Interfaith pilgirmage album

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Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness The Dalai Lama



An initiative to provide insight into religious diversity, build cross-cultural understanding and encourage spiritual growth

AN ALBUM An initiative to provide insight into religious diversity, build cross-cultural understanding and encourage spiritual growth 1

"To meet the challenges of our times, I believe that humanity must develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for our own individual self, family or nation, but for the benefit of all mankind. Today we are so interdependent, so closely interconnected with each other, that without a sense of universal responsibility, a feeling of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, and an understanding and belief that we really are a part of one big human family, we cannot hope to overcome the dangers to our very existence – let alone bring about peace and happiness." - His Holiness The Dalai Lama



Programme Overview


Pictorial Journey


About the Foundation


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Programme Overview The Youth Interfaith Pilgrimage programme seeks to provide space for young participants to embrace religious diversity, build cross-cultural understanding and encourage spiritual growth through first-hand exploration of different faith traditions.

The fourteen-day programme involves visits to religious centres across South India. It will start from Bengaluru and move on to Mysuru, Shravanbelagola and Bylakuppe. Two days will be spent at each centre. The first day will be dedicated to lectures/discussions on each faith and the second day will be spent in attending prayers. Sessions will be conducted and coordinated by the centres as per a pre-determined schedule after consultation with the Foundation. The centres may conduct guided tours of the place and visits to their respective places of worship.

“I always believe that it is much better to have a variety of religions, a variety of philosophies, rather than one single religion or philosophy. This is necessary because of the different mental dispositions of each human being. Each religion has certain unique ideas or technique, and learning about them can only enrich one’s own faith. - His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Pictorial Journey

MEDITATION and YOGA In collaboration with Choe Khor Sum Ling Buddhist Centre, Bengaluru, meditation and yoga sessions were organized for a week. Participants were introduced to practice and theoretical aspects of yoga and meditation. 5

Pictorial Journey

ISLAM In-depth discussions on ISLAM, as a religion and as a way of life, were held for two days. The background for the discussion was a summary of the message of Koran and the life of the Prophet provided by the representatives of Islamic Voice publications, Bengaluru. A visit to the local mosque was arranged where the participants prayed together for world peace. 6

Pictorial Journey

SIKHISM Two days of intense discussion was held at Sri Guru Singh Gurudwara, Bengaluru. Separate sessions were dedicated to teachings of Guru Nanak and the lives of the Gurus. The concept of One God was elaborated through teachings and life stories of the Gurus. Prayers and Chants from Guru Granth Sahib were recited in unison for world peace. 7

Pictorial Journey

CHRISTIANITY Interfaith participants had the privilege of attending the National Theological Students conference. The theme of the conference was ‘God of Life: Justice and Peace’. Various ideas and arguments were put forward by the conference attendees on bringing peace and justice in the world. The participants also attended Sunday Mass at St. Mark’s Cathedral. 8

Pictorial Journey

HINDUISM Chinmaya Mission, Bengaluru, conducted a daylong session on Hinduism. A part of the morning was dedicated to prayers at the Mission’s new temple which was schedule for inauguration after few days. Lecture on fundamentals of Hinduism was organized at the auditorium inside the Chinmaya Mission Hospital. An intense group discussion was also organized which was much appreciated by the participants. 9

Pictorial Journey

KRISHNAMURTHI FOUNDATION INDIA The day at the Krishnamurthi Foundation’s Study Centre started with a Nature Walk early in the morning. The participants had an opportunity to attend a workshop where they analyzed notions of Fear, Confidence, Spirituality, Religious Dogma and Religion. The workshop culminated with a group discussion and sharing of ideas with the group. In the evening participants shared music and chants from their cultural group. 10

Pictorial Journey

JAINISM In the back drop of one of the most picturesque places of the Interfaith Pilgrimage -Shravanbelagola, the group had a blessed moment interacting with one of the Jain monks at the Ashram. They discussed aspects on Jainism and its way of life. The shrine is located about two and half hours from Bylakuppe and is full of history. It is considered one of the most revered places in Jainism. 11

Pictorial Journey

BYLAKUPPE – A VISIT Tibetan settlement of Bylakuppe was the final destination of Youth Interfaith Pilgrimage. The group spent time with the physically and mentally challenged children at the Karuna Foundation and at the Old People’s Home. Non-Tibetan participants were also introduced to Tibetan Community in exile. 12

Pictorial Journey

BUDDHISM The final sessions of the Interfaith program focused on Buddhism were organized in collaboration with Sera Jey Monastery, Bylakuppe. During this time 20 students from TCV Bylakuppe and 7 monks from Translations Group joined the participants of the program. The two monks from translations groups who coordinated all the sessions were ex-Youth Interfaith Pilgrimage participants. The Four Noble Truths formed the basis of the discussion. The groups also enjoyed a tour of the monastery complex and attended the debate sessions among monks. 13

About the Foundation MISSION 

To promote universal responsibility in a manner that respects difference and encourages a diversity of beliefs, practices and approaches.


To build a global ethic of nonviolence, coexistence, gender equity and peace by facilitating secular processes that cultivate personal and social ethical values.


To enrich educational paradigms that tap the transformative potential of the human mind.

The Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a not for profit, non-sectarian, non-denominational organization established with the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to His Holiness in 1989 . In the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations, the Foundation brings together men and women of different faiths, professions and nationalities, through a range of initiatives and mutually sustaining collaborations.



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SUPPORT US! The Foundation works with a modest corpus. There are no charges or tickets for our events. DONATIONS are welcome to meet expenses towards organizing secular events like this one. These are tax exempt under Sec 80G in India. Contributions are accepted preferably by cheque or draft payable to: ‘Foundation for Universal Responsibility of HH The Dalai Lama’ and send to: Core 4A, UGF, India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003, India For other modes of payments, please visit,


WRITE TO US! Youth Interfaith Pilgrimage Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness The Dalai Lama Core 4A, UGF India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Tel: (91) (11) 24648450 Fax: (91) (11) 24648451

Should you have any queries regarding the Youth Interfaith Pilgrimage Programme, or wish to participate in future, we will be glad to hear from you.

REGISTERED OFFICE The Foundation for Universal Responsibility of HH The Dalai Lama Private Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama Thekchen Choeling, McLeod Ganj Dharamsala - 176 219 District Kangra Himachal Pradesh India Tax ID No in India: AAATF 0174 E Trust Registration No.7989/ FCRA182450033 Tel: (91 (1892) 21879 Fax: (91) (1892) 21813 16

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