Gurukul album

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Foundation for Universal Responsibility



of His Holiness The Dalai Lama

An initiative to provide an insight into 16,1,2,15,14,3,4,13,12,5,6,11,10, Tibetan culture and ancient Buddhist 7,8,9 traditions of Tibet for university students



"To meet the challenges of our times, I believe that humanity must develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for our own individual self, family or nation, but for the benefit of all mankind. Today we are so interdependent, so closely interconnected with each other, that without a sense of universal responsibility, a feeling of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, and an understanding and belief that we really are a part of one big human family, we cannot hope to overcome the dangers to our very existence – let alone bring about peace and happiness." - His Holiness The Dalai Lama




Programme Overview


Pictorial Journey


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Programme Overview In keeping with the rich Indian tradition of Gurukul, this project aims to enrich formal education processes by facilitating inspirational contact with masters of different spiritual traditions, particularly Tibetan Buddhism. The participants, mainly university students, live in Tibetan monasteries and nunneries where they learn about Tibetan culture, art and philosophy. Participants have privileged access to teachers of ancient Buddhist traditions of Tibet. By observing the teachers’ way of life at close quarters, students envision new definitions of success, achievement and fulfillment. Gurukul has been held annually for a month in Dharamsala, the home of HH the Dalai Lama and the headquarters of the Central Tibetan Administration. Here, participants receive an extended introduction to Tibetan culture and religion by actively engaging in daily activities of Tibetan life in the monasteries and nunneries, and with communities in exile. They have the privilege of an audience with His Holiness. Through discourses, lectures, films and other learning media, Gurukul participants gain insights into the innovative ways in which a community in exile copes with displacement and strives to keep its traditions alive. Gurukul participants will:     

Live in Tibetan monasteries and nunneries. Take classes in Tibetan Buddhism at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. Learn Tibetan handicrafts such as wood carving, thangka painting and appliqué. Interact with Buddhist masters and Tibetan officials. Experience traditional dialectic debates and spiritual chanting.

Students also have the opportunity to give something back to the community. They are encouraged to teach English to monks, nuns and refugees from Tibet, and volunteer with service and welfare projects. 4

“The human mind is both the source and, if properly directed, the solution to all our problems. Those who attain great learning but lack a good heart, are in danger of falling prey to the anxieties and restlessness which result from desires incapable of fulfillment. This is why I say material knowledge can easily be a source of negative thoughts and feelings. Conversely, a genuine understanding of spiritual values brings peace.� - His Holiness The Dalai Lama


Pictorial Journey

AUDIENCE WITH HH THE DALAI LAMA Each year participants of Gurukul are welcomed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Dharamsala. The interaction includes discussion on issues that young people and the present generation are grappling with. Emphasis is given to moral and ethical conduct in everyday life for improving society and world at large. Centuries old Tibet and India relations are highlighted. 6


Pictorial Journey

AUDIENCE WITH HH THE KARMAPA His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogen Trinley Dorjee, is very enthusiastic about meeting young people. Each year the Gurukul participants meet with him and discuss issues Tibet is facing and the struggle of Tibetan people. His Holiness is also very keen on issues and activities related to environmental protection. During the annual audience for Gurukul, he motivates the group to increase awareness about environmental issues in their respective colleges and homes. The group also discusses various aspects of Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy. 7

Pictorial Journey

MEETING WITH DR. LOBSANG SANGAY Since April 2011, Gurukul participants have also had the privilege of meeting with Dr. Lobsang Sangay, the democratically elected Prime Minister of Central Tibetan Administration in Exile. The group seeks his insights into various issues facing Tibetan community in exile especially in the fields of education and professional development. During their stay in Dharamsala, the group is encouraged to meet with officials from various departments and to explore opportunities for collaborations.


Pictorial Journey

LEARNING TIBETAN TRADITIONAL ARTS AND CRAFTS In collaboration with Norbulingka Institute and Thangde Gatsel Institute, the Gurukul group is introduced to Tibetan School of Thangka painting, wood carving, statue making etc. Norbulingka Institute provides the perfect platform to experience and gain understanding about the history of these arts and their practice in exile. The Institute offers courses for young Tibetans in these fields. Thangdel Gatsel Institute, founded by an ex-gurukul participant, provides an intensive course that introduces the group to Thangka painting. 9

During their one month stay in Dharamsala, each participant has the freedom to choose a field and receive intensive training from an experienced artist who uses traditional system of practice. The participants have various fields like painting, woodcarving among others, to choose from. 10

Pictorial Journey


Pictorial Journey

SOUNDS OF TIBETAN TRADITIONAL MUSIC AND OPERA Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts was established in exile as soon as Tibetans came into India. Under the leadership of senior masters, Tibetan young people are given the chance to preserve and appreciate their rich ancient tradition of music and opera. Gurukul participants experience and live the ancient heritage of Tibet by sitting in and auditing some of these courses during the stay. 11

Pictorial Journey

DIALOGUE WITH VARIOUS TIBETAN ORGANISAIONS Dharamsala is the center for many organizations, such as Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute, Tibetan Centre for Conflict Resolution, Tibetan Women’s Association, Tibetan Youth Congress, Students for Free Tibet and many departments of Central Tibetan Administration. Special lectures are arranged to learn more about each organization and build common platforms to support each other’s work. 12

Pictorial Journey

SPECIAL COURSES IN BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY & MODERN MIND SCEINCE Two special courses are conducted as part of the Gurukul programme. ‘A Role of Mind in Pursuit of Happiness’ is conducted by Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. ‘Mind Science: Unity in Duality’ course is dedicated to dialogue between modern science and Buddhist philosophy supported by Tarab Ling Institute. The courses last for a month and are coupled with group discussions with senior teachers. Participants are also encouraged to have evening consultations and debate with monks and nuns of their respective monasteries where they stay. 13

In June, 2012, for the first time a special teaching on introductory Buddhist philosophy was conducted by His Holiness The Dalai Lama for an Indian Sangha. Foundation was one of the several collaborators for this special event in Dharamsala. Gurukul group was very fortunate to attend the teachings which were spread over three days.Translation of the same was provided in Hindi and English for almost 1100 attendees. It is our hope that this will become an annual feature and the participants each year will have the opportunity to attend the teachings by His Holiness The Dalai Lama.


Pictorial Journey


Pictorial Journey

ENGAGING WITH THE HOST COMMUNITY Part of the programme is to interact and learn about the host community. In this regard, many organizations extend a warm welcome to participants of the Gurukul. Participants have the freedom to choose and plan their visits and contribute their knowledge and expertise in whatever manner they can. Opportunities range from career counseling, teaching, volunteering and community support. 15

Pictorial Journey

GURUKUL – LIVING AND LEARNING IN NUNNERIES AND MONSTREIES In keeping with the rich Indian tradition of Gurukul, this programme aims to enrich formal education processes by facilitating inspirational contact with masters of different spiritual traditions, particularly Tibetan Buddhism. The participants live in Tibetan monasteries and nunneries where they learn about Tibetan culture, art and philosophy under the able guidance of experienced masters.


Pictorial Journey

NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT One of the aspects of the programme is to understand and appreciate nature through nature walks and re-education on environmental issues through various initiatives. Participants can enjoy the guided walks through the woods and also go for hiking in the nearby hills. In collaboration with Tibetan Settlement Office Dharamsala, they are also introduced to various programmes including various recycling projects, initiated to preserve the local environment. 17

About the Foundation MISSION 

To promote universal responsibility in a manner that respects difference and encourages a diversity of beliefs, practices and approaches.


To build a global ethic of nonviolence, coexistence, gender equity and peace by facilitating secular processes that cultivate personal and social ethical values.


To enrich educational paradigms that tap the transformative potential of the human mind.

The Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a not for profit, non-sectarian, non-denominational organization established with the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to His Holiness in 1989. In the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations, the Foundation brings together men and women of different faiths, professions and nationalities, through a range of initiatives and mutually sustaining collaborations.



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SUPPORT US! The Foundation works with a modest corpus. There are no charges or tickets for our events. DONATIONS are welcome to meet expenses towards organizing secular events like this one. These are tax exempt under Sec 80G in India. Contributions are accepted preferably by cheque or draft payable to: ‘Foundation for Universal Responsibility of HH The Dalai Lama’ and send to: Core 4A, UGF, India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003, India For other modes of payments, please visit,


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WRITE TO US! Gurukul Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness The Dalai Lama Core 4A, UGF India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Tel: (91) (11) 24648450 Fax: (91) (11) 24648451

Should you have any queries regarding the Gurukul Programme, or wish to participate in future, we will be glad to hear from you.

REGISTERED OFFICE The Foundation for Universal Responsibility of HH The Dalai Lama Private Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama Thekchen Choeling, McLeod Ganj Dharamsala - 176 219 District Kangra Himachal Pradesh India Tax ID No in India: AAATF 0174 E Trust Registration No.7989/ FCRA182450033 Tel: (91 (1892) 21879 Fax: (91) (1892) 21813 24

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