A&A Science 4

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4A Health and Growth • • • • • • • • •

Text © Sandra Waswasinkva

PREISS MURPHY and PREISS MURPHY SCHOOL PUBLISHERS are trademarks of Preiss Murphy A&A Education Group. Database rights Preiss Murphy A&A Education Group (maker). ISBN 978-9-957-37889-9 First published 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 No unauthorized copying Report all violations immediately, in confidence, to the Publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Preiss Murphy A&A Education Group, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Inquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department,


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The Environment Around Us 1 Salt Water and Fresh Water Woodland Habitat The Environment Around Us 2 Living in the City Plants in the Local Environment Plants Grow in Different Places Minibeasts Minibeasts' Environments

4C Classifying

• Classifying Living Things • What Is the Same and What Is Different? • Growing and Changing • Growing Up and Changing • Moving Around • Different Ways of Moving • Plants' Differences and Similarities

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Plants and Animals in the Local Environment • • • • • • • • •

binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer.

4 5 7 8 9 11 13 14 15

Supermarket Search Foods for Different Purposes Favourite Foods Exercise Healthy Pets Animal Diets Medicine and Getting Better Important Medicine Rules Medicine Labels

Classifying and Changing Materials

• Materials Are Everywhere • Grouping Materials • Natural Materials

16 18 19 21 22 23 25 27 29 30 32 34 35 36 38 41

42 44 45

• Man-made Materials • Heating Materials 1 • Changing Materials • Heating Materials 2 • Moving Materials • How Far Can it Stretch?

46 48 50 51 52 54

4E Forces and Movement

• Different Forces • Forces Can Change the Shape of an Object • Forces Can Make Things Move • Water Is a Strong Force • The Force of Water • Wind Is a Strong Force • Measuring Wind Force • Friction Is a Force • Slippery or Not • Friction as a Force

56 58 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69

4F Electricity

• Electricity All Around Us 1 • Mains Electricity and Distribution Lines • Electricity All Around Us 2 • Electricity All Around Us 3 • Be Safe With Electricity • Electricity Safety • Simple Circuits • Switches • A Complete Circuit and Its Parts • Complete and Incomplete Circuits • Conductors and Insulators • Well done! You have finished this book

70 72 74 76 77 79 80 81 82 83 84 85


4A Health and Growth 4A Supermarket Search

Many Many people people shop shop in the in the supermarket supermarket forfor their their food. food.

WeWe cancan buybuy foods foods from from all over all over thethe world. world. This This helps helps us to us have to have an an

interesting interesting diet. diet.

4A Foods for Different Purposes This family is eating Saturday lunch together. They are eating a balanced and healthy meal. Can you see the different food groups included in the meal? We need different types of food for energy. Some foods give us quick energy, and some foods give us long-term energy.

Look Look very very carefully carefully at these at these pictures. pictures. How How many many different different kinds kinds of foods of foods

cancan youyou seesee in each in each picture? picture?

Foods like pasta and grains give you energy for when you are the most active.

Questions 1. What are your favourite kinds of food? 2. In your science book, write about the

foods that you have eaten this week.

Fruits and vegetables give you a quick boost of energy. They are great between meals, especially when you're feeling tired.


• To keep healthy we must eat the right kinds of foods regularly. • If we don't, we can become ill or overweight.


Questions 1. Can you name some quick-energy foods? 2. Why is the meal in the picture a


• We need exercise to keep us healthy and strong.

healthy meal? • We need to eat the right 3. Proteins like meat, chicken and fish keep kinds of foods to stay our muscles healthy, so we can use them healthy. whenever we are active.


You need food and drink to stay alive. You need to eat a variety of foods to stay healthy.











4A Favourite Foods Fruits and vegetables help keep you healthy. You should eat some every day. Do a survey to find out which fruit is the most popular among your classmates. Choose four different fruits and put them on your chart. Walk around and ask 10 different students to choose their favourite fruit from your list. Tally your results. Fruit 1.






The food that you eat can be sorted into different groups. Foods that help you to grow: such as beans, lentils and foods that come from animals. Foods that give you energy: such as rice and bread. Foods that help keep you healthy: such as fruit and vegetables. Activity: Look at the pictures and write the names of each food and drink in the correct box. Foods that help you to grow

Foods that give you energy

Number of Children Who Chose This Fruit


2. 3. 4. Now make a bar chart to show how many children in your class chose each fruit. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

Foods that help keep you healthy

Drinks that keep you hydrated

2 1 Fruit


Have you eaten your favourite fruit in the last week? ______________



Exercise is fun!

4A Exercise You need to exercise to keep healthy. Skipping rope is a type of exercise. Write down three other types of exercise. 1. __________________ skipping rope

4A Healthy Pets Pets need to have a healthy diet, too. If we feed them too much and they do not exercise, they will become fat. They may also become ill. Here are pictures of some pets.

2. _________________ 3. _________________ 4. _________________ Which of the four types of exercise in your list do you think needs the most energy? _______________________________________________________ Andy is going to play hockey this afternoon. Before he plays, he can eat either Meal A or Meal B. Meal A cheeseburger chips milkshake

Meal B baked chicken rice green beans salad orange juice



guinea pig





• You get your energy from your food.

Which Which meal, meal, A or A B, or should B, should Andy Andy choose? choose? ________________________ ________________________

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Why Why do you do you think think he he should should choose choose thisthis meal? meal?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

What What might might Andy Andy feelfeel likelike during during thethe game game if he if he chooses chooses thethe other other meal? meal?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

How How wellwell would would he he playplay after after that that meal? meal? _________________________ _________________________

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________





w the o h s s picture pets eat. e s e h T at our h t s d foo

4A Animal Diets Leroy works in a zoo. It is his job to feed all the animals. Each kind of animal has a different diet.

Things to do 1. Ask around the class to find out what pets your friends have. 2. Does anyone in your class have an unusual pet?

Questions er 1. Can you match the correct food on this Rememb • Animals need to eat the page to the pet on page 9? 2. Do some pets eat more than one kind of food?


right kinds of food to keep healthy.


Look Look at the at the table. table. Tick Tick thethe foods foods that that each each animal animal eats. eats. YouYou cancan findfind thethe answers answers in this in this unitunit or on or the on the internet. internet. Animal



Seeds Leaves Grass

Fish Insects


4A Medicine and Getting Better

So, what is a medicine? A medicine is a drug. Medicine and drug mean the same thing. A medicine or drug changes how your body works OR treats or prevents a disease or symptom. Medicines can do things as simple as making you feel better when you have a cold or as complicated as treating diseases like cancer.


elephant peacock


brown bear

Do humans and animals eat any of the same foods? _________________ What are they? ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ How is what you eat different from animals? ______________________



Kinds of Medicine There are two kinds of medicine. One is called prescription medicine. This means that you must see a doctor first, then the doctor will write a prescription. You can’t buy this kind of medicine without the doctor’s permission.

4A Important Medicine Rules

Any medicine can cause harm if you use too much of it or use it incorrectly For all medicines, you must read and follow the directions. Children should use medicine only with permission from a parent or guardian, and must always be sure to use a medicine measuring tool to dispense the correct dose.

The other kind of medicine is called over-the-counter (OTC). This means that you don’t need a doctor’s prescription. Your mum or dad can go to the pharmacy and buy your medicine.



Medicine Tips for Taking

• Never share your prescription medicine with anyone else. • Never use someone else’s prescription medicine. • With ALL medicines, read the label and check the recommended dose. The right dose for you may be different from your friend's or family member's.


Check the expiration date on the medicine package. Expired medicine can be dangerous. Only take medicine when you really need it. Take only the amount of medicine recommended. Measure with clean tools to get the right dose. Always keep medicine in a safe place.


4A Medicine Labels The label on a bottle gives you very important information to help you be safe when taking any kind of medicine.

The same goes for prescription medicine too. Your doctor should write all the information you need to help you get well, feel better and be safe.


d the labe a re ld u o sh lt u d a ny medicine, an Before you take a include: ld u o sh l e b la e Th • the ingredients or • what it’s used f • warnings

ould be taken

ine sh • how much medic edic • how often the m taken

ine should be e should be

dicin • how long the me taken

re taking the

t befo • if you should ea medicine

Pain Away! When was the last time you had to take medicine? Who looked after you? Was it over-the-counter or prescription? Why did you need the medicine? How often did you take the medicine? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________



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