Grammar Kids 4

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Scope and Sequence Grammar Objectives

1 How Was Your Summer?



Past tense of [Be] I was at the beach. We weren't on holiday.

Grammar Objectives

At the Weekend

Irregular past tense verbs had, cut, drank, ate

Short ‘ow’ words brown, crown, down, town

Phonics and Spelling Short ‘ea’ words feather, measure, treasure



At the Carnival



Grammar Objectives

A New Guest


and the Best


Polite requests Would you like to come to my house? Do they want some tea?

Grammar Objectives

5 The Biggest 6

Past continuous Sandy was taking a video. They were not eating hot dogs.


Information questions- How How far is your house from here? How narrow are the hallways?

Grammar Objectives

It Used to Be


Expressions for the past Did she have to take the test? Yes, I used to live in a flat.

Grammar Objectives

The Place to Be


Comparative and superlative adjectives Angel Falls is more amazing than Niagara falls. Victoria Falls is the most amazing of all.

Phonics and Spelling ‘tch’ words butcher, catcher, stretch

Baby Animals


9 A Shopping Spree


After School 40

11 How Does Your Garden Grow?

Silent ‘e’ with ‘-ing’ suffix having, riding, sliding


Long ‘-ow’ words bow, grow, know

Phonics and Spelling Rhyming words black, rack, sack

Phonics and Spelling

A Hospital Visit

‘dge’ words edge, fudge, judge

13 What’s


Grammar Objectives Subject and object pronouns She gave him a carrot from the garden. We buy lettuce from them.


Modal verbs / Can and Should We can walk to school. George should be more careful.

Grammar Objectives


14 When Will It 15

Adverbs of degree I can barely see the park from my window. His voice was really loud.

Grammar Objectives


Phonics and Spelling

Evaluations and comparisons A flat is too small for a large family. Cotton is just as comfortable as nylon.

Grammar Objectives


Phonics and Spelling

Adverbs of quantity with countable and uncountable nouns There are too many wolves in the forest. There is enough food for three colts.

Grammar Objectives

10 What We Do

8 Grammar Objectives

Grammar Objectives

Agreeing (so, too, neither, either) So do I. Neither is Becky.

Grammar Objectives


Future tense for verbs I will go to the park tomorrow. They shall not get a refund if they don't go.

Grammar Objectives

It’s a Mystery!


Tag questions They found the thief, didn't they? Oscar isn't a suspect, is he?

Phonics and Spelling Plural ‘-f’/ ‘-fe’ to ‘-ves’ calf calves wife wives

Phonics and Spelling Word endings with CVC words run running- runner

Phonics and Spelling Adding suffixes to silent 'e' words haste hasty excite excitable

Phonics and Spelling ‘ie’ and ‘ei’ words ancient, eight, field

Phonics and Spelling Suffixes that change words into nouns injure injury treat treatment

Phonics and Spelling ‘kn’ words knee, knit, know Be careful with the knife.

Phonics and Spelling Ordinal numbers He won f irst prize My birthday is on the 1st of November.

Phonics and Spelling Possessive pronouns and adjectives That book is mine. That is my book.

Unit 1

How Was Your Summer?

3. Circle it! correct.

The Past Tense of ‘Be’ I, he, she, it was I, he, she, it wasn’t wasn’t = was not

Read the sentence. Circle the correct subject to make the sentence

1. (We, She) were at the beach.

2. (Dad, They) were at a party.

3. (She, They) was at the library.

4. (I, You) was with my family.

5. (You, He) was angry.

6. (He, You) weren’t at the park.

you, they, we were you, they, we weren’t weren’t = were not

I was at the beach. He was out of town. They were with friends.

I wasn’t at the beach. He wasn’t out of town. They weren’t with friends.

We were on holiday.

We weren’t on holiday.

4. Write it!

1. Listen and say. 1. The family were on holiday.

4. I wasn’t at the beach.

2. The children were with family.

5. They weren’t at a party.

3. She wasn’t at school.

6. We were at the park.

2. Say it! Write it! Repeat it! Read each sentence and find the past tense of ‘be’. Circle the past tense of ‘be’. Rewrite the sentence. Then read the sentence again! 1. Judy was at school. _________________________________________________ 2. She wasn’t at a friend’s house. _________________________________________________ 3. We were in the same class. _________________________________________________ 4

Write ‘was’ or ‘were’ in the blanks to complete the conversation.

Donna: I _______ was at my cousin’s house this summer. They live in Paris. We _______ at the beach a lot. What did you do? Kate : I _______ on holiday this summer. My family and I _______ in Spain. It was so much fun. Donna: What did you do in Spain? Kate:

We _______ at museums. We _______ at shops too. We saw many nice places. What did you do at your cousin’s?

Donna: We _______ at the park. I _______ with family and friends a lot. We played games. It _______ a nice summer.


5. Finish it! Fill in the blanks using ‘was’ or ‘were’ for blanks using ‘wasn’t’ or ‘weren’t’ for sentences. ( (

sentences. Fill in the

1. Read it.

) 1. We _________ were at the mall.

‘ow‘ Words Some words in English are spelt with 'ow' and are pronounced like the word how.

) 2. Mum _________ at the bakery.


) 3. My brother _________ at the library.


) 4. He _________ at the beach.


) 5. They _________ at the cinema.

6. Change it!

now town

2. You do it!

Change each sentence to a question.

1. He was out of town. _______________________________________________ Was he out of town? 2. You were at the swimming pool. _______________________________________________

Ti p When asking yes/no questions, the sentence begins with a verb.

3. They were at the restaurant. _________________________________________________________________ 4. Mum was at the petrol station. _________________________________________________________________ 5. The cat was in the house. _________________________________________________________________ 6

Phonics and Spelling

flower towel

cow brown

clown crown

down allow

crowd owl

Add the correct ‘ow ’ word to make the sentence correct.

brown 1. His trousers are the colour _____________________. 2. We get milk from a ___________________________. 3. The rose is my favourite _______________________. 4. Do your homework right _______________________. 5. I go to the circus to see a ______________________. 3. Solve it!

Using the code below, figure out the words and write them.

l w ____ 1. ____ o ____ 15 23 12 3. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 3 12 15 23 14

2. ____ ____ ____ 14 15 23 4. ____ ____ ____ 3 15 23

5. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 3 18 15 23 4

6. ____ ____ ____ ____ 20 15 23 14

7. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 3 18 15 23 14

8. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 20 15 23 5 12

a1 b 2 n14 o15

c 3 d4 e5 p 16 q 17 r18

f 6 g 7 h 8 i 9 j 10 k 11 l 12 m13 s 19 t 20 u 21 v22 w23 x 24 y25 z26


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