Joiners Magazine September 2015

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J o i n e r y, C a b i n e t m a k i n g & K i t c h e n M a n u f a c t u r i n g I n d u s t r i e s

September 2015

20 year Birthday issue

master joiners meet wellington conference and awards

surfaces & sinks types, tips and techniques

edging advances zero gluelines become more available









1. Free Flap Classical opening with opening angles of 90º and 107º for flaps with medium to low height. Less space required above. Compact dimensions for cabinets low in depth. Available in two models depending on the weight of the flap. 2. Free Fold Ideal for flaps with higher fronts. Less space required in the room when opening, and little space required above. The handle is reachable at all times. 3. Free Swing Elegant motion geometry. Swivels around cornice profiles and top-mounted lights. Extremely suitable for large flaps. Cabinet contents are extremely easy to access. 4. Free Up Hardly any space required in the room towards the front. Can be used in combination with upper-mounted cabinets or front panels. Creates practical storage compartments in tall cabinets, e.g. for electrical equipment. Cabinet contents are extremely easy to access.

September 2015 page 1 0800 4JOINERS HafeleMagazine

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 2









master joiners meet 16 The Master Joiners conference featuring the annual awards was held in Wellington in June. Bob Nordgren was there to enjoy the fun at what he describes as a particularly good conference. COVER SHOT Open Round Glass Hanger Photo courtesy Allegion See page 66 for more

COLUMNS Master Joiners 4 Liam Wackrow takes up the reins as new president and ruminates on the interesting times we find ourselves in. Laminex NZ Update 14 Richard Pollington congratulates the recent MJ and NKBA award winners and outlines new product release Melteca Purecoat. Dr Buzz 53 Duncan Such gives us his view on edgebanding methods and reducing gluelines.

surface & sink style 25 There are many things to take into account when selecting benchtops and sink inserts and it’s not all about the aesthetic. We can see they look good we hear from product suppliers as to their technical specification with some tips on installation.

integrated hinges 38 Hinge developments have accrued over the last two decades and the modern hinge now encompasses effortless silence in it movement and action.

H&S 82 Kathy Compliance in a new column deals with issues of health, safety and compliance. Due Process 84 Geoff Hardy answers the question. If your customer goes bust, can they claw back the money they paid you? A view from both sides 82 Tony DeLorenzo looks at managing client frustrations and supporting those we elect to our organisations.

edge what edge 52 Whether it’s gone or not is still under debate but new technology certainly means it can be hard to pick edge joins with the naked eye. We look at changes in edging machinery, tape and technique.


then and now 70

News & Info 4 - 15

Mark Bruce of Beaver Kitchens in Whakatane discusses the increasing influences of kitchen designers in our industry and their importance in its development.

BCITO news - 93 Trade Directories - 88 Product Focus - 94 Classifieds - 96

welcome new columnist Kathy Compliance p. 82 JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 3

from the presidents desk

first up My first post … so many things to say in a short space in such an interesting time. Firstly, congratulations to all our National Master Joiner Award winners from our fantastic conference in Wellington which is highlighted in this issue. We all need to recognise their excellence in craftsmanship and design so well done. Next year the wonderland of Queenstown so book it into your calendar now. Gazing into the crystal ball I’m foreseeing interesting times ahead both nationally and around the world. We wait with anticipation as global economies deal with markets slumping, share markets swirling and dairy payouts plummeting. From these interesting times now is the time to ensure your terms and conditions and contracts are up to date and procedures followed particularly with the Building Amendment Act coming into force as of January 1st 2015. The old handshake and she’ll be right is now one to log into history. JMFNZ Ltd continue to forge ahead with the NZS:4211 suite with CAD drawings and E2:AS1 installation instructions available for architects and specifiers to paste into their plans, so please refer them all to register on the JMFNZ website. There are plenty of other projects that the team are working on to enhance the suite. 20 years of JOINERS Magazine! Huge evolution of our industry in this time and Bob is going to recount some of the many changes in this issue. Lastly, remember to check out the new and improved Master Joiners website with new features and a fresher look. Well done Corinne and her team on getting this completed.

Woolf Photography

Contribution recognised


n recognition of his enormous contribution to the joinery industry, and the untiring work he has done on behalf of the Master Joiners Association over the years, Ken Monk was recently bestowed an Honorary Life Membership of Master Joiners. Ken was born and raised in Hamilton and completed his apprenticeship at City Joinery. In 1981 he entered a partnership purchasing Pinecraft Industries and renaming it Waikato Woodware. The partnership continued until 1987 when Ken wholly acquired the business. In 1991 a new joinery factory was built and Waikato Woodware began trading as Montage Kitchens & Joinery which continues today. Ken has a long history of involvement with the joinery industry both at a regional and national level and is a valuable member of many committees. His involvement started with the national executive in 1997 when he was elected President of the Waikato/Bay of Plenty region. Then in 2003 and 2004 he took on the role of President of the NZJMF. Over this period he was instrumental in the updating of the Federation’s logo and the eventual name change to Master Joiners. He also helped produce the Health & Safety Guide and assisted with the creation of promotional material including the Timber and Kitchen books. He was on the JITO board for a number of years as an industry representative and was serving as JITO board chairman at the time of the merger with BCITO. He is a valued member of the Master Joiners advisory board and has been a huge driving force behind the development of the NZS:4211 compliant timber joinery project. His countless hours of time, knowledge and selfless dedication put into this project have been outstanding. Ken voluntarily spent many days heading JMF NZ seminars around the country, to create awareness of the NZS:4211 standards. He is currently a director of JMF New Zealand Limited and is determined to see this programme succeed. Ken and wife Rowena have been married since 1986, they have three children and one grandchild. Ken enjoys fishing and travel. 

Here’s to looking forward to a beaut summer as inklings of spring start to eek into these wintry days. Cheers Liam Wackrow National President Registered Master Joiners



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JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 4









The magazine for the joinery, cabinetmaking & kitchen manufacturing industries Official Publication of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation

EDITOR Michael Goddard email:

PUBLISHER Bob Nordgren email:


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DISTRIBUTION SUBSCRIPTIONS Ph 64-9-624 4680 Fax 64-9-624 4681

M 42 Aldersgate Rd, PO Box 27 - 513, Mt. Roskill, Auckland, 1440, New Zealand. Ph: 64-9-624 4680 Fax: 64-9-624 4681 email:


JOINERS Magazine is the official publication of the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation. It is distributed to members of the joinery, cabinetmaking and kitchen manufacturing industries and is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Advertising statements or editorial opinion are not necessarily those of the publisher, its staff, the New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation Inc., or their executives, unless expressly stated. All articles printed in JOINERS Magazine are subject to copyright and cannot be reproduced without the express consent of the Publisher or the authors therein. Advertisements and articles are accepted without liability as to the accuracy or otherwise of the factual matters represented.






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JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 5

two decades of development 1995-2015


his issue sees the completion of 20 years since it was first published in 1995. I guess had I been asked if it would still be round in 2015 I would probably have said no, yet here we are. It has been a case of an ever evolving admiration for those involved in the industries we cover be they the trades or those who supply the trades. They all play their part in making a significant contribution to the New Zealand economic landscape, no more so than the organisation the magazine represents, the Master Joiners. So on this anniversary I thought I might make some personal observations about what I believe have been significant changes or otherwise, over the last 20 years. Central to the activity of our core audience of joiners, cabinetmakers, furniture makers and kitchens manufacturers has been the evolution of machinery technology. By the time we first published in late 1995 the quantum change brought about by the electronic age had already been underway for nearly a decade. Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) machinery had arrived. The influence this has had on what is manufactured and the way it is manufactured in the last 20 years has been quite staggering. This applies not only to the industries we deal with but a huge range of other industries using all sorts of material not just solid wood and panel. The continual refinement of this technology has meant faster production of higher quality product. Here in New Zealand this has been complemented with the adoption of so called nested based manufacturing. In a nutshell CNC has changed the face of manufacturing in the wood and


panel industries making it more competitive in a competitive world that has faced many challenges over the last two decades through boom and recession. Today it is new processes as much as new products that are at the heart of ongoing change. Combined with this has been the development of computer software without which of course, there would be no CNC. The last 20 years has seen a proliferation of software for an ever widening use in design, optimisation and management processes. There is no doubt it has been an integral part in revolutionising the manufacturing process of wood and particularly panel the myriad uses of which have grown dramatically in the last two decades. The last 20 years has also seen marked changes in another major market sector we deal with that supplies the trades: architectural hardware. In this highly competitive field there has been significant development of several products including the hinge with a piston and soft close drawer and motorised systems that have literally changed the look and feel of the modern kitchen and bathroom. Kitchen and bathroom ‘furniture’ has become more the norm. Underpinning all this has been the rise of the ‘science’ of kitchen design and layout making utility in both the inexpensive and expensive kitchen far more

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 6

effective. It has seen the role of the designer, the supplier and the manufacturer become far more integrated whether be it in a residential or commercial situation. The magazine has been the official medium for the Master Joiners from the start. Back in 1995 the organisation had a very traditional feel and outlook to it. Since then there has been a boom and a bust. With the turbulence that brought on there was change: the experiment of combined conferences with the NKBA in the mid noughties ran in tandem with what I would call the modernisation of the body that included changing its public name from the NZ Joinery Manufacturers Federation to the more catchy Master Joiners. The most significant development I believe, perhaps since the body’s inception back in 1949 in fact, has been the development and implementation of the S4211 Standard over the last decade. This process alone has transformed the Master Joiners, doubling its membership and no doubt will lead to providing long term financial security for the organisation with an even bigger role to play. With the recent upswing as well in popularity of timber use in construction, no doubt in part due to the leaky home issue, the Master Joiners have a good future to look forward to. Timber joinery is a relatively small but highly skilled market

sector and with the Kiwi love of wood it will continue to be a sought after product. Last but not least is the magazine itself. Since we set up shop back in 1995 there has been a quantum change in the way it has been produced. From paste up boards and film we have moved to everything being done on computer. The rapid development of desktop publishing has meant we deal increasingly with most companies direct for material. There has been many a client for whom we have created advertising indeed, introduced them to print advertising. The timeframe from production to release of the magazine has reduced from some three weeks to just eight or so days. The most telling factor in our longevity I believe has been the fact that the same two people have been running the magazine since the start. My editor Michael has shaped and moulded this magazine over the years to make it what it is today: a well read trade publication liked by readers and advertisers alike. We have both come to greatly respect the tradespeople, as well as the many suppliers, we have met on our journey through to today. There is no doubt more I could comment on but space is tight so I’ll end with a heartfelt thank you to all our readers and to all those who have advertised with us over the years: we could not have done it without you. We also trust that we have played our small part in promoting both the Master Joiners and the industry they represent. Bob Nordgren

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 7

3D Kitchen expanding horizons ...

3D Kitchen would like to introduce another new member of our global sales team. Blaze Petrevski commenced with us July 2015. Blaze is based in Macedonia and is also servicing several surrounding countries including Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, Greece, Crete, Turkey and Cyprus. Blaze has been living in Australia for the past 18 years or so, but has now decided to move back to his homeland and represent the 3D Kitchen range of software products in the wider EuroAsia region. Blaze has considerable experience in the joinery and cabinet making software area having worked in the industry since1997, covering all aspects from design to manufacturing and project management. In recent years in Australia he has been invloved with software promotion and support and so is perfectly skilled to fill his new role with 3D Kitchen.

3D Kitchen would like to introduce the newest member of our Australian sales and support team. Clutha Adams commenced with us in July 2015. He is resident in Melbourne and will be servicing the state of Victoria. Clutha has high level computing and networking skills as well as advanced knowledge of the CNC Nesting operation and function that 3D Kitchen provides. If your business is in Victoria and you are looking for 3D Kitchen design and/or production software, then give Clutha a call and he will arrange a personal demonstration for you. You can contact him by email, or mobile 041 449 5129. 

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 8

huge turnout at

buildnz | designex Organisers of NZ’s largest trade exhibition for the building, construction and design industries reported record crowds of more than 5,000 builders, architects, designers, planners, developers and related trades across the 3 days of exhibition. The June event held in Auckland attracted more than 300 exhibiting companies assisted in part by the decision to co-locate the National Safety Show alongside buildnz | designex.The organiser says exhibitors put in a great deal of effort building 2 story houses and prefabricated structures onsite at the expo not to mention hosting live demonstrations of tooling, and new product releases. “We hosted 3 full days of free seminars for the industry with speakers ranging from Auckland Council’s Design Office, MBIE and Worksafe New Zealand, right through to a keynote session held with international award winning architect Ian Moore” says Brent Spillane MD of XPO Exhibitions organisers of the show.

Event organisers XPO were delighted to announce Marshall Hutt of Cherrywood Homes, Kopu, walked away with a brand new Ford Ranger XLT 4 x 4 double cab ute courtesy of Ford Motors of New Zealand and XPO. The organisers are now ramping up for Canterbury buildnz | designex 2016 (Winner of Best New Trade Show in Australasia in 2014). Last event sold out exhibitor spaces very quickly so we’d encourage those interested to get in early!

“We’ve been inundated with feedback that the show had a lot more building and construction innovations than prior shows – a mix of kiwi made and/or internationally sourced. The NZ German Business Association hosted an entire aisle of German made build technology and solutions. The show is hitting all the buttons in terms of trade attendance,” says Spillane. The Registered Master Builders hosted large numbers of builders on their stand, sharing their ‘business tool belt’ helping builders to navigate choppy waters with rising materials and labour costs. The strong numbers were really pleasing with many noting the seminars, workshops and product education were important for CPD points for the LBP skill maintenance program.

Buildnz / Designex this year was held for the first time in association with the National Safety Show. This was the largest show of its kind for workplace safety in New Zealand with a range of new products, services and innovations for the safety industry - an important adjunct to those in the construction sector.

Making more out of wood

The one that works for everybody! HOMAG team‘s up for processing cells

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Highlights include: š Gantry style š Dual drive for highest precision over the total working width š 2 synchronised digital servo-drives in X-direction š Extremely high acceleration 96 m/min vector speed š The whole working field is reachable with all processing tools HOMAG New Zealand Ltd Your sales contact in NZ is: Alexis Pantelides | Phone: +64 21 247 4443

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 9

Murray Reekie

Access Group are expanding to the mainland

Titus merges operations with Stefano Orlati in NZ

New National Sales Manager at Laminex NZ

Wellsford based Access Group, distributors of a wide range of kitchen hardware, drawer and door systems and LED lighting, recently announced the opening of their new Christchurch warehouse and distribution site at 121 Wrights Road, Addington.

Stefano Orlati has joined with the Titus Group of companies to be able to deliver to our combined customer base in New Zealand an extended product range to the cabinetmaking, furniture manufacturing and distribution industries.

“We’re always looking for ways to enhance our range, our service and our commitment to customers,” reports Lyndon Boakes, Managing Director. “Our primary operational base and office remain in Wellsford but having a second distribution point in Christchurch will mean we can further improve our service and delivery to customers in the South Island where we expect delivery timeframes to improve from 2-3 days to overnight.”

Over 15 years Stefano Orlati has established an unsurpassed presence as a specialist in designer cabinet handles, lighting and general hardware through its distribution network in New Zealand. The Titus merger allows Stefano Orlati to continue to service the customer base from its existing operations and will now be able to bring to the market more product innovation from the Titus Group.

Laminex New Zealand is delighted to announce the appointment of Richard Barnes as National Sales Manager based in Auckland. Richard comes with a high level of experience across sales management and operations positions in the wider Fletcher Building network including Golden Bay Cement and Firth.

The new warehouse and distribution site will be managed by Murray Reekie, Christchurch Logistics Manager. Murray will be well known to many in the kitchen and joinery industry having spent the last six years with Stewart Scott Cabinetry as their South Island operations manager. Prior to that Murray was at Marbello International. He brings a wealth of knowledge with 30 years’ experience in the industry

The great inspiration and service from Stefano Orlati, along with the locations and staffing, will remain unchanged in the New Zealand market under the same well-known brand.

What does this mean for South Island customers? Simply place your orders as you currently do: by email sales@accessgroup., by phone 0800 852 258 or place your order online at and in most cases their amazing team will get your order to you by the next day.

“With the industry’s leading brands including Formica, Laminex, Melteca and Caesarstone it’s wonderful to be part of a customer focussed organisation where we place quality and technical support at the forefront.” 

Alongside the Stefano Orlati brand mark, you will notice the Titus logo. This signifies that you’re receiving globally manufactured and sourced, European quality, modern, wellengineered and fit for purpose fittings backed by existing distribution networks and local market knowledge. For more information contact your Stefano Orlati or Titus representative.

SCM Group aquires CMS S.p.A. SCM Group recently announced its acquisition of 49% of CMS S.p.A., gaining full control of the equity. The operation is part of the Group's strategic plan which envisages growth in both the woodworking machinery and in the advanced materials (composites, plastic, marble and glass) which has good development prospects. SCM Group and CMS Industries products available exclusively in New Zealand from Machines R Us -

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 10

Richard’s initial focus will be to establish connections with key accounts, whilst travelling the regions and meeting the wider Laminex NZ Sales team and the important regional customer network.

NZ Wood Resene Timber Design Awards NZ Wood are delighted to announce the finalists for the Resene Timber Design Awards 2015 now available for viewing at www. These prestigious awards are celebrating 40 years of recognising excellence of timber buildings. Record entries were received spanning eight categories. NZ Wood will be introducing the finalists at a Gala Presentation event on the 15th of September at the Rendezvous Hotel Auckland. Presenting at this event will be Keynote Speaker James Fitzpatrick, a renowned Australian Award winning architect and Australian Timber Design Award Judge. The winners will be published in the December issue of JOINERS Magazine. For further information or tickets to attend this event contact: Debbie Fergie: debbie@

MELTECA® Purecoat® New Zealand made Melteca® Purecoat® surfaces utilise cutting-edge coating technologies to deliver a striking, high gloss, contemporary look. Suitable for residential and commercial spaces, Melteca Purecoat provides outstanding durability, being ideal for vertical applications such as drawers, cabinet doors, wall linings, and large feature panels. Melteca Purecoat comes with the reassurance of a 7 year limited warranty. Create a space that reflects your inspiration with Melteca Purecoat. Stain resistant

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7 year warranty

For a colour brochure please call 0800 99 99 39, for more information please call 0800 303 606 or visit JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 11

Strategic gains in new alliance Mirotone NZ Limited is excited to announce, together with Mirotone Pty (Australia), that they have recently formed a strategic alliance with one of Europe’s biggest coating manufacturers - ICA SpA of Italy. ICA SpA was founded in 1971 by Claudio Panicciain Citivanova Marche (Macerata) and the Paniccia family remain a very active part of the business today, thereby ensuring continuity in the management and development of a diverse range of coatings with a specific and constant focus on quality and innovation. The involvement of the Paniccia family fits very nicely with Mirotone which is itself still managed by the original founding family.

Robin Caudwell

With 3 manufacturing plants in Italy, 2 in Cititanova Marche and 1 in Romano D’Ezzelino, covering a total of 47,000m2 and extending across a total site area of more than 130,000m2 ICA SpA Group has grown into a large scale industrial corporation with business interests around the world. They are well positioned to take on the rapidly evolving coatings market which demands solutions that are innovative, of the highest quality and eco-friendly. ICA’s corporate culture is based on a commitment to achieving maximum quality through innovation and the synergies with the Mirotone Group are a perfect union. In the early 1980’s ICA commenced development of coatings with low environmental impact and in 1983 the company launched its first water-based coatings, intended as an effective alternative to solvent-based coatings in the furniture industry. Since then ICA has focused on water based technology and now over 75% of their product range is water based. The range now includes clear and pigmented coatings for furniture and fittings, musical instruments, marine interiors, flooring, outdoor furniture, decks, shutters, joinery and glass.

Davinia Sutton and Sam Lawrence

NKBA award winners The 2015 NKBA national design awards were announced at the NKBA/Fisher & Paykel Awards Dinner held at the Napier War Memorial Conference Centre in early August. The series of presentations included kitchen and bathroom awards for best use of small spaces, traditional/classic designs and creative excellence. All entries were eligible for the two supreme awards – NKBA Bathroom Design of the Year won by Davinia Sutton and Sam Lawrence of Detail by Davinia Sutton in Christchurch, and the NKBA Kitchen Design of the Year won by Robin Caudwell of Designer Cabinets in Waikato. For all the winners go to

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 12

Mirotone’s development of water based technology has so far focused on clear coatings for furniture and flooring. In the late 2000’s Mirotone NZ developed MIROTEC WB 8022 and MIROTEC WB 8060 which has been specified in a number of high profile projects and developments in both New Zealand and Australia most notably the fitout of the High Court in Wellington and the refurbishment of Government House. The alliance with ICA is very exciting as it will allow Mirotone to fast track new and innovative water based coating technology into the NZ furniture industry including clears, pigmented and specialty coatings. One of the first coatings to be launched is Softtouch a clear 2k water based finish coat that has a truly unique soft silky feel. For further information on Softtouch or any of Mirotone’s range of coating solutions contact your Mirotone Sales Representative or email





SOFTTOUCH TRANSPARENT 2k WATER BASED TOP COAT Transparent 2k water-based ma (5%) top coat with unique surface feel

CHARACTERISTICS & ADVANTAGES • High level of smoothness to the touch • Excellent evenness of ma effect • Excellent scratch resistance

• An -glare surface • Excellent resistance to yellowing • Good chemical resistance

TECHNICAL INFORMATION COATING CYCLE – SPRAY APPLICATION • FA42 transparent 2k water-based base coat • Sand with 280/320 grit abrasive paper • SOFTTOUCH transparent 2k water-based top coat


For a sample panel of SOFTTOUCH scan here or contact your Sales Representa ve.

Mirotone NZ Limited informa JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 13

The Owen Wright Memorial Trophy wasn’t the only trophy Gary Turner picked up on Awards night at Conference.

Laminex New Zealand


Owen Wright memorial trophy

Recognising excellence Firstly, on behalf of Laminex New Zealand and the wider industry I’d like to congratulate all the highly esteemed winners of both the Master Joiners Awards and also the National Kitchen and Bathroom Association (NKBA) Awards. Both programmes offer peer and industry recognition at the highest level as well as significant promotional opportunities with end users so its fantastic to see such high calibre and innovative award winners. With reference to awards – we have entered the Sustainable Business Network 2015 Awards with our entry showcasing the ingenious environmentally leading activities that are ingrained into the manufacturing of our particleboard and our plant in Taupo. With the use of wood waste (sawdust and shavings) to produce particleboard, the use of waste bark to create biomass fuels, treated domestic sewerage used for irrigation and industrial-sized worm farming – we pride ourselves on placing sustainability at the forefront of our day-to-day business practices. It’s critical to not “rest on your laurels” when facing industry changes, so we’ve recently introduced an excellent new product called Melteca® Purecoat® which extends the Melteca family of surfaces into a beautiful, high gloss painted panel offering. We are certainly seeing the trend for high gloss surfaces continue, and combined with the increasing requirement for hygienic surfaces, we have managed to formulate anti-microbial properties into Melteca Purecoat. This means that kitchen and bathroom cabinetry can now be designed with the latest technology to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. The Melteca brand will continue to expand with exciting and market leading introductions to be launched in the very near future which I’m very excited about. With the traditional busy season approaching its important to know who you can rely upon to maximise the market opportunities at hand. We carefully plan our supply requirements at this time of year based on plant closures and capacity constraints, and I’m sure that this is at the forefront of your planning also.

This year’s recipient of the Owen Wright Memorial Trophy for 2015 has a long history of involvement with the joinery industry. Having started as an apprentice at age 16, Gary Turner has only had 2 employers during a 42 year career to date. His involvement includes not only roles for Master Joiners, but also industry wide constant dedication to training apprentices. Gary was on the Joinery ITO board for 7 years from 2007 until the merge with BCITO in 2014. During this time they made significant strategic contributions, through a tough recession and government pressure, which lead to the successful merge with BCITO. As a member of the allied trades governance group he has been involved in the development of the latest joinery qualifications, and continues to represent the industry on the national joinery advisory group. His commitment to the industry includes an extremely active Master Joiners membership, serving on the executive as local president for Otago/Southland a countless number of times and as the national president from 1997 – 1998. Gary Turners firm Stevenson & Williams were this years winner of the Supreme Award at the annual Master Joiners Awards. Owen Wright was tragically killed in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. This award is presented annually to a person who has made a significant contribution to the New Zealand joinery industry. 

ForestWood 2016 The ForestWood Conference jointly hosted by Forest Owners Association (FOA), Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association (WPMA), Forest Industry Contractors Association (FICA) and supported by NZ Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) is to be held at Skycity in Auckland on the 16th of March next year. Held every two years, the theme for 2016 is Your Toolbox for Industry Resilience – Viability, Traceability, Adaptability, Credibility. This theme and its four strands look at elements key to building a successful and resilient business in the forestry and wood products industries.

After some snappy wintery days, let’s look forward to Spring and a busy productive end to the year.

The conference will feature presentations from the industry and invited guests including:

Regards Richard Pollington General Manager Laminex New Zealand

• • • •

Kim Carstensen, Director General, FSC International Ben Gunneberg, CEO, PEFC International Doug McKalip, Senior Advisor, US Department of Agriculture Russ Taylor, President, International WOOD MARKETS Group

For more go to

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 14

Bostik - smart adhesives W

hen it comes to adhesives, one of the largest in the world is Bostik. The Bostik group formulates, manufactures and markets sealants and adhesives to three key sectors: industry, construction and the consumer. When you look at the stats they are impressive. Bostik worldwide has a presence in fifty countries and a turnover of more than a billion Euros. There are about 4700 employees with fifty manufacturing sites, two R&D centres and ten applied research centres. Here in New Zealand Bostik has been a well known supplier of adhesive and sealant products for many years. Interestingly, about 75% of Bostik product used in New Zealand is locally made. The company operates two research centres, one in Auckland and the other in Wellington to keep up with market demands and trends in what is a highly competitive industry. Innovation is both a culture and a priority for Bostik. The company looks to ongoing cooperation with its clientele and suppliers

to develop adapted bonding solutions which anticipate their needs. This is achieved through a three way strategic approach: develop smart, functional adhesive systems, sustainable bonding solutions which contribute to reducing environmental impacts and efficient bonding solutions which increase productivity while reducing energy and material consumption. Innovation is a driving force for Bostik. Bostik have a solid range of adhesives and sealants used by the woodworking industry be it in general woodworking, laminated timber, wood panel laminates or furniture. It is particularly strong in product used in assembly and joinery and cabinetmaking. Everything from grab adhesives and wood glues to repair product such as contact adhesives, epoxy and MS along with sealants and waterproofing product. To learn more simply go to their website at

bInside Auckland Mid July saw the Biesse series of city expos reach Auckland. Over two days the company invited clients and potential clients to their South Auckland showroom to view the latest that Biesse has to offer. Personnel from both Italy and Australia were in town for the show. Michelle Thomas Marketing and Communications Manager for Australasia said the expo was part of an international strategy which was seeing Biesse connecting with its market world wide. “It provides a good format for us to show our machines in operation, while at the same time getting to know and understand our clients better.” 

PROUDLY KIWI SINCE 1959 AFTER NEARLY 60 YEARS, BOSTIK IS STILL A LEADING MANUFACTURER OF ADHESIVES IN NEW ZEALAND. More than 70% of our products are made right here in NZ. This includes iconic adhesives in the joinery industry such as 1456, Linkbond III and Triple 5. Made strictly to NZ standards and formulated for local conditions, Bostik can customise products to meet your specific requirements. Bostik is pleased to congratulate Joiners Magazine, another iconic partner in the joinery industry, on reaching their 20 year milestone.

Ph. 0508 222 272

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 15

2015 Conference

a fun event in Wellington T

his was a particularly good conference in my view. The venue was great, the speakers excellent and the awards all went to very worthy winners. It was a fun, plenty to do event. It was especially good to see Ken Monk’s efforts firmly recognised with his induction as a life member of the NZJMF and Gary Turner being awarded (among many other awards) the Owen Wright Memorial Trophy for his contribution to the industry in the past year. The conference was held in Mac’s Function Centre with the trade stands on level two and the main awards venue on level one. As in the past the conference preliminaries took place on the Thursday with the NZJMF Executive meeting followed by the opportunity in the

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 16

afternoon to either go on the BRANZ tour or visit the Te Papa Museum followed by the meet and greet event on the Thursday night. An impressive show of support came from the many businesses who had trade stands at the conference. It was most pleasing to see this support for such an established, successful organisation. The conference proper kicked off on the Friday and was notable I thought for two sessions: the first was that sponsored by Timspec with Dave Snowling from Accsys Technologies in the UK talking about the wood joinery renaissance over there. The development of the Accoya brand for solid wood and the even newer Tricoya for wood panel products was

Life member Bill Foote with new Master Joiners president Liam Wackrow.

Woolf Photography

most enlightening. The second was the fun session from guest speaker, non PC boy Nigel Latta. This Oamaru born and raised celebrity had interesting observations for both those in the big and little towns. The Luxe session by Ross Sheppard from first time stand holder PSP showed the audience some new levels in high gloss joinery solutions while it was good to welcome fellow new stand holder Enko Group with their 2015/16 range of competitive kitchen products. A real highlight of the conference was the trip to the world famous Weta Workshops in Miramar on the Friday afternoon. There was nothing simple about this enterprise. My enduring impression was of a complex

business involving very talented people from all over the world. The make up session at the Roxy Theatre was extra special. Saturday morning was notable for the session with guest speaker Davey Hughes, The SWAZI Man. He’s brash, he’s funny as well as serious. He is also a very successful businessman: a good session. For me the ride up the Cable Car to the Carter Observatory was a real fun event. The 45 minute show in the digital full dome planetarium was memorable to say the least. Wow! Saturday night was Awards night in the Waterfront Room at Mac’s Function Centre. A great time was had by all. Apart from the Owen Wright Memorial Trophy, Gary Turner

(Stevenson & Williams) also took out the Supreme Award with a fabulous wooden staircase. It also won the Best Speciality, Stair, Bar/Counter, Fitment and Best Use of Imported Timber Awards. More on this and all the other winners in the next few pages. Congrats to the new Master Joiners President Liam Wackrow from Wackrow’s Joinery in Cambridge and as always a warm congratulations to the organisers Attend Ltd. Good job as usual Angie and Karen. Next year it’s off to Queenstown, wow again! Bob Nordgren

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 17


Supreme Award Winding Staircase Stevenson & Williams Dunedin Winner of: Hettich Otago Regional Award Halswell Timber Best Use of Imported Timber Timspec Best Specialty Stair, Counter, Fitment Carters Supreme Award for 2015

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 18

The opportunities to make winding staircases are fading. Making a staircase for a tapered tower and tight space would have been a huge challenge. Judges’ Comment

Category winners

Best Kitchen

Best Door or Window

Best Design

Best Use of Colour

Best 15-30K

Best Use of Creative Lighting

sponsors and winners clockwise from top left Best Kitchen - Arborline Doors, Hagley Kitchens, Christchurch; Best Door or Window - Herman Pacific, McNaughton Windows and Doors, Auckland; Best Use of Colour - Resene, Barrett Joinery, Timaru; Best Use of Creative Lighting - Hafele, Bays Joinery, Blenheim; Best Kitchen Under $15,000 - Laminex New Zealand, Burley Kitchens & Cabinetry, Napier; Best Kitchen $15,000 - $30,000 - Blum, Ryans Kitchens, Christchuch; Best Kitchen Design - Prime Panels, Hagley Kitchens, Christchurch; Best Presented Entry Board (not shown) - ITM, Prestige Joinery, Masterton.

Best Under 15k JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 19

Supreme Award Master Joiners Awards 2015

The opportunities to make winding staircases are fading. Making a staircase for a tapered tower and tight space would have been a huge challenge. Judges’ Comments

Supreme joinery T

his year’s Master Joiners Supreme Award winner, a two storey wooden staircase from Dunedin’s Stevenson & Williams Ltd is an outstanding example of traditional joinery defined by the technical challenges of construction and assembly onsite. Built for a client in West Taieri just south of Dunedin, this elaborate staircase had twenty four individually sized treads and risers fitted within a clock tower climbing two storeys. The staircase has a common newel post line as it goes up the two flights. The outside stringers are not plumb and taper in as the staircase ascends. “The brief was to keep the traditional look and appeal of a clock tower from the outside. The architect, Craig McAuliffe from McAuliffe Stevens Architects, did a great job achieving this by tapering three of the four walls on the ascent (see diagram).” says Gary Turner, Director and Joinery Manager for Stevenson & Williams Ltd.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 20

So what makes this staircase such a challenging project? “The measuring let alone the manufacture of the stairs. There was really so little to measure from and each piece was unique and accordingly was a real team effort to produce to specification.” comments Mr Turner. The stairs were constructed at their 600 square metre factory using full size templates of the proposed staircase in the workshop which enabled them to recreate the staircase allowing for each tread/riser to be measured and made. The complete job was then disassembled and reassembled once more onsite. The timber used was Salu Salu with a clear finish. Salu Salu is a Fijian timber from local supplier Halswell Timber and was chosen for its fine texture, stability, consistency of colour and as it is a lower density timber (440 kg/m3), ease of work. 

Stevenson & Williams has a substantial pedigree having been on their current site in Dunedin since 1947 and have been an NZJMF member since 1993. Gary Turner as Joinery Manager is one of four current owners who are also all active in the business. The firm is known for it’s work as commercial and residential builders as well as joinery manufacturers. Currently they have nine joinery staff who are part of a tightly knit team manufacturing kitchens, furniture and timber joinery. “A significant part of our success lies not only with an experienced team but also our long term relationships with both our suppliers and clients which has led to a high rate of repeat business.” comment Mr Turner.

For more information contact Gary Turner, Ph 03 455 4034, email: gary@,

SCM Pratix Z5 the very best multipurpose machine available

Contact your Machines 'R' Us rep to find out more.

Available in 3, 4 or 5 axis configuration the Pratix Z5 offers maximum versatility • • • • • • • • •

3100 mm or 5200 mm table length with two working fields Multi function aluminium table with vacuum hold down and tee slot for mechanical clamping Suitable for both nesting applications and solid wood with pods and clamps available Prisma 5 electro spindle with a variety of power and torque options C axis on 4 axis model for aggregates Two outlet horizontal electro spindle Large tool change capacity with both 10 x rack and 8 x rapid carousel Variety of drill head options with inverter drive Both bumper and photo eye protection allows operator to fully exploit machines potential

Wood l Glass l Plastic l Stone l Composite - we’ve got what it takes l 09 820 9486 l 03 343 6737 JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 21

apprentice awards

Best Timber Project 4,001 to 8,000 hours Sam Palmer - Te Aro Joinery, Wellington.

Best Fitment 0 to 4,000 hours Forrest Rogers - Bastian Wellington, Lower Hutt

Best Fitment 4,001 to 8,000 hours James Coutts - Hughes Joinery, Palmerston North.

People’s Choice - 4001-8000 - Michael Good

Best Timber Project 0 to 4,000 hours Ashley Hollamby - Lee Brothers Joinery, Rotorua.

Other category winners Best Presented Entry Board

............................................ Ashley Hollamby - Lee Brothers Joinery, Rotorua.

Highest Judged for Workmanship and Skill People's Choice 0 to 4,000 hours



People's Choice 4,001 to 8,000 hours Gordon Caulfield Memorial Trophy*

Sam Palmer - Te Aro Joinery, Wellington. Ashley Hollamby - Lee Brothers Joinery, Rotorua.


Michael Good - Peter Howley Joinery, Invercargill.


Cliff Hughes - Hughes Joinery, Palmerston North.

* To the employer of the apprentice with the highest points in the 4,001 - 8,000 hours category, who is a member of Master Joiners.

SPONSORS The Master Joiners Apprentice Awards were sponsored by Makita; JOINERS Magazine; Nelson Pine; Master Joiners; BCITO and ITM

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 22

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 23

Excellent extraction If you’ve spent good money on a good machine then you need good extraction. Putting inadequate extraction on a machine that is capable of producing a high quality product is a waste of money. AIRTIGHT SOLUTIONS range of extraction systems have been PROVEN in MORE installations than ANY OTHER BRAND.

AIRTIGHT modular extraction systems have proven to be:    

Very reliable - continuous performance with low down time Very low energy users - meaning you save power all year round Very low maintenance - saving cost off your bottom line Very good investments - do it once, do it right. Do it airtight.

The AIRTIGHT range of extraction systems are completely modular. This means they can grow as your business grows. No more having to buy an extraction system based on where your business might be in 5 years. By choosing AIRTIGHT SOLUTIONS, you can expand as you grow, from single to multiple filters to suit your need.

1 HJ single module

2 HJ double module

12 HJ multiple module

Call AIRTIGHT SOLUTIONS today to discuss your dust extraction needs. We have an AIRTIGHT Solution for you.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 24

sinks, surfaces, style benchtops, sink inserts, taps - suppliers choice

Blanco Silgranit™ The unique, composite coloured sink material, SILGRANIT™ PuraDur™ II, truly has no equal. With patents protecting its innovative qualities, it is unmatched in the marketplace; mirroring the look of natural stone in an affordable, easy-care solution. Available in Anthracite, Alu-Metallic and White finishes, the colours compliment any kitchen ambience. The outstanding material properties together with the advanced surface technology of SILGRANIT™ PuraDur™ II provides a coloured sink which is exceptionally easy to care for. SILGRANIT™ PuraDur™ II passes not only the test of daily wear and tear, but also the strict quality controls of the LGA Nuremberg, an independent, internationally recognised institute. Unlike other brands on the market - with SILGRANIT™ PuraDur™ II it is completely safe to use the cleaning product of your choice, including abrasives. Blanco Silgranit™ PuraDur™ II Material Properties: • • • • • •

Heat resistant to 280°C Scratch resistant Stain resistant Easy to clean 100% food safe Non-fading

Access the catalogue online today at

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 25

Hand crafted AQUIS sinks fully functional food preparation centres N

ew from Burns & Ferrall is the AQUIS range of beautifully hand crafted sinks. All double bowls feature a 3mm knife edge bridge which eliminates splashing and maximises the bowl capacity. The Aquis Integrato is designed to disappear into your bench with a range of accessories that sit flush with the bowl. Included accessories such as the colander and drainer basket may be stored in the bowl under the glass cover which is also included. The bamboo chopping board, draining tray and concertina all work to allow the Integrato to become a fully functional food preparation centre. The Aquis Cube has been carefully designed with perfect square vertical corners and a 6mm radius around the bottom. This gives the square look while also allowing the sink to be kept clean, particularly when used in conjunction with a pull out tap. The dimension front to back is 420mm which allows Miele steam oven trays to sit over the bowl. All main bowls are 450mm wide minimum to allow oven trays to sit flat on the bottom of the sink. The Aquis Stratus boasts the same bowl design in two configurations with a drainer. Like the Aquis Cube and Stratus, the Cayman dimension front to back is 420mm which allows Miele steam oven trays to sit over the bowl and oven trays to sit flat on the bottom.The corner radius of the Aquis Cayman at 10mm is the latest trend in sink design. 

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 26

The new Integrato range of sinks from Burns & Ferrall are designed to become part of the bench, creating a continuous plane from bench to sink to accessories. Each model comes complete with the glass sink cover/chopping board, stainless steel colander and stainless steel dish rack. The colander and dish rack sit upon a ledge just below the flange allowing them to be neatly stored beneath the glass cover. The glass cover along with the bamboo chopping board and stainless steel draining tray sit flush with the flange. The engineering excellence of this range goes to the next level in the double bowls which boast a 3mm knife edge bridge. This feature minimises splashing from water hitting the bridge and also enables maximum sink volume within the cabinet beneath the sink.

Now available from Burns & Ferrall. ph: 0800 697 465 or email:

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 27


Rebate Undermount


mounting insights A range of sink mounting options are available to your end client, each with benefits worth considering before final selection. The choice of mounting will not only have a visual impact but also influence cost and practicality. Undermounting the sink is currently the most common option with stone bench tops. The sink flange sits underneath the bottom edge of the stone (a drop of 2030mm depending on the thickness of the material). The stone usually overhangs the sink by 1-2mm to ensure any imperfections or flares of the sink are covered. Care: let your stone fabricator know if the end client would like to use any sink accessories (such as portable drainer trays) as the cut out may need to be flush or even some of the stainless steel flange exposed to allow enough clearance. Undermounting is popular, not only because it looks great but also because it makes it a lot easier and cleaner to wipe food scraps or surface water directly into the sink without hindrance. It helps to create a seamless elegant look as less of the sink is visible. The tap hole can be drilled at the back of the bench top to accommodate the tap hardware. A variation is the Rebate Undermount where the sink flange sits underneath the top edge of the stone but is rebated in the underside of the stone to reduce the amount of seen edge in the sink cavity. Care: check with your stone fabricator to confirm this is possible with your stone choice Both Undermount and Rebate Undermount options are great because they allow minimum disruption to the natural beauty of your stone bench top. Alternatively a Topmounted sink may be the preferred choice, where the flange of the sink sits on top of the bench top surface. As there are no exposed stone

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 28

edges with a top mount sink, the sink protects the internal edge of the sink cavity, e.g. from heavy banging of large pots, and reduces the risk of chipping. This option is cost effective as the internal edge of the cut-out in the bench top doesn’t require any polishing. Variations include Flushmount where the flange is rebated flat into the top surface of the bench top or the Butler sink where the stone sits around the sides and back of the Butler sink. If the bench top is mitred then alternative bench top fabrication methods may be required to give the desired look. Your stone fabricator will be able to give guidance if required when kitchen plans are received. Some quick tips when positioning the sink in bench top plans: •

The minimum depth front rail in a stone top, ranges from 80–100mm depending on the type of stone, size of sink, and length of bench top. The minimum back rail is 120mm if allowing for a tap hole to be drilled into a stone bench top. If two separate sink cut outs are required an 80-100mm bridge of stone will be required between them. Ensure the front rail of the joinery is installed vertically to provide maximum support for the stone in front of sink.

Maintaining these simple guidelines helps to reduce the risk of creating any stress points in the stone and mitigates cracking, providing an enduring solution your client will enjoy for many years.

These new introductions provide complementary colours for both horizontal and vertical applications which are really important for commercial projects in particular.

Taking design to a new level

the Melteca 2015 range The Melteca range of decorative panels is taking design to a new level with the introduction of beautiful new surfaces in 2015. The Melteca brand carries a strong history of providing highly durable and stylish surfaces perfect for a wide array of commercial applications including workstations, joinery and retail fitouts. Following the launch of Melteca Purecoat designer painted panels and the unveiling of a stunning new website, this month nine new colours will be introduced into the Melteca quality laminated panels range.

Invigorating and refreshing the new Melteca additions feature bright colours, a grey-based linen and Baikal, a contemporary neutral. The addition of five on-trend timber patterns follow on from their successful introduction into the Formica and Laminex laminate ranges.

The texture and tactility of decorative surfaces is a growing interior design trend evidenced in European markets. This has translated into the need to expand the Melteca finish options – which now includes the beautiful, soft and subtle Satin finish available in over 50 colours.

“These new introductions provide complementary colours for both horizontal and vertical applications which are really important for commercial projects in particular. We’re really pleased to be able to introduce these unique woodgrains onto the Melteca range, allowing for consistency across countertops and cabinetry in interior spaces” says Laminex New Zealand Marketing Development Manager Rob Jackson.

Designed to endure the day-to-day challenges of interior environments, the Melteca range is backed by a seven year limited warranty to ensure outstanding interior looks are the envy of others year after year. For more information on the Melteca range visit

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 29

Wilsonart® Solid Surface flexible . dependable . versatile Wilsonart® is delighted to announce the release of its latest Designer Range of Solid Surface to New Zealand. Developed using the very latest manufacturing techniques, Wilsonart® Solid Surface provides incredible opportunities to express true freedom in design. This unique product offer delivers more benefits, options and flexibility than any other surface material. Unique colour, sheet size and a broad range of integrated sinks being just some of its key features. COLOUR Wilsonart® Solid Surface is easily and readily available in a broad range of designs and colours to suit your project. The composition of minerals, 100% acrylic resins and propriety colouring agents allows Wilsonart® to offer an array of Solid Surface colours that make a dramatic impression. An added benefit is the ability to coordinate or match some of these decors to Wilsonart ®’s high performance laminate materials, providing an opportunity to save on your project in areas where laminate can be used rather than solid surface. SIZE Wilsonart® Solid Surface is available in 6mm, 12mm and 19mm thickness in a variety of sheet sizes including 3660 x 760mm to 3660 x 930mm and 3660 x 1350m, providing savings in fabrication time for your project. Refer to Wilsonart®’s availability chart for further details. APPLICATION Wilsonart® Solid Surface is an ideal material for residential or commercial applications. Our products are seen in almost every environment – homes, schools, offices, hospitals, retail stores, hotels, airports, anywhere, in fact, that requires a decorative surface solution.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 30

Solid Surface

HEALTH Wilsonart ® Solid Surface is FDA and NSF approved for food preparation areas. Inconspicuous waterproof seams makes it easier to clean and keep free of mould and mildew. Wilsonart® Solid Surface has also received Greenguard® Indoor Air Quality and Greenguard® Children & Schools Certifications, ensuring that it will not contribute to harmful indoor air quality. Requiring no surface sealants or costly dayto-day maintenance, the material is low cost during its lifetime of use. And because it is renewable and repairable, slight scratches can be easily buffed away by the customer, or professionally addressed by a solid surface fabricator.

• Ultra hygienic for any demanding environment • Repairable and Renewable on site • Inconspicuous joins giving you a seamless look • Thermoformable properties, allowing you to create curves • Easy to care and maintain • Extensive range of sinks and bowls available

Exclusively distributed in New Zealand by Mercer Interiors.

For more information please contact customer service on 0800 2 637 237 or or see your local representative.

Wilsonart® Laminate design . performance . affordability Wilsonart® Laminates offer the best combination of design, performance and affordability available in decorative surfacing. AEON ™ Enhanced Performance Technology, exclusively available on Wilsonart® HD® and Wilsonart® Premium Laminates, creates a surface that is dramatically more durable than before – a surface that keeps its good looks longer. Design and Fabricate with Confidence AEON reduces scuffing in transit, on the job site, during installation and long afterward. Even glossy surfaces and darker colors stay looking better, longer. The Science Behind AEON High pressure decorative laminate comprises layers of resin-treated papers, processed under high heat and pressure to create a strong, flexible decorative surface. AEON revolutionizes the way we make laminate. Find out more about what makes AEON work. Outperforming the Standard Laminate with AEON outperforms traditional laminate on wear resistance, as well as scratch/scuff/mar resistance. In fact, we have to invent a new testing method to illustrate the improvement. Take a look at how we test AEON.

All Wilsonart® HD® High Definiton® Laminates have AEON™ Enhanced Performance Technology, making them: 5X MORE SCUFF & SCRATCH RESISTANT* 3X MORE WEAR RESISTANT** All Wilsonart® Premium Laminates have AEON™ Enhanced Performance Technology, making them: 3X MORE SCUFF & SCRATCH RESISTANT* 3X MORE WEAR RESISTANT** * Versus standard Wilsonart Laminate ** Versus the industry benchmark for wear resistance

MONOCHROM Polyrey REYSIPUR® MONOCHROM is a solid grade laminate with the core being the same colour as the surface. It is suitable for horizontal use on worktops and furniture as well as vertical surfaces (doors, wall panels, etc). Ideal for play with shapes (edge trimming) or thickness, this products allows creative freedom. FEATURES • Core coordinated with the decorative surface for a solid effect • Chemical resistant properties • Impact, scratch and moisture resistant • Antibacterial Sanitized grade surface (Silver iontreated technology)

For more information please contact customer service on 0800 2 637 237 or or see your local representative. JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 31

the truth about PSP LUXE ... PSP have been serving NZ businesses for over 30 years and take pride as a NZ owned company in offering quality products in an increasingly competitive market. More and more, with the complex requirements around compliance and suitability of use, we are very aware of our obligations within the industry to provide our customers with the necessary facts around all our products, so that you can make good decisions for your own business. We are pleased to confirm that our newest addition to the PSP product range - PSP Luxe has been trialed, tested and compared with others in the market and has come up trumps. The current market trends see gloss at the forefront. The hardness of the unique lacquer coating of PSP Luxe means that you can give your customer a better, longer lasting solution than you could before. But this doesn't make the processing of the Luxe board more difficult for you. After many product trials in New Zealand we are getting outstanding edge finishing results in both standard ABS with PUR adhesives, and the newer Laser processes. With a 10 year guarantee, superior scratch resistance, and an unmatchable range of exclusive decors you can offer your clients a stunning solution at a remarkably affordable price. We understand that when a new product comes to the market, you need to be cautious and ensure that what you are offering your customers is of the highest quality. Why not try it for yourself?

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 32

if you would like to trial this product in your own time please contact your local PSP Sales Manager If you have heard of this product and would like to trial it in your own time, or would like to book a presentation of the new colour range, please contact your local PSP Sales Manager. If you have any questions about the product itself, please talk to us. The opportunity to add PSP Luxe to your range is too good to miss. Give us a call and we will assist you. PSP are very excited to announce that the PSP Luxe range is now even bigger and better than before. Due to fantastic market response we have increased our colour range. You can now offer your clients a choice of 9 high gloss colours in stone, solid and pearl finishes, 4 supermatt decors, and 4 matt-metallics. Edgeband options include standard ABS or Laser Tech. With a choice of either single or double-sided panels, a unique extra large panel size of 1220mm x 2750mm. You don't have to take our word for it - Let the facts speak for themselves. For more information on PSP Luxe visit, email or call 0800 786 883.


It is the finish that counts … but … this actually begins at the start!

What makes Solid Wood the most enduring option? Solid Wood tops are very “on trend” this is a recent comment to us from one of NZ’s leading interior and kitchen design companies. We say solid wood never goes out of fashion, but I guess there are trends that consumers follow. One thing for sure is Solid Wood bench tops bring natural warmth & beauty into kitchens or any interior like no other bench top surface can!

The Woodsmiths take extra special care right from the handpicked selection of each piece of timber (where “nothing but the best is acceptable”) to the final packaging and delivery of each individual bench top.

‘Nothing but the best is acceptable’ is The Woodsmiths core value, so it is great when we get referred to from our customers (as we have very recently) “you guys are the best!”

But it doesn’t stop here. The Woodsmiths stringent quality control system continues to monitor every process during manufacture, so should any further defect arise it is dealt with immediately. This insures that no substandard product gets a chance of leaving The Woodsmiths factory.

How is this for another referral … “Our new breakfast bar is everything we had hoped for and exceeded our expectations. From the careful packaging to the quality workmanship and excellent Hi-Build Resin finish. We are just so pleased with it.” Go to for many more similar referrals.

The selection of each piece of timber is critical, so that any defects, splits, checks, borer, gum pockets, knots, and of course the high moisture content are eliminated right from the start.

Free Phone: 0800 149 663

As we said it’s the Finish that Counts. This is where The Woodsmiths really shine! With their Satin Hi-Build Resin Finish which is silky smooth and fully protects the wooden tops from moisture or any other liquids and is covered by The Woodsmiths generous 10 Year Warranty! Therefore there is no risk for you (the kitchen manufacturer) when installing a solid wood top from The Woodsmiths. The other advantage is you know your fixed costs in which to add your margin to, so no unexpected costs or risks taken by attempting to make wood tops yourselves! See more details & benefits about Hi-Build Resin Finish on

Fax: (09) 431 8475


PO Box 45, 1018 S.H. 12, Maungaturoto, New Zealand

* Woodsmiths also fabricate tops in Corian & Hi-Macs solid surface, both often used in conjunction with solid wood.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 33

simple design to lift the elegance of any kitchen With their NOIR, Classink and ZEN ranges of sink inserts, Totara Marketing have a comprehensive coverage of contemporary sinkware to suit most design options, space requirements and price points for kitchens and laundries.

NOIR 1000 1000 x 500 x 140/185 Large Bowl: 360 x 430 x 185 Small Bowl: 170 x 285 x 140


NOIR 860 860 x 500 x 185 Bowl: 425 x 468 x 185


NOIR sinks*

NOIR 570 570 x 500 x 200 Bowl: 500 x 435 x 200

• • • • •

77% quartz, 23% acrylic heat proof up to 300oC impact resistant antibacterial and extremely hygienic 10 year warranty

Classink* • • • • • • • • Classink 495.200 770 x 440 x 200 Large Bowl: 495 x 400 x 200 Small Bowl: 200 x 400 x 160

1.05 thickness 18/10 304 stainless steel reversible double bowls with centre waste and overflow connections suitable for top mounting, undermounting or flush mounting top mounted option available with a stylish beveled ‘K’ edge sound proofing pads on all sides which include a spray on insulation coating to keep the water warmer for longer 15mm radius corners for easy cleaning life time warranty on the stainless steel available in a range of sizes in single and double bowls


* complete with waste kit - if the sink insert has two waste holes Totara Marketing provide two waste kits.

Available in a range of sizes with the stylish‘K’ edge available in top mounting options. ‘K’ edge

For more information please contact Phone 09 274 4393

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 34


ZEN 8oo

800 x 500 x 200mm

ZEN 1o8o

1080 x 500 x 200mm

By Totara Marketing

Hand crafted quality sinks

Made from high quality 1.2mm Stainless Steel

15mm radius bowls for easy cleaning


Easy to clean bevelled edge

Brushed satin finish

Life time warranty on Stainless Steel

For more information please contact Phone 09 274 4393

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 35

Worktop Surfaces Infinity and Duropal now available directly from Amorini

100% seamless acrylic solution Duropal Quartz Stone

Amorini now selling Infinity direct to market The most cost effective 100% acrylic solid surface solution on the market, Infinity Worktops feature seamless joins which make the worktop appear as if it has been created from a single piece, with the added advantage of being easily repolished so it always looks as if it has just been installed.

deal direct Quality laminate benchtops

Duropal Quadra Worktops offer best quality laminate worktops at unbeatable prices. Sourced from Germany, Amorini is proud to offer Duropal high pressure laminate worktops to customers. Available within a two working day dispatch, tops can be manufactured to your specified sizing direct from our online design centre.

Imported and Distributed by: Ph: +64 6 952 0880 Fax: +64 6 952 0882

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 36

Amorini NZ is associated to a greater Global Amorini Family with operations in Australia, UK and Hong Kong, and has established itself as a supplier of premium quality components to the building industry. The Amorini group has been sourcing quality products for more than twenty years, and bringing to market at fair and affordable price points. Amorini in cooperation with Hafele launched Infinity five years ago. During that time there has been significant growth, and Infinity continues to grow each year as the market understands the quality, versatility, and durability of the product. The range has increased from the original six colours to twelve on offer. The original 38mm element offering is also available in 63mm to compliment the range. Infinity Worktops • are 100% acrylic, solid surface benchtops • are easy to maintain and re-polish • scratches are easily polished away • are non-porous and have seamless joins, unlike granite, marble, reconstituted stone or laminates • exceptional hygiene standards makes them ideal for domestic and commercial applications Quadra Worktops • have 3mm tight formed radius, square edge • are 39mm thick • have built in polyurethane drip edge • are resistant to reasonable heat • are resistant to stains from everyday use • have a complete Moisture Vapour Seal to the underside. Amorini has combined these great worktops, with a very intuitive online web solution. Design, quote and order, using our online platform, accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Imported and Distributed by:

For more details, or to get a quote, please contact the team at Amorini: Email: Fax: 06 952 0882 Phone: 06 952 0880

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 37

hinges to follow artia . blum . hafele . hettich . access group . samet . unique hardware

CLIP top 155° zero protrusion hinge from Blum

Notched applications

Mitred cabinet sides and front

In conjunction with inner drawers and pull-outs.

Blum’s most versatile hinge with a 155° opening angle, perfect for special applications such as mitered cabinets, notched fronts, thick panel overlays and invaluable when used in conjunction with inner drawers and pull-outs,

with zero protrusion into the carcase space, drawers and pull-outs can span the entire width of the cabinet. The 155° can be ďŹ tted with BLUMOTION soft closing or TIP-ON for doors for handle-less opening.

Guaranteed for 200,000 openings, or the lifetime of the cabinet.






JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 38

Grass Tiomos hinge system from Häfele


ou can tell the quality of a hinge system by how long a hinge will function without developing a fault and how much it will drop under load. Tiomos achieves exceptionally positive values in tests for durability and dropping under load. In addition, the use of top-quality materials and cutting-edge manufacturing methods guarantees the same top product quality that customers are used to from other GRASS products. Another stroke of genius is the Soft-close closing damper which features stepwise adjustment and is fully concealed within the hinge arm. The complex inner workings of this high-tech hinge are hidden from view, much like a Swiss clock movement, and cannot fail to impress with their unique damping characteristics. The closing process in each movement phase is smooth and completely without transition. And this is the case from an opening angle of 20°, irrespective of the size and weight of the door.

Tiomos – currently the best possible movement solution for furniture doors. Access the catalogue online today at


Whether renovating or rebuilding, people should not take a gamble with a major investment in their home – the best kitchens and cabinetry don’t just happen. It makes sense to consult a Master Joiner for the planning, manufacture and installation in any home.

Membership Application forms are available on our website or contact the Executive Officer, Corinne Moore, for further information. Phone (06) 844 9954, email

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 39

The Silent System is neatly integrated inside the hinge arm, eliminating the need for bulky adaptors. Operating temperature of 5 - 40° gives great performance in all kiwi climates. Luxurious closing action from 35°.

silent performance Nathan Carter product Manager for Hettich NZ gives his thoughts on hinge development and in paticular the development of the Hettich Sensys range and the applications it allows for design. In terms of recent development the first step with hinges was a clip on ‘buffer’ that could be attached to the hinge arm which dampens the door as it is closed. However this technology has some down sides; relies on the same springs as a normal hinge, requires weight/speed of the door to activate the ‘soft close’ and visually the hinges appear bulky and can get in the way. We now have integrated soft close hinges where the soft close piston is integrated into the arm of the hinge, from a functionality point of view you get a far better soft close action as the piston is actually pulling the door closed rather than being pressed in by the door. Visually you get a superior aesthetic. To do this Hettich started from scratch and created a brand new hinge, Sensys. This enabled Hettich to ensure a smooth and gentle closing action without the need to adjust or deactivate the Silent System, as well as including other features. What we’re starting to see now are new features being added to the Sensys range which will enable new design and manufacturing possibilities. For example the new Sensys thick door hinge. In high end kitchen and furniture design there is a trend towards narrow reveals (gaps) between doors and a desire to create different looks by using thicker door materials. This might involve the use of solid timbers or adding glass/mirror to 16mm board. As an example; when using this hinge with a standard 18mm thick door you can achieve a minimum reveal as little as 0.2mm. Or, the hinge could be used with a 25mm thick door while only needing a 1mm reveal. This one hinge has the potential to give designers and manufacturers new options to create with. 

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 40

Sensys features Winning design Sensys never fails to impress with its elegant design: The hinge and mounting plate unite to give a look of harmony. A stylish cover cap hides the fixing screws on the hinge cup and the release button for removing the hinge is invisible from the front. Sensys with integrated Silent System In particular, the Sensys hinge scores from automatic Silent System furniture door closure from the unusually wide angle of 35 degrees. This ensures that the hinge will do it’s primary job – close without banging and reduces the problem of doors being left open. Furniture doors that reliably close in response to a turn of the hand as well as even, gentle closing action is guaranteed in the temperature range from +5 °C to +40 °C and found nowhere else on the market. New features Sensys wide angle hinge Providing an opening angle of 165 degrees, the Sensys wide angle hinge gives furniture doors a wide opening angle and closes them evenly and gently. The soft close piston is fully integrated inside the hinge and closes smoothly, eliminating any possible bounce back which can sometimes be experienced in small doors. Zero-protrusion make it possible to fit internal drawers without spacer profiles, preventing trapped fingers no matter what position the door is in. The Sensys wide angle hinge received the iF Product Design Award 2014 and the Red Dot Award "Product Design 2014". Sensys thick door hinge Hinges face a challenge from the movement cycles typical of profile doors and doors made of very thick material. Fitted with the new Sensys thick door hinge even thick furniture doors close smoothly, gently and silently, accommodating the trend towards narrowing the gap between chunky doors. The 2014 iF Product Design went to the Sensys thick door hinge. Sensys without Silent System Sensys has very good soft closing performance on large heavy doors and on small doors. A Sensys hinge without Silent System is also available to make a point of difference in furniture ranges wanting to use hinges of the same look. Sensys without self closing Some Sensys hinges are available without self closing feature for the Push to open function on handleless fronts. 

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 41

Perfect Partnership


ccess Group are delighted to announce that we now distribute a core range of quality Italian-designed, Italian-made Salice products in New Zealand, including hinges, overhead lift systems and drawer runners, with more items to follow over the coming months. Since 1957, when Arturo Salice registered his first patent, the Salice name has been synonymous with high quality, high technology, innovation and style – a commitment that is beautifully aligned with Access Group’s dedication to delivering smart, innovative, functional products and solutions backed with A+ service and support. Making it fast and easy Salice prioritise simplification and speed of installation and advancement of technical solutions so, as you’d expect, Salice Series 200 and Series 700 Silentia hinges provide great versatility with a great range of adjustment in all directions. •

A complete range including special angles: 110°, 165°, 45°, corner door, bifold, blind corner

Full overlay, half overlay and inset

700 Silentia - advanced patented technology with integrated soft close system

700 Silentia - bumper-less soft close allows for many openings/closings in very short time frame

Strong, Stable, Durable Salice’s assurance of quality applies not just to hinges and mounts, but also to overhead lift systems for flap and folding doors. These compact systems, with integrated soft closing, maintain maximum space within the cabinet. Their steel and diecast construction makes for strength, stability and durability. No specialist tools are required as front, side and vertical adjustments are all made with a standard PZ2 screwdriver. Looking ahead Keep an eye on our email updates and our website for updates regarding new Salice products this year, including reverse sprung hinges, a push catch system and a face frame hinge and mount. Plus, later this year, there will be brand new, innovative products that Salice showcased at the Interzum Expo in Germany in May. So keep your eyes opens and stand by for more innovative quality from Salice and Access Group!

Access Group’s recent arrangement to distribute Salice product in New Zealand provides access to the innovative and stylish range of hinges, lift systems and drawer runners which come out of the company’s factory in Novedrate, Italy.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 42

Contact your Access Group rep, phone us on 0800 852 258 or email us at to request our new Salice catalogue. * Access Group guarantees all products from manufacture or material fault, for the life of the furniture or cabinetry into which they are installed.

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Now Available from Access Group

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Salice hinges, overhead li systems and a range of drawer runners A complete range of so -close hinges · 110° · 155° · In-line · Corner door · 45°

Quality and innovation: designed and manufactured in Italy Salice’s solid Italian-made engineering, superb pre- and post-production quality control and more than 80 years of continuous innovation align perfectly with Access Group’s commitment to our risk-free product guarantee and A+ service and support. Access Group Northgate Business Park, 22 Hood St, Wellsford 0900 Call FREE: 0800 852 258 | FREE fax: 0800 852 259 | Email: | Website: Magazine September 2015 page 43

Samet offers solutions at truly great value less glamour and more value supporting the kitchen & furniture Industry!

IMPRO Adjustable Soft-Close Hinge is the new hinge system with a 5-stage soft-close mechanism. The IMPRO Adjustable SoftClose Hinge has been globally approved for its high performance and quality by being certified by LGA, one of the most important standardization institutions in Germany. Samet may still be perceived locally as a new supplier, though now it is one of the top recognised brands internationally and globally it ranks as the 5th largest furniture hardware manufacturer.

The IMPRO Range includes 110° & INVO 165°. Available as Screw On, Dowelled and NEW EasyFit hinge installation options.

We are here to stay and cement our support as a key supplier to New Zealand’s F&J sector ... so swing on over. The Samet NZ range of hinges has always offered a complete range of STARTRACK hinges and now includes IMPRO 165° and 110° soft close.

STAR TRACK Hinge, represents an innovative perspective of the SAMET Hinge Systems, offers cam adjustment in 3 different directions after mounting due to 3D adjustment features, compatible with both IMPRO & Star Track ranges.

EasyFit fast assembly, quick release hinges now available

Star Track Hinges are designed for different opening angles 110°, 165°, blind, folding door hinge 45/30° and 5° spacer blocks and now including push-open without spring versions. Available in Screw On, Dowelled and NEW EasyFit hinge installation options.

110° Impro and Star Track hinges are now offered with an EasyFit quick release option and can be installed or removed by a half turn using a hand screwdriver. 130 Cryers Road, Auckland T: 09 273 2681 E:

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 44

A word about stainless steels A supplier of 304 and 316 grade stainless steel hinges wants to get a message across to the industry. Stainless means stain LESS – not stain free. This picture shows a 304 grade stainless steel hinge fitted to a coastal home after 9 months. Stephen Tetley-Jones of Unique Hardware who has been designing, manufacturing and supplying stainless steel hinges since 1998 says “stainless steels are often the best choice for exterior hardware but window manufacturers, builders and dwelling owners need to be aware of the issue of Tea Staining and how to manage it.” Tea Staining does not usually seriously affect the operation of hinges but it is unsightly and can result in staining of adjacent painted surfaces. It is the result of normal chemical processes of oxidation on the surface of the metal and is accelerated in wet, coastal climates. Ironically a contributing factor is the satin finish that is so popular today. Satin finishing involves brushing the surface with wire brushes. This creates small fissures in the surface where ferrous debris from the wire brush can lodge. These small iron dust particles break down and stain the surface.

Tea Staining Tea Staining can be removed by the application of proprietary cleaners but the best approach is to take steps to prevent it or reduce it. Unique Hardware recommends; • •

Another contributing factor is our geography. New Zealand’s lies north to south with prevailing west to east weather pattern and nowhere in the country more than 80 kilometres from the sea. In contrast to many continental climates which can be dry and hot, ours is wet and windy and close to the coast, salt spray can be carried well inland. Other issues arise as a result of the grade of stainless steel used in hinges. Some factories substitute 200 series stainless for some parts to save a few cents. Reputable hinge suppliers go to some length to ensure all parts of their hinges are made from only 304 (or 316) grade stainless steel.

• • • •

Consider brass hinges for extreme environments Make sure the hinges you buy are marked with the brand and the grade of stainless. All stainless steels look the same. Only time will tell if you have been sold an inferior product Regular washing helps reduce the effect. Frequency will depend on the setting but typically 3 - 6 monthly washing of the windows and hardware will be beneficial 316 grade stainless steel is better than 304 but not a whole lot better Polished stainless will tea stain less than satin (brushed) finishes Provide the builder and / or homeowner with use and care information Make sure you determine where the windows you make are going to be fitted and advise appropriately

The leaky building issue has focused homeowners on matters of warranty and liability. A little attention to these details at an early stage could save a nasty argument down the track. With tea staining, an ounce of prevention will far outweigh a pound of cure.

knows hinges! •

Stainless steel 304 and 316, Steel and Brass

Wide throw and Parliament Hinges

Interior and exterior

NZS4211 compliant hinges

Special finishes are a specialty

For friendly, accurate advice, great prices and the largest range - call Unique Hardware.

Look for the mark of quality! P: 09 476 4008

F: 09 476 8008


JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 45

Mark Oughton with production manager Ryan Todd and the Bay City Team (left to right) Zander Engelbrecht, Daniel Barrows, George McIntosh and Nicola Middleton.

right people, right products, best finish Bay City Spray Painters Ltd have a really solid reputation as spraypainters and finishers to the furniture industry. Set up in 1991 in Hastings before moving to Corunna Bay in Napier, the business has been built around 24 years of experience catering for work either big or small and a team of spraypainters who are trained in the furniture industry and hold Furniture Finishers NZ certification. Bob Nordgren from JOINERS Magazine spoke with Director Mark Oughton to find out why the business has been so successful. The business has seven staff and an admin manager. The staff on the floor are all trained for the job and have been with Bay City Spray Painters for some time. A good sense of environmental issues means everything is health and safety minded.

“It comes down to people with the right skills and using the right products to do the job which in turn means a solid network of reliable suppliers.” comments Mark. The business has both a local and national clientele. Their forte has been supermarket checkout facilities as well as a wide range of residential work. Mark comments “When the recession came we learned to adapt by moving from new residential to renovation and kitchen work combined with seasonal supermarket projects such as during the fruit picking season. Much of our work is through word of mouth from joiners and builders who know our reputation for quality finishing work.” And finishing is truly their game. The predominant work is two pot polyurethane coatings for cabinetry and doors. PPG Industrial Coatings supplied by their local distributor Complete Paints are the preferred product for all their wood related spray work. “Over time we have found the PPG range to be the most suitable for our work. They are always coming up with new and better products. Colour matching is an essential aspect of the business and the colour matching service provided by Complete Paints and PPG using the Merlin system has been a bonus for us.” says Mark.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 46

Bay City Spray Painters in Corunna Bay Napier.

“We use only the best gear including Festo for our air extraction systems and purpose built spray and drying rooms. All this is backed up by utilizing the experience we have accumulated spray painting all sorts of surfaces (and not just wood I might add) to give advice on the paint and process required to get the best finish for each individual client be it on site or here in the factory.”

A more recent example of new product has been the 880 NGR Wood Stain range kit from PPG. “This has been really good. With a portable kit box and some 190 colours in the range this has become a real business tool for us to provide our clients with a better service. With a coded system for colours it is really easy to use. PPG catalogues have also proved very useful. Our rapport with suppliers such as Scott at Complete Paints has counted for a lot in my view.”

For more information contact Mark Oughton at Bay City Spray Painters Ltd on 06 835 8869 or email

Napier distributor for PPG

Merlin CE – colour mix system colour accuracy second to none in the market

For any colour you need supplied by PPG, a PPG GI Distributor or mix yourself in-house • • • • •

Updatable online monthly with more colours – 800 new formulas added per month. User friendly software. Mix amounts as required from 100mls to 20Litres. Have access to 100,000+ colours already on file. 11 PPG GI Distributors Nationwide have and support Merlin. For more Information please contact PPG

PPG Industries NZ Ltd, 5 Monahan Rd, Mt Wellington, Auckland Freephone 0800 990 093 • Freefax 0800 659 377 •

Wynn Fraser Paints Whangarei (09) 438 1624 • Wairau Paint Centre Ltd Auckland (09) 443 3430 • PPG Industries NZ Ltd Auckland (09) 573 1620 • Panelbeating Supplies Ltd Auckland (09) 525 7475 • Linkup Paint Supplies Ltd Hamilton (07) 847 0933 • Linkup Paints (BOP) Ltd Tauranga (07) 571 8921 • Complete Paints Ltd Napier (06) 843 1122 • Total Paint Supplies Ltd New Plymouth (06) 769 9415 • Total Body Shop Ltd Wellington (04) 586 6681 • Paintco Nelson (03) 546 6660 • PPG Industries NZ Ltd Christchurch (03) 384 0255 • Rainbow Paints Ltd Dunedin (03) 474 0659 • Southern Paints Invercargill (03) 218 4664

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 47







Panelform EasyOrder Instant, Accurate Online Quoting and Ordering Since its launch in early 2014, Panelform’s EasyOrder online quoting and ordering system has had over $1.9million worth of quotes go through it. That’s a great beginning for an online system that is breaking new ground in the kitchen industry. Panelform puts this success down to the speed, flexibility and accuracy of the system – taking the hard work out of quoting and ordering, and saving time and money for our customers. EasyOrder has been making quoting and ordering easier for joiners for over 18 months now – since January 2014. Put simply, EasyOrder is the most advanced online cabinet door quoting and ordering system in New Zealand. EasyOrder is constantly being improved and updated, with new features being added almost every month.

View all current colours for each product EasyOrder always shows the most up-to-date colour selection available in Panelform’s three door ranges – Durostyle, Touchtex and Puregloss. Some door styles have additional colours available (such as High Gloss Durostyle finishes). EasyOrder never offers you colours or finishes you can’t have!

Here’s what EasyOrder users are saying about it:

Place orders online directly into our production system EasyOrder gets your order to you on time, on budget and correct. By linking directly to our production system, we can reduce human error and keep our lead time as short as possible. EasyOrder can be used efficiently on site with a tablet – walk away from your client’s house with an accurate purchase price of Panelform doors and panels.

“I love EasyOrder, Panelform is right on track with this ordering system. I can get instant quotes for all my doors and panels and have them all saved in the system.” – Brent, Wellington “EasyOrder is very user friendly and flows nicely. It is easy and intuitive to use. You can add attachments and drawings which is also really helpful. Panelform is constantly making the system better” – Hazel, Wellington “I like EasyOrder for the fact that there is a wide range of products, the sizing is flexible and the pricing is instantaneous. It saves me a lot of time in the quoting process” – Matt, North Canterbury Not just for the computer literate EasyOrder really is just that – easy. It’s simple to follow and uses prompts and images to help you make selections. Have you ever ordered thermoformed doors and forgotten to specify an important detail? EasyOrder asks all the right questions to ensure you receive exactly what you want. Get instant, accurate quotes Accurate quoting is important to ensure that you don’t under or over price your jobs. With EasyOrder you can quickly get accurate pricing for jobs you’re quoting. No longer do you need to find yourself out of pocket at the end of a job.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 50

Keep all quotes and orders in one easily accessible location Treat EasyOrder like a database for all your quotes and orders. Quotes are stored

indefinitely, and can be modified at any time. Your current and past orders are stored in a separate area and can be viewed at any time. Email alerts to keep you up-to-date with the status of your order EasyOrder’s job tracking keeps you updated on the status of your job as it travels through our factory, from ‘submitted’ to ‘shipped’. You receive an email with every status change, as well as shipping details for tracking your consignment. Free delivery for all orders over $1000 placed online EasyOrder isn’t just about making it easy for you, it also saves you money. We offer free delivery of all orders over $1000 placed through EasyOrder. To get set up on EasyOrder, email your name and contact details to and we can get you set up and ready to go immediately.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 51

edging innovation

Internationally, New Zealand manufacturers have been amongst the first to adopt the latest laser technology in edgebanding. The original laser has now been joined by other heat sources to activate the tape and the debate about the merits and costs of laser, plasma and hot air continues as the concept of the zero glue line become available to a wider range of users. We talk to some of the kitchen and cabinet makers who have recently bought into the technology and to the machinery suppliers about the dierent options available and how their firms have progressed the development of edgebanding technology.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 52

Buzz Duncan Such

the thin glue line


hile it feels like it was yesterday that I was last talking edgebanding, it turns out it was end of 2014. How time flies when you are having fun. In that issue we discussed zero edge - or laser edge as it is now often termed - and in particular whether it had legs or would disappear as some other new products have. Given the theme of this issue, it is timely to have another look.

each colour and in a bander which can do batch size 1, (every piece different). The laser has near instant heat change to meet the band colour as it changes from panel to panel.Offset this however with a very complex and potentially dangerous laser, this requires high levels of skill to run, and has relatively high running costs. So really this is only for large companies.

There is no question that the focus on the thin glue line has significantly lifted the product quality. It is also true that the equipment required to apply it has quickly spread down the price spectrum so it is relatively affordable for medium sized and even smaller businesses to purchase. This dramatically improves the penetration in the market and we are now seeing it gain a foothold, though predominantly in kitchen doors at this stage from what I have seen.

Hot air and infra-red seem to be much more affordable and approachable. Downsides being with the hot air systems is enormous energy and air usage and a lot of noise. The slower response time when changing colours is less of an issue when not in high production batch size 1. Infra-red appears to offer some advantages but not enough machines are in the market that I have seen yet to make a judgement.

The original zero edge was a true laser heated edge. The glue layer was co-extruded on the band requiring a laser to re-activate it reliably. Now however, there are numerous hot air and near infra-red solutions and often the glue layer is not co-extruded, but coated. A further point to note is that there is always a glue line. It is thinner when co-extruded, but still a glue line nonetheless. However the benefit of the co-extrusion process is that it can be coloured to match the band and hence becomes near invisible when viewed with the naked eye. So with the advent of thinner glue lines, there has been an enormous R&D effort by manufacturers to make more affordable solutions. Some manufacturers now provide multiple solutions , with one manufacturer offering laser, 2 versions of hot air reactivation and also PUR. All with the intention of providing an affordable effective solution fit for purpose. To summarise these, it appears that laser affords the greatest flexibility with extremely precise and quick heat application. This becomes important when changing band colour since a different heat is required for

This brings me to PUR which has made a resurgence. Previously PUR was only used for its waterproof characteristic but found to be difficult to use. However PUR has a similar thickness glue line to co-extruded edge and the main difference now seems to be the limitation in colours (white and clear) so the zero edge benefit is limited on some colours. Keep watching this space though as I have a feeling that the better bonding characteristics of PUR, allied to further development of the glue and maybe even the colour range could see it take a significant section of this market. As a final thought from Buzz this issue, we now appear to be seeing some real effects of the lowering of the NZ Dollar. A recent purchase of some steel shelving resulted in a 10% increase in price with the supplier complaining that it should have been 20%. I suggested they might bring their manufacturing back to NZ ...




REHAU laser edgetape from Laminex New Zealand is an innovative adhesivefree edging technology. Laser edging provides the high impact resistance properties of traditional edgetape with the visual benefit of no visible glue line. The two-layer edgetape, sourced from global leader REHAU, is applied using a highly efficient laser or hot air edgebander. The upper layer of the REHAU laser edgetape is made from ABS, while the lowerlayer is made from a special polymer – a completely homogeneous colour throughout the layers is guaranteed. Heat activates the polymer layer of the edging, creating a permanent bond with the substrate. This makes it possible to completely do away with adhesive in processing and to create a virtually invisible and functional bond with the panel. Through avoiding the use of glue, the maintenance and set-up times are reduced, resources can be saved and less effort is required for cleaning. As a result, the edged panels have an improved resistance to moisture and heat. Laminex New Zealand offers a range of REHAU laser edging for both the Standard and Hi-Gloss Melteca ranges. For further information, please contact Laminex New Zealand on 0800 303 606.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 53

edgebanding with laser, hot air or glue What’s best? What’s the difference? Never before has there been so much interest in the most effective method to achieve the best possible edgebanding finish. Jacks Sales Manager Simon Hornby guides us through the details of the various options available. EVA EVA glue applied by either a glue roller or a nozzle is the most common system of applying edgetape to panels in NZ workshops. Much of the EVA glue that is run in NZ workshops is a “filled” variety. Filled glues have low viscosity which enhances their flow rate and make them more forgiving. Therefore they are generally easier to work with than unfilled glues. The downside to filled glues is that the glue line is relatively thick and not so aesthetically pleasing. Applying a thick layer of glue can mean more squeeze out which means more cleaning. More sophisticated edgebanders with a finishing unit such as a glue-joint scraper will significantly reduce the amount of manual cleaning but to achieve a result which requires virtually no manual cleaning, then pre-milling and spray units and buffers are also recommended. PUR An alternative to EVA is PUR glue. PUR glues deliver a thinner glue line, have better adhesion properties and are water and heat resistant. While PUR glue is more expensive than EVA, less PUR is needed relative to EVA. So why not just switch to production with PUR glue? Convenience is the main answer. PUR is extremely aggressive – moisture in the air is the catalyst that sets the glue off. It is fast setting and has a high initial bond strength, meaning maintenance of the glue application system is extremely important. Regardless of whether application of PUR is with a glue roller or nozzle system, significantly more care and maintenance is required when processing with PUR than EVA. The ‘zero-joint’ So this brings us to consider ‘adhesive-free’ edgebanding, often referred to as ‘laser edge’ or ‘zero-joint’. This technology is still relatively new, but is gaining traction fast. A laser or hot-air system excites molecules that are impregnated in a function layer that is coextruded into the edgetape at the time the tape is manufactured.The activation system basically heats the function layer on the back side of the tape which consequently bonds the tape to the substrate. As there is no glue involved in this process, a zero glue line is achieved. There is no visible difference regardless of whether the tape is applied with a laser or a hot air system. The advantage of this new technology is first and foremost the aesthetic appeal, with quality matching that of a high gloss painted finish.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 54

The Ambition 1220 airTec is Brandt’s basic machine for invisible joint processing.

Furthermore, because no glue is involved in the process, less maintenance of the edgebander is required, set-up times are reduced and the edge tape is generally more resistant to heat and moisture than tape applied with EVA glue. Disadvantages are the comparatively high entry price for a suitable edgebander, and the limited range of edgetape available, but these factors are lessening over time.

will always be another factor. An edgebander with higher quality finishing units will generally deliver a better quality finish more consistently. The combination of edge tape material and substrate will have an effect on the bond strength: ply, particle board and even different MDF substrates will have an influence on the bond strength between the edge material and the panel.

With the zero-joint technology, there is a greater focus on the seam where the edge material meets the panel. To make the most of the “zero glue line” it is important that the edgebander is equipped with appropriate finishing units.The finishing unit of most importance is probably the scraping unit. Its primary role is to scrape smooth the cutter marks left behind on the tape by the top and bottom trimming units (which have removed the majority of the tape overhang). When an edgebander is set up correctly the top and bottom trimming units will leave a very small overhang of tape for the scraping units to scrape smooth. The scraper units scrape the small overhang away so that the tape is smooth and also flush with the top and bottom surface of the panel. An edgebander that maintains the setting of the scraper unit and has the functionality to accurately adjust the position of the scraper unit by 100ths of a millimetre will prove to be a significant advantage to achieve a consistently high quality finish.

What’s best? There’s no easy answer, because so much depends on what your customers require, or are prepared to pay for. For regular panel processing then EVA offers a proven, reliable and efficient bond. There’s no doubt that PUR has its advantages, particularly when a bond will be exposed to water or heat, but ad-hoc use of PUR requires care, and good housekeeping. Zero-joint technology undoubtedly produces the best finish, and should command a premium price for your products, but it’s up to you to establish a market that will recognise and pay for the improved results.

There are many factors that influence the quality of the finish and bond strength between the edge material and panel. The edgebanding material itself is one factor: co-extruded laser tape will generally achieve a better finish than post-coated tape. Your choice of edgebander

So while there’s no definitive solution to fit all, there is one positive that encompasses all the types of edgebanding available in New Zealand, and that’s the availability of technical assistance. With edgebanding being the most complicated process in our industry, companies such as Jacks invest heavily in ensuring we have the technical expertise to keep your staff trained, and your edgebander running the way it should be. No matter what technology you decide is best for your business, it’s crucial that there is a trained and experienced team of technicians backing it. 

the Holzher solution The Lumina range – waterproof invisible joint with laser edging using NIR (Near Infrared Radiation) Co-extruded laser edging, originally designed for ‘true laser’ using diode laser to activate the functional layer on the laser edging tape is slowly increasing in popularity - but the downside with this system is the cost of the unit and its specialised on-going maintenance. This has resulted in the advent of forced hot air machines that use an enormous amount of power and compressed air. They also involve a long set-up time and are complicated by many moving parts. Holzher has adopted a more innovative approach with Near Infrared Radiation (NIR). This system is most similar to true laser and offers several key advantages. The heat activation is available immediately so there is no heat up time required and is ready at the press of a button. It is a noiseless operation (Ltronic) and is also highly energy efficient. A liquid cooling system allows for an accurate contact temperature to be maintained over the entire length of the board. The method has the same speed requirements as the hot

meters per minute feed speed and to a height of 25mm corner round at full speed.

air machines (as determined by the tape manufacturer). The system is also very easy to work on if there is the need for a replacement of the NIR module, which can be done by the customer. The Lumina is a changeover machine. After looking at the option of permanently mounting the Glu Jet system onto the machine, the decision was made to go with a changeover approach as this makes it a far better way of ensuring the product is exactly the same with

Laser PUR and EVA glues. (It is important that the contact timing is the same on both the pressure units and other units in the machine). This means there is no requirement for pre heaters etc to keep the contact warm until it is pressed. It also has a CNC locking system that makes the contact always consistent. The changeover unit takes no more than five minutes to change from laser edge to EVA. Both the Ltronic and Glu Jet units have their own carrier for easy storage and maintenance. The Lumina is able to process at 25

Cutshop, one of the hottest franchises in the country, have chosen the Lumina as their preferred edgebander. Simon Morton, founder of Cutshop, has seen the potential of changing to a rapid change system with the choice of either PUR or EVA,without the need for expensive and dangerous freezing tanks - PUR is waterproof, heatproof and ten times stronger than EVA. It also has the benefits of a 3 minute heat up time, 3 minute clean up, and a five minute colour change. The Laser function enables him to produce any finish his customer may request. The 100% accurate positioning (from the new full CNC servo drives on all adjustments) - along with the ‘no joint’ finish using the new Glue Jet GJ301 glue application system - provides him with by far the best no-clean finish in the market today. 

LUMINA 1586 invisible joints. perfect appearance. flexibility •

including a glue-changing unit (LTRONIC and Glu Jet)

variable feed up to 25 m/min

5 different equipment versions for your custom processing requirements

maximum degree of automation right up to continuous multifunction milling technology with multiple stage tools and revolving tool magazine; up to 5 different profiles fully automated.

High standards guarantee your investment for the future Technical Machinery Services Limited recently purchased a Lumina 1586 for their edging service

Holzher New Zealand Agent

Mobile: 021 353 632 Fax: 64 9 299 6729 Email: Website:

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 55

technology required One of the larger joinery manufacturers in the South Island, Sockburn Joinery in Christchurch has been producing residential and commercial joinery since 1972. Owner Tony Lemmens has always appreciated the need to remain versatile and keep abreast of fast moving technology and this is no more evident than in the company’s ongoing machinery purchases over the years, much of it from Italian machinery manufacturer Biesse. “I have always tended towards Biesse,” says Tony. “Their machines are good value for money, well designed and solid, and there are benefits in continuing with the same supplier. Similarities across generations of machines in terms of structure, operation and software means a greater continuity with staff and a better understanding of any issues and problems which occur. Biesse’s support on their machinery is excellent but it is always good to be as self reliant as possible.” In the last 18 months Sockburn have purchased a new Biesse CNC machining centre, a Biesse Skipper boring and dowel insertion machine, and a Biesse Stream edgebander with dual hot air (AirForce) and PUR glue systems. “We needed to upgrade and we needed to keep up with new technology,” says Tony. “The Stream extends our versatility and ensures we have options available for clients who want them. The new CNC improves accuracy and speed and the Skipper gives us great flexibility in how we set for hole and dowel insertion. Technology in all these areas is constantly changing, effectively reducing the lifetime of machinery. Once you would have anticipated a life span of 20 - 25 years now it is maybe 7 10 before ongoing innovations mean upgrades are inevitable.” Tony has found the alternate glue systems on his new Biesse Stream very good and simple to switch from one to the other. “The PUR glue system gets a lot of use. It is superior to the old PVA system as it has a much finer glue line. The AirForce system is great, the range of tape available is limited, but where tape is available such as with acrylic high gloss board, the finish is perfect - no glue line. I think this is probably the way edgebanding will go in time as more colours become available and I wanted a machine with this capability.” “The new set up allows us to improve our quality of finished product while remaining competitive. Manufacturing has become more like engineering, tolerances are measured in half millimeters where as in the past we were dealing in half inches. The right machinery is required to achieve this accuracy. Superior tradesman could do the same but in todays market it would be too time consuming, too expensive. High tech applications across the machinery platform mean you only require semi skilled operators to run your business an

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 56

New machinery such as the Biesse Stream (top) and Biesse Skipper (above) allow Sockburn Joinery to improve speed and accuracy while employing less skilled labour.

important factor in a city such as Christchurch where skilled tradesmen have been scarce.” “The new Biesse machinery has improved our versatility, made a huge improvement in production and allows for future growth. We are turning over more with less floor staff and are well positioned to continue with the rebuild happening around us in Christchurch. “Today the contact between machinery suppliers and their clients is a lot more frequent,

purchasing cycles come around a lot quicker, manufacturers need ongoing information regarding improvements and machinery sellers need to know and understand the businesses they are selling to. The Biesse team in New Zealand understand this, they have really grown their share of the market through a dedication and focus on the NZ joinery industry which we all, as machinery buyers and users, benefit from.” 

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 57

high gloss in house in control In the heart of Paraparaumu sits Kitchen Creators. With a purpose built showroom and a large manufacturing area, matched by a smart website and branding, it’s no surprise that Kitchen Creators are one of the lower North Island’s largest kitchen manufacturers. The staff of 22 designers, detailers, joiners and installers are busy supplying kitchens for group-housing companies, builders, retirement homes, residential homes and local builders. One of the reasons for Kitchen Creator’s continued growth and success over the past 25 years has been their commitment to remain at the forefront of technology in their industry. Manager Helen Beckley explains. “As part of our commitment to quality for our customers and our staff, we aim to upgrade our technology at least every five years.” It was this policy of continual improvements, alongside a wish to bring a growing part of their production inhouse that led to Kitchen Creators to being one of first in New Zealand to invest in airTec laseredge edgebanding technology, from German edgebanding specialists Brandt. “For our high-gloss kitchens the ability to do everything in-house is a huge advantage” says co-owner Craig Wattam. “With our airTec capability on the Brandt then we keep control of our quality, our install schedule, and our budgets. If we find a problem on-site, or if someone damages a panel, then the process of fixing it, on time, and on budget, is so much easier if we can do it ourselves, rather than have to rely on another contractor.” With the steady growth of hi-gloss finishes in the market, having control of their whole manufacturing process was a key factor in Craig and fellow owner Pat Thomson’s decision to invest in laser-edge edgebanding technology. “We saw the Brandt, and some other machines, at AWISA last year” says Craig. “We knew of Brandt’s reputation for reliability, the machine was with our budget, and we have always appreciated the service we’ve had from Jacks’s local technician Ross, so we decided to make the step up to a laseredge machine”. Kitchen Creators have a Brandt 1650 with all the features and fine adjustment you’d expect of a top-level German machine: pre-milling, pre-heating of the panel, interchangeable glue tanks with a pre-melter, quick change profile scraping heads, corner rounding, spray units and buffing to ensure a pristine finish, and a feed-speed of up to 18m/min. While the hot-air reactivation airTec unit gives Kitchen Creators the capability to process laser-edge tape, the majority of the Brandt’s work is spent processing traditional edge tape. When discussing the differences the Brandt has made to their processing, Peter Bean - the main operator - is blunt. “The tape doesn’t fall off!

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 58

Craig Wattam (left) and operator Peter Bean with the Brandt 1650.

But really, we’re not hand-finishing the panels now” he says. “We have a lot more processing capability in a more compact machine. It’s quicker to heat up, changing the glue is quicker, and having all the programme adjustments at the controller is way faster than fiddling with analogue dials inside the hood. And as well as all the extra functionality, it’s small things that can make a big difference. For example the fact it’s open underneath – meaning offcuts just fall through – so keeping the machine clean is so much easier.”

As the market for laser-edged material continues to grow nationwide, the Kitchen Creators team are already making the most of their ability to meet the market. “We’re actively promoting our high-gloss products” says Helen, “and our volumes continue to grow. We’ve spent quite a bit of time researching and testing the different types of board and tape, and we’ve settled on what works best for us. There’s no doubt the Brandt has increased both our capacity, and the range of products we can offer our customers.”

Moving to a new technology has meant some learning too. Laser-edged tape can produce near-invisible glue line, but a high quality product comes in for a higher level of scrutiny from customers. “We’ve certainly had to learn the intricacies of running laser-edged material’ explains Peter. With tighter tolerance levels, setting up the machine to get the perfect result requires attention. The operator needs to be on the lookout for inconsistencies in the panel, or the tape too. “A fraction of a millimetre swelling, a slightly convex or concave piece of tape, or inconsistently glued tape can trip you up” says Peter. “Training has been a key part of our move to this technology” explains Helen, “and training remains a key component of how we manage the business”.

With a forward thinking approach and a continuing modernisation there’s no doubt Kitchen Creators are at the cutting – or should that be gluing? – edge of their industry.

Brandt is sold and serviced in NZ by Jacks

Whatever your edge


Brandt have the technology


The World’s Leading Edgebanders from NZ’s Most Trusted Supplier Call Free 0800 522 577 JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 59

the Browns 2000 challenge - kitchens and bedroom doors in 24 hours Delivering cabinet doors or components for kitchen sets within 24 hours from order entry is a major challenge. UK company Browns 2000 has won this challenge with a revolutionary business model and SCM Group’s technology. Peter Brown is an ingenious Englishman who has invented his own way of doing business in this complicated world. At Browns 2000, his factory in Cramlington, near Newcastle, Northern England, there are really few machines without the SCM brand. The fleet includes a "L’Invincibile" sliding table saw, various CMS-Brembana Macchine glass and marble cutting machines, some "Superset" and "Topset" moulders, a Sergiani press for curved components, DMC sanding equipment, a Morbidelli "Hpl" edging and routing cell, around sixteen "Ergon" working centers integrated by Mahros handling equipment, two laser edgebanding machines and a "slim line" by Stefani. Peter Brown came to SCM because he is considering new investments, including a new Morbidelli "Powerflex" boring cell. A major customer, whom we were pleased to meet not only for the energy he radiates, but also because we learned about a new way of doing business, or at least, a way we did not know. Let’s start with a significant economic figure, i.e. the woodworking business in England is worth one hundred million Euros, a bit less than fifty percent built by Italian companies. But let’s listen to Peter Brown. “The adventure began in 1983, in a garage, as it often happens”, Mr Brown said. “I had a passion for wood, and how I could transform it. I involved my wife, and together, we created the story of Browns 2000. In thirty years, many things have changed: today we have approximately 20 million Euro revenues, about eighty people, including our children, and we specialize in cabinet doors for kitchens and bedrooms.” “Those who know the peculiarities of the British market can easily understand the Browns 2000 situation”, said Gabriele De Col managing director of SCM Group in the United Kingdom. “When Peter says ‘customers’, he means something like two thousand installers. Not a few hundred resellers of a big customer, but thousands of joiners who collect orders from final consumers to manufacture a new kitchen or renovate an old one. They manufacture made-to-measure carcasses: they assist the customers choice, they identify what they need and they purchase what is necessary.”

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 60

Stefani’s laser technology on the Solution xd assists Brown 2000 in their 24 hour turn around for cabinet doors.

“An order arrives at Browns 2000 and is immediately sent to production, and executed in a few hours. Then it is delivered directly to the final consumer, where it is to be installed. Your readers should consider,” De Col adds “that the construction heritage in the United Kingdom is often ‘historical’, so it’s almost impossible to implement standard sizes or solutions. Everything is made to measure, tailor-made; standard production concerns only a few large manufacturers. We are not talking about big volumes, but rather big service! We are talking about higher quality production, to the extent that laser edge banding is justified.” Peter Brown totally believes in the Stefani’s laser technology and he has recently invested in the world’s first Stefani double-sided first and second pass linked combination laser edgebanding line. It has recently been delivered together with the Stefani "J profile" softforming single side edgebander for handle-less doors, another exclusive solution embrace by Browns 2000. “Laser edge banding is one of our latest investments,” Peter Brown said. “In the latest fifteen years we have spent over 70 million Euros on new machines, but I was blown away by laser edge banding by Stefani! It's a wonderful gluing method, offering great results especially for high-gloss cabinet doors. We switched from an excellent "Slim line", which also ensures highquality edge banding, with a virtually invisible glue line, to a laser machine. The result was so convincing that we immediately purchased a second machine and decided you can bear higher costs if you can work with excellent results at high speed. We have selected all our machines based on quality, and always considering we don't make one thousand identical cabinet doors, but one thousand doors all different from one another.”

How did Browns 2000 choose SCM Group as their reference technology partner? “Our first experience with SCM was an edge banding machine we really liked. In those years, we had business relationships with other Italian suppliers, but the level of satisfaction was not the same. The rise of nesting technology, an ideal method for our production patterns, brought us closer to SCM and their “Ergon” machining centers. Today we have sixteen, which handle virtually all the components we produce; five centers are equipped with handling units connecting them directly to the sanding line followed by membrane presses. Having chosen this system, we have grown much and we can now go from drawing to finished product in one day.” “When customers decide to change their kitchen, they don’t want to wait. We decided to work to make this possible, and we accelerated into that direction, which is basically the same as the batch one everyone is talking about…. “Our challenge is producing big volumes of made-to-measure elements for small installers, a sort of contradiction that technology can solve. In addition, each time we see the opportunity to work differently, faster, better and cheaper, we meet our installers, we inform them about our projects, what we want to do, and we think together about the best way to implement change. And it works ... .”

Zero glue line Air Fusion starts here ... Machines R Us are pleased to announce the introduction of the new SCM Olimpic K 360 with optional ‘Air Fusion’


s is often the case when new technologies enter a market they are introduced at the top end of the investment spectrum and those businesses without the means to invest can be left behind or forced to buy in finished product from other suppliers with the technology. SCM understands that the market for Zero Glue line capable edgebanders rests not just with high volume producers but also small and medium businesses, which as it happens describes the New Zealand market with few large scale manufacturers and a large base of small and medium producers.

For our market we are very excited about the new Olimpic K 360 range as we can now offer those small and medium businesses a machine to suit three types of tape adhesion, interchangeable glue pot for common EVA glues, interchangeable glue pot for polyurethane PUR glues and now optional Air Fusion zero glue line utilising hot air, all in the same compact machine. Of course the application of the tape is only one part of the final finish achieved and the Olimpic K 360 offers a solid welded steel base and robust units for finishing.

The use of steel in our structure is still regarded as essential for dampening vibration and giving an excellent result. Air Fusion technology is available on the following SCM edgebanders Olimpic K 360 Olimpic K 560 Olimpic K 800 And all SCM Stefani Solution XD, HD and MD edgebanders

For more information on SCM products please contact Machines R Us

Wood l Glass l Plastic l Stone l Composite - we’ve got what it takes l 09 820 9486 l 03 343 6737 JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 61

Sage Doors invested in a Homag KAL310 airTec edgebander built specifically for 1.2mm MKT’s Alpha PP laser edgetape.

Sage Doors secret to their seamless edge Laser edgetape consists of two layers: a ‘hard’ décor layer and a meltable functional layer. The ‘functional layer’ consists of polymers which enable it to melt faster than the outer surface of the edgebanding. When the functional layer is activated/melted (by either laser or compressed hot air depending on the technology being used) and applied to the board, the melted functional layer fuses to the MDF to create a seamless joint. Sage Doors has invested in a Homag KAL310 airTec edgebander. The machine has been built specifically for 1.2 mm thick PP laser edgetape which enables us to produce panels with a perfect 1.2 mm radius, even on the corner rounding. Other features include pre-milling to get a perfect cut on the edge of the board before the edgetape is applied and scrapers to compensate for the protective film on our Acrygloss board. Europe is known for quality when it comes to the furniture industry. MKT, a German edgebanding manufacturing company is no exception. Here’s why Sage Doors choose MKT over other edgetape manufacturers. MKT’s attention to detail and dedication to producing quality edge bandings for cabinetmakers all around the world has lead them to get EN DIN ISO9001:2008 management certification. Why Polypropylene instead of PVC or ABS? Sage Doors uses MTK’s Alpha Tape Zero PP (Polypropylene) edgetape for their Laseredge doors. Homag airTec technology uses extremely hot compressed air to melt the functional layer and fuse it onto the board. Polypropylene is the ideal material for this hot-air technique as it doesn’t shrink during cooling like other plastics. This ensures a seamless edge with no step.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 62

To achieve the highest quality functional layer, MKT’s Alpha Tape Zero PP is co-extruded as opposed to post-coated. Co-extruded = imagine two toothpaste tubes squirting out edgetape material, one on top of the other, onto the extrusion line. The décor layer comes through the top hole and the functional layer through the bottom as the edgetape is being made. Post-coated = regular ABS edgetape is manufactured, after which a heat activated glue/functional layer is applied to the back, similar to preglued edgetape. The hard functional layer on MTK’s Alpha Tape Zero PP helps create a seamless edge. A soft functional layer catches dirt and looks like a glue joint over time, defeating the purpose of using laser edge technology. Rule of Thumb! To test the hardness of the functional layer, check whether you can mark the functional layer with your thumbnail. You should not be able to make any visible mark at all on the back of the functional layer. Unlike other laser edgebandings, MKT Alpha-Tape Zero can fully weld to itself at the joint in the corners. Polypropylene is more environmentally friendly than alternative plastics. Less energy is required to manufacture it, and when burned, it produces only carbon dioxide and water. How it’s manufactured To ensure the functional layer and the outer layer of the edgetape has a consistent thickness and finish, MKT manufacture their edgetape in jumbo rolls 405mm wide. The wide rolls of edgetape are then sliced into required widths (we stock 21mm, 28mm, 35mm, 40mm & 63mm in most of our colours). The jumbo roll method generates high colour consistency and surface finish, minimizing variation caused by a change of tooling and extrusion line for different widths.

Colour and finish matching All of MKT’s edgetape is tailor-made to match the board on which it is to be applied. With laser edgetape, two colour matches are required – the colour of the outer layer and the functional layer. MKT strive for the best match between the two layers in the edgebanding and the board they’re matching to create an invisible, seamless joint. One huge advantage MKT has in their precise colour matching lies in their sister company – Printec GmbH, who manufactures and supplies a wide spectrum of plastic dyes and inks to many market sectors. MKT’s access to raw materials is essential for the continual development of their products. During the manufacturing process, the edgetape regularly undergoes inspections of various characteristics, including the colour and/or printed image. MKT obtains this information electronically and records it for further evaluation in their quality control department. MKT has many different finish options for their edgebanding. One of them, their Excellent Gloss™ edgetape has a very high gloss level; you can barely see the difference between Acrygloss board and the edge banding. Most high gloss edgetapes are dull compared to the board they are applied to.

If you have a laser edgebander and would like a free sample of MKT’s Alpha Tape Zero PP edge tape to try, contact us!

Acrygloss the ultimate, scratch resistant high gloss finish


ReŇect Yourself in Your Design

Yes, some gloss acrylics are actually scratch resistant! Senosan GmbH, an Austrian based, plastic sheeting company has achieved worldwide recognition for their high gloss acrylic films. Senoplast GmbH (Senosan’s mother company) has been manufacturing acrylic sheeting for cabinetry finishes, as well as formable car and shower linings for a long time. Recently they added AM1800TopX to their high gloss cabinetry finish range, which Sage Doors have chosen to use for their Acrygloss surface. This AM1800TopX (‘1800X’) high gloss finish differs from other materials on the market due to its depth of gloss, unique scratch resistance, and easy maintenance. It consists of a .5mm base layer of ABS, with .2mm PMMA (a type of acrylic), topped with a scratch resistant hardcoat on the surface. ABS gives better resistance to cracking than straight acrylic, and acrylic creates a better reflection than ABS. The combination of these two raw materials, united by co-extrusion, gives our Acrygloss increased strength, better colour stability, and higher cracking resistance than a straight acrylic option. The cherry on the top – the scratch resistant hardcoat – is to make your job easier and stress free! This hardcoat adds durability, while not affecting the quality of the mirror-like finish. It also means you need not worry about accidentally scratching a panel while you pull off the protective film. “How scratch resistant is Acrygloss?” you may ask. It’s passed IHD-W-466 Method 1 Class A with a loss of gloss of <20%. Don’t know what that means? Don’t worry! How about this: it’s scour resistant. Senoplast’s testing method for scratch resistance is ‘SENO company standard QPA-25-LT’. The test involves rubbing the surface with steel wool, type 00 (the kind used for buffing and cleaning golf clubs or removing old finishes on antiques) with a load of 1kg. At 20 strokes, no scratches or changes are visible on the surface of Acrygloss.

Regular co-extruded acrylic gloss sheets are soft and need to ‘cure’ for a day or two once the protective film is removed. Often a small tear created in the protective film during drilling and installation will mean a scratch in the door, only seen when the protective film is finally removed. This is not an issue with Senosan 1800X. No curing is required, as the surface is hard even before the protective film is removed, as it has a hard coat applied to the surface. Even if the protective film is torn, the surface is normally un-scratched, eliminating many of the annoying surprise scratches noticed when the film is removed on site. Why use Acrygloss instead of lacquer or high gloss melamine? The depth of gloss is much greater. Look at a reflection in the distance (not your face! Look at something further away like a line in the window.) Is it a clear line? Or fuzzy? Acrygloss gives a much deeper reflection than most other options, more like a mirror.

Invest in the future with Sage Doors’ scratch resistant



Acrygloss is easy to clean. With each order we supply a can of VuPlex, a special high gloss surface cleaner. VuPlex removes the static on the surface, making finger prints a thing of the past. The surface can easily be wiped clean using a soft, damp cloth. Reflect yourself in your work and invest in the future by choosing Sage Doors’ scratch resistant Acrygloss® next time you require high gloss doors or panels. You’ll thank yourself when you experience the advantage a scratch resistant surface provides! Although Acrygloss is scratch resistant, we still recommend you leave the protective film on the surface until the doors are installed!

- Scratch resistant - Mirror-like high gloss reŇecƟon - Seamlessly Laser-edged - Durable alternaƟve to lacquer

If you’d like a door sample of our Acrygloss, please don’t hesitate to ask!

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 63

John and Ainslie Titterton with their new AscentPro E3.

Cut-It needed more speed


he origins of Cut-It Joinery lie in a chance meeting at a local Wanaka Bar, where joiner John Titterton met his wife and business partner Ainslie. Originally a builder from Dunedin, John had recently returned from Los Angeles and was following his father’s footsteps into joinery. To g e t h e r h e a n d A i n s l i e established Cut-It Joinery in a shed from home, having since moved to an industrial area in Wanaka where they’ve recently doubled the size of the unit they manufacture from. Today the business employs four staff, two on the floor and two in the office. Working mainly from referrals and repeat clients they provide panelbased joinery throughout the Southern Lakes area – focusing on residential kitchens and custommade cabinetry, along with some commercial work. Cut-It Joinery’s production began based around an old flatbed CNC. Although very slow, the CNC’s speed wasn’t a problem, as it suited their workload. “It used to take 30 or 40 minutes to cut up a sheet” says John. “But given we were only making a kitchen or so a month back then the speed

wasn’t a problem.” While the age of the machine meant it had its limitations, it still established for John the most efficient way of manufacturing a kitchen. John is a CNC native: a CNC machine has always been at the centre of his joinery work. “Why would I use a saw? Why have a human cutting out a kitchen when a CNC will do it without making mistakes, or taking too long?” asks John. “With our Cabinet Vision software I can prepare a whole kitchen, or just re-cut a single part from an offcut, when I need it.” As Cut-It’s reputation grew, so did their need for faster manufacturing. In 2013 they invested in a Brandt 1110 edgebander, and at the beginning of this year they upgraded to an AscentPro E3 CNC. With a 9.5kW spindle, 8-slot rotary tool change magazine and 5 + 4 station drilling head, the E3 was the obvious step up in speed, power and quality. “Rather than waiting more than half an hour we can now process a sheet in around 7 minutes” says John. “I can cut and edge a kitchen in a day if I need to.”

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 64

Since installation John has given the E3 a name: ‘Nathan’. “We’ve named it Nathan because it’s like another staff member, but doesn’t take breaks, require holiday pay and is far more reliable” says John, with broad grin. He explains there is a downside: “Nathan’s not so good at sweeping the workshop though.” Factors in the decision to buy the E3 were affordability, the two year warranty and their experience of back-up service from Jacks. “Nick [a technician at Jacks’ Christchurch branch] certainly knows his stuff. He trained me on operating the machine, and has been a great help over the phone when we’ve needed it.” With the AscentProE3 and their Brandt, John and Ainslie know they have plenty of potential to increase their rate of production. As the team has become more experienced with the versatility of the E3 it’s become clear the next investment should be on the design side - another Cabinet Vision licence to keep ‘Nathan’ busy.

“We’re already booked out til the end of the year” says John, and a forthcoming housing development nearby offers potential for even more work. But with the workshop busy and the orderbook full, for now John and Ainslie are happy with the current situation at CutIt Joinery. Looking out at the snow-capped p e a k s , w i t h L a k e Wa n a k a glistening in the sun, and knowing their home is just a couple of minutes away, it’s easy to see why.

AscentPro is sold and serviced in NZ by Jacks

WhisperCut cutting a clean edge



he new generation of edgebanding machinery demands a new generation of tooling to complement the continual improvements in technology.

WhisperCut Pre-Milling Cutters from

Leitz works alongside machinery producers to provide edgebanding tooling in line with new innovations in machinery production. A new edgebander can only work to its optimum performance producing invisible joins and edges with tooling capable of producing clean, cut edges. Over the years with the development of the WhisperCut Premilling cutters, improvements in end trim sawblades and more recently the launch of the Duo Multi Profile Scrapers, Leitz has been able to provide the tooling to complement the current machinery innovations. The introduction of the WhisperCut diamond tipped pre-milling cutters was the first big step in producing a longer lasting tool, capable of cutting a clean edge with a more economical tool life. Tooling with a diamond cutting edge ensures a cleaner cut on panelled edges immediately prior to tape application. The WhisperCut cutters have replaceable diamond tips which can be replaced either individually when a tip is damaged or completely when the tips have reached the end of their cutting life. A large outlay on diamond tooling is more cost effective over the lifetime of the tool when the lifetime of the tool body is infinite. The light-weight aluminium body results in significant noise reduction. “The WhisperCut cutters really live up to their name” says Rob Carey, Leitz NZ Manager, “Our customers weren’t even sure the spindles were running the cutters were so quiet”. End trim sawblades perform such a simple function they are often overlooked, however they play an important role in the production of edgebanded panels. A good quality sawblade, regularly sharpened, clean and maintained, will produce a far cleaner cut on edge tape, especially important on current high gloss and coloured panels. The new low noise range, can achieve noise reduction of 8db(A) over conventional sawblades, creating a safer, more comfortable working environment.

$864.20 EEnd ndd Trimming SSawblades Saw Sa aaw wbl wb w bl from

$72.50 The latest edgebanding tooling recently out of development is the Leitz Duo Multi Profile Scrapers, specifically designed for edging the latest high gloss and brightly coloured panels. Conventional scrapers have a tendency to ‘stress whiten’ and dull the plastic edging during the scraping process. The Duo Multi Profile Scrapers produce a colourfast, high gloss, polished, glued edge without marking the workpiece. The scrapers, two knives effectively working as one, combine to create a profiled area of minimal roughness on all conventional edgebanding materials.

Duo-Multi Profile fifile file Scrapers from


Full Diamond Sharpening Service

Maintaining tooling to the original specifications is just as important as purchasing the correct tooling. To achieve the maximum tool cutting quality and tool life, all tooling needs to be regularly cleaned, sharpened and maintained. “Tools as good as new” is the motto of every Leitz Service Centre, ensuring all tooling is sharpened to the highest possible standard and returned to the customer in an as-new condition. This high quality service on all tungsten and diamond tooling is provided in New Zealand by the Leitz Service Centre located in Auckland. 

Leitz Tooling NZ Limited SALES 0800 578 665 FAX 0800 568 6652 All items plus GST

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 65

Industrial look with contemporary style BRIO®, a leading designer and manufacturer of sliding door systems, introduces the new Brio Open Rail range. Architecturally designed, the Brio Open Rail range is a collection of exposed rail systems, referencing industrial style with modern, minimalist appeal.

The heavy duty industrial appearance of the Brio Open Square Rail Timber will suit any contemporary interior, with capacity for timber panels of up to 150kg. Exposed precision bearings and stainless steel strap fittings offer a unique industrial aesthetic which is in high demand for residential and commercial applications. A multitude of guides will allow these large panels to operate with or without a floor channel, ensuring flooring remains uninterrupted for a contemporary interior finish.

Available in round or square options, the brushed stainless steel rail and stainless steel fixtures ensure a smooth action and robust system. Designed to work with both timber and frameless glass panels, the Brio Open Round Rail has capacity for panels up to 100kg, while the Brio Open Square Rail is designed for timber panels up to 150kg. Brio Open Round Rail Timber has been designed so the rail centralises the timber panel while concealing the support brackets. Heavy duty door stops and an array of bottom guide options makes this system versatile and practical for any application.

Brio Open Round Rail Glass will enhance a minimalist appearance with stainless steel strap fittings and a universal stainless steel guide. Suitable for toughened glass panels from 8mm to 12mm thick, Brio Open Round Rail Glass creates a timeless minimalist

style and can be used in a variety of residential and commercial applications. Both the timber and glass versions feature sealed precision bearings and nylon inlaid tyres on the rollers, ensuring a quiet and efficient operation for panels up to 100kg.

Long life cycle and quality performance are assured with Brio’s new Open Rail systems, whether used in a rustic interior or to create a modern and flexible workplace.

Open-plan or cosy nook? Architecturally designed, Brio Open Rail adds a rustic detail to contemporary settings. With an exposed stainless steel rail, sealed precision WZVg^c\ VcY higVe Ñm^c\h! 7g^d DeZc GV^a ldg`h l^i] timber or glass panels quietly and effortlessly. L]Zi]Zg ndj lVci id deZc je V gddb dg XgZViZ V eg^kViZ cdd`! 7g^d DeZc GV^a \^kZh ndj i]Z ÒZm^W^a^in id XgZViZ ndjg heVXZ! ndjg lVn#

Learn more at:

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 66

Watch a demonstration on YouTube search Griggio UNICA SAFE or type in : watch?v=0HmMKyZlcMM

Griggio Unica with unique safety stop At LIGNA in Germany in May Henk van Oeveren the Director of HPTech watched an incredible demonstration of Griggio’s new Unica Safe Safety saw. This saw has a unique safety device. Sensors detect workers hands and retract the blade in 5 milliseconds. The saw blade then automatically resets without harming the blade so you can continue to work.The retraction speed is 5 milliseconds which is 10 times faster than a car airbag. Once the safety system has been activated, it recharges automatically and within 2 minutes the panel saw is ready for use. Henk thought it was important that this technology be available to NZ manufacturers. Safety of employees is every employer’s p r i o r i t y, a l t h o u g h m e e t i n g Health and Safety obligations as an employer is becoming increasingly difficult. Because work can recommence within 2 minutes there is no need to try and balance health and safety against productivity, you can have both with these unique saws.

The manufacturer ‘Griggio’is a trusted Italian Machinery Specialists who have been around since 1946. Henk knew that these machines could be relied upon to be of the highest quality. HPTech are thrilled to be bringing these innovative machines to New Zealand. How does the UNICA SAFE work? The blade carries a small electrical signal. When skin contacts the blade the signal changes because the human body is conductive. The signal change activates the safety system.The retraction speed is just 5 milliseconds. Once the safety system has been activated, it will be recharged automatically within 2 minutes and the panel saw will immediately be ready for use all without harming the blade. This machine can work with any type of wood and can even still be used in bypass mode if the wood contains any metal. Watch a demonstration on the YouTube address above.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 67

Wood-Skin - shaping the world around you Occasionally we see CNC equipment being used in ways that are unique, visionary and speak to the future while impacting the present. Wood-Skin® is an innovative new product from a young, dynamic Milanese design team headed by Giulio Masotti. And to make Wood-Skin come alive, Giulio and his team turned to Biesse as their technical sponsor and production partner. Wood-Skin is both a process and a product; able to challenge the conventional approach to wood and other flat materials to realise new, creative possibilities. As a process, the beauty of Wood-Skin is that it can be anything you can imagine. The advanced digital fabrication process takes life thanks to the interaction between the various textile cores; wood and other surfaces, and software. As a product, Wood-Skin is two laminations of material and a central, flexible textile core. It can be furnishing; architecture; acoustics; lighting; building material or works of art. Wood-Skin products are created in the digital world and brought to life on modern CNC equipment. It fits in perfectly with Biesse’s commitment to digitisation through CAD software and advanced machining processes. Wood-Skin is a strong and resistant composite material that combines the rigidity of traditional materials (wood) with the flexibility of a textile core that allows original applications to both architectural and furnishing elements to develop unconventional structures, impossible to achieve with traditional building techniques. There is no limit to the possibilities of the Wood-Skin product. A fascinating example is in the audio industry where the Holy Grail is to change the acoustics for rock concerts or classical music where the concert hall environment is fixed. It’s what audio engineers study all their life to achieve but Wood-Skin was able to solve the problem with their unique product. A music venue in Milan was fitted with Wood-Skin panels with the facets moved by miniature actuators to change the volume of air within the venue and the distances between the ceiling and the band to alter the resonances. You can move the ceiling like a curtain with a few touches on your iPad. To create something from Wood-Skin, Giulio and colleague Stefano Baruffaldi work with Biesse to turn the digital form into reality. Giulio says “Wood-Skin and Biesse are a perfect marriage because both are experimental driven; information is what drives us through to the next step. We found a very contemporary way to use, CNC machines to bridge the gap between what you can imagine, what you can design and what you can produce. Because it’s the production where everything gets complicated.”

The floating ceiling above the Biesse stand at Ligna shows the design potiental of Wood-Skin and the capabilities of the machine it was made on.

Biesse were able to un-complicate the production of the Wood-Skin product. In collaboration with the MIT (Boston) SelfAssembly Lab and Wood-Skin, a revolutionary form of furniture was designed and unveiled at the 2015 Fuori Salone del Mobile in Milan in collaboration with Biesse. The “Programmable Table” is an entirely new type of furniture that actively transforms itself from shipping to full-functionality by taking advantage of the pre-stressed textile core that eliminates the need for assembly of complex parts. It can simply be removed from the package where it jumps into shape at the touch of a finger. Once in place, the furniture may be reconfigured into other shapes or flattened again for storage and moving. By minimizing the volume during shipping, the flat-packed programmable product is extremely efficient and economical for distribution. Milan is regarded as one of the leading design cities of the World and it was there in 2013 that this talented team developed the ground-breaking new product. Wood-Skin is a low budget, no-frills, high quality and highly functional creation that works so well that many leading international publications have said the furniture industry could be revolutionised.

Giulio Masotti and Stefano Baruffaldi.

Giulio says “We don’t actually have a product, but a way to get to a product or solution. It’s not about the object you create but how you create it.” Every shape can be realized from flat sheets of material that once processed will be ready for sale, shipping and installation without any hardware or tool, just like origami. The central textile core is a form of digital hinge that allows multi-faceted creations to be produced on basic three-axis machines currently in use. Wood-Skin is currently a base on which future know-how can be built. Technologies such as audio systems and LED lighting are possibilities yet to be fully explored but when they are, Biesse will be in a position to translates the digital world into reality.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 68

on the shelf but not forgotten Commercial furniture manufacturer, Frankco & Simon, fell into the trap that many woodworkers do, they spent money on software with high hopes of transforming their business but initially fell short on the implementation.

“When I first met Tim, we were using a pod and rail system and experiencing most of the normal errors associated with duplicate data entry throughout the design to manufacturing process. Tim suggested that we change the way we manufacture and switch to a nested-base router to help improve our efficiency.”

Like many companies, owner Frank Tong was consumed with day-to-day operations within his business and never took the time to implement or learn the tool they invested in. Frank’s interest in transforming his business was once again renewed after a brief meeting with Tim Veale, Microvellum’s New Zealand Account Manager.

“Initially, I was a little resistant to the idea of implementing such a big change, but soon decided that I needed to keep moving forward and invest in the new technology. I ended up purchasing a Biesse Rover machining centre and after experiencing the benefits and improved efficiency, decided to buy a second one three months later.”

Frank Tong purchased Microvellum back in 2008, a time when business was good and “the shop floor was buzzing” with projects. “Honestly, we were so busy back then. The thought of slowing our operations to learn the software we just purchased seemed a little overwhelming” said Tong. “So, until Tim came around, the software just sat on the shelf.”

“I would have to say that Microvellum was the catalyst for our recent success. We’ve implemented the total design to manufacturing solution. Now, we process our projects in one system, a single entry resulting in a seamless operation that eliminates duplication and the chances of human error.”

“In a short amount of time, Tim was able to show me how to use the software, and to my surprise, it was pretty easy. It definitely helps having an expert like Tim around, but the truth of it is, his sincere interest in helping me reach my goals has definitely been motivation to keep the software off the shelf and into production.”

“We’ve kept current with our updates and have found them very beneficial. In fact, the most recent update really improved our processing speed. What used to take 5-10 minutes to render, now takes less than a minute. A real boom in productivity for our two designers using the software”

“At the end of the day, it’s the ongoing service that has impressed me the most over the last few years. With Tim at the helm of Microvellum here in New Zealand, we’ve really been taken care of and received outstanding support through a time of considerable change. Now that we’ve fully implemented Microvellum and our two nesting machines, we’ve seen our output increase by 30% and our overtime reduced by 10%.” With a little guidance and reliance on Microvellum technology, the twenty-five person team at Frankco & Simon have been able to streamline and truly transform their design to manufacturing process utilizing their once forgotten software. 

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 69

are kitchen designers ... Back in the day kitchens were designed by joiners and if you were really flash the office lady aka wife would help with Formica colours. The showroom doubled up as office, smoko area, store and sample room … it seemed to work well. But all good things must come to an end and we are now expected to provide expensive dust free dedicated showrooms, CAD drawings and of course the infamous kitchen designer. Mark Bruce comments on the rise of design in kitchens and answers his own question with a no. Over the last decade kitchen designers have become imbedded in our industry to a point where customers now expect to see a designer rather than a joiner when discussing their kitchen. So apart from drinking Chi lattes and flicking through magazines all day what does a kitchen designer actually do? Well to tackle this subject I thought I would list the “must know’s and must do’s” that relate to a kitchen designer and then see how these benefit a joinery company. Communication skills The ability to receive and deliver information to and from clients, cabinetmakers, electricians,

plumbers, builders and others. To understand the terminology each trade uses and knowing who needs to know what and when. Legislative requirements These include the obvious like gas and electrical but also relevant Building Codes. (There is a clause in the Building Code that specifies minimum clearances between benches, I bet very few designers know this or abide by it!) Cabinetry and hardware A designer must know how cabinets are built, the engineering and limitations that apply. Included in this is hardware and how it fits and works within the cabinet.

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JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 70

Electrical and plumbing With the increase in servo driven hardware, LED lighting and appliances requiring plumbing, this knowledge requirement is really important.

And on top of all that they still manage to greet clients with a stress free smile and dust free nasal hair!

Space planning and ergonomics There is a science and formula behind what a lot of good designers and chefs consider “common sense”. Knowing and applying these basic requirements is paramount for good design.

Still not convinced? OK what’s in it for the joiner? Traditionally the establishment and success of a joinery company was due to a talented joiner gaining a good reputation for quality work. As the company grew resources were focused on the areas of their expertise, machinery and production staff. This makes perfect sense as the only reason you need to expand is because your market has increased, so why spend money on a kitchen designer when you are struggling to meet current demands.

Aesthetics Selecting colour sits in here but it goes a lot further than that. Understanding balance, texture, lighting and a whole raft of other “smoke and mirror” tricks that make the design look good. It’s this skill that a lot of interior designers possess and therefore feel that they can design kitchens, how wrong can they be!

The last international financial glitch highlighted that the good times aren’t forever. Businesses that came through these times have done so by thinking beyond what’s happening on the factory floor. To maintain and increase market share a marketing strategy needs to be implemented which may include modern showrooms and a professional kitchen designers.

Draughting The ability to use CAD or draw by hand. These drawings are the tangible result of their skill and knowledge. The quality of these drawings is one of the first things a client will see of your company’s ability and professionalism. There is a misconception with CAD drawings that the design is generated by the computer. Designing on CAD still requires all the skills I have listed above.

I look back over the companies that didn’t make it through and it seems that they sat in the low value high volume market. Whereas the companies that serviced the mid to upper markets came through without as many scars.

Surface materials A massive subject for designers to research and keep current on. Apart from understanding the characteristics of each product they need to match it to the clients needs and budget.

Administration Documentation is a big part of communication particularly when so many different parties are involved. Client files, quoting, specifications, out costings, invoicing, showroom and sample management, the list goes on.

The low value high volume market has also been affected by large building supply companies offering competitive flat pack kitchens. These companies are retail based and marketing orientated ... and guess what, they all offer the services of a kitchen designer! We could argue the quality of the product and service but the point is if a consumer gets a kitchen designer for a $5,000 kitchen then they will certainly expect one for a $50,000 kitchen.

just taking up space? and who better to look at the big picture. They talk to clients every day and know what they want. They look at current design and product trends overseas and see where our market may go. They also know your business with a non manufacturing eye which maybe a lot different from how you see it. OK back in the day, but not now.

Lets talk financial benefits. I recently attended a navel gazing meeting with my accountant and his quote for the day was to “work on your business not in it”. And it got me thinking, in our industry if you’re a nuts and bolts sort of person, then these sorts of comments are just mind blowing. But for your kitchen designer it’s the sort of gobbly gook they love

There is one subject my accountant and I do agree on and that is charging for design services. This is a topic I could write for hours on but in a nutshell, you charge an hourly rate for your first year joinery apprentice (who knows next to nothing), why would you not charge for somebody who has even half the skills I have listed? Kitchen design is a professional service that architects and interior designers charge for so why don’t the actual industry experts?

Just like joiners not all designers are equal, but unlike joiners there has never been the focus on formal training and qualifications. The NKBA through JITO set up a NZQA program specifically for kitchen designers working in the industry, this is now under the BCITO umbrella. This diploma course has been developed to provide a kitchen designer all the skills required. It’s not for school leavers but designers that have never been formally taught kitchen design. Contact BCITO for more info. Kitchens and good design has become very topical, look at the amount of cooking, interior design and home improvement programmes on TV. There are more kitchen specific magazines on the shelves now than ever before not to mention the internet.

Our customers are informed and discerning, therefore their expectations of the “kitchen expert” is very high. The modern kitchen designer needs to be trained, qualified and current to meet these needs. They can be an asset to your business and the “space” they take will be ergonomically correct, designed well and good to look at.  Mark Bruce of Beaver Kitchens in Whakatane is a multiple award winning designer and manufacturer, his most recent awards being Best Kitchen Design for 2014 in the Master Joiners Awards and Best Kitchen Under $20,000 in the 2014 NKBA Awards. He is also currently a tutor in kitchen design for the NKBA.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 71

NZS:4211 - JMF NZ Ltd update

Finger-jointing for the New Ze


Compliant joinery needs a tag F

ollowing last year’s conference we have concentrated mainly on two areas, being local authority presentations and installation drawings. Both initiatives have now been completed in line with our expectations. In particular, Ken Monk has done an excellent job presenting to the local authorities around the country. As a result there is now evidence of local authorities insisting that windows and doors comply with NZS: 4211.

We are currently working on ensuring our intellectual property is well protected with appropriate licences and agreements, software supplier’s agreements have now been added to timber profile and hardware supplier agreement. It is looking likely that we will have to have a more binding agreement for affiliated members to manufacture the NZS:4211 compliant windows in the future for added protection.

We have completed the Installation drawings into various claddings along with easy to follow steps for cavity preparation which were tested in line with E2 weather tightness in the building code and have had them published on the website below the Manual drawings.

Tags sales are increasing steadily which is a good sign. Directors will soon be meeting to create a business plan. However, prior to this, we would like to give Master Joiner Associations an opportunity to submit initiatives for the Directors’ consideration. We will be keen to hear your thoughts on the future of JMF NZ as you discuss these in your associations for consideration to the business plan. The reality is that creating a sustainable revenue stream is the key to future investment and development of our industry.

A Producer Statement/Warranty template is also now available from the JMF NZ secure website. We are receiving numerous positive comments from architects about these details, which is very encouraging. The Website has been updated to make it mobile friendly. Also added to the secure website, members can click on Slideshow tab and view an NZS:4211 video/voice over presentation given by Ken Monk, with Garry McNaughton in the Q&A section, this is highly recommended for architects, specifiers and local authorities. This is a 35 minute presentation plus 13 minutes of questions and answers from the floor at the Auckland BOINZ presentation. This is not only accessible via the JMF NZ website but also on YouTube https:// Upcoming initiatives now include changes to Masterspecs specification on timber joinery, which is contradictory in many facets, resulting in building inspectors and architects having difficulty specifying and enforcing NZS:4211with confidence. Glazing details are being reviewed; to date we have revisited the old JITO details with GANZ to ensure they are specific to the various wind zones. Following the completed drawings we will be in a position to update you all. Thermawood will now have their glazing system on the web site, however they have yet to test a large square of glass with their system and that is going to be noted on their details.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 72

We want to reiterate that JMFNZ is a development company aimed at promoting timber joinery in the interests of the timber window and door industry. We have a team of committed directors willing to put personal time into developing our industry. Members are reminded that if NZS:4211 is specified it will need to be manufactured and tagged to say it complies, or there could be potential ramifications which could become very expensive to rectify. Accredited joiners will need to monitor their regions and advise breaches. The success of timber joinery is in the hands of JMF NZ members and needs to be positively promoted, enforced and specified for it to flourish. If joinery is installed without tags applied, it is not deemed compliant, and it will be looked on as a breach with appropriate consequences. Non members trying to manufacture NZS:4211 joinery without recognition will be subjected to scrutiny, but we need your help to identify, to ensure a level playing field and the home owner, local authority and specifiers are getting their expectations. Garry McNaughton for the Directors of JMF New Zealand Ltd

inger-jointing is Tunnicliffe's core business, buying rough sawn kiln dried timber in all shapes and sizes from various sawmills. Cross-cutting out all defect results in sections of clearwood block or “shooks”. The shooks are finger-jointed back together which is a process of cutting 4 mm micro “fingers” on each end of the blocks, adding glue, join the fingers and press the blocks together again. This produces a full length product (6.3m) we call a “blank”.

The majority of the blanks are run into profiles but it is also the first re-manufactured product sold direct from the factory, going to joiners who are turning the blanks into custom made profiles often to match with old style joinery for repairs and alterations. There are treated H3.2 Tanalised® Ecowood™, thermally modified ThermoWood®230 and untreated blank versions available in all standard sizes. Tunnicliffe’s is also stocking laminated blanks to accommodate larger sizes. Finger-jointed blanks are the alternative of using Clears. One advantage of using fingerjointed product over Clears is the select, or fixed-length, which is more efficient to work with. Clears come generally in random lengths. To execute a cutting list there is less sorting of lengths to optimize the usage of the timber. Also a Clear more than often is not a true defect-free piece of timber, requiring extra work. Another advantage of a fingerjointed length of timber is that it generally is more stable than a clear of the same length.The blank is made up of shooks. All of these individual pieces of timber have their own character including certain stress properties. The blank in its dimension, as it has been produced, is a relatively “stable” product, all stresses of the individual shooks are averaged out against each other.

g quality blanks aland timber joiner

Tu n n i c l i f f e T i m b e r C o m p a n y L i m i t e d

Exterior Timber Joinery We specialize in Quality Finger-jointed %ODQNV DQG 3UH UXQ 3UR¿OHV VLQFH

H3.2 Official Sponsor and Stockist

NZS 4211 JMF Profiles

A Clear is hardly ever straight to start with, a finger-jointed blank is. The cost of joinery is mainly determined by the amount of labour. Considerable savings can be made not having to straighten timber. Adding up all the above factors, joinery made with finger-jointed timber is often of better quality and more cost effective to produce, even when the blanks cost a little more. In the early days of finger-jointing, the timber industry has seen some dark periods where there was poor quality product put on the market. Especially in the days when a lucrative market came to live in Australia. Today we are still having to deal with the backlash of that. There is a category of builders, joiners and architects, that do not want to know about fingerjointed product, sticking with clears. The main concern is poor finger-jointing showing through the paint work. The industry came a long way where the timber conditioning, jointing and gluing has seen major improvements. There is nothing wrong with clears, but a quality finger-jointed product is definitely a valuable alternative. We specialize in supplying the traditional New Zealand joiners producing exterior timber windows and doors, explains Managing Director Daan Olthuis.

Over many years we have developed a product range that works for the joiner. For example we have developed our production process in such a way that we maintain the nominal size as much as possible to make our blanks as big as possible. We stock all sizes as it is best practice to utilize the right size blank for every profile, ripping up larger stock standard sizes such as 200 x 50 and 150 x 50 can cause problems by compromising s t r a i g h t n e s s a n d s t a b i l i t y. Chemically treated timber is tested and rated on the treatment levels for its original size, the concentration of preservatives are higher towards the outside than inside. If you rip a blank in half you run the risk of compromising the durability of the product. Rather than order a packet of 200 x 50, at Tunnicliffes we can compile an order of any quantity of sizes in 50 and 40mm thickness ranging from 75 – 100 – 125 – 150 and 200mm wide. 

• Jambs

• Casement Sills

• Mullions

• Door Sills

Full suites of traditional and weather-seal profiles.

Full size range in H3.2 and untreated blanks plus laminated options.

Genuine ThermoWood® 230 product solutions (thermally modified Radiata Pine).

Suppliers of Interior Door Jambs, Door Core and Aluminium Window Reveals.

Custom profiles and general work.

Next day delivery for most products in most areas of the North Island, 3 to 4 days for the South Island.

Call us free on 0800 657 934 Visit our website 37 Kowhai Ave, PO Box 54, Edgecumbe JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 73

Quality work all round


builder and joiner by trade, Jon Townsend moved to Christchurch in 2010 and initially worked for a local joiner before setting up for himself.With limited space at his first location he started out with a combination machine, but once the business was established he moved to a unit in Bromley, and invested in individual machines. Working entirely with solid timber, most of Jon’s work is building or renovating windows and doors. Familiar with European machinery from his time at his father’s Melbourne joinery shop, and aware of the need to maintain his reputation for quality, Jon took his time before investing. At the core of his workshop is a Felder’s K700S saw – with a 2.6m ‘X-Roll’ sliding table, 5.5kW motor and swing-away overhead guard. “I’m getting the accuracy I need” says Jon. “It’s spot on for the work I’m doing. The X-Roll table is smooth and accurate and the cross-cut fence solid and sturdy. The remote start and stop buttons on the sliding table are a handy feature – and I can see would be even more useful for sheet work. This saw will be all I’ll need.” Jon also bought Felder’s A941 surface planer (buzzer), and, more recently, the Format-4 exact 63 thicknesser, both with Felder’s patented ‘Silent-POWER’ cutterblock. “I’ve worked with a spiral block before” says Jon “and the Exact 63 is way ahead of my previous machine. Each

knife is seated perfectly in the head – making turning them easy, and maintaining the angle and excellent finish that I’m getting”. B o t h m a c h i n e s a r e h e a v y, European-made machines but the Format-4 thicknesser is the premium model, and therefore fitted with some very useful extras, including variable speed rates, and a digi-drive that positions the table to the exact height punched into a simple keypad. Another benefit of both the surface planer and thicknesser’s SilentPOWER block is the lack of noise. “Unfortunately my extraction is far, far louder, so I’m not getting the benefit yet” says Jon. “But I can barely tell they’re switched on”. Listening to Jon describe his machinery, and seeing the workmanship he produces, it’s clear that he expects his machinery to be just as professional as he is. “I’ve done my research, and the Felder gear is good quality and is going to last” he explains. “The Germans make excellent woodworking machinery, and Austria’s right next door, and seem to be working to the same standards!” No doubt it’s this confidence in the quality of Felder machinery that led to his latest purchase, still to be delivered – a Felder bandsaw.


flagship H08 Pro CNC at Jacks The team at Jacks are looking forward to the arrival of the first ‘Profit HO8 Pro’ CNC, from Format-4. Made in Austria, this high quality CNC from the Felder Group is already gaining attention as the only genuinely European-made entry-level CNC available in NZ. Its not just the pedigree pf the Profit HO8 Pro that distinguishes itself from the pack but also the number of features that come with the machine as standard. With all the quality standards you’d expect from Felder Group’s premiere industrial brand, the HO8 features a 10kW spindle, 8 vertical drills and an 8 stage tool changer. The‘Dynamic Performance Gantry’ ensures fast and accurate performance, and with so much focus on air quality in workshops, the optimised dust extraction system is sure to be a winner for the conscientious employer looking to provide a safe and healthy working environment for the workers on the shop floor. The HO8 Pro is compatible with all the major CAD/ CAM software packages, or can be bundled with Felder’s own comprehensive software suite. And as with any quality European machine, safety is paramount, with monitored pop-up stops and a unique, small-footprint safety light-curtain. With special pricing on the first few Profit HO8 Pro CNC’s into New Zealand, Jacks are expecting strong interest at their upcoming in-house day next month.

Felder is sold and serviced in NZ by Jacks - 0800 522 577

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 74

For more details or to book a demonstration contact Jacks 0800 522 577 or email

achieving good recycling practices in the workplace

... sorted with Hideaway® Bins


testament to your business practice is being conscious of your effect on the plant, recycling in the workplace is being made easier through the installation of Hideaway Bins.

All buckets are made from a food grade polypropylene and come complete with a liner holder designed to keep the bin liner in place. All buckets fit standard bin liners available from local supermarket chains.

The drive towards recycling and the management of waste in the commercial sector has never been stronger. Part of this is establishing easy to use and workable recycling practices that all company employees can follow easily. The installation of 50L Hideaway Bins side by side is an innovative solution for separating waste and recycling. The bins once used to dispose of waste or recycling slide away out of sight, keeping the room clear of clutter. Hideaway Bins are designed and made in NZ and are made from only high quality materials to

If space is limited, twin bin solutions are also available with 15, 20 & 40 litre double bin solutions to choose from. With many distinctive features to select from, there is a Hideaway Bin for every commercial requirement. ensure the units will withstand the challenges posed in a commercial environment. For strength, the framework is made from highgrade zinc treated steel which is then powder-coated for durability. High quality German soft close runners are designed to hold upwards of 52kgs and they over extend to ensure the buckets will come clear of the bench top easily.

Unique to Hideaway Bins is the friction-fitted lid that remains in the carcass when the bins are open and closes down onto the unit when closed, locking in odours. This lid is coated in a Clinikill™ antibacterial powder coat designed to fight harmful bacteria, yeast and fungi designed to keep the bin solution hygienic unique to Hideaway Bins!

Hideaway Bins are distributed throughout New Zealand through national distribution partners: Hettich and Hafele. For more info contact Hideaway Bins: or

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 75

the extraction system that Barry built Recycling enthusiast turns his hand to installing his own extraction system for successful timber recycling business Barry Brown from Timber Recycling in Taupo was very busy in July: he re-located his business originally based on Auckland’s Northshore, to allow him to restart on a brand new site, and he built a 3 bay modular filter to connect up to his extraction system for his premises.

join together with lock rings, so if you can build a train set for the kids, you can fit our ducting.” The LipLock® system has the added advantage of being able to be reused and reconfigured if a layout does need to be changed, making it the most economic choice medium and long term.

One of Auckland’s largest providers of recycled native and exotic timbers, including Kauri, Rimu, Jarrah, Matai, Tawa and Oregon, Timber Recyclers has been very successful, both buying and re-finishing the wood. Operating since 1999, the company built their reputation on service, integrity, and by offering great products at fair prices.

Unused and damaged timber can be sold to Timber Recycling– contact the company on www. for more information.

Barry started the business as he felt very strongly that we should all be helping out mother nature by reusing timber products. An obvious target for villa style home owners, builders working on older houses or just DIY enthusiasts. Potential customers have often been put off the re-use principle as they don’t want to handle old dirty lengths of timber retrieved from unknown demolition sites. By rejuvenating the timber so it is ready to use, Barry’s timber is excellent value and great for the environment. Conservation and preserving native forest recycled timbers is becoming an increasingly popular ideology, and the company’s success is mostly due to the huge variety of products and services available including windows, doors, mouldings and flooring. Demolition timber can be remachined to different standards of finish depending on requirements, while metal detectors ensure any old nails or screws are removed. All this rework creates a very dusty environment for Barry and his team so with the purchase of a brand new building he was in the market for an effective filtration system that would last for years and keep the building

Barry Brown in front of the new 3 module Filter that he assembled himself. The 3 unit filter with 42 bags and 6 collecting bag exits although Barry is collecting the dust in a shipping container.

looking new. Familiar with the old ‘SpeedLock’ ducting system that is now branded LIPLOCK®, he contacted NZDuct+Flex and chose a 3 bay modular filter, made of Swedish steel and available as an off the shelf product from Geoff Ebdon, the Sales Manager . Because he visited Auckland most weeks, Barry was able to call in at the Otahuhu warehouse of NZDuct+Flex to collect additional items or return those unused when he changed his mind about the ducting layout or positions of machines. Being able to talk to the ‘in house’ installers and armed with an exploding diagram, helped build the filter in a matter of days. “The advice and knowledge was invaluable, and their willingness to take the time to talk about the various stages was very much appreciated,” comments Barry. Geoff Ebdon, Sales Manager from NZDuct+Flex said that the company’s own very experienced team of installers can assemble a similar unit in a day and a half, but of course you pay for their expertise, however Barry proved it can be done ‘in house’ and has now fully future proofed himself to expand in the future by choosing a modular unit.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 76

“The JKF 3 modular system with matching modern direct drive (no more belts to worry about) 7.5kw fan is the most popular combination we sell” said Geoff. “We have dozens of these around the country and we have never changed a filter sock, never had a blockage and never had to re-visit or touch any of them in any way. It’s a really reliable solution for the average woodworking business and can easily be expanded if the business grows” explained Geoff. “Barry will be able to do this himself by removing the end panel, adding another module and bolting the ends on again”. In addition, for a few hundred dollars Barry bought a variable speed drive. He runs his fan at the speed he needs now, saving power costs but can increase suction at the touch of a button if he adds machines later on. Geoff Ebdon says “We can visit a site, advice on the important components, getting the fan, filter and duct diameter size’s correct and leave owner operators to do the actual assembly. Our ‘LipLock®’ modular ducting is simple to install. Straights, bends, blast gates and branch pieces just

And now that it’s all up and running, and safe in the knowledge he has saved himself some installation costs, Barry is busy filling a shipping container with dust approximately every 2 weeks.

For further information or

BARRY’S EXTRACTION SYSTEM Fan JKF 30D 7.5kW (with VSD) Filter JKF E3-LS Modular Filter Ducting A complete ‘LipLock®’ modular system – galvanised at source in Sweden for best possible corrosion protection – the same system originally branded as SpeedLock. These components are all sourced from the same company – designed to work together and backed by JKF Industri’s (Denmark) warranty as to performance to ISO 9001. 2008, ISO 018001 and the Danish Environmental standard ISO 14001 – so no concerns with work safety or your local environment.


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JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 77

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 78

Grafton Gully Cycleway - parallel curves are not the same.

Woodform provides elegant handrail solution To the untrained eye the graceful curved handrail sitting on top of the balustrade enclosing the new Grafton Gully Cycleway in central Auckland appears understated – a simple, elegant design. However a chat to Dave Pratt from Auckland specialist wood fabricator Woodform Ltd reveals the truth in making the difficult look simple. "It looks simple but was actually incredibly difficult to achieve, requiring an extraordinary degree of precision and accuracy," he says. But crafting wood solutions to meet complex design briefs is Woodform's area of expertise.

The laminates were then glued together in the true shape of the handrail. A routed groove was formed in each of the laminate line joins and filled with an aquatic caulking to prevent cracking or breaking at the glue lines.

The handrail was designed by Woodform in conjunction with main contractors Hawkins Construction, to meet the specific design parametres of the balustrade, while accommodating a fine detail LED lighting system to run the length of the handrail – a total of 160 metres, 80 metres on each side of the cycle way.

The joins had to be flush. Stainless steel jointers were fixed so when the two pieces butted together a recess allowed the same caulking material to be injected providing flexibility.

Creating two curved handrails to follow on opposite sides of the same bend presented a range of challenges. "It wasn't a straight forward repeat of the first bend for the second rail, when working with a twin radius, internal curves on one side must match external curves on the other," explains Dave. Rebates for the lighting system had to be routed on opposite edges depending on the which side of the cycleway the section was placed. "Not only were we following the curve, but the balustrade is also on a slant meaning the inside edge on one side is lower than the opposite curve on the other side, giving a three dimensional element to the appearance." Dave adds.

The handrail accomodates an LED lighting system.

The handrail was fabricated in 36 sections 4.5 metres long, approximately 120mm wide and 44mm thick, each bent to an exacting individual radius. Bending a piece of timber 120 x 45mm thick to a radius required some creative thinking. "It's impossible to bend timber on its edge, so we had to take a a solid rectangular piece of timber of the required dimensions and cut it into three separate equally sized laminates, which we bent to the radius for both the internal and external rail," says Dave. Each laminate was then machined to be flat on top and curved underneath with two rebates routed the length of each piece: one to accommodate the LED lighting system and the other for the bolting system which fixed the handrail to the balustrade.

Installation proved to be just as challenging. The bridge, which weighed more than 20 ton, was packed and moved according to the handrail profile so the handrail could simply sit on top of the balustrade before being bolted into place. A tolerance of less than 1mm in the rebates was necessary to ensure an accurate fit. Finally the rail was coated with a protective oil to preserve the wood. "It looks magnificent," says Dave. "And all parties are extremely pleased with the result."

Woodform Limited 58 The Concourse, Waitakere, New Zealand Ph: +64 9 835 4107

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 79

WEEKE BHX 200 drilling centre

HOMAG NZ convinces with variety of products As from 1 January 2015, the sales of HOMAG Group products in New Zealand (except BRANDT and WEINMANN) has been handled by HOMAG Australia under the subdivided company HOMAG New Zealand Ltd. HOMAG New Zealand offers a wide range of products for all customer requirements, including the HOMAG Group products BUTFERING, eSOLUTION, FRIZ, HOLZMA, HOMAG, HOMAG Automation and WEEKE. Nesting solutions WEEKE Vantechprocessing cell Panel cutting can be completed either by a traditional saw or by using the nesting technique. WEEKE offers highly efficient concepts for this sector. The recently launched WEEKE Vantech processing cell is a machine that works for everybody. It comes in gantry style and with dual drive for precision over the total working width, two synchronised digital servo-drives in X-direction and extremely high acceleration 96 m/min vector speed. Drilling centres WEEKE’s BHX 050/055 & BHX 200 Almost 2,500 customers worldwide put their confidence in WEEKE’s BHX 050/055 CNC drilling centre. This machine is an ideal drilling

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 80

solution that takes up little room (less than 5m²) for all businesses whether small, medium or large. It can drill on five sides and is capable of grooving and routing at fast throughput rates whilst, at the same time, keeping energy bills down due to its low energy usage. As big brother to the BHX 050/055, the BHX 200 delivers faster machining speeds. This vertical CNC machine not only offers a powerful 9kW HSK routing spindle with a 4-fold tool changer, but also a tiltable grooving saw in X & Y. It comes with 25 or 36 drilling spindles with possibility of two split drilling heads enabling, for example, rows of holes to be processed considerably faster. A dowel insertion is optional as well as a Clamex P aggregate or 3 Spindle Hinge drilling block.

Sawing, drilling, routing HOLZMA HPP 300 multiTec HOLZMA has recently launched its all-rounder for facade and partition wall manufacturers, the HPP 300 multiTec. This new development cuts, drills and routs in a single pass. This not only makes it more efficient, ergonomic and cost-effective than a production system based on multiple machines, but also removes the need for operators to perform retrospective processing work and make installation bores on the construction site. This leads to high-precision, ready-to-assemble elements at significantly lower manufacturing costs.


solutions by design

Saw-store-nest from HOLZMA, HOMAG Automation and WEEKE

Grafton Gully Cycleway curved wooden balustrades with LED inserts. Zero joint edgebanding with HOMAG laserTec

HOLZMA’s HPP 300 multiTec

Saving labour costs HOMAG Automation intelligent storage For the handling of boards HOMAG Automation offers highly flexible storage systems which are designed to the special requirements of the furniture industry, such as high production quality, cutting down production costs or more flexibility in order processing.

surface to be glued, which is then pressed directly onto the workpiece. The result: edges of the very highest quality.

The power cell – store, saw and nest The ultimate integrated board store and processing centre guarantees a smooth and highly efficient production process even for small quantities or batch size 1 production. All three machines work hand in hand and understand each other right away thanks to the standardised software. The cell works highly efficient through to parallel working cycles, no waiting times, structured cutting and destacking. Barcodes allow precise identification of parts at any time and an efficient feeding by HOMAG Automation storage is guaranteed. Plus: Labelling of reverse sides at front panel production and intelligent sorting and restacking. Zero joint edgebanding Homag airTec & laserTec The HOMAG Group’s hot air technology is a simple technology where the function layer on the edging material is reactivated by compressed hot air. HOMAG laserTec, in comparison, uses a laser beam to melt the

Seamless production process Software solutions HOMAG eSOLUTION offers seamless software solutions from the sales process to the machine. woodCADICAM, woodNET and woodFactory can be used as stand-alone solutions, or combined in a networked solution to form a complete process chain "from the customer through to the machine". The modular structure allows step-by-step introduction in a company.The new version 7 of the woodWOP programming software enables milling paths to be programmed in a completely new way and has been specially designed for flexible programming of 3D individual components and parts. The software now allows entire surfaces to be selected and calculates the paths automatically. Now, woodWOP 7 lets users generate 3D surfaces and import 3D models via a simple process.

when your client requires curved elegance day & night

Woodform Limited 58 The Concourse, Waitakere, New Zealand Ph: +64 9 835 4107 E: JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 81

H& &S with Kathy Compliance

Melteca® Clipwall™ revolutionising wall lining Set to revolutionise the commercial interiors industry with opportunities for significant time saving in installation, Melteca® ClipwallTM is the latest release from Laminex New Zealand in their expanding wall lining solutions range. Using patented tongue and groove Uniclic ® technology, Melteca Clipwall panels are prefinished and clip together effortlessly to create a flush join. The Melteca Clipwall internal wall system is quick and easy to install, (up to five times faster than traditional systems) and eliminates the need for traditional plastering and painting.

for retail and commercial fit-outs and settings including reception areas, offices and meeting rooms. For wider decorative options, Melteca Clipwall Deco can be digitally printed, painted, screen printed or covered with vinyl, textiles and wallpaper – providing designers, architects and specifiers with unlimited creative design flexibility.

Laminex New Zealand’s New Product Development Manager, Jesse Staines, said Melteca Clipwall eliminates the time consuming and messy process of plastering and painting by offering a durable, impact resistant, and fast solution. “We’re extremely proud of our globally-inspired decors,” says Jesse, “teamed with a forward-thinking wall cladding system made from durable Melteca decorated panels, Melteca Clipwall gives design professionals a cost effective and aesthetic statement for commercial walls.”

The Melteca Clipwall range is scratch and UV resistant, splashproof, easy to clean and available in a fire resistant option for spaces that require added protection. The panel dimensions are 2785mm by 600mm, and with a thickness of 10mm providing a functional high quality wall solution.

Made up of seven decors, ranging from contemporary neutrals through to natural woodgrains, and even a beautiful concrete styling, Melteca Clipwall is ideal

“For years Melteca has been the joinery, furniture and cabinetry material of choice and now we are really delighted to offer the same leading attributes for internal decorative walls.” To l e a r n m o r e a b o u t t h i s innovative and ingenious Melteca wall lining solution, visit www. Available midSeptember.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 82

COMPLIANCE. The very word itself can conjure up images of overbearing authority, oppressive regimes or legislative threats. With the huge rise in conversations about Health and Safety, ‘compliance’ is just one of a range of words being discussed by us at Jacks, and no doubt by you. Other terms capable of getting the blood pressure up include ‘risk assessment’, ‘all practicable steps’ and one of the worse: ‘prosecution’. You’ve got to feel for the worm farmers – no doubt having recurring nightmares over Worksafe’s dictionary of terms. Companies such as ours wrestle with issues of compliance all the time, and the latest Health and Safety legislation is just another layer of issues that need attention. And while it might make you feel better, whinging about issues of compliance doesn’t make them go away. Given that issues of compliance have at their core the aim to improve our industry, or our safety, or the wider environment, it’s hard to argue against them. Realistically the time and energy spent complaining would be better spent working out what’s required to comply. We have a customer who begins each and every staff meeting with the statement “remember, we all want to go home tonight”. Saying this is easy, but getting to a position of compliance where everyone always goes home at night takes effort. Given the prominence issues of compliance are receiving, we believe it deserves a greater prominence in this magazine too. It’s unlikely there’s a single reader who isn’t concerned, or at least affected by the increasingly intense focus on health and safety compliance in the workplace right now. Taking the view that ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’, then we think a regular column discussing our own journey towards compliance – across all areas of our business - might offer some help, some insight, or perhaps just some light relief, to others. So each issue we’ll be focusing on one aspect of our attempt to comply. Be it workplace hazards, machine compliance, ACC accreditation or energy efficiency, at Jacks we’re engaged in a constant struggle to meet and surpass issues of compliance. No doubt you are too. Here’s hoping by sharing our story, you might reap some benefit. And hey, if it all gets too hard, you can always turn to a low risk industry. Like dairying … Until next time Kathy from Jacks

Upholstery apprentice turns passion into a career For 31-year-old Kirsty Woolley, being an upholstery apprentice is finally a reality. The mother of four started her apprenticeship in February this year with Withers and Borwick Upholstery in Silverdale. “I’ve been looking around and I couldn’t find anyone who was offering an apprenticeship,” Kirsty says. “I saw this job (trainee upholster) being advertised. I came in and I got the job. They were open to me doing an apprenticeship.” Kirsty has grown up in the furniture business. Her father ran new and used furniture stores which ignited her love for upholstery. “I’ve always liked furniture. It’s something that’s interested me and I wanted to do it. I’ve been doing it at home out of my shed before getting my apprenticeship.” Despite only being in her first year of her apprenticeship, she’s already learnt a lot from her training. “I’ve learned to work things out and to plan ahead. I’m doing mostly home furnishings at

“She’s been really great, just fantastic,” Gary says. She’s found her own way into the apprenticeship and she fits in well with the team.” Kirsty sees a long-term career in the upholstery business. “I’m hoping to work part-time once I’ve finished my apprenticeship. It’s something I can work around the kids,” Kirsty says.

the moment. I’m hoping to go into car upholstery and boat upholstery in the future. I’m trying to pick up as many skills as I can and retain them. You need to learn everything like how a piece of furniture is constructed as well as how to upholster it.” Working in a male-dominated industry, Kirsty hopes more women take on a trade career. “I definitely think more women should get into the trades. You can still work it around having kids because you can do it on your own terms if you’ve got your own trade.”

Her work colleagues have been supportive of Kirsty throughout her apprenticeship. “The team are really great. If I need time off because it’s something to do with the children, they’re really flexible. Mike Broadfoot (head upholster) has been teaching me and he’s been fantastic. He’s got years of experience and he’s easy to work with. It’s the first time they’ve taken on an apprentice so it’s been really good.” Withers and Borwick Upholstery owner operator Gary Withers says Kirsty is an integral part of the team.

Kirsty’s message to young people who want to do an upholstery apprenticeship is not to delay registering your interests with local businesses which may be looking for an apprentice. “Just start it; the sooner the better. Learning on the job is a lot of fun.”

The National Certificates in Upholstery Competenz is the industry training organisation for the Upholstery industry. To learn more about the six national certificates in Upholstery and related business training, please contact Laurie Irving, Account Manager - Furniture l.irving@ | 021 221 5047

Increasing retailer and cus stomer aware eness of quality y New Zealand products


furniture ÄUPZOLY

Master Seal Sup pporters::

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 83

Due Process Geoff Hardy

If your customers go bust, can they claw back the money they paid you?


ou may have heard of the law called “voidable transactions”. You may be aware that under that law, you can be made to hand back the money that your customer has paid you, any time in the last two years, if he goes bust. And you may be aware that our Supreme Court has recently issued a ruling that has radically changed the law. This article tells you what it’s all about. When companies get into financial trouble, their owners obviously know about it long before anyone else does. So knowing that the future is looking shaky and there might not be enough money to go around, they usually pay themselves and the creditors who they care about the most, in preference to anyone else. That means that the favoured creditors are laughing all the way to the bank, while the others are left sucking the lemon. A long time ago the English Parliament decided that was wrong, so they introduced a law called voidable preferences. Basically it required the favoured creditors to hand the money back, so it could be shared equally amongst all the creditors, not just the lucky ones. We adopted a similar law in 1883 and it has been with us ever since, although it has proved so problematic, the Government keeps changing it. The main problem with the original law was that before the money could be clawed back from a particular creditor, it was necessary to prove that the company had paid that creditor with the deliberate intention of allowing him to jump the queue. In practice it was very hard to prove there was that intention, when both the company’s owners and the lucky creditor denied it.

So in 1993 when the current Companies Act was introduced here, our Parliament decided to get rid of the “intention” requirement. Instead, the law now said that if the company paid you money in the two years before it went into liquidation, and that amount was more than you would have got if you had simply waited for the liquidation to run its course, then you had to give the money back to the Liquidator to be shared amongst all the creditors. It didn’t matter whether your customer had intended that you jumped the queue; the mere fact that you had jumped the queue was sufficient. However it was recognised that this would be a little unfair if there weren’t exceptions to the rule. It would be a hopeless situation if every business that provides goods or services on credit (which is most businesses) had to wait for two years to find out if they got to keep their money or not. There has to be a balance between the rights of all creditors to share equally in the assets of the insolvent company, and the rights of individual creditors to do business with some certainty about their cash flow. So from 1993 to 2006 the Government experimented with a number of different exceptions, and eventually settled on the current version which has been with us since 2007. Despite the fact that it has been in force for eight years, there has been continued debate about its meaning, and that debate has finally been settled by the release of the Supreme Court’s judgment on 18 February 2015. You will only lose your money if the following criteria apply, so treat this as a checklist:

1. Your customer must have paid you at a time when it was unable to pay its due debts (whether you knew it was in trouble or not). 2. Your customer must have later gone into liquidation (either of its own choosing, or as a result of a court ruling). 3. That payment must have been made within the period of two years leading up to your customer’s liquidation (the precise period varies, but it’s roughly two years). 4. You must be better off as a result of that payment, than you would have been if instead you had claimed for your share of the funds available for creditors in the liquidation (you will almost always be better off).

It is that last criterion that the Supreme Court has clarified for us. They said you don’t have to have given something extra to the customer at the time of receiving the payment. It is sufficient if you gave something in the first place in return for the debt (the products or services you supplied, for example). So that basically makes the third criterion irrelevant in the majority of cases.

As you can see, it’s not hard to satisfy those criteria. But even if you tick all of the above boxes, all is not lost. There is a defence you can raise, which (if it applies) can allow you to keep your money. To qualify for this defence, you must satisfy the following criteria:

If you do ever receive a notice from a Liquidator demanding that you repay money that you have received from a customer, get some legal advice quickly.

1. You must have acted “in good faith” (in other words, you were not being dishonest or underhand or anything like that). 2. You must have been entirely unaware of your customer’s predicament and you must have had no reasonable grounds for suspecting that it was in financial trouble (this will be a hard test to satisfy when there were rumours flying around, or you had to put the screws on the customer to extract your money). 3. You must have given something in return for the payment or made some commitment on the assumption that the payment was yours to keep.

It is the second criterion that is more of a concern, particularly if the customer went on record as admitting that it couldn’t pay its debts – for example if it tried to strike a deal with its creditors, or asked you for additional time to trade out of its difficulties. In that case, you may have a problem on your hands.

For a start, you only have 20 working days to get a response back, otherwise the money is automatically repayable. Secondly, a lawyer who is experienced in these matters may be able to identify one or more flaws in the Liquidator’s claim. And thirdly, even if there are no flaws, you should be able to avoid repaying every payment you received during the two year period. Instead, you can add up the total value you provided to the customer and the total payments the customer made in return, and you only have to repay the amount by which the customer reduced its debt to you over the relevant period. 

Geoff Hardy has 39 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer and is the senior lawyer in the Auckland firm “Madison Hardy”. He guarantees personal attention to new clients at competitive rates. His phone number is (09) 379 0700, fax (09) 379 0504, and e-mail This article is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 84

a view from both sides Tony DeLorenzo

Don’t shoot the workers. It is bad H&S policy


he government is introducing new health and safety legislation for the workplace. While some people are up in arms saying it will ‘kill’, ‘cripple’ ‘damage’, and ‘harm’ businesses in New Zealand no one has brought up the how media are ‘mangling’ the English language with their incessant puns. In our own small business health and safety is easy as we look out for each other and genuinely don’t want to see the other one hurt. Let’s face it no one wants to hear whinging and moaning from the injured one, and if you are the injured one you don’t want to hear the whinging and moaning of someone who now has two jobs to do. Having been a health and safety officer for a large industrial company I know all about the stress and procedural nightmares a good health and safety policy creates. At the end of the day however it is a good thing to makes sure all those around you are safe and when you do this compliance is easy. However where the policy falls short is how it relates to clients. Not so much about when you are on site but how to stop you throttling them as they make incessant changes, unreasonable demands and delay payments. The other side of the coin is where they are wanting to throttle you. Delays in getting quotes, extended start times, muddy boots on the new carpet. (Who landscapes and lays new carpet 2 days before a kitchen goes in!) Question. Is managing clients frustrations so they don’t punch you in the throat a health and safety issue? Answer. No. But it is good practice.

We all look for someone to blame and take our frustrations out on. It is human nature and the bigger the target the more they get shot at, and at this time of year there seems to be a few new juicy industry targets to aim at. I am talking about the volunteers who have bravely raised their heads above the parapet and been elected to the Master Joiners and NKBA boards. Before you load and take aim please, please, please, HOLD YOUR FIRE. These are democratically elected leaders and there are a few things to consider. Democracy is a strange thing, or more to the point peoples interpretation of democracy is bizarre. There are those who say Majority Rules. These people say the elected officials need to do what the majority says. This is actually socialism where as a group people decide what is best for the group and we all know how well that works. Just look at a family of 2 parental units and 3 smaller vocal units. Given a majority vote it would be KFC and pizza for dinner most nights. It might be what the majority wants but that does not necessarily make it the best option.

Then there is the I Elected You, Do What I Say. These people know what needs to be done and want someone else to do it. This is more like a dictatorship by proxy. Usually from one or two unelected persons who think they know what is best for the group and will stop at nothing to get the elected officials to do it. Take a local cricket club. A fast bowler (they are the ones that throw the ball at the person with the stick) demands that the wicket (that is the piece of dirt they throw the ball at) be hard, green and make the ball swing. The reason for is that their teams batsmen are not scoring any runs and so the only way to win a game is to bowl the opposition batsmen out. Makes sense really. Of course the more timid batsmen might argue that the reason they can’t score any runs is because it is too difficult to bat on, but they are shouted down by the bowler and the cycle continues. Sitting on a volunteer board is both thankless and stressful. You can’t please everyone and therefore you will always be wrong. There will always be more ideas than resources so you will always be told you are not doing enough and, there will always be someone who knows more than you so you are an idiot. OK, so I just called the Master Joiners and NKBA board members idiots who do nothing and are always wrong. I can feel the love already and suggest hate mail be sent to upyoursgitface@ But before you push send read on. As I said peoples definitions of democracy are strange. The real definition of democracy is quite simple. It is where the people choose their leaders, and leaders get to make the decisions. If you don’t like the decisions you can vote them out but in the meantime live with their decisions. It is hard to find people prepared to give up their time to run these organisations, so they should be encouraged and supported, not berated. If you think you can do better I am sure others will think so too and you will probably be voted on at the next election. Until then give these new people a chance and see what they can do. Just because they put their hands up doesn’t mean they have targets painted on their backs. Remember it is all about health and safety.

Congratulations Häfele NZ was proud to be involved with yet another fantastic Master Joiners conference and awards, this time held in our nation’s capital. A huge range of top quality entries were displayed for everyone to see - ranging from the top of the North to the bottom of the South making it a very difficult job for the judges to pick just one winner from each category. Well done to all that entered, and congratulations to the winners. With having so many joiners in one place we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to showcase and get honest feedback from everyone on the new Project Range from Kesseböhmer. Häfele displayed new products such as the Tandem Solo, cleaningAgent and cookingAgent alongside industry favourites Dispensa pull-out pantry and Le Mans corner unit. The Kesseböhmer project range still incorporates the very same highquality European gear that most of us already know; the biggest difference across the range is the powder coated grey wire with grey base as opposed to the gloss chrome finish and white base. Häfele and Kesseböhmer have filled a gap for customers that want an economical solution for their kitchen and still want to optimise their Clever Storage options. The response we received from all the delegates from the conference weekend was excellent. Thank you to all you visited us and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2016.

Tony De Lorenzo Tony is a former NKBA president and opening bowler who never took many wickets. Thoughts and comments can be sent to tony.

Talk to your Häfele representative for a demonstration, catalogue and pricing!

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 85

STATE OF THE INDUSTRY Reports from Branch Presidents June 2015

AUCKLAND/NORTHLAND The Auckland region has continued to be very busy with most joinery shops reporting that they have around a seven week lead time from quotes being accepted. Our main source of work is still coming from alterations and additions and we tend to find that the only new residential building that requires timber joinery are the high end architecturally designed homes. There is still a lot of group housing popping up everywhere in the Auckland region and this still remains in the market place for the aluminium fabricators. Most of the Auckland joiners are reporting that they have been trying to recruit more staff to help with their heavy workloads but are having great difficulty in finding qualified staff. Slowly but surely more architects and end users in our region are finding out and starting to use the JMF NZ Manual and we are starting to see more plans coming in that are calling for NZS:4211 compliant joinery. Also at long last, the Auckland Regional Council are starting to become very aware of the NZS:4211 programme and hopefully before too much longer they will be looking for the compliance tag and producer statements before signing off for practical completion. Auckland Master Joiners association is continuing to grow. We now have 49 full members and 10 associate members but we still struggle to get a good number to attend meetings. At our last meeting which was our AGM, it was agreed by all members present that Auckland Master Joiners would adopt the Rules of The NZJMF Incorporated which would bring us in line with the rest of the regions. We also had a lengthy discussion around our accumulated funds and the best ways of spending some of our funds, It has been agreed in principle that we would investigate how we could go about setting up a stand at either the Auckland Home Show or the Build NZ trade show, with the main focus of promoting the NZS:4211 programme. It was also suggested that some of our funds could be used to support the recruitment and development of apprentices to compensate for the present shortage of new apprentices in the Auckland area. – Dave Cunningham

CANTERBURY The last month or so has seen a slight change in the industry with residential building slowing up a little. The general feeling is that we have hit the peak and that we are now starting to taper off. The suppliers and some joiners are saying they have slowed up a lot. This is not all bad as it was a little out of control for people. The commercial side has got a little busier but has not had much impact yet - this is expected to kick in early next year. In regards to finding staff, this has got a bit easier of late as there seems to be an increase in people looking for a job and dropping in rather than no-one. There are also a few businesses in the building industry that are showing signs of struggle and we are seeing an increased amount of companies making people redundant, or worse going into receivership. This is probably widely due to companies expanding and buying new vehicles etc and basing their operating cost and wages on the peak of the rebuild. Now with things slowing up, they are finding it hard to survive. This is yet to hit the joinery side but is something that businesses need to be smart about and start tightening up on spending and keeping a real close eye on pay rates, or businesses will start finding that higher paid staff members may become liabilities and that’s not good. We have had a couple new members come on board so we are continuing to see more and more turn out to our monthly meetings. It’s not unusual to see upwards of 30 members at meetings now and that’s great for everyone involved. The more we have attending, the more everyone gets out of it. Bad debts are still low overall. I think a big part of this is how people have learned to control who they do work for and on what terms. We, as an association, have put a big emphasis on this particular subject over the last few years and I believe it has paid off. At our last meeting we invited the Crusaders along four came along including Kieran Reid where they sat down and had dinner with us first and chatted with everyone and then went upstairs for a Q & A session. It was a great night and awesome to have them with us. Finally congratulations to

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the Hurricanes and Highlanders for making the finals, which has been a great effort. – Nathan Moore CENTRAL Things are tracking pretty well for our Central members as we head into the winter months. Workloads have continued to remain steady with most being reasonably busy. The shortage of skilled staff available continues to hamper companies looking to cash in on this uplift in work. Residential work seems to be the strongest area with commercial work not too far behind. Typically of late the residential customers visiting our shops are more aware and informed of all the different products available. This is due to so much of this information being available online. The DIY reality shows on TV also help keep renovation work popular and gives the viewers a general overview of how these projects can run. Most of these shows are pointing out the importance of hiring Qualified Tradespeople which is good. Maybe the Master Joiners can plug in on the next Block series. Debt collection seems to be okay at present and with most of our members having well established businesses they have long since identified the slow payers and with plenty of work going around makes it easier to leave those ones alone or get them into line. Suppliers for the most part have been keeping up well with their deliveries which is encouraging and also essential when we are so busy, so well done to them. Finally to those attending conference this year I hope you have an enjoyable time and those entering the various awards categories good luck and well done. - Graeme Andrews HAWKE’S BAY/POVERTY BAY With the days still getting darker and no mention of ski fields being opened, we still find ourselves on the wrong side of Winter. Our local membership is currently at 25 local members, 32 national members and 2 local associates. 2015 has seen most joiners with good levels of work ahead of them compared to previous years. Residential markets continue to improve against the commercial markets, where tendering is currently very slow, with earthquake strengthening a major source of commercial

work. With the Ruataniwha Water Storage system slowly progressing this could be the boost our local economy needs. Attracting qualified staff is going to be an ongoing issue facing our regions but continuing improvements of local apprentice numbers will help this situation. Currently training in the Hawkes Bay are 5 craft persons, 4 kitchen cabinetry, 1 laminate fabricator, 1 kitchen and bathroom design. In the Gisborne region we have 6 craft persons, and 1 kitchen manufacturer. Disappointing to hear that our two local authorities in Hawkes Bay have not recognized the new standards being achieved with NZS:4211. We require these organisations to change their views and better understand the improvements this will have on our industry and better results for our customers. More training will be required to ensure this standard is implemented throughout New Zealand. With the recent change in the NZ to US dollar, some imported timbers have seen a strong lift in pricing, with local suppliers running out of stock as people purchase to avoid price increases. With the Master Joiners Awards four weeks away, I wish all those entering the best of luck. Finally I would like to thank our sponsors that support us throughout the year. - Ross Morgan NELSON/MARLBOROUGH The region remains economically slow to rise from the slumbers of the late summer. Although housing permits have risen in recent times these figures are skewed by the expanding market of retirement villages and group housing. Due to the nature of these projects the local joinery industry and majority of the building industry does not unfortunately gain any immediate benefit. The commercial industry remains static if not in decline. This has affected change with regard to local business’s refocusing on markets outside of the region. To this part we have developed increased communication with local industry bodies, regional Master Builder, Certified Builders and the Master Painters. We have in place a proposed regional building industry seminar focusing on Affordable Construction to take place in August 2015. We have had further productive discussions at a

recent meeting with Darren Evans, Tutor for the Joinery Programme at CPIT. Darren enlightened the opportunities and facilities available in Christchurch. Training and retention of staff has been a focus of the branch and the development of this partnership is seen as a real benefit to the Master Joiner members reducing perceived boundaries to taking on apprentices. We have interestingly also seen a movement back to the region by qualified experienced staff, either from overseas or short sojourns to Christchurch and Auckland. The success of our NPI sponsored regional awards continued to have a positive impact with local winners especially noting an increase in enquiries and kitchen consults over the last quarter against present market conditions. One point of note has been the contribution and engagement of our newer members who have embraced working together as a branch. The first Master Joiner Olympics took place between the Waitaki Branch and the Nelson/ Marlborough Branch in Hamner Springs. Aside from taking home the trophy, the real success came from the fellowships becoming closer and talking practically about business. Massive thanks to Graeme Rountree for his stirling efforts of organisation. Finally we, as a branch, would like to acknowledge the efforts of Alan Gibbs, who as inaugural President helped developed the branch to where it is now. Thank you. – Myles Sellers OTAGO/SOUTHLAND We have just had the AGM with a good turnout, though we were quickly running out of options for a venue to have the meeting as our first two usual haunts had been seriously affected by the recent floods in South Dunedin. Later the same evening we had our midyear dinner. Though we had a smaller turn out than previous occasions, we all had a great time catching up and having a tasty meal at Glenfalloch Restaurant. Branch meeting numbers have been up with our largest turnout (20 people) when we travelled to Invercargill to have a look at what SIT has been up to, followed by the meeting and a dinner afterwards. Attendees came from Dunedin, Central Otago and Southland and it allowed for some good sharing of information of where we think joinery should be heading in our region. World Skills competitor, Michael Wood from Peter Howley Joinery in Invercargill, went up

to the Oceania competition in Hamilton and worked hard to achieve 2nd place whilst learning a lot about working under the pump. We all wish Michael the best for his trip to Brazil and hope all the hours of practice and hard work pay off with good results. We look forward to him coming to our next Invercargill meeting and telling us about his experience and showing us photos of his trip away. Good luck Michael. Workloads around the region remain steady to busy, with extra work for Dunedin firms following the recent floods in early June in South Dunedin. This will likely keep many tradesmen busy for the rest of the year. As always, many firms remain short of good qualified staff. This year at least eight members are going to the Master Joiners Conference in Wellington to network and learn. Andrew Duncan TARANAKI With winter now in full swing, we have the usual winter slow down due to all this rain putting the brakes on building work. Most Taranaki joiners have reasonable workloads but the future economic outlook locally is looking uncertain as farmers and the oil industry struggle. With these two main local industries struggling, the flow on effect to other Taranaki businesses must impact at some stage. The talk around the trades is that some of the national house builders’ orders are starting to slow. We will soon see who are the stayers in this competitive sector. Having talked about a slowdown, there are still some commercial projects happening, with an historic hotel being redeveloped, a 100 room Novotel hotel partly completed, and plans have recently been priced for an extension to the local Southern Cross hospital. Companies that solely focus on one market might find it tougher than others who are prepared to engage work from any source. On a positive note, the Master Joiners Conference in Wellington is upon us and it will be great to catch up with fellow joiners again and our loyal suppliers, for some great networking. – Roger Paul WAIKATO/BAY OF PLENTY Across our region things have picked up. Most members have full order books with one Hamilton member reporting they were ridiculously busy. Joinery for the domestic market is in demand all over the Waikato/Bay of Plenty – both cabinetry and timber joinery.

The commercial market is patchier with not a lot happening yet in the smaller centres – Whakatane and Rotorua. There is more market confidence than there has been previously. Kiwifruit farmers are reportedly opening their cheques books now that they are on the other side of PSA. Even group home builders are allowing more realistic PC sums for kitchens. Several members I spoke to are considering taking on extra staff although they are still tentative and wary of finding good people. Supplies seem steady although timber purchasing is seeing slightly longer lead times. There is healthy competition between suppliers, and pricing reflects that. Collections from debtors are as expected. Our recent meeting in Rotorua was well attended and included a trip to Kilwell Sports who manufacture and distribute Fishing and Hunting – both of high interest to many joiners. Also we had informative presentations from two associate member companies. All in all, things seem very positive around our region for the winter and we look forward to a productive second half to 2015. - Paul Ingram WAITAKI Workloads are looking very good for most, coming into winter, with some having three - five months of work ahead, and even having projects for the new year. The commercial side of things is still a lot quieter - hopefully this will pick up soon. Some firms have taken on new staff, but most of them happy with the way they are. One firm is thinking of taking on an apprentice, which is great. Still the usual winter blues, with staff off sick and sports injuries. Finances for most are reasonably good, with one or two saying payments are a bit slower. Generally the Waitaki region is in pretty good shape in the joinery side of things, but some other trades are noticing a bit of a downturn which is being put down to the dairy payouts. Waitaki and Nelson/Marlborough had a great weekend in Hamner Springs where we held our master joiners Olympics which were very much enjoyed by all. Thanks to Graeme Rountree for organising this and congratulations to Nelson/ Marlborough - see you next year. – Alan Paterson WELLINGTON We l l i n g t o n M a s t e r J o i n e r s Conference is this week and I am certainly ready for a break. Even though the Conference is mostly all work related, it is a break from

At the Wellington Conference

Conference organiser Sue Page with MC Kevyn Moore and Master Joiners CEO Corinne Moore.

Retiring Master Joiners President Andrew Bellamy with wife Tania.

our normal everyday activities and a welcomed change. A good time to catch up with different people from different places who are in the same industry. You could mention ‘handles’ and have a long conversation with someone you do not know. We are that similar I think. I was recently promoting becoming a Master Joiner to a non member and I said “we all have the same problems”, he said “yeah, staff”. He was right - staff issues can be a major problem. Staff issues are always as well as all the usual day to day issues. Hearing other Joiners mention their problems can be beneficial, knowing that we are all in similar situations. Hearing a small piece of knowledge or advice can sometimes be a major bonus to take away with you. Having friends in the industry is a plus that cannot be bettered in my opinion, and becoming a Master Joiner is a great avenue and possibly the only avenue for this to happen. Meeting regularly with fellow joiners forms long lasting relationships. Most of us are in business for a long time, why go it alone? Anyway, Winter is upon us and it is full steam ahead in my factory at the moment. I am on top of the bad debts and have completed the 3 monthly cycle back into credit. I hear most businesses down this way are busy and new staff are being hired. There is plenty of work around it seems and still plenty to price. Hope to see you at Conference. – Anthony Neustroski

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master joiners members AUCKLAND Secretary, Matt Woodward 15 Wheturangi Rd, Greenlane, Auck. Ph 09 524 7054, email Advanced Timber Joinery PO Box 132, Silverdale, 217 Spur Road, Stillwater/Silverdale, Ph 09 426 9785, contact Wade Saunderson. NZS4211 Affiliated. All Timber Joinery Ltd Unit A, 1058 Great South Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland. Ph 09 270 9605, contact David Heather. Alpha Joinery Services (2010) Ltd 124D Felton Mathew Ave, St Johns, Auckland, Ph 09 578 0391, contact Juan Whippy. NZS4211 Affiliated. Artisan Carpentry Ltd 14b Akepiro Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland, Ph 09 550 7654, contact Charles de Lapomarede. BML Builders Ltd 18 Shamrock Drive, Kumeu, Ph 09 412 2350, contact Kaye Butler. NZS4211 Affiliated. Bungalow Villa & Beyond Ltd 377 New North Rd, Kingsland, Auckland. Ph 09 846 1502, contact Simon Buckley. NZS4211 Affiliated. Cedarlite Industries Ltd 4 Mahunga Drive, Mangere Bridge, Auckland, Ph 09 633 0410, contact John Harrison. NZS4211 Affiliated. Continental Stairs Ltd 32 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland, ph 09 836 1935, contact John or Anthony van Erp. Contrast Interiors Ltd A5, 35 Keeling Road, Henderson, Auckland, Ph 09 835 3465, contact Brendon Dunn Counties Joinery 36 Sedgebrook Rd, Patumahoe, Pukekohe 2678. Ph 09 236 3271, contact Roy McKerras.

Goldfinch Timber Joinery Ltd 20 D & E Onslow Avenue, Papatoetoe, Auckland, Ph 09 277 8803, contact Harvey Whitehead. NZS4211 Affiliated

Papakura Joinery Ltd 45-51 Tironui Road, Papakura North, Auckland, Ph 09 298 7145, contact Glenn Haszard. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Grandvue Joinery 42 Gregory Road, Waitakere. Ph 09 810 9398, contact Robert Piacun. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Rockfield Woodworkers (2003) Ltd 9 Parkwood Place, East Tamaki, Manukau, Ph 09 274 4698, contacts Bryan Hancock and Nick Jones. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Guyco Kitchens & Joinery Ltd 8 Rewa Rewa Road, Raumanga, Whangarei, Ph 09 470 0653, contact Peter Dainty. G & J Joinery (1997) Ltd 372 West Coast Rd, Glen Eden, Auckland. Ph 09 818 5585, contact Alan Parry. NZS4211 Affiliated. IP Joinery Ltd Unit 8, Industrial Building One. Opua Marine Park, Baffin St, Opua. Ph 09 402 6885, contacts Bill & Julie Kidman. JT Cabinetry Ltd 32 Neil Park Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland, Ph 09 279 8984, contacts Noel Rowse and Ben Brown. Kay Joinery 1226 Oruru Road, R D 2, Peria, Kaitaia, Ph 09 408 5547, contact Daniel Kay. Keenan Interiors Limited 6/7 Veronica Park Lane, New Lynn, Auckland 0600, Ph 09 827 7836. Kitchen Inspirations Ltd Unit 15, 518 Buckland Road, R D 2, Pukekohe, Ph 09 239 0875, contact Justin and Rebecca Berry Leslie A J & Co Ltd PO Box 35 628, Browns Bay. Ph 09 479 4662, contact Steve Leslie. NZS4211 Affiliated. Mahurangi Joinery Ltd 23a Glenmore Drive, Warkworth, Auckland 0910, Ph 09 425 9849, contacts Joel and Suzannah Hemus. Matakana Kitchens & Joinery Ltd 50 Matakana Valley Road, Matakana, Ph 09 422 7804, contact Jeffrey Smith. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Seaboard Joinery Ltd PO Box 11 035, Ellerslie. Ph 09 579 9571, contact Mrs Maureen Beattie. NZS4211 Affiliated. Serene Joinery Ltd 70 Ellice Road, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 443 5679, contact Matthew Senior Smith & Parker Joiners 35 Waipanga Road, Kamo, Whangarei, Ph 09 435 5415, contact Albert Smith or Simon Parker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Fernlea Cabinetry & Joinery Ltd 17 Bandon Street, Frankton, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 2027, Frank Lawrence. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Westpine Joinery Ltd 7 Binstead Rd, New Lynn, Auckland. Ph 09 827 6488, contact Bill or Donny Rawlinson. www. NZS4211 Affiliated. Whenuapai Joinery (1988) Ltd 49 Pupuke Rd, Takapuna, Auckland. Ph 09 416 4995, contact Ian Midgley. NZS4211 Affiliated. Woodstar Ltd PO Box 57 050, Owairaka. Ph 09 620 5711, contact Stuart Penny.

Meridian Joinery Ltd 18 Parity Place, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 441 7289, contact Roydon Woodcock.

Secretary, Sonya Mackenzie 65 Duke Street, Hamilton. Ph 07 847 9352 Email:

Neo Design Ltd 96 Hillside Road, Glenfield, Auckland. Ph 09 443 4461, contact Wayne Church or Paul Burgess.

Advance Joinery 2015 Ltd 71 Higgins Road, Hamilton, Ph 07 846 0026, contact Kris Allen.

Nicks Timber Joinery Ltd 56 Forge Road, Silverdale, Auckland. Ph 09 426 6862, contact Ken Caldwell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Arborline Products PO Box 9003, Hamilton. Ph 07 847 8217, contact Julian Jaques. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Old Bay Joinery 202 Old Bay Rd, RD 2, Kaikohe, Northland, Ph 09 405 9650, contacts Phil & Sandy Ellis. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Autocrat Joinery 31 Maru Street, Mount Maunganui, Ph 07 574 8162, contact Tony Morgan. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Owairoa Joinery Ltd PO Box 58 336, East Tamaki. Ph 09 273 3699, contact Mark Harriman. NZS4211 Affiliated. Pakuranga Joinery Ltd 2 Canon Place, Pakuranga, Auckland. Ph 09 576 8858, contact Gary Farquhar. NZS4211 Affiliated.

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Customtone Kitchens 33 Progress Drive, Otorohanga, Ph 07 873 8083, contact Dave Frederiksen.

Western Joinery Ltd 26 Cartwright Road, Glen Eden, Auckland, Ph 09 818 8802, contacts Jim Purvis or Leanne Beaumont. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Format Ltd 17 Parity Place, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 914 4560, contact Frank Schlaffmann.

Cromptons Joinery PO Box 751, Taupo. Ph 07 378 7968, contact Allan Crompton. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Eastern Waikato Joinery Ltd 3 Allen Street, Morrinsville. Ph 07 889 7654, contact Paul Bennett. NZS4211 Affiliated.

McNaughton Windows and Doors PO Box 27 061, Mt Roskill. Ph 09 620 9059, contact Dennis McNaughton or Dave Cunningham. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Fineline Joinery Limited Unit 6B, 64 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson, Auckland, Ph 09 836 2212, contacts Chris Lipp / Richard Schaefer. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Coromandel Kitchens Ltd 7 Dakota Drive, Whitianga, Ph 07 869 5597, contact Andrew Nuttall

Total Timba Joinery PO Box 101 153, Glenfield. Ph 09 444 7772 contact Rob Pickup. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Cube 3 Cabinetry Ltd 8 Tironui Station Road West, Takanini, Auckland, Ph 09 297 7830, contact Nigel Hanley.

Euro Timber Joinery Co Ltd 34 Waipareira Ave, Henderson, Auckland, ph 09 837 1833, contact Shane Paterson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Concept Kitchens & Bathrooms Ltd 73 Riverlea Rd, Hamilton, Ph 07 856 4705, contact Ross Bones. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Design Line Kitchens & Motorhomes 21 Gateway Dr, Whakatane. Ph 07 307 0058, contact Adam McNeil.

Mattson Joinery PO Box 76690, Manukau City. Ph 09 277 7642, contact David Mattson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Danska Cabinetmaking 177 Lower Dent St, Whangarei, ph 09 438 1100, contact Aaron & Carolyn Rawson.

Colourform Joinery Ltd PO Box 10121, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 6655, contact Mike Taylor. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Styleline Installationz Ltd 97 Avocado Lane, Mangawhai, Auckland, Ph 021 660 207, contacts Matt Strong and Stephen Strong.

CT Timber Joinery Ltd Unit A / 37 View Road, Glenfield, Auckland, Ph 09 444 9041, contact Cameron Stringer. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Dando Doors and Windows Ltd 62 Stoddard Rd, Mt Roskill. Ph 09 629 2461, contact Peter Facoory. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Clearline Ltd 65 Hull Road, Mt Maunganui, Ph 07 572 4307, contact Barry Ririnui.

Fine Woodworking 1536 Main North Road, R D 5, Te Kuiti, Ph 07 878 6194, David Higgins. NZS4211 Affiliated. Gartshore Group PO Box 2117, Tauranga. Ph 07 578 4529, contact Bill Gartshore. Harker Laminates 58 Bryant Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 7745, contact Steve Harker. Hopkins Joinery 126 Taupo St, Putaruru. Ph 07 883 7951, contact Ron or Hilary. NZS4211 Affiliated. Hostess Joinery Ltd PO Box 1048, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 3099, contact Peter Clarke. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Beaver Kitchens 28 McAlister Street, Whakatane, Ph 07 308 7642, contact Mark Bruce. Classical Doors Ltd Cnr Chadwick Rd & Sherson St, Greerton, Tauranga, Ph 07 578 4908, contact Scott Wilkins. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Huntly Joinery 2000 Ltd PO Box 170, 22-26 Glasgow St, Huntly, Ph 07 828 8370, email NZS4211 Affiliated. Keith Paton Joinery 15 Carters Crescent, Cambridge, ph 07 827 3249, contact Keith Paton. King Country Kitchens 49 King St, Te Kuiti, Ph 07 878 8820, contact Richard Pethybridge. NZS4211 Affiliated. Kitchen Fx Ltd 8 Bandon Street, Frankton, Hamilton. Ph 07 847 3003, contact Mark Davies. Lee Brothers Joinery Ltd PO Box 1170, Rotorua, Ph 07 348 0620, contact Paul Ingram. NZS4211 Affiliated. MAKZ Joinery 34 Valley Road, Whakatane, Ph 027 284 9412, contact Jamie McConnell. Makepiece Limited Unit 2, Number 10, Gateway Cres, Coastlands, Whakatane 3194, Ph 07 219 0903, contact Richard Knott. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Executive Officer - Corinne Moore, 20 Cambridge Tce, Taradale, Napier. ph: 06 844 9954, fax: 06 650 6756, email:

Montage Kitchens & Joinery PO Box 5266, Frankton, Hamilton. Ph 07 8479 174, contact Ken Monk. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Careys Joinery (1989) Ltd PO Box 229, Marton. Ph 06 327 7949, contact Karl Parry.

Morrinsville Industries Ltd PO Box 69, Morrinsville. Ph 07 889 5199, contact Murray Foster. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Counter Concepts 16 Bisley St, Palmerston North, ph 06 355 5971, contact Graeme Andrews.

Native Timber Joinery Ltd 92 Bruce Berquist Drive, Te Awamutu, Ph 07 871 6188, contact Stuart Walker. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Heritage Doors Ltd 3 Muhunua West Road, Ohau, Levin, Ph 0274 418 934, contact Tod Aitken. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Personal Touch Kitchens Ltd 20 Rickit Road, Te Awamutu, Ph 07 871 3998, contact Gyan Prole or Kerry Prole.

H.R. Jones & Co. Ltd Aorangi St, Feilding. Ph 06 323 4388, contact Mark Pickford. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Plain & Fancy Furniture & Kitchens 2 Lake Rd, Frankton, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 4563, email s.jclausen@

Hughes Joinery Ltd PO Box 4250, Palmerston North, Ph 06 952 3581, contact Cliff Hughes.

Ross Curtis Joinery PO Box 396, Taumarunui. Ph 07 895 7152, contact Ross Curtis.

Jeff Clayton Joinery 25 Roxburgh Cres, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 1736, contact Jeff Clayton.

Santa Fe Shutters PO Box 4009, Mt Maunganui South, Tauranga, Ph 07 547 4042, contact John Kemsley.

Kitchens By Healey Ltd 42 Bennett Street, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 4646, contact Peter Healey.

Stanley Joinery Ltd 6 Browns Street, Matamata, Ph 07 881 9234, contact Tony Thornton. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Lanwood Joinery 26 North St, Palmerston North. Ph 06 357 4757, contact Steve Duck.

St Andrews Joinery Ltd 46 Mahana Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton, Ph 07 849 3050, contacts Stewart and Robert Cunningham.

Levin A1 Joinery Co Ltd 27 Hokio Beach Rd, Levin. Ph 06 368 9987, contact Phil Benefield. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Stu Martin Joinery Ltd 49A Matai Street, Taupo. Ph 07 378 8049, contact Stu Martin.

L G Petterson (1994) Ltd 49 Bennett Street, Palmerston North. Ph 06 354 8170, contact Lindsay Petterson.

Treetown Kitchens Ltd 57 Albert Street, Cambridge, Ph 07 827 7309, contact Kevin Middlemiss.

M R Osman Furniture & Joinery 383 Heads Road, Wanganui, Ph 06 344 2391, contact Murray Osman. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Thames Joinery (1995) Ltd 913 Queen Street, Thames, Ph 07 868 6951, contact Bruce Fulton. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Murray Judd Joinery Limited 25 Station Street, Woodville, Ph 06 376 5043, contact Murray & Tessa Judd. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Torrington Stairways 24 Matos Segedin Drive, Cambridge, Ph 07 827 6323, contact Brian Courtney.

Pelco Joinery 834 Tremaine Ave, P. North. Ph 06 357 8031, contact Robert Wilson.

Wackrow’s Joinery Ltd Gillies St, Box 150, Cambridge. Ph 07 827 5981, contact Carl Riley or Liam Wackrow. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Rob O’Keeffe Joinery Ltd 368 Heads Rd, Wanganui. Ph 06 344 5040, NZS4211 Affiliated.

Waikato Benchtops Ltd Glasgow Street, Huntly, Ph 07 828 8370, contact Simon Curran. Waikato Joinery Specialists 26 King St, Frankton, Hamilton, Ph 07 847 6006, contact John Vercoe. NZS4211 Affiliated.

CENTRAL Secretary, Craig Fleet UCOL, Private Bag 11022, Palmerston North 4442, Ph 06 952 7001, Al-Wood Joinery Ltd 7 Arthur Street, Pahiatua, Ph 06 376 8692, contact Kate Harris. Benchtop Surfaces Ltd 590 Tremaine Ave, P. North. Ph 06 356 9384, contact James Hurren.

TARANAKI Secretary, Graeme Paul PO Box 4136, New Plymouth. Ph 06 751 1111. Arthur Brown Construction Ltd PO Box 266, Hawera. Ph 06 278 5199, contact contact Mark Dombroski Broadway Joinery 381 Broadway, Stratford, Ph 06 765 6829, contact Graham Podjursky.

Fisher Taranaki Window & Door PO Box 3061, New Plymouth. Ph 06 758 5068, contact Mark Whitaker.

Burley Kitchens & Cabinetry Ltd 14 Lipton Pl, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5588, contact Craig Burley.

Glen Valley Joinery 83 Breakwater Road, Maturoa, New Plymouth, Ph 06 751 4631, contact R G Barlow. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Cherrywood Joinery Ltd 11 PotaeAve, Lytton West, Gisborne. Ph 06 868 0971, Richard Childs.

Hawera Kitchens and Furniture Ltd 24 Glover Road, Hawera 4610, Ph 06 278 7044, contacts Klinton Hunt / Lance Hunt. In 2 Kitchens Limited 78 Portia Street, Stratford, Ph 06 765 4058, contacts Brent and Jo Russ. NZS4211 Affiliated. Kitchen Designz NZ Ltd 225-229 Courtenay St, New Plymouth. Ph 06 759 8324, contact Dan Holmes.

Christie Builders & Joiners 11 Husheer Place, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 6676, contact Peter Christie. NZS4211 Affiliated. Classic Kitchens (1977) Ltd PO Box 3150, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 6500, contact Larry McKenna. D Stevens Ltd 336 Childers Road, Gisborne, Ph 06 867 5700, contact Peter Claydon. NZS4211 Affiliated.

KP Joinery Ltd 2 Dowding Place, Waitara. Ph 06 754 4726, contact Ken Parsons.

East Coast Benchtops Ltd 15 Edmundson Street, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 1465, contact Wayne Hurring or Chris desLandes’.

MacLeod Joinery 42 Beach St, New Plymouth. Ph 06 757 8172, Kieran MacLeod. NZS4211 Affiliated.

European Designer Kitchens 80 Taradale Rd, Napier. Ph 06 843 7319, contact Murray Nattrass.

New Plymouth Joinery Ltd 10 Cody Place, New Plymouth. Ph 06 758 8580, contact Roger, Paul or John Ancell. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Gemco Trades Ltd PO Box 8360, Havelock North. Ph 06 877 1204, contact Darren Diack. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Newton Gordge Joinery 67 Breakwater Rd, New Plymouth. Ph 06 751 5065, contact Newton Gordge. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The Door Shoppe 157 London Street, Wanganui, Ph 06 345 7707, contact Mark & Diane Thompson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Prestige Kitchens 2001 Ltd 98 Molesworth Street, New Plymouth, Ph 06 759 9177, contact Mark Schmidt.

Unique Timber Joinery 143B Gillespies Line, R D 5, Palmerston North, Ph 06 355 2654, contact James Griffin. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Awapuni Joinery Ltd 22 Parkinson Street, Gisborne, Ph 06 867 3301 contact Peter Webster. Brittin Builders Ltd T/A Parkhill Joinery 475 St Georges Road South, Havelock North, Ph 06 877 7623, contact Tom Robertson.

Pace Office Furniture Ltd 113 De Havilland Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth. Ph 06 755 4012, contact Lew Dickie or Bryan Frank.

UCOL Princess St, Palmerston North. Ph 06 952 7001, contact Craig Fleet. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Secretary, Sue Page QSM, JP 13a Charles Street, Westshore, Napier 4110. Ph 06 835 9549. Email:

Elite Kitchens 2004 Ltd 221 Devon Street East, New Plymouth, Ph 06 759 8221, contact Sean Rice.

Reilly Joinery 18A Parkview Ave, Feilding, Ph 06 323 3743, contact Andrew Reilly. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Townshends (1994) Limited 59 Makomako Road, Palmerston North. Ph 06 354 6699, contact Denise McLean. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Rhys Powell Joinery 7A Euclid Street, New Plymouth. Ph 06 753 3822, contact Rhys Powell. NZS4211 Affiliated. Vogue Kitchens & Appliances 214 Courtenay Street, New Plymouth 4312, Ph 06 758 7241, contact Carl Lewis. Wayne Lovegrove Joinery 647 Frankley Road, R D 1, New Plymouth 4371, Ph 06 753 9002, contact Wayne Lovegrove. Westwood Kitchens 90 Rata Street, Inglewood, Ph 06 756 7592, contact Wayne Herbert.

Hastings Laminate Ltd 1021a Manchester Street, Hastings, Ph 06 879 8564, contact Mark or Grant Eyles. Kitchen Zone 219 Stanley Road, Gisborne. Ph 06 863 2044, contact Tony & Lynda Sharp. NZS4211 Affiliated. Kevin Molloy Joinery Ltd PO Box 3251, Napier. Ph 06 843 5037, contact Simon Molloy. NZS4211 Affiliated. Mackersey Construction Ltd Box 320, Hastings, Ph 06 876 0252, contact Ross Morgan. NZS4211 Affiliated. McIndoe Kitchens PO Box 3221, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 3880, contact Murray McIndoe. Millbrook Furniture Solutions Ltd 404 Ellison Road, Hastings 4122, Ph 06 876 3675, contact Bruce Drummond. Milldoor Ltd 1283 Louie Street, Hastings, Ph 06 878 2600, contact Gary Morgan. Peter Norris Joinery Ltd Unit 9, 28 Edmundson Street, Onekawa, Napier, Ph 06 843 8086, contact Peter Norris. NZS4211 Affiliated.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 89

Rabbitte Joinery Limited 807 Warren St, Hastings. Ph 06 870 8911, contacts Greg & Trudi Rabbitte. NZS4211 Affiliated. Rawcraft Kitchens of Distinction PO Box 3375, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 9008, contact Mike Daly. Stephen Jensen Cabinetmakers Ltd 37 Takapau Road, Waipukurau, Ph 06 858 9028, contacts Stephen Jensen / Kane Griffin. NZS4211 Affiliated. Summerfield Joinery 4 Innes Street, Gisborne, Ph 06 868 4236, contact Dale Summerfield. NZS4211 Affiliated Sydaz Joinery Ltd Unit 6, 7 Cadbury Street, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 842 2086, contacts Simon Wakeman or Darryl Strachan. Waipukurau Joinery Limited 2322 Takapau Road, Waipukurau. Ph 06 858 9961, contact Greg O’Kane. Your Solutions Joinery Ltd 46 Ford Road, Onekawa, Napier. Ph 06 843 5954, contact Adam Satherley.

WELLINGTON Secretary, Peter George PO Box 1575, Paraparaumu Beach. Ph 04 297 0212. Amalgamated Joiners 1977 Ltd 4 Mountbatten Grove, Upper Hutt 5018, Ph 04 526 8091, contact Paul Pepper. NZS4211 Affiliated. BM Hamilton Kitchens & Joinery 68 Montgomery Crescent, Upper Hutt 5018, Ph 021 923 231, contact Benn Hamilton. Carroll’s Joinery Limited 148 Lincoln Road, Masterton. Ph 06 377 3160, contact Richard Carroll.

Paraparaumu Doors & Joinery 14 Manchester St, Paraparaumu, Ph 04 297 2233, contact Tony Thomson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Nazareth Joinery Ltd 1 Warwick Street, Blenheim, Ph 03 578 8752, contact Ruda Suleiman.

Don’s Joinery Ltd 43 Sandown Cres, Christchurch. Ph 03 382 0828, contact Don McClintock.

Pete’s Joinery & Building Ltd 205 Main St, Greytown. Ph 06 304 9137, contact Peter Algie, Rhys Severn or Paul Coventry. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Orange Building Group Joinery Ltd 16 Nayland Road, Stoke, Nelson. Ph 03 547 9784, contact John Andrew.

Elite Joinery Ltd Unit 1, 97A Sawyers Arms Road, Papanui, Christchurch, Ph 03 354 8311, contact Hayden & Sarah Illingworth.

Prestige Joinery Limited 140 Perry Street, Masterton, Ph 06 377 1331, contact Gregory Morgan. NZS4211 Affiliated. Renalls Joinery Limited 147 -155 High St Sth, Carterton. Ph 06 379 8008, contact Steve Ruscoe. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ruby Bay Joinery Ltd 8 Warren Plc, Mapua, Nelson. ph 03 540 2123 contact Wayne Roberts. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Stylish Interiors Ltd 38 Puruaha Road, R D 2, Te Horo, Otaki, Ph 021 911 585, contact Mathew Gubb.

Simply Joinery 924 Queen Charlotte Drive, R D 1, Picton, Ph 021 126 2514, contact Glen Godsiff. NZS4211 Affiliated.

The French Door Factory 14A Kingsford Smith Street, Rongotai, Wellington. Ph 04 387 7822, contact Alan Chambers

The Sellers Room 9 Echodale Place, Stoke, Nelson, Ph 03 547 7144, contact Margaret Sellers

The Joinery King Limited 73 Hutt Road, Thorndon, Wellington, Ph 04 473 6367, contact Tony King. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Viking Furniture & Joinery Ltd 88 Vanguard Street, Nelson, ph 03 548 0493, contact Barry Thomas.

TRS Joiners Ltd 58 Fisk Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt. Ph 04 566 0650, contact Theren Sugrue. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Waimea West Joinery Ltd 111 Beach Road, Richmond, Nelson, Ph 03 544 0177, contacts Kathy & Alan Gibbs. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Valleys Joinery Shop Ltd PO Box 13098, Johnsonville. Ph 04 478 7652, contact Bruce Scandlyn. NZS4211 Affiliated. Wainui Joinery (1977) Ltd Box 42-062, Wainuiomata. Ph 04 564 7011, contact Nikki Wynne. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Well Hung Joinery 21 Lower Tyers Road, Ngauranga, Wellington, Ph 04 494 7230, contact Stephen Fairbrass. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Secretary, Mary Van Schalkwyk 12 Granite Drive, Rolleston, Canterbury. Ph 021 025 81798.

Woodworkshop Ltd 118 Tirangi Road, Lyall Bay, Wellington, Ph 04 387 3228. Contact Steve Hind.

Adrian Harris Woodcraft Unit J, 3 Timothy Place, Wigram, Christchurch 8042, Ph 03 348 6996, contact Adrian Harris. NZS4211 Affiliated. Advanced Joinery Ltd 27 Watts Road, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 348 7700, contact Greg Ayers. NZS4211 Affiliated.

David Barker Custom Cabinets Unit 1, 408 Hutt Road, Alicetown, Lower Hutt, Ph 027 248 8140, contact David Barker. David Ladd Joinery Ltd 19B Broken Hill Road, Porirua. Ph 04 237 9175.

Re Space Limited 2 Kidson Place, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 547 1636, contact Steven Harvey or Peter Harvey.


Alsop Joinery Ltd 18 Alloy Street, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 348 4666, contact Gary Alsop. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Secretary, Philip Thompson P O Box 1348, Nelson 7040. Ph 03 547 1730

Anderson Joinery Ltd 247 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton. Ph 03 308 2988, email:, contact Dougal Anderson.

Graedon Joinery 23 Clendon St, Naenae, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 939 0405, contact Graeme Hopkirk. NZS 4211 Affiliated.

A K Joinery Ltd Units 3-5, 28 Dublin Street, Picton, Ph 03 573 6860, contact Andrew Kenny.

Architectural Joinery Ltd 82 Buchan Street, Sydenham, Christchurch. Ph 03 377 6760, contact Andrew Clark

Hanns Builders and Joiners 72 - 74 Sydney Street, Petone, Ph 04 570 0000, contact Peter Hanns.

Bays Joinery Ltd 6 Tokomaru Place, Wakatu Industrial Estate, Stoke, Nelson, Ph 03 544 0087, contact George Molnar. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Ashburton Joinery Limited 8 John Street, Ashburton, Ph 03 308 5059, contact James Donaldson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Goldmark Group Ltd 9-11 Jean Batten St, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Ph 04 387 8964, contact David Goldsack.

Joinery Productions Ltd 457 Jackson Street, Petone, Ph 04 569 8808, contact Wayne Wilmshurst. NZS4211 Affiliated. L & P Crown Joinery (2002) Ltd 37 Burden Avenue Wainuiomata. Ph 04 564 8895. NZS4211 Affiliated. Living Timber European Joinery & Furniture Ltd 64 Fisk Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt, Ph 04 567 2577, contact Horst Mundt. NZS4211 Affiliated. Maymorn Joiners Ltd 247 Parkes Line Rd, Upper Hutt, Ph 04 526 6657, contact Anthony Neustroski. NZS4211 Affiliated. Orchard Joinery Ltd 14-18 Te Roto Drive, Paraparaumu, Ph 04 298 3380, contact Geoff Orchard. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Brightwater Cabinetmaker & Joinery Ltd 8c Merton Place, Annesbrook, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 548 6400, contact James Palmer. Building Connexion Ltd ITM Joinery, 16-18 King Edward Street, Motueka, Ph 03 528 7256, contact Paul Rusbatch. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Bates Joinery (2008) Ltd 101 Shortland Street, Christchurch 8061, Ph 03 388 8111, contact Mark Allworthy. NZS4211 Affiliated. Bower Kitchens and Tops Ltd 12a Bower Ave, Christchurch. Ph 03 388 2924, contact Russell Lloyd.

Cantwell Joinery and Window Centre 15 Bristol Street, R D 4, Riverlands, Blenheim, Ph 03 578 3375, contact Ian Cantwell.

Brent Johnson Joinery Ltd 30A Newnham Street, Rangiora, North Canterbury, Ph 03 313 6256, contact Brent Johnson. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Matai Joinery Ltd 26 Quarantine Road, Stoke, Nelson 7011, Ph 03 547 7990, contact Greg Couper. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Busch Joinery Limited 1737 Boundary Road, R D 3, Ashburton, Ph 027 563 4537, contact Nathan Busch

Motueka Joinery Co 2001 Ltd 20 Old Wharf Road, Motueka, Ph 03 528 9012, contacts Phil or Barb Sharkie.

Creative Joinery Ltd Unit 1/ 7 Homersham Pl., Burnside. Ph 03 358 4900, contact Wayne Brown.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 90

Evolution Interiors Limited 19 Stanmore Road, Phillipstown, Christchurch, Ph 03 381 1633, contact Karl Kitchingham. Finesse Joinery 423 Main North Road, Christchurch. Ph 03 352 3457, contact David Street. Grant Kearney Joinery 51 Boys Road, Rangiora, North Canterbury, Ph 03 313 7125, contact Grant Kearney. NZS4211 Affiliated. Grieve Construction Limited 179 Alford Forest Road, Ashburton 7700, Ph 03 308 0328, contacts Ben Grieve and Scott Jamison. NZS4211 Affiliated. Hagley Kitchens 6 Nazareth Ave, Addington, Christchurch. Ph 03 961 0703, contact Nathan Moore. Hardie & Thomson Ltd 1062 Colombo Street, Christchurch, Ph 03 366 4303, contact John Thomson. NZS4211 Affiliated. Homeview Building Products Ltd 9 Tenahaun Place, Sockburn, Christchurch. Ph 03 343 9949, contact Garry Ottmann or Howard Stone. NZS4211 Affiliated. Joinery by Design PO Box 19 973, Woolston, Christchurch. Ph 03 384 8461, contact Evan McLachlan & David Phillips. NZS4211 Affiliated. Joinery Concepts 2006 Ltd 25 Osbourne Street, Phillipstown, Christchurch, Ph 03 381 1066, contact Peter Robertson. LX Joinery 39A Buchanans Road, Sockburn 8042, Christchurch, Ph 03 342 9605, contact Steve Mangan. NZS4211 Affiliated. Mackay Kitchens Ltd 345 Brougham Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023, Ph 03 365 3988, contact Chris Moore. Millbrook Kitchens Ltd 25 Southbrook Road, Rangiora, Ph 03 313 5764, contact Andrew Silcock. Modern Age Joinery 24 Hawdon St, Christchurch. Ph 03 365 1675 contact Grant Woodham. NZS4211 Affiliated. Modulink Screen Partitions 2012 Ltd 47 Hands Road, Addington, Christchurch, Ph 03 338 6464, contact Sam Bain. Murray Hewitt Joinery Ltd 25A Lunns Rd, Christchurch, Ph 03 343 0360, contact Murray Hewitt. NZS4211 Affiliated. Murray Milne Ltd PO Box 356, Ashburton. Ph 03 308 8018, contact Murray Milne. MWF Manufacturing Ltd 23 Leeds St, Sydenham, Christchurch. Ph 03 365 6218, contact Gary Altenburg. NZS4211 Affiliated. NZ Doors (2004) Ltd 41 Anchorage Road, Hornby, Christchurch, Ph 03 344 2516, contacts Ron and Lisa Zwarst. NZS4211 Affiliated. Paul Renwick Joinery Ltd PO Box 11047, Chch. Ph 03 349 7049, contact Paul Renwick.

R A Hale Ltd PO Box 9020, Addington, Christchurch. Ph 03 3666 909, contact Donald Bisphan. NZS4211 Affiliated. Ruben’s Joinery Limited 402 Bethels Road, 4 R D, Christchurch, Ph 03 329 5458, contact Ruben Patchett. NZS4211 Affiliated. Ryan’s Kitchens and Joinery Unit 3, 50 Dakota Cres, Sockburn, Christchurch 8041, Ph 03 348 7921, contact Ryan Butler. NZS4211 Affiliated Sockburn Joinery PO Box 11227, Christchurch. Ph 03 342 6044, contact Tony Lemmens. Southbridge Furniture & Design 103 High Street, Southbridge, Canterbury, Ph 03 324 2517, contact Sandro Dyer. NZS4211 Affiliated. Sydenham Joinery Ltd 96 Byron Street, Sydenham, Christchurch, Ph 03 379 6840, contact Bernie Hunt. NZS4211 Affiliated. The Joiner Shop Kaikoura Ltd 19 Beach Road, Kaikoura 7300, Ph 03 319 5562, contact Fraser Syme.

McMaster Joinery Leonard St, Waimate. Ph 03 689 7557, contact Des McMaster. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mt Iron Joinery Ltd 66 Anderson Road, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 8075, contact Lawry White.

Millennium Joinery Ltd 2 Regina Lane, Oamaru. Ph 03 437 0227, contact Michael Sandri. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Nigel Molloy Joinery Limited 300 Great North Road, Winton, Ph 03 236 0399, contact Nigel Molloy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Paterson Joinery 307 Rosewill Valley Road, Timaru. Ph 03 688 7060, contact Alan Paterson.

Nova Joinery Limited 29A Sawmill Road, Queenstown, Ph 03 441 3568, contact Daniel Hillidge

Quality Joinery Ltd 10 Ouse St, Oamaru. Ph 03 434 7922, contact Grant Pledger.

O’Brien Group 2012 97 Harrow Street, Dunedin, Ph 03 477 2182, contact Peter O’Brien.

Ross Becker Joinery 20 Chelmer Street, Oamaru 9400, Ph 03 434 3336, contact Ross Becker.

Peter Howley Joinery Ltd 224 Mersey Street, Invercargill, Ph 03 214 1055, contact Peter Howley. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Rycole Joinery 44 Homestead Road, 1 DRD, Oamaru, Ph 03 434 5012, contacts Darryl and Adrienne Whitburn NZS4211 Affiliated. Tony Boyce Builders & Joiners Ltd Washdyke Flat Road, Washdyke, Timaru, Ph 03 688 2181, contact Tony Boyce. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Timber Doors & Windows 2007 Ltd 184 Wordsworth Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023, Ph 03 379 1725, contact Martyn Neville.

Queenstown Joinery 53 Industrial Place, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 7555, contact Kevin Harradine. NZS4211 Affiliated. Pooles Joinery Ltd 22 Bay Road, Invercargill, Ph 03 215 9167, contact Peter Fisher. NZS4211 Affiliated. Riversdale Joinery Ltd Liverpool Street, Riversdale, Southland 9744, Ph 03 202 5527, Barry O’Connor. NZS4211 Affiliated. Ron Kirk Joinery Ltd 403 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, Ph 03 453 5718, contact Ron Kirk. NZS4211 Affiliated.

NATIONAL ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Allegion (New Zealand) Limited Architectural Hardware Supplies ASSA ABLOY New Zealand Ltd Biesse Group New Zealand Blum NZ Ltd Bostik New Zealand Burns & Ferrall Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts NZ Daiken New Zealand Limited EC Credit Control

Timber Tru Ltd 374 Ferry Road, Woolston, Christchurch, Ph 03 389 2986, contact Tony van der Plas. NZS4211 Affiliated.


Ruthven Joinery Ltd 16 Boomer Street, Green Island, Dunedin, Ph 03 488 4880, Murray Ruthven & Maureen Burn. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Enko Group Ltd

Trends Kitchens Ltd 34A Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch, Ph 03 343 5242, contact James McKeown

Secretary, John Rigby P O Box 473, Dunedin. Ph 03 456 1805

Stevenson & Williams Ltd Joinery PO Box 4007, Dunedin. Ph 03 455 4034, Email: contact Gary Turner. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Hardware & Handles Ltd

Vision Joinery Limited 150 Ashworths Road, Amberley 7481, Ph 03 314 8083, contacts Scott Drewery & Yvette Drewery. Walklins Joinery Ltd 493 Bealey Road , R D 1, Christchurch 7671, Ph 03 318 1529, contact Mark Walker.

Abernethy Joinery 18 Melbourne Street, Dunedin, Ph 03 456 1654, contact Ian Abernethy. NZS4211 Affiliated. Coronet Woodware 1992 Limited 99 Glenda Drive, Frankton Industrial Est, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 3700, contact Martin S Macdonald. NZS4211 Affiliated. Cut-it Joinery Limited 22 Clan Mac Road, R D 2, Wanaka 9382, Ph 03 443 5031, contact John Titterton.

WAITAKI Secretary, Bill Foote 221 Pages Rd, Timaru. Ph 03 686 2208. Alpine Joinery 480 Fairview Road, No 2 RD, Timaru, ph 03 688 5748, contact Paul Butchers. Barrett Joinery Ltd 204 Hilton Highway, PO Box 2115 Timaru. Ph 03 688 4738, contact Mark Mitchell. NZS4211 Affiliated. Firman Joinery Ltd 9 Dee St, Oamaru. Ph 03 434 1561, contact Gary Firman. NZS4211 Affiliated. Geraldine Timber Products 27 High Street, Geraldine, Ph 03 693 9598, contact Paul Autridge. NZS4211 Affiliated. J E Dennison Ltd 5 Redruth St, Timaru. Ph 03 688 0029, contact Gary Dennison. NZS4211 Affiliated.

European Woodworks Limited 229 Kaikorai Valley Road, Bradford, Dunedin, Ph 03 453 0340, contact Brian Daken. Formatt Kitchens Ltd 180 Glenda Drive, Frankton, Queenstown, Ph 03 441 4944, contact Guy Shallard or Alex Blackford. NZS4211 Affiliated. JP Quality Kitchens Limited 66 Vogel Street, Dunedin, Ph 03 474 1395, contact John Peddie. Joinery Specialists 1997 Ltd 608 Kaikorai Valley, Kenmure, Dunedin, Ph 03 488 2371, contact Graeme Emmerson. Leading Edge Joinery Specialists Ltd 13 Surrey Street, Gore, Ph 03 208 3001, contact Donald McGuigan. NZS4211 Affiliated. Leith Joinery PO Box 778, Dunedin. Ph 03 477 0115, contact Peter Leith. NZS4211 Affiliated.

JMAC Joinery Ltd 7 Laughton Street, Washdyke, Timaru, Ph 03 688 2725, contact Craig Mason. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Masterwood Joinery 2008 PO Box 385, 28 McNulty Road, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 0313, contact Don McDonald. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Joinery Zone 2012 Ltd 110 Fraser Street, Timaru. Ph 03 688 8223, contact Warren Atwill. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mearns & Leckie (2006) Ltd 7 Gow St, Mosgiel 9024, Ph 03 489 2024, contact Brian Ballantyne. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Lunds Joinery Ltd 33a Grants Rd, PO Box 128, Timaru. Ph 03 688 9149, contact Mark Albert. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Mojo Modern Joinery Ltd 2 Wolter Crescent, Cromwell, Ph 03 445 0128, contact Craig Harrison.

Steves Joinery Ltd 22A Margaret Place, Frankton Industrial, Queenstown, Ph 03 442 3206, contacts Stephen Walak, Amanda Trainor. NZS4211 Affiliated. Stewart Construction Ltd PO Box 2125, St Kilda. Ph 03 455 2057, contact Paul Mulholland. NZS4211 Affiliated. Taylor Made Joinery 22 Orari St, Dunedin. Ph 03 455 6520, contact Chris Taylor. Wanaka Furniture Design 814 Kane Road, R D 2, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 5267, contacts David and Sarah Millwater. Wanaka Joinery & Glass Ltd 52 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka, Ph 03 443 7890, contact Jason Fisher. NZS4211 Affiliated. Wedgerwood Joinery Ltd 11 Ngapara St, Alexandra. Ph 03 448 8832, contact Blair Harris. NZS4211 Affiliated. Weigel Joinery 14 Earnscleugh Road, Alexandra. Ph 03 448 7042, contact Guenther Weigel. Withers Joinery 78 Factory Rd, Mosgiel. Ph 03 489 4179, contact Paul Crawley. NZS4211 Affiliated. Wood Solutions PO Box 2443, Dunedin. Ph 03 479 2323, contact Andrew Bellamy. NZS4211 Affiliated.

Häfele NZ Ltd

HazardCo Limited Herman Pacific Hettich New Zealand ITM Laminex New Zealand Leitz Tooling NZ Ltd Machines ‘R’ Us Ltd Miles Nelson MF Co Ltd Morgan & Aickin Ltd Nelson Pine Industries Ltd Prime Panels (NZ) Ltd PSP Limited Resene Paints Ltd Schlegel Pty Ltd Thermawood Timspec Unique Hardware Solutions Ltd W & R Jack Ltd Willis New Zealand Limited

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 91

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JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 92








BCITO Timber Joinery Apprentice Statistics 2015


Total Trainees YTD

New Signups per month

Re-Signups per month

Completions per month

Withdrawals per month











































David Irvine with BCITO Chief Executive, Ruma Karaitiana. Movements by Sector - Timber Joinery

Celebrating Joinery’s top performing apprentice Twenty-one-year-old David Irvine of Barrett Joinery Ltd, Timaru, is this year’s Most Promising Timber Joinery Apprentice. At the Master Joiner Awards in June he was humbled to be presented with the much-coveted Ernie Jelinek Cup. “I was kind of surprised to hear that I’d been awarded Most Promising Apprentice in New Zealand, but proud of my achievement at the same time”, says David. “I’ve always liked making things from scratch with my own two hands and have always been quite creative. It was awesome to be able to attend the Awards and view all the winning entries - I found that really inspiring, as well as getting the award”. David’s been working in the joinery industry for three and a half years now, ever since leaving school. He undertook the Gateway programme at high school and was undertaking work experience at Barrett Joinery as part of that programme. Business owner, Glenn Sherborne, saw potential in him and couldn’t have been happier when David had completed the school year and came back to visit and ask if he had room for another apprentice. Glenn says, “David is a very diligent worker with a great attitude and a passion to learn. We keep challenging David with increasingly difficult projects which he completes to a very high standard. David’s abilities and understanding of joinery processes exceeds his experience. We are very proud of him receiving this outstanding award”. David has almost completed his apprenticeship. In a little under three months he’ll be a fully qualified joiner. David says, “I’m so lucky to be able to do something all-day-long that I really enjoy. I’m passionate about joinery and want to be doing this for the rest of my working life”. In the future David would like to step-up-the-ladder and perhaps own his own joinery business – as long as that still leaves him enough time to play the odd round of golf! BCITO values the opportunity to share in celebrating all high achieving apprentices who aspire to be industries' leaders of the future. The Master Joiner Awards event was a spectacular showcase of the importance the Association places on celebrating excellence. Congratulations David!

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 93


Dolphin Blind

Magic Blind

Changing spaces with minimalist style

Menage Confort Kitchen Storage Solutions supplied by Samet NZ … swing on over

BRIO®, a leading designer and manufacturer of sliding door systems, introduces the new Brio Zero Clearance range. Architecturally designed, the Brio Zero Clearance range is a concealed hardware sliding door system for floor to ceiling panels, creating minimalist interior styles with just a 2.5mm gap between track and panel.

The Dolphin Blind Corner Cupboard has a minimum door opening dimension of 410mm. Shelves are supported by a smooth open action and soft close is by a large piston. Unit is fitted extremely quickly due to a simple post system mounted top and bottom to cabinet.

Designed for use with glass or timber panels, the Zero Clearance systems can be used in a range of residential and commercial settings. The clean lines achieved by the concealed hardware and low profile rail allow panels to appear as if suspended between floor and ceiling.

All Menage Confort solutions are matched with the best runner and sliding mechanisms available internationally, e.g. Pull-out pantries use Fulterer runners and Revo Corner Unit uses Hetal spin mechanism.

For commercial or industrial applications, the Brio Zero Clearance Timber 350 system can be used with timber panels up to four metres in height and weighing up to 350kg. Particularly useful for commercial interiors, large artworks or panels can be effortlessly moved into place to encapsulate a space or expand a room. Open plan interiors can be turned into private spaces by simply sliding panels into place. Stainless steel precision bearings and fittings continue the minimalist look, while providing strength and durability. A multitude of bottom channels and guides extends the minimalist look to the floor, enhancing contemporary interiors and creating functional spaces. Long life cycle and quality performance are assured with Brio’s new Zero Clearance systems, whether used in contemporary interiors or to create modern and flexible workplaces.

JOINERS Magazine September 2015 page 94

The Magic Blind Corner Unit is mounted on a robust and extremely smooth pivot and runner action system and an easy to install frame system. Minimum door size is 400mm overall.

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Burns & Ferrall




Dongwha NZ Ltd


Egmont Air

Wood Metal Stone


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Hafele (NZ) Ltd

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Hideaway Bins


HP Tech


Homag NZ


Joinery IT


Laminex New Zealand




Machines R Us


Mercer Interiors




Mirotone (NZ) Ltd


Moxon Group


Nelson Pine Industries


NZ Duct & Flex




One Finance










Robertson & Sinclair


Sage Manufacturing


Samet NZ






Totara Marketing






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W & R Jack


Watts to Mill


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