sell me on the restaurant. It shows me could do a lot better than 2,600 for this. Here’s the the location, but those other two things don’t sell me issue. They post pretty much once a week, on Mondays. on the restaurant. They don’t move the sale forward. And the post is just, “Happy Monday. Here’s our menu. There’s no offer. There’s no opt-in. I would have a video Call us for a reservation.” That’s it. Check out our menu, here and an opt-in form here offering me something check out our menu, check out our menu. Oh, there’s an event. We’re open. Check out our menu. Picture, because they’re not building a list. check out our menu.




How do you do that? I will give you an example of a very simple marketing funnel for a restaurant that is working. Your money’s in your ability to contact your customers and stay in touch with them because then it’s Tuesday. It’s slow, it’s rainy, you send a text, you send an email, you send out a postcard, next week Tuesday’s supposed to be rainy. You can get people to come on in. So they’re selling every single time. And you’ll notice their engagement is nothing. They’ve got 2,651 followers and eight likes on a post, no comments. Crickets. Check out our full menu. Eight. I wonder if those are eight people who work there. We’ve got dinner covered. 10 likes. They actually had a comment, and they did respond. But again, they’re posting once a week and it’s all just, “Come eat here.” And it may be a post or two for an event, but that’s it. There, I will like it. Are they running any ads? They are not. They are not running any Facebook ads to market the restaurant, nor have they ever, because I’ve looked before. So if you’re always selling, if every week you show up in front of the same eight people who actually see it because they’re not running any ads so they have no organic reach and say, “Buy my stuff, buy my stuff, buy my stuff,” they’re going to tune you out and they probably get very little engagement because most of their posts are, “Buy our food, buy our food, buy our food, buy our food.”

is Dracut House of Pizza. This is in Boston, and here is our little lead generation funnel because we are giving away a fried oyster meal. There are 100 fried oyster dinner vouchers available. There’s a picture of what you’re going to get. There is the retail price and your free meal. There are pictures of reviews, then again, the picture and the little about Us blurb and the picture of the voucher.

You claim it, you opt in, you get your voucher. Now I’ve got their name, their email, and their cell number on the list. I bribe them with a free meal to get them in the door and get them on the list, and now I can message them anytime I want. The one thing I would like to add to this would be a field for the person’s birthday because then, every year I could say, “Hey, it’s your birthday month. Come on in and get your meal for free on your birthday,” because no one eats on their birthday pretty much by themselves. They bring people with them, and We’ve got buttons on the website that doesn’t work, thus, you make it up on volume. Then you could get no retargeting, no offer, no lead capture, no follow up. those people on your list. The Order Online button is broken. If I wanted to give them money, I couldn’t. Contact information is buried. You could also do a thing saying, “Hey, we still have a Again, this website is not going to generate them much couple of vouchers left. Who do you want to bring with business. It’s not going to build their customer list, you?” Now you’ve got a Tell a Friend program running where they’re literally entering their friend’s contact because your money’s in the list. information. And then an email automatically goes If they had a database of 10 years of customers that from Derek to Bob saying, “Hey, I signed up for this they were sending email to every two weeks, every free oyster meal. Come, you should too.” Now Derek month, they could get them to come in. If they refers Bob and now we’ve got access to Bob as well. We were texting them, if they had mobile could also have a component where it says, “Share it numbers, they could text them. It with three people and get two free, get an extra bonus.” would’ve been so much more We could say, “Post this on your social media page and profitable. you’ll get even more.” VOLUME 3



When we first ran this through one of our partner companies, they had the relationship with Dracut House of Pizza, we had literally a 60% opt-in rate. We were driving Facebook ads to this with a 60% opt-in rate. Normally a few percent is good. So 60% is insane, and even better was a large percentage of those people were actually showing up and coming in and eating the food, and now they’re on their list and they can get them back whenever they want. I don’t know who built their normal, pretty, corporatelooking branded website that doesn’t do very much and doesn’t bring in much business.




Milo’s is a Greek restaurant, so if they did free souvlaki (my wife loves their souvlaki by the way), this approach would totally work. If you want help turning your website into a real funnel, reach out to me today.

Article by John Arms

The Biggest Challenge With Sales Funnels: Human Emotion

less time dwelling on it. We build UFM for the latter. That said, you probably have your own sales funnel tool. If not, I suspect you’re giving it some serious thought by virtue of reading Funnel magazine and my story in it. Whichever way you approach your sales funnel you need to know that there is a massive blind spot in all sales funnel. It’s called change. Sales funnels done right are full of insights, a-ha I have my preferences in sales funnels. I prefer the model moments, opportunities and some pretty clear direction we’ve built for Unified Funnel Metrics for the simple on what business decisions need to be made. reason that it’s simple. (Not easy, but simple.) In our Consider the sales funnel shown here. This is our UFM model, we track two data points for each of the seven funnel in action. Given the metrics shown, the business stages. Three pre-sales stages, sales itself and three decision is flashing 20,000 watts of neon green. post-sale stages. It’s a horizontal model, adapted here and there from the bow-tie model. This method puts The decision is right there. This client is under-investing all sales points on the table, allowing us to do proper in existing customers to their own demise. The decision analysis and make good business recommendations is simple: pull some resources from pre-sales, move without going into rabbit holes of data. If you’re Wal- them into post sales and reap the rewards. Simple. Mart or Amazon you need an army of analysts and Yet even before making our recommendation we a tech stack a mile high to measure thousands of could hear the resistance. Fortunately, we’re used to segments in real time. If you’re a business under it and prepare for it as part of our work. In order for $300 Million in revenue, you don’t. In fact, this article to be useful to you, here are five incredibly you need the opposite. The data will common objections we hear in our sales funnel work for eat you up. You need more time customers. Next to each is the emotional stage each acting on good data and represents.




So, what’s the lesson here? In a macro-sense, this tells us that the strongest dimensions of sales don’t reside in the metrics. They reside in very real human emotions. By now you may be asking yourself how to deal with those in your sales funnel. After all, merely recognizing them doesn’t move the needle now, does it? After all, emotions are so much harder to deal with than numbers. Still, they have to be dealt with otherwise no sales progress can be made. Well, that’s an article for another day. Take heart, I won’t leave you completely unarmed. When your sales funnel math backs leadership into a corner, recognize it quickly and take a break. Then use a tool you need no instruction to master: Empathy. • I see the data. But I don’t buy it. (Denial) • We can’t fire him. He’s been here 20 years. (Avoidance of conflict) • We’ve never done it that way before. (Hope things go back to “Normal”) • We don’t do it that way. (Fear of the unknown) • Get out of my office. (Your data is a threat to my job)

Listen to the emotions. Hear them. Pull them out and work on a solution. Without empathy, you’ll never get your sales funnel to create the change it worked so desperately to uncover. Next story: “How to deal with data denial.”

Notice anything? These are human emotions. Not math. These are real feelings sprung loose from a mathematical approach to sales. If you think good data and insight is going to sell itself, prepare to be disappointed. (Or kicked out of an office.)




Article by Kapil Ochani

Gathering Data from Funnels and Drawing “Profit Making Conclusions” From It

One of the most important parts of any funnel is to improve conversions. While we put in a lot of effort in designing our funnels and making sure they are running smoothly, improving conversions is often ignored in this process.

Another good measure of your conversions is to set up Goals in Google Analytics through which you can not only see the number of conversions but several other parameters like what source was the conversion from, what were the most converting devices and much more.

Today, I am going to outline 3 different methods through which the conversions can be tracked and necessary measures can be made to improve them as well. 1. The Free and Foremost – Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free and one of the best tools to track your visitors, their interaction with your funnel and conversions. It also gives you insights about things like where the user exited from your funnel (exit pages), the Once the conversion data is gathered, a number of average time spent on your site and bounce rate. improvements can be made to the funnel and a lot of things can be optimized based on the highest converting device types, user locations, referral traffic sources, etc. 1. Hotjar Hotjar script is one of the most interesting features of mapping a visitor’s journey in your funnel. It records a video session of the user and enables you to see how a visitor interacts with your funnel and finally where he or she exists the funnel, through a video.




3. ClickFunnels In-built Split Testing ClickFunnels is a wonderful platform and offers a lot of options for its customers. One of the main features of ClickFunnels is its split testing tool. This allows a user to create a split test version of their funnel and test it against their main version. ClickFunnels automatically splits the traffic between the two funnels and reports the conversion data. Upon completion of the test, you would easily be able to determine which of your funnels is a winner. It is very simple and very effective! Read more about it here: hc/en-us/articles/360006151974-Split-Test

The small videos help you to understand your funnel better and point out mistakes that you must have made. These videos also show the behavior of users on different devices and browsers, thereby, helping you to take better decisions for more conversions.




Article by David Kraus

The Right Ad, the Right Landing Page, the Right Moment… Equals More Sales

Depending on the source, only about 8 to 10% of all • the businesses on Facebook advertise on the social • • media platform. • Why so few? A few factors that come to mind: • Some businesses just don’t have the budget. • Some don’t understand its power. • Some don’t understand how to advertise because it seems complicated. • And lastly, some tried it but didn’t get the results they expected or worse no results at all.

What is the best headline to use? Where do you want your ads to appear? What is a realistic advertising budget? Who should you target?

… and that’s just for starters. In this article, I want to share a few key takeaways that will help you make quicker decisions and build more effective Facebook ad landing pages. When you break it down, the big task of running a killer Facebook campaign has three manageable parts.

1. Build the Right Ad(s) Facebook ads can be intimidating and complicated. Every effective ad campaign starts with a great product It is a science and if you understand this science you and offer, so we are assuming your product is great. But can build very successful experiments that can deliver if not, how can you make it great? predictable results. 1. Who’s your target audience? Identifying a very clear It all starts with having a Facebook advertising goal. and concise buyer’s profile is the first step. You want to make sure your message is seen by the right people. You’ll also need to consider: • Where do you want the traffic to go? • What images work?




2. Test ads, not ad. You are not trying to build the perfect ad in the beginning but instead, you are testing multiple ads and language. You want to see what your audience responds to. 3. Think beyond stock photos. It all starts with a great image or short video. This is what people see first when scrolling through their Facebook feed.

Try one of these approaches for your images: • Use a real photo of you (or your business) at work. “Keep your images real and natural and see the difference it will make to your conversion rate. Remember, people share real-life photos on Facebook all the time. Using one may win your ad a second look. • Use a text overlay. Studies show that images with text overlay outperform just stock images. Just remember your text can’t cover more than 20% of your ad image to meet Facebook’s guidelines. 4. Think about the message match. You want to create a direct easy path from Facebook to your landing page. Be certain to use the same language on your ad and your landing page. It doesn’t have to be word for word. But your ad offer should match the offer on your landing page.

• • • •

Testimonials from past customers Customer reviews Case studies A concrete result a client has achieved with your solution

All that is left on your landing page is a colorful button with a direct call to action. 3. Trust Elements. When you’re building a landing page for Facebook, you want to build trust with the visitor and also with Facebook. Facebook has strict ad policies and you want to make sure you are within their guidelines. Consider including the following trust elements in any landing page for paid traffic:

• Your business name and logo • Your contact info (a phone number or address is fine—and it doesn’t have to be prominent. Include it in your footer.) 2. Build the Right Landing Page • A link to privacy or legal policy to indicate how The landing page is the second step of your visitor’s you’ll handle any information submitted journey. You don’t want to drive your ad traffic to a website page but rather to a specific page that have a If you’re planning to build your landing page and single purpose such as opting into your list or scheduling funnel yourself, I would suggest using a platform like a call. Just remember it’s all about building a relationship ClickFunnels. It will save you a lot of time and money. during the process. 3. Display Your Ad to the Right Audience at the Pay extra attention to the following when creating Right Time your landing page: Facebook allows you to target different demographics 1. A Headline That Matches Your Audience. with some astounding precision. Some of the more Remember you are not trying to make a sale with this common demographics to target is location, audience headline. Your objective is to spark interest to create age, gender, hobbies, favorite TV shows, etc. a click to your offer. A good headline is like a magic Demographics are as important as buyers’ signals. mirror that only works for your target audience. Once your visitors think, “Oh, yeah, this applies to me,” your Facebook advertising takes time to perfect. So testing headline has done its job. is critical for all your ad campaigns. If you start with the three major elements in this article—the right audience, 2. Just Enough Context for Action. Now we want the the right ad message, and the right landing page you’ll visitor to feel good about opting in. They are asking on your way to start optimizing your online advertising. themselves ‘What’s in it for me?’ and can I trust this person’s offer? To build trust with the visitor consider these types of proof:




Article by Laura Farkas

The Key Steps to Building Successful Webinar Funnels for Consultants

If you would like to make the most out of your coaching or consulting client’s digital marketing funnels, it might be a good idea to implement a webinar strategy that will allow them to communicate directly with their audience and gain their trust. As you might already know, there is a business coach or consultant in every room, and that is why creating a marketing campaign for businesses in this industry is so challenging. Below you will learn about the benefits of webinars and how you can implement them in your sales funnel strategy. The Main Challenges of Coaches and Consultants There are several challenges business coaches and consultants face. First of all, they are in a crowded market, and they struggle with finding their USP, especially if they own a franchise and have to follow the rules of communication. Secondly, they will have to find the right balance between creating personal and professional posts that their target market will resonate with. Webinar funnels can overcome both of these main challenges. Communicating the Value through Sales Funnels If someone came to you on the street and asked you for a couple of thousand dollars for advice, would you give it to them? Certainly not. That is the main issue with promoting a coaching or




consulting business. You can’t jump straight in and expect people to consider you as an expert in the field and trust you with their money. You have to create reciprocity and earn their trust, and this is exactly what a webinar funnel does. Picking the Topic of the Webinar Once you have decided that you will create a webinar funnel, it is time to choose a topic. It is highly recommended that you create your ideal client profile first, so you can address the main issues and most urgent problems your prospects might be struggling with during the webinar. Once you have picked the topic, it is time to create a buzz on social media and promote the event on multiple channels; paid and free, focusing on the main messages and benefits. Putting the Infrastructure In Place While you automate your social media and digital marketing campaigns and measure the results, you will also have to find the right infrastructure to run the webinar. From Gotowebinar to Everwebinar or a simple Zoom conference, there are several options. If you would like to make the recordings available for a limited time, you will need to ensure that the package offers this facility. Your webinar software will also have to work with your other digital marketing tools such as the autoresponder and social media management platforms.

of hundred followers on social media, this will not be enough to fill the webinar room; you will need to use outbound marketing, too. Crafting One Time Offers You should also bear in mind the purpose of creating a webinar funnel for a coaching and consulting business. You might want people to sign up for your program, buy your book, or enroll to an exclusive one-to-one coaching program. Unless you offer a bonus and an incentive, they will not be ready to make the decision after the webinar. The key is to create irresistible offers that will make your audience feel chosen, and ensuring that the next logical step for them is to hit the “buy button”. However, your job is not over yet. You might Qualifying Prospects create a webinar funnel that involves multiple bonuses If there is one mistake most internet marketers make and upsells. Not to mention that you will have to put when setting up their first webinar is not qualifying these people on your buyers’ list to carry on offering leads, If you fail to do this, you might end up with loads them even more value in the future. of registrations and nobody turning up at the live event. Webinar funnels work extremely well for software This is why you will need to ask the right qualifying owners, coaches, and consultants. If you have been questions before you would let people register. You will struggling to find the right sales funnel for this industry, need to make people feel special for being let in your try to design a webinar that will attract the ideal clients inner circle (or your client’s), and you have to create who are ready to dig deep into what the business has a sense of exclusivity to make the webinar look more to offer. valuable, so they don’t want to miss it. Let them make a commitment, and they will be feeling in control. Choosing the Most Effective Platforms to Launch Once you have created a buzz around the webinar, it is important that you use a retargeting campaign based on who opened your emails and clicked on the link, who engaged with the related posts on social media, and scale up your campaign. If your client only has a couple




The Simple Formula To Creating An Endless Supply Of New Clients & Customers For Service-Based Businesses ARTICLE BY Parisa Vassei

It’s no secret that in today’s online marketing world, having a funnel can make the difference between a successful campaign, and an underutilized marketing budget. With service-based businesses, however, often times completing a sale is not as simple as pointing someone to your website. To bridge the gap between prospect and client/ customer, a useful step is to begin collecting leads that are interested in your service offering. With lead generation marketing you can begin to build a list of your potential clients & customers, to whom you can complete sales, or further you marketing at little to no cost.

them some sort of ‘ethical bribe’ in exchange. This will act as the ‘magnet’ for you leads. For your lead magnet or offer, you want to select something they can consume immediately or something with a high perceived value. Some common examples are: • • • •

Ebook or PDF Download Coupon for Services Certificate towards services Registration for a Free event (online or in person) • An add-on service or product

In this article I’m going to break down a simple lead In most cases with our clients, we offer either a coupon generation funnel is responsible for at least 100s of (i.e. 50% off) or a certificate (i.e. $25) towards a service. thousands of revenue in our clients business, that you can use too. When you’re coming up with your offer or lead magnet think about a few things: There are 5 things you need to make this work. Let’s break down the funnel. • Who is the perfect person to use my service? • What benefit will they receive from using my Your Lead Magnet (Your Offer) service? Before you can begin collecting leads, you need to • What is something my ideal client would love to offer something in exchange. For someone to give have? you their contact information you must offer It’s best to keep it simple if you’re unsure and use a discount offer or add-on service.




Make sure to end your ad with a call to action. For example:

“Click below to schedule your free consultation and take 1 step closer towards the home of your dreams” “Get your 25% off coupon using the link below” Link this ad to your funnel or landing page, as you’re almost ready to start collecting leads. Landing Page The landing page of your funnel is where you will actually collect your leads contact information. You Facebook Ad can use any tools such as ClickFunnels, Leadpages, or Now that you have your lead magnet created, it’s time one of the many Wordpress plugins. For the design of the landing page, simple often is the best. Our best to be to plug this into a Facebook Ad. converting landing pages have only: Facebook Ads have 3 main components: • A Headline The Campaign - What marketing goal you will select • A Sub Headline for your ads. • A Form (For collecting name, phone, and email) The Adset - Who you will target, and how much you • And a Button (to submit the form) will spend In your headline, restate the offer or benefit. You can The Ad - The actual ad(s) themselves. usually use the exact same headline as your Facebook For your campaign, chose the traffic objective. (If you ad. For your sub-headline, describe the offer, benefits, have advanced knowledge of Facebook ads you can and or conditions in 2-3 sentences. Your form should use the Conversion objective) ask for at the minimum an email, but typically a name, For your adset, you will select your target audience. email, and phone number. Lastly, the button to submit Remember when creating the offer asking, “Who the form should have a call to action. Choose something is the perfect person to use my service?”. Use these like “Submit”, “Get this Offer”, “Send this to me” etc. demographics and interest to select your targeting in Thank You Page Facebook. Now that you have the lead, it’s time to take them to Lastly, it’s time to create the ad itself. First, select an action. On the thank you page you should do 3 main image that captures attention and aligns with your things: service or offer. (i.e. if you’re a dentist, your image likely • Confirm that they signed up shouldn’t be of race cars). • Give them what they asked for (or deliver it via State your offer in the headline section of your ad. (i.e. email) Sign Up Today To Save 50% on [Service]!) • Tell them what will happen next. Put the rest of the text in your ad copy. This is where you will go on to describe the offer, the benefits someone At this point, you should point them towards your core will get from using your service, and how the offer service offering. If they signed up for a coupon, give will get someone their desired result faster, better or them a link on this page to book their appointment or cheaper by choosing you. your sales page. If you’re selling a more expensive service you’ll likely If you put a second offer on this page, you can drive need some longer sales copy. You may need several more people to take action quicker. For example, paragraphs to persuade someone to take your offer. ‘take an additional 5% off when you call For less expensive services, simply stating the offer and today!’ or a similar bonus offer. the benefits in a few sentences will likely suffice. EDITION 5



Close The Sale

Final Tips

Service-based business varies in how they make their sales. While some do it online, others prefer to do so on the phone. The last step of the funnel is to follow up with your lead if they haven’t already booked their appointment, consultation, or other service offerings.

Here are a couple of final tips, and things to consider about your lead generation funnel.

You can use tools like Actionetics in ClickFunnels, or another email provider to help you automate some of your follow up the process. Email is practically free, so make sure to email along with your phone call followups to help you close the sale. What you can expect…

How much you should and will pay for lead will vary greatly with every industry. What is most important is that your funnel is profitable. If in the end your funnel still isn’t bringing you leads, or it the price isn’t right, take a step back. You need to get the right offer, in front of the right people, at the right time. One of those variables needs to change. Perhaps a different target audience, a different offer, or giving them more context before making an offer.

Congrats! You’ve built out a funnel to create your Lastly, take action, learn, and modify as needed. A endless supply of new clients. What should you expect? lot of funnels don’t work exactly right the first time, but you’ll never get anywhere if you don’t start. 1 complete Every industry is going to be different but aims for funnel will beat out a half complete funnel, or just an between a 10-20% opt-in rate or the percent of people idea, any day. who visit your page that actually signs up for your offer. If it’s higher, you’re doing great. If it’s lower, then As Russell Brunson says ‘You’re Just One Funnel Away’ consider making some changes to make the landing page more clear, or more similar to the ad. When you get leads coming in through your funnel, it’s not uncommon to have them across a spectrum. On average, 20% are great and ready to buy, 20% are unqualified or unready, and the reaming 60% are in the middle. That’s why it’s important to follow up.












Using Email Marketing to Compliment your Social Media Marketing Article by Melanie Diehl

it’s discounts or sales; maybe it’s volunteer opportunities. When your subscribers know what to expect and how often to expect information from you, they can make the choice to receive email communications from you. By identifying their interests and segmenting your list, it’s easy and profitable to send targeted email campaigns.

$65,000. In a single email campaign. It’s about 1:30 pm on Black Friday 2014. The owner of a small contracting business in a suburb of Atlanta decides to send an email campaign offering a Black Friday deal. And although he’d been collecting email addresses for some time, this is his first campaign. He sits down at the computer with his wife, and together they craft an email and hit send. Within a few hours, he secures over $65,000 in sales. True story!

Let’s look at Diane the esthetician. Diane has a subscriber list of around 420. Over the past two years, she’s spent a little time segmenting her list. She’s created various tags for her subscribers: birthday month, acne clients, oncology clients, brides, anti-aging services, and more. Segmenting her list has enabled her to send highly targeted email campaigns and has resulted in an increased open rate and a significant increase in sales. She sends new product announcements to her acne clients, promotes new services to her antiaging clients, and shares important information to her oncology clients. Her birthday emails always result in extra sales. Average open rates for Diane’s industry are 18%. Diane routinely has open rates of 34% and more because she sends highly targeted emails! OK, open rates are great, but show me the money, right? You got it! Last December, Diane sent a general email to her entire list and sold over $12,500 in three weeks.

Email marketing done right (or even done mediocre) can be incredibly effective. According to Salesforce, email marketing has an average of 3800% ROI. So every $1 spent on email marketing generates $38 in revenue. Now that’s some pretty powerful stuff. What do you want your readers to do? (AKA a call to action) Including a call to action or CTA, is the What makes email marketing so effective? second most important component of email marketing. Email marketing is effective because your subscribers Otherwise, readers don’t know what to do with the have indicated they’re interested in receiving email. When you’ve segmented your list, it’s easier information and communication from your business. to create a relevant CTA. A call to action can be a At its core, email marketing is sending a targeted number of things: call us to schedule an appointment; message to an interested audience with a call to action, register for our event; redeem a promo code; follow us and measuring your results. Let’s explore these three on social media; watch our video: the list goes on. Most components of email marketing. email service providers (ESP) have the capability to WIIFM: what’s in it for me? (AKA an interested include links or embed clickable buttons into your email audience) Your subscribers have specifically campaign that make this task very easy. The important indicated they want more information thing to remember is to make your call to action relevant from you. Perhaps it’s the latest to your readers.



updates or trends; maybe Let’s look at the Chamber of Commerce. Like most chambers of commerce, our local chamber has an annual golf outing. They’ve tracked their sponsors


and teams and volunteers over the years and tagged them appropriately in their ESP. Wisely, they include information in their monthly newsletter and include a link to register a team for the tournament, or sign up to volunteer, or get more information about sponsorship. They also send targeted emails to previous teams, sponsors and volunteers with CTAs specific to those segmented lists. Using an ESP enables us to track and measure both open rates and click-through-rates (CTR). Now when the events coordinator sees that John Doe has opened and clicked on the sponsorship link, she can follow up with a phone call or whatever her next step is to close the deal. What are my next steps? (AKA measuring your results) Using a professional email service provider provides you with incredible data. At Constant Contact, they have an oft-used phrase: “if you’re not measuring, you’re not marketing.” Some key metrics to measure include open rate, bounce rate, opt-out rates, click-through-rate (CTR) and SPAM complaints. According to Constant Contact, across all industries email open rates average around 18.5%; bounce rate 9.6%; opt-out 0.2%; CTR 7.8%. It’s important to review your campaign results and see how you measure up to your industry averages. A word of advice: don’t be romanced by a high open rate: focus on the action your reader took! What did they do? Open the email multiple times? Click on a link? Unsubscribe? Paying attention to these metrics will help you decide on the next step you need to take. Let’s take a look at Bobby, the fishing guide. Even though he’s incredibly passionate about his fishing, Bobby is also a numbers guy. He pays very close attention to the results of his email campaigns. Bobby has a highly targeted, highly engaged email list. He has consistent open rates exceeding 51%. He sifts through the data with a fine-tooth comb and makes many business decisions based on this email marketing results. He measures interest by tracking CTRs; he

measures sales through his registration links. He follows up with subscribers on an individual basis when they click through, but don’t register. He monitors his bounce rate and investigates to determine the cause of the bounce. Bobby is a true marketer in this regard. But wait! What about Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and all the others? Good question! Email marketing is great on its own. But paired with your social media platforms, it’s an even more powerful tool. Let’s be honest: not everyone who is on your email list is following you on social media. Not everyone who is following you on social media is on your email list. The algorithms on the various social media platforms vary widely and change often; organic reach has continued to decline on Facebook over the years, down to an average of 1.2% in 2018. Email marketing has an average deliverability rate of 90%. Some things to consider: we don’t own our social media platforms, but you do own your email list! Having an email service provider (like Constant Contact or AWeber) enables you to effectively and easily communicate with your subscribers. Let’s take a look at Ben, the power washer guy. Ben is only marketing through Facebook: no website, no email marketing, just Facebook. If Facebook goes down (as it has on a number of occasions), or worse, shuts down, Ben has lost all ability to communicate with his audience because he built his mansion on rented ground. Let’s take it one step further: email marketing + social media marketing = increased engagement! Use your email marketing to grow your social media presence. Include your linked social media icons on your




email campaigns; heck, send an email that simply segmenting and targeting from the start. drives traffic to your social media sites! Use your social • Create your email and send it! It doesn’t have media sites to drive traffic to your “Join Our List” link: to be a long email, with lots of content. I create an exclusive offer that will make people excited recommend keeping it short and sweet. Most to share their email address with you! Share your email folks will be reading from a mobile device, so campaigns on your social media sites. Share your be sure it’s easy to read on mobile. Check your highest performing social media posts in your email stats in a couple of days, and use that data to campaigns. Think of it like twins: they complement help you create your next campaign. (And don’t each other and have many similarities and both have forget to share it on your social media sites!) an important part in your complete digital marketing strategy, but they can’t take the place of each other. Email marketing doesn’t have to be hard or tedious. I’m convinced that email marketing is profitable Don’t overthink it. You are unique and you are an and easy, but how do I get started? expert at what you do. You have an audience of clients (or customers or supporters) who are dedicated to you. Yes, email marketing is profitable and easy. There are 3 With email marketing, you have the ability to further little steps to get started. nurture those relationships. You have everything you need. You can do this. • Pick a platform. Simply sign up for an account with your ESP of choice. There are many options to choose from, so do some research and find the one you think will best serve your needs. • Upload your list. You likely have a customer list, so add those! Ask your colleagues and potential customers if they’d like to join your list. Remember: it’s important to have permission and ask for their preferences so you can start




2019 Is The Year Of The Story. Is Your Brand Ready? Discover the ONE Trend You Need To Master In 2019 and Implement It Using These Five Tips To Set Your Brand On Fire Article by Olga Pontes

and money as it can end up distracting you from what’s truly meaningful and profitable for your company. The best practice? Take your trends with a grain of salt. If you have a business, you already know that a strong social media presence is a must. It builds brand awareness, grows your audience and gets you new business while still nurturing your existing clients. But social media is a vast and varied beast. So to avoid falling down the rabbit hole of adopting trends, let me break it down for you to one thing. It’s palpable. A sense of renewal is in the air as one year leaves us and the other beckons. We begin to reflect. As entrepreneurs, we think about what worked well in 2018, what could have worked better and what needs to be scrapped. It’s a professional cleanse of sorts. We are eager to get rid of what didn’t work, clear out the toxins so that we have space to welcome in the new. Then it can feel like being an artist in front of a blank canvas. Until...the offers and trends on ‘how to manifest your new year’s resolutions’ start to pour in from everywhere. Marketing strategies, branding, design, social media, you name it! The noise gets louder and louder, and that’s when your head starts to spin. Don’t get me wrong; it’s always exciting to learn about new trends. A business is a living entity, and it must adapt to new environments to stay ahead of the curve. Embracing new trends can take what is already working in your business to a whole new level of greatness setting you apart from competitors. And isn’t that what we all want? But we can fall victim to information overload and end up adopting a new trend just for the sake of it without realizing that it might not be the best solution for your business at this time. That often ends up costing you in terms of both time




There is one social media trend that is not going away in 2019. And it’s the only one business owners need to take really seriously and adopt as their leading social media strategy. Storytelling. Plain and simple Storytelling. It isn’t new. It isn’t some fad dreamt up at Facebook HQ to save organic engagement. It’s been around since the ancient civilizations. So what does it mean, exactly? I found the definition of story, as defined by Jonah Sachs to be right on point. Especially concerning social media: “Stories are a particular type of human communication designed to persuade an audience of a storyteller’s worldview. The storyteller does this by placing characters, real or fictional, onto a stage and showing what happens to these characters over a period of time. Each character pursues some type of goal in accordance with his values, facing difficulty along the way and either succeeds or fails according to the storyteller’s view of how the world works.” When we hear a good story that appeals to our senses through descriptions, metaphors, and emotions, our brain searches to answer: ‘where do I know this from?’ The brain gets to work, searching for a similar experience, good or bad. So, if you are telling a story, on social media, your audience’s brain will not only relate to your story based on their own experiences,

but they will also feel it in their bones. This means you are establishing an authentic, real, human and emotional connection with your tribe. Make this kind of connection with them, and they will feel connected to you too. Pretty powerful, right? Story enables the best connection there is in an information-saturated world, and any business using it will rise above the noise and be noticeable and memorable.

how your services/products can help your audience to feel the way they want. Be result driven and focus on the value you will provide and how their lives will be transformed. Your story is what makes your business magical on social media. It doesn’t need to be fancy or tragic, and you’re not trying to win the Nobel prize in literature here.

Simple and authentic, that’s how you tell a good story. The cold sales driven marketing strategies from the ’80s Think of Hemingway’s famous six-word story; ‘For Sale: and ’90s are dead. Your tribe is eager for connection baby shoes, never worn.’ Simple, thought-provoking, with a human touch. So the next time you post, share emotional, in six words. Keep it real and straightforward. your story and do it often. Every. Single. Day. The art of the story holds the secret sauce of beloved Here are my Five Best Storytelling tips to get you brands. started: Possible social media posts: 1. Keep it simple. Tell one story at a time using 1. Storytelling isn’t new; it’s been around since the direct emotional language. Drop the complicated ancient civilizations. When you tell a good story on descriptions. You want to be easy to understand and social media, your audience’s brain will not only relate relatable. to your story based on their own experiences, but they 2. Be authentic and personable using your brand voice. will also feel it in their bones. This authentic, real, human In 2019 we’ll be seeing that the fake, perfect style no and emotional connection with your tribe is priceless, longer works and instead real stories will thrive — stories and storytelling is a trend to embrace fully in 2019. about vulnerability, frustration, wins and losses, tears 2. Your story is what makes your business magical on and laughter. social media. It doesn’t need to be fancy or tragic, 3. Use photography as a metaphor for your story. authentic and straightforward, that’s how you tell a Images capture immediate attention; they have the good story. Think of Hemingway’s famous six-word power to stop the scroll! Your pictures need to convey story; ‘For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.’ Simple, the emotions and feelings of your story. Bonus tip; make thought-provoking, emotional, in six words. Keep it real sure your brand colors and style are visually dominant and straightforward. The art of the story holds the secret so that your posts are easily recognizable. sauce of beloved brands. 4. Share your personal story. This is content gold. What experiences, past or present, good or bad, brought you to where you are today? How have these contributed to your core values and principles? Who helped you and how? What have you learned or experienced that makes you brilliant at what you do? And, what are your own obstacles that are holding you back? Think back to the turning points, big or small, that have led you to this place. Nobody’s life is the same, and that’s what makes you stand out from the competition.

3. The most critical aspect to think about when planning your social media strategy for 2019 is storytelling with your audience in mind. The golden question is: what do they really need? 4. A strong social media presence is a must for your business, it builds brand awareness, grows your audience and gets you new business while still nurturing your existing clients. But in 2019 don’t go down the rabbit hole of all the latest trends, the first thing you need is storytelling.

5. And finally, the most critical ingredient to effective 5. There is no greater agony than bearing an untold storytelling is your audience. Having defined what story inside you. - Maya Angelou. Unleash your story on makes you different, you now need to determine how social media in 2019. you can support your audience by giving them what they need. You are the powerful guide, the Yoda to your audience, but what do they really need? Instead of describing your services/ products benefits, tell a story about




Blake N u


Success Starts W ith


A Core F unnel 54

“My goal is to get people to continue through the processes because we both know what it’s like to generate income online and truly change your life with a single funnel. One funnel changed my entire life in 43 days. We went from zero to a million dollars, in 43 days. I mean, in 43 days a tree can’t even grow that fast. It’s nothing! Some people go on vacation for a month and 13 days later, it’s a million dollars later. That’s how fast your life could change with a single funnel. I just launched a funnel for a client 30 days later they did $100,000 in Success Starts With sales in 30 days. That is the power behind things like this and the stuff A Core Funnel that’s out there on the market, we’re Intro by Tricia Wilkes providing it because it really does The Record For Fastest 2 Comma work. We’re not lucky. We’re not some of the few people that just Club Funnel figured it out. We just have a little When Russell Brunson says more ambition. I know everyone has that inside of them. We just need to “Your only one funnel away… rip it out of them.” Everyone hopes when they’re building that funnel that this is the Weird Marketing Experiments funnel that earns them into the two Blake Nubar tells Hawk in the comma club, that they’ll be bringing interview about his life before Russell in millions of dollars. This month we Brunson and building funnels He are bringing you Blake Nubar, that says took that one funnel to break the record for the fastest two comma “I got started about two and a club funnel, in just 43 days. He tells half years ago now, maybe two us how he began from being broke years ago and I was working for a startup company. It was a fitness to the two comma club “The fastest way I knew I could monetize my skill set was providing a service. I created a profile in UpWork. At the time, still broke, no money, like barely could eat, couldn’t pay rent, couldn’t do anything. I made a profile on UpWork and got my first job for $16”

and education company. Basically half of it was like sports nutrition products and the other half was like the educational personal training material. I ran the person training division of it, basically producing out like educational products to help personal trainers be better at training people, basically be better in their career. I was like the operations. I wore that kind of hat. We were building some awesome products and when we were ready to market them, the marketing department didn’t know how to get them out to the world. Like didn’t know what to do, couldn’t market it, like knew Facebook ads but no one knew what a funnel was. It was frustrating because we’re developing all of these products and we can’t get them out to the world because what we thought our marketing department could do online effectively, they couldn’t do. As a result, I went home that night or one of the nights I went home completely frustrated, I was sitting in bed, it was like three in the morning, couldn’t sleep and I see this ad come on my screen when I’m on Facebook scrolling and it was Russell Brunson like weird marketing experiments to grow your business scale, do all that stuff online. I watched it, it was like a 90-minute VSL and I was just, it just sucked me in.

Being successful and being a member of the two comma club doesn’t involve Luck, it’s ambition, hard work, and execution. Blake Nubar tells us in the interview with Hawk more about what it takes he says



Infatuated instantly with it. I watched it again and it’s like six in the morning now and I remember pulling an all-nighter, going back into the office and I basically said I was going to figure out how to market these products, so the marketing department is already kind of upset with me because I’m like stepping on their toes but I didn’t care because we were selling anything, and the goal, we need to generate sales, right? That’s the oxygen of any business.

“I come back in, I press the refresh button and I remember pressing the refresh button on my computer and we got our first sale for like $797 and it was at that moment when that moment changed my life. I didn’t know it at the time. I kind of knew it but I didn’t know what was going to happen and it changed my life and the next day, I walked in and I kind of resigned in a sense and I went out on my own to try and figure out this internet marketing stuff because it was at that moment when you generate money online He got to work building this webinar like that, it kind of opens up a new funnel, He didn’t know what he was vein in your brain” doing but knew he had to make a change and something he says Top Two Traffic Sources

“I built this webinar funnel. I had no idea what I was doing, I call up the person who is going to give the webinar, we were working with a celebrity trainer at the time out in Hollywood, California and I’m like, “Hey man, you got to make a webinar,” and he’s like, “What?” And I’m like, “Yeah, don’t worry. I’m going to tell you what to do.” At the time, I barely knew what I was doing but I’m like, “Yo, you got to do this, don’t worry just get it done. Here’s the script, here’s the presentation. Just record it.” He records it, he sends it back to me. I put it in like this funnel, which at the time I barely knew what it was and we’re about to launch this thing so like all eyes are on me, I took this on and we launch this thing and the whole presentation goes through. He gets to the offer and drops it, webinar ends, no sales. Like just fell right on its face.” You built the funnel, now you are sitting there waiting and wondering these questions, Is traffic going to come? Is traffic going to convert into sales? Blake Nubar didn’t leave us hanging, he continues his story and says


In the interview Hawk and Blake Nubar talks about the top traffic sources Blake says

“There are two traffic sources we’re really utilizing that are providing up 10-fold in return. The first one is actually word of mouth. Hawk, being in the digital marketing space as an agency owner, you realize if you do good work, people want to work with you. They recommend you, they talk about you, they just want to do work. My most powerful traffic source is word of mouth. I would do good work for a client and as a result, they would tell their friends who tell their friends and then next thing you know, you have an application funnel in place to support all that organic traffic. Word of mouth, very powerful thing, number one. Number two, JV traffic. I have an affiliate model set up where basically Dream 100, right? We have an outreach to specific members to form channel partnerships. I have the product, they have the market, we come together and split revenue. Very powerful model. That’s my second most powerful model I’m using and it’s just really those two right


now. We haven’t even cranked on the Facebook side of things to start generating traffic. Zero paid media at the moment.” Feed Your Ecosystem Blake Nubar compares Marketing and Funnels to a living ecosystem with the importance of a scaling value ladder he says

“The value ladder right now as is, we started with our core funnel. Core funnel, right in the middle for a few reasons, right? If you start at the front end and you don’t make a lot of sales, you’ll be insolvent really quickly. Front end funnels are lead-gen funnels. They feed your ecosystem, right? We start with the core funnel because it’s a higher ticket funnel. You only have to make a few sales every month and you have room for error. You can make mistakes because the price point is generally higher. Core funnel is our funnel formula program. That’s at the core. The second, the back end is our digital agency. In order, do it yourself, front end, done with you, core, done for you, back end funnel. We currently have the core up and the back ends up even though the back end is kind of on hold. We have specific clients that we’re catering to right now. We’re not really onboarding anymore at the moment but those two are in place. Once we saturate that and we need to bring, create new customers, right? We’re not at the point yet where we have to create new customers just because of the current traffic models we have in place but eventually, we’re going to turn on paid media pretty soon to run in parallel with the current traffic models. Once we do that, we’ll start generating front end funnels to create new customers into our ecosystem. The front end is going to be more so like we’re working on

a really cool contest funnel, really cool contest funnel right now and a challenge funnel will be on the front end. The core is done, the back end is ready to go so that’s kind of my value ladder as it with my business, all geared around funnels and helping people inject and implement funnels into their business to really either start or grow their business. That’s kind of the main thing.” The Core Offer Blake Nubar goes from talking about the Value Ladder to the Core Funnel he says

“Our core funnel is a webinar funnel so our main follow up happens based on the behavior someone takes from that actual webinar. Like your traditional missed webinar, the sole offer didn’t purchase, attended left early, those sequences are all in place and each of them as a specific way of getting you back

to the desired result, which in this case is a sale. The follow up is a very robust part of this business. Like a lot of the sales will happen on the follow up in the back end just for the mere fact that a lot of people need more convincing for say a 90-minute webinar. Even if you have a converting well, the follow up is where you can get 50% of your sales, right? With that being said, we have specific email sequences in place, fully automated based on your actions taken throughout the webinar. That’s the main focus of our business right now in terms of the core. Those lead to VS, not yet, but they will be leading to VSLs because if someone doesn’t want to watch a 90-minute webinar and we know this because they left early or they missed it or whatever it might be, maybe they need a different modality or a shorter more condensed version so it will lead to like a VSL, right? I’ve seen


tremendous amounts of success with that in the past so we’re working on implementing that at our core right now. In terms of the back end, a lot of the follow up would be from the application process. More so, it would be to get people back to the application to finish filling it out. We live in a world where there’s like 1,000 distractions coming at all minutes of the day and we understand that so we know that we have to command your attention back to the application. After that, once you’re on board as a client, we have specific communication mediums even outside of email with telephone involved, just not me, it’s more delegated. There are other mediums as well that we automate. Then you have your traditional broadcasts of course if we want to communicate to our entire list. We have those injected as well.”


You’ve Gotta Go Live One of the gold nuggets Blake drops is that you have to just go live with your funnel he says

“Even if it did, that can drastically change the course of your business and your life just by launching it. I feel like most people just can’t even

get to that part, for whatever reason. They don’t know what they’re doing per se, because maybe they don’t have the experience yet. Or they feel like it’s not perfect enough. I don’t know how many funnels I’ve launched. I think every funnel I launch is barely working when it launches. It’s the best thing I could

ever ask for. Because if it’s perfect, you waited too long to launch it. I feel like a lot of people die before launching it. If they just understood, just launch the thing, even if it’s ugly, even if the buttons don’t work all the way, every button, just get it out there because at least now you have something on the canvas to work from. I feel if more people understood that, they would be in a lot better place with their business and their funnel literally in two hours.” Just Execute! There are so many useful and actionable steps that Hawk and Blake Nubar drop that you can implement today continue onto the full article to learn about Hawk’s Facebook Post that said:

“Who wants to know how to make money on every single webinar attendee before they actually attend the webinar?” And other actionable webinar secrets! Success starts with a Core Funnel and then you just need to Execute! Interview Interview with Hawk Mikado

Hawk Mikdo: Hey, what’s going on everybody? This is Hawk Mikado, the Funnel Genius and publisher of Funnel Magazine. I’ve got Blake Nubar here who is an absolute genius when it comes to helping people actually scale their business using funnels, getting to six, seven, and possible even eight figures. We’ll find out here in a moment but he’s had a multiple seven-figure business entered into the internet marketing game in just the last two years, which is awesome because he’s had some massive massive success with this. We’re going to find out exactly how he’s done it. Plus, he’s also one of the best designers VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE


a little confession of mine, I have gone and hacked many of your pages because you do a great job of designing. Thank you so much for being here and welcome and super excited for our interview. Blake: Thanks Hawk, I appreciate it, man. It’s a pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me on. Hawk: Absolutely, so can you share a little bit about how you got started in the internet marketing game? Blake: Yeah, the world of online marketing? Sure, so I got started about two and a half years ago now, maybe two years ago and I was working for a startup company. It was a fitness and education company. Basically half of it was like sports nutrition products and the other half was like educational personal training material. I ran the person training division of it, basically producing out like educational products to help personal trainers be better at training people, basically be better in their career. I was like the operations. I wore that kind of hat. We were building some awesome products and when we were ready to market them, the marketing department didn’t know how to get them out to the world. Like didn’t know what to do, couldn’t market it, like knew Facebook ads but no one knew what a funnel was. It was frustrating because we’re developing all of these products and we can’t get them out to the world because what we thought our marketing department could do online effectively, they couldn’t do. As a result, I went home that night or one of the nights I went home completely frustrated, I was sitting in bed, it was like three in the morning, couldn’t sleep and I see this ad come on my screen when I’m on Facebook scrolling and it was Russell Brunson like weird marketing experiments to grow your business scale, do all that

stuff online. I watched it, it was like a 90-minute VSL and I was just, it just sucked me in. Infatuated instantly with it. I watched it again and it’s like six in the morning now and I remember pulling an all-nighter, going back into the office and I basically said I was going to figure out how to market these products, so the marketing department is already kind of upset with me because I’m like stepping on their toes but I didn’t care because we were selling anything, and the goal, we need to generate sales, right? That’s the oxygen of any business. I built this webinar funnel. I had no idea what I was doing, I call up the person who is going to give the webinar, we were working with a celebrity trainer at the time out in Hollywood, California and I’m like, “Hey man, you got to make a webinar,” and he’s like, “What?” And I’m like, “Yeah, don’t worry. I’m going to tell you what to do.” .” At the time, I barely knew what I was doing but I’m like, “Yo, you got to do this, don’t worry just get it done. Here’s the script, here’s the presentation. Just record it.” He records it, he sends it back to me. I put it in like this funnel, which at the time I barely knew what it was and we’re about to launch this thing so like all eyes are on me, I took this on and we launch this thing and the whole presentation goes through. He gets to the offer and drops it, webinar ends, no sales. Like just fell right on its face. I was bummed. I went outside. I probably said a few curse words and then I come back in, I press the refresh button and I remember pressing the refresh button on my computer and we got our first sale for like $797 and it was at that moment when that moment changed my life. I didn’t know it at the time. I kind of knew it but I didn’t know what was going to happen and it changed my life and the next day, I walked in and I kind


of resigned in a sense and I went out on my own to try and figure out this internet marketing stuff because it was at that moment when you generate money online like that, it kind of opens up a new vein in your brain. From that moment forward, I just started learning this internet marketing stuff and every day I would teach myself and learn more and more and more and the rest is history. That’s where I’m at today. Hawk: I love it, man. That’s awesome. You just jumped in Blake: Just all in. It was the only option really. I had my rough bottom moment like anyone else like right after of course. It got worse before it got better but eventually, it got better and everything just worked out. Hawk: Well, share come on. You can’t just leave us at the hook of like it got worse and then not tell us. Blake: The first year was tough. A lot of family issues, health issues, things were not working out like jobless, ran out of money, so was doing anything I could to get by. Data entry work, you name it. Everything was just crashing down at that moment but I knew if I kept pushing things forward, I’ll figure it out. I basically took an entire year to learn this internet marketing stuff. Bought every book, any course, studied under all the greats. Russell and Brian Tracey and Dean and Frank and all them, Dan Kennedy you name it. I’d learn all their stuff and when I felt like I was ready to start taking on work, the fastest way I knew I could monetize my skill set was providing a service. I created a profile in UpWork. At the time, still broke, no money, my first job for $16 and it was to convert a PnG into a jpeg, just an image. It wasn’t even related to what I’ve been learning. The next job that came in was


ClickFunnels related, it was like to convert a funnel from like WordPress to ClickFunnels, it’s like $100 and as I got better and better, the jobs kept rolling in better and better, and it started turning from projects to clients, and clients to success stories and my first major success story was with the B&B Formula, which is a very popular Air BnB product, unbelievable course By the time we were at ground zero with it and we decided to partner up on it and we took it to the moon. From there, it just spiraled into building out an agency and taking on more clients and working with sharks from Shark Tank and people from TV and just all different types of different people and it’s just an awesome experience so far. Hawk: Love it, man. Thanks for sharing. You’ve since built your company. You got multiple sevenfigures, you got seven people on your team, so you’ve probably seen a lot of the ups and downs, what are some of the challenges or “failures” that you’ve been able to take, learn from and then turn into a profit center for your business? Blake: I would say one of the biggest challenges is, would be scaling. A very difficult thing to do. I have a digital agency and one of the hardest things to do was to put the infrastructures and processes in place to grow that business. That was like such a growing pain because you can’t scale chaos, right? It doesn’t work, you can’t do it. As a result, I would try to do it because I didn’t know any better and I just like, I didn’t want to put anything in place at the time so I tried and scaled chaos and it was just the biggest disaster ever.What I realized you have to do is you have to put the right processes, the right systems, and the right people, hire the right people in place to really build that infrastructure before you VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE

can really move in the direction you want to go long-term. It was probably the hardest thing to do but the second you just build that out, your productivity like 10 X’s overnight once it’s done. That was probably the biggest thing I had to learn. Hiring and firing was also a difficult thing. Very time consuming. You had to learn to hire and fire fast. A lot of people just aren’t going to fit the mold. When you’re bringing people on, you’re trying to grow your business right away but eventually, you’ll start finding the right people. Once you find the right people, you stick them. I used to try and hire on talent and now I hire more on potential because I’d rather teach someone my ways and how I want something done, if they have the potential, they are better than someone that has the talent per se but already is stuck in their mold of how they want to do things. Two examples right there. Hawk: Love it, and I definitely hear you on the hiring and firing. That’s a challenge all within itself. Blake: Yeah, it’s tough. I constantly battle it every day, even when we’re bringing on new people. It’s tough because you want it done your way and the hardest part is to remove yourself as the entrepreneur out of the equation. Hawk: Absolutely. Yeah, I don’t know if you know but we actually closed our agency down to focus on Funnel Magazine and about halfway through last year, we got up to 73 employees and I had to fire like 45 of them. Blake: That’s crazy. Hawk: Just because like, you’re only at seven so you don’t have this as much but like one bad apple can literally spread so fast and it just like, one person being lazy let’s other people think that they can be


lazy too. Yeah, so absolutely, there’s definitely a lot to learn there. You’ve given me tons of tools and things that you’ve automated in your business and you set up systems so what percentage or what do you look for in automation versus delegation? Blake: That’s a good question. Anything I can remove a human element out of, we’ll automate. Like whatever that is and right now because it is digital, my digital agency is like closed in a sense because I focused on a new program but anything I can take a human element out to automate, I’ll do. If it’s busy work, if I can use systems like Trello and Google spreadsheet, and even ClickFunnels, and After Effects and any of these automation tools, I’ll inject those as quickly as possible to remove people out of it. The entire process of onboarding a new client to getting them situated, we would automate completely at first. It was just a disaster. We didn’t do anything. I would delegate that out like, “Hey, get them on board.” Now it’s a process, now it’s an actual funnel to onboard someone into the actual agency versus like picking up the phone and calling them and doing all this stuff. I would take that, remove that from the equation. Delegation would be basically anything I felt like my time could be focused on because I would in the infancy stages of this, I would try and do it all. I would do this, and do this, and do this just because as entrepreneurs, we’re all control freaks and we want it done our way and we have a specific way of doing things and if it’s not done that way, we have a problem with it. I knew that the only way to grow this was for me to remove myself from the equation and basically what I did is I would kind of create my day-to-day and what I was doing

and realized that 90% of it could be delegated. Anything I thought was a critical issue, anything I thought was like an actual strategic direction issue, I would take on and basically anything else I would delegate out to someone on my team to go and handle it. It’s a mix but eventually even the delegation turns into the automation. Hawk: Absolutely, love it. When it comes to things that you’re looking to automate or you mentioned that like even things that you have delegated, what are some of those things that you eventually were able to automate? I’m just curious. Blake: Things that I, delegated? Hawk: Yeah, things that you had delegated before and then you turned into automation. Blake: Things I delegated before, like I said, so the onboarding process of bringing clients on, I would delegate. I would tell someone else to do it. I would even be involved in that process and I’d automate that entire system. We would automate a lot of our email marketing follow ups more so instead of like moving from this delegated broadcast or phone calls and things like that. We would shift it to automated back in email sequences to automate anything, communicating with customers. Especially if I product now, fully automated, no person involved, like completely remove us from the situation. Delegation, I’m trying to think of other things we would delegate that we turned into a system. I would delegate a lot of my communication. From Skype, to Facebook Messenger, to email, to all that stuff. It used to be me delegating it to someone and now it’s kind of automated through a funnel too, so there’s one communication funnel, I’ll start reaching out to people and talk to people on Facebook Messenger

and stuff just because I like to stay active with the community and I love helping people. Ultimately, we do have a communication funnel that brings people in, figures out what they need, what they want and that kind of goes to chat bots, or specific funnels, or specific pages, or specific blogs or articles, all that stuff. That’s actually even in the process right now. Before, it was all like humans doing it. That was like me or people on my team and we eventually realized that the only way to like pull ourselves from the equation and scale this thing on a broader level, we had to put those systems in place.

Blake: The majority of its word of mouth believe it or not, I have not run a Facebook ad to my agency or even my program yet. There are two traffic sources we’re really utilizing that are providing up 10-fold in return. The first one is actually word of mouth. Hawk, being in the digital marketing space as an agency owner, you realize if you do good work, people want to work with you. They recommend you, they talk about you, they just want to do work. My most powerful traffic source is word of mouth. I would do good work for a client and as a result, they would tell their friends who tell their friends and then next thing you know, you have an application Hawk: Awesome, man. What are funnel in place to support all that you guys doing to drive traffic to organic traffic. Word of mouth, your business right now?



very powerful thing, number one. Number two, JV traffic. I have an affiliate model set up where basically Dream 100, right? We have an outreach to specific members to form channel partnerships. I have the product, they have the market, we come together and split revenue. Very powerful model. That’s my second most powerful model I’m using and it’s just really those two right now. We haven’t even cranked on the Facebook side of things to start generating traffic. Zero paid media at the moment. Hawk: That is always is crazy to me because I mean obviously word of mouth is awesome and you can grow but it’s only up to a certain point, right? Blake: Sure. Hawk: Can you share about your funnel, like what’s the process of your funnel and the front end and then also your value ladder? Blake: We actually are rebuilding out the value ladder now because we’re not steering away from the digital agency, we’re just kind of putting it on the shelf for now. The value ladder right now as is, we started with our core funnel. Core funnel, right in the middle for a few reasons, right? If you start in the front end and you don’t make a lot of sales, you’ll be in solvent really quickly. Front end funnels are lead-gen funnels. They feed your ecosystem, right?

you, back end funnel. We currently have the core up and the back ends up even though the back end is kind of on a hold. We have specific clients that we’re catering to right now. We’re not really onboarding anymore at the moment but those two are in place. Once we saturate that and we need to bring, create new customers, right? We’re not at the point yet where we have to create new customers just because of the current traffic models we have in place but eventually, we’re going to turn on paid media pretty soon to run in parallel with the current traffic models. Once we do that, we’ll start generating front end funnels to create new customers into our ecosystem. The front end is going to be more so like we’re working on a really cool contest funnel, really cool contest funnel right now and a challenge funnel will be on the front end. Core is done, back end is ready to go so that’s kind of my value ladder as it with my business, all geared around funnels and helping people inject and implement funnels into their business to really either start or grow their business. That’s kind of the main thing. Blake: Your second question was? Hawk: It was about the value ladder in the front end? Blake: Yeah, so that’s where we’re at right now with the business.

sequences are all in place and each of them as a specific way of getting you back to a desired result, which in this case is a sale. The follow up is a very robust part of this business. Like a lot of the sales will happen on the follow up in the back end just for the mere fact that a lot of people need more convincing for say a 90-minute webinar. Even if you have a converting well, the follow up is where you can get 50% of your sales, right? With that being said, we have specific email sequences in place, fully automated based on your actions taken throughout the webinar. That’s the main focus of our business right now in terms of the core. Those lead to VS, not yet, but they will be leading to VSLs because if someone doesn’t want to watch a 90-minute webinar and we know this because they left early or they missed it or whatever it might be, maybe they need a different modality or a shorter more condensed version so it will lead to like a VSL, right? I’ve seen tremendous amounts of success with that in the past so we’re working on implementing that at our core right now. In terms of the back end, a lot of the follow up would be from the application process. More so, it would be to get people back to the application to finish filling it out. We live in a world where there’s like 1,000 distractions coming at all minutes of the day and we understand that so we know that we have to command your attention

Hawk: Cool. What about follow up, you mentioned that obviously with your team doing, you mentioned We start with the core funnel because back to the application. After that, email automation, what are some it’s a higher ticket funnel. You only once you’re on board as a client, of the core components that you have to make a few sales every we have specific communication guys are doing for follow up? month and you have room for error. mediums even outside of email with You can make mistakes because Blake: Follow up, our core funnel telephone involved, just not me, the price point is generally higher. is a webinar funnel so our main it’s more delegated. There’s other Core funnel is our funnel formula follow up happens based on the mediums as well that we automate. program. That’s at the core. The behavior someone takes from that Then you have your traditional second, the back end is our digital actual webinar. Like your traditional broadcasts of course if we want to agency. In order, do it yourself, front missed webinar, sole offer didn’t communicate to our entire list. We end, done with you, core, done for purchase, attended left early, those have those injected as well. VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE


Hawk: Love it, man. What about your secret sauce? What’s the secret formula or the secret sauce that is behind your success? Blake: I wouldn’t even call it secret, even though, here’s the thing. Here’s how it work, and Hawk, you know this. There’s every tool and resource is at your disposal. It’s 2019, we have the internet, you have the most, it’s the screen age. You have the most information available to you right now than any other generation living on this planet. Like what a time to be alive. Great companies are going to give you what you need to be successful. The one thing they can’t give you that no one teaches, because you’re not teaching it, it’s really heart. It’s found inside. It’s the ambition, and the motivation, and the perseverance, and the resilience to keep pushing forward when life is just going to toss you every curve ball and wrench your way because that’s really the only difference.The difference between someone that’s successful and someone that isn’t, they’re not smarter, they’re not born a genius, they’re not born an expert,

they’re not different than you and me. The difference is their ambition, because ambition creates that obsession to dive into something further than someone next to you and if you dive into something further than someone next to you, you’re going to become better and better and better at it. If you become better and better and better at it, it’s going to show in your results. It’s really just ambition and the ability to just execute. A lot of people just talk all day and they don’t execute, they live in the clouds constantly and they forget what it’s like to be in the dirt. Gary V., clouds and dirt. Guy Kawasaki, microscope, what’s his terminology? The telescope and the microscope phase. You can live in the clouds all day and talk about like what if, what if we did this, this would be awesome, but the ones that are in the dirt or in the microscope phase executing are the ones that are getting out ahead of everyone else. The secret sauce isn’t really that secret but it’s just ambition and perseverance to keep pushing forward. If you do that, you’ll find success.


Hawk: Awesome, man. If you could share one thing that the audience can implement today in their business or in their life in the next hour or so, what would that be? Blake: Okay, in your business, let’s start with life. In your life, start getting on, and if you’re not, what you could do is get on, you need to be a creature of habit. You need to be robotic with your schedule. One thing you can implement in your life that could generate results and increase time is I wear like the same thing every day. Not like the same, I have multiple same types of shirts, same types of shorts because I don’t want to put any creative power and lose momentum. Any types of shorts, ‘cause I don’t want to put any creative power and lose momentum into what I’m going to wear. Have some type of structure in your life that increases time and reduces friction. Because as humans we want to move away from friction. Products and services that solve problems typically solve problems by reducing friction in our lives. Something you can do in your life is remove that friction by getting


on a better schedule. Wake up at a certain time every single day. Go to bed at the same time every single day. Very basic, Something you can do in your business in the next hour, if you don’t have a funnel you should be using one. If you’re not ready for a funnel and you need a product to sell, create an offer, be an affiliate marketer. Something you can do right away is, if you’re just starting out, go start selling someone else’s product. You can do that in an hour. If you already have a business, look at your funnel and make sure it’s performing the way you want. You could make changes in an hour that can change hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s insane. If you already have a business that’s crushing it right now, what you could do in an hour to change it would be make sure all your systems are running effectively. Be aware of what’s going on in your business. I’m guilty of it myself, you just forget. You just lose track. Whether it’s the numbers or the infrastructure, because you’re out doing the visionary things and and marketing. Don’t forget to come back home and look at how your business is operating, because I guarantee it’s like Swiss cheese right now and there’s a lot of holes that you could be fixing that could have ... but it’s like biohacking. Little improvements internally can have drastic improvements externally. A lot of businesses work the same way. Hawk: 100%. I love your recommendation. Go get a funnel and build a front end funnel and then promote somebody else’s product. Right now we’re going through and doing a bunch of different things. We’ve got funnels in the back end. They’re ways to generate and leads. My wife came up with this idea. I can’t take credit for the idea, but she’s like, “We should have a funnel library.”Quick story on this. I brought my wife out for date night. We’ve VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE

got a newborn and my mom said she could come over and take care of the baby overnight. I took my wife to a spa. I took my wife to this really nice house in Rancho Santa Fe through an Airbnb. While we were there, she saw the library. She’s like, “Hey Hawk, here’s his library. Come take a picture so we can see what all of the books are that he’s reading.” Because this guy’s making hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. He’s got electronic factories around the world. I take a snapshot and she’s like, “What if we made a funnel library, a library with all of the books that all of these funnel entrepreneurs are reading?” So we went online and of course funnel library was taken. So I was like, “Eh, whatever.”Then I saw a friend of mine posted the


funnel library. Of course one of my friends grabbed the domain. It’s a library of all of the funnel templates. She’s like, “Oh what is it? And like, “Nah, it’s obviously not what we’re looking for.” I’m like, “What about the funnel book club?” I went online and I founded Funnel Book club. com, 30 minutes before this I set up the landing page. Then I’m just going to plug in the thank you page, it’s just going to be like, “Welcome to the Funnel Book Club.” Then it’s just going to be affiliate links to all of the books that we’ve read and all the books that people recommend. Blake: Smart. You are building the funnel. You’ve launched the funnel already. How fast were you able to launch it?

Hawk: I took an existing template. I swapped out the text and the background image. It took me, I don’t know, like 15, 20 minutes to do the whole thing. Blake: That’s it. Hawk: I do a little bit more designformatting stuff like you do, so it takes me longer. If I didn’t do any of the design stuff, it would’ve taken me like 10 minutes. I was also chatting with people on Facebook Messenger. Blake: That right there ... let’s say it took you two hours. Even if it did, that can drastically change the course of your business and your life just by launching it. I feel like most people just can’t even get to that part, for whatever reason. They don’t know what they’re doing per se, because maybe they don’t have the experience yet. Or they feel like it’s not perfect enough. I don’t know how many funnels I’ve launched. I think every funnel I launch is barely working when it launches. It’s the best thing I could ever ask for. Because if it’s perfect, you waited too long to launch it. I feel like a lot of people die before launching it. If they just understood, just launch the thing, even if it’s ugly, even if the buttons don’t work all the way, every button, just get it out there because at least now you have something on the canvas to work from. I feel if more people understood that, they would be in a lot better place with their business and their funnel literally in two hours.Hawk: Absolutely.

out email content and tag people and all that sort of stuff. There’s even a framework already set up on the back, the thank you page. There’s nothing on it. But it’s literally duplicated the previous page, ‘cause we do want to make an order form like down the road. But right now, it’s literally just we want to provide value. Here’s the list of books and places to go get them for free plus shipping. Or if we can’t, then we’re going to put Amazon affiliate links and then as many affiliate links for products as possible obviously. Russell Brunson’s Dotcom secrets is going to be there, Expert Secrets is going to be there when it comes out. Traffic secrets is going to be in there. I’m gonna put my book in there. our book automate the world that I published with 12 or 13 other people. Ask Method, Choose Method, or Choose by Ryan Levesque, those all have affiliate links, affiliate offers. I’m going to go find all these things. Then if they don’t have an affiliate funnel, I’m going to go to Amazon I’m not going to make anywhere near as much as I’ll make on somebody else’s book. But at least at the end of the day, I’m still making 25 cents or whatever it is. Blake: Yeah. And you’re getting free leads and making some money. Hawk: Yup. Then of course from there, we’ll invite them to go purchase Funnel Magazine, right? Blake: There you go.

people would want to send them to that core offer to actually make money on that one. Hawk: Yeah, we’re working on as many ways to bring people into Funnel Magazine, to become subscribers. Our average cart value is so low that I was looking at going through the Two Comma Club coaching. Russell and everybody’s like, “You need to have one funnel, basically that all of your sales go through.” You can have other things, other lead magnets on the front end, but one core funnel, driving all your traffic to. I’m looking at it, I’m going, “Our average cart value is 30 to 40 dollars depending on the traffic source. It’s gonna take me like 91 sales a day. I’m like, “I literally have to be spending like 3 to 5,000 dollars a day on ads. Blake: Yeah, The the numbers don’t make sense. Hawk: Yeah. The amount of money that I have to be spending just to break even. Then from there, obviously we can offer other things. We’ve got other things in the pipeline. You might be able to see it back there. I think by the time this goes live, at least on our podcast, if you’re listening to this on our podcast, that’ll be live. We’ve got the funnel toolkit, which is access to all of our training. Plus we’ve licensed training from other people on basically the three core areas, which is traffic, funnels, and follow up. It’s super powerful and it’s so easy. I love what you just said, just get it done. Don’t make it perfect.

Hawk: But also put it, “Hey, go get a free edition, the first edition of Blake: Is your funnel even fully Funnel Magazine for free.” So that’ll working? the first box. The first row will be all Blake: That’s it. of my resources. Then below that will Hawk: You can opt in, at the time of Hawk: People will tell you, I’m sure be all the other people, everybody this recording. If you’re watching this, you’ve experienced this, people like, else’s. it’s already up and live, of course. “Oh, this is broken.” But yeah, you can opt in. I did the Blake: Yeah. Clever. So smart. Yeah. Hawk: It’s like, “Oh, thanks.” There SEO on it. The only thing I haven’t For anyone watching, what you’re are people who will never tell you. done up to this point is attached it doing is you have a core offer and I have people who pay, we had, to an email list, so it’ll actually drip you knew before that offer, what I didn’t know this, but we had a



product. One of our products, we integrated PayPal recently. One of the Paypal products wasn’t triggering the access in the membership area. There’s a ton of other content and value in the membership area, so I think that might’ve been why nobody was concerned. I dunno, we probably had 2 or 300 people who’d purchased before somebody’s like, “This doesn’t work.” Blake: Yeah. Hawk: Just to give you guys an idea, 2 to 300 people bought, and then I got an email that said, “Hey, I don’t have access. I was like, “Oh, let me find out why.” By the way, not everybody will do this, but if you find a bug in our system, we give you an all-access pass, which is basically, right now it’s like $70,000 worth of trainings that we’ve sold, literally sold for a total of $70,000. Blake: Powerful. Hawk: You get an all access pass just for finding a bug in our system. If you find like, “Oh hey, I don’t have access to this.” Hawk: It’s like, “Oh thanks for letting me know. Because I want to get you access right away.” We have a tag that we add and it just says all access pass. It’s a lot for me to get that to you while I go fix it for everybody else, than it is like, “Oh, you know ...” ‘Cause it might take three hours and I’d rather get you access. That’s also a customer service secret. Blake: And to build off that, you said what, about 300 people, until one person was like, “Hey, I can’t get in.” Right? It stems back to when you asked me, “What’s my secret sauce?” When I said, “Ambition,” it’s unfortunate, because I think maybe 10% of people actually go through your content. I think Tony Robbins VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE

even says it’s lower, it’s like 5%, right? through like, “Well, Hawk is giving And it just comes back to Ambition. everyone,” or, what I’m providing Hawk: It’s like 10% of people I think or what other people in this market place are providing. We’re doing it open it to look inside. to help people. We really want to Blake: But Yeah. But it’s like nothing, help people succeed, especially me right? I could put like $3,000 and Hawk online. Facebook ad certificates on my last lesson and people probably would That’s what we want to do. If you never see it, unless you can get them go through the programs and you through the content. Because look, go through the processes like we let’s be honest, this is what happens. provide you with that, people just It’s unfortunate, but people are so need to find that motivation from emotionally attached to, whether inside to I continue forward. That is it’s the sales presentation or the my goal is to get people to continue sales letter, the VSL, and they through the processes because we get a high, an emotional high, both know what it’s like to generate because you’re providing value. The income online and truly change message is delivering, the message your life with a single funnel. One is creating the value and the offer is funnel changed my entire life in going to deliver it, right? It’s just like 43 days. We went from zero to a an educational motivational video. million dollars, in 43 days. I mean, I’ll be on YouTube randomly. This in 43 days a tree can’t even grow 43 was years ago and I’ll watch some days. It’s nothing. It’s nothing. Some motivational, inspiring video and people go on vacation for a month I am pumped right after I watch and 13 days later, it’s a million it. I’m pumped up. Then, as time dollars later. That’s how fast your life progresses forward, it just fades, could change with a single funnel. right? Fades, fades, fades fades, I just launched a funnel for a client fades. Then until you watch it, you 30 days later they did $100,000 in get your next hit of it. You watch sales in 30 days. That is the power behind things like this and the stuff some other one and then it fades. that’s out there on the market, we’re Motivation and determination providing it because it really does and perseverance and resilience work. We’re not lucky. We’re not and ambition, it’s found internally. some of the few people that just There’s no app for it. You’re not figured it out. We just have a little going to find an app or watch more ambition. I know everyone has a video. Sure, you can become that inside of them. We’re just need inspired. But at the end of the day, to rip it out of them. it’s not going to do anything. That’s found inside. It’s a shame that all Hawk: Absolutely. I think that’s a these people will go through content big thing that you just you got to and only a very small percentage implement, right? actually want to change their future Blake: That’s it. Just execute. or better their family. ‘Cause look, this stuff isn’t easy. It takes a lot of Hawk: I think that’s one of the work. You have to work your face off. things that I’m noticing everybody That’s the reality of it. But it makes that I need to be like, they execute, more sense to work your face off they implement, they go out and for a couple of years, then work a do this stuff. I know somebody who little bit for your entire life. If people I’ve known this person for ... I’m not would just understand, just just go going to say the person’s name, but I’ve known this person for probably,


not finished. We can’t launch it.” That’s the worst you could do. Every funnel I launch is never complete. All of them. By the way, the funnels making millions of dollars right now that we have in our business are still not complete. Links are broken, buttons don’t work. It’s just what happens. I don’t go through this rigorous testing process. The faster Blake: ‘Cause that’s easy. you get something to market ... market favors speed. The faster you Hawk: Yeah. launch something, the more you’re Blake: Consuming content is simple. going to get rewarded. It’s easy. We all went through it, right? We all went through it. Steve I think Hawk will agree with this. If Jobs has a great quote. It’s called we can urge one thing out of this “Real artists ship.” It might not even recording, right now, or if you’re be Steve Jobs. Pablo Picasso I think here, if you’re watching this, if there’s said it, “Real artists ship.” What he one thing we can urge on everyone means by that is it’s not supposed just launch the thing. It doesn’t have to be perfect. If it’s perfect, like I to be perfect. Just get it out to the said, you waited way too long. So world. I promise you, you will be many people are lifelong learners. in 10 times better the position you They want to just consume the next are by doing that, than if you just internet marketing course and try try and tinker with it and perfect it the next tool, because they’re really and buy another course and buy avoiding the inevitable. They’re another, whatever it is you want avoiding the difficult stuff, which to buy, because ultimately you’re is executing. Executing is not easy. avoiding what you need to do to We fight these internal battles become successful. where it’s like, “It’s not done yet. It’s Hawk: 100%. I think seven years now. They still haven’t launched their business. They’ve literally never ... they’re just perfecting and working on, they’re not bringing it to the marketplace. I can give as many books and that sort of stuff. And they’re like, “More content to consume.” Then they consume it and then it’s like.



Blake: Drop the mic. Hawk: Yeah. Seriously. This book. How many times have you read this book? Blake: Four. Hawk: Yeah, Blake: You want it? Hawk, I was on my way to Funnel Hacking Live. Which guys, by the way, it was two weeks ago. I’ve been in this game long enough to ... first off, student of the game, Hawk himself too. You’ve gotta be a student of whatever it is. I don’t care if you’re selling diapers, if you’re selling golf clubs, whatever it is, be a student of the game in your space. I read Dotcom secrets again. One of his first books I think it was. I could see people would look at me like, “Why are you reading that again? You don’t need it.” Yes I do. Because every time you read something, the third, fourth, fifth, if you pick up on one new idea that even if you read the first time but you don’t remember, and you pick it up and you can implement in your business, it’s a win. I’ve read Dotcom secrets five times and the last time I read it was two weeks ago. I’ll keep

reading the same things that provide the science and the frameworks and even a little bit of the art. That just doesn’t fade. You gotta be a student of the game and just like Hawk said, you gotta be keep reading the same books over and over and over again. Because all it takes is one new idea to change the trajectory of your business. You’re never too good or too much of an expert to go back to the basics. Hawk: Yeah, absolutely. I love your conversations. Go through and implement guys, it’s so important. Go figure out what’s one thing you can do in your business. Darren Hardy says find your three core things you can do every single day. Warren, I think it was Warren Buffet writes down everything he has to do for the day and then takes one of those things and literally throws the list out. He doesn’t even give it to his assistant to delegate. Now, I don’t know. My personal thought behind that is his assistant comes in afterwards, grabs the paperBlake: Picks it up? Hawk: And then delegates shit out. Blake: Yeah, here we go. Hawk: So important guys, just do. Get your business, get your funnel launched, drive ads. I know you’re not driving ads Blake: But yes, drive ads. Hawk: But drive ads. Blake: Yes. Hawk: In most businesses, you need to drive ads, unless you’re hugely results based and you can do word of mouth and you only want to grow to a certain point. Blake: Yeah. Even on top of that, everyone, what Hawk’s saying, if I didn’t drive ads, I’d be an idiot. It’s not that I’m not going to drive ads,

it’s just I’m not there yet. We’re about to pull the trigger on this stuff. Cause paid media, if you ever want to scale a business online, it has to be cold traffic. There’s just no way around it. It’s gotta be complete strangers who you indoctrinate and bring inside of your ecosystem. That’s just the reality of it. Paid media is a must. Hawk: You’re actually, you’re are going to go drive ads now? Blake: Oh yeah. It was part of the plan. It’s just the strategy I’m using is, I love the affiliate model. I’ll always have an affiliate model. But an affiliate model is really important, in my opinion at least, because one, it scales the business, and two, you can prove concept. If I was starting from scratch, I’ll drop some tactical info, because I’m a tactical type of guy. I love when someone’s like, “Do this. Do this. Don’t do this. Touch this. Grab this. Do that.”That’s where I just start geeking out because that’s the stuff that makes it so much easier to execute. First off, if you’re starting a business from scratch right now, Expert Secrets, the best way to start one. Right? Russell talks a lot about this. I don’t think he was the one to invent this. People have been doing this a lot before. But take your skillset, whatever it is. I don’t care if you’re a dog whisperer, if you know how to sell whatever, salt to a salit doesn’t matter. Whatever you’re good at, whatever that info is that you’ve acquired, cause you’re good at something. Even if you don’t know it, even if you think you’re not and you think you’re like imposter syndrome and you’re not good enough to do it. That’s bull crap. You’re good at something. Find what that skill set is. Let’s just make it easy, follow the perfect Webinar presentation, right? You can model, you can go and look at a ton of different webinars out there and get ideas. But Russell Brunson has the perfect Webinar built out. Create


a presentation to sell your skill set.. Create a presentation to sell your skillset, and then go sell your skillset to people, and start building out a program based on that, and you instantly have a revenue generating business just like that. You don’t have to have a course done, have an outline on what you could teach people, and then just go sell it. Because here’s one thing a lot of people waste their time on. They go, and they make this amazing product, and then they don’t know how to sell it. I’ve been there, we’ve done it, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried that in my business, and guess what? It does nothing. It’s like the iPhone living under a rock. At the end of the day, you have to be a marketer if you wanna sell things online. Go make the presentation. Because if you can’t sell it, why even build it? Don’t even waste your time building it. Go sell it, and once you sell it, you just proved to the world that someone wants what you have, now go build it, okay? I just launched a product right now, it’s not even like fully complete. It’s just not. I’m still refining things and making it better, because I’m not gonna go waste my time building something if the world doesn’t want it. I’m gonna build it with people. So that’s the most tactical advice that I could give someone, is take your knowledge, turn it into a presentation by following the perfect webinar that Russell Brunson’s laid out, and go sell it online. That simple. Hawk: Absolutely. So, I do have one thing, so I’m gonna disagree with you a little bit here. But, that is true, and I know most people are afraid of getting on the phone, Blake: Yeah, like everyone. Hawk: If you’re afraid of getting on the phone, you can do what Blake said, and that is 100% a way to do it. But I find, we have a rule in our


business, we do not build a sales funnel for anything, we don’t build a sales funnel and we don’t start selling something online until we’ve sold it to 10 people over the phone. That is, especially for high ticket stuff. Because I’ve done it where I’m like, “Oh, this is gonna be awesome, this is gonna sell so great,” and then we go to sell it online, and we did all the right feedback things and we figured out what people wanted and all that sort of stuff, and then nobody buys. And then we’re like, “Well why didn’t you guys buy? You said you wanted this.” And then we start having real sales conversations because we always do follow up sales calls as well, and every single time it was like, “Well, it was missing this,” or “You didn’t say this,” or whatever the case may be. And webinars are a great way to do that, you have to do them live though, so you can get that Q and A in there. I see so many people, they launch a webinar and then they do them as automated webinars. And so, it’s a little hybrid hack, I guess I would say, to where you can not have to get on the phone with people, but you still need to talk to people. You need to find out what it is that they want, because at the end of the day, if you’re monitoring and you’re not having a conversation, you can’t answer those questions live. I think it was actually Russell who said this and one of my mentors a long time ago also said this. But Russell said he did the funnel hacks webinar live, twice a week for over a year before they automated it. Blake: Yeah. Yeah, you’ve gotta go live. You’ve gotta go live.

then automate it and let that be your catchall, it could suck. That’s just the reality of it. And you’re not learning anything there. When you go live, you can interact in a more authentic way, and I think people are getting a little smarter now, and they’re understanding when something is not live. It comes off totally different when it’s automated versus when it’s live. And the most valuable part I get in a live webinar, and you guys, you should do one a week for like a year, do like 30, 40, 50 of these things live. And the reason you do that too is because you’re gonna learn a lot from the comments. You’re gonna notice on slide seven at your 10 minute mark, seven people asked this question, you might need to go alter that slide.So, the interaction that people are gonna provide, is gonna give you the ability to go alter your presentation and refine it. And that’s why it’s important to go live as well, because you want to see where are the sticking points in your presentation.

go, “Okay, this is obviously a good slide.” So I took a presentation that I did live, and then we made some tweaks to the backend, because we had to change the offer, and because the webinar crushed it, the webinar crushed it. But we had too many people sign up. Blake: Yeah. Hawk: That is actually a problem when you have too many people sign up. Blake: Says no one ever. Hawk: Well, the problem, it comes in when they’re going through the program and they’re like, “I’m supposed to getting all of this stuff,” it’s like, “No, you have to go build all that stuff.” Blake: Right. Hawk: I’m not handing you a business. You have to build your business Blake: Yeah.

Hawk: ... so we had to change our offer quite a bit, and it massively decreased our conversion rates, but anyways, I just thought that was an interesting thing. That just triggered a thought. So, the other day I posted on my profile “Who wants to know how to make money on every single webinar attendee before they actually attend the webinar?” I haven’t sent anybody anything on this yet, so it’ll probably have been So you’ll have some people who are sent by the time people are listening. like, “Huh?” You can see their face. I But charge them for the webinar, obviously express that dramatically, right? but you’ll see somebody go, “Huh?” And then they’ll even shrug their Blake: Yeah. shoulders and go, “Whatever. I don’t Hawk: Simple thing as that. And know what this person is talking that actually increases conversions about anymore, I’m just gonna on the backend, too. So we started check out now. charging $49 for our webinar as an Hawk: Yeah. So, I hate doing webinars. But I love speaking in front of audiences, because I can get that live feedback from people, so one of the things I’ve also done is actually doing Zoom sessions, where I can actually see the people. Because also people are so, they don’t wanna interrupt you. They want to be kind and courteous and so they don’t ask questions.

Live does a couple good things, and that’s what I would do too. I would launch a live webinar, and Hawk, you know this. When you go live, OTL. And we include a copy of the Blake: Yeah. one, you become better and better book, which is literally a transcription and better at presenting. You don’t Hawk: So if you can see that, if you of the webinar, plus a bunch of other want to take a presentation and can get those heads nodding, you VOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE


stuff, and then interviews. Like, this Blake: Free trials work out great, interview will go into that vault, as too. If you wanna add a free trial on well, sothere. If you’re selling a software or whatever it might be, free trials work Blake: Yeah, and it’s powerful too, unbelievably well. on top of that. So I’ve seen a lot of people charge for webinars. Hawk: Yeah. So that’s on the front Maybe because it’s almost like it’s end and then the backend, you can becoming a thing. And there’s kind add free trials, you can all sorts of of two ways to monetize prior to other things, and here’s a ninja trick the webinar, right? You can charge for you, Blake and for anybody for the webinar, and you can offer watching. So, if you charge for the what’s called a SLO, self-liquidating webinar, then the broadcast page is offer. Basically a low price item on actually an OTO page. your webinar confirmation page to Blake: Ah, that’s good. Yeah, one liquidate ad costs, right? Basically click for the core offer. I like that. get free leads, okay? This is good I have never thought of doing for two reasons, right? Hawk, you something like that just because I’ve probably already know this, but never really thought of charging for for anyone listening right now, it’s a webinar, but now I’m gonna have great for two reasons. One, and to go test that. both work the exact same in terms of how the science after that works, Hawk: Yeah, so front end, super low. right? One, people, they’re more We want them on the webinar, and likely to show up, okay? That’s a real then it’s like, “Hey, by the way guys,” thing, because they invested. Even just like, “Hey, just click the button if it’s like seven bucks, already paid below, just to get started.” Right? for the webinar, they invested, and They’ve paid for the webinar, you they became a buyer. They’re more can do a longer webinar too, which likely to show up for the webinar and is nice. So my webinar is two and two, they’re more likely to purchase a half hours long. And they’ll stay your core offer on the webinar for two and a half hours because because you’ve already qualified they’ve paid this, the $49. them as a buyer. So very powerful things you can even inject inside of Blake: Yeah, what’s in that little a webinar funnel is either, charging phrase? People who pay, pay for the actual webinar, or putting a attention. small self-liquidating offer on the Hawk: Yeah. So it’s like, that is so confirmation page and they can just powerful for you guys to implement, go buy really quick. because it’s no longer a, they have Hawk: Absolutely. I actually like the to take their credit card out. They charging for the webinars, it’s like don’t have to make the decision as seven bucks, right? I’m not talking to whether or not they want to buy about charging a ton of money. If in the process of, “Okay, I’m gonna you’re in B2B, you charge like 150 get my,” well, my credit card’s in to a hundred, actually 50, I think my phone, but, “I’m gonna get my almost $300 for some webinars. wallet out, grab my credit card, plug If you’re in any other industry, like it in,” or if you’re lucky they have a seven bucks is a great starting point. LastPass already. They already did Or even like 10 or 19 or basically that to join the webinar.

purchase. Blake: That’s a cool concept. Hawk: And yeah. You can’t obviously use every webinar for that. Blake: No. Hawk: But there are plenty of ways to do all the tracking stuff in there. Blake: Absolutely. Hawk: If it’s an auto webinar, then it doesn’t matter anyways. Blake: Yes. Hawk: Anyways, just I knew that was a nice little goldenBlake: That’s ninja. That’s drop the mic now, because that is a really cool concept. Hawk: So, all right. Well when you get your next Two Comma Club award, you can mention from me stage. Even though they don’t want you to say anything. Blake: I’ll grab the mic from Russell like that one person last [inaudible 00:57:59]. Hawk: I was only in, was it this last one, or the one in Orlando? Blake: Orlando. Hawk: Oh. I wasn’t in there. Blake: Oh man. Someone ran on stage and grabbed the mic from him. It got weird for like a minute. The whole audience was just like, even Russell’s like, “What are you doing?” Dave had to get up and go get the guy off stage. It was hard to watch. It was gut wrenching, I was like, “Oh, what are you doing?” Yeah. Hawk: That’s great. I actually, so when we get ours for Funnel Magazine, I’m going to present. You know how Russell always gives people really large gifts?

20 bucks or less I think is what I’m Blake: Yeah. finding. Hawk: So now it’s just boom, click to Blake: Yeah.



Hawk: So I’m going to present Hawk: I just want it for my ads. Russell with a very large, basically Blake: I know you do. I mean I get self, so he was on the cover of Funnel so many messages from people like, Magazine as our first edition. “I think I can get to the Two Comma Blake: Right. Club,” and I’m just like, “No, you’re gonna get further than the Two Hawk: So I’m gonna give him a life Comma Club.” Think bigger than sized version that he can hang on that and focus on your business, his wall. because the money will come as a side effect, and that is the Two Blake: Oh, that’d be awesome. Comma Club award is a side effect. Hawk: And then, yeah. I’ll be Yeah. Yeah. holding my little plaque and he’ll be Blake: Golden nuggets, I would love holding thisto go hardcore on a specific funnel, Blake: Massive, massive magazine there’s 22 of them and I know a lot cover. That’s great. about each one, but I don’t want to Hawk: And that’ll be an ad, for sure. geek out with anyone right now. But, I mean if anyone has any questions Blake: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Talk about their funnels and their about pattern interrupt. business and things like that, I’d be Hawk: Yep. It’s like, why is this guy? more than happy to offer guidance and in any direction at all. Blake: What is this massive face of Hawk: Love it man, appreciate you. a face? Awesome. Well, just out of curiosity Hawk: Anyways, that’s coming since we are launching the Funnel down the pipelines of, be at Funnel Book Club, do you have a book that Hacking Live 2020 to see that. we can put into the Funnel Book Blake: Yes. Nashville, Tennessee, Club? baby. Blake: I don’t have a book, but Hawk: Yep. So, love it, man. Do people I’m partnered with have you have anything else you wanted books. But they are specific, they’re to share, or little nuggets that you like, I don’t know, it depends on the genre of books you wanna go with. wanna go over? Blake: Little nuggets. Start with a Hawk: Business, marketing, sales, core funnel, move to a backend, leadership. then create some front end funnels. Blake: I think Persuasion has an That’s like the structure I use. I think it affiliate link, and that’s a really works out well. Don’t chase the Two popular book, right? Comma Club award, chase more than a million dollars. Don’t chase Hawk: That’s a great book. the award, a lot of people chase Blake: I think Todd Brown had an that, because ClickFunnels is brilliant awesome funnel for that. Yeah. at marketing and giving accolades Great book. and awards is something to chase for, because everyone wants to walk Hawk: Absolutely. So, okay. across the stage holding it, so it’s Awesome, man. I was just curious if you had a back. brilliant.

Hawk: You know you can pay somebody else to write the book, too. Blake: I know, you can- [crosstalk 01:01:57] Hawk: Or you can pay 12 people to write the book for youBlake: So smart. So mart. Hawk: Take your webinar, get it transcribed, and then turn that into your chapter like that I did. Blake: Yeah. Frank Kern has a great method for that. It’s actually brilliant, to create the book. Yeah, it’s what a lot of people are doing now. So, I just haven’t done it, really. I mean it’s a book. I think the way you’re doing, that’s smart, like Tim Ferriss did that with Tribe of Mentors and Tools of Titan, so smart. I mean it was that thick, and he sent an email out with 12 questions, and he got the book written. Blake: So, yeah. It’s smart to write one like that. I’ve got to give it to him, I’ve gotta jump on the book train, man. Hawk: A book is an awesome way to generate business. You can send it as a business card, and it’s super easy. I mean I don’t know how big your list is, but you probably have a fairly large list, considering. But literally, this thing costs like 10 bucks, to print each one of these. We send them out to 3000, so the agreement that everybody is supposed to do is, each of the writers is supposed to give us a list of 25 or more people and then pay for that, which is like 250, 300 dollars. Hawk: And then you get 10 people to do that, for 30 people each, and you should be literally number one on Amazon.

Blake: That’s great. Yes. You get the Blake: But go further, right? Think Blake: I’ve paid the publisher to write it, I just haven’t written my book yet. book and the strategy. bigger picture, this isn’tVOLUME 3 * FUNNEL MAGAZINE


Hawk: Yeah. So super simple, I mean people try to complicate this whole book publishing thing, and literally so simple. You can have a ghostwriter write it, or you can just do what I did, which is get my theme. Oh, and also, we have like five interviews in here from people we’ve interviewed on the magazine, we just put the transcripts up.

know you’re good at something, or you have a skillset in some area, but you don’t know how to get it out to the world in a way, just offer to help people that need your help, and if it’s as good as you know it is, they will talk about it. You can’t go unnoticed doing good work. Just remember that. You can’t go unnoticed doing good work.

Blake:Yeah, that’s smart. That’s Hawk: So, right before, this is before smart. Funnel Magazine, I think it was only a couple months before Funnel Hawk: And so that you can take, Magazine, actually. But I literally if you have a podcast, you can had no idea how we were gonna literally just go and get your pod, go scale, we were kind of revenue to, which they don’t have capped, we had a small team, I an affiliate program for, go to Rev. had a bunch of stuff happening, com and get them all- [crosstalk and one of my mentors said, “Go in 01:04:01] and help people for free.” I’m like, “I Blake: Get them transcribed, yeah. don’t wanna do that.” He was like, “You asked me for advice and so Hawk: ... put them into a book. Go go do it,” he was like, “Just spend ask people. It’s so simple to write a 30 minutes a day for a month.” Just book these days. And there are so literally go and give every, don’t many people who love to be in a hold anything back. And that one book with you, especially more, for thing alone, produced $140,000 in you, you have success and you’ve revenue. got your reputation, so they want to piggyback off of that, of course. Blake: Yeah. But, even if you’re watching, you Hawk: And I also had just kind of don’t have a ton of success, you unlocked my ability to sell too, so don’t have a ton of reputation that that helped. But like even if it was you can go off of, you can go write just $14,000 of revenue. That would in somebody else’s book, too. have been totally awesome, right? Blake: Yeah, yeah. Blake: Even if it was a connection Hawk: That’s a great way to get a to someone you wanted to be around. Too many people are book published, your nametrying to do it themselves. Be the Blake: Yeah, when I first started, one man band and be the face, it’s right, ground zero. Everyone’s trying like go to business. Stop worrying to break free from obscurity in this about this small time, just you. You space, who can get out of the barrel wanna build a business? 80% of a and rise, all I did, because I knew I watermelon is better than 100% of had no reputation, I had nothing. I the grape. Go build a real business just started observing people in the here and gravitate, it’s a concept. community of the space I wanted to Go gravitate towards the Sun. Find operate in, and see where I could someone that’s doing what you help them out for free. wanna do, and is just upstream a Blake: That was my go-to market little further than you, learn from strategy to offer my services, how them, and then once you’re ready, can I help you out for free? If you once you’re ready to spin off orbit,


spin off and go start your own galaxy and do it that way. Blake: That’s like the easiest strategy ever. It’s like the whole go get a mentor. Do it, it works. Go find someone that’s doing what you wanna do, learn from them, and then break off when you’re ready and start your own world. And build a business. Build a business. Hawk: Love it, man. Well, for all of you guys who have been listening, this has been awesome and we could probably be here the next 10 days talking non-stop. So, you guys need to connect with Blake, go reach out to him on social media, if you’ve got questions, you need help with anything, whether it’s just something quick or whether you have to hire him and talk to him and find out exactly how you can scale your business and how you can leverage funnels. Hawk: And if for whatever reason, you guys aren’t already subscribed to Funnel Magazine as a lifetime member, go to FunnelMagazine. com/lifetime, I tell you at the end of every single episode. Go do this, because this will allow you to scale your business, you’ll get the insights, you’ll get all of our secret ninja stuff, you’ll get access to all of our videos and content and everything in the lifetime membership as well, which aren’t available to our regular subscribers. Hawk: So, super excited for you guys, have a blessed day, and we’re super excited for you guys to stay tuned for the next episode. Blake: See you guys.


In Brief: • “One of the biggest challenges is, would be scaling. A very difficult thing to do. I have a digital agency and one of the hardest things to do was to put the infrastructures and processes in place to grow that business” What I realized you have to do is you have to put the right processes, the right systems, and the right people, hire the right people in place to really build that infrastructure before you can really move in the direction you want to go long-term. • “Motivation and determination and perseverance and resilience and ambition, it’s found internally. There’s no app for it. You’re not going to find an app or watch a video. Sure, you can become inspired. But at the end of the day, it’s not going to do anything. That’s found inside. It’s a shame that all these people will go through the content and only a very small percentage actually want to change their future or better their family. ‘Cause look, this stuff isn’t easy. It takes a lot of work” Actionable Steps: 1. Honestly, consistent content and especially video is something that you can do without a team, without even an investment. Just start doing it 2. “One thing you can implement in your life that could gen “Something you can do right away is if you’re just starting out, go start selling someone else’s product. You can do that in an hour” 3. erate results and increase time is I wear like the same thing every day. Not like the same, I have multiple same types of shirts, same types of shorts because I don’t want to put any creative power and lose momentum. Any types of shorts, ‘cause I don’t want to put any creative power and lose momentum into what I’m going to wear.” 4. “Something you “Something you can do in your business in the next hour if you don’t have a funnel you should be using one. If you’re not ready for a funnel and you need a product to sell, create an offer, be an affiliate marketer.” 5. can do in your life is remove that friction by getting on a better schedule. Wake up at a certain time every single day. Go to bed at the same time every single day. Very basic, primitive things we can do. I know it’s not revolutionary but it does make all the difference.” 6. “Look at your funnel and make sure it’s performing the way you want. You could make changes in an hour that can change hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s insane.” 7. “If you already have a business that’s crushing it right now, what you could do in an hour to change it would make sure all your systems are running effectively. Be aware of what’s going on in your business.” 8. “Don’t forget to come back home and look at how your business is operating, because I guarantee it’s like Swiss cheese right now and there’s a lot of holes that you could be fixing that could have ... but it’s like biohacking. Little improvements internally can have drastic improvements externally. A lot of businesses work the same way.



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The Powerful Strategies of the 3 P’s

ARTICLE BY David kraus

“Let me smile and dial.” I’m telling you after you dial If you’re looking to generate more leads and more sales, five hundred calls you’re not smiling anymore. then this is the most important information that you’re going to read in 2019. Today you will be presented The Powerful Strategies of the 3 P’s the three powerful strategies that I personally use to The First P is Publishing prospect without being pushy. Discover how to immediately position yourself as the ‘go In my late thirties, I learned that prospecting sucks. I to’ expert in your industry so that when your customers don’t want to cold call people, I want people to come to me. So I asked myself questions, what do I need to think of your niche, you are at the top of their mind. do? How do I get noticed? Have you ever noticed how there are certain brands My entire business carrier I had handed out printed and businesses that everyone wants to buy from? business cards. Yes, you know what I’m talking about. There’s a ton of build up when they launch a new The famous business card. The one that when you meet product, they consistently have a waiting list, and they with people you give and collect. So I thought you know can charge double and triple what their competitors do what, I’m going to be different and stop handing out and people still want to buy from them. business cards. Instead, I’m going to give out a book because everyone throws away business cards but no And… shockingly, the reason they are wildly more one is going to throw away a book. successful is NOT that they have a better product or service than their competitors. So I decided to publish a book, one that I could be proud to give out. Well, easier said than done. It took It’s all about their Expert Positioning instead of me six months of hard work. I’m not a professional Prospecting. writer. I had to persuade friends to do the editing, You see most salespeople go out there and want proofreading, grammar and spell checking. But I did it. to prospect. “Let me get the leads man.” In fact, I also went into the recording studio with a script and created a professional audio recording. These days you can easily record right from your computer. Let me say it wasn’t the greatest book by far but it was mine. VOLUME 3



So now I was armed with something better than a Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow business card. until the faucet is turned on. I remember sitting on a plane next to a gentleman and we were talking. We were just conversating about what we did for a living and things like that. I was telling a little bit about what I do and he said well you know David that sounds really good. Do you have a business card? I said you know what I don’t have a business card however and I reached into my briefcase and pulled it out. I have a book. And you should have seen his reaction. His jaw dropped to the ground. Wow! This is cool. Before the plane landed he wrote me a check for ten thousand dollars to help him build his business. Now let me ask you this. Would this have happened if I gave him a business card? I don’t think so. It’s because I wrote a book; I was an authority.

Louis L’Amour The Second P. Public Speaking One thing I’ve learned is by being the person in front, the one on stage, the person holding the clicker, it immediately positions you as the authority and the expert in what you do. Wow, the room just got quiet. Crickets chirping. I know public speaking can be scary but like anything, it’s a skill and it’s a skill that you can master. If I go to a business or networking function, I could try to be like everybody else. Go around and shake hands and try to meet as many people as possible. What do you do? Then you have to pretend you’re interested in what they do. And what’s worse they are pretending to be interested in what you do. Everyone is walking around exchanging business cards and nothing happens. But if you are the speaker, the person in the front of the room, things are different.

Authority, what a powerful word. What positions you as an authority in our society? Think about that word, authority. The first part of the word is author. That’s right. When you are an author you are perceived as an authority in what you’re doing in your industry. And here’s the great thing anybody can publish a book. You don’t need to be a New York Times bestselling author As the speaker or presenter, you have been positioned to be perceived as an authority. properly. And by the end of your talk, you don’t need Anybody nowadays can self-publish a book for very to go meet with anyone. If you have a hundred people little money. And when you have a book you are in the room, 100 people walk away knowing who you seen in our society authority on that subject. What do are. And after your speech, people who want to do people think when they know you wrote a book about business walk up to you and ask you to do business with something? He wrote a book; he or she must be an them. Public speaking is an extremely powerful way to expert. You must know what you’re talking about simply position yourself. You don’t need to prospect, people, they come to you. by having a book.

You know what else happens. People want to start interviewing you for their newsletter, magazine, article, When you have a book and give people a copy of that blog, podcast and the list goes on. book, you should see their reaction. Don’t you think it’s much more powerful to give a person a book instead The Third P Publicity of a flimsy paper business card especially since most There are associations, small newsletters, websites, business cards are thrown away anyway? People will blogs, podcasts in your vertical that want to interview cherish the book. This book has staying power. They can you or let you contribute. You just need to be the expert put it on a bookshelf with their other books. They can in your particular niche and let the world know. You just flip through it. I cannot tell you how many times I hear need to be known as an authority in your niche then from people say that they read the book six months or business will come to you. a year ago and now they want to do business. When people call you now you can interview and You see the book is the bait. It’s out there fishing with qualify them instead of the other way around. This a net for you. Not all people are ready to do business allows you to begin demanding higher prices for your right now but when they are, guess who they call? I service and get it. want to have my net full of bait out in the ocean. I don’t want to fish with just a spear. Here’s what I want. I want a big massive fishing boat with a net; no I want 10 of these fishing boats with nets out there in the ocean. That’s what I want. So the first P is Publishing. EDITION 5 Why Write a Book? For Positioning



Now you may be saying but David does this mean: I Dan Kennedy have to write a book? I have to find and book speaking My biggest problem now is keeping up with the events? I have to become an expert at publicity? demand. So since I have a lot of demand and very little My answer to this is with a question; do you want peace supply because my time is limited guess what. I get to and prosperity in your career and life? can the terms and work with who I want when I want. Now that’s Power. What would your life be like if you never had to prospect for another client ever again? So these are the three P’s Publishing, Public Speaking, and Publicity. If you never want a proxy bet again with Now for the good news. You don’t have to be a great your future of gaining new clients, then you need a plan writer or a writer at all to publish your book, your story. and execute the 3. Ps. You need to get the money you You don’t have to be a great booking agent to get deserve coming in on autopilot so you never ever have venues and stages to speak at, big or small. And you to prospect again. Fishing with a net instead of a spear. don’t have to be a publicist to receive interview offers The 3 P’s will get you to a place where you never ever on the radio, news, blogs, and podcasts. have to prospect again. I do position because I want to stay in a place where And that’s the key to Positioning… I never ever have to prospect again. I don’t have to prospect for leads. I can cherry pick who I want to work with because I have this constant stream of leads. What’s even cooler is I can scale those incoming leads any time I want. Leads are the lifeblood of any and every business so creating a lead generation system that creates a constant stream of leads is where you need to start.





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Turning Leadership Inside Out Article by Leeza Carlone Steindorf

Natalie was the thorn in Zack’s side. She was also one the project getting done, or address with Natalie the of his greatest assets. As a revered, and often feared, breakdown of communication and diverted workflow? department head, she had the attention and respect of everyone in who worked with her. This made his job of leading the organization both a pleasure and a pain. It wasn’t that they disliked one another, quite the opposite. Their professional relationship was strong and mutually enriching. Yet the fact that they were polar opposites in their communication and leadership style caused frequent and not only small difficulties between them and for the workflow. Natalie was feisty, direct and smartly impulsive in her decision-making. This allowed her to keep the high pressure and fast pace of the department well under control. Zack was calm, thorough and measured in his manner and management style. This stability and depth of leadership are what landed him in the director’s position. Still, the clashes with this key manager all too often stumped him.

Attention Orientation To decide a course of action, it is mandatory to know where one is starting out. At any point in time, and in any situation, we are focusing our attention on certain events, sensations, and details. As such, our attention fluctuates between our internal experience and what is happening in the world around us. We then utilize those factors and events to orient ourselves in the environment and in situations – to guide our thought processes, decisions, and actions. This is the process of how we orient ourselves in our world, internally and externally.

This time, without conferring with him beforehand, Natalie had moved a priority project to the back burner to advance one she felt was more pressing. There was no easy way to reprioritize the projects without publicly casting a blow to her authority, something Zack did not want to do. So, the question was, what should he do and in what order? Deal with For example, when you are driving a car you pay attention to the curve of the road, the cars around you, street signs, and your speed. You are attending to input, stimulation, and events outside of yourself, to what is occurring in and around the vehicle you are driving. You VOLUME 3 are Externally Oriented. FUNNEL MAGAZINE


• Decide what action to take from that situationally best orientation. At first glance, this process may seem rather mechanical. However, just like learning any new skill, when you break it down and practice, it becomes second nature and highly useful. Let’s go back to Zack and Natalie’s situation as an example. Zack’s main focus appears to be that the project is prioritized and completed swiftly, effectively, and as soon as possible. Taking it off the back burner has become urgent. He has a responsibility to the stakeholders, his board, and the customer who requisitioned the project. At first glance, this priority has Zack’s attention Externally Oriented, namely in assuring the execution of the project.

While driving a car, you are not attending to your own person, thoughts or wellbeing. You are not brushing your teeth, closing your zipper, or daydreaming about how inviting that soft pillow and a warm bed would feel right then, activities that are based on your personal internal experience. Paying attention to experiences that involve mainly your thought process, your physical or mental experience, or your emotional state we call However, Zack is frustrated that Natalie discounted Internal Orientation. his instructions. He is concerned about being fair in dealing with her and about taking action that upholds Generally, we either have an expanded state of her position of authority with the other department awareness and attend to both internal and external employees. In addition, he very much wants to maintain factors at the same time, or we fluctuate back and forth the current equilibrium in their relationship, which is between the two, which is more common in our daily easily disrupted. These factors point to an Internal lives. It is helpful to know where our attention is and how Orientation for Zack. we are orienting ourselves in a situation. Neither Internal nor External Orientation is the better orientation. They Applying the three steps of Attention Orientation, shows are equal and simply need to be employed at the right that he is actually Internally Oriented, not Externally time for the tool they are. Knowing when to engage Oriented: which is a very useful practice. Identify whether (Zack is) internally or externally Leading Orientation oriented: So, although our attention is often switching rapidly between Internal and External Orientation, in most situations one orientation usually leads over the other. An excellent skill to groom is to be aware of your orientation in any given situation. That means you can:

a. Frustrated that his instructions were ignored - internal b. Concerned about being fair - internal c. Concerned about taking right action (maintain her authority) internal

• Identify whether (Zack is) internally or externally d. Get the project completed ASAP – external oriented • Determine if that is the best fit for this situation e. Communicate with Natalie - external




Zack’s Leading Orientation is Internal Orientation.

then support Natalie in her communications with their employees that will allow her to take ownership of the Determine if that is the best fit for this situation: situation, get the project executed well, and maintain a. What orientation is best initially? If Zack starts with her authority in the process. External Orientation, there’s a high chance that his Action steps from Internal Orientation to be taken personal frustration, focus, and desires will detour his first and then action steps designed from External decision-making and actions to prioritize the project. Orientation will follow. b. Although both are important, Internal Orientation Life is complex. As soon as you add one more person to should be his first Leading Orientation in this situation. the mix, it can also become challenging. Identifying your Internal orientation is the best first step in the situation. patterns of behavior and how you operate as a human being can be very helpful in creating and maintaining Decide what action to take from that situationally best not only harmonious and effective relationships, but orientation. also coherent, fair and impactful leadership. a. Clarify why Natalie did not follow instructions to Understanding and practicing awareness of your prioritize the correct project. This will help resolve Zack’s Internal and External Orientation is just one more frustration and the feeling that his instructions were valuable tool for your leadership toolbox. ignored. b.Given Zack’s concern about being fair, his speaking frankly with Natalie about his frustration would be useful to both of them to learn from this situation and move forward constructively. c.After clarifying her reasoning for her actions, and reestablishing the project as a top priority, Zack can




5 Ways to Work Past the Overwhelm AKA Analysis Paralysis Article by Hilary Jastram

What happens when you are too overwhelmed to him as a rolling wheel. He just keeps turning forward. move a step further? What happens when the thought But he is human, as we all are. of tackling your to-do list freezes you to the spot? He needs to rest as we all do. The past month, I signed on for a huge editing job to work with a writer and re-do her book. We would We are all vulnerable to those periods when our life identify passages that she needed to write, existing becomes a meme: “I heard you like to-do lists, so here’s content that called for a tad more meat and fold in a to-do list on top of a to-do list to add to your to-do resources and the usual spice of setting, dialogue, and list.” internal chatter. With zero judgment, please read these mindset hacks I was elated to close the deal and my confidence was to help you topple those to-dos. You can do this. Here’s solid, but I knew there was A TON of work awaiting how. both of us. Oh, and did I forget to mention we had a tight deadline, that the final draft was due in a month? 1. Start somewhere. Sometimes, we simply can’t make up our mind where we should dig in. When my kids We did it. We killed it and my author is amazing, truly were little and standing in their rooms full of toys and living in her passion. clothes and books and everything else little kids use to fire their imaginations, I would tell them they needed But…it was a lot for both of us to handle. We had an to straighten up. Then I would leave and come back incredible team, but everyone also had to be depended after a bit to see that nothing had been done. For on to do their parts and perform on time. kids, especially, who have ADHD or challenges with It was enough to root me to the spot. organization, they need to know where to start. I tell you this to share that I get it.

When I learned this, I changed how I spoke to them. “Start with picking up your dirty clothes off the floor One of my clients will hit a million smackers in his and put them in this basket.” business this year. He has worked tirelessly for a decade. I am floored at his drive and think of The result was about a million times better than before.




Pick a chore and work on it until it’s done. I usually like to take the next deadline on the list or tick a smaller item off that I can do in a flash—like sending an email response. There. One thing is done.

2. Rest don’t quit. Guess what? Crushers get tired. Everyone gets tired. Life is tiring. By our very design, humans are programmed to power down at the end of the day and accomplish cell healing through sleep. Sometimes we are sick. Sometimes we need rest outside of normal hours. Sometimes stress is exhausting, so is worry and a constant mental pacing over everything that seems important and immediate. This is the best thing I have read this week: “Rest, don’t stop.” When you say these words to yourself, you also give yourself permission to not constantly be an emotionless generator. Self-care, one word, but two of the most vital syllables you can utter…and that you need to apply. 3. Eat the elephant one bite at a time. Let’s be realistic. Do you have to accomplish 17 items on your list? Maybe you need to do 10 and you know the other seven are coming up. So, those might get pushed to tomorrow. Sometimes, we make a list to keep obligations at the forefront and ensure they will not slip through the cracks of our memory. Learn the difference between short and long-term planning and forgive yourself for not being a programmable machine. You can only do what you can do. Realizing that you have very real limits does not make you weak. It makes you more dimensional, feeling, and better able to accomplish everything else on your list. Otherwise…can you spell burn out? I knew that you could.

were younger and learning how to do the dishes and clean the bathroom, etc., they would tell me they hated it, and I would reply that it didn’t matter how they felt about it. The job needed to be done. So, they could bemoan the fact they would be pulled out of the play fray for ten minutes at the sink, or they could simply focus on the action and turn their emotions off. This works very well in many situations. If you have FOMO over Facebook for example, when you are working and sensing you are missing a connection, it doesn’t matter how you feel, because the right thing to do is to get the job done. We all have feelings, thoughts, and so on, but we are most in our power when we control our whims, or we leverage them to improve our lives. After the five mins are over and the countertops are sparkling, then you can ruminate on how much you hated wiping up toast crumbs…but guess what? There’s no point. The job is done…onto the next. Our brains are marvelous miracles that we can program to accomplish anything we want. If we are stuck in a rut of how to think or feeling like the world is against us…we can stop that mental avalanche. I don’t tell you this to invalidate you, but to empower you. I have been there, buried, ungrateful, looking for the scapegoat and it wore on me. It eroded me. I decided I was done living life in that frame because it was painful.

If we can make mind shifts to such an enormous degree and infinitely activate positivity and abundance, then we can also remember to stop and rest, start 4. Remember what I learned from my kid’s ADHD somewhere, take one bite at a time, focus on the action counselor. Give yourself little rewards. My husband is and reward ourselves. Whew! After all that, I’m taking always trying to get me to read: How to Win Friends a fiver. and Influence People. (Someday, honey). The concept is to break your list up into fun-size chunks. So, instead Original article appeared at The Good Men Project. of plowing through like a wild tornado, you will do one Reprinted with permission. thing and then reward yourself by doing something fun for 20 minutes. It is amazing how far this concept can push you. If I am undertaking a massive chore, and I complete it, then I can look forward to the reward. I might watch a half an hour of a murder drama on Investigation Discovery (shut up…lol), but your reward can be anything. Some days, I traipse out to the hammock and swing under the treetops until my mind is receptive again. 5. Your emotions about a task don’t matter. Focus on the action. My poor kids, forever my analogies. One of the best things I believe I ever told them had to do with how they approached doing chores. When they




5 Digital Marketing Technology Trends of 2018 Article by Eric Luis

Digital marketing that incorporates SEO, social media, 1. Artificial Intelligence PPC, content promoting, blogging, funnels etc are Man-made brainpower or AI assumes a vital job in a seeing an emotional move, one which organizations lot of the top level digital marketing tools today. AI can can never again disregard. break down along with analyzing shopper conduct, There may have been a period when you could’ve provide search term usage, using information from laughed at Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) or Virtual Reality online social media platforms along with blog entries ( VR ) as tricks from the most recent blockbuster sci- to enable organizations to see how clients discover their fi film, however that time is now a distant memory. services along with products. Top level companies are already using these types of Artificial Intelligence likewise offers data along with tips advanced technology platforms. to clients by getting into discussions. As indicated by There are numerous new advanced advertising a number of top digital marketing agencies by 2020, platforms along with techniques that are developing 85% of client connections will be overseen without the in this present cutting-edge time, most organizations requirement for a human. currently need to utilize them to prevail in their Organizations receiving AI in 2019 will have the endeavors, if not they will simply get left behind. capacity to spare expenses along with speed up The key is to analyze the patterns along with making development, getting an edge over their rivals. sense of what is best for your business today. What has 2. Programmatic Advertising worked for you in an earlier year may not necessarily work for you now. This is because new patterns, Programmatic Advertising ( automatic promoting platforms along with technologies, constantly continue ) is basically utilizing AI to computerize along with to develop or evolve. automating the purchasing of advertisements. With having the capacity to target audiences all the more Here are 5 key advanced digital marketing technology particular or specific to a niche, which expands the trends that I have noticed while working with our clients odds of achievement within the advertising efforts at Top Level Traffic. along with the added bonus of decreasing the clients’ overall promotion costs. 3. Chatbots




Chatbots are an essential digital marketing technology

trend in 2018. This AI-based innovation utilizes a texting application to talk continuously, day or night, with your clients or site visitors. Numerous organizations are as of now utilizing this component, along with a few of our clients at Top Level Traffic.

5. Video Or More Current Live Video

They can meet the developing requests of clients of this very advanced technology by empowering smooth along with prompt correspondence with clients or prospects. By 2022, chatbots will enable businesses to save over $8 billion for each year, particularly in the finance or healthcare industries.

A video is anticipated to guarantee over 80% of all web activity by 2019.

Look at these details on video marketing from Forbes: As indicated by YouTube, portable video utilization has developed by 100% consistently.

Adding a video to advertising messages can help improve rates by 200-300%.

90% of clients report that item recordings enable them Numerous clients incline toward interfacing with to settle on acquiring choices. chatbots as they are responsive and give answers 64% of clients will probably purchase an item online in instantly and precisely thus never lose persistence. the wake of viewing a video about it. These virtual partners offer remarkable client benefit, living up to clients’ desires and calculating monotonous These numbers demonstrate the significance of using undertakings that let associations center around more video with your digital marketing, hence another to add to our list as digital marketing technology trends. imperative work. Chatbots can answer questions, provide information Also, don’t simply think of YouTube. Aim a little higher about your products or services, they can even be set with your video marketing, you can make a video post to request an email address to send further information or begin a live video on Facebook with ease these days. without any human interaction. They can likewise hold Live video usage is also picking up fame, with an data so a client doesn’t need to begin once again with extensive number of organizations utilizing it for each new cooperation, so it is a must in my list of digital meetings, item demos along with “in the background” marketing technology trends. looks of occasions, life in the workplace, how items are Uber utilizes chatbot innovation to speak with clients, made, so forth. making it simple for them to order a convenient lift even Live videos are an awesome route for organizations to on Facebook Messenger. Travelers can utilize the menu uncover the countenances behind their image, which to pick the sort of ride, make a demand, track the area viewers grasp but most of all love to see, as this ingrains of the transport live, send companions an estimate of trust in your following along with acculturates your their arrival, and even make payment. image. 4. Personalization With web-based social media platforms like Facebook Personalization or customized content has turned into or Instagram propelling their very own live streaming a noteworthy part of digital marketing. It conveys an video highlights, it has turned out to be less complex extraordinary affair to clients in light of their decisions for organizations to incorporate live recordings in their along with inclinations. It is viewed as a superior digital marketing content. alternative than “one-suit fits-all” advertising. With the accessibility of information like buy history, purchaser conduct along with links clicked, organizations can alter their content even lift their ROI. Remember that 74% of advertisers trust that focused personalization upgrades client commitment. Organizations nowadays are utilizing the intensity of personalization by redoing messages in view of conduct, interests, and socioeconomics. One example of such personalization is of Coca-Cola, which came out with “Share a Coke” in the U.S. digital marketing campaign in 2014 with an aim to reach millennials. EDITION 5




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