Finish Line Writing for the Common Core State Standards, Second Edition

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Grades 1–8

What does this series do? Finish Line Writing for the Common Core State Standards, Second Edition provides instruction and reinforcement to help students become proficient with today’s writing requirements. Components include student workbooks and teacher’s guides with answer keys.

Grades 1–8

Connections to Common Core

Books are organized by the College and Career Readiness standards. Lessons in each grade-level book are aligned to the specific K–12 Standards for that grade.

Grade 5 shown

Connections to Common Core

Types of Writing

A full unit is devoted to writing descriptive, narrative, informational, and reasoned texts.

Grade 6 shown

Connections to Common Core

Creating a Research Paper Books include a full unit of step-by-step lessons and focused projects.

Grade 5 shown

Connections to Common Core

Performance Models

Annotated samples of student writing model the processes.

Grade 4 shown

Connections to Common Core

Connections to the reading standards require students to support their analysis and research with evidence drawn from literary and informational texts.

Grade 4 shown

Lesson Format • Instruction • Guided practice Explanations of right and wrong answer choices, and sample writing answers • Independent practice

Grade 6 shown

Lesson Format—Independent Practice

Grade 6 shown

Teacher’s Guide

Teaching support, answer keys, and more

Affordable Pricing Student Workbook 5 or more copies of the same book $9.15

Teacher’s Guide and Answer Key $4.10, FREE with 25 student workbooks of the same grade

Classroom Sets 25 copies of the same workbook plus a teacher’s guide $218.40

Prices subject to change without notice.

Grades 1–8

Table of Contents Introduction. . ................................................................. 4 Unit 1: Elements of Writing......................................................... 5 W.1.2, 3, 5, 6

Lesson 1 The Writing Process............................... 6

W.1.2, 5, 6

Lesson 2 Writing a Paragraph................. ........... 26

W.1.2, 5, 6

Lesson 3 Main Idea and Details.......................... 39

W.1.2, 3, 5, 6

Lesson 4 Cause and Effect....................... ........... 57

W.1.2, 5, 6

Lesson 5 Alike and Different................... ........... 72

Unit 2: Types of Writing............................................................. 91 W.1.1, 5, 6

Lesson 6 Reasoned Writing................................ 92

W.1.2, 5, 6, 8

Lesson 7 Descriptive Writing............................ 108

W.1.3, 5, 6, 8

Lesson 8 Narrative Writing...................... ......... 124

W.1.2, 5, 6, 8

Lesson 9 Informational Writing. . ............. ......... 139

Unit 3: Research. . ........................................................................ 155 W.1.2, 5–8

Lesson 10 Researching Sources and Content. ..... 156

W.1.2, 5–8

Lesson 11 Outlining the Research Paper... ......... 168

W.1.2, 5–8

Lesson 12 Writing the Research Paper............... 175

Unit 4: Language Conventions............................................... 181 W.1.5; L.1.1, 2

Lesson 13 Language Conventions...................... 182

W.1.5; L.1.1, 2

Lesson 14 Grammar. . .......................................... 190

Practice Test.. . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................ 197 Handbook.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................... 204

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C au se a n d E f fec t W.1.2, 3, 5, 6

You like to know why something happens. For example, if a book falls from a table, it will make a loud noise. The cause of the sound is the book falling. The loud noise is the effect. A cause is why something happens. An effect is what happens. Understanding cause and effect is important. For cause, ask “Why did this happen?” For effect, ask “What happened because of this?” Your reading makes more sense when you understand these why connections. There are clue words that can help you see cause and effect. Clue Words for Cause if because since due to

Clue Words for Effect then so this is why as a result


Elements of Writing



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Guided Practice. Read the passage. Then answer the questions.

Where Did the Pie Go? By Billie Jo Stengel

Father and Ann wanted to surprise Mother. They were going to bake her a blueberry pie. First, they mixed together all the flour and sugar. Then they mixed the other things together. Finally, they baked the pie in the oven. When it was done, Ann took it from the oven. It was very hot. So, she put it on the windowsill to cool. Then she and Father went for a walk. Soon, Mother came home. Ann was happy to see her. She wanted to show her the surprise. She led Mother into the kitchen. But there was an even bigger surprise. There was no blueberry pie! Then Ann saw her dog, Spike. He looked strange. His face was purple. And, he was backing away from Ann. He knew that he had done something bad. 58


Elements of Writing © The Continental Press, Inc.   DUPLICATING THIS MATERIAL IS ILLEGAL.

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At the end of the story, Ann wonders what happened to the pie. Write a note to Ann. Explain what happened to the pie. Be sure to include: • the reason why the pie is missing • the word because

Step 1: Prewriting Read Note Organize

Let’s look at how one student, Manuel, answered the question. He used details from the story to write an answer to the question. Manuel read the question slowly and carefully. Then he read it again. This time he underlined important words. These helped him know what to write. What are some words that Manuel underlined?

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Underline words that tell what you are to write. Other important words tell the audience and subject. Here is a sample answer:

note to Ann UNIT 1

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Step 2: Drafting Read Manuel’s draft. Then answer the questions.

Dear Ann. Do you know what happened to the pie! The pie was on the windowsill. Your Spike dog came into the kitchen. He was hungry. He saw the pie on the windowsill. Then he eight it. Now, he has a purple face. It is because he ate the cherry pie. Your friend, Manuel Find an effect in the letter and underline it. Effects are the result of something that happened. Here is a sample answer:

Now, he has a purple face. Manuel is now ready to revise his draft.


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Step 3: Revising Read Manuel’s revised draft. Then answer the questions.

Dear Ann. Do you know what happened to the pie! The pie Then you and your dad went for a walk. was on the windowsill. Your Spike dog came into the kitchen. He was hungry. He saw the pie on the his face is purple. windowsill. Then he eight it. Now, he has a purple blueberry face. It is because he ate the cherry pie. Your friend, Manuel Why did Manuel add a sentence? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Writers often add details to make their meaning clearer. Here is a sample answer:

Manuel added it to tell why Ann and her father did not see Spike. 62


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Step 4: Editing Read the revised draft on page 62 again. Find and correct three more mistakes. Mistake 1: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Mistake 2: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Mistake 3: ___________________________________________________ This is the last chance to check your work. Look for misspelled words. Look for punctuation that is incorrect. Here are the correct answers:

Mistake 1: Change the period to a comma after the greeting. Mistake 2: Change the exclamation point to a question mark in sentence 1. Mistake 3: Change eight to ate in sentence 7. The last step is for Manuel to publish his work. Step 5: Publishing You publish something by sharing it with others. Manuel is ready to share is work. He can do this by turning in his work to the teacher.


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Test Yourself Read the story. Then answer the questions.

Peter and the Dike A long time ago, there was a boy named Peter. He lived in a town near the sea. The town had dikes built around it. These walls or dams kept the sea from flooding the town. Peter was only 8 years old. But he was strong and brave. His mother and father trusted him to do many things. One day, Peter’s mother baked some nice cakes. “Come,” she called to Peter. “Take this basket of cakes to the blind man across the dike.” Peter did as he was asked. Crossing the dike on his way home, he heard something strange. It was the sound of running water. The dike was built to hold the water back. Now, there was a leak in the dike! Peter jumped down to the bottom of the dike. He reached up and plugged the leak with one finger. Then he called loudly, “Help! Help! A leak in the dike!” Again and again he called. But no answer came. Soon, it became quite dark. Peter feared that he might fall asleep. His hand might slip from the dike. Peter knew very well that he was keeping the sea away from Holland. He knew that people’s lives were in his care. No, he could not sleep. 66


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Finally, at first light, a man found Peter. He heard Peter calling. He raced to town to get help. The dike was saved. And the happy people carried Peter home on their shoulders. The story “Peter and the Dike” tells what happens when Peter takes a basket of cakes to a neighbor. In the middle of the story, Peter has a problem. Write three or more sentences to explain the problem. In your sentences, be sure to • tell what Peter’s problem is • why he has a problem • use the word because

1 What kind of writing will you do? ________________________________________________________________

Read Note Organize

________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


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2 Show how you will plan your sentences. Fill in the chart. Then answer the question.

Why It Happened (Causes)

Read Note Organize

What Happened (Effects)

What should you tell about in your first sentence? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________



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3 Write a draft of your sentences. Use your chart and idea about a first sentence. Remember to include the needed details and special word. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Elements of Writing



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Table of Contents Introduction.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................................... ...... 3 Teaching Students to Write.. . . ............................................................. 4 How To Use This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................ 5 Lesson 1 The Writing Process, Answer Key....................... ...... 6 Lesson 2 Writing a Paragraph, Answer Key........................... 10 Lesson 3 Main Idea and Details, Answer Key.................... ..... 11 Lesson 4 Cause and Effect, Answer Key. .............................. 12 Lesson 5 Comparison and Contrast, Answer Key................ ..... 13 Lesson 6 Reasoned Writing, Answer Key......................... ..... 14 Lesson 7 Descriptive Writing, Answer Key. ...................... ..... 15 Lesson 8 Narrative Writing, Answer Key......................... ..... 17 Lesson 9 Informational Writing, Answer Key......................... 18 Lesson 10 Researching Sources and Content, Answer Key................. 18 Lesson 11 Outlining the Research Paper, Answer Key........................ 19 Lesson 12 Writing the Research Paper, Answer Key........................... 19 Lesson 13 Language Conventions, Answer Key..................................20 Lesson 14 Grammar, Answer Key. .................................. ..... 20 Practice Test, Answer Key. . . . . . ....................................................... ..... 21 Common Core State Standards for Writing, Grade 1. ....................... ..... 22 Reproducible Graphic Organizers. . ................................................ ..... 25 Proofreading Symbols.. . . . . . . . . . ............................................................ 31 Common Core State Standards: Š Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-8454-K6951-4 Copyright Š 2011 The Continental Press, Inc. Excepting the reproducible blackline masters, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.

Lesson 9: Informational Writing

Most of the writing students—and people in general—do is informational. Narratives and descriptions are the exception. You might want to walk students through all the writing samples provided in the student book thus far and have them identify those that are informational. Student Book pages 150–154 Test Yourself   1. I am writing for information.  [W.1.2, 5, 6, 8]   2. my teacher  [W.1.2, 5, 6, 8]  3. Answers will vary. Here is a sample answer: Main Idea: We can use maps to learn more about our world. What maps are used for: people use them to drive to a new city or state by car pilots use them to fly an airplane people use them to learn what the weather will be people use them to find a building or place on a city street How maps are made: People walk around a place and take notes of what they see. Then they draw a map. The map will show different things. It might show roads or buildings on a street.  [W.1.2, 5, 6, 8]  4. Answers will vary.  [W.1.2, 5, 6, 8]  5. Answers will vary.  [W.1.2, 5, 6, 8]  6. Answers will vary.  [W.1.2, 5, 6, 8]

Unit 3: Research Lesson 10: Researching Sources and Content

Writing a research paper helps students strengthen their writing and researching skills. It also helps them learn time management and planning skills. Some students may be intimidated by the length or scope of the project. Help dispel any anxiety by modeling for students how to break down the research paper into steps. Then have students plan how much time to devote to each step. This will make the task more manageable and help them learn time management skills. Introduce students to the various resources available to them at the library from print materials to online databases. Have students practice taking notes and recording source information. Student Book pages 166–167 Test Yourself  1. D  [W.1.2, 5–8]  2. C  [W.1.2, 5–8]


Finish Line Writing for the Common Core State Standards © The Continental Press, Inc.   DUPLICATING THIS MATERIAL IS ILLEGAL.

Common Core State Standards for Writing, Grade 1 Text Types and Purposes W.1.1. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure. W.1.2. Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. W.1.3. Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.

Production and Distribution of Writing W.1.4. (Begins in grade 3) W.1.5. With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed. W.1.6. With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

Research to Build and Present Knowledge W.1.7. Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of “how-to” books on a given topic and use them to write a sequence of instructions). W.1.8. With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. W.1.9. (Begins in grade 4)

Range of Writing W.1.10. (Begins in grade 3)

Language (L) Conventions of Standard English L.1.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. • Print all upper- and lowercase letters. • Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.


Finish Line Writing for the Common Core State Standards © The Continental Press, Inc.   DUPLICATING THIS MATERIAL IS ILLEGAL.

Name _______________________________________________________ Date ____________________

Fact and Opinion Chart Fact/Opinion

How I Know

Finish Line Writing for the Common Core State Standards      Copyright © 2011 The Continental Press, Inc.      Duplication permitted.

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