Read To Succeed 5

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Read to Succeed© PREISS MURPHY School Publishers



The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right PREISS MURPHY SCHOOL PUBLISHERS.

Unit Unit 1 1


In the Studio

Watching the News Genre – Narrative Poem

First published 2016 2016




My New Words


ice cream, stare, TV, chirpy, remote control Identify the Word Power words.

Reading Comprehension

Word Power


9 Listen for details.

Recall and identify the Write a narrative Word Power words. poem.

Read for details.

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Unit Unit 2 2

should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Preiss Murphy School Publishers.

My New Words

Reading Comprehension

Lights! Camera! Action!

How to Train Your Dragon 2

animation, trilogy, dragon, sequel, cast

Genre – Film Review

Identify the Word Power words.

by Preiss Murphy for information only. Preiss Murphy disclaims any responsibility for the content.

Word Power



Listen for details.

Recall and identify the Write a film review. Word Power words.

Read for details.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The publisher would like to thank the following instructional designers and authors: Kara Murphy, Lucy Anderson, Meryam Chahine, Jodi Iddings, Paul Duncan, Amy Barrett and Sophia Leeder. The publisher would also like to thank the following voice-over (British version) talents: Fred Dingle,


Sophia Leeder, Lucy Anderson, Maurice Suwa. For copyrighted material and illustrations, Preiss

Unit Unit 3 3

Murphy would like to thank Ed, and

My New Words

I Love Sports!

The Olympic Games

olive branch, discus, Genre – Informational oxen, javelin, Zeus Text Identify the Word Power words.


Reading Comprehension

Word Power


21 Listen for details. Read for details.

Recall and identify the Write an Word Power words. informational text.


My New Words

At the Airport Lost Genre – Realistic Fiction

flight attendants, iPod, plait, earphones, luggage

Reading Comprehension

Word Power


27 Listen for details.

Recall and identify theWrite Write the the ending ending ofof aa Word Power words. realistic realistic fiction fiction text. text.

Read for details.


Unit Unit 7 7

Unit 4


Adventures in Space

Ender’s Game Genre – Film Review

Louis Braille Genre – Biography

leather, bumps, alphabet, infected, awl

Word Power

33 Listen for details.

Recall and identify the Write a biography. Word Power words.

Read for details.

Unit 6

My New Words

It’s a Computer World

The Case of the Invisible Thief

Reading Comprehension

portable, ink, Listen for details. electronics, Bluetooth, Read for details. Genre – Crime Fiction cartridge Identify the Word Power words.


Word Power


45 Listen for details.

Recall and identify the Write a film review. Word Power words.

Read for details

My New Words

I’ve Been Travelling!

The Sinking of the Titanic

lifeboats, iceberg, sank, aboard, liner

Reading Comprehension

Word Power


51 Listen for details.

Recall and identify the Write a news article. Word Power words.

Read for details.

Genre – News Article Identify the Word Power words.

Identify the Word Power words.




Unit Unit 8 8

Special Friends

Reading Comprehension

Word Power


39 Recall and identify the Write a crime fiction Word Power words. text.


Unit Unit 9 9

Unit 5

My New Words

fleet, battle, aliens, military, novel

Reading Comprehension

Identify the Word Power words.

Identify the Word Power words.


My New Words

My New Words

How’s the Weather?

The Weather Villain Genre – Fantasy Fiction

sleet, hail, tsunami, fog, sandstorm

Reading Comprehension

Word Power


57 Listen for details. Read for details.

Recall and identify the Write the ending of a Word Power words. fantasy fiction text.

Identify the Word Power words.


My New Words

Going Green

Renewable Energy

solar panels, sails, Genre – Informational wind turbines, dam, water wheels Text

Reading Comprehension

Word Power

63 Listen for details.

Recall and identify the Write an Word Power words. informational text.

Read for details.



Unit Unit 13 13

Unit 10


Social Media

Social Media Genre – Narrative Poem

Making the Right Choices

Do You Want to Join a Gym?

staff, trainers, gym, sauna, membership

Word Power



Listen for details.

Recall and identify the Write an Word Power words. advertisement.

Read for details.

Genre – Advertisement Identify the Word Power words.

Unit 12


First Aid

Burns Genre – Procedural Text


My New Words


Unit Unit 14 14

Reading Comprehension


81 Listen for details.

Recall and identify the Write a narrative Word Power words. poem.

Read for details.

Reading Comprehension

My New Words

My Family Reunion

All About Me! Genre – Autobiography

Word Power



water pistols, lipstick, Listen for details. zinc, superhero, Read for details. vacuum cleaner

Recall and identify the Write an Word Power words. autobiographical poem.

Identify the Word Power words.

Reading Comprehension

Word Power


75 roll, wrap, stop, cool, Listen for details. drop Read for details. Identify the Word Power words.

Recall and identify the Write a procedural Word Power words. text.


Unit Unit 15 15

Unit 11

My New Words

interact, sunscreen, adore, gawking, dismay

Word Power

Identify the Word Power words.

Identify the Word Power words.


Reading Comprehension

My New Words

My New Words

What Are Friends For?

The Bear and the Two Travellers

silence, snout, bears, sunset, curve

Genre – Fable

Identify the Word Power words.

Reading Comprehension

Listen for details. Read for details.

Word Power


93 Recall and identify the Write a fable. Word Power words.



In the Studio

Watching the News

ady! Let’s Get Re your Does anyone in e family watch th like news? Do you ews? watching the n

My New Words


ice cream




remote control


1 Reading A. Listen and read. Genre: Narrative Poem A narrative poem is a rhythmic poem that tells a story.

Watching the News My dad can’t get enough of the news that’s on TV. He watches his news channel each night religiously. I don’t understand my dad’s daily fascination. The stories seem the same: politics, death and destruction. He holds the remote control in his hand, sitting in a big armchair. His chair reclines so far back that his legs are raised in the air. I wish he liked a programme with more action and some laughs. But instead he likes the news, with reporters and their graphs.

As the breaking news is read by a lively news anchor, I wonder why they’re so chirpy when the news couldn’t be bleaker.

When the news is finally over and my sister can return, we eat together as a family, and my father isn’t stern.

Every night they are the same, the reporters on the screen, holding the microphone a lot like an ice cream.

I just wish he liked a programme that would make him smile more, Something besides the news with never-ending tales of war.

As the news progresses and the headlines are explored, I feel my head nodding, and my mother begins to snore.

I don’t understand My dad’s daily fascination. The stories seem the same: just set in a new location.

She wakes up towards the end when she hears the weather reporter. She knows the news is almost done, and it’s time for dinner.

But my dad can’t get enough of the news that’s on TV. He watches his news channel, each night religiously.

We are not allowed to talk when the news is on air. If we dare to speak a word, we are treated to a stare. ‘Shhhhhh!’ says my dad, as soon as the news theme plays. The torture starts before the studio is even on display. He Hesends sendsmy mysister sistertotoher herroom, room, asasshe shecan’t can’tstop stopmaking makingnoise. noise. And Andsecretly secretlyI think I thinkthat thatshe sheprefers prefersthe the company companyofofher hertoys. toys.

What I Know What is the main idea of this text? a. The narrator doesn’t like the news. b. The narrator’s mum loves the weather report.


c . The narrator’s dad loves watching the news.


2 Reading Comprehension

4. How does the narrator’s mother know when it is time for dinner?


A. Fill in the chart.


___________________________________________________________________ 5. What sort of programme does the narrator want their father to watch? Why? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6. Why doesn’t the narrator understand why their father likes to watch the news every night? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________



What I Learnt What is the genre of this text? a. nursery rhyme b. realistic fiction c . narrative poem


3 Word Power A. Match each word to its meaning. 1. remote control 2. ice cream

B. Write the correct answer.

3. chirpy

1. What does the word ‘religiously’ mean in this poem?

4. stare

___________________________________________________________________ 2. Why is the narrator’s sister sent to her room every night? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What does the narrator compare the microphone to? ___________________________________________________________________


5. TV a. a sweet food made from frozen milk or cream and sugar b. abbreviation for television c. to look at someone or something for a long time and not move your eyes d. happy and active e. a piece of equipment that is used to control something, such as a television, from a distance


4 Writing

Remember: A narrative poem is a rhythmic poem that tells a story. It usually uses the voice of the narrator and the characters. A. Write a narrative poem about something you do with your family. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ B. Share your narrative poem with your class.


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