Grammar Kids 6

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Scope and Sequence 1

Grammar Objectives

In the Studio


2 Lights! Camera! Action!





Prepositions of Time in, on, at, before, af ter, until, around in December on Monday at seven o’clock before school after 7:30 until tomorrow around dinnertime

Grammar Objectives Using Infinitives I want to see the f ilm tomorrow. He hopes to make a f ilm someday.

Grammar Objectives

I Love Sports!


Future Perfect By the end of the year, Yoshi will have earned three medals.

Grammar Objectives

At the Airport


Say vs. Tell She said that the f light is leaving. The pilot told the man he was ready.

Grammar Objectives

Special Friends


6 It’s a Computer World


7 Adventures in Space


Parts of Speech and Complete Sentences complete predicate My best f riend Nancy reads Braille.

Language Building ‘the’ vs. ‘a’/’an’ I’d like the white one, please. I’d like a white one, please.

8 I’ve Been


Simple Present vs. Present Continuous Jef f uses the laptop. Jef f is using the laptop.

Grammar Objectives Simple Tenses Review I was born in Brazil. Zebras have got stripes. I will go to the park tomorrow.


9 How’s the

Grammar Objectives


Language Building Verbs that are also nouns act, copy, glue, garden, race



40 Language Building Prepositional phrases We will have driven by your house by eight o’clock.

11 Making the

Language Building Finding adjectives Adjectives usually go bef ore a noun or af ter a ‘to be’ verb. They checked in seven bags. Billy showed his new, blue passport to the agent.

Language Building Noun suffixes: -ness, -ship, -er/-or kindness championship teacher goodness

f riendship

Adverbs of degree: so, such, pretty, quite The party was quite a surprise. It was such a lovely day outside. The mobile phones were so cheap that she bought two.

Language Building Interjections Shh! There’s a test going on here. Wow! There are over a billion stars!


Simple Past vs. Present Perfect Kevin worked out yesterday. Kevin has worked out already.

Grammar Objectives


Zero Conditional If I miss the bus, I am late f or school.

First Aid 48


Grammar Objectives

Social Media


Language Building

Wish and Hope Sam wishes that he could f ly. I hope we can start a recycling programme next year.

Grammar Objectives

Right Choices

He played golf with his best friend.

Simple Future vs. Future Perfect I am going to do my homework af ter dinner. I will have done my homework by dinnertime.

Grammar Objectives

Going Green

First Conditional I will tell Mary if I see her.


complete subject

Grammar Objectives

Grammar Objectives Present Perfect Continuous She has been travelling f or many years. They have been living here since 1985.

Grammar Objectives

14 My Family Reunion

Reported Speech Sam told Todd that he is going the wrong way.

perfect become begun learnt

Language Building Idioms He’s been on cloud nine ever since his team won. Last Saturday, I was f eeling under the weather, but I’m better now!

Language Building Prefixes: re-/prere = to do again view = to see re + view = see again pre = do bef ore pay = to give money pre + pay = pay bef ore

Language Building Expressing preference I pref er gyms that have an aerobic class in the af ternoon. I would rather go to the gym than go to the cinema.

Language Building Suffix ‘-less’ care + less = careless without care home + less = homeless without a home

Language Building Prefix ‘-un’ un + happy = unhappy not happy un + f riend = unf riend not be f riends

Language Building

Common reported speech verbs say tell explain think


15What Are

Friends For?

Language Building Irregular verbs present past become became begin began learn learnt

Grammar Objectives Past Perfect They had lef t the gym by f our o’clock.


Language Building Past participle verb past brush brushed give gave

past participle brushed given

Unit 1

In the Studio

Prepositions of Time Some prepositions that are used to talk about a time relationship are: in: used with months, seasons, years or periods of time

in December

in spring


used with days, dates or holidays


used with exact times or days

on Monday

in 2014

in the morning

3. Complete it! Read the news report below. Complete it with the correct prepositions of time. Use the words in the box. on in two weeks








On Tuesday, the Queen visited our town. She came ‘______

on May 5th

on Independence Day

at seven o’clock

at the weekend

at the same time

before school

before the test

after I get home

after the news programme

after 7:30

finished lunch, the Queen met with the residents of our town.

until tomorrow

until he comes

until Wednesday

She stayed with them from 2:00 ______ 3:00. She had to finish meeting with the

around the same time

around dinnertime

before: used to describe a time that is earlier than something

before 6:00


used to describe a time that is later than something


used when talking about a time that is no later than another time

around: to describe a time that is close to another time around five o’clock

lunch for her and the city workers. ______ everyone

people ______ her plane left ______ 3:30 or 4:00. The Queen plans to come back ________ the spring. We will keep you posted the next time she visits.’

1. Listen and say. 1. The camera operator eats breakfast at seven o’clock. 2. They go camping on Saturdays. 3. The programme lasts until eight o’clock.

______ 1:00 ______ the afternoon. The city served

4. The anchor and reporter will be on the air in the morning. 5. The breaking news came on around lunchtime. 6. Our family will go to Paris in 2015.

2. Say it! Write it! Repeat it! Read each sentence and find the preposition of time. Circle the preposition of time. Rewrite the sentence. Then read the sentence again!

4. You do it! The wrong prepositions of time were used in the sentences below. Cross out the wrong prepositions of time and write the correct prepositions of time that should be used in the blanks. Use each preposition of time once. 1. __________________ The film will last at 10 o’clock.

2. __________________ The news will begin on seven o’clock.

1. My dad watches the news every day at five o’clock. ___________________________________________________________ 2. The TV reporter talked about the football match before the cricket match.

3. __________________ Dad likes to take a nap on lunch.

___________________________________________________________ 3. The weatherman said it will be hot on Monday. 4


4. __________________ We buy our winter clothes at November. 5

Language Building Johnson Family Schedule




Wednesday Thursday








1. Read it. ‘the‘ vs. ‘a‘/‘an‘ Use ‘the‘ when you and the listener know what you are talking about. I‘d like the white one, please.



Dinner for Smith family 7:00



Dentist Appointment 9:00





Dr Appointment







11:00 Grandma




9:00 – 10:00


Mum Pick up


tickets 10:00 am





Dad Cut hair 11:00



24 25 26 VACATION

This means you only want the one that is white. Both you and the listener know which one. Use ‘a‘ when you are talking about anything or one of several items. The exact one is not important. I‘d like a white one, please.

This means you will take any one of them. It doesn't matter which one exactly, you just want a white one.

2. Circle it!

Look at the picture and decide which sentence is better. Circle it.

He got a haircut.

Cindy has got a bird.

What is a girl’s name?

He got the haircut.

Cindy has got the bird.

What is the girl’s name?

5. Write it! Look at the Johnson family’s calendar of things to do. Write sentences that use prepositions of time. 1. (on) _____________________________________________________________ Joey has a dentist's appointment on Tuesday. 2. (until) ___________________________________________________________ 3. (before) __________________________________________________________ 4. (at) _____________________________________________________________ 5. (after) ____________________________________________________________

3. Complete it! Complete the conversation by putting the correct word (a/an or the) in the blanks. Jan: ____ The teacher says that we have to write ______ report about ______ animal. Ned: Will you go to ______ school library to get information or will you go to ______ city library?

6. (in) ______________________________________________________________

Jan: I don’t want to go to ______ library. I want to use ______ internet instead.

7. (around) _________________________________________________________

Ned: That is smart! I plan to get information from ______ public library next to the


post office.


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