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2 nd Student’s Edition Book Tom

Student’s Book







Right 6 Unit 6  I Used to Be Used to It

Unit 1  Been There, Done That Right Conversation Talking about getting ready for school

Right Vocabulary

Right Reading

supplies, lately, tough, Some Unusual bed rest, a set, subject, Celebrations calculator, remaining, likely, terrific Informational article

Right Grammar Present Perfect

Right Writing The Gilroy Garlic Festival

Reporting an event

Right Conversation Talking about music and musical instruments

Right Vocabulary

Right Reading

perfectly, talented, An Ancient City celebration, entertaining, flawless, Informational article familiar, summer school, success, proud, lessons

Right Grammar Used to/Use to

Right Writing My Town as It Used to Be Writing about history

Review 5 - 6 Reading: Bonita’s Neighborhood Garden

Unit 2  Adventure Sports Right Conversation Talking about adventure sports

Unit 7  If I Had More Paint …

Right Vocabulary snowboarding, terrified, courage, nervous, faint, slope, comfortable, experience, thrilling, adventure, professional

Right Reading Challenging Activities Informational article

Right Grammar Expressing Extremes; “so” and “such” so ... that, such ... that, such a (noun)

Right Writing A Day I’ll Never Forget

Writing about an event

Right Conversation Talking about jobs and abilities

Right Vocabulary

Right Reading

silly, aware, previously, If I Could Walk on advice, combinations, Water ... background, stencils, ability, flatter, strokes Expository article

Right Grammar Third Conditional

Right Writing My Very Bad Day!

Writing a narrative

Review 1 - 2 Reading: Best Sisters

Unit 3  I Would If I Could Right Conversation Talking about food and a restaurant

Right Vocabulary

Unit 8  What Did They Say? Right Reading

exhausted, fast foods, If Only ... leftovers, diner, acceptable, liver, offer, Script mashed potatoes, unwind

Right Grammar Second Conditional

Right Writing What a Great Game ... and How to Make It Greater! Writing an evaluation

Right Conversation

Right Vocabulary

Talking about gadgets, nighttime, glows, toys, and electronics table lamp, wireless, helicopter, remote control, gadget, peculiar, electric, can opener, timer, memo holder, tablet, skills

Right Reading

Right Grammar

Kahlil Gibran: Poet, Reported Speech vs. Artist, and Encourager Direct Speech Biography

Right Writing The Words and Wisdom of Kahlil Gibran

Writing and reporting quotes

Review 7 - 8 Reading: Cleaning Lake Otto

Unit 4  What’s It Like? Right Conversation

Unit 9  Have You Been ... ?

Right Vocabulary

Talking about antiques antique, collection, and souvenirs trinkets, souvenirs, travels, stuff, sewing, archer, archery, carved, range

Right Reading Ecotecture

Informational article

Right Grammar

Right Writing

Present Simple Passive A Bedroom Makeover

Describing spaces Writing an e-mail

Right Conversation

Right Vocabulary

Talking about a class reading assignment

novel, assigned, chapter, main, characters, perhaps, discuss, classmates, distract, deal

Right Reading

Right Grammar

How Well Do You Know Present Perfect Your Friends? Progressive Reading charts and graphs

Right Writing What’s “Hot” at Camp Besides the Weather

Writing charts and graphs

Review 3 - 4 Reading: Tim’s Birthday

Unit 10  Not Just a Jumble of Gerunds

Unit 5  You Would, Wouldn’t You? Right Conversation

Right Vocabulary

Talking about favorite bookworm, science book genres fiction, suppose, boss, comedy, active, imagination, persuade, intended, opinion

Right Reading A Celebrity Interview Interview

Right Grammar Question Tags

Right Writing Preparing an Interview Writing an interview

Right Conversation

Right Vocabulary

Talking about favorite seashells, occupied, activities at a beach sunscreen, sunburn, dozens, surfing, sandcastles, necessary, surfboard, rent

Right Reading Which Career Is Right for You?

Right Grammar Using Gerunds


Review 9 - 10 Reading: Building Houses

Right Writing Prime Cuts

Writing an autobiography


Been There, Done That

Conversation 1


Listen and read. Then say.

Stella: Hi, Helen. Have you bought any school supplies yet? School is going to start in one week. Helen: No, I haven’t bought any yet. I have been busy lately. Stella: What have you done this week? Helen: It’s been a tough week for me. I have washed all the laundry and taken care of Hansel too. He has been sick with the flu.


Stella: Helen: Stella: Helen:


Stella: Yes, I have. So far, I have bought a pencil case, a set of pencils, a set of erasable pens, some erasers, and some notebooks for each subject. Helen: Have you bought a ruler? Stella: No, not yet. I forgot about that. I need to get a calculator too.


I’m sorry to hear that! I hope he feels better soon. Thanks. I hope so too. It’s no fun being sick. You can say that again! Has he seen a doctor? Yes, my mom took him to the doctor twice. All he needs is bed rest. Have you bought any school supplies?

Helen: I will likely go to the school supplies store tomorrow. If you like, I could get you all the remaining supplies you need. Stella: Terrific, thanks! I know I can always count on you! It will save me a trip to the school supplies store. Helen: I’m glad to help. See you in school next week!

Po st e r


Some Unusual Celebrations Around the world, there are many festivals such as Christmas, Eid, and Carnival. Did you know that there are some unusual festivals that happen around the world? Lately, one that has become a popular tourist attraction is the Monkey Buffet Festival. In Lopburi, Thailand, so many monkeys have come to the town, that tourists have started to visit to see them. To encourage the monkeys to stay, the local businessmen have planned a terrific dinner once a year. The dinner is not for the people, though; it’s for the monkeys! A countless supply of fruits and other foods are put out on tables in an outdoor gathering area of the city, and the monkeys swarm in like bees!



In Japan, they have a festival called Konaki Sumo. It is based on the Japanese proverb “Crying babies grow fast.” Parents from all around the country bring their babies to see if they can get them to grow well! How do they do that? No, they don’t spank them or do anything mean to them. They simply let them be held ... by a giant sumo wrestler! A clown stands by to keep the babies entertained, and the baby that starts crying first is the winner!


Is there a festival in your country or city that could be included in a list of the most unusual festivals?




Write down three facts about each festival.     Monkey Buffet Festival

Konaki Sumo

2 Listen and repeat. Find the words and expressions in the conversation above.

11 I’m sorry to hear that!

1 supplies

6 subject

12 It’s no fun ....

4 bed rest

9 likely

14 count on you

2 lately

3 tough 5 a set

7 calculator

8 remaining 10 terrific




What will Helen probably get at the school supplies store?


Do you celebrate any festivals in your city? What kinds of festivals have you gone to?

13 You can say that again!

15 save me a trip


Finish each sentence with a word from the story. 1

At the Konaki Sumo, the baby that starts

2 The Monkey Buffet Festival has become a big attraction and brings business to the city. 3 A

first is the winner.

supply of fruits and other foods are put on a table.





Present Perfect verb helping verb (have, has) (participle)










Helping verb (have, has)

to the beach.



the new movie.


to the beach.




verb subject (participle)

Larry they you

The Gilroy Garlic Festival complement?


the new movie?


to the beach?


to the beach?

Read, change, and say. Replace the highlighted words with the new words.

We have gone to the mountains. 1 have hiked in

2 have seen

3 have traveled to

4 have climbed

1 hasn’t lost

2 has finished

3 has won

4 has watched

Emily has run the race.


Read, and then change to a statement (.), question (?), or negative (X). 1

Hasn’t Dora gone to the store? (.)

A town near where I live has celebrated an unusual festival for many years. Gilroy, California, has been a farming town for over 100 years, and it has become well known for its garlic. To celebrate this, the town has begun a yearly garlic festival. Visitors from all over the state come to visit this otherwise unknown town to enjoy events such as a costume contest for the best-dressed garlic and strange tastes such as garlic ice cream. Those with a tough stomach can also try fresh garlic. Gilroy has now named itself “The Garlic Capital of the World,” partly thanks to the garlic festival. Maybe the town should also plan a mint festival to help with people’s breath after a week-long festival of garlic!


Dora hasn’t gone to the store.

Pick out the important details that you think will be the most important for the reader.

What are some special celebrations that happen in your country? Write four of them here: 3


3 Haven’t they finished the job? (.)

2 4

Choose one festival from Exercise A that you would like to write about. Then answer the questions below.

Festival’s name:

Events of the festival:

4 Alan has been to Italy. (X)

Writing Tips

Give enough details that the reader can picture what the celebration would be like.


2 You have heard that concert before. (?)


When reporting an event, write about the surprising or important part of the celebration at a carefully planned time.

When it is held:

Where it is:

Write have or has in the blank. 1

Mario and Steven

2 Maxine 3

4 I’m surprised that they

6  Unit 1

Been There, Done That

ridden the new roller coaster.

Reason(s) for the festival:

seen the water show.

Karl and I been to England before?

tried skydiving before.

Anything else important about the festival:


In your notebook, write an organized description of the festival you chose. Check your writing carefully for punctuation and grammar. Unit 1  Been There, Done That   7


Right Activities A

2 Mike has visited his grandparents.

yet. Helen didn’t buy any because she has been very busy She had a

of pencils and erasable pens, some erasers, and some

tomorrow and she will buy the

3 Suzy has already seen the new movie.

4 Mark and Tom haven’t eaten at the cafeteria.


. She forgot to buy a ruler and a

. Helen will


3 s








t.   2  I

4 c








= it’s not something you like


1 you/write/report/for/history/? Have you written the report for history?

3 not/they/make/cake/for/dessert/?

= I don’t need to do that job because you did it for me.


Use each set of words given to write a sentence in the present perfect tense.

supplies that Stella needs too.


5 The cousins haven’t bought a new bike to share.

2 Robert and John/see/the Leaning Tower of Pisa/.

go to the store

Put in the missing letters to make the expressions. Then match each to its definition. 1 I’

4 Craig and I/not/take/lunch/to/Grandma/yet.


What has Don done? Look at the picture, and then write a sentence telling what he has or hasn’t done this week. 1

= you say this when someone tells you bad news




week. Stella told Helen that she bought

notebooks for each

= d epend on you; this is said to someone who does something when they promise to do it

Complete the chart. verb

past tense

past participle (for present perfect)






8  Unit 1



Been There, Done That




past tense brought


past participle (for present perfect)



✓ or ✗ .

5 1 Jane hasn’t been to the mall this week.

Use some of the vocabulary words to make a summary of the conversation. Stella asks Helen if she bought any school


Listen, and then write

✗ 2

Don hasn’t ridden a school bus yet this week.

✓ 3

✗ 4

✓ Unit 1  Been There, Done That   9

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